And it is concerning as an NZF voter that they don't want to at least see this discussed. Might lose my vote. It is time this issue was discussed more openly.
It’s mowldees doing what mowldees do. They are showing their true colours. How on earth with the current crime statistics they think they’re superior is beyond me.
The rules in Parliament need to be respected just like in a Marae. The way TPM carry on about their rebellious business is totally unacceptable and disruptive to our democracy .
@@Highvibeon The original principles of the treaty, yes, but the one altered and false version they like to use today is NO, it is a corruption of the original document. And yes the US Constitution can be changed if it is overruled by a Majority vote in the House.
You like the turn coats eh! Suits your greedy agenda Ronald McDonald Shane is a potatoe brown on the outside but a different colour inside. You will never understand our fight against race, discrimination, murder, and greed the treaty is our reprieve from a corrupt system
@@valeriehughes1008 Another mistruth, here stating something you no nothing about. Shut your mouth and keep my wife name out your mouth!!!! I just will smithed your cheeks
Te Pati Māori showed exactly why the treaty was set up in 1840. The majority of Māori tribes signed the Treaty because they wanted protection from their savaging tribes decimating the majority who wanted to live their lives in peace.
Absolutely true.. some gentle peaceful tribes only existed in slavery to the more vicious tribes... even after the treaty was signed some Chiefs bucked against releasing their slaves...they saw mana in how many slaves they kept - these poor souls worked to death and eaten. All this belongs in the past... now days the only slaves appear to be the hard working tax payer who has to fund all this nonsense - we pick up the bill for TPM eye watering salaries - they rarely turn up to Parliament to work and run up more expenses than any other party in Parliament.. to them it is all great fun and a joy ride on the gravy train.
Wise statement Dawn.. most of us who have achieved in the modern world have had hurdles to jump and that is just a fact of life... it is the same for most of us of all races... This bill honours all Maori customary rights and privilege and land settlements... so I cannot see how moving forward as one equal people can be a bad thing... but then I only ever want to be equal. TPM on the other hand say they must always be more than equal - they were the first peoples... they cannot claim to be ingenuousness when their own tribal histories and genealogies trace them to the whaka they came to NZ in making them migrants too... only earlier than the colonials. As first peoples they deserve a special place, customary rights and the land settlements which they have won and being recognised for being our first peoples... but how is moving forward as one people such a bad thing?
@@valeriehughes1008 Notice how David had 3 full glasses of water on his desk. I wonder if he was anticipating them attacking him and had them ready to throw in their faces?
I own all my 100 blocks of land...and I'm only one out of the million of us Maori. No Treaty bill change is going to undo that 😂😂 and it's fair because you never conquered us...only conquerors get the spoils. Do we need to show you how that looks :)? Unlike you irksome loads of shit...we have a bite to match our bark lol
What about all NZ bill of rights they changed that under the pretext of patch ban - not one politician debated that what’s the treaty even worth without this?
Or we could relax and look long term, maybe educate people to the idea we need real change to the whole MMP system and abolished the two electoral role system altogether in favour of one system where everyone has equal rights. Is a 'binding' referendum just adding more complexity to an already current broken electoral system?
Actually, let's have a binding ignorance that stays sleeping and is ready to be manipulated via political ploys; that way, the " referendum" can stay in the darkness of one's misilluminated mind. Hang on that's is the case already.
@@bodietihoihuitoroataylor6722 "darkness of one's misilluminated mind" ....hmmmm ..... yes, I see what you are saying ..... "binding ignorance" .... yes lets have some more of that ....anything else?
I thought the bill was put forward for discussion, submissions, refinement, finalising then voting on.. what is the point of trying to squash it before submissions are taken and more work done as a result. I have read this bill many times and it says no customary rights or previous land settlements would be taken off Maori and it was about how we move forward as a nation... preferably as one people. Maori are frightened to be equal and ordinary citizens with the same right as all others...I think this is progress. I look with pride at all our Maori MP's who stood in general electorates and won.. they won not because they are Maori, but because they were the best candidate. We cannot move forward as a country with our heads buried in the past.
@@valeriehughes1008 your comment needs to be corrected Valerie, it is only a small percentage of Māori , the radicals afraid their gravy train will stop, not all Māori as you say.
@@DawnMarshall-zm3zz Sorry Dawn you are so correct.. I am a mix myself and should have expressed my self better. All we want is to move our nation forward out of the past and do so together for all our people so they can stand tall .... proud of just being a New Zealander and give our kids a country to work for - irrespective of their heritage. Thanks again!
They would not act on the marae in this manner... I was horrified when they crossed the floor got into David Seymour's face and intimidated him... the Aussies when reporting on it called it "pure thuggery" and I think they were quite right.
@@heathermason1356 It did not need to be done in this manner... imagine if a bunch of non Maori had turned up to a marae disrespected the significance of the marae... shouted down the speaker and tore up his bill, got in his face and threatened him and sang over the voice of the Speaker of the House who was calling for order how long would Maori have tolerate that? The disruption would have been ended very quickly the the disrespectful troublemakers man-handled off the marae... and knowing Maori rough handled at the least! If you do not like this bill, make submissions... at this moment it is being tabled for discussion only. You say it was the best place and a safe place and needed to be done... not a safe place for all those sitting in the house with vicious bullying and threats being aimed at them..
@@valeriehughes1008 they are all members of parliament And most of them have acted in appropriately from time to time yelling and even swearing at each other pakeha s that was a safe environment yous are only acting up because she’s Maori and did the haka big deal you have your opinion and I have mine end of story
Yes , it’s a bit of a mystery to me too , why does he insist on wearing a style of head wear , made ‘famous’ in Hollywood cowboy movies ? Then he leaves it on in the ‘house’ which surely is against protocol , but clearly only his culture’s protocols matter
Te Matua Shane Jones makes a very important point about the Parliament. It is The Place for Debates and points of views or so called movements of the people to find lawful expressions in an orderly way, that could be channelled into some meaningful laws/pathways going forward for everybody in the country. The Haka usually precedes an all out MMA type clashing of cymbals when talking fails.
Thank you - they would never be allowed to behave on the marae in this way... the talks around this bill and submissions hadn't even be taken or heard...I did not know what TPM thought they had the right to do and actually why they were demonstrating.... other then the gravy train ride may have been coming to an end.
@@edauvaa1730 The trouble with TPM they do not like dialogue of any kind. Talking is not in their physc they feel that acting like children shouting and packing a tantrum get them heard more. Wrong, it just shows them up as uneducated and uncivilised and in doing so they are shaming ALL Māori and it needs to be said that they are just a fraction of Maoris in New Zealand and DO NOT represent the Māori race at all. They are a disgrace.
Talking fails when there are taringas "full of it" un prepared to be New Zealanders in our Parliament. Kia ora matua Shane. You tell them and kick their unwelcome haka to the curb and out of the whare that was designed and set up for 'ALL' New Zealanders... not just a bunch of overpaid, self entitled moronic imbeciles that are too woke, broke and faster becoming more and more of a joke. Sadly this divisive sort of rhetoric belongs in the American Democrat Party that recently had it's arse part to the sword by their continued unabashed attacks on other people's RIGHTS. ...and l'm maori.. . and l don't need someone else or TPMs permission to support my belief in God Almighty ☝️
Violence erupted and around 300 Moriori were killed, with hundreds more enslaved.[8] The invaders killed around 10% of the population in a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days. During the period of enslavement the Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them.Moriori were forbidden to marry Moriori or Māori or to have children. This was different from the customary form of slavery practised on mainland New Zealand.
Whatever document we have to live with has to be absolute about equality under the law, no distinctions. Distinctions instantly destroy the concept of democracy and promote supremacy.
@@lucillemcroberts8283 I have no desire to sit at your table, they were something you didn’t have when the latter day colonists arrived. I have lived, grown up, in close proximity to the Māori who predominated where I grew up and was once enamoured with the romance of the different culture, much like the modern urbanites have been enamoured with the “exotic “ culture , but as in most romance reality finds a way to make itself known and once aware of the extent of fraud of elements of the supposed “culture” the romance subsided. Those I grew up in close proximity to did not need to effect a culture, they lived it without all the accoutrements of cultural display. The moko I saw as a child and teen were whakairo, something far more authentic than the “painted on” culture we see these days. There are speech differences in the authentic and the latter day speakers that reveal the latter day adoption of the culture.
Firstly I do have alot of respect for you Mr Jones however I think on this issue I disagree. I am becoming increasingly disillusioned by the lack of standing up against te patis behavior by nz First and National. I think there is a growing number of nzers that wanted the racial/gender rubbish to stop hence why they supported the 3 parties. From what I can see there hasn't been any movement on this at all, in fact te pati maori have got louder more disrespectful etc etc. Their following isn't increasing due to this bill it already was and was going to continue as the wokeness of jacinda is woven into our health, education and local government, until you change these it's only going to grow. Why were schools allowed to take children to the hikoi? And no one is doing anything about it. The young have been brainwashed for the last 6 years by their teachers and the health system, you aren't addressing this. Far out I remember a teacher at intermediate dividing the class up for a statistics lesson based on whether they would take the covid vaccination ffs, these teachers need to be ousted otherwise you are fighting a losing battle. Most young adults do not think for themselves anymore and that scares me the most . They have been told how to think and what to do think. So the first time we come to an issue that should be supported to referendum so people can actually talk about it and decide for themselves we are told again by all but one party we know best. I think this is a big mistake. What's the alternative? We keep sweeping it under the rug? And it continues to fester? We remove all references from the treaty from all laws until the next change in government? Not really solving the problem. It's not causing divide, the divide is already there and is only going to get bigger as government is putting their heads in the sand but te Pati maori is using the opportunity to grow. I support Seymour in his willingness to actually poke the bear, the bill might not be the right thing but how about you put your heads together and actually come up with another solution that solves the issue, the majority of the country supported the coalition cause they thought they would make this stuff stop. I'm tired of being told how to think, what to believe in etc. What's wrong with a referendum? Time to stop the divide
Well said. I hope Shane reads your comment. The next government will reinstall their He Puapua agenda unless the Coalition puts a stop to it, as Seymour was trying to do.
Seems to me that Shane has prescribed narrative that he has to stay in lane with, this has lost him the admiration of all maaori down to a dwindling glitter of a few.
@@bodietihoihuitoroataylor6722Shane is just old enough to recall the pre 1975 years so was not subjected to the self sovereignty myth ambiguously established by the courts, academics and activists. It seems
Couldn't have said it better. Who honestly would imagine in 2024 we are arguing about everybody having the same worth and rights again. Mind blowing and this country will not work if this continues. NZ is already a shadow of its former self after Jacindamania, more dangerous, dirty, vandalised- and this is apparently progress according to the left. Watch anyone with any sense start moving away if this continues on. It's hard watching your country go down the drain, and fast.
RUclips keeps deleting this comment, these are the original translations of the treaty and sir Apirana Ngata's take on it plus abit of its history but anyway enjoy reading Here is the english translation and sir Apirana Ngata's take on it The text of Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi The Treaty of Waitangi as signed in 1840 was an agreement between the British Crown and over 500 Maori chiefs. The terms of the Treaty are contained in three simple articles, which Sir Apirana Ngata, a prominent lawyer, and politician for 30 years, stated in his iconic booklet published in 1922 “The Treaty of Waitangi”: “The first article states, The Chiefs assembled including Chiefs not present at the assembly hereby cede absolutely to the Queen of England for ever the government of all of their land. The second article states, The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes and to all the people of New Zealand the full possession of their lands, their homes and all their possessions… The third article states, Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her Royal Protection, and imparts to them all the rights and privileges of British subjects.” The Treaty of Waitangi was drafted in English by James Busby, the first British Resident of New Zealand, under the instructions of Captain William Hobson, who had been tasked by Lord Normanby, (Britain’s secretary of state for the colonies), to gain freely given Maori recognition of British sovereignty over New Zealand. The final English draft was translated into Maori by missionary Henry Williams and his son Edward, who were fluent te reo speakers, having lived amongst the tribes for 17 years. Henry then had a crucial role in explaining it to the chiefs who met Captain Hobson at Waitangi on 5 February. The terms of the Treaty are contained in three simple articles. The texts herein are James Busby’s February 4 text and Te Tiriti, the Maori language text. Te Tiriti was the only version present on the 6 February 1840, and was the text signed by the vast majority of chiefs around the country. The Maori language text is virtually identical in all respects to the James Busby final draft, except for the date, and the insertion of the word ‘maori’ in Article third. Busby February 4, 1840, draft (commonly known as the Littlewood Treaty) Article first The chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederation, cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire Sovreignty [sic] of their country. Article second The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property. But the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes and the other chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them. Article third In return for the cession of their Sovreignty [sic] to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them. Signed, William Hobson Consul and Lieut. Governor. Now we the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand assembled at Waitangi, and we the other tribes of New Zealand, having understood the meaning of these articles, accept them and agree to them all. In witness whereof our names or marks are affixed. Done at Waitangi on the 4th of February, 1840. This is the maori translation Ko te tuarua Ko te Kuini o Ingarani ka wakarite ka wakaae ki nga Rangitira ki nga hapu - ki nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani te tino rangatiratanga o o ratou wenua o ratou kainga me o ratou taonga katoa. Otiia ko nga Rangatira o te wakaminenga me nga Rangatira katoa atu ka tuku ki te Kuini te hokonga o era wahi wenua e pai ai te tangata nona te Wenua - ki te ritenga o te utu e wakaritea ai e ratou ko te kai hoko e meatia nei e te Kuini hei kai hoko mona. Ko te tuatoru Hei wakaritenga mai hoki tenei mo te wakaaetanga ki te Kawanatanga o te Kuini - Ka tiakina e te Kuini o Ingarani nga tangata maori katoa o Nu Tirani ka tukua ki a ratou nga tikanga katoa rite tahi ki ana mea ki nga tangata o Ingarani. (signed) William Hobson, Consul and Lieutenant-Governor. Na ko matou ko nga Rangatira o te Wakaminenga o nga hapu o Nu Tirani ka huihui nei ki Waitangi ko matou hoki ko nga Rangatira o Nu Tirani ka kite nei i te ritenga o enei kupu, ka tangohia ka wakaaetia katoatia e matou, koia ka tohungia ai o matou ingoa o matou tohu. Ka meatia tenei ki Waitangi i te ono o nga ra o Pepueri i te tau kotahi mano, e waru rau e wa te kau o to tatou Ariki.
Yeah u r another bigot no understanding of the treaty. I'm a retired Police det and part Maori sick of Maori being down graded as Seymour is basically kkk in a suit. Don't lecture me on being rights foe everyone as seen 1st hand the racism in institutions against Maori. Don't even ger me started on perpetual leases weher Maori were kicked off their own lands for pakeha to profit for 99 years really. U guys need to read the treaty and stop pandering to right wing and act propoganda
Luxon is absolutely gutless and has never read the treaty .if he had done he would know it correctly being interpreted correctly by david Seymour and most of new Zealanders 😅😅
I don't understand why the treaty principles bill is seen as divisive but not he pua pua. Many people believe that the idea of co governance is a rewriting of the treaty and disagree with it. The other side believes the principles bill is a rewriting of the treaty and disagree with it. Double standards everywhere. It makes my head spin.
Their behavior is disgusting and should not be tolerated in the debate chamber, go outside on the lawn and do your Haka or whatever, totally inappropriate, or leave Parliament.
It was because Britain were losing to Maori. They couldn't get people here fast enough by boat when Maori retaliated to the raping and murder of our women and children. The genocide came after the signing. The Treaty was dishonoured right from the get go.
@@lucillemcroberts8283 Link the genocide that happened after the signing of the Treaty. the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. "a campaign of genocide"
@@lucillemcroberts8283 In 1837 Maori chiefs wrote to the King and begged him for a treaty, they had suffered almost 30 years of tribal utu wars and their people were in bad shape... smaller tribes only existing in slavery to larger more vicious tribes and others by hiding....genocide of the Moriori was in the same year the letter was written 1837.... the knowledge of the plight of the Moriori probably made many chiefs worry how these wars were going to end.. they had already wiped out 1/3 of their Maori people. When the treaty was signed in 1840 it put an end to tribal wars and disputes, tribal land grabbing, slavery and cannibalism. 20 years later in 1860 the Great Assembly of Chiefs when a huge number of Chiefs gathered from all over NZ... this was held in Kohimarama this meeting was for the purpose to find out how the people were faring after 20 years living under the treaty..the majority of chiefs reported satisfaction as in the 20 years of relative peace between the tribes... they reported their tribal numbers were growing and many of their people had set up trading posts with the early settlers. Does that sound like a Government who did not care about Maori? I do not think so. Sorry you do not know the dates of events or you believe activist beat ups designed to keep you victims. Remember each tribe had their own dialect and many struggled to understand each other (part of the reason the fighting went on so long).. they had no written language..the written version of each dialect was recorded faithfully and spelt out in a written language for Maori by European linguists... likewise an English linguist with the help of Hongi Hika created TeReo with the express purpose to give Maori a united voice, but this was not seriously rolled out until the 1860's. You dwell on the wrongs that Maori suffered, there is no denying they happened... but you overlook the fact that many early settlers were raped, slaughters and eaten by Maori ... bad things happened on both sides.
People discuss polarising emotions but never inquire and seek understanding of the details. Only once the details are understood can they be discussed. Our media sells theatre sports.
That's why this bill cannot be bad... table it, discuss it, submit to it, refine it then vote on it...what Seymour is doing is just a start for all our people... Maori will not have settlement monies hyjacked by the fat cat Elites - they will have control of it themselves... look at who is fighting against this bill.. the Elites for a start... multi millionaires from treaty settlements while their people got and have nothing.
NZF needs to clearly state what it will do apart from just changing the department names back to English… How are you actually going to change NZ back to a democracy?
First they need to actually KEEP their pledge to change all the dept names back to English. But asking NZF to change NZ back to a democracy is very much in the too hard basket whenonly 6 point something percent of people voted for NZF. Donald Trump just got a total landslide victory and I'll be genuinely thrilled if HE manages to change America back to some flavour of democracy! Doing that involves decimating and disempowering the permanent BUREAUCRACY. If every Kiwi who wants that votes NZF next time, we might have a show.
Good question big thinker... perhaps hurry the Serious Fraud Office along who were investigating TPM for Tamihere's "borrowing" from a tax payer funded trust set up for Maori flood victims (which they never got) instead Tamihere created TPM... then there was the problem of tampering with ballot boxes during the last election and he was recorded instructing his members how to make sure Maori tick the right boxes by doing it for them!!! Winston was on to it but things have gone quiet with all these other distractions. Let the law get rid of them!
Those young people mentioned have been taught the heavily redacted version of history....and as a result, sick of the victim mentality 😫 wah, wah, wah!
Quite a history about the Maori - put the Inca's or the Aztecs to shame in degeneration. Outcast from the Cook Islands during the 13th century as weaker primitive Neolithic people by later waves of Polynesians (Maori were from the original wave of primitive Polynesians pushed right out across the Eastern Pacific by successive stronger more advanced groups arriving from the west). They were outcast on rafts and some floated to the North East Coast of NZ driven by the South Equatorial Current and were stranded for 500 years. The weaker were pushed down to the South Island or Chathams etc. So the South Island Maori (had their own language) were the weakest of the weak. They were captured and eaten as 'Slave flesh' by the northern Maori doing raids. (Well they all ate each other - 80% of Maori pre European were dark skinned easily fattened slaves farmed and eaten by a lighter skinned 'Ariki' thin wiry elite royal caste). So it was with some righteousness as well as British cunning that they armed the southern Maori who then with muskets launched a genocidal war on the north.. That plus measles & flu halved the Maori population and removed most of the elite. The British then liberated the slaves and outlawed cannibalism. The northern Maori fought with the British against the south bad west Maori 'rebels'. The Maori sued for peace and a treaty was signed that removed all sovereignty and made them subjects to the English crown where the English would protect them from each other. Land could only be sold to or via the Crown. Maori could live on their reservations with native custom but none did. The treaty of Waitangi is strikingly clear in that the Maori cede sovereignty completely and become citizens of Great Britain - all 3 clauses lock that in. Nothing in today's 'Maori' culture is authentic. The music - all European (Maoris did not have tonal music, the songs are missionary tunes or introduced - Poi dance is from Islands and Stick dance from old Malaya. The carvings and art - all European - Arabesques that was the fashion at the time. Original Maori had limited dash carving and no painting of objects. No written language - all the syntax & grammar plus vowel inflection is European. No technology - some lagoon canoes and wood or stone Neolithic tools. No food sources - like pigs or crops - they left that all behind, all they had was a weak inbred fox (now extinct), some rats and a weak dismal pacific yam. They ate out all the bird-life including 10 species of Moa and 46 other bird species, didn't know how to farm the sea as were island people and so they turned to societal cannibalism. Today - no full blood or half blood left. No genuine tradition and almost all are offspring of Maori slave females sold to white settlers for muskets or food. -So more fake than the 'Sioux' or 'Cherokee' or 'Crow' who had at least retained some genuineness about who they were and their history. -Everything you 'saw or experienced' is fake. A totally convected disneyfied tokenistic set of inventions fueled by a grievance culture of mixed-race imposters fetishing a false past bad history because it pays benefits. 'This Horrid Practice' - Professor Paul Moon, "A Savage Country" Professor Paul Moon 'Behind The Tattooed Face' - Heretaunga Pat Baker, 'Anthropology In The South Seas' - H D Skinner
@@JimBenbow-d4o Correct they are well stocked with principled Maori like Sane and Winston for a start, they would demand better behaviour of their party in the house.
@@jasperhorace7147 EASY REPLY THEY WILL USE that most famous word racist, as the famous actor Morgan freeman said stop using the word racist and deal with the problem intellectually 🙏
At one point the British Crown ruled a quarter of the world’s population. So why would they concede a N Z to a minority group of people. Just take a look at what happened to the Falklands Islands. So Māori had to sign the Treaty or else they would have faced the same consequences that happened to the Red Indians. The Red Indians were at least indigenous to North America whereas the Māori were the 1st settlers fleeing tribal wars and famine. They are not entitled to any rights or privileges and should be treated like any citizen. That is impartially.
So, do I have this right - there's a Parliament with representation for all, under rules for all, and hugely rich heritage and traditions, which are there for a reason - like, to moderate the contest of power and resources - and because TPM and Tainui Trust Fund princess cannot advance on ideas or numbers, they are grossly disorderly when voting on a bill... ... which seeks to inscribe equal rights for all including as a Treaty principle? Seems like equal rights and equal rules for all must be quite dangerous! Anyway, Tainui Trust Fund princess made a stunningly specious and self-serving argument saying she did it bc being Maori is all she knows and that's what you do. This is arrant horsesht. Try that at Turangawaewae, do we? Hmm? Are we taking lessons from Tuku on subverting protocol?
The Maori King system was started after the treaty when Maori saw the Europeans had a king and they would also and so the Kinitanga movement started in 1858 by Potatu TeWherowhero of TeAra) later picked up and led by Wiremu Tamihana... this was our history and taught in every school in NZ from 1911 and certainly right through until the 1960's. Recently I visited one of my friends and I remarked she had Wiremu on her wall .. she is a Maori and she said... "I never knew who he was"... so my 81 year old brain kicked into motion and gave her a history lesson on Wiremu Tamihana.. she was delighted and now knows who she shares her walls with!!!
@@valeriehughes1008 It's a great story beloved by many, and some individuals of significant achievement and mana are part of the weave of history. It's just not a part of our constitutional framework.
@@mxvega1097 You are obviously young.. I was lucky enough to grow up in a time when I heard my great grandfather speak - his father was at the treaty table... he would say we must be one and he took pride in everything my cousins and I did ... we did everything together as one people, danced, dated, and married!.. My old non Maori Dad would plant 6 extra rows of potato and kumera for 2 Maori grandmother neighbours bringing up their grandchildren alone...their boys would always see we have fish... our lives were close and the respect was always given - because it was earned. Before you challenge me about saying non Maori instead of the "p" word my Maori cousins told me some very nasty interpretations of what it actually meant! Something you Maori young have not learnt.. you cannot demand respect it has to be earned.
Very sad some people never learn I would not let those self centered nutters back.New Zealand is a fantastic country thank goodness we have people like Winston and Shane. 6:04
As a maori, Ka mate ISN'T a haka that represents ALL maori, and as a maori in my mid 60s l started turning off the sound when the haka was performed prior to All Black games over a decade ago. It's over-cooked as a pre-match ritual. And one can view it as a side of maoridom getting kicked to the curb when other teams beat the ABs. I personally wouldn't miss the haka if it wasn't a pre-match ritual because l'm there to watch my favourite team play rugby... NOT perform haka. It's getting old and you TPM idiots are turning haka into a fiasco and more and more New Zealand brothers and sisters will no longer find reason to support it the culture and the ongoing separatist type attitudes, drama queens and apartheid type racism you call out our non maori brothers and sisters on.
Yesterday they were out of eggs at the supermarket..I lost my shit an done a haka there then in the cold goods asile. Now Im banned from the about double standards
Some want to divide us down the lines of maori verse non maori. My ancestors were European, I feel in my soul I am a kiwi from the south pacific country of New Zealand. Because my ancestors are english, it is inferred by some that I am english but I have blonde hair and blue eyes, when I look in the mirror I see a viking. If I can't be a kiwi, can I be a viking instead of english?
Maori party tactics are to disregard, disrespect parliament rules and processes as much as possible, cause they know being Maori they'll get away with it, while NZ'ERS pay their over the top salaries.
The treaty is the only reason there is a GVT in place, has nothing to with the Govt, go get Charles and he can sit down with Rangtaira Maori and discuss changes. Its not up to the NZ public to make changes to an agreement, its the very founding document that allows them to be here in the first place. Without it, it all goes back to Maori.
Awesome answer Shane Jones. By the way, who was that sad excuse for a reporter? Cut you off everytime you had valuable relevant concepts to share with the rest of us Maori out here in NZ. Trying to trip you up instead, Not even in the slightest little trip did he suceed. Great lesson to see a skilled man in action, at ease . Kia tau te kaha me te rangimarie.
By the way I am surprised my comments section has come back on... It was taken off last night probably 2 out of 10 was a success ..Thank you... Shane for your up bringing at St Steven's that is inspiring you to choose what is right by honest and open heartedness xxx
Old Jack Sommerville was the headmaster in long ago years at St. Stephens.. before that he was also the Asnt. headmaster in the little south Waikato village I went to high school in. Great old guy with a good sense of humour, he was from Gisborne in the Poverty Bay. I remember his teaching and his humour well!
The painted on culture fails to impress me having grown up in a community, predominantly Maori, where the locals lived the culture not a tattoo in sight. The only moko were the last of the whakairo, which I am able to relate to. There is an awful lot of posturing done these days and an awful lot of it is about " look at me". There has been such an upsurge in tattooing, in all cultures there has to be an element of fashion about it and the extent and degree of tattooing seems to have an aspect of one upmanship about it also. Some of the tats are so obscene and offensive, I have to wonder why someone would wish to invite scorn and derision by being deliberately offensive. Hardly constructive behaviours for society.
The floor had a haka and the audience watching from the balcony joined in with the representatives of the people. Within 10 minutes speakers right haka is audio expression. What if waka talks about $20T of crown minerals.
I hink it is a good thing to codify our constitutional documents in a concise manner for all new zealanders to reflect uopn. Instead of having varying interpretations from various opposing groups. We are one of the only countries that does not have a written constitution in one document .
I love how she thinks we are all happy to see the haka any other time. When we see someone getting a haka for coming 4th in the olympics it kind of diminishes its own sense of value.
We can not let these people stop us from our right to an open discussion about anything. I hope free speech is still allowed in New Zealand? We allow these idiots to say what they want so surely we can too !!,
I have been thinking about possible reasons for people to protest against equality before the law, and here is what comes to mind. When the law systematically in favour of the rich and systematically oppress the poor, it would be natural to seek refuge from the law in other form of governance and other authority. I read NZ Herald today, and there is a news that one of the councils threatened to bulldoze someones home, made of used to be a wool-shed, because that home is unfit to current standards and was made home without consent. Well, if that is what the "same law for everyone" is then the people living in a wool-shed would obviously be against the law. I think, it is not enough to have the same law for everyone. The law must work positively for everyone first.
Is it witchcraft spreading curses ??? Can we have prayer in govt ??? It might cast out the evil ..Our Father God bless the precious Good Maori people in this country xxxx
Yeah see if the Maori doesn't listen we get thrown in jail that's what they do WOW come on my beautiful whanau let's go, safe travels and peace and love,I love you all 🥰🥰🥰✌️💕👍
Actually, I for one am not happy to watch the haka at any time - it's always overly aggressive and intentionally intimidating, no matter the context. As Shane says, the haka is being exploited by TPM, suggesting that it may be appropriate in the Maori world or Maori contexts, but not necessarily anywhere else.
The treaty did not create poverty from the cost of living The treaty did not cause the unaffordable cost of buying a home People are not living in their cars and elders in tents because of the treaty The massive shortage of doctors and nurses is not caused from the treaty And the list goes on and on and on Democracy is the ONLY thing that needs to be revised and refined. As well as the goverment and politicians role on how to serve and work for the people
How does this bill effect the crowns position is the question. If this is a ploy of global agreements to nullify our commitment to the crown or in anyway a detrimental influence which causes a dissipation of crown sovereignty in nz that's a big concern because our security could be weakened.
Radio NZ is extreme left wing.. on the rocks and wanting continual state top ups... they are full of activists and extremists... time they were dumped! These extreme left wing media do not understand ...the peoples want factual reports and news minus all the opinions and beat up of activist journalists!
This Maori From the Maori party is actually invoking an evil power over the treaty to protect its ‘Mana’. .he’s gone a step further into the spirits of his culture. This is dangerous. He is in fear of his Maori and this is why he displays anger, hostility and panic.
NZF have a big part to play. They empowered the left when they joined with labour and we are still suffering from the 6 years of Ardern. this would not have happend with NZF support
What about the bill is wrong, I have read it several times and for the life of me, it is about bringing NZers back together and using democracy.
They want a Rhodesia where all the colonisers are un-alived and or expelled?
They want superiority not equality
And it is concerning as an NZF voter that they don't want to at least see this discussed. Might lose my vote. It is time this issue was discussed more openly.
It’s mowldees doing what mowldees do. They are showing their true colours. How on earth with the current crime statistics they think they’re superior is beyond me.
The rules in Parliament need to be respected just like in a Marae. The way TPM carry on about their rebellious business is totally unacceptable and disruptive to our democracy .
Have you ever looked at how they behave in Westminister!
Maori include their spirituality which pakeha are ignorant of ❗️🤔
Partly maori
Have a referendum on the bill let’s see what the majority of NewZealanders want
Will not happen as Luxon has lost his courage, and will not present the Bill for referendum.
Luxon and the national party are just labour disguised as a right wing party get rid of them
Can anyone change Americans Constitution? The Treaty is not a bill it is the Law of the land. A referendum is out of the question.
@@Highvibeon The original principles of the treaty, yes, but the one altered and false version they like to use today is NO, it is a corruption of the original document. And yes the US Constitution can be changed if it is overruled by a Majority vote in the House.
@@mattblack9069he’s got no balls the only one who has is Winni or Shane TPM demean the HAKA and Maori
Well said Shane keep up the great work
You like the turn coats eh! Suits your greedy agenda Ronald McDonald Shane is a potatoe brown on the outside but a different colour inside. You will never understand our fight against race, discrimination, murder, and greed the treaty is our reprieve from a corrupt system
I think I will be voting NZ first next election.
Keep doing a great job Shane.
Debbie doesn't know how to do haka 😂😂😂 killed it
Women never did haka... it was the job of warriors... is she a trans do you thin?
I went back and watched her after hearing him say that, he's right she can't haka.
@@valeriehughes1008 Another mistruth, here stating something you no nothing about. Shut your mouth and keep my wife name out your mouth!!!! I just will smithed your cheeks
@@anish095 too much pakeha I her bloodlines
Te Pati Māori showed exactly why the treaty was set up in 1840. The majority of Māori tribes signed the Treaty because they wanted protection from their savaging tribes decimating the majority who wanted to live their lives in peace.
Well said. The ToW united Maori, and now we're seeing the TPM try to divide Maori.
Absolutely true.. some gentle peaceful tribes only existed in slavery to the more vicious tribes... even after the treaty was signed some Chiefs bucked against releasing their slaves...they saw mana in how many slaves they kept - these poor souls worked to death and eaten. All this belongs in the past... now days the only slaves appear to be the hard working tax payer who has to fund all this nonsense - we pick up the bill for TPM eye watering salaries - they rarely turn up to Parliament to work and run up more expenses than any other party in Parliament.. to them it is all great fun and a joy ride on the gravy train.
What you on you idiot
Don’t think so
Wise statement Dawn.. most of us who have achieved in the modern world have had hurdles to jump and that is just a fact of life... it is the same for most of us of all races... This bill honours all Maori customary rights and privilege and land settlements... so I cannot see how moving forward as one equal people can be a bad thing... but then I only ever want to be equal. TPM on the other hand say they must always be more than equal - they were the first peoples... they cannot claim to be ingenuousness when their own tribal histories and genealogies trace them to the whaka they came to NZ in making them migrants too... only earlier than the colonials. As first peoples they deserve a special place, customary rights and the land settlements which they have won and being recognised for being our first peoples... but how is moving forward as one people such a bad thing?
No one should have to deal with this type of threatening and yelling behaviour, exhibited by TPM, at their place of work.
They actually crossed the floor and came close and made threatening gestures at Seymour.
Monkey see monkey do
@@valeriehughes1008 Notice how David had 3 full glasses of water on his desk. I wonder if he was anticipating them attacking him and had them ready to throw in their faces?
@@MichaelJordanTennisShoes Not a bad idea.. they certainly got up pretty close and in his face!
Bunch of nederthals about they evolved stop acting like Cavemen😂
Well said Shane keep up the good work
exactly honor the treaty. as it is written. one people under the law. Thats is "one for all and all for one".. NOT the waitangi tribunal racism
Absolutely I can not see any wrong it this!
I own all my 100 blocks of land...and I'm only one out of the million of us Maori. No Treaty bill change is going to undo that 😂😂 and it's fair because you never conquered us...only conquerors get the spoils.
Do we need to show you how that looks :)?
Unlike you irksome loads of shit...we have a bite to match our bark lol
You do not understand the Treaty it is not up for debate pakeha are not Māori the treaty’ was an agreement between the thieves and Maori do you get it
@@Highvibeon Sounds to me like you don't "get it"
What about all NZ bill of rights they changed that under the pretext of patch ban - not one politician debated that what’s the treaty even worth without this?
Let's have a 'binding' referendum.
Absolutely right ✅️
Or we could relax and look long term, maybe educate people to the idea we need real change to the whole MMP system and abolished the two electoral role system altogether in favour of one system where everyone has equal rights. Is a 'binding' referendum just adding more complexity to an already current broken electoral system?
Actually, let's have a binding ignorance that stays sleeping and is ready to be manipulated via political ploys; that way, the " referendum" can stay in the darkness of one's misilluminated mind. Hang on that's is the case already.
@@bodietihoihuitoroataylor6722 "darkness of one's misilluminated mind" ....hmmmm ..... yes, I see what you are saying ..... "binding ignorance" .... yes lets have some more of that ....anything else?
A country is like a family. If things are not talked about and exposed for debate, any family will implode and corrupt itself in time.
Waititi is on over $4000 per week and another $4000 per week in expenses! What a bargain for the NZ taxpayer!
Wearing some very nice expensive Pakeha shoes in parliament.
@@VanadisirExactly. Hypocrisy at its best.
Yes exactly. I want a refund
Don't forget the American cowboy hat@@Vanadisir
Just a cowboy on the gravy train.
Well done Shane 👍
I thought the bill was put forward for discussion, submissions, refinement, finalising then voting on.. what is the point of trying to squash it before submissions are taken and more work done as a result. I have read this bill many times and it says no customary rights or previous land settlements would be taken off Maori and it was about how we move forward as a nation... preferably as one people. Maori are frightened to be equal and ordinary citizens with the same right as all others...I think this is progress. I look with pride at all our Maori MP's who stood in general electorates and won.. they won not because they are Maori, but because they were the best candidate. We cannot move forward as a country with our heads buried in the past.
@@valeriehughes1008 your comment needs to be corrected Valerie, it is only a small percentage of Māori , the radicals afraid their gravy train will stop, not all Māori as you say.
@@DawnMarshall-zm3zz Sorry Dawn you are so correct.. I am a mix myself and should have expressed my self better. All we want is to move our nation forward out of the past and do so together for all our people so they can stand tall .... proud of just being a New Zealander and give our kids a country to work for - irrespective of their heritage. Thanks again!
The Maori Party were disrespecting the kawa/protocol of Parliament.
They would not act on the marae in this manner... I was horrified when they crossed the floor got into David Seymour's face and intimidated him... the Aussies when reporting on it called it "pure thuggery" and I think they were quite right.
During the swearing in, waititi brandished a patu in parliament, a patu is a weapon, I wonder what the protocol is for that?
@@valeriehughes1008of course the criminal colonial aussies would say that
This just showed up TPM as children having a two-yr-old tanti.
You don’t understand our ways it was the best place and a safe place
And needed to be done.
@@heathermason1356 It did not need to be done in this manner... imagine if a bunch of non Maori had turned up to a marae disrespected the significance of the marae... shouted down the speaker and tore up his bill, got in his face and threatened him and sang over the voice of the Speaker of the House who was calling for order how long would Maori have tolerate that? The disruption would have been ended very quickly the the disrespectful troublemakers man-handled off the marae... and knowing Maori rough handled at the least! If you do not like this bill, make submissions... at this moment it is being tabled for discussion only. You say it was the best place and a safe place and needed to be done... not a safe place for all those sitting in the house with vicious bullying and threats being aimed at them..
@@heathermason1356 Grow up
@ who the heck are you to tell me to grow up
Time for your bot bot and little Sammie’s 😂a polite way to say P Off
@@valeriehughes1008 they are all members of parliament
And most of them have acted in appropriately from time to time yelling and even swearing at each other pakeha s that was a safe environment yous are only acting up because she’s Maori and did the haka big deal you have your opinion and I have mine end of story
I don't know how wearing a cowboy hat makes Rawiri more distinguished.
Yes , it’s a bit of a mystery to me too , why does he insist on wearing a style of head wear , made ‘famous’ in Hollywood cowboy movies ? Then he leaves it on in the ‘house’ which surely is against protocol , but clearly only his culture’s protocols matter
@@nevillehill5210 Just like Debbie is a wannabe Maori... old Rawiri is a wannabe cowboy!!
Rawiri stealing other countries culture by trying to be a cowboy 😂
@@nevillehill5210 It beats me why he wears it in the house.
We agree with the stupid cowboy hat
Tea party and there clowns should start there own circus 🎪 🤡
They have and coming to a Town near you.
Coming to a city near you the dumbest show on earth 😂
im not happy to watch haka for everything we do!
Its so over done to the point of burnout. You don't oversaturate your most important dance to the point people get sick of seeing it.
Te Matua Shane Jones makes a very important point about the Parliament. It is The Place for Debates and points of views or so called movements of the people to find lawful expressions in an orderly way, that could be channelled into some meaningful laws/pathways going forward for everybody in the country.
The Haka usually precedes an all out MMA type clashing of cymbals when talking fails.
Thank you - they would never be allowed to behave on the marae in this way... the talks around this bill and submissions hadn't even be taken or heard...I did not know what TPM thought they had the right to do and actually why they were demonstrating.... other then the gravy train ride may have been coming to an end.
@@edauvaa1730 The trouble with TPM they do not like dialogue of any kind. Talking is not in their physc they feel that acting like children shouting and packing a tantrum get them heard more. Wrong, it just shows them up as uneducated and uncivilised and in doing so they are shaming ALL Māori and it needs to be said that they are just a fraction of Maoris in New Zealand and DO NOT represent the Māori race at all. They are a disgrace.
@@DawnMarshall-zm3zz Again wisdom Dawn! Thank you!
Talking fails when there are taringas "full of it" un prepared to be New Zealanders in our Parliament. Kia ora matua Shane.
You tell them and kick their unwelcome haka to the curb and out of the whare that was designed and set up for 'ALL' New Zealanders... not just a bunch of overpaid, self entitled moronic imbeciles that are too woke, broke and faster becoming more and more of a joke.
Sadly this divisive sort of rhetoric belongs in the American Democrat Party that recently had it's arse part to the sword by their continued unabashed attacks on other people's RIGHTS.
...and l'm maori..
. and l don't need someone else or TPMs permission to support my belief in God Almighty ☝️
Sir Shane
And yet we have a treaty with those who committed Genocide, massacred and ate the true "Indigenous" race of New Zealand 🇳🇿.
Who would that be?
Bush 🍖 meat
Violence erupted and around 300 Moriori were killed, with hundreds more enslaved.[8] The invaders killed around 10% of the population in a ritual that included staking out women and children on the beach and leaving them to die in great pain over several days.
During the period of enslavement the Māori invaders forbade the speaking of the Moriori language. They forced Moriori to desecrate sacred sites by urinating and defecating on them.Moriori were forbidden to marry Moriori or Māori or to have children. This was different from the customary form of slavery practised on mainland New Zealand.
@@1cullengread a book 🙄
Unhinged songbird 🤣
I wouldn't call Shame Jones a song bird more like a walrus....
She want's to get on Aotearoa's Got No Talent.
@@Oznz-m5c Sorry...that was SJ's reference to the young female clown who started it all off !
Whatever document we have to live with has to be absolute about equality under the law, no distinctions. Distinctions instantly destroy the concept of democracy and promote supremacy.
Makes me laugh to hear pakeha wanting to sit at our table without acknowledging us.
Who would openly invite snakes to the table?
@@lucillemcroberts8283 I have no desire to sit at your table, they were something you didn’t have when the latter day colonists arrived. I have lived, grown up, in close proximity to the Māori who predominated where I grew up and was once enamoured with the romance of the different culture, much like the modern urbanites have been enamoured with the “exotic “ culture , but as in most romance reality finds a way to make itself known and once aware of the extent of fraud of elements of the supposed “culture” the romance subsided. Those I grew up in close proximity to did not need to effect a culture, they lived it without all the accoutrements of cultural display. The moko I saw as a child and teen were whakairo, something far more authentic than the “painted on” culture we see these days. There are speech differences in the authentic and the latter day speakers that reveal the latter day adoption of the culture.
Firstly I do have alot of respect for you Mr Jones however I think on this issue I disagree. I am becoming increasingly disillusioned by the lack of standing up against te patis behavior by nz First and National. I think there is a growing number of nzers that wanted the racial/gender rubbish to stop hence why they supported the 3 parties. From what I can see there hasn't been any movement on this at all, in fact te pati maori have got louder more disrespectful etc etc. Their following isn't increasing due to this bill it already was and was going to continue as the wokeness of jacinda is woven into our health, education and local government, until you change these it's only going to grow. Why were schools allowed to take children to the hikoi? And no one is doing anything about it. The young have been brainwashed for the last 6 years by their teachers and the health system, you aren't addressing this. Far out I remember a teacher at intermediate dividing the class up for a statistics lesson based on whether they would take the covid vaccination ffs, these teachers need to be ousted otherwise you are fighting a losing battle. Most young adults do not think for themselves anymore and that scares me the most . They have been told how to think and what to do think. So the first time we come to an issue that should be supported to referendum so people can actually talk about it and decide for themselves we are told again by all but one party we know best. I think this is a big mistake. What's the alternative? We keep sweeping it under the rug? And it continues to fester? We remove all references from the treaty from all laws until the next change in government? Not really solving the problem. It's not causing divide, the divide is already there and is only going to get bigger as government is putting their heads in the sand but te Pati maori is using the opportunity to grow. I support Seymour in his willingness to actually poke the bear, the bill might not be the right thing but how about you put your heads together and actually come up with another solution that solves the issue, the majority of the country supported the coalition cause they thought they would make this stuff stop. I'm tired of being told how to think, what to believe in etc. What's wrong with a referendum? Time to stop the divide
Well said. I hope Shane reads your comment. The next government will reinstall their He Puapua agenda unless the Coalition puts a stop to it, as Seymour was trying to do.
Seems to me that Shane has prescribed narrative that he has to stay in lane with, this has lost him the admiration of all maaori down to a dwindling glitter of a few.
@@bodietihoihuitoroataylor6722Shane is just old enough to recall the pre 1975 years so was not subjected to the self sovereignty myth ambiguously established by the courts, academics and activists. It seems
Well said
Couldn't have said it better. Who honestly would imagine in 2024 we are arguing about everybody having the same worth and rights again. Mind blowing and this country will not work if this continues. NZ is already a shadow of its former self after Jacindamania, more dangerous, dirty, vandalised- and this is apparently progress according to the left. Watch anyone with any sense start moving away if this continues on. It's hard watching your country go down the drain, and fast.
If you don’t want to change the Principles then you must support preferential treatment for Māori.
RUclips keeps deleting this comment, these are the original translations of the treaty and sir Apirana Ngata's take on it plus abit of its history but anyway enjoy reading
Here is the english translation and sir Apirana Ngata's take on it
The text of Te Tiriti o Waitangi / the Treaty of Waitangi
The Treaty of Waitangi as signed in 1840 was an agreement between the British Crown and over 500 Maori chiefs. The terms of the Treaty are contained in three simple articles, which Sir Apirana Ngata, a prominent lawyer, and politician for 30 years, stated in his iconic booklet published in 1922 “The Treaty of Waitangi”:
“The first article states, The Chiefs assembled including Chiefs not present at the assembly hereby cede absolutely to the Queen of England for ever the government of all of their land.
The second article states, The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes and to all the people of New Zealand the full possession of their lands, their homes and all their possessions…
The third article states, Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her Royal Protection, and imparts to them all the rights and privileges of British subjects.”
The Treaty of Waitangi was drafted in English by James Busby, the first British Resident of New Zealand, under the instructions of Captain William Hobson, who had been tasked by Lord Normanby, (Britain’s secretary of state for the colonies), to gain freely given Maori recognition of British sovereignty over New Zealand. The final English draft was translated into Maori by missionary Henry Williams and his son Edward, who were fluent te reo speakers, having lived amongst the tribes for 17 years. Henry then had a crucial role in explaining it to the chiefs who met Captain Hobson at Waitangi on 5 February.
The terms of the Treaty are contained in three simple articles. The texts herein are James Busby’s February 4 text and Te Tiriti, the Maori language text. Te Tiriti was the only version present on the 6 February 1840, and was the text signed by the vast majority of chiefs around the country. The Maori language text is virtually identical in all respects to the James Busby final draft, except for the date, and the insertion of the word ‘maori’ in Article third.
Busby February 4, 1840, draft (commonly known as the Littlewood Treaty)
Article first
The chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other chiefs who have not joined the confederation, cede to the Queen of England for ever the entire Sovreignty [sic] of their country.
Article second
The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings and all their property. But the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes and the other chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them.
Article third
In return for the cession of their Sovreignty [sic] to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them. Signed, William Hobson Consul and Lieut. Governor. Now we the chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand assembled at Waitangi, and we the other tribes of New Zealand, having understood the meaning of these articles, accept them and agree to them all. In witness whereof our names or marks are affixed. Done at Waitangi on the 4th of February, 1840.
This is the maori translation
Ko te tuarua
Ko te Kuini o Ingarani ka wakarite ka wakaae ki nga Rangitira ki nga hapu - ki nga tangata katoa o Nu Tirani te tino rangatiratanga o o ratou wenua o ratou kainga me o ratou taonga katoa. Otiia ko nga Rangatira o te wakaminenga me nga Rangatira katoa atu ka tuku ki te Kuini te hokonga o era wahi wenua e pai ai te tangata nona te Wenua - ki te ritenga o te utu e wakaritea ai e ratou ko te kai hoko e meatia nei e te Kuini hei kai hoko mona.
Ko te tuatoru
Hei wakaritenga mai hoki tenei mo te wakaaetanga ki te Kawanatanga o te Kuini - Ka tiakina e te Kuini o Ingarani nga tangata maori katoa o Nu Tirani ka tukua ki a ratou nga tikanga katoa rite tahi ki ana mea ki nga tangata o Ingarani.
(signed) William Hobson,
Consul and Lieutenant-Governor.
Na ko matou ko nga Rangatira o te Wakaminenga o nga hapu o Nu Tirani ka huihui nei ki Waitangi ko matou hoki ko nga Rangatira o Nu Tirani ka kite nei i te ritenga o enei kupu, ka tangohia ka wakaaetia katoatia e matou, koia ka tohungia ai o matou ingoa o matou tohu.
Ka meatia tenei ki Waitangi i te ono o nga ra o Pepueri i te tau kotahi mano, e waru rau e wa te kau o to tatou Ariki.
RUclips is starting a war on comments and keeps removing them its disgusting
nukledwns didn't you write this on an ova seas website praising Hana Maipi Clarke's haka and also on Radio Rhema?
@@stephenlennon7369 it's called copy and paste brother
@nuklezdws why did you omit te tuatahi, the first article in Maori? It clearly shows that te pati maori's claims about the treaty are wrong
@@CipherCrypto-mf8oq exactly
Pass the bill into law
Yeah u r another bigot no understanding of the treaty. I'm a retired Police det and part Maori sick of Maori being down graded as Seymour is basically kkk in a suit. Don't lecture me on being rights foe everyone as seen 1st hand the racism in institutions against Maori.
Don't even ger me started on perpetual leases weher Maori were kicked off their own lands for pakeha to profit for 99 years really.
U guys need to read the treaty and stop pandering to right wing and act propoganda
@@rogerorme2396 live n your dream world, fancy being against equal rights for all, we know who the real racists are n NZ and its not pakeha
Luxon is absolutely gutless and has never read the treaty .if he had done he would know it correctly being interpreted correctly by david Seymour and most of new Zealanders 😅😅
@@rogerorme2396 Your a bullshit artist and nothing more
I don't understand why the treaty principles bill is seen as divisive but not he pua pua. Many people believe that the idea of co governance is a rewriting of the treaty and disagree with it. The other side believes the principles bill is a rewriting of the treaty and disagree with it. Double standards everywhere. It makes my head spin.
They believe it because they are being told what others want them to believe it is about instead of reading it.
@@logicalanswer3529 Spot on!
Their behavior is disgusting and should not be tolerated in the debate chamber, go outside on the lawn and do your Haka or whatever, totally inappropriate, or leave Parliament.
Hell no they wouldn't listen then but they'll listen now
The treaty stopped the musket wars and Maori self genercide. Should maybe let more people know.
It was because Britain were losing to Maori. They couldn't get people here fast enough by boat when Maori retaliated to the raping and murder of our women and children.
The genocide came after the signing. The Treaty was dishonoured right from the get go.
You need a history lesson it was the common cold that wiped a lot of Maori out
The virus the Europeans bought
Link the genocide that happened after the signing of the Treaty.
the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.
"a campaign of genocide"
@@lucillemcroberts8283 In 1837 Maori chiefs wrote to the King and begged him for a treaty, they had suffered almost 30 years of tribal utu wars and their people were in bad shape... smaller tribes only existing in slavery to larger more vicious tribes and others by hiding....genocide of the Moriori was in the same year the letter was written 1837.... the knowledge of the plight of the Moriori probably made many chiefs worry how these wars were going to end.. they had already wiped out 1/3 of their Maori people. When the treaty was signed in 1840 it put an end to tribal wars and disputes, tribal land grabbing, slavery and cannibalism. 20 years later in 1860 the Great Assembly of Chiefs when a huge number of Chiefs gathered from all over NZ... this was held in Kohimarama this meeting was for the purpose to find out how the people were faring after 20 years living under the treaty..the majority of chiefs reported satisfaction as in the 20 years of relative peace between the tribes... they reported their tribal numbers were growing and many of their people had set up trading posts with the early settlers. Does that sound like a Government who did not care about Maori? I do not think so. Sorry you do not know the dates of events or you believe activist beat ups designed to keep you victims. Remember each tribe had their own dialect and many struggled to understand each other (part of the reason the fighting went on so long).. they had no written language..the written version of each dialect was recorded faithfully and spelt out in a written language for Maori by European linguists... likewise an English linguist with the help of Hongi Hika created TeReo with the express purpose to give Maori a united voice, but this was not seriously rolled out until the 1860's. You dwell on the wrongs that Maori suffered, there is no denying they happened... but you overlook the fact that many early settlers were raped, slaughters and eaten by Maori ... bad things happened on both sides.
@@Pedromathews234 So having kids with white people is genocide?
People discuss polarising emotions but never inquire and seek understanding of the details. Only once the details are understood can they be discussed. Our media sells theatre sports.
👍 "Our media sells theatre sports", and division via biased bribed negative destructive trash
And blatant lies, don't forget the blatant lies and doctored footage...
That's why this bill cannot be bad... table it, discuss it, submit to it, refine it then vote on it...what Seymour is doing is just a start for all our people... Maori will not have settlement monies hyjacked by the fat cat Elites - they will have control of it themselves... look at who is fighting against this bill.. the Elites for a start... multi millionaires from treaty settlements while their people got and have nothing.
Rawhiti says ,We have no right to touch the treaty. >> A Demonic , spiritual attack straight from the pit.
NZF needs to clearly state what it will do apart from just changing the department names back to English…
How are you actually going to change NZ back to a democracy?
First they need to actually KEEP their pledge to change all the dept names back to English. But asking NZF to change NZ back to a democracy is very much in the too hard basket whenonly 6 point something percent of people voted for NZF. Donald Trump just got a total landslide victory and I'll be genuinely thrilled if HE manages to change America back to some flavour of democracy! Doing that involves decimating and disempowering the permanent BUREAUCRACY. If every Kiwi who wants that votes NZF next time, we might have a show.
Good question big thinker... perhaps hurry the Serious Fraud Office along who were investigating TPM for Tamihere's "borrowing" from a tax payer funded trust set up for Maori flood victims (which they never got) instead Tamihere created TPM... then there was the problem of tampering with ballot boxes during the last election and he was recorded instructing his members how to make sure Maori tick the right boxes by doing it for them!!! Winston was on to it but things have gone quiet with all these other distractions. Let the law get rid of them!
Those young people mentioned have been taught the heavily redacted version of history....and as a result, sick of the victim mentality 😫 wah, wah, wah!
Parliament has always been about shouting down your opponent not about meaningful discussion
Quite a history about the Maori - put the Inca's or the Aztecs to shame in degeneration. Outcast from the Cook Islands during the 13th century as weaker primitive Neolithic people by later waves of Polynesians (Maori were from the original wave of primitive Polynesians pushed right out across the Eastern Pacific by successive stronger more advanced groups arriving from the west). They were outcast on rafts and some floated to the North East Coast of NZ driven by the South Equatorial Current and were stranded for 500 years. The weaker were pushed down to the South Island or Chathams etc. So the South Island Maori (had their own language) were the weakest of the weak. They were captured and eaten as 'Slave flesh' by the northern Maori doing raids. (Well they all ate each other - 80% of Maori pre European were dark skinned easily fattened slaves farmed and eaten by a lighter skinned 'Ariki' thin wiry elite royal caste). So it was with some righteousness as well as British cunning that they armed the southern Maori who then with muskets launched a genocidal war on the north.. That plus measles & flu halved the Maori population and removed most of the elite. The British then liberated the slaves and outlawed cannibalism. The northern Maori fought with the British against the south bad west Maori 'rebels'. The Maori sued for peace and a treaty was signed that removed all sovereignty and made them subjects to the English crown where the English would protect them from each other. Land could only be sold to or via the Crown. Maori could live on their reservations with native custom but none did. The treaty of Waitangi is strikingly clear in that the Maori cede sovereignty completely and become citizens of Great Britain - all 3 clauses lock that in. Nothing in today's 'Maori' culture is authentic. The music - all European (Maoris did not have tonal music, the songs are missionary tunes or introduced - Poi dance is from Islands and Stick dance from old Malaya. The carvings and art - all European - Arabesques that was the fashion at the time. Original Maori had limited dash carving and no painting of objects. No written language - all the syntax & grammar plus vowel inflection is European. No technology - some lagoon canoes and wood or stone Neolithic tools. No food sources - like pigs or crops - they left that all behind, all they had was a weak inbred fox (now extinct), some rats and a weak dismal pacific yam. They ate out all the bird-life including 10 species of Moa and 46 other bird species, didn't know how to farm the sea as were island people and so they turned to societal cannibalism. Today - no full blood or half blood left. No genuine tradition and almost all are offspring of Maori slave females sold to white settlers for muskets or food. -So more fake than the 'Sioux' or 'Cherokee' or 'Crow' who had at least retained some genuineness about who they were and their history. -Everything you 'saw or experienced' is fake. A totally convected disneyfied tokenistic set of inventions fueled by a grievance culture of mixed-race imposters fetishing a false past bad history because it pays benefits. 'This Horrid Practice' - Professor Paul Moon, "A Savage Country" Professor Paul Moon 'Behind The Tattooed Face' - Heretaunga Pat Baker, 'Anthropology In The South Seas' - H D Skinner
Very impressive analysis.
Yes, Mr Jones. How would the speaker react if New Zealand First put on a disgraceful act like that in parliament.
For a start, the chance of NZF doing such a thing is extremely unlikely
@@JimBenbow-d4o Correct they are well stocked with principled Maori like Sane and Winston for a start, they would demand better behaviour of their party in the house.
@@jasperhorace7147 EASY REPLY THEY WILL USE that most famous word racist, as the famous actor Morgan freeman said stop using the word racist and deal with the problem intellectually 🙏
@@JimBenbow-d4o IF, IF , IF.
At one point the British Crown ruled a quarter of the world’s population. So why would they concede a N Z to a minority group of people. Just take a look at what happened to the Falklands Islands. So Māori had to sign the Treaty or else they would have faced the same consequences that happened to the Red Indians. The Red Indians were at least indigenous to North America whereas the Māori were the 1st settlers fleeing tribal wars and famine. They are not entitled to any rights or privileges and should be treated like any citizen. That is impartially.
@@Tokolosh-v5n actually in those days maori were the majority. Europeans minority
So, do I have this right - there's a Parliament with representation for all, under rules for all, and hugely rich heritage and traditions, which are there for a reason - like, to moderate the contest of power and resources - and because TPM and Tainui Trust Fund princess cannot advance on ideas or numbers, they are grossly disorderly when voting on a bill...
... which seeks to inscribe equal rights for all including as a Treaty principle?
Seems like equal rights and equal rules for all must be quite dangerous!
Anyway, Tainui Trust Fund princess made a stunningly specious and self-serving argument saying she did it bc being Maori is all she knows and that's what you do. This is arrant horsesht. Try that at Turangawaewae, do we? Hmm? Are we taking lessons from Tuku on subverting protocol?
The Maori King system was started after the treaty when Maori saw the Europeans had a king and they would also and so the Kinitanga movement started in 1858 by Potatu TeWherowhero of TeAra) later picked up and led by Wiremu Tamihana... this was our history and taught in every school in NZ from 1911 and certainly right through until the 1960's. Recently I visited one of my friends and I remarked she had Wiremu on her wall .. she is a Maori and she said... "I never knew who he was"... so my 81 year old brain kicked into motion and gave her a history lesson on Wiremu Tamihana.. she was delighted and now knows who she shares her walls with!!!
@@valeriehughes1008 It's a great story beloved by many, and some individuals of significant achievement and mana are part of the weave of history.
It's just not a part of our constitutional framework.
@@mxvega1097 You are obviously young.. I was lucky enough to grow up in a time when I heard my great grandfather speak - his father was at the treaty table... he would say we must be one and he took pride in everything my cousins and I did ... we did everything together as one people, danced, dated, and married!.. My old non Maori Dad would plant 6 extra rows of potato and kumera for 2 Maori grandmother neighbours bringing up their grandchildren alone...their boys would always see we have fish... our lives were close and the respect was always given - because it was earned. Before you challenge me about saying non Maori instead of the "p" word my Maori cousins told me some very nasty interpretations of what it actually meant! Something you Maori young have not learnt.. you cannot demand respect it has to be earned.
An unhinged songbird!Love it.
Very sad some people never learn I would not let those self centered nutters back.New Zealand is a fantastic country thank goodness we have people like Winston and Shane. 6:04
And people like David Seymour who will be our next Prime Minister because he wants ALL New Zealanders to be equal.
It's about time.
We are one country, one flag.
Don't like it.
Paddle to another Island
Disagree. Get our own flag, not a British one.
The whole haka thing is over done, impressive once but a haka for every occasion no.
As a maori, Ka mate ISN'T a haka that represents ALL maori, and as a maori in my mid 60s l started turning off the sound when the haka was performed prior to All Black games over a decade ago.
It's over-cooked as a pre-match ritual. And one can view it as a side of maoridom getting kicked to the curb when other teams beat the ABs.
I personally wouldn't miss the haka if it wasn't a pre-match ritual because l'm there to watch my favourite team play rugby... NOT perform haka.
It's getting old and you TPM idiots are turning haka into a fiasco and more and more New Zealand brothers and sisters will no longer find reason to support it the culture and the ongoing separatist type attitudes, drama queens and apartheid type racism you call out our non maori brothers and sisters on.
@@teevis3620 Brilliant comment. 👍
Rawiri has escaped from somewhere, Wellington zoo are looking for him
National and NZ First are soft on the Maori radical elite.Like Shane Jones has said,"We need more
The haka belongs on a Maori marae nz parliament is turning into a talent quest competition playground 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Yesterday they were out of eggs at the supermarket..I lost my shit an done a haka there then in the cold goods asile. Now Im banned from the about double standards
Love it Michael... but what's the old saying... time and place for everything!!!!
I hate how divided we have become 😢
Indigenous rights and voices matter ✊🏽
What are you on about?
Go Shane and David
Some want to divide us down the lines of maori verse non maori. My ancestors were European, I feel in my soul I am a kiwi from the south pacific country of New Zealand. Because my ancestors are english, it is inferred by some that I am english but I have blonde hair and blue eyes, when I look in the mirror I see a viking. If I can't be a kiwi, can I be a viking instead of english?
I don't want disharmony I want justice for the people poisoned
What people were poisoned??
@susanpockett4314 what people weren't poisoned is more like it.
Maori party tactics are to disregard, disrespect parliament rules and processes as much as possible, cause they know being Maori they'll get away with it, while NZ'ERS pay their over the top salaries.
“Matatini Idol” 😂😂 Ka pai tō kōrero e Shane 👍🏽
Next thing that cowboy will be calling the likes of Ngata, Buck & Pōmare names 🤦🏽♀️
Seymour does nor want to change anything...just clarify it for all. Can they not read or even listen? These idiots are the ones causing division!!!!
Unhinged song bird alright. Totally disrespectful
Rawiri is a wannabe Martin Luther King but he's more like Al Sharpton that's the image of The Maori Party They Are Wokeness
I hate how anything to do with them is "Sacred" and all of this overtly emotional behaviour is getting really old.
The treaty is the only reason there is a GVT in place, has nothing to with the Govt, go get Charles and he can sit down with Rangtaira Maori and discuss changes. Its not up to the NZ public to make changes to an agreement, its the very founding document that allows them to be here in the first place. Without it, it all goes back to Maori.
Clearly the current ambiguity is advantageous to some New Zealanders. This debacle makes us look 3rd world
Public vote its that simple its called Democracy
Typical interviewer,
Awesome answer Shane Jones. By the way, who was that sad excuse for a reporter? Cut you off everytime you had valuable relevant concepts to share with the rest of us Maori out here in NZ. Trying to trip you up instead, Not even in the slightest little trip did he suceed. Great lesson to see a skilled man in action, at ease . Kia tau te kaha me te rangimarie.
By the way I am surprised my comments section has come back on... It was taken off last night probably 2 out of 10 was a success ..Thank you... Shane for your up bringing at St Steven's that is inspiring you to choose what is right by honest and open heartedness xxx
Old Jack Sommerville was the headmaster in long ago years at St. Stephens.. before that he was also the Asnt. headmaster in the little south Waikato village I went to high school in. Great old guy with a good sense of humour, he was from Gisborne in the Poverty Bay. I remember his teaching and his humour well!
@valeriehughes1008 coooool. xxx same 1st name as me
The painted on culture fails to impress me having grown up in a community, predominantly Maori, where the locals lived the culture not a tattoo in sight. The only moko were the last of the whakairo, which I am able to relate to. There is an awful lot of posturing done these days and an awful lot of it is about " look at me". There has been such an upsurge in tattooing, in all cultures there has to be an element of fashion about it and the extent and degree of tattooing seems to have an aspect of one upmanship about it also. Some of the tats are so obscene and offensive, I have to wonder why someone would wish to invite scorn and derision by being deliberately offensive. Hardly constructive behaviours for society.
Very good comment. Congratulations
The floor had a haka and the audience watching from the balcony joined in with the representatives of the people. Within 10 minutes speakers right haka is audio expression. What if waka talks about $20T of crown minerals.
I hink it is a good thing to codify our constitutional documents in a concise manner for all new zealanders to reflect uopn. Instead of having varying interpretations from various opposing groups. We are one of the only countries that does not have a written constitution in one document .
Absabloodylutely - but the Parliamentarians won't do it because it'll clip their wings.
Shane is right again. Let's have a democratic referendum, TPM does not represent all Maori. The interviewer is a complete tosser
Anyone else skip the Te Party Māori party part talking?
Te partly maori
Waititi is unwell
He's unhinged.
@@mabear9238 porangi
Now I know about New Zealand First and the Coalition Government, the Treaty of Waitangi is the sovereign for the Moari People.
A Referendum would give everyone a chance 😊
I love how she thinks we are all happy to see the haka any other time. When we see someone getting a haka for coming 4th in the olympics it kind of diminishes its own sense of value.
We can not let these people stop us from our right to an open discussion about anything. I hope free speech is still allowed in New Zealand? We allow these idiots to say what they want so surely we can too !!,
I have been thinking about possible reasons for people to protest against equality before the law, and here is what comes to mind. When the law systematically in favour of the rich and systematically oppress the poor, it would be natural to seek refuge from the law in other form of governance and other authority. I read NZ Herald today, and there is a news that one of the councils threatened to bulldoze someones home, made of used to be a wool-shed, because that home is unfit to current standards and was made home without consent. Well, if that is what the "same law for everyone" is then the people living in a wool-shed would obviously be against the law. I think, it is not enough to have the same law for everyone. The law must work positively for everyone first.
Why were only one of them suspended from parliament for their circus behaviour
Is it witchcraft spreading curses ??? Can we have prayer in govt ??? It might cast out the evil ..Our Father God bless the precious Good Maori people in this country xxxx
Yeah see if the Maori doesn't listen we get thrown in jail that's what they do WOW come on my beautiful whanau let's go, safe travels and peace and love,I love you all 🥰🥰🥰✌️💕👍
Actually, I for one am not happy to watch the haka at any time - it's always overly aggressive and intentionally intimidating, no matter the context. As Shane says, the haka is being exploited by TPM, suggesting that it may be appropriate in the Maori world or Maori contexts, but not necessarily anywhere else.
To the rest of kiwis the haka in parliament is a joke.
Treaty is one thing, council secret deals on public assets are another. Sort it.
The treaty did not create poverty from the cost of living
The treaty did not cause the unaffordable cost of buying a home
People are not living in their cars and elders in tents because of the treaty
The massive shortage of doctors and nurses is not caused from the treaty
And the list goes on and on and on
Democracy is the ONLY thing that needs to be revised and refined. As well as the goverment and politicians role on how to serve and work for the people
Savages nothings changed
How does this bill effect the crowns position is the question. If this is a ploy of global agreements to nullify our commitment to the crown or in anyway a detrimental influence which causes a dissipation of crown sovereignty in nz that's a big concern because our security could be weakened.
Pass. Got time for Shane but not RNZ.
Radio NZ is extreme left wing.. on the rocks and wanting continual state top ups... they are full of activists and extremists... time they were dumped! These extreme left wing media do not understand ...the peoples want factual reports and news minus all the opinions and beat up of activist journalists!
Well said Matua
I don’t know why it is divisive. It is only equal rights instead of preferential treatment.
Question?What is under a scab? Answer Rawriri.
Spot on Shane.
This Maori From the Maori party is actually invoking an evil power over the treaty to protect its ‘Mana’. .he’s gone a step further into the spirits of his culture. This is dangerous. He is in fear of his Maori and this is why he displays anger, hostility and panic.
Yeah, except bigfoot is way smarter, Im not joking.
Sorry, I disagree, he's definitely not smart at all, he just plays dirty.
Thank u addressing young Tainui girl as women & not kide
Who the he'll is this interviewer?
Waititi and his patu during the swearing in was not any better.
Weapons in parliament?
Only the crown and Māori signed the Treaty no one else gets a say on it
The most dangerous things people can fight over are things both sides dont fully understand
You tube is hiding a lot of comments under the "newest first" option in the "sort by" function for comments. They are worth reading.
NZF have a big part to play. They empowered the left when they joined with labour and we are still suffering from the 6 years of Ardern. this would not have happend with NZF support
Go Shane