Please remember that you can SUPPORT the channel on PATREON! Every little bit helps ❤️ URL ► If you become a Patron, you will be able to make REQUESTS and SUGGESTIONS for the content of the channel! Also, make sure to SUBSCRIBE and visit The DeroBlog! 📝 I have posted a new article about SIMILARITIES in different National Anthems. Not to be confused with the post about countries that share the same anthem! Check it out in the following LINK! URL ►
This is a very beautiful regional anthem. As an expatriate Finn, I feel a deep sympathy for my distant relatives, the Udmurt people. May God bless, comfort, protect, guide, save+use among them as many individuals as possible - and may He bestow those blessings on a maximum number of individuals worldwide!
Привет из Ижевска , лол.Не ожидал увидеть здесь гимн моей родной республики. Читаю комменты иностранцев и блиииин.....Я польщён , флаг и герб действительно хороши для такой маленькой республики. Спасибо))
Thank you very much for posting this beautiful and inspiring regional anthem! God bless, protect, guide+transform the Udmurtians+the other nations of the Earth!
Please remember that you can SUPPORT the channel on PATREON!
Every little bit helps ❤️
If you become a Patron, you will be able to make REQUESTS and SUGGESTIONS for the content of the channel!
Also, make sure to SUBSCRIBE and visit The DeroBlog! 📝
I have posted a new article about SIMILARITIES in different National Anthems. Not to be confused with the post about countries that share the same anthem!
Check it out in the following LINK!
This is a very beautiful regional anthem. As an expatriate Finn, I feel a deep sympathy for my distant relatives, the Udmurt people. May God bless, comfort, protect, guide, save+use among them as many individuals as possible - and may He bestow those blessings on a maximum number of individuals worldwide!
Привет из Ижевска , лол.Не ожидал увидеть здесь гимн моей родной республики.
Читаю комменты иностранцев и блиииин.....Я польщён , флаг и герб действительно хороши для такой маленькой республики.
When you are an Eurovision fans, you realised this is the "country" where the Buranovskiye Babushki (The baking Udmurt grannies) come from. 😄😄😄
Thank you very much for posting this beautiful and inspiring regional anthem! God bless, protect, guide+transform the Udmurtians+the other nations of the Earth!
This song is so unbelievably beautiful.
The best of Russia are your republics, I love a lot Udmurtya!!! ))))
Sundy sziosz zshuanto paläzez,
Jug zhardon vuä muzjemam.
Oskon tõlpo milemly Kunsetäd,
Dar tynyd,Dore mynam!
Jugdyty,Bydzhym Inmare,
Kydökysh inviszjöszmesz,
Kydaty vylh sudburmesz,
Äriko,jõn burdjöszmesz!
Glory to mighty Udmurtia!
Hurray for the Spring Land!
One of the most beautiful anthems in the world! 🥹
Republic of Udmurtia united with the Finnish peoples!
⬛️⬜️🟥 🦢
Kalashnikov Concern Arms Factory in Izhevsk (founded by Tsar Alexander I in 1807)
Горжусь своей родиной
Я из Удмуртской Республики из города Воткинска
И я!
Alfabeto de escritura cirílica de Udmurt "sdyd z̆fevpeo udyk"
Russian German empire..... uhm... ok.
What do you mean by that
@@Bammbam86 Who knows.
Good flag
Ethel Merman intensifies.
putins face right after botox in a nutshell
One of the most beautiful anthems in the world! 🥹
Republic of Udmurtia united with the Finnish peoples!
⬛️⬜️🟥 🦢