I have been involved with the teachings of this man for some 45 years. I have put some of his work in my book. I have showed videos of his talks going back decades and one talk really hit me most directly. It was a talk (I believe in the Ojai around1980 or so) where he said that thought had created many things and that thought had created God. He said, "I know you're not going to like it but there it is". There was a great deal of restlessness in the crowd at this point and one gentleman got up and walked out of the talk and into the trees. I have tried for over a decade to find this talk but it seems it has been removed from the archives. I have contacted the foundation and the Krishnamurti Library but have still not been able to locate this talk. If anyone knows the specific talk and can locate it I would be most grateful and most appreciative.
@Jan Pahor It was a simple question, not requiring your personal value judgment. Does listening for 45 years make someone necessarily a 'follower'? I have listened to this man for almost as many years because I hear differently each time. I am not a 'follower'. You sir, are a very arrogant man!
A scene you seem to referring to, though not talking about God, you could find in No.5 of Real Revolution series, filmed at 1966, around 22minutes. Many people seem to think that God is manmade, when it comes to other peoples' belief and faith, but not about one's own. So it is almost the same question as belief in the divisiveness in all of us. I am from a country and culture which doesn't believe in absolute God, but rather condemns self-centeredness, including assertions of belief-system and so on.
I think this has just become my favorite talk of J.K. Probably bcos a month ago I literally asked the universe this question,by asking my friend,and ultimately myself, "What are you?" This talk is my answer, and more. 🙏 Jiddu must have felt extreme loneliness whenever he wasn't present, to have such a high level of understanding without anyone to mirror it back to you whole.
50:20 Attention is like a fire, when that attention is there that thing which is sorrow, the loneliness, the pain, the anxiety, the tears, when there is that complete attention all that goes, disappears. Attention is a flame. Sorrow, the root meaning of that word, is also passion. The ending of sorrow is passion, not lust. And we never have passion, we want pleasure. Passion is something extraordinarily different. Where there is the ending of sorrow there is passion - it is not your passion or my passion, it is passion. And that's part of love. Where there is love there is compassion. And where there is this extraordinary passion of compassion there is intelligence, and that intelligence acts - that intelligence is not yours, or mine, or X Y Z's
K was truly blessed to have a mind and intellect such as he had in the time he had it, for if he were to experience humanity as it is today with the obvious devolution of civilization as it has gone since his time. He may have just thrown up his hands and thought, "whats the use?" On the other hand, I suppose many things about humanity have not changed much in our entire history even so, since the early twentieth century, we certainly have not been moving in the right direction.
21:18, psychological e inwardly accepting will destroy the integrity 24:29 The future is now 28:04 change cannot have 36:52 Time is the enemy of change. 37:42 what is action? 51:22 attention is like a fire 1:10:00 who are you
I admire Krishnamurti and he speaks truth most of the time. He also tends to speak in extremes - all or nothing. He says "We have no love" while i say "We have love, but there are selfish elements; it's impure, limited." The fact of the matter is that we can genuinely care for people, even though we may be attached to them, or have vested interests. There are shades of grey; we're complicated, multi-faceted. He focuses too much on our negative aspects. It's fine to acknowledge and go into them, provided one is willing to admit we have redeeming qualities, however limited - including the capacity to inquire, to examine our psyche. Moreover, he keeps stating that we are memory, anger, and so on, not mentioning the fact that we're not only those since we can observe them coming and going. If we were only memory or anger, we couldn't begin to examine those; we'd be trapped. He neglects to point out that in addition to being anger, we are also the intelligence that can inquire into anger. We are not merely our egoistic tendencies. My approach toward memory is nuanced. While it's true that being dominated by memory is an obstructing factor (where love is concerned), it can also serve love. Imagine for a moment that you couldn't remember your beloved, due to an accident or brain damage. Not only would you fail to recognize your beloved; your love for that person would be effectively gone. That person would be a stranger. Perhaps not quite a stranger; you might still be instinctively drawn to him/her, though the love would be undeveloped, due to a lack of personal history. Or alternatively, memory can play the following role (in a different context): part of the history, for example, is that the beloved once had saved your life by donating one of her organs to you. So you remember that, the memory of which enhances your love for that person. In other words, a shared history can be both limiting (constricting) AND a source of richness, depending on what that history is and/or how it's approached. Or consider it this way. You love someone and have been physically apart from that person for, say, a week. That person went on a business trip to Chicago, while you're sitting in your sofa in Florida. So you remember that person; you recall him/her frequently. Clearly love and memory are playing off of each other; they are intimately connected. You remember so-and-so as you do precisely because you love the person; love spurs on the memory, the recollection. Were you not in love, you would probably not remember him/her, or at least would think of that individual rarely or infrequently. The point is that memory is not merely functional; it gives love a sense of direction. Question: how do you know you love him/her without memory (of that person)? You can be wholly immersed in the moment, to the point that an egoistic sense of identity is not. But that doesn't mean the whole past is wiped out, nor should it be that way. You're perfectly aware of what you and your partner did a year ago, and that memory, as a part of a story, can be truly beautiful and a contributing factor to the love you have now. Yet memory can become rotten too; yes, it can prevent one from living fully in the present. However, not necessarily. Let's look at memory in a different context. A judge or jury wouldn't, in the manner of Krishnamurti, say of someone found guilty: "But we're not meeting him now; our decision is based on what he did in the past; we're tethered to the past; we have no relationship to what he is NOW." Do you see what I'm driving at? It's not merely a pragmatic point I'm making. In a very real sense, the past actually MATTERS where our relationships are concerned. People respond to us in part, quite naturally, on the basis of our past acts. If we're open-minded and generous, we see that a person can change; a person isn't bound by the past. But still the past matters - and it matters with regards to love as well. I have often heard Krishnamurti claiming that we're the rest of humanity, all basically, essentially the same. Well - yes and no. He would make out the differences to be superficial or just minor variations. This is where I disagree. Sure, we all suffer hardships, we all experience sorrow and anxiety at some point, we're born alone and we die alone, we all fall ill and die eventually. However, degree and context matter. The fact is that some people are much happier than others, or some are much more miserable than others. The situation of a person who loves his job, who has a beautiful caring wife, and many material comforts is very different from the situation of a homeless person or someone living in a 3rd world country. The latter may be fortunate to get just one decent meal a day. My point is that this gap is not minor; it's a yawning chasm. Although the one with a great job and beautiful wife suffers, his suffering cannot be compared with that of one about whom no one cares and who winds up dying in the gutter. Another point of contention with Krishnamurti. Traditional gurus have long made the claim (among them Ramana Maharshi) that we need to remove the obscurations and the Self is naturally there. Krishnamurti calls this a theory merely, and goes about negation only. It's a commendable approach for the rigorous few, but it won't work for the majority of seekers. It's not enough to state what one takes to be true; one must be sensitive to the individual needs of the seeker. In other words, one must see where the seeker is emotionally, and find a way that most resonates with him/her if progress is to be made. Most people need the reassurance that the Self is already there; without that assurance, that hope, they won't proceed. That's just the way it is; you can't simply fault them for lacking in seriousness. That's why, as a teacher, Ramana was more effective in a way: for he considered where the student was psychologically and emotionally. His approach was multi-faceted.
K. is talking about a love that is unconditioned and untouched by thought. The love K is talking about does not require a personal history. Does not require a memory to enhance it. Does not require a recognition of something in order to express. The love K is talking about is unstoppable and has no center. It is not narrowed or limited to "only the people the ego cares about". When you experience this love, it can obliterate all things that stand against it. It depends on nothing and nothing can resist it. If you do not know this love then it is what K says when he mentions that we only know how to express a limited form of love today is from a center (self). I didn't understand K until after I touched this love. It is humility filling when you realize all this time I never knew this love, or even how to love. How do you know you understand? If you could meet The Buddha, The Christ, K, or anyone else you know what question would you ask? I know that I would have no questions to ask. What good would their answers be to you anyway? Anything meaningful will be conveyed in silence.
J. Krishnamurti. I find with him. Understanding so you don't get trapped in thinking ! I learned that you meditation is a 24/7 event. Every step or moment of your day is complete! The past is what is ! Not aloud the thinking to get fragmented, I could have, should have, thinking be in conflict with being of NOW ! Be fully aware in this moment! By doing this completely. You empty your thoughts. Bring order. From that order you start to get glimpses of what Krishnamurti spoke of ! Glimpses of it. Your transmission happens In stillness. You CAN'T THINK YOUR WAY THERE ! It happens in the absences of your thinking. Is an unexplainable knowing of peace , Love , Joy ! ! ! I have been there few times by accident. That's why Krishnamurti spend his life doing it and sharing it . To whom could hear ! With that enhancement to be selflessly being. Does this make sense? Not to get trapped in , I did this , I am that, I am . Meaning personal. But to be in communing together with the nameless. As he did ! He invited you to join in passionately by all his efforts ! !
@@Gaurav.P0 I have experienced this. It is something I've yet to be able to put into words. It was like everything that has ever weighed on me was lifted, it was freedom in a way I have never felt before. It was beyond joy or love, it was bigger than anything I can comprehend. If I could take that experience and give it to every being on the planet, I would. It opened me up to a new way of being, or a way that I had forgotten. I look at life with wonder again.
😍😍 Mr. Krisnamurti's style of simplicity as the way he gave his talks under the big tree's shades in the background..Just love it..👌💐..How much more NATUREL one can ask 4?🤔?..😉😁😉..
Everything one need to know and aught to know is here; when we die for the self, that is carefully nurtured with a lot of pain, dies, and the freshness remain... and theres beauty and truth for the beautiful and tremendous force of life; heres the glimpse if one carefully attend to whats said !
About 40 minutes into the video, he mentioned something which struck me -- We work for a reward or in fear of a punishment; we never work for work’s sake… Is there an action which is for itself? Is Love (such) an action in itself? This is same as what the Bhagavad Gita teaches: To work you have the right, not to the fruits thereof… But of course, K goes deeper into it, and explains how action with respect to time (probably by time, he means future and action done with a motive to gain rewards in the future, for that action) creates conflict…
He is not "charging" for his wisdom and knowledge, he shares. Sharing seems to have become extinct lately. Everyone is in a mad rush for money, or something else external. I listen to him because, as he says, society can only change if the individual changes - and this is a responsibility we all share. We are society, and it's clearly not working. If I want to learn how to unlearn, I can't think of a better person than him. His logic is flawless, and no one ever could prove him wrong. I truly admire him. Not for comfort, but from love ❤
When K. states 'the now contains all time' is it because there is no time outside the now? All sensations of time are taking place within the now even though it seems there is the sensation of moving to the so-called past and future. In seeing, sensing this is taking place as brain activity to alter or control that which has been or might be is only the effect of language, without language there is no time as past or future. The affect of this is to effect a subjectiveness sensation as an illusory entity variously named I, Me, Self. But how many have the mental energy to discover this?
If you think carefully about it, it is apparent that the past and future can only be remembered or anticipated in the present. We can talk about the past; we can study it, write about it, argue about it, but we can only do so in the present. And the present has no dimension. If the present had dimension it would have duration I.e. past, present and future, which is absurd. So clearly the present is beyond time. It is not in time or part of time. It is infinite and eternal.
All great souls were already gave what this world is needed by 1980.....now a days only copying of words what these great souls were rendered already by then by so called babaji or swami...y y y the coming generation has become more materialistic....now generation is too much intelligent to grasp any knowledge but I think the softness, stillness the calmness that these great souls were having is lacking in them..
Maybe you need to explore osho to understand detachment , his ideas and grammar of expressing the definition of detachment is something that we in this age would relate to, more.... Although I agree to @@shivamrawat3431 JK the speaker has literally been talking only about observation, detachment by showing the other side of the coin, that's the freedom/death part that he's explaining, that's where your pinned answer is. 1:01:01
One could say, when one perceives , there is also the perceived, therefore division, just like it has been said about the analyzing and the analyzed, am I wrong ? So I think one could Analyse without division, just like one can perceive without division? So we could say there is Analysis, and there is Perception, and only that, no division, would this make any sense ?
I believe you are correct. I think the division comes about when you look at something heavy with preconceived ideas about the thing you see, and not only that but in this case, you, divided, like or not like what you see and decide to act upon what you see to change, control it etc. which is like violence if you think about it. On the other hand if "what is" is approached silently and peacefully with just the act of looking or perceiving, it then undergoes a transformationin in itself without someone acting upon it, forcing his ideals upon it. The thing that acts when approaching something with attention, which has the quality of compassion, is the intelligence itself which is indivisible from the aforementioned qualities. I think what is paramount in K's teaching is that you have no place to think that you are different from what you see when you observe inwardly, for starters.. If for example you're not different from jealousy what can you do about it than to watch closely and see it unfold, and understand it completely in its process.
I understand him to be speaking of duality...subject and object (of the subject). Whatever a subject (analyzer) analyzes, he has a notion of what he is analyzing. Even the scientific method is corrupt (but the best we've got). SM starts with an observation, forming a hypothesis (a notion). But, quantum mechanics has already proved, over and over now for the past century, that what we observe as reality is only a fuzzy potential of possibility when unobserved. He's asking if the analyzer is really separate from the analyzed. The fact is, science has proved, you cannot separate the analyzer from the analyzed. That's my take. That's why the emphasis on love, which is pure un-self-interested action.
I may be wrong and this is only a projection of how I'm thinking: What you said makes a lot of sense to me, there being "analysis" and "perception" and only that but I think when he said "analyser is the analysed" and "the perceiver is the perceived" he was trying to point out that people usually separate themselves while Analysing or Perceiving into 2 entities the subject and the object, the "I" and the "world" and that it creates conflict. I think that In analysing oneself rather than simply analysing, one of the identities becomes the judge and the other the "criminal/victim/etc." which creates conflict in the act the of analysing, while in perceiving I think that separating ourselves from the world influences us to create a "world view"(which in my opinion is just a filter we use to navigate the world in a self-preservation mode). Rather than viewing the world as it is in a non-dual way, we see it through the individual filter that we have put on. I mean having world views sounds useful to me but at the same time limiting since the experiences and impressions of the world I collect become the way I view the world most of the time. Useful to look out for harmful patterns but at the same time energy consuming, like if I assume the view "the world is a dangerous place" and I'm constantly looking out for danger it's useful in a way but it puts some strain. I think having a clear and sharp mind would still allow me to avoid danger so it's quite likely that creating world view is just the survival mode kicking in to preserve the "individual". It's not intuitive that we are the world experiencing itself, at least I've only felt one with "the world" when tripped on DMT once and on some rare occasions in meditation sessions.
Am I the only one thinking that JK may be channeling? He seems to be a channel of some sort. He speaks of himself as being the "speaker" as if the "entity" is identifying JK as "the speaker". Also, look at his eyes as he speaks.
😳😱😲..Definitely NOOOOOT..😕😐..Why can one use his or her own "AWARENESS" OR ANOTHER WORD OF "REAL KNOWING" 2 express THE ULTIMATE TRUTH??..What make you think those who channel are ALWAYS stated the TRUTHS of REALITY and what make you think only those who channel thru another physical body would be The One Who actually KNOWS the TRUTHS ..Just 🤔?🤔?..Perhaps, the 🎥 clips of Mr. Krisnamurti about "Freedom of the KNOWN" might be helpful..Have a great new week starting with Mr. M.King Holidays..💐🌻💐..😉😊😉..
If I remember correctly from reading his biography it did happen to him at times when he was younger, later on if I am not mistaken he mentioned that his consciousness had merged with the one of the Beloved. He had also mentioned that during his speeches he didn't think of what to say and it is evident he is not reading out of any paper, the words would spring forth from an empty mind. The matter of him referring to himself as such is I believe not to give any importance to the speaker, not to be idolized as a person, but rather a call to people to focus on the message. It is like he is deliberately avoiding using "I this, i that" and uses the third person, maybe also out of humility.
Let us seriously watch what it means to observe together so that there is total attention and we look at the same thing with the same intensity at the same time at the same level As such there not two observing whatever it's being observed In total attention there is perceiving without the observer One just observes without the observer We do so perceive we are deeply interested Such perception is time less Anyone sensitive enough to so perceive would be capable of probing into the intangibility of life All life is in the living present The past is gone and the future is not yet Understandably Truth is the unknown and timeless Time obviously is a conditioning factor Now my self is a bundle of memories Without memories there is emptiness which is dynamic These are not mere words To experiment one has to be free from all images and psychological memories Any shadow of the self means conditioning and denial of freedom from the known When this happens only Life remains The past is dead and no more Life is in the eternal Now and not knowable which is Beauty
K asks, "The present contains all time, past and future, and action is now, not in the past or in the future. Then what is action?" Is "action" the motion or non-motion that is response of participating to the "now"? So, re-action then is an impulse that responds to a modified past...? ... We are the recorded past being .... Further fascinatingly story is that no, the time of past 40 000 years is "now," and then it will be the future.
I have been involved with the teachings of this man for some 45 years. I have put some of his work in my book. I have showed videos of his talks going back decades and one talk really hit me most directly. It was a talk (I believe in the Ojai around1980 or so) where he said that thought had created many things and that thought had created God. He said, "I know you're not going to like it but there it is". There was a great deal of restlessness in the crowd at this point and one gentleman got up and walked out of the talk and into the trees. I have tried for over a decade to find this talk but it seems it has been removed from the archives. I have contacted the foundation and the Krishnamurti Library but have still not been able to locate this talk. If anyone knows the specific talk and can locate it I would be most grateful and most appreciative.
In this one he says it,
@kerry ruclips.net/video/iqvDsVlAHx8/видео.html
@Jan Pahor It was a simple question, not requiring your personal value judgment.
Does listening for 45 years make someone necessarily a 'follower'? I have listened to this man for almost as many years because I hear differently each time. I am not a 'follower'. You sir, are a very arrogant man!
A scene you seem to referring to, though not talking about God, you could find in No.5 of Real Revolution series, filmed at 1966, around 22minutes.
Many people seem to think that God is manmade, when it comes to other peoples' belief and faith, but not about one's own. So it is almost the same question as belief in the divisiveness in all of us. I am from a country and culture which doesn't believe in absolute God, but rather condemns self-centeredness, including assertions of belief-system and so on.
Even in old age he is just speaking with such love and compassion.
I always find his later talks to be softer and more compassionate
Enough insight in the first 10 minutes to change lives,
Master piece ,thank you my friend
I am a spiritual vagabond but i always come back to "K". Salute.
Bcoz you're a vagabond :))
Vegabond? That is better than being tied to a one thing.
He pulls one through one's own illusions. Excellent discussion. Therefore, pure love and peace are found within. Let go!
Unselfish, filled with love and compassion and sharp awaked Intelligence KRISHNAMURTI SIR had,,,,!!!!
Unselfish, filled with love and compassion? Nah, not at all, it doesn’t work that way
he is immeasurable. words can never capture him
J. Krishnamurti exuding love, softly encouraging, empowering, liberating💎♾️🌹
Thanks to krishnamurti foundation and trust🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you
🥰You never ever die you just start living ....🙏🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
I think this has just become my favorite talk of J.K. Probably bcos a month ago I literally asked the universe this question,by asking my friend,and ultimately myself, "What are you?" This talk is my answer, and more. 🙏
Jiddu must have felt extreme loneliness whenever he wasn't present, to have such a high level of understanding without anyone to mirror it back to you whole.
Attention is like a fire, when that attention is there that thing which is sorrow, the loneliness, the pain, the anxiety, the tears, when there is that complete attention all that goes, disappears. Attention is a flame.
Sorrow, the root meaning of that word, is also passion. The ending of sorrow is passion, not lust. And we never have passion, we want pleasure. Passion is something extraordinarily different. Where there is the ending of sorrow there is passion - it is not your passion or my passion, it is passion. And that's part of love. Where there is love there is compassion. And where there is this extraordinary passion of compassion there is intelligence, and that intelligence acts - that intelligence is not yours, or mine, or X Y Z's
This is so so so immense, what he is referring to.
Truth, Compassion, Love, Freedom, the Absence of " me".
Namaste ✌🏼🙌💜🌞👍🤗
A reconstruction of our perceptions is possible.
Thank you for notes. 💐 Love from India chhattisgarh bilaspur. 💐
Next level , thank you for sharing , so many deeply profound truths
Brilliant, thanks
K was truly blessed to have a mind and intellect such as he had in the time he had it, for if he were to experience humanity as it is today with the obvious devolution of civilization as it has gone since his time. He may have just thrown up his hands and thought, "whats the use?" On the other hand, I suppose many things about humanity have not changed much in our entire history even so, since the early twentieth century, we certainly have not been moving in the right direction.
Omg we need 3 more of Sir Krishna....🙏🙏💕🙏💕💕🙏
21:18, psychological e inwardly accepting will destroy the integrity
24:29 The future is now
28:04 change cannot have
36:52 Time is the enemy of change.
37:42 what is action?
51:22 attention is like a fire
1:10:00 who are you
55:56 and why have we made death; something far away from life, living?
1:14:53 Therefore you are living then... living and dying at the same time.
Wow what a great Spiritual teacher you are I'm love with teachers thanks so much for sharing God blessed
Thank You 💞🙏
Thank you sirji for uploading this. Lots of love and blessings to all one. 💐
Great Spiritual teacher well done Sir Great teacher
I admire Krishnamurti and he speaks truth most of the time. He also tends to speak in extremes - all or nothing. He says "We have no love" while i say "We have love, but there are selfish elements; it's impure, limited." The fact of the matter is that we can genuinely care for people, even though we may be attached to them, or have vested interests. There are shades of grey; we're complicated, multi-faceted. He focuses too much on our negative aspects. It's fine to acknowledge and go into them, provided one is willing to admit we have redeeming qualities, however limited - including the capacity to inquire, to examine our psyche.
Moreover, he keeps stating that we are memory, anger, and so on, not mentioning the fact that we're not only those since we can observe them coming and going. If we were only memory or anger, we couldn't begin to examine those; we'd be trapped. He neglects to point out that in addition to being anger, we are also the intelligence that can inquire into anger. We are not merely our egoistic tendencies.
My approach toward memory is nuanced. While it's true that being dominated by memory is an obstructing factor (where love is concerned), it can also serve love. Imagine for a moment that you couldn't remember your beloved, due to an accident or brain damage. Not only would you fail to recognize your beloved; your love for that person would be effectively gone. That person would be a stranger. Perhaps not quite a stranger; you might still be instinctively drawn to him/her, though the love would be undeveloped, due to a lack of personal history. Or alternatively, memory can play the following role (in a different context): part of the history, for example, is that the beloved once had saved your life by donating one of her organs to you. So you remember that, the memory of which enhances your love for that person. In other words, a shared history can be both limiting (constricting) AND a source of richness, depending on what that history is and/or how it's approached.
Or consider it this way. You love someone and have been physically apart from that person for, say, a week. That person went on a business trip to Chicago, while you're sitting in your sofa in Florida. So you remember that person; you recall him/her frequently. Clearly love and memory are playing off of each other; they are intimately connected. You remember so-and-so as you do precisely because you love the person; love spurs on the memory, the recollection. Were you not in love, you would probably not remember him/her, or at least would think of that individual rarely or infrequently. The point is that memory is not merely functional; it gives love a sense of direction. Question: how do you know you love him/her without memory (of that person)?
You can be wholly immersed in the moment, to the point that an egoistic sense of identity is not. But that doesn't mean the whole past is wiped out, nor should it be that way. You're perfectly aware of what you and your partner did a year ago, and that memory, as a part of a story, can be truly beautiful and a contributing factor to the love you have now. Yet memory can become rotten too; yes, it can prevent one from living fully in the present. However, not necessarily.
Let's look at memory in a different context. A judge or jury wouldn't, in the manner of Krishnamurti, say of someone found guilty: "But we're not meeting him now; our decision is based on what he did in the past; we're tethered to the past; we have no relationship to what he is NOW." Do you see what I'm driving at? It's not merely a pragmatic point I'm making. In a very real sense, the past actually MATTERS where our relationships are concerned. People respond to us in part, quite naturally, on the basis of our past acts. If we're open-minded and generous, we see that a person can change; a person isn't bound by the past. But still the past matters - and it matters with regards to love as well.
I have often heard Krishnamurti claiming that we're the rest of humanity, all basically, essentially the same. Well - yes and no. He would make out the differences to be superficial or just minor variations. This is where I disagree. Sure, we all suffer hardships, we all experience sorrow and anxiety at some point, we're born alone and we die alone, we all fall ill and die eventually. However, degree and context matter. The fact is that some people are much happier than others, or some are much more miserable than others. The situation of a person who loves his job, who has a beautiful caring wife, and many material comforts is very different from the situation of a homeless person or someone living in a 3rd world country. The latter may be fortunate to get just one decent meal a day. My point is that this gap is not minor; it's a yawning chasm. Although the one with a great job and beautiful wife suffers, his suffering cannot be compared with that of one about whom no one cares and who winds up dying in the gutter.
Another point of contention with Krishnamurti. Traditional gurus have long made the claim (among them Ramana Maharshi) that we need to remove the obscurations and the Self is naturally there. Krishnamurti calls this a theory merely, and goes about negation only. It's a commendable approach for the rigorous few, but it won't work for the majority of seekers. It's not enough to state what one takes to be true; one must be sensitive to the individual needs of the seeker. In other words, one must see where the seeker is emotionally, and find a way that most resonates with him/her if progress is to be made. Most people need the reassurance that the Self is already there; without that assurance, that hope, they won't proceed. That's just the way it is; you can't simply fault them for lacking in seriousness. That's why, as a teacher, Ramana was more effective in a way: for he considered where the student was psychologically and emotionally. His approach was multi-faceted.
K. is talking about a love that is unconditioned and untouched by thought. The love K is talking about does not require a personal history. Does not require a memory to enhance it. Does not require a recognition of something in order to express. The love K is talking about is unstoppable and has no center. It is not narrowed or limited to "only the people the ego cares about". When you experience this love, it can obliterate all things that stand against it. It depends on nothing and nothing can resist it. If you do not know this love then it is what K says when he mentions that we only know how to express a limited form of love today is from a center (self). I didn't understand K until after I touched this love. It is humility filling when you realize all this time I never knew this love, or even how to love. How do you know you understand? If you could meet The Buddha, The Christ, K, or anyone else you know what question would you ask? I know that I would have no questions to ask. What good would their answers be to you anyway? Anything meaningful will be conveyed in silence.
@@playerone3018I Conquer. Sorta like "Unconditional" Love.
love this inquiry
Master of focus.
To go beyond the words..."in that perception you and the speaker disappear." 🙏
GOD bless HIM!
Love you❤❤
J. Krishnamurti.
I find with him.
Understanding so you don't get trapped in thinking !
I learned that you meditation is a 24/7 event.
Every step or moment of your day is complete!
The past is what is !
Not aloud the thinking to get fragmented, I could have, should have, thinking be in conflict with being of NOW !
Be fully aware in this moment!
By doing this completely.
You empty your thoughts.
Bring order.
From that order you start to get glimpses of what Krishnamurti spoke of !
Glimpses of it. Your transmission happens
In stillness.
It happens in the absences of your thinking.
Is an unexplainable knowing of peace , Love , Joy ! ! !
I have been there few times by accident. That's why Krishnamurti spend his life doing it and sharing it . To whom could hear !
With that enhancement to be selflessly being.
Does this make sense?
Not to get trapped in , I did this , I am that, I am .
Meaning personal.
But to be in communing together with the nameless.
As he did !
He invited you to join in passionately by all his efforts ! !
Hey, Did you experience or get glimpse of that unknown ?? I am asking in most respectful way 🙏
@@Gaurav.P0 I have experienced this. It is something I've yet to be able to put into words. It was like everything that has ever weighed on me was lifted, it was freedom in a way I have never felt before. It was beyond joy or love, it was bigger than anything I can comprehend. If I could take that experience and give it to every being on the planet, I would. It opened me up to a new way of being, or a way that I had forgotten. I look at life with wonder again.
@@jessicapoepping thought comes up again and again
Quel homme magnifique
Time is the enemy of change
😍😍 Mr. Krisnamurti's style of simplicity as the way he gave his talks under the big tree's shades in the background..Just love it..👌💐..How much more NATUREL one can ask 4?🤔?..😉😁😉..
Thank you
21:00 Don't follow anybody
This is the key to freedom.
could be
So no need to follow him also...
@@kmsshaikYou don't follow him, he's a speaker. His words are about advaita, non dual being. Just listen.
He is pure love ❤️
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💔💔💔💔💔🥺🤤😪😳😲 (the content of this dialogue rocks me)
36:54 Time is ENEMY of the change. It's so true in ancient Vedic astrology, saturn is time and it indeed resists change.
Everything one need to know and aught to know is here; when we die for the self, that is carefully nurtured with a lot of pain, dies, and the freshness remain... and theres beauty and truth for the beautiful and tremendous force of life; heres the glimpse if one carefully attend to whats said !
love your attention
Thank you so true carefully meditating attending to JK talks one sees beauty of truth 💓!
About 40 minutes into the video, he mentioned something which struck me --
We work for a reward or in fear of a punishment; we never work for work’s sake… Is there an action which is for itself? Is Love (such) an action in itself?
This is same as what the Bhagavad Gita teaches: To work you have the right, not to the fruits thereof…
But of course, K goes deeper into it, and explains how action with respect to time (probably by time, he means future and action done with a motive to gain rewards in the future, for that action) creates conflict…
Action for it self. ❤
The fear of living righteous demands the seek of pleasure. We are doomed to repeat that indefinitely. That’s the source of sorrow and pain.
His tearing up and talk in all seriousness hit me starting at 1:02:10
The tearing in the eyes is a result of weather that affects him. In India as well as U.S. But is less chronic here in the U.S.
@@marthapascual6273 no that’s from inner suffering
What is it that we all want? Are we listening to him to find comfort?
He is not "charging" for his wisdom and knowledge, he shares. Sharing seems to have become extinct lately.
Everyone is in a mad rush for money, or something else external.
I listen to him because, as he says, society can only change if the individual changes - and this is a responsibility we all share.
We are society, and it's clearly not working.
If I want to learn how to unlearn, I can't think of a better person than him. His logic is flawless, and no one ever could prove him wrong. I truly admire him. Not for comfort, but from love ❤
8 wish we lived in a world were is views on life were allowed to happen he stands on is own unfortunately wish there were more people like him
love you k
excellent talk
Very very rare in which he's admitting that rebirth do exist
Who is reborn?
38:23 transcript should be: I'll act rightly, if i can get something out of it.
pls verify and correct.
thankyou for making this available.
Its NOW. ♥️
End of all the illusions is j Krishnamurthy
2024 "change" is by the door
Let go!
And love is not the slave to time. 41:51
I AM is the essence of GOD undivided and wholly,. Eternally in the NOW.
Hello Petra Isabell Hahn. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, but i would rather hear you speak for 79 minutes instead
even the past only exists Now
57:06 what did he see that he has never seen before , what did he see ???
❤❤ 🇧🇩
57:07 I just saw something which I haven't seen before.
I'm curious to know what it was.
When K. states 'the now contains all time' is it because there is no time outside the now? All sensations of time are taking place within the now even though it seems there is the sensation of moving to the so-called past and future. In seeing, sensing this is taking place as brain activity to alter or control that which has been or might be is only the effect of language, without language there is no time as past or future. The affect of this is to effect a subjectiveness sensation as an illusory entity variously named I, Me, Self. But how many have the mental energy to discover this?
If you think carefully about it, it is apparent that the past and future can only be remembered or anticipated in the present. We can talk about the past; we can study it, write about it, argue about it, but we can only do so in the present. And the present has no dimension. If the present had dimension it would have duration I.e. past, present and future, which is absurd. So clearly the present is beyond time. It is not in time or part of time. It is infinite and eternal.
All great souls were already gave what this world is needed by 1980.....now a days only copying of words what these great souls were rendered already by then by so called babaji or swami...y y y the coming generation has become more materialistic....now generation is too much intelligent to grasp any knowledge but I think the softness, stillness the calmness that these great souls were having is lacking in them..
Funny thing is he actually talking to himself, I’m pretty sure that he knew it
Yes I agree with you. He is talking with him self. We are present in his dream.
Bitte mehr auf deutsch
The Now contains all time.
Present contains the past and future,then what is action? Go to 37:19
He didn't tell how to be free from attachment, I wish he did :(
He told more than that but you are not able to grasp it
Maybe you need to explore osho to understand detachment , his ideas and grammar of expressing the definition of detachment is something that we in this age would relate to, more.... Although I agree to @@shivamrawat3431 JK the speaker has literally been talking only about observation, detachment by showing the other side of the coin, that's the freedom/death part that he's explaining, that's where your pinned answer is. 1:01:01
One could say, when one perceives , there is also the perceived, therefore division, just like it has been said about the analyzing and the analyzed, am I wrong ? So I think one could Analyse without division, just like one can perceive without division? So we could say there is Analysis, and there is Perception, and only that, no division, would this make any sense ?
I believe you are correct.
I think the division comes about when you look at something heavy with preconceived ideas about the thing you see, and not only that but in this case, you, divided, like or not like what you see and decide to act upon what you see to change, control it etc. which is like violence if you think about it.
On the other hand if "what is" is approached silently and peacefully with just the act of looking or perceiving, it then undergoes a transformationin in itself without someone acting upon it, forcing his ideals upon it. The thing that acts when approaching something with attention, which has the quality of compassion, is the intelligence itself which is indivisible from the aforementioned qualities.
I think what is paramount in K's teaching is that you have no place to think that you are different from what you see when you observe inwardly, for starters..
If for example you're not different from jealousy what can you do about it than to watch closely and see it unfold, and understand it completely in its process.
I understand him to be speaking of duality...subject and object (of the subject). Whatever a subject (analyzer) analyzes, he has a notion of what he is analyzing. Even the scientific method is corrupt (but the best we've got). SM starts with an observation, forming a hypothesis (a notion). But, quantum mechanics has already proved, over and over now for the past century, that what we observe as reality is only a fuzzy potential of possibility when unobserved. He's asking if the analyzer is really separate from the analyzed. The fact is, science has proved, you cannot separate the analyzer from the analyzed. That's my take. That's why the emphasis on love, which is pure un-self-interested action.
I may be wrong and this is only a projection of how I'm thinking: What you said makes a lot of sense to me, there being "analysis" and "perception" and only that but I think when he said "analyser is the analysed" and "the perceiver is the perceived" he was trying to point out that people usually separate themselves while Analysing or Perceiving into 2 entities the subject and the object, the "I" and the "world" and that it creates conflict.
I think that In analysing oneself rather than simply analysing, one of the identities becomes the judge and the other the "criminal/victim/etc." which creates conflict in the act the of analysing, while in perceiving I think that separating ourselves from the world influences us to create a "world view"(which in my opinion is just a filter we use to navigate the world in a self-preservation mode). Rather than viewing the world as it is in a non-dual way, we see it through the individual filter that we have put on. I mean having world views sounds useful to me but at the same time limiting since the experiences and impressions of the world I collect become the way I view the world most of the time. Useful to look out for harmful patterns but at the same time energy consuming, like if I assume the view "the world is a dangerous place" and I'm constantly looking out for danger it's useful in a way but it puts some strain. I think having a clear and sharp mind would still allow me to avoid danger so it's quite likely that creating world view is just the survival mode kicking in to preserve the "individual". It's not intuitive that we are the world experiencing itself, at least I've only felt one with "the world" when tripped on DMT once and on some rare occasions in meditation sessions.
50:57 face to sorrow
1984 🌅
how did the human brain evolve to have a division from the now? conflict disappears when the analyzer stops.
Как жаль, что нет русского перевода
I don’t get it …yet
The death of living is , now.
To use an old hippie idiom ... Heavy
1 year before I was born, 37 years ago.
Am I the only one thinking that JK may be channeling? He seems to be a channel of some sort. He speaks of himself as being the "speaker" as if the "entity" is identifying JK as "the speaker". Also, look at his eyes as he speaks.
😳😱😲..Definitely NOOOOOT..😕😐..Why can one use his or her own "AWARENESS" OR ANOTHER WORD OF "REAL KNOWING" 2 express THE ULTIMATE TRUTH??..What make you think those who channel are ALWAYS stated the TRUTHS of REALITY and what make you think only those who channel thru another physical body would be The One Who actually KNOWS the TRUTHS ..Just 🤔?🤔?..Perhaps, the 🎥 clips of Mr. Krisnamurti about "Freedom of the KNOWN" might be helpful..Have a great new week starting with Mr. M.King Holidays..💐🌻💐..😉😊😉..
If I remember correctly from reading his biography it did happen to him at times when he was younger, later on if I am not mistaken he mentioned that his consciousness had merged with the one of the Beloved. He had also mentioned that during his speeches he didn't think of what to say and it is evident he is not reading out of any paper, the words would spring forth from an empty mind.
The matter of him referring to himself as such is I believe not to give any importance to the speaker, not to be idolized as a person, but rather a call to people to focus on the message. It is like he is deliberately avoiding using "I this, i that" and uses the third person, maybe also out of humility.
He channels truth, there is no entity there
Let us seriously watch what it means to observe together so that there is total attention and we look at the same thing with the same intensity at the same time at the same level As such there not two observing whatever it's being observed In total attention there is perceiving without the observer One just observes without the observer We do so perceive we are deeply interested Such perception is time less Anyone sensitive enough to so perceive would be capable of probing into the intangibility of life All life is in the living present The past is gone and the future is not yet Understandably Truth is the unknown and timeless Time obviously is a conditioning factor Now my self is a bundle of memories Without memories there is emptiness which is dynamic These are not mere words To experiment one has to be free from all images and psychological memories Any shadow of the self means conditioning and denial of freedom from the known When this happens only Life remains The past is dead and no more Life is in the eternal Now and not knowable which is Beauty
Who ever wrote the introduction was not paying much attention at all to what Krisnamurti was saying HA HA HA
Yeah they mentioned he's a philosopher & that can't be further from the truth
Why you didn't chop chop this one? You can do it, the same as with a lot others and then put it together in unintelligible videos that last 3 minutes.
Dar atenção e não interessante?!
Whoever repeats what this man has said obviously has not understood nothing
Very noble but regrettably all in vain. 😪
There is no way out.
Mind Gymnastics, that's all hahaha
K asks, "The present contains all time, past and future, and action is now, not in the past or in the future. Then what is action?"
Is "action" the motion or non-motion that is response of participating to the "now"?
So, re-action then is an impulse that responds to a modified past...?
... We are the recorded past being ....
Further fascinatingly story is that no, the time of past 40 000 years is "now," and then it will be the future.
Thank you🙏❤