1.Milo + kopi+ milk = Mocha Latte 2.Milo + egg it must be boiling water, crack egg n then cover for 5 min then drink. it will be like drink milo n eating the half boil egg. 3. Milo powder + bread. All the above is pure milo powder not those 3 in 1. Cheers
I think you need very hot milo to go with the raw egg...your mixture looks too raw. But of course don't drink it when it is still very hot and burn your mouth.
Milo +egg for woman go for labour..马来人要生孩子之前喝有帮助生产。能补充体力。。是我从她们那里学来的。😁😅
我的老婆有式过。。哈哈。。是我逼她喝下 才去生产。。
Milo 应该找你做代言人😁
eat bread with condensed milk , cheese and milo yummy !
Milo + 蜜糖,Milo + 炼乳 + 淡奶, Milo + 淡奶 (Milo C), Milo + 巧克力粉, Milo + 椰糖 (Gula Melaka), Milo + 珍珠,Milo + 麦片(Breakfast Cereal),.
Milo + egg is a hot drink. Not cold.
Laurel Yang 好吧!
Hi, even in Singapore you need to buy those that are imported from Australia if you really like Cocoa :)
Fried Rice with Milo
Woow!! 😆
I will try next time🥳
1.Milo + kopi+ milk = Mocha Latte 2.Milo + egg it must be boiling water, crack egg n then cover for 5 min then drink. it will be like drink milo n eating the half boil egg. 3. Milo powder + bread. All the above is pure milo powder not those 3 in 1. Cheers
I think you need very hot milo to go with the raw egg...your mixture looks too raw. But of course don't drink it when it is still very hot and burn your mouth.
你买错了啦,应该单买粉而已。你拿的是三合一,做出来的的味道一定不一样啦。很惊讶你男友没告诉你哦。来,做个part 2嘿嘿!
Seriously milo+生鸡蛋 ...,不行啦,Laurel 我给你勇气10个👍 你们会热Milo配苏打饼或饼干吗?
會哦🥰 很好吃
個人認為..喜歡喝歐美式的hot chocolate(這也死甜的吶😅)..可能比較能接受美綠或花式美綠吧!!😜
美綠對新加坡人來說是充滿童年回憶的飲品😋控制好甜度的話..美綠(其為雀巢公司旗下品牌是一款营养补充品)比喝珍奶健康太多了!! 因為如此..無糖版的美綠飲料..也是星國政府多年(也該有40多年或以上了吧!!🤔都伴我長大的😆)一定激推到全島的國立學園..國立醫院..甚至是國家隊的運動員都會喝的飲品..牠在星國真的是無所不在..無人沒喝過的咧😂
Milo with egg.... Ur milo must be very hot....
哇!!你是英雄。。 美禄要烧烧才可以放鸡蛋勒。。
a lot of TW friends also did mention that Sg instant coffee is stronger and richer then those in TW :P
Milo +egg for woman go for labour..马来人要生孩子之前喝有帮助生产
MILO + 🐔蛋
Milo must hot
Not this way to drink hahaha
你忘了milo Godzilla 🐲.
Damn you are brave with the egg. That one is popular with the older people 😂