well,Black Rock people destroyed the most interesting thing on the island,THE STATUE,if people discovered the statue in season 1 things would be really different (since the statue was MASSIVE)
iTubeYourDadsMinge the most frustrating character was locke, he pretended to have all the answers but really wast just being played by the mib. he also destroyed a lot of stuff that could have helped everyone and even provide some answers just because he had a personal bias against technology and civilization. basically he was just living out his hunter fantasy, which got a lot of people killed, in fact almost everyone who went with locke instead of Jack ended up dying. the best thing locke ever did was to inspire jack.
2:06 love how he says "it's my house". Such a great actor. And a great character !! This episode is really good, it's been too long since some nice Jack/Hurley scenes.
@@iDauren Jack's number was 23. at the end of the show, Hurley and Sawyer are the last non scratched candidates left. Hurley is 8 and Sawyer is 15. 8 + 15 = 23. Oceanic Flight 815. 8 + 15 = 23 Kate was wanted for 23,000 dollars. Lost has so many things to reflect on
After he got the names he kept tabs on them. This is why he gave the pen to Sawyer when he was a kid, fixed the machine so Jack can get his candy bar, paid for Kate's New Kids on the Block lunchbox, saw Locke fall from a building, distracted Sayid long enough for Nadia to be hit by a car and congratulate Sun and Jin on their wedding day.
I always wondered if he resurrected John Locke when he fell. As soon as he touched his shoulder, he awoke. I wonder if Locke was the really big candidate and thats why Jacob gave him his legs back but then the Man in Black made sure that plan didn't work.
@@mmarcu2137 maybe they'll make a spin-off, a lot of shows have spin-offs these days and the way they set Lost up with so much history, landmarks, organizations and the island does still exist. It can easily be turned into a continuing franchise if someone is dedicated enough. New survivors, perhaps familiar faces as illusions or flashbacks, new mysteries and plot twists. There's a lot that could be done, it's almost a waste of potential.
ILLiDaN VaDeR they should make a show about everything that happened on the island before the plane crash like the others and the dharma. Or make a show about when Hurley is the new Jacob
One of the coolest scifi/fantasy concepts and locations in the whole show. While I did love what we got from this scene. I wish we could've gotten more. It's definitely the most under utilized cool location by far.
It told everything we needed to know in a few minutes. Jacob knew these people were destined to be protectors of the island and marked them from childhood.
Agree. That place had supposedly been on the island from the very beginning, we see it in the last season only, and only for us to see it destroyed in less than 5 minutes.
I don’t think that jack would never hit Hurley wouldn’t lose a great friendship with him even if Hurley doesn’t have the answer to the question he was looking for
Whenever Jack doesn't get the answer to his questions he destroys things. That was exactly the same reaction in the "white rabbit" episode in season 1.
and although it isn't said, kate was the secret candidate, nobody expected. Widmore had no idea about it and other lists were incomplete. Kate was on the temple- people's list too, Jacob crossed her name out, bc. she had to care for aaron. But we also saw him chose her and sawyer as children- how he also chose the other candidates as adults. It's confusing, but in the lighthouse we had the prove, that she is definetly candidate. Her name here wasn't crossed out. So all of them were protected for being killed until flocke found the loophole and convinced ben to murder jacob.
it's the other way around with the numbers. I rewatched on lostpedia the names, relating to the numbers. There is said, Kate was crossed out, but this is not the case. You can see it 1.30. She was crossed out in the cave.
If Jack doesn't see it before Hurley turns it to 108°, then Jacob may as well appear to only say, "Really Jack?? How could you not see the name inscriptions on the wheel?"
Our hero’s names line up with ‘the numbers’. Sawyer is 15, Sayid is 16, jack is 23. The number 108 is also how many minutes they had to hit the button in the hatch. I wonder if the name at 108 isn’t someone associated with that. Desmond who brought flight 815 to the island after passing the 108 minute mark.
@Ricky Parmar Don't know. It's implied that Jacob's been sending people into the Island for centuries. Wallace might have been someone that was drawn to the island and then killed.
I really liked this scene. Imagine if they found this place in like season 4. I wonder what they would think that someone knew what there names were. That would be quite creepy but I think the show would be even more interesting if that happened.
In the first 4 seasons, Jack was the soft guy and Sawyer was the tough guy, but in the last two seasons, it was the other way around. Remember, in season 5, when Sawyer wanted to save Ben's life, when Sayid shot him and Jack didn't? If that was season 1, 2, 3, or 4, Jack would have wanted to save his life and Saayer wouldn't have.
Character arcs, something today's TV seems to have forgotten about. Today's show writers want all their lead characters to be from "under repesented groups" but also don't want to portray people from these groups as having any negative traits out of fear of "stereotyping" so you can't have characters like Sawyer who go from being an unlikeable jackass to a loveable hero, or Jack who goes from being a flawed hero to a completely lost man with nothing but failure frustration and rage driving him the final few miles until he redeems himself.
Lol. It was wild seeing Jack because this almost Antagonist in Season 5. Then he jjust starts killing Dharma Members left and right in the shootouts. Love Jack though haha
Did we even watch the same show? Jack was a badass the entire show, he was never afraid of confrontation remember in season 1 when he wanted the guns he walked right up to sawyer took the book he was reading and through it in the fire and when he wanted the mess from sawyer he walked right into his tent and took them, sawyer even felt like he couldn't compete with jack for Kate because jack was a real man in the real world and he was just a con artist, jack is a lot of things but "soft" nah brah go rewatch the show
i think there is something between the lines here idk, maybe jack is saying why didnt he do anything to help me in my hard times? He has been watching me all this time and did nothing? If you replace Jacobs name with GOD i think i find there are more simiarities then ever
Let's do the math... six mirrors broken at 7 years bad luck each = 42 years of bad luck. As they are Jacob's mirrors, add 10 more. That's a lifetime, Jack, what have you done? You're a doctor, dude, can't you get some xanax?
Lighthouses help to guide you on your way back "Home" Jack's true home, the home where he felt happiest before life git him down, was his childhood home Jack would not accept truly growing, instead he kept wanting to be the "adult" he thought other people wanted him to be. He also expected the answers to everything at all times. Which led to him hurting himself (bringing himself in a state of rage, stress not good for long-term health), the ones he cares about (like Hurley in this scene, going against him, not thinking about him at all, and yelling at him/only wanting to use him as a tool to get to Jacob AKA "the truth"), and those outside himself and his immediate circle "The Others" (which in this case would be anyone who wants/needs to use the Lighthouse in the future, like us the audience, who wanted to see future scenes with characters using it, to help us understand the Lostverse a bit better) Hopefully Hurley, Ben, Walt, or whoever else came along either fixed this Lighthouse, or made an even better one/better solution (The telescope Jack used to destroyed the mirrors perhaps? It is "progress" in the sense Jacob used it when speaking to MIB) Man I love this show
Kind of highlights a people pleasing mentality that Jack had. I think most of us can relate to that. We never really explore what rocks our boat but rather but instead go along with societal norms to fit in. I think the key is to realise you do already 'fit-in" and it believing that. Really believing it. It's a journey of introspection. It can take a whole lifetime. But one thing I know. It needs to be met with a high degree of humility, a shedding of the ego and a fearless attitude to life. Anything else is just unnecessary noise and just gets in the way.
@@OheyBro Really? tell me how this explains the bad luck the numbers seem to track, why they were on the hatch, why there were the number they had to enter every 108 minutes,etc etc. Sory man, but this doesn't explain nothing because there was never any explanation. They just throw us a bone so we could think it was explained, keep thinking that.
@@cristobalaraya3541 Define "explained". Which part did you want explained exactly? Because there's only so much that they can explain with something like this. I think they did a pretty good job of it. Also we don't know that the numbers cause bad luck. That's just what Hurley and Rousseau thought. Why the hatch had the be entered every 108 minutes? Well since all the candidates were assigned a number, with the most important ones (or most likely to replace Jacob) being the main ones, 4 8 15 16 23 42, I guess that just shows their connection to the source. Because while it was mainly Jack and Locke that saved the world in the end, it really couldn't have been done without all of them together.
Jack had an opportunity to learn some potentially really useful things. But instead, he flipped the hell out and destroyed the whole thing. What an irrational asshole.
I think this was completely in keeping with his character. He always goes over the top emotionally when confronted with something he doesn't understand. Just mt opinion, though. No worries.
Back after nine years. COVID all the rest. Just started introducing this show, with my wife, to our daughter. And I'm jealous of her seeing it for the first time.
@DxSteve Hurley could see his house. At 2:03 it clearly has him looking at the house asking Jack what is that? The lighthouse is powered by the source. Which from previous seasons we know that when manipulated can harness time. The lighthouse looked into different points in time. This let Jacob know about his candidates.
It’s been so long that I can’t remember whether I realized at the time that the all-important numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42) were degrees on that dial associated with each main character on the show. I feel like it might be time to binge the entire series again.
Cristobal Araya lost final season explained many things, but a lot is up to speculation and if you paid attention throughout the whole show you can come up with reasonable explanation to almost any unanswered questions.
Agree. But I think they wanted to have the action elsewhere, because all the different island locations provided different sets for any kind of scene they wanted.
I partially agree. The part I agree with is that I wish they used than location for more than one scene because I think it is the most underrated sci fi/fantasy concept and location on the island. The part I disagree with is that we didn't get anything out of it. Because this is one of the most important scenes in the whole show. It explains the numbers and how Jacob found which people he would bring to the island to replace him.
it's not just your opinion, you are correct, this is a classic Jack moment. That other dude needs to go rewatch the show for some jack freakouts. I mean, he tackeled Locke and tried to shoot him point blank, he chased desmond through the jungle just to yell at him for pushing the button because he didn't understand it and he was afraid of it. This is a total Jack moment. In season 5 he had less of these because he thought he knew what his destiny was, but after the bomb failed he threw a tantrum
Jack did have a lot of tantrum moments but he was honestly my favorite character on the show. Imagine being the only trained physician on an island with smoke monsters and creepy island people that snatch you up in the night, knowing that everyone is looking to you for leadership and encouragement. That would be insane pressure, I’m pretty sure I’d throw a tantrum now and again too
Jack was cool, but a little plain in the early seasons. I absolutely love how unhinged they made him from like S3 onwards. Him freaking out when he thinks that Ben killed Hurley, Sayid and Jin is an absolute fave scene of mine
If this scene was shot in 2018 or 2019, I would have assumed Jack's smashing the mirrors would have been his entrance as a character on Super Smash Brothers.
Didn't seem right with the character? Jack has a lot of Anger especially when he doesn't understand something, and this was the biggest Leap of Faith in his Entire life.
I know Jack is (at least mostly) a man of science and all, but by season 6 you would expect him to know better than destroying island's 'sacred' things. It just didn't seem right with the character...but nevertheless the dramatic effect of it was cool enough. I'm sure most of us were like "No Jack. Don't do it." and after he did, I was like "Oh, now you're dead. you just broke those mirrors that show people's houses"
I haven't seen much of the show so can someone enlighten me. I know Jacob has visited each of the candidates at various points throughout their lives. Has Jacob used the mirror to travel to each candidate to bring them to the island or does the reflection in the mirror not actually matter?
Jack really should see a therapist for all this anger. He looked like he was about to start a fist fight with the most out of shape man this island has ever seen for no reason.
I love the show but...when was the temple built? the statue? The lighthouse? And when did jacobs and MIBs mom get to the island? And the one who posed as their mother when did she come?
Jacob and MIB's actual mom was from 50-200 c. They were romans who wound up on the island by accident. We don't know how the mom who stole them got there, but presumably she'd been the island's protector for hundreds or thousands of years alone given she picked the first child she could. The temple, statue, and lighthouse were built by egyptians from the roman-egyptian period, somewhere between 50 and 600 ad
Jack smashes a lot of things, reminds me of the worst parts of some ppl, what if those mirrors were the way off the island Jack? good leader , not so nimble jack
Have you ever watched LOST? The show ran for 6 years but Hurley was only there for 100 days. Half of which he access to all the food he wanted. The second time he was there 2 weeks. He actually lost about 40 lbs during the first 45 days. How thin did you expect him to get?
Ugh, as much as I like the concept of LOST, the crazy out-of-control illogical actions of the characters, like Jack and Locke... Yeah, the number of times I mutter "Ya'll need to switch to decaf!" while watching this show is very, very high.
He never wanted to be a leader. he even says that when he talks to Locke when they first got on the island. Yet.. everyone still looks to him for answers and leadership. Jack is just a 'take charge guy" and sticks up for people. but of course he's human... we all make mistakes and wrong decisions. ie. cough trump cough. Lol.
jack has done more for everyone in the island than anyone else and gets crap for it. He wanted to protect and save everyone. Why is it bad. He is moral to the core, and human. He took care of everyone while they were having fun. He did not want to be a leader, but still was seen as one. Like his tatoo. He walks among us but he is not one of us. That made him lonely and alone. Because he cared about others before he cared about himself. He is the best character, so is Desmond.
The wrong decisions were ALL part of Jacob's long con against MiB. Jack needed to make those wrong moves before he made the right ones. MiB underestimates Jack and feeling he knows Jack and knows how to manipulate him. Had Sawyer listened to Jack about the C4 in the sub, they all would have been okay. Jack understood the significance of the dynamite and his faith/trust in Hurley was part of it too. Jack had a greater understand (towards the end) than he articulated to anyone else. We can see this in him NOT wanting to leave the Island, not wanting to get in the Sub, not worrying about where Desmond was. This is HOW MiB underestimates and misjudges Jack...because of all his visible mistakes and missteps along the way.
he always acted like an insane ( his half sister too), weird eyes, screaming, sweating, breathing. He was a good doctor that's all. Going over limits towards his friends and women.
@@dom-perignon720 a piece of work who ran into flaming wreckage to save people, led people to fresh water, brought Charlie back from the brink of death, saved Kate and Sawyer from Ben and his Others goons. Etc Etc. Jack was flawed hero but in the end, he saved everyone and if you believe the Island mythology, he saved ALL of humanity with his self-sacrificial deed in ending MiB and restoring the Island's source.
Jack always destroyed the cool shit on the island lol
@Colby S and the submarine
@@CharlieBrown20XD6 and the Flame station
well,Black Rock people destroyed the most interesting thing on the island,THE STATUE,if people discovered the statue in season 1 things would be really different (since the statue was MASSIVE)
The most frustrating lead character in the history of television.
Every time an answer was finally coming, Jack smashed it up!
iTubeYourDadsMinge the most frustrating character was locke, he pretended to have all the answers but really wast just being played by the mib. he also destroyed a lot of stuff that could have helped everyone and even provide some answers just because he had a personal bias against technology and civilization. basically he was just living out his hunter fantasy, which got a lot of people killed, in fact almost everyone who went with locke instead of Jack ended up dying. the best thing locke ever did was to inspire jack.
2:06 love how he says "it's my house". Such a great actor. And a great character !! This episode is really good, it's been too long since some nice Jack/Hurley scenes.
Good job, Jack! Now we'll never know what was at 108 degrees.
If you watch 0:55, you can see the dial past 100 and at "08" it says "Wallace". I wonder if THAT is the MIB's name
Man in Black had a name in the script, but Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse opted not to disclose it on the show. It was Samuel.
@@moonman4914 it was berry
His name is Barry.
@@iDauren Jack's number was 23. at the end of the show, Hurley and Sawyer are the last non scratched candidates left. Hurley is 8 and Sawyer is 15. 8 + 15 = 23.
Oceanic Flight 815. 8 + 15 = 23
Kate was wanted for 23,000 dollars.
Lost has so many things to reflect on
No other TV Show created such moments of tension, it's just insane!!!
TheOny013 or so many ananswered questions
I can't think of one, could you please tell me what got unanswered
For example, how exactly did Jacob know what has been happening in the candidates lives? This mirror got no audio.
After he got the names he kept tabs on them. This is why he gave the pen to Sawyer when he was a kid, fixed the machine so Jack can get his candy bar, paid for Kate's New Kids on the Block lunchbox, saw Locke fall from a building, distracted Sayid long enough for Nadia to be hit by a car and congratulate Sun and Jin on their wedding day.
I always wondered if he resurrected John Locke when he fell. As soon as he touched his shoulder, he awoke. I wonder if Locke was the really big candidate and thats why Jacob gave him his legs back but then the Man in Black made sure that plan didn't work.
man I miss lost
maybe it will be resurrected like prison break :D
watch a dog take a shit
there, you've seen the plot of Lost
@@mmarcu2137 maybe they'll make a spin-off, a lot of shows have spin-offs these days and the way they set Lost up with so much history, landmarks, organizations and the island does still exist. It can easily be turned into a continuing franchise if someone is dedicated enough. New survivors, perhaps familiar faces as illusions or flashbacks, new mysteries and plot twists. There's a lot that could be done, it's almost a waste of potential.
ILLiDaN VaDeR they should make a show about everything that happened on the island before the plane crash like the others and the dharma. Or make a show about when Hurley is the new Jacob
@@VaDeRbLaDe Here from the future, they never made a spinoff and everything sucks now
"He's making a list, he's checking it twice..."
He's gonna find out who's smokey or nice
One of the coolest scifi/fantasy concepts and locations in the whole show. While I did love what we got from this scene. I wish we could've gotten more. It's definitely the most under utilized cool location by far.
Yes. I would have loved to see Jacob, Richard, or even MIB in there.
It told everything we needed to know in a few minutes. Jacob knew these people were destined to be protectors of the island and marked them from childhood.
Agree. That place had supposedly been on the island from the very beginning, we see it in the last season only, and only for us to see it destroyed in less than 5 minutes.
Holy crap, I just realized that the lighthouse on the island parallels the Dharma lighthouse station on the mainland.
The most "Myst" scene of the series...
"Hurley, where's Atrus?"
What if the way it worked was, when you turn it to Jack's number he can see his own face in the mirror, durrrr.
@@jjames1977 I think it was already established that you could see the place where Jack grew up when you turned it to his number.
I love Myst
3:00 is my favorite part. When Hurley flinches as if Jack was going to hit him with the telescope.
I don’t think that jack would never hit Hurley wouldn’t lose a great friendship with him even if Hurley doesn’t have the answer to the question he was looking for
@@soph301 as if
It's been nearly 12 years and I never noticed that until you said it
It's been 2 years and I never noticed that you said that @@rtozier2011
I swear the very first time I saw that scene, he got so freaked out I thought he was gonna hit Hurley with that thing ! lol
Whenever Jack doesn't get the answer to his questions he destroys things. That was exactly the same reaction in the "white rabbit" episode in season 1.
So really, he should have just asked Smokey as Locke some question Jack won't get the answer to and then he can just whup on Smokey.
@@victorpradha9946 this is not included in the script
pretty crazy that a bat was planted near a breakable mirror too, like it was supposed to happen
@@BabyMatinyit’s a telescope 🔭
It is very quick, but you can see the numbers "Austen 15" and "Ford 51". their numbers are mirror images.
and although it isn't said, kate was the secret candidate, nobody expected. Widmore had no idea about it and other lists were incomplete. Kate was on the temple- people's list too, Jacob crossed her name out, bc. she had to care for aaron. But we also saw him chose her and sawyer as children- how he also chose the other candidates as adults. It's confusing, but in the lighthouse we had the prove, that she is definetly candidate. Her name here wasn't crossed out. So all of them were protected for being killed until flocke found the loophole and convinced ben to murder jacob.
it's the other way around with the numbers. I rewatched on lostpedia the names, relating to the numbers. There is said, Kate was crossed out, but this is not the case. You can see it 1.30. She was crossed out in the cave.
Would be nice if they published the list of all the names & numbers to see if there are any other mirrored numbers names
@@aunicornwithnonameskywalke7793lostpedia has it
Austen is 51 ford is 15.
I just love all the mystery surrounding all this stuff, incredible show.
Jack was so cool in this season man
Mike Inglese i love when he gets incensed by things
answer the question - angered
I think he meant to say "INTENSED"?
어엿먹 that isn't even a word
M Fox has always been good at that lol, I remember him in party of five, he would get mad all the time
We have to go back...
they are already back bro
Let’s go back again . I wanna try the golf 😂
To this day I still wonder what the mirror would've shown if Jack had let Hurley turn it to 108°
Sarah Davis Jacob might just have been wanting jack to see it. There might not have been anything at 108
If Jack doesn't see it before Hurley turns it to 108°, then Jacob may as well appear to only say, "Really Jack?? How could you not see the name inscriptions on the wheel?"
Our hero’s names line up with ‘the numbers’. Sawyer is 15, Sayid is 16, jack is 23. The number 108 is also how many minutes they had to hit the button in the hatch. I wonder if the name at 108 isn’t someone associated with that. Desmond who brought flight 815 to the island after passing the 108 minute mark.
108 has the name Wallace.
@Ricky Parmar Don't know. It's implied that Jacob's been sending people into the Island for centuries. Wallace might have been someone that was drawn to the island and then killed.
I really liked this scene. Imagine if they found this place in like season 4. I wonder what they would think that someone knew what there names were. That would be quite creepy but I think the show would be even more interesting if that happened.
Imagine if they found it in season 1
@@mannyverse6158 then the show will only have 1 season haha
They found it when they were supposed to. I don't think they would have been able to find this place at any other time.
@@kennymarket2428 Yeah, they sailed around some of the island and didn't see it, just the foot of the statue.
In the first 4 seasons, Jack was the soft guy and Sawyer was the tough guy, but in the last two seasons, it was the other way around. Remember, in season 5, when Sawyer wanted to save Ben's life, when Sayid shot him and Jack didn't? If that was season 1, 2, 3, or 4, Jack would have wanted to save his life and Saayer wouldn't have.
Character arcs, something today's TV seems to have forgotten about. Today's show writers want all their lead characters to be from "under repesented groups" but also don't want to portray people from these groups as having any negative traits out of fear of "stereotyping" so you can't have characters like Sawyer who go from being an unlikeable jackass to a loveable hero, or Jack who goes from being a flawed hero to a completely lost man with nothing but failure frustration and rage driving him the final few miles until he redeems himself.
Lol. It was wild seeing Jack because this almost Antagonist in Season 5. Then he jjust starts killing Dharma Members left and right in the shootouts. Love Jack though haha
Did we even watch the same show? Jack was a badass the entire show, he was never afraid of confrontation remember in season 1 when he wanted the guns he walked right up to sawyer took the book he was reading and through it in the fire and when he wanted the mess from sawyer he walked right into his tent and took them, sawyer even felt like he couldn't compete with jack for Kate because jack was a real man in the real world and he was just a con artist, jack is a lot of things but "soft" nah brah go rewatch the show
i think there is something between the lines here idk, maybe jack is saying why didnt he do anything to help me in my hard times? He has been watching me all this time and did nothing? If you replace Jacobs name with GOD i think i find there are more simiarities then ever
tommyboy417 my guy
Sadly this kind of quality in all regards does not exist on TV anymore...
Let's do the math... six mirrors broken at 7 years bad luck each = 42 years of bad luck. As they are Jacob's mirrors, add 10 more. That's a lifetime, Jack, what have you done? You're a doctor, dude, can't you get some xanax?
Luck isn't a thing with Lost.
42 ? You gotta be kidding me.
Lighthouses help to guide you on your way back "Home"
Jack's true home, the home where he felt happiest before life git him down, was his childhood home
Jack would not accept truly growing, instead he kept wanting to be the "adult" he thought other people wanted him to be.
He also expected the answers to everything at all times. Which led to him hurting himself (bringing himself in a state of rage, stress not good for long-term health), the ones he cares about (like Hurley in this scene, going against him, not thinking about him at all, and yelling at him/only wanting to use him as a tool to get to Jacob AKA "the truth"), and those outside himself and his immediate circle "The Others" (which in this case would be anyone who wants/needs to use the Lighthouse in the future, like us the audience, who wanted to see future scenes with characters using it, to help us understand the Lostverse a bit better)
Hopefully Hurley, Ben, Walt, or whoever else came along either fixed this Lighthouse, or made an even better one/better solution (The telescope Jack used to destroyed the mirrors perhaps? It is "progress" in the sense Jacob used it when speaking to MIB)
Man I love this show
Kind of highlights a people pleasing mentality that Jack had. I think most of us can relate to that. We never really explore what rocks our boat but rather but instead go along with societal norms to fit in. I think the key is to realise you do already 'fit-in" and it believing that. Really believing it. It's a journey of introspection. It can take a whole lifetime. But one thing I know. It needs to be met with a high degree of humility, a shedding of the ego and a fearless attitude to life. Anything else is just unnecessary noise and just gets in the way.
This scene explained the numbers. Some people seem to have missed that
Thank you
Nothing was explained.
@@cristobalaraya3541 Yes it was. Guess you missed it too
@@OheyBro Really? tell me how this explains the bad luck the numbers seem to track, why they were on the hatch, why there were the number they had to enter every 108 minutes,etc etc. Sory man, but this doesn't explain nothing because there was never any explanation. They just throw us a bone so we could think it was explained, keep thinking that.
@@cristobalaraya3541 Define "explained". Which part did you want explained exactly? Because there's only so much that they can explain with something like this. I think they did a pretty good job of it.
Also we don't know that the numbers cause bad luck. That's just what Hurley and Rousseau thought.
Why the hatch had the be entered every 108 minutes? Well since all the candidates were assigned a number, with the most important ones (or most likely to replace Jacob) being the main ones, 4 8 15 16 23 42, I guess that just shows their connection to the source. Because while it was mainly Jack and Locke that saved the world in the end, it really couldn't have been done without all of them together.
Jack had an opportunity to learn some potentially really useful things. But instead, he flipped the hell out and destroyed the whole thing. What an irrational asshole.
I remember stopping the tape to catch all the names written down. Cool concept but hated that they only just stumbled on the Lighthouse!
Pause at 1:01:
124 - Michael Dawson
120 - Ana Lucia Rodriguez
117 - Ben Linus
I think this was completely in keeping with his character. He always goes over the top emotionally when confronted with something he doesn't understand. Just mt opinion, though. No worries.
Back after nine years. COVID all the rest. Just started introducing this show, with my wife, to our daughter. And I'm jealous of her seeing it for the first time.
@DxSteve Hurley could see his house. At 2:03 it clearly has him looking at the house asking Jack what is that?
The lighthouse is powered by the source. Which from previous seasons we know that when manipulated can harness time. The lighthouse looked into different points in time. This let Jacob know about his candidates.
Powerful indeed! And despite any little criticism in any scene of LOST, the show is still gold.
Can someone do a compilation of all the times jack gets mad and breaks things or shouts or beats up people? Thanks.
I love that
Jack's rage perfectly matches the intensity level of any episode he's appeared in. I miss Lost, that's all I know 💔
2:54 (Jack's face) gettin real tired of your shit, Hurley
It’s not Hurley’s fault he’s trying to help
It’s been so long that I can’t remember whether I realized at the time that the all-important numbers (4 8 15 16 23 42) were degrees on that dial associated with each main character on the show. I feel like it might be time to binge the entire series again.
Don't know why, whenever i watch loss scenes, it makes me sad.
It happens to me too, but with the finals seasons scenes. Probably cause they remind me that nothing was answered
@@cristobalaraya3541 Nothing?? Not one thing??
@@ballen205 You know, funny you answer me this today, cause after last night game of thrones episode, lost final season doesn't looks so bad.
Cristobal Araya lost final season explained many things, but a lot is up to speculation and if you paid attention throughout the whole show you can come up with reasonable explanation to almost any unanswered questions.
Still wonder how the lighthouse was able to show images on it's mirrors related to people Jacob chose....
Still pissed that they didnt do more with the Lighthouse. I feel like this scene didnt really add much
Agree. But I think they wanted to have the action elsewhere, because all the different island locations provided different sets for any kind of scene they wanted.
didn't really add much? this is literally the point at which jack begins to think he's the chosen one lmao
I partially agree. The part I agree with is that I wish they used than location for more than one scene because I think it is the most underrated sci fi/fantasy concept and location on the island. The part I disagree with is that we didn't get anything out of it. Because this is one of the most important scenes in the whole show. It explains the numbers and how Jacob found which people he would bring to the island to replace him.
Damn, Jack could've at least let Hugo see what showed up on his place on the dial.
I love this scene and this episode!
Love that music! ❤
it's not just your opinion, you are correct, this is a classic Jack moment. That other dude needs to go rewatch the show for some jack freakouts. I mean, he tackeled Locke and tried to shoot him point blank, he chased desmond through the jungle just to yell at him for pushing the button because he didn't understand it and he was afraid of it. This is a total Jack moment. In season 5 he had less of these because he thought he knew what his destiny was, but after the bomb failed he threw a tantrum
glad you see it the way it was meant to be lol. At this point in the show Jack was jus trying to make sense of life
Dayoldsushy He is a broken man
Jack did have a lot of tantrum moments but he was honestly my favorite character on the show. Imagine being the only trained physician on an island with smoke monsters and creepy island people that snatch you up in the night, knowing that everyone is looking to you for leadership and encouragement. That would be insane pressure, I’m pretty sure I’d throw a tantrum now and again too
At 3:20 the illusion is kind of ruined when he accidentally hits that bat against the table and it bounces and makes a plastic noise. :D
Amo essa série , a melhor de todas !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice homage to Myst.
glad i wasnt the only one to see that, n1 old gamer
Jack was cool, but a little plain in the early seasons. I absolutely love how unhinged they made him from like S3 onwards. Him freaking out when he thinks that Ben killed Hurley, Sayid and Jin is an absolute fave scene of mine
haha. Hurly looked like he ran a 10 mile marathon after 3 flights of stairs.
If this scene was shot in 2018 or 2019, I would have assumed Jack's smashing the mirrors would have been his entrance as a character on Super Smash Brothers.
Didn't seem right with the character?
Jack has a lot of Anger especially when he doesn't understand something, and this was the biggest Leap of Faith in his Entire life.
Only since they went back in time is when Jacob decides to watch them all.
0:30 on Hurley's arm written @ 108 ° ?????
He wrote down notes from Jacob so he wouldn’t forget.
So how is the next protector going to look for candidates?
Daniel Alberto Cetina Pino That was Jacob's way of finding people. Hurley will do it differently ;)
Dude :P
Daniel Alberto Cetina Pino Dude X)
+1747CT lmao.
I know Jack is (at least mostly) a man of science and all, but by season 6 you would expect him to know better than destroying island's 'sacred' things. It just didn't seem right with the character...but nevertheless the dramatic effect of it was cool enough. I'm sure most of us were like "No Jack. Don't do it." and after he did, I was like "Oh, now you're dead. you just broke those mirrors that show people's houses"
His mentality was he wanted to stop the spying.
I haven't seen much of the show so can someone enlighten me. I know Jacob has visited each of the candidates at various points throughout their lives. Has Jacob used the mirror to travel to each candidate to bring them to the island or does the reflection in the mirror not actually matter?
Quais são os números das temporada de lost. ?
Lost tem algum número do que eu possa aposta na loteria. ?
i dont know jack
Nobody knows jacks just take a chill pill will Ya
how did he become a doctor with that temper? lol
Jack really should see a therapist for all this anger. He looked like he was about to start a fist fight with the most out of shape man this island has ever seen for no reason.
I would have loved to see Jack confront Jacob. It would have been an epic fight.
Jack Should challenge the smoke monster to a fight along with Jacob to see who can damage everything on the lsland
I like to believe there are spare mirrors downstairs in a closet.
@DxSteve Because the show rarely tells us what to think, which makes the show better.
I love the show but...when was the temple built? the statue? The lighthouse? And when did jacobs and MIBs mom get to the island? And the one who posed as their mother when did she come?
And who is wallace in 108 degrees and what was in ? I so the temple of jin and sun mariage Sorry i'm french
Jacob and MIB's actual mom was from 50-200 c. They were romans who wound up on the island by accident. We don't know how the mom who stole them got there, but presumably she'd been the island's protector for hundreds or thousands of years alone given she picked the first child she could. The temple, statue, and lighthouse were built by egyptians from the roman-egyptian period, somewhere between 50 and 600 ad
So Jack totally messed up Hurley being able to use this cool thing as the Island's eventual protector!
The lighthouse was Jacob's way of doing things. Hurley would probably find his own, better way somehow.
I never liked how irrational Jack was.
I can understand jacks anger trapped on a island could do that to u
@@soph301 lol this is after he went back to the island. Not trapped.
Jack screws up every thing
Season 6 turned into a kabooki magic show lol
I mean, did the show not already have weird scifi/magic since the first season? I mean the smoke monster....
Solid What? It's not "magic", it's esoteric and spiritual. And it was like that from the start, moron.
what am I doing here...... I just finished the show like two days ago...
What has Hurley's weight got to do with this episode?
Still the best show
Love this movie its the best love all the cast too jack Sawyer Lock
28 years bad luck
Jack smashes a lot of things, reminds me of the worst parts of some ppl, what if those mirrors were the way off the island Jack? good leader , not so nimble jack
Classic Jack
@DxSteve What is there not to get?
Jack such a cry babe
yes, so true, he was crying a river in the show
So is everyone on the island
What the fuck dude, that shit looked pretty important
No way he would have stayed that obese on that island. No way
Have you ever watched LOST? The show ran for 6 years but Hurley was only there for 100 days. Half of which he access to all the food he wanted. The second time he was there 2 weeks. He actually lost about 40 lbs during the first 45 days. How thin did you expect him to get?
they probably would of thought it was the others
Hmm, no, I think you're right. I somewhat agree.
The beginning of that score sounded very Raiders.
Jacob's theme sounds a lot like the Ark theme
Ugh, as much as I like the concept of LOST, the crazy out-of-control illogical actions of the characters, like Jack and Locke... Yeah, the number of times I mutter "Ya'll need to switch to decaf!" while watching this show is very, very high.
It's completely logical to destroy a device that was used to spy on you all your life which was made by a guy who has made your life a living hell.
108 degrees Hoovering South! 🤣🤣🤣
Lost creator’s creativity diminishing 🤣🤣🤣
Classic jack tantrum
Jack is just angry because he is still trapped on this damn island
See u in another life brotha
Jack is so self centered in this scene lol
The 2nd number in 23 is 3....
Half-Life 3 confirmed.
Has anyone noticed jack’s number is 23 and thn sayid’s number is 15 basically 42 8 16 15 32 numbers
AestheticArtOfSirat Not only did we notice, but the show explicitly revealed it to us.
sayid is nr.16, sawyer is nr.15
Nr 8 : hugo reyes "hurley"
Nr 42 : jin and sun kwon
Nr 4 : john locke
Everyone would've felt manipulated
4 + 8 + 15 + 16 + 23 + 42 = 108 👆
4 : john locke
8 : hugo "hurley" reyes
15 : james " sawyer" Ford
16 : sayid jarrah
23 : jack shepard
42 : sun and jin kwon
108 : wallace
The lost creators really love lighthouses😒
Jack wants to be the leader but always makes thee wrong decisions.
He don't wanna be a leader!
He never wanted to be a leader. he even says that when he talks to Locke when they first got on the island. Yet.. everyone still looks to him for answers and leadership. Jack is just a 'take charge guy" and sticks up for people. but of course he's human... we all make mistakes and wrong decisions. ie. cough trump cough. Lol.
jack has done more for everyone in the island than anyone else and gets crap for it. He wanted to protect and save everyone. Why is it bad. He is moral to the core, and human. He took care of everyone while they were having fun. He did not want to be a leader, but still was seen as one. Like his tatoo. He walks among us but he is not one of us. That made him lonely and alone. Because he cared about others before he cared about himself. He is the best character, so is Desmond.
Not his fault he doesn’t know how to be a leader he’s a doctor not a leader
The wrong decisions were ALL part of Jacob's long con against MiB. Jack needed to make those wrong moves before he made the right ones. MiB underestimates Jack and feeling he knows Jack and knows how to manipulate him. Had Sawyer listened to Jack about the C4 in the sub, they all would have been okay. Jack understood the significance of the dynamite and his faith/trust in Hurley was part of it too. Jack had a greater understand (towards the end) than he articulated to anyone else. We can see this in him NOT wanting to leave the Island, not wanting to get in the Sub, not worrying about where Desmond was. This is HOW MiB underestimates and misjudges Jack...because of all his visible mistakes and missteps along the way.
need a bit of oil on those gears
You fond of me lobster?
this is the episode that made me empathise with the man in black. Jacob is such a psycopath playing god
#32 😣
thefoilerlives 'Alice' 0:55
I hate Jack for moments like this. No, that's not true. I hate all Jack moments. I hate Jack.
Seriously, Jack is a real piece of work. Makes the show hard to rewatch.
he always acted like an insane ( his half sister too), weird eyes, screaming, sweating, breathing. He was a good doctor that's all. Going over limits towards his friends and women.
Me too!
@@dom-perignon720 a piece of work who ran into flaming wreckage to save people, led people to fresh water, brought Charlie back from the brink of death, saved Kate and Sawyer from Ben and his Others goons. Etc Etc.
Jack was flawed hero but in the end, he saved everyone and if you believe the Island mythology, he saved ALL of humanity with his self-sacrificial deed in ending MiB and restoring the Island's source.
No wonder Jack sucked as a doctor. Little emotional bro
I could not stand Jack, but his story was interesting.
Casa film
One of the worst scenes in Lost. Jack being a violent idiot and ruining the Lighthouse.
He also ruins good moments too #why