Hope you enjoyed this video! To go a step further, challenge yourself & take ThatPickleball IQ Test to see how well you really know the game. VERY FEW get 10/10. I dare you to try: 😊 thatpickleballtest.typeform.com/to/YuHaz4N6
Dude. Your content has been so quality the last 4-5 months. Not just for beginners but we all need to refresh our fundamentals because it’s always easy to fall into bad habits and not realized it.
“Communication” is the toughest adjustment for me as a tennis player transitioning to pb. Verbal communication between my opponents while the ball is on or en route to our side of the court would be hinderances in tennis, but is allowed in pb. When I am setting up to hit my shot and my opponent says to his partner, “good shot” or “that’s good!” (before the ball actually lands), that definitely distracts me. If my partner says “yours”, it hurts rather than helps me ESPECIALLY if the ball is obviously mine! If the ball is between us, then by the time he says “yours” it’s too late to get a good shot. I love to communicate BEFORE the game or BETWEEN rallies. The only thing I say or respond to while the ball is in play is “mine” or “bounce it” (let it go out). To eliminate confusion, I like to get on the same page before the game regarding certain things: who takes “middle” balls (forehand down the middle or designated player (if his backhand is better than my forehand, then he should take those); if I go behind you to retrieve a lob over your head, please switch immediately to the side I vacated-don’t wait for me to call “switch”. If you cross the center line to take a shot, stay there-I will take the side you left without waiting to see if you can make it back. I like aggressive play, so I have no problems with my partner poaching even if the ball is coming to me. BUT, he should do this only if he can do something good (win the point or put the opponents in trouble). It’s no good if he has to stretch or dive for the ball because we are then at a disadvantage if he fails to win or trouble them. I apologize for the book I just wrote, lol. But lastly, I want to say that you are a fabulous instructor who makes things easy to understand and learning a pleasure!
This is the wrong model of cognitive distraction. So many people just can not bring themselves to say "mine" until there is active conflict brewing. Then of course every time they say "mine" they instantly mess up, because of the unusual act of saying "mine" right at the point where you already had the extra cognitive load of coping with active friction. If you make a habit out of saying "mine" and "yours" early and often in a mild voice, within a few hours, it's no different than the sound of the ball bouncing. Do you even notice the sound of the ball bouncing? No, because we habituate to routine events extremely quickly. There's a style of player whose mental process is basically just to get the ball over the net, hitting it harder if possible, or into a gap is there is an obvious gap, and not thinking much beyond that. This person is a lousy QB for calling "mine" and "yours". Another style of player knows what you are trying to accomplish with your positioning at every stage of the rally, and what risks you create (coming back again) depending on which partner hits a shot to different places. This kind of player makes a far better QB. Sometimes I want to take the ball to steer it out of obvious danger. Other times I want my partner to hit the ball, so I can leap into a giant gap and plug the ocean. Quite often I just want to tuck the ball soft and short, safely behind the net, so that we can finish advancing to the kitchen line as a partnership, in a calm and orderly manner. I poach many balls at mid court away from a lower level partner when the correct amount of aggression is none whatsoever. Other than that, I usually prefer to leave the ball to my partner so that I can move forward and make myself big, front and center. The QB role is somewhat more difficult than this video makes out. Getting used to regular communication, however, ought to be the least concern on anyone's list.
@@afterthesmash I beg to differ. I DO notice the sound of the ball bouncing! That doesn’t disturb me because I expect it. Having my partner say ANYTHING against a background of (human) silence is distracting. If players determine before play that “forehands” will take the middle, or the better player will take the middle whether forehand or backhand, or the player closest to the kitchen will take any ball down the middle as a volley, then communication is UNNECESSARY. we can also eliminate the “switch” call if both parties understand that if one of them goes behind the other to retrieve a lob, the other person switches automatically. Communication for the sake of communication is useless and superfluous.
Mistake Number 4 - I totally agree Kyle and I try to communicate on every single ball even if it's obvious. My partners consistently appreciate it too!
Literally just started playing pickle ball with some other beginner coworkers and I didn’t even realize how MANY mistakes I was making. After my first few sessions I started paying closer attention to the other players around and I knew I had so much to learn beyond just learning the rules and whatnot. I knew playing up could be really beneficial.. But I didn’t know how to do it always felt easier to play mid. Anyway. I’ve learned a TON thanks to your videos and can’t wait for our next sesh so I can implement.. 🙏🏼
Shoulder fly let hit high only applies to beginner/intermediate. I've hit it over the shoulder or even over the head with heavy topspin and it lands inside the backcourt. It surprises people who are not used to playing with me. My swing mechanics are good though through tennis.
I got a rec player that didn’t like me calling you or me. Said it distracted him. He’s a solid 3.3. I like the communication with everyone. It lets me know we are both focused playing as a team.
@@thatpickleballguy wouldn’t you know I played with an out of towner that would say ‘mine’ when he was taking a ball. It wasn’t on every shot, but it was clear to me when he wanted to take the shot and I did the same. It was wonderful!
The POINT of communication is to help your team! Distracting your partner does NOT help your team. Any ball coming at me, I will take. If it’s coming at you, then YOU take it. If it’s in between us, then we will know who takes it because we decided BEFORE the match even started: forehands, closest to the net, or better player (a 4.0 player’s backhand is probably better than a 3.0 player’s forehand! IMO, other than “mine” or “bounce it” (allow the ball to hit the ground before hitting an “out” ball), communication should be limited to discussing strategy between points.
These are good tips for an advanced player too. You should do a video where we have to guess, based on a half second of the opponent's wind-up, whether their ball is going in or out.
"Stubborn positioning" is my #1 flaw. I play with a bunch of ppl that are "over the net" players, and they don't work the kitchen at all. I think I need to stop staying at the kitchen line and wait for them to make unforced errors.
Hello Kyle and thank you for ALL the mistakes you should..... NOT MAKE. Me coming from a decade of playing Racquetball, I have to remind myself constantly NOT to do a huge swing and smash the PB. I have some great 'coaches' , being a total beginner, who point out immediately what I can approve on. Your videos echo a lot of what they recommend, so it's a win-win situation to go on the court and actually practice play...then come home to do the Theory learning while watching your videos. You stand out with your quality videos, jokes included, within the ridiculous quantity of videos out there which more confuse than help. Keep up the great work
Kyle saw you yesterday at the PPA tournament in los cab. I was very excited. You not only are great coach on RUclips but I love your sense of humor. Hopefully you remember me my name is E And we talked for a while yesterday you were watching your girlfriend and always watching JEN play
So cute that you communicate with every single ball; I am a very, very beginner, but that is what I do too, even though it is clear shot for my partner! I never took lessons (much more prefer your awersome tips here ♥), plus I am not good at taking sports' lessons, I like to learn as I go and by trying different positions, etc. that is how I learn best. So, back to the point, I thought I was been "too vocal" by saying "yours" or "mine" all the time, so cool you do the same! Now, if anyone has a problem with that, I will say that Kyle K does the same! Hahaha
Can you do a vid on the Spin Serve and it's current status? I saw something a while back that it was outlawed in 2023. In fact, on Selkirk's website they sell a shirt that says REST IN PEACE SPIN SERVE. Thanks Kyle.
My biggest issue by far is not letting outballs go out. So since I come from a tennis background I was taught to have fast twitchy reflexes at the net. In pickleball it’s nice but it causes me to instinctively hit anything near me because I just think the court is so much bigger than it is. So one thing I do from playing tennis. I’ll see players look at their partners when their partner is hitting the ball. I never do this. You see it a lot when a team is returning and when dinking. I feel like it’s not too beneficial to do. You don’t gain an advantage by seeing the ball be hit on your side, by your partner but you also take your eyes off your opponent. They could move in that split second and now you’re a step behind in response. Also if there’s a miss hit I’d rather get hit in the side or the back of the head than the face
During play yesterday, both teams became confused on the score later on in the game. One of the veteran players tried to teach us how to "back into" the score by the odd/even of the score and how it related to who was serving, 1 or 2. I searched through your videos and have tried watching other videos on the odd/even scoring of the game. None of the current videos give us a good example. Help! Or, was she wrong in her advice? I think I understood: when I win a serve, I then applied the "1" to the 0-0-1 score when I move over to the left court. That is how the score should be "odd" on the left, and "even" on the right?
You're not alone. This concept took me awhile to learn as well - i do some explanation of how that works in this video - ruclips.net/video/npCzByb7IUo/видео.html
It’s nice when we don’t focus on differences as they separate us most often…..Especially in todays world. When we all become just people and nothing else we will live in a better world. Let’s unite…..not separate. ✌️
…about backing up when you expect to get killed after a pop up. I see too many people who are just looking for a reason to back up and play their whole game in no man’s land. Nearly 100% of the time that you are moving backwards on any shot you will either hit in the net (usually),or you pop it up again. Make sure you give yourself time to get set before the opponent hits it, you don’t want to still be moving back and trying to hit it, you have no chance with these.
too much communicating works against u cuz that split second of communicating takes focus off the shot. The obvious balls should not have communication. How many times has someone said I got it and they hit an easy one into the net
Great video. As a past college and professional tennis player i cant stand PB. BUT. All my friends play 5-6 days a week, so i have played 5 times now. Love beating these 4.5 -4.7 players just by keeping ball in play. I tried to hit thru them like most tennis players first try. As a lefty i found i can dink them to death and wait for mistakes. I do hate that the serve is so meaning less in this dumb ass drinking game and i stlll step into the kitchen because i had a lifetime of moving forward to cover the net. I really enjoy your videos. Keep them coming.
i teach beginners not to step backwards for a lob, no more than 1-2 steps, because they could catch their heel and fall back, hitting their head. what is the difference with the retreat you advise to do when you see a ball that is popped up and you are about to get slammed. in the video you have the opponent take 4-5 steps back. how is that not dangerous? it doesnt feel dangerous--i do it myself.
Yes, agree, the backpedal can be dangerous for someone with more limited balance and mobility. I'd teach, turn hips and cross step back, not backpedal! I'll make a video on this sometime soon! good points you made.
Really enjoy your content, but... as in this one and maybe another couple of your videos you will point up and say click here, but nothing is there to click. Is it just me??
"The most persistent problem with communication is the illusion it took place" Is this yours? That is a Transformational thought! Now, I have seen many of your videos and (tongue and cheek here) most of your stuff aint that deep! Seriously though, that statement goes far beyond pickleball! In fact I would like to see a poll on here as to how many "steal" that and use it in their lives over the next few weeks. Pick a sales meeting, coaching in any sport and quote that.... You will be the Top Do for the day!
Hope you enjoyed this video! To go a step further, challenge yourself & take ThatPickleball IQ Test to see how well you really know the game.
VERY FEW get 10/10. I dare you to try: 😊
Dude. Your content has been so quality the last 4-5 months. Not just for beginners but we all need to refresh our fundamentals because it’s always easy to fall into bad habits and not realized it.
Thanks so much for the encouragement. Much appreciated!
I second the guys comment, you do a fantastic job with you content. Keep up the excellent work.
“Communication” is the toughest adjustment for me as a tennis player transitioning to pb. Verbal communication between my opponents while the ball is on or en route to our side of the court would be hinderances in tennis, but is allowed in pb. When I am setting up to hit my shot and my opponent says to his partner, “good shot” or “that’s good!” (before the ball actually lands), that definitely distracts me. If my partner says “yours”, it hurts rather than helps me ESPECIALLY if the ball is obviously mine! If the ball is between us, then by the time he says “yours” it’s too late to get a good shot.
I love to communicate BEFORE the game or BETWEEN rallies. The only thing I say or respond to while the ball is in play is “mine” or “bounce it” (let it go out). To eliminate confusion, I like to get on the same page before the game regarding certain things: who takes “middle” balls (forehand down the middle or designated player (if his backhand is better than my forehand, then he should take those); if I go behind you to retrieve a lob over your head, please switch immediately to the side I vacated-don’t wait for me to call “switch”. If you cross the center line to take a shot, stay there-I will take the side you left without waiting to see if you can make it back. I like aggressive play, so I have no problems with my partner poaching even if the ball is coming to me. BUT, he should do this only if he can do something good (win the point or put the opponents in trouble). It’s no good if he has to stretch or dive for the ball because we are then at a disadvantage if he fails to win or trouble them.
I apologize for the book I just wrote, lol. But lastly, I want to say that you are a fabulous instructor who makes things easy to understand and learning a pleasure!
Love it! Thanks for watching!
Don't agree with everything you said, but great comments! I like communication during the point, your post helps me understand why many don't:)
Yep, that’s all from tennis and makes sense for us in the second paragraph. :)
This is the wrong model of cognitive distraction. So many people just can not bring themselves to say "mine" until there is active conflict brewing. Then of course every time they say "mine" they instantly mess up, because of the unusual act of saying "mine" right at the point where you already had the extra cognitive load of coping with active friction.
If you make a habit out of saying "mine" and "yours" early and often in a mild voice, within a few hours, it's no different than the sound of the ball bouncing. Do you even notice the sound of the ball bouncing? No, because we habituate to routine events extremely quickly.
There's a style of player whose mental process is basically just to get the ball over the net, hitting it harder if possible, or into a gap is there is an obvious gap, and not thinking much beyond that. This person is a lousy QB for calling "mine" and "yours".
Another style of player knows what you are trying to accomplish with your positioning at every stage of the rally, and what risks you create (coming back again) depending on which partner hits a shot to different places. This kind of player makes a far better QB.
Sometimes I want to take the ball to steer it out of obvious danger. Other times I want my partner to hit the ball, so I can leap into a giant gap and plug the ocean. Quite often I just want to tuck the ball soft and short, safely behind the net, so that we can finish advancing to the kitchen line as a partnership, in a calm and orderly manner. I poach many balls at mid court away from a lower level partner when the correct amount of aggression is none whatsoever. Other than that, I usually prefer to leave the ball to my partner so that I can move forward and make myself big, front and center.
The QB role is somewhat more difficult than this video makes out. Getting used to regular communication, however, ought to be the least concern on anyone's list.
@@afterthesmash I beg to differ. I DO notice the sound of the ball bouncing! That doesn’t disturb me because I expect it. Having my partner say ANYTHING against a background of (human) silence is distracting. If players determine before play that “forehands” will take the middle, or the better player will take the middle whether forehand or backhand, or the player closest to the kitchen will take any ball down the middle as a volley, then communication is UNNECESSARY. we can also eliminate the “switch” call if both parties understand that if one of them goes behind the other to retrieve a lob, the other person switches automatically. Communication for the sake of communication is useless and superfluous.
The King of Pickleball right there!!ALWAYS helpful info!!We definitely appreciate you!!!🏓
Thanks :)
Not sure what I like more:your videos or watching you go head first into a wall watching during your tournament. You do make things fun. Thank you.
Hahahahah tough call! thanks for the encouragement.
Mistake Number 4 - I totally agree Kyle and I try to communicate on every single ball even if it's obvious. My partners consistently appreciate it too!
That's fantastic!
I spent most of the time cracking up while watching that video!! Kyle, you are SO hilarious!! That black hole part: 😂😂😂 Very good & helpful info.
hahahahahah let's go!! Just trying to make it fun.
Literally just started playing pickle ball with some other beginner coworkers and I didn’t even realize how MANY mistakes I was making.
After my first few sessions I started paying closer attention to the other players around and I knew I had so much to learn beyond just learning the rules and whatnot.
I knew playing up could be really beneficial..
But I didn’t know how to do it always felt easier to play mid.
Anyway. I’ve learned a TON thanks to your videos and can’t wait for our next sesh so I can implement.. 🙏🏼
Awesome! Glad the videos are helpful!
Nice content. Having multiple cameras and good editing really makes them easier to follow and more interesting to watch.
Thank you!! Glad its helpful!
best video. that was sooooo helpful. some of the miskate shown I've done. thanks
Thanks for watching. Glad it was helpful!
The black hole bit was great. Brilliant video as always! Thanks!
Thanks!! glad it was helpful!
You're funny and instructive at same time. Makes your lessons fun. Love it. Thank so much..
Glad you enjoy it!
This is the best instruction I’ve seen so far. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
You have really good videos and I share them with all my friends that are just starting. Thank you man
I appreciate that! Thanks!
Great information and entertaining-thanks!!
Love your tutorials!! thanks for the humor...and the tips~
Glad you like them!
Your videos and advice are excellent - I really have learned and advanced my game by playing and watching your RUclips videos. Thank you Kyle!
Glad it's helpful!
Such good information. I’m at beginner level and have been winning plenty of matches following your videos. Appreciate it. Cheers from North Phoenix!
Great to hear! Thanks for watching!
Really enjoy your presentation! Great tips to boot!!
Glad you like them!
Shoulder fly let hit high only applies to beginner/intermediate. I've hit it over the shoulder or even over the head with heavy topspin and it lands inside the backcourt. It surprises people who are not used to playing with me. My swing mechanics are good though through tennis.
Thank you for your time. Great stuff.
Always good content!
Thanks for watching!
I will watch the video again and then try not to make those mistakes. Thanks so much for helping me improved my game.☺
I 😂
Fantastic! Glad it was helpful!
Very nice video instructions for ant player to reminds us our mistakes. Thanks!
Glad it helps!
I got a rec player that didn’t like me calling you or me. Said it distracted him. He’s a solid 3.3. I like the communication with everyone. It lets me know we are both focused playing as a team.
That would def distract me, too. When I play, usually we only call out balls that go down the middle. It works well.
Yep, just gotta find what works best! I've never had a problem with calling it on most balls.
@@thatpickleballguy wouldn’t you know I played with an out of towner that would say ‘mine’ when he was taking a ball. It wasn’t on every shot, but it was clear to me when he wanted to take the shot and I did the same. It was wonderful!
The POINT of communication is to help your team! Distracting your partner does NOT help your team. Any ball coming at me, I will take. If it’s coming at you, then YOU take it. If it’s in between us, then we will know who takes it because we decided BEFORE the match even started: forehands, closest to the net, or better player (a 4.0 player’s backhand is probably better than a 3.0 player’s forehand! IMO, other than “mine” or “bounce it” (allow the ball to hit the ground before hitting an “out” ball), communication should be limited to discussing strategy between points.
These are good tips for an advanced player too.
You should do a video where we have to guess, based on a half second of the opponent's wind-up, whether their ball is going in or out.
Glad it was helpful! I will keep that in mind!
If an advanced player volleys like that… I’d be afraid… 😅😂😅
"Stubborn positioning" is my #1 flaw. I play with a bunch of ppl that are "over the net" players, and they don't work the kitchen at all. I think I need to stop staying at the kitchen line and wait for them to make unforced errors.
Just stop worrying about others cause it’s all practice till you’re playing competitive!
Great videos Kyle. Appreciate the valuable information & humorous entertainment. Many rec Picklers take the game too seriously. Thank you!
Glad you enjoy them!
Hello Kyle and thank you for ALL the mistakes you should..... NOT MAKE. Me coming from a decade of playing Racquetball, I have to remind myself constantly NOT to do a huge swing and smash the PB. I have some great 'coaches' , being a total beginner, who point out immediately what I can approve on. Your videos echo a lot of what they recommend, so it's a win-win situation to go on the court and actually practice play...then come home to do the Theory learning while watching your videos.
You stand out with your quality videos, jokes included, within the ridiculous quantity of videos out there which more confuse than help.
Keep up the great work
Thanks for watching! Glad it was helpful!
12:40 - I have seen a 3.5 at best hit that shot HAHAHAHA
Love it! Great tips! ❤
Thanks so much!
Kyle saw you yesterday at the PPA tournament in los cab. I was very excited. You not only are great coach on RUclips but I love your sense of humor. Hopefully you remember me my name is E And we talked for a while yesterday you were watching your girlfriend and always watching JEN play
Great to meet you!! Thanks for the kind words :)
Great advice.
Thanks! Glad it helps!
As a beginner I appreciate your videos!
Happy to hear that!
So cute that you communicate with every single ball; I am a very, very beginner, but that is what I do too, even though it is clear shot for my partner! I never took lessons (much more prefer your awersome tips here ♥), plus I am not good at taking sports' lessons, I like to learn as I go and by trying different positions, etc. that is how I learn best. So, back to the point, I thought I was been "too vocal" by saying "yours" or "mine" all the time, so cool you do the same! Now, if anyone has a problem with that, I will say that Kyle K does the same! Hahaha
Thanks for watching!
Always! :D@@thatpickleballguy
Can you do a vid on the Spin Serve and it's current status? I saw something a while back that it was outlawed in 2023. In fact, on Selkirk's website they sell a shirt that says REST IN PEACE SPIN SERVE. Thanks Kyle.
I will keep that in mind!
Ahh.. good tips. This is 100% Arizona, i'm getting Scottsdale or Tucson vibes. But you also need to clean the lens on your camera.
definitely do! Didn't realize it until after filming!
My biggest issue by far is not letting outballs go out. So since I come from a tennis background I was taught to have fast twitchy reflexes at the net. In pickleball it’s nice but it causes me to instinctively hit anything near me because I just think the court is so much bigger than it is.
So one thing I do from playing tennis. I’ll see players look at their partners when their partner is hitting the ball. I never do this. You see it a lot when a team is returning and when dinking. I feel like it’s not too beneficial to do. You don’t gain an advantage by seeing the ball be hit on your side, by your partner but you also take your eyes off your opponent. They could move in that split second and now you’re a step behind in response. Also if there’s a miss hit I’d rather get hit in the side or the back of the head than the face
Nice! Thanks for watching!
Great video
Excellent. 5 star. 😅
During play yesterday, both teams became confused on the score later on in the game. One of the veteran players tried to teach us how to "back into" the score by the odd/even of the score and how it related to who was serving, 1 or 2. I searched through your videos and have tried watching other videos on the odd/even scoring of the game. None of the current videos give us a good example. Help! Or, was she wrong in her advice?
I think I understood: when I win a serve, I then applied the "1" to the 0-0-1 score when I move over to the left court. That is how the score should be "odd" on the left, and "even" on the right?
You're not alone. This concept took me awhile to learn as well - i do some explanation of how that works in this video - ruclips.net/video/npCzByb7IUo/видео.html
Thanks for the link! I will study it. :)
Thanks for getting Leelee on. We come in all shapes and sizes and colors.
Lili is the best!
It’s nice when we don’t focus on differences as they separate us most often…..Especially in todays world. When we all become just people and nothing else we will live in a better world. Let’s unite…..not separate. ✌️
Good stuff
Thanks :)
Hey! You are stealing my stuff here! I tell this stuff to folks all the time. This great! Thanks!
Let's go!!
#5 had a foot fault @ the kitchen as well
…about backing up when you expect to get killed after a pop up. I see too many people who are just looking for a reason to back up and play their whole game in no man’s land. Nearly 100% of the time that you are moving backwards on any shot you will either hit in the net (usually),or you pop it up again. Make sure you give yourself time to get set before the opponent hits it, you don’t want to still be moving back and trying to hit it, you have no chance with these.
Again, well put!!
I'm an intermediate and my worst problem is taking initiative to step over and hit the ball.
I love your vids
Awesome! Thank you!
Beat bangers 😂😂😂
If they do a short return and the Banger wants to hit it hard would the ball be out?
There's a good chance it'll be out. Sometimes just let it go and see how good there spin is!Good data for the future points in the game.
Thanks for watching!
too much communicating works against u cuz that split second of communicating takes focus off the shot. The obvious balls should not have communication. How many times has someone said I got it and they hit an easy one into the net
you are awesome
Thank you!
Great video. As a past college and professional tennis player i cant stand PB. BUT. All my friends play 5-6 days a week, so i have played 5 times now. Love beating these 4.5 -4.7 players just by keeping ball in play. I tried to hit thru them like most tennis players first try. As a lefty i found i can dink them to death and wait for mistakes. I do hate that the serve is so meaning less in this dumb ass drinking game and i stlll step into the kitchen because i had a lifetime of moving forward to cover the net. I really enjoy your videos. Keep them coming.
Glad you enjoy them!
i teach beginners not to step backwards for a lob, no more than 1-2 steps, because they could catch their heel and fall back, hitting their head. what is the difference with the retreat you advise to do when you see a ball that is popped up and you are about to get slammed. in the video you have the opponent take 4-5 steps back. how is that not dangerous? it doesnt feel dangerous--i do it myself.
Yes, agree, the backpedal can be dangerous for someone with more limited balance and mobility. I'd teach, turn hips and cross step back, not backpedal! I'll make a video on this sometime soon! good points you made.
worried about u guys playing under high tension wires or near them , radiation not good
Where’s Tyler?❤️😍
didn't make it.
Hmm slice those volleys maybe…
Really enjoy your content, but... as in this one and maybe another couple of your videos you will point up and say click here, but nothing is there to click. Is it just me??
Thank yoU! RUclips is hard. Lol getting that fixed. thanks for pointing it out.
Slow down,I can’t understand a word you are saying!!
Will work to do that in future videos :)
"The most persistent problem with communication is the illusion it took place" Is this yours? That is a Transformational thought! Now, I have seen many of your videos and (tongue and cheek here) most of your stuff aint that deep! Seriously though, that statement goes far beyond pickleball! In fact I would like to see a poll on here as to how many "steal" that and use it in their lives over the next few weeks. Pick a sales meeting, coaching in any sport and quote that.... You will be the Top Do for the day!
Momentary update: That may have been George Bernard Shaw, But I'd rather say I was quoting, ThatPickleballGuy! 😀
Yep! Not mine. My uncle told me that when I was a kid. Never forgot it!
this sport is crap. compared to tennis and padel
This game is so much fun. I enjoy it way more than tennis. Not crap!
@@lorihirai6393 you like grandpa sport easy challenges is it? you find tennis too tiring and difficult right? you want a donut?
@@samtrautman6416 have you ever played or you are just talking crap because you suck at tennis and padel and dont wanna suck at pickleball too lol.
@@lorihirai6393 totally agree with you!