This album has a big meaning in my life. 8 years ago, I met a girl online, because of some friends, and since we were both Touhou fans (especially SSC') fans, we became real close, real quick. And after a year and a half of talking to each other, I decided to meet her in person... but she lives 500 miles away from my home. *_This album represents my first solo trip and a life-changing moment._* Listening to the instrumental part of "Secret Activity" (the piano solo, 6:32), on a highway in the middle of nowhere, at 1 a.m., sitting in the front row of a half-filled bus, while I could see the stars in the clear sky... Man... that memory burned into me...
Graveyard Memory 歌詞
小さな夢 ポケットに詰めて
探してた まだ見たことない幻想
このままもう少し 沈む陽の裏側で二人
call my name
夜霧(やぎり)に溶けた火照(ほて)り 熱に浮かれた焦り
偶然に 或いは導かれて
時刻(とき)は暮れ六ツ 音も無し
外は黄昏 棲(ひそ)む逢魔(おうま)に
服(まつろ)い 因果の輪はまだ遠目 この指止まれ蝶々の群れ
交わりかけた冥と天 魔術師に化けた猫が鳴く
子供みたい 次から次へ
訪れる 瞳の奥の想像
途切れては繋がる 二人だけの内緒の合図
hold my heart
腕時計には陰り 見上げた星が灯り
まるで誰かの手に 誘(いざな)われて
時刻(とき)は亥の四ツ 風も無し
人は五月雨 流れるばかり
初恋気取りのまま ただ逢瀬 帰り路などとうに朧
摩訶に奇なりや合と縁 可憐に比翼の鳥が飛ぶ
通り過ぎてく 胸の鼓動 浅い呼吸
時計の針 止まって すべて
丑満ツ 月も無し
此処は妖(あやかせ) 現にあらず
待宵(まつよい) 我が物顔 魔が候 死しても見れず黄泉桜(よみざくら)
手を取り合った冥と天 醒めない秘密の永遠祭
君と二人 どこまで行こう 淡い夢が消える前に
君と二人 現在と過去 結ぶ橋が架かるまでに
君と二人 朝日を見よう この心が眠る前に
君と二人 蓮台野夜行 思い出して廻るこの旅
This album has a big meaning in my life.
8 years ago, I met a girl online, because of some friends, and since we were both Touhou fans (especially SSC') fans, we became real close, real quick. And after a year and a half of talking to each other, I decided to meet her in person... but she lives 500 miles away from my home.
*_This album represents my first solo trip and a life-changing moment._*
Listening to the instrumental part of "Secret Activity" (the piano solo, 6:32), on a highway in the middle of nowhere, at 1 a.m., sitting in the front row of a half-filled bus, while I could see the stars in the clear sky...
Man... that memory burned into me...
my god. Are you still with her?
5:07 - 5:12 S tier transition