I'm pretty much done on the "reaches to me" part. Father, who are we that You are mindful of us?? I love you Lord!! This Woman of God has a relationship with the Lord!! Authentic!!
I was there. This was revorde n that beautiful islands of The Bahamas, Nassau to be exact. Gut that nights was electrifying. Can you imagine about 3000 singers in the audience just belting it out. I'm talking about praise and worship, lead singers...guys I am feeling the anointing from that evening. WOW!
There's something about Maranda that distinguishes her way of leading worship from many other worship leaders. Many are called, few are chosen. I tap into this anointing in Jesus Name!!
Dree Koole listen to No body Like You Lord by her and you will go through you tube and be standing in her house wanting to just hug her!!! Lol she's incredible!!!!
I really need His strength right now. GOD you know why I am coming to you today. Please heal his spirit...heal his heart and heal his mind. He can't do it without you. In Jesus name, I will continue to pray. AMEN.
Dealing with the craziest that's going in my life today, this will be my encouraging song for my life. Thank you GOD for giving me strength to see through this darkness that surround me and my kids and grandchild.... Oh God I want to stay in your ARMS. Lovvvvvvvvvvve you so much with all my HEART.
Maranda use to be the worship leader at New Life Fellowship....Boy, is her powerful anointing missed!! May God continue to bless her gift, her ministry and journey for the Kingdom so that others will be blessed!
yes lord. reaches to me . hope. joy. peace. hallelujah! Glory. there is nobody like you Lord. oh oh i will praise you. theirs nobody like you Lord. In the fullness of you grace you lift me up. in the power of your love. it reaches to me.
God has done a great thing Miranda Curtis is a example just wonderful when I listen to her sing I feel like fire shut up in my bones glory be to God great things he has done
Vanessa Smith aa aaaaa 2aa1! Sweetened w ed eè Decce dew 2 e we xd wcc2ceed edd exe sex 2ce÷wcc2ceed eec ewee. Ee÷eecce exe e execs d eecc e exec eee 2 eecc2 exec cc dew2e e cc d see2 e 2 2dw ee2 ewee ec. eec e drew d 2 ewee22 e×eecce eecc22 e2 e ecc22 2 e dew 2 e e ecc22e. Wceee eecccw dew2e eecc2 . Eec c2e eecc2cwe ecc22e e. Eweee ece eecc2c e2 e eecceec sxe. is xc 2s. See22s2 3 w2e cw 2 2 eecxw. 2 exx23 eecxw 2dw2c wew e w 2 2ddccw e23d 2dw2 w eecxw w. W w2e2c. w222e 3w 22. W 2 dew2ee 3 w 23c x cc2. 2w2 wee w ww 2w w. 2 w w4 w4 e 3 w. W w2e2cc. 2 w w. 22w33c. C2. 2 eec c eec w 24th2 4 2ec2e22w 23 2 e2 ww 2wc. W 2. W3. 333wc3we2 2wwe 2 32 w4 wc2wwc2w2we3wcsrr s cc1 2. Ww w 've w w e3 wd 234w w4w. Ww w 22we3. 33 w 2. 3wc3w w3 2w eeccwr 3 22wc. 2 3 w34 c2. W 22w. we2c3 e 2 w222 3cw23ce. 22 23 w ed2we3e w Eecc2 w cc2. W2 dew2. W 'vew2wwcwe. Wc. 2. w2wW2 weccw2e 2. 2 2s4cw4d w w ww2 eecc2w 2ds4 ecc22ee. W w3. 22w2w32 ww 233. 2c2e 2www ww2w 2wwww. 'vew. 2w 22. W ww ? 2wwww. 33w2w22e w2 w 24w4 23 4 w wd w2 e 2 2e2cc e e 2w3e4 2w3 2w w2. Ee 3. W 232s 3 e3 we 3ww4e. w332wwEx See4. W w2wW2. 2 Wce w2wW2. ee32Efw33cw 2c 2222ee3224ww 2e3 22ee3224ww w2e2ccww. 2w cww cww 223 w wew4cw. Wc22ee3224welcome w w 3e3. W w2wW23ww2wW224 w3 2c34 eecce 2 eecc22 wwww23ww4cex e2 eecc3w2 ww2w e wwww23w. wwww23w w 2ec w eec w e wewe ee w 've. w ewee4 e 3 2c3424 ww w342 w wsc2 24 2ee232 ww 22 w 3 ww w ewee4 2xw 222 32w. 222 d 22ee3224we c2ee3224we w33c w3 eec. 2w 2w342 4 w ww. W2e 2323wcww w 32 wc. w332ww w w w223c 2. E We23 eec d2 ww 2w3424. 423. 3. Ecw3322cwc rw we3 w e e4 w eccewwew e ww 3. 2 2e2ccc22 w e3 w2 w. 2 2 e2e2e see2wsx deer 3wsd w 2w3422 2 I 2 3 22 w dew d 2we 2dw2c 2 e2e2e cx ed2 e 2ww 32 wds s cseswx ww 3 e e d2dww 2 w s2 22w3 w 3 exe www2 5c csww. Wcw csww csww4 w 2. Ww 2 w e w I. I cw. W cswww sw w csww cs cw. Wcw xww w w 2 csww 4 w. W w2 ww wss dc 3 wcc w wno w3cw 4w ww wwd4dwc w w. la w cw ww w w. no we 4 2w no w. W. W wwww w. a w. Wccwwcw w cww Ecc22 Ecc22 Ecc22. W Ecc22 Ecc22. W a. W www 3wcww we2 w waves. waves w w w a 232 wc. waves wcwcw execs execs. W. W w2wW244w w. 4. 2ce execs execs. Ws3 www4e. W a w. W w r 4w w w 've w. 2wc2w. W. W 2wc2w dc 4 w 2wxwd. C4 2wxwd 2wxwd. Cswwww w. W3 2wxwd. Ww ws 4 wcw ec2 w cs2wcw e w 2wxwd. Wc. Cwe 3xcw w 2wxwd 22 wxsc dew2 4 w ww ww w2 dcs3 and. Ww pray pray. E w xxx4cc 2dw2c s. Dccw. WWXcs2wcw3dssww. W 2cew4 ww w. Cswww 4 w w 3cs4s ww. 32w. W w2e. See4wcs s. Wsc. E wsXcs22w w w a a. Ws x. W aa cs. Ww4w w . 22wce w3 wc2 w cswwwww w scw a w w. w cw ww csw cwed Drs423 2. Wxw 3cs 2 w sa. W w4 a 3 w2 w 2wdcc w wc wcs s 3 wcw. I 2. W ww. Cwc c. Wd32cc2e xe1w wc w w cw w a 44cwe w cc cwe w w eecce eecce eecc2 ce. Cswwww. Wxww w wcw cwwc cew w eecce. W Wceee2 4 w w 32cc wscw w la wwsww42 3 w44cwe 2w 34 w eec4 w2wc. W eecxw. ww 44se a 4cw w w w. Wwcw. WcWccswwww24 w eecce eecce ws deer2 wc wcww 3 334 w w 2ww e3d 34 w cwc42 w eecce. W w4 2 cswwwwww. X Eec eecce e2 w e4 wwcwsdcw 2 3 w e2 w4 w we4 w cswwww 4 w. eecxwW4 Ww4w w 4 w. W. Dee1 w 2 w w. W cewwcc w 2cew4 4 w dw. Ww4w Ww4w wcw wcw Ww4w cswww cw cecw w w ww w w. S4we See4cw cww c 3ww Wxww w. S s. Wxww Wxww w. W Wxww Wxww Wxww 4 www w 3w wcw wsw4e w www4e www4e wxw ww www4e 3. W. W. W 2 cCD24w c. Ww cwwc w ww w ww www4e s www4e. Wwwww4e w w w wcw www4e cw wds www4e. www4e s wsw4e. We. 3 wswwww. W w w ww w w w cswwwwwsxw eecce eecce c eecce. W. Wc14w wx. W dew4. W www4e www4e w 2 w e2 w w e4 w3wwwcwwcw c Ww4w. W wws Ww4w. Ww4w www4e www4e d2. Ww 32 ew2 c. 2w3 www4e. W we ww. W ww www4e. We4 wcw wc ee www4e e w.. 4 ee24 2we44 cs3c ww w a cw 3 2 wwe w wc2 w w wc 2w4 wcwx w w2w Ww4w22. WWc2cwww4w See3. www4e www4e www4e cw24 See2 w w2wc wecrf4ew e3. c2cwW ecwcwww 4 2 d www4e. Ww w w wcww 2w cswwww. W3 w. W w. W e s. 23 Eec r2d rev 3 ws w w3 www244 2r ww www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e. W w wd ww. W d. Cswwww cwcw Ww4w ec. wcwCwwwww4e www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e ecc. W xXxX2 w w w. W. W w w. W w w. W w32 s. W 23cdsw e. E c ws x w w c ecw dcw we cswwww w d c. Ww. 3 3ww4e. W e44 e44swcwc 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e. Ww w Eec4 w 2 wce w. Wcw3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e w cswwww4 w w wcw. C we. 33ww4e w w c wsw2. Ww w. Ww 2 w wcw e2e2e4 w w w ew22w dwwe43 w. W e22. Xxww wee 22 w 22 were were were 23 e22 w 2c3cx23 2 2 cxee2 w 3e ww cc24r2 wc w w33cc2cw 2. Cceee22 wecw3. 2 ecww33 w. 2eC2 Cswww cx3 w3 ed w4 3 w44 2 eecc2e 32 ww3wec cc3 w323w wwww cs24 w3. eR2eR2xww32dwww4 2sc wcw wd2 wc22 3c. E33 e www4c2. 4r 4w 3. Ec 3. Wwxww32dww w 2w e3w244rc4 w. W 3ccw4c3 ww3 w w2e3w. W3c3 w4c w cswwww. W cswww wwec3 2c 32 e242 w w 4w e 2 e w w3 w. W 2. 333ew4 w w33c 3e 3ee 22 Eec cw23 3e wcee4 2 2 wc cww wce4 234 w34 3w w2 3cwwecw3 wc2. W2ecw34 c w dc e 2 2 w. W. W4. W3. W w w23 Eec2wwd33w w. W 4 w3cdcww3 2e 24 w3 22 2 2 w Cwe32w 2 e ww 4e 2 w2scw. ddw4W w rcw w222d3w 33cw. W cswwww 4 cw44w exe w w3 eecc43e2w4 w e w eec e 'vew. WWddw4e4c3 4cww3. Wd 2ce3 w4 w w w. Cww22weew2. W4112 wed. WW4dc2w ew. 2 Eecc22w w 3d w44 c 2 w. 2 3 ee2 e. www4e wsw4e 22 2 2c2 2. 2e3 e 22cx. 22w 2w xXxX d2cx2 eeccwe32e 2w wcc2 d2 2. C2 32 2wc22 xw 2w23 ddw4W22 cc22. 2 dd22. 2c w w. W w23 2 22w2w 2 22 22c 2 2 22 2 w w2 c. 3 wwWw4w Ww4w wc2 23 Eecc w2. 2 2c2w2 2223 d2 3cw2e 2222 3w2c. 22cwcww3c 2 Eeccwc2cw2w2 ww2. W3c cd. 22 3d dc2 2 23 ee22 e eecc4 24 re. W. ddw4W2w ? 2ew2w43 e2 w44 w c2332s3cwddw4 wc 2cwcw3 4 2. 2 w3 24cw dew2ee cw w W4dw224w wc14w Wceee eec 2 2 3. W xww32 3 . Wwe2 wc14w c2 w33cce e2 e 2w. 3 c2 xw 2cw . Eec w e wwcewe 4w csdw cw. E4 www2w w cswwww. W24dws w e2 2 ec ww. Eecc4 wxd cw a . W4ww2wcswwww . We2e2e4 ww 34 www4e ww2ww4w4 sww4.wwss w ww c csww w. Ww dw. Wccwsw2cwwwwwee2 3 3w ww4 2w wws3 e222e2 2 w33c32wc 2 w32c2ccc2 c×wsss3 . Xs
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x4] In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x2] You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x2] In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x3] You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me
"You Are My Strength" You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x4] In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x2] You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x2] In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x3] You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me.
Just imagine how the praise will be when African Americans christian discover that they are actually Hebrew... reading about your ancestors and didn't even know it...
Back up singers need to sing louder and project. singing like there afraid That's the difference with singing anointed and just singing. she is ministering to Gods people.
Even if that is the case with the video quality. You can hear the lead perfectly and loud enough the back up singers wasn't regardless of the video quality ☺ just saying lol
2020 I'm still listening to this song. You are my strength.. I overcame a spiritual battle just by worshipping the Lord singing this song
I'm pretty much done on the "reaches to me" part. Father, who are we that You are mindful of us?? I love you Lord!! This Woman of God has a relationship with the Lord!! Authentic!!
Ericka Caldwell-Clinch. j
Ericka Caldwell-Clinch Miranda Willis
Marva L Scott n
praise the Lord for this pure genuine worship I am so encouraged thankyou Jesus for this worship leader may you continue to bless her
I was there. This was revorde n that beautiful islands of The Bahamas, Nassau to be exact. Gut that nights was electrifying. Can you imagine about 3000 singers in the audience just belting it out. I'm talking about praise and worship, lead singers...guys I am feeling the anointing from that evening. WOW!
There's something about Maranda that distinguishes her way of leading worship from many other worship leaders. Many are called, few are chosen. I tap into this anointing in Jesus Name!!
Shes Authentic
+Erica Vereen If you like her you will like Tanya Ray check her out on here
Lena the Bena I'll do that.
Carol Wachera
sister in Christ
sing unto our Jesus
love her voice. never heard of her but so happy I ran across this clip. I will look for her music. God's blessing
Dree Koole she is an amazing WORSHIPPER
+ktj2701 Wyo
Dree Koole listen to No body Like You Lord by her and you will go through you tube and be standing in her house wanting to just hug her!!! Lol she's incredible!!!!
I really need His strength right now. GOD you know why I am coming to you today. Please heal his spirit...heal his heart and heal his mind. He can't do it without you. In Jesus name, I will continue to pray. AMEN.
God is truly using this awesome women of God. She truly represents what it means to usher people into the presence of God.
Very true
Dealing with the craziest that's going in my life today, this will be my encouraging song for my life. Thank you GOD for giving me strength to see through this darkness that surround me and my kids and grandchild.... Oh God I want to stay in your ARMS. Lovvvvvvvvvvve you so much with all my HEART.
I can listen to this everyday. Absolutely awesome. The way she flows, no words. Puts me in a place of worship.
I'll take almost any version of this song... HillSong Pinned A Great One!!!!
Maranda use to be the worship leader at New Life Fellowship....Boy, is her powerful anointing missed!! May God continue to bless her gift, her ministry and journey for the Kingdom so that others will be blessed!
My God she just took me into the heavens. Lord we worship you in spirit and in truth. People of God cry out unto him for he is holy.
This song brings my spirit so much JOY! God is a good and perfect GOD!!!
Come on here Maranda! You better minister! The world is not ready for this MIGHTY, POWERFUL, SKILLED, and ANOINTED woman of God!
buboat We're ready, it's time for those who present God and God alone to rise up and lead.
buboat No they are not boom.
buboat The anointing makes the difference!
Thank you for your MINISTRY, your personal relationship with God pours out in every encounter. I absolutely LOVE IT!!!
I was at that Concert!! God Bless You Woman of GOD.
Marking attendance for 2022! Bless Maranda! Thank God for this song!
The musicians thou...you guys killed it!
What an amazing woman of God I met her on U tube and fall in love with her ministry. May she continue to bless God's people.
Thank God for this vessel. My God My GOD! these words go from heart straight to the father...i can listen to her speak my heart in song all day!
I'm sooooo blessed by these songs. Anointed woman of God
OMG(Oh Mighty GOD)!!Yes HE is my Strength!! ,and Yes She did sang That Song!,loving Her!!
yes lord. reaches to me . hope. joy. peace. hallelujah! Glory. there is nobody like you Lord. oh oh i will praise you. theirs nobody like you Lord. In the fullness of you grace you lift me up. in the power of your love. it reaches to me.
God has done a great thing Miranda Curtis is a example just wonderful when I listen to her sing I feel like fire shut up in my bones glory be to God great things he has done
Hallelujah , what a blessing this song is , speaks so much life into me , just what i need
Vanessa Smith aa aaaaa 2aa1! Sweetened w ed eè Decce dew 2 e we xd wcc2ceed edd exe sex 2ce÷wcc2ceed eec ewee. Ee÷eecce exe e execs d eecc e exec eee 2 eecc2 exec cc dew2e e cc d see2 e 2 2dw ee2 ewee ec. eec e drew d 2 ewee22 e×eecce eecc22 e2 e ecc22 2 e dew 2 e e ecc22e. Wceee eecccw dew2e eecc2 . Eec c2e eecc2cwe ecc22e e. Eweee ece eecc2c e2 e eecceec sxe. is xc 2s. See22s2 3 w2e cw 2 2 eecxw. 2 exx23 eecxw 2dw2c wew e w 2 2ddccw e23d 2dw2 w eecxw w. W w2e2c. w222e 3w 22. W 2 dew2ee 3 w 23c x cc2. 2w2 wee w ww 2w w. 2 w w4 w4 e 3 w. W w2e2cc. 2 w w. 22w33c. C2. 2 eec c eec w 24th2 4 2ec2e22w 23 2 e2 ww 2wc. W 2. W3. 333wc3we2 2wwe 2 32 w4 wc2wwc2w2we3wcsrr s cc1 2. Ww w 've w w e3 wd 234w w4w. Ww w 22we3. 33 w 2. 3wc3w w3 2w eeccwr 3 22wc. 2 3 w34 c2. W 22w. we2c3 e 2 w222 3cw23ce. 22 23 w ed2we3e w Eecc2 w cc2. W2 dew2. W 'vew2wwcwe. Wc. 2. w2wW2 weccw2e 2. 2 2s4cw4d w w ww2 eecc2w 2ds4 ecc22ee. W w3. 22w2w32 ww 233. 2c2e 2www ww2w 2wwww. 'vew. 2w 22. W ww ? 2wwww. 33w2w22e w2 w 24w4 23 4 w wd w2 e 2 2e2cc e e 2w3e4 2w3 2w w2. Ee 3. W 232s 3 e3 we 3ww4e. w332wwEx See4. W w2wW2. 2 Wce w2wW2. ee32Efw33cw 2c 2222ee3224ww 2e3 22ee3224ww w2e2ccww. 2w cww cww 223 w wew4cw. Wc22ee3224welcome w w 3e3. W w2wW23ww2wW224 w3 2c34 eecce 2 eecc22 wwww23ww4cex e2 eecc3w2 ww2w e wwww23w. wwww23w w 2ec w eec w e wewe ee w 've. w ewee4 e 3 2c3424 ww w342 w wsc2 24 2ee232 ww 22 w 3 ww w ewee4 2xw 222 32w. 222 d 22ee3224we c2ee3224we w33c w3 eec. 2w 2w342 4 w ww. W2e 2323wcww w 32 wc. w332ww w w w223c 2. E We23 eec d2 ww 2w3424. 423. 3. Ecw3322cwc rw we3 w e e4 w eccewwew e ww 3. 2 2e2ccc22 w e3 w2 w. 2 2 e2e2e see2wsx deer 3wsd w 2w3422 2 I 2 3 22 w dew d 2we 2dw2c 2 e2e2e cx ed2 e 2ww 32 wds s cseswx ww 3 e e d2dww 2 w s2 22w3 w 3 exe www2 5c csww. Wcw csww csww4 w 2. Ww 2 w e w I. I cw. W cswww sw w csww cs cw. Wcw xww w w 2 csww 4 w. W w2 ww wss dc 3 wcc w wno w3cw 4w ww wwd4dwc w w. la w cw ww w w. no we 4 2w no w. W. W wwww w. a w. Wccwwcw w cww Ecc22 Ecc22 Ecc22. W Ecc22 Ecc22. W a. W www 3wcww we2 w waves. waves w w w a 232 wc. waves wcwcw execs execs. W. W w2wW244w w. 4. 2ce execs execs. Ws3 www4e. W a w. W w r 4w w w 've w. 2wc2w. W. W 2wc2w dc 4 w 2wxwd. C4 2wxwd 2wxwd. Cswwww w. W3 2wxwd. Ww ws 4 wcw ec2 w cs2wcw e w 2wxwd. Wc. Cwe 3xcw w 2wxwd 22 wxsc dew2 4 w ww ww w2 dcs3 and. Ww pray pray. E w xxx4cc 2dw2c s. Dccw. WWXcs2wcw3dssww. W 2cew4 ww w. Cswww 4 w w 3cs4s ww. 32w. W w2e. See4wcs s. Wsc. E wsXcs22w w w a a. Ws x. W aa cs. Ww4w w . 22wce w3 wc2 w cswwwww w scw a w w. w cw ww csw cwed Drs423 2. Wxw 3cs 2 w sa. W w4 a 3 w2 w 2wdcc w wc wcs s 3 wcw. I 2. W ww. Cwc c. Wd32cc2e xe1w wc w w cw w a 44cwe w cc cwe w w eecce eecce eecc2 ce. Cswwww. Wxww w wcw cwwc cew w eecce. W Wceee2 4 w w 32cc wscw w la wwsww42 3 w44cwe 2w 34 w eec4 w2wc. W eecxw. ww 44se a 4cw w w w. Wwcw. WcWccswwww24 w eecce eecce ws deer2 wc wcww 3 334 w w 2ww e3d 34 w cwc42 w eecce. W w4 2 cswwwwww. 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Cswwww cwcw Ww4w ec. wcwCwwwww4e www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e www4e ecc. W xXxX2 w w w. W. W w w. W w w. W w32 s. W 23cdsw e. E c ws x w w c ecw dcw we cswwww w d c. Ww. 3 3ww4e. W e44 e44swcwc 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e. Ww w Eec4 w 2 wce w. Wcw3ww4e 3ww4e 3ww4e w cswwww4 w w wcw. C we. 33ww4e w w c wsw2. Ww w. Ww 2 w wcw e2e2e4 w w w ew22w dwwe43 w. W e22. Xxww wee 22 w 22 were were were 23 e22 w 2c3cx23 2 2 cxee2 w 3e ww cc24r2 wc w w33cc2cw 2. Cceee22 wecw3. 2 ecww33 w. 2eC2 Cswww cx3 w3 ed w4 3 w44 2 eecc2e 32 ww3wec cc3 w323w wwww cs24 w3. eR2eR2xww32dwww4 2sc wcw wd2 wc22 3c. E33 e www4c2. 4r 4w 3. Ec 3. Wwxww32dww w 2w e3w244rc4 w. W 3ccw4c3 ww3 w w2e3w. W3c3 w4c w cswwww. W cswww wwec3 2c 32 e242 w w 4w e 2 e w w3 w. W 2. 333ew4 w w33c 3e 3ee 22 Eec cw23 3e wcee4 2 2 wc cww wce4 234 w34 3w w2 3cwwecw3 wc2. W2ecw34 c w dc e 2 2 w. W. W4. W3. W w w23 Eec2wwd33w w. W 4 w3cdcww3 2e 24 w3 22 2 2 w Cwe32w 2 e ww 4e 2 w2scw. ddw4W w rcw w222d3w 33cw. 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Her anointing is beautiful.
Yes Lord you are my strength ❤❤❤when I'm weak then You are strong 💪 🙏 ❤️ 💖 ✨️ 🙌
I begin the day with her mantra, thus hymn is my days, energy, God bless her
i wish i can have you. come to my church on the 23 so bad. to here your voice
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x4]
In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x2]
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x2]
In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x3]
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me
Yes Yess Oh Yes He Is. Amen
Still fresh this song hmmm so touchy
My sister! Yessssss God!!! Thank You God for being my strength!
Glory just flows out of her whenever she opens her mouth mighty woman of God
Thank you for posting this video! I watch it almost every day!
You are my strength when I am weak Lord. Jesus I thank you. Glory to your name
I Bless your name Lord
alleluia! !!!!!
Minister "STRENGTH" Lady Maranda Willis Anointed Woman of God! A2s
You are my strength Lord. When I am weak you are my strength. Thank you Jesus.
Hallelujah....you are ministering...awesome!
Love love love this lady right here.
I love the way she sings this song...#power
what a powerful and anointed woman of God.
She blessed me! Love this Worship!
Thank you for sharing your gift!
Lord Lift, Lift,Oh God Lift Me Up. You Are My Hope, My Joy, Ohh God My My My Humm My Peace Lord You Are My Strength
This Psalmist is ministering like in the days of King David
i felt the holy ghost when she sang this song...she's an awesome example of a worship leader
you better sang marand I love when she leads praise and worship at church
2024 still here, reaches to me🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿
She is a blessing!
Awesome and amazing!
Yes Lord! I love Maranda.
The Lord is doing marvelous things.
Lord I Just Went To Thank You In Your Mighty Name Amen
Powerful! Anointed songstress!
maranda yes you are sent By God. a voice from Heaven.
I would love to have here in st.maarten
Maranda❤❤❤ 😭😭😭🙌🙌🙌
JESUS you are my strength😭🙌
yes LORD you are my strength...
thanks god for her voice
Strength like no other 🙌
Amen I love this song!!!
I love this song....
Beautiful song....
Yesss God You Are. Hallelujah
Awesome worship
love this
Marana girl, you are the one of the most,!!!!!
awesome praise Jesus
Awesome worship 🙏
Always My Strength, Blessing!
powerful worship love it
Still love this
I was at this gathering United Worship Bahamas, she "murdered" the songs that she ministered.....
You lift me up Lord.
Just found your video mate, really love the content. Subbed straight away, We should connect!
"You Are My Strength"
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x4]
In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x2]
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me. [x2]
In the fullness of Your grace, in the power of Your name, you lift me up, you lift me up. [x3]
You are my strength, strength like no other. Strength like no other reaches to me.
Grazie DIO...ti amo
Roschel Johnson Guuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, this is a miracle! I can't een focus with this song playing!
+FitB4Preschool Yes Amen
Where is the second part my best song got cut at the end.
Bless God :)
I love this version of the song.. Anyone know what key this is in? Or have the chords?
Xavier Johnson yes.look them up in your app under marandia lyrics
Can someone share the Lyrics of this song pls. God bless.
wao tremenda adoracion
Here in 2023
her background singers too quiet for me...I wuda been gone!!!! yyaaaaaaaaassssss!!!
Is that Eric Moore on drums ?
what are the lyrics of this song please
yes Lord yes Lord yes
Just imagine how the praise will be when African Americans christian discover that they are actually Hebrew... reading about your ancestors and didn't even know it...
My Lorddd
My Lord!!
Back up singers need to sing louder and project. singing like there afraid That's the difference with singing anointed and just singing. she is ministering to Gods people.
It's the recording you have to remember it's on a phone so it's not the best quality...duh lol
Even if that is the case with the video quality. You can hear the lead perfectly and loud enough the back up singers wasn't regardless of the video quality ☺ just saying lol