Wow! What a spectacular performance! Definitely one of, if not THE most unique and most well-done version of the song I have heard to date. Easily on par with the original, and that's no easy feat! Rianna rocks our world once again!
Talking about starting a 5-alarm fire, girl you just took all our breath away. This has to be the best cover of cryin I have ever seen. You proved with this cover; YOU DO have what it takes to be a major star someday. The only thing that could hold you back is you. I can sit here and type a chapter on this cover but I'll just say if you keep performing at this level, all your dreams in music can come true for you. You have the talent, you have the voice, and heaven knows you are very beautiful. You can do this. Stay sweet stay beautiful Rianna, love this cover and sharing it.💓💓💓💓💓
That was awesome Rianna! Both your voice and your performance were formidable. My compliments to the video crew. I really liked the subdued parts of the song being in black and white.
What an extra special performance, Rianna! It’s like nothing could hold back the power of your vocals and the power of your performance…you were unleashed!! Great work, Rianna!!
Quelle magnifique interprétation vous nous livrer là Rianna ! Vous êtes une rockeuse dans l'âme. Vous avez une sacrée voix, quelle puissance et quelle maîtrise ! Sincères félicitations pour cette superbe performance 👍❤️
My dear Rianna! I can only repeat myself! Overwhelmingly good! Once again you have put all your energy, your passion and your heart into the interpretation of the song ... World class! 🩷🩷🩷 This also applies to your outfit, your entire performance and the entire video production! Outstanding! Especially the black and white scenes are phenomenal! You not only have a top voice, but also top model qualities! 👍🩷🥰 Last week you won 1st prize in a singing competition in French at the "Théâtre Vasile Alecsandri" in Iași! Congratulations on that too! 💐🩷🌹Your potential is limitless! It's an incredible pleasure to be able to support you! 🩷🩷🩷 Peter
Hi Peter, I can´t answer on Facebook (think a little prob) but you are absolutely right, this time everything was right. I give her a 10 from 10. Her voice range everytime astonished me and she looks gorgeous. Uwe
Fantastic video, vocal and visual! Singing and performing with so much energy is such a blast. You look best when your attitude is strong and powerful, which makes your look automatically sexy and adorable.
WOW 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 you absolutely killed this song truly a really nice job. Also good intensity the opening look into the camera at the beginning of the song 👀
Rianna always some kind of awesome singer you are indeed your performance with the Rusu attitude impressive for sure ..great piece your Artistry.. out ...
Wow Wow Wow I can´t stop wowing. That was awesome, you sing with all your soul and your heart out. And my dear Rianna you looks absolutely adorable. you know what I mean my rock goddess. I love it 💖💖💖💖 10 from 10
Another grateful Foreman by the beautiful Rihanna really love to see you perform it's like you're living the song when you sing girl I really wish you the best in this world ❤❤❤
Incredible talent backed up with a perfect instrumental performance and flawless production. The last parts are meaningless without the first being brilliant which it most certainly is.
Dacă promit să mă uit mai atent la un cântec pentru Cântecul zilei cât mai curând posibil, atunci bineînțeles că o voi face. ❤️ Înainte de toate, aș dori să spun câteva cuvinte generale: Sunt foarte mândru de nr. 1 💎 Rianna Rusu, care a avut o evoluție foarte vizibilă în ultimele luni, care pentru mine personal este acum aproape în liga mondială absolută. Vocal, ca întotdeauna, nu pot spune decât că este din altă lume 💎😍 În plus, modul ei de a se juca cu camerele de filmat s-a îmbunătățit atât de mult încât emoțiile, care sunt deja perfect transmise vocal, sunt amplificate de limbajul corpului ei, care este surprins atât de perfect încât mă iau cu totul de fiecare dată. 💎❤️ De asemenea, sunt mândru de evoluția întregii echipe de studio - calitatea videoclipurilor s-a îmbunătățit simțitor în ultimii ani. 👏👏❤️❤️ Nici o secundă în videoclip și trebuie să spun wow ce costum frumos care se potrivește perfect cântecului și videoclipului și ea, de asemenea, se simte foarte confortabil cu ea. ❤️ Apoi, jocul excelent cu camerele, așa cum am descris deja mai sus, este deosebit de demn de remarcat în acest videoclip, deoarece în puțin peste 5 minute este o calitate de masterclass tot timpul. 💎❤️ Când începe primul sunet, sunt complet pierdut și hipnotizat. 💎❤️😍 Calitatea vocală pe parcursul celor 5 minute este, pentru mine personal, la Nivel de clasă mondială și nu pot decât să recomand tuturor să se delecteze cu aceste 5 minute de muzică de clasă mondială. Un mare compliment pentru Rianna pentru că s-a implicat complet în cântec și l-a simțit, trăit și iubit 100% cu 1000% energie rock. 💎❤️ Un mare compliment pentru întreaga echipă care a realizat încă o dată o capodoperă specială în sunet și viziune. 👏👏 Vă mulțumesc pentru că vă puneți în mod regulat inima, sufletul și energia în producerea unor astfel de capodopere minunate.👏👏❤️❤️ Această capodoperă primește de la mine chiar 10 cu două bonusuri 💎 datorită puterii rock pure și a jocului cu camerele la un nivel calitativ deosebit de ridicat. 💎❤️ Să aveți o duminică minunată și să vă bucurați de acest videoclip 😊 If I promise to take a closer look at a song for the Song of the Day as soon as possible, then of course I will. ❤️ First of all, I'd like to say a few general words: I am very proud of my No. 1 💎 Rianna Rusu, who has undergone a very noticeable development in the last few months, which for me personally is now almost in the absolute world league. Vocally, as always, I can only say that she is out of this world 💎😍 In addition, the way she plays with the cameras has improved so much that the emotions, which are already perfectly conveyed vocally, are amplified by her body language, which is captured so perfectly that they take me with them every time. 💎❤️ I'm also proud of the development of the entire studio team - the videos have noticeably improved in quality over the last few years. 👏👏❤️❤️ Not a second into the video and I have to say wow what a beautiful outfit that fits the song and the video perfectly and she also feels very comfortable with it. ❤️ Then the excellent play with the cameras, as already described above, is particularly noteworthy in this video because in just over 5 minutes it is a masterclass quality all the time. 💎❤️ When the first sound starts, I'm completely lost and mesmerised. 💎❤️😍 The vocal quality over the entire 5 minutes is, for me personally, at World class level and I can only recommend everyone to treat themselves to these 5 minutes of world class music. Kudos to Rianna for completely immersing herself in the song again and feeling, living and loving it 100% with 1000% rock energy. 💎❤️ A big praise to the whole team who have once again realised a special masterpiece in picture and sound. 👏👏 Thank you for regularly putting your heart and soul and energy into the production of such wonderful masterpieces.👏👏❤️❤️ This masterpiece gets an even 10 from me with two bonus 💎 because of the pure rock power and the play with the cameras at a particularly high quality level. 💎❤️ Have a great Sunday and enjoy this video 😊
Yep, definitely the best voice from The Ramp by far. all the artists are great but Rianna is simply on another level. This kid's voice probably one of the strongest voices of her generation.
❤❤ IN "" CRYIN "" BY AEROSMITH "" Incendiando momentos especiais "" BY "" RIANNA RUSU "" Pra nós levar as alturas indefiniveis com esta canção magnífica quebrando estruturas com pressão e reação em cadeia pura explosão envolvente no ar ..... """""❤❤❤❤❤
I don't intend to tell you what you should do or not but I invite you to meditate on the option of singing your own songs, at first they will not be so good but so it happened to many celebrities, look at the first songs of the bands or soloists that you like and you will see that it is so. Greetings and strength for you!!
Meu amor quando você ficar bem velhinha... Vai ficar uma velhinha prafentex linda víl!!! Com toda elasticidade corporal condicionada a uma boa saúde minha linda.❤
Daaaaaamn giiiirl 🥴❤️🔥
These last videos have a passion in them, keep going at this pace, in this style, it's perfect.
Great performance, Rianna!
Powerful performance! Wonderful work Rianna!
The girl is on fire! Totally stunning performance 💕💕💕
Rianna is the real deal. Breathtakingly beautiful and supremely talented.
Beautiful performance and a amazing voice by you Rianna 💖💖💖
What a sensational performance! Bravo! Those eyes! 🙂
Aerosmith would be proud of this version of their song. Well done Rianna!
Wow Rianna ..powerful performance👏👏👏❤
Rocking performance Rianna 🤘🤘
Fantastic! Great! ❤❤❤
Another powerful performance! World-class for sure.
IT❣️..... 💋🤗
Wow! What a spectacular performance! Definitely one of, if not THE most unique and most well-done version of the song I have heard to date. Easily on par with the original, and that's no easy feat! Rianna rocks our world once again!
Way to work a stage Rianna, loved every bit of this. 🤗🎙️🤘🏼
Rianna you killed it that was amazing!!
Very powerful performance, Rianna.
WOW Rianna absolutely fantastic performance loved it my dear 😃🎙🎶❤❤❤❤❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥⭐
Talking about starting a 5-alarm fire, girl you just took all our breath away. This has to be the best cover of cryin I have ever seen. You proved with this cover; YOU DO have what it takes to be a major star someday. The only thing that could hold you back is you. I can sit here and type a chapter on this cover but I'll just say if you keep performing at this level, all your dreams in music can come true for you. You have the talent, you have the voice, and heaven knows you are very beautiful. You can do this. Stay sweet stay beautiful Rianna, love this cover and sharing it.💓💓💓💓💓
That was awesome Rianna! Both your voice and your performance were formidable.
My compliments to the video crew. I really liked the subdued parts of the song being in black and white.
Love! ❤
Powerful performance Rianna, like you can do only! Your amazing voice makes this cover soooo good! I 💖 it!!
Power Ballad-Extraordinaire! Your version has more attitude than ST. Rianna Rusu-YOU are the Power Ballad, Princess!
What an extra special performance, Rianna! It’s like nothing could hold back the power of your vocals and the power of your performance…you were unleashed!! Great work, Rianna!!
great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you getting ready for doing live gigs? Your ready trust me
Best performance of Crying I have ever seen! Rianna!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
I'm struggling to come up with a way to improve on the performance. If there is, I'm not seeing it. 10/10.
Quelle magnifique interprétation vous nous livrer là Rianna ! Vous êtes une rockeuse dans l'âme. Vous avez une sacrée voix, quelle puissance et quelle maîtrise ! Sincères félicitations pour cette superbe performance 👍❤️
Hi dol your so beautiful singer nice perfumance I love u,.
How to explain that everything you sing turns out too well....Voice, Attitude and Angel..
wow wonderful performance 👏💖👏
Super star from All super star
Awesome, Rianna!! That was a great performance!! Way better than the original!! ❤️
Wow.... You did Aerosmith proud AND you made it your own! Incredible voice and you had so much fun. Keep rocking!
Powerful and beautiful!
this is why I love this girl. there is no song she cant sing, and she makes it her own every time!
She has become my favorite!!! Is it just me or is she getting hotter and hotter in each new video? 😍
No it's definitely not just you. She is so fucking sexy.
Stunning, just a stunning performance. Your music just gets better and better! Than you.
Wow, explozie de talent! Bravooo
My dear Rianna!
I can only repeat myself! Overwhelmingly good! Once again you have put all your energy, your passion and your heart into the interpretation of the song ... World class! 🩷🩷🩷
This also applies to your outfit, your entire performance and the entire video production! Outstanding! Especially the black and white scenes are phenomenal! You not only have a top voice, but also top model qualities! 👍🩷🥰
Last week you won 1st prize in a singing competition in French at the "Théâtre Vasile Alecsandri" in Iași! Congratulations on that too! 💐🩷🌹Your potential is limitless! It's an incredible pleasure to be able to support you! 🩷🩷🩷
Hi Peter, I can´t answer on Facebook (think a little prob) but you are absolutely right, this time everything was right. I give her a 10 from 10. Her voice range everytime astonished me and she looks gorgeous. Uwe
Congratulations and salute from Brazil.
Rianna, that was the way to deliver this song, rockin your butt off!!! Bravo!!!
Wow!!! That was a refinement of this song to say the least. Outstanding bluesy vocals and a stunning video. 👏👏👍👍🥰🥰
Fantastic video, vocal and visual! Singing and performing with so much energy is such a blast.
You look best when your attitude is strong and powerful, which makes your look automatically sexy and adorable.
Great as always The beat Voice in Europę Congrats 15K subskribers on RUclips soon will be more than Rockmina and Andrea Munteanu and Beatrice Florea
WOW 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 you absolutely killed this song truly a really nice job. Also good intensity the opening look into the camera at the beginning of the song 👀
Rianna always some kind of awesome singer you are indeed your performance with the Rusu attitude impressive for sure ..great piece your Artistry.. out ...
This young lady has blew my mind. Rianna you have opened a new era of music. God bless you. Signing off. Mr.Venus Wilson
Another awesome performance, Rianna!, you look absolutely stunning in that outfit! 😘❤🤘
Wow Wow Wow I can´t stop wowing. That was awesome, you sing with all your soul and your heart out. And my dear Rianna you looks absolutely adorable. you know what I mean my rock goddess. I love it 💖💖💖💖 10 from 10
Amazing vocals❤
This proves me that you are a fantastic singer ! ❤
0:09 wow nine seconds in and you had me locked in a Rocking powerful musical artwork 🤘♥️🤘❤️🤘💖🤘
Linda apresentação!
Another Janis is born. I saw her once & you girl embody her soul. I am going to order your CD if you have one.
Sublimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rianna !!!
Молодец! Великолепная работа!
Amazing 🎤🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶🔥🔥🔥🌋🌋🌋❤️👏👏👏💪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Another fantastic performance by Rianna rusu excellent choice of song by Aerosmith cryin 🎸🎤🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵
Another grateful Foreman by the beautiful Rihanna really love to see you perform it's like you're living the song when you sing girl I really wish you the best in this world ❤❤❤
Wow! You nailed it and then some! ❤️🤘
Incredible talent backed up with a perfect instrumental performance and flawless production. The last parts are meaningless without the first being brilliant which it most certainly is.
The best of the best , Thanks Rianna 🤩g💯g🤩
E melodia mea preferata de la Aerosmith.
Ai interpretat-o splendid.
Te pup.❤❤❤
I listen this gig 5 times already, masterpiece I say !
Awesome performance! Bravo
This Artist takes the cake! “Pull over to the verge” she seems to say! The best qualifier to describe this voice is the word that begins with (B)
❤❤ "" Só sons incríveis a nós atingir em cheio em nossas emoções com lindas e arrebatadoras atuações eletrizantes....
love you rianna
One of my favorite songs. Beautiful
Dacă promit să mă uit mai atent la un cântec pentru Cântecul zilei cât mai curând posibil, atunci bineînțeles că o voi face. ❤️
Înainte de toate, aș dori să spun câteva cuvinte generale:
Sunt foarte mândru de nr. 1 💎 Rianna Rusu, care a avut o evoluție foarte vizibilă în ultimele luni, care pentru mine personal este acum aproape în liga mondială absolută. Vocal, ca întotdeauna, nu pot spune decât că este din altă lume 💎😍 În plus, modul ei de a se juca cu camerele de filmat s-a îmbunătățit atât de mult încât emoțiile, care sunt deja perfect transmise vocal, sunt amplificate de limbajul corpului ei, care este surprins atât de perfect încât mă iau cu totul de fiecare dată. 💎❤️
De asemenea, sunt mândru de evoluția întregii echipe de studio - calitatea videoclipurilor s-a îmbunătățit simțitor în ultimii ani. 👏👏❤️❤️
Nici o secundă în videoclip și trebuie să spun wow ce costum frumos care se potrivește perfect cântecului și videoclipului și ea, de asemenea, se simte foarte confortabil cu ea. ❤️
Apoi, jocul excelent cu camerele, așa cum am descris deja mai sus, este deosebit de demn de remarcat în acest videoclip, deoarece în puțin peste 5 minute este o calitate de masterclass tot timpul. 💎❤️
Când începe primul sunet, sunt complet pierdut și hipnotizat. 💎❤️😍 Calitatea vocală pe parcursul celor 5 minute este, pentru mine personal, la Nivel de clasă mondială și nu pot decât să recomand tuturor să se delecteze cu aceste 5 minute de muzică de clasă mondială.
Un mare compliment pentru Rianna pentru că s-a implicat complet în cântec și l-a simțit, trăit și iubit 100% cu 1000% energie rock. 💎❤️
Un mare compliment pentru întreaga echipă care a realizat încă o dată o capodoperă specială în sunet și viziune. 👏👏
Vă mulțumesc pentru că vă puneți în mod regulat inima, sufletul și energia în producerea unor astfel de capodopere minunate.👏👏❤️❤️
Această capodoperă primește de la mine chiar 10 cu două bonusuri 💎 datorită puterii rock pure și a jocului cu camerele la un nivel calitativ deosebit de ridicat. 💎❤️
Să aveți o duminică minunată și să vă bucurați de acest videoclip 😊
If I promise to take a closer look at a song for the Song of the Day as soon as possible, then of course I will. ❤️
First of all, I'd like to say a few general words:
I am very proud of my No. 1 💎 Rianna Rusu, who has undergone a very noticeable development in the last few months, which for me personally is now almost in the absolute world league. Vocally, as always, I can only say that she is out of this world 💎😍 In addition, the way she plays with the cameras has improved so much that the emotions, which are already perfectly conveyed vocally, are amplified by her body language, which is captured so perfectly that they take me with them every time. 💎❤️
I'm also proud of the development of the entire studio team - the videos have noticeably improved in quality over the last few years. 👏👏❤️❤️
Not a second into the video and I have to say wow what a beautiful outfit that fits the song and the video perfectly and she also feels very comfortable with it. ❤️
Then the excellent play with the cameras, as already described above, is particularly noteworthy in this video because in just over 5 minutes it is a masterclass quality all the time. 💎❤️
When the first sound starts, I'm completely lost and mesmerised. 💎❤️😍 The vocal quality over the entire 5 minutes is, for me personally, at World class level and I can only recommend everyone to treat themselves to these 5 minutes of world class music.
Kudos to Rianna for completely immersing herself in the song again and feeling, living and loving it 100% with 1000% rock energy. 💎❤️
A big praise to the whole team who have once again realised a special masterpiece in picture and sound. 👏👏
Thank you for regularly putting your heart and soul and energy into the production of such wonderful masterpieces.👏👏❤️❤️
This masterpiece gets an even 10 from me with two bonus 💎 because of the pure rock power and the play with the cameras at a particularly high quality level. 💎❤️
Have a great Sunday and enjoy this video 😊
@@rusuanisoara8987 I am very happy to support the Rusu family ❤️
Yep, definitely the best voice from The Ramp by far. all the artists are great but Rianna is simply on another level. This kid's voice probably one of the strongest voices of her generation.
Agree. You said it best.
I totally agree and I have thought so for a long time now.
❤❤ IN "" CRYIN "" BY AEROSMITH "" Incendiando momentos especiais "" BY "" RIANNA RUSU "" Pra nós levar as alturas indefiniveis com esta canção magnífica quebrando estruturas com pressão e reação em cadeia pura explosão envolvente no ar ..... """""❤❤❤❤❤
gracias por tu generocidad 🙏🙏🦵🦵👍🍑🍑👍❤🔥❤🔥💋💋
Fabulous performance Rianna 👏😊
Glad I found you, you're a beautiful powerhouse 🌹
Rianna you blew this out of the water , wow!
Gosto de seu recado
Você é demais canta muito sua performance é incrível ❤❤🎉🎉🎉
PERFECT!😊👏👏👏 KILLED IT!👏👏 Have a great week!💖🌹😘😘
Simply stunning and amazing performance! You sing with the power and style of Joplin! And look like an '80's super model while doing it!
Excellent 💪💪💪🎵🎶🎼
Incredible.... End Of Report!
I missed this when you uploaded. Brilliant cover of Aerosmith - love it.
Why are you not signed to a Major recording contract , you are the very best out there .
WOW 💜dang girl💜stay humble and don't sell your soul to the music industry🙏 you're very good
(starts a slow clap) ... Nice Job
I don't intend to tell you what you should do or not but I invite you to meditate on the option of singing your own songs, at first they will not be so good but so it happened to many celebrities, look at the first songs of the bands or soloists that you like and you will see that it is so. Greetings and strength for you!!
Meu amor quando você ficar bem velhinha... Vai ficar uma velhinha prafentex linda víl!!! Com toda elasticidade corporal condicionada a uma boa saúde minha linda.❤
En el video anterior dicen que tienen una ofertas Seguros que te van ofrecer un Turismo para Ucrania Ojos