My experience with IJN BB's has been fun. I wouldn't say I am a veteran player, but I am getting a deeper understanding of the game's mechanics ( I have played around 500 battles.) I have all ships unlocked on the line, and my two favorites are Tier V Kongo and Tier X Yamato. I agree with pretty much everything Sea Lord Mountbatten has said. However, I found each ship to play slightly different in terms of being more offense focused or defensive focused or support focused. Kongo feels support focused but can chase away cruisers and sometimes destroys given the right settings, which keep them focused on you and not your teammates in slower BB's. The Tier 6 Fuso comes off more offensive with its 6 turrets and can take a good pounding. I am more willing to push with Fuso than I am the Kongo. Tier 7 Nagato was very weird for me. It's a squishy ship, but I found myself getting in close with it a lot more than probably what is considered strategically sound and coming out in better shape than the other player/players. I would say she is more defensive than offensive because of her need to angle. Tier 8 Amagi is considered a good ship but the community, but I had a hard time playing her, which is funny because she is, on paper, a Super Nagato. Yet, when I would play here like the Nagato, I would get wrecked (probably because of Tier IX and X ships guns.) I found her to be a lot better when playing pure defense and kiting others, and I would push in the late stages of the game. I skipped Tier IX Izumo for the Tier X Yamato, but I will be adding Izumo very soon. Yamato is a god amongst mortals. She is definitely support-oriented as a sniper. She is like the guy in the squad of soldiers who has a .50cal Sniper with depleted uranium rounds. She induces mass panic upon the enemy when getting a good hit/kill. All in all, they are a lot of fun and play different just enough to keep one engaged. My playstyle and experience with these ships might be different from others, but I share this so that maybe the one person who reads this has some idea of what to possibly expect.
I am at Tier 8 Amagi right now and she is a beast for me, I found myself doing way better than I normally do, and I found myself not doing so well in Nagato because of its squishiness.
AWESOME VIDEO!!!! Next movie project for you, the sinking of the mighty Yammy!!!! I agree with you about how to play this ship, but in ranked, the team doesn't WANT to push forward... making it hard for anyone playing any JN BB to play well. I usually push forward regardless of my team, using islands as cover, and blast away keeping the enemy away from the cap till I either take the cap.... OR my team grows a pair and pushes forward seeing how well I'm doing... the game you and I were in where I sent you the replay is a case in point... that game, I took the cap while you took the other cap then came to help me out... you played BRILLIANTLY that day... anyhow, thanks for yet another great video and I look forward to a few more videos which will help out the new players we have... the quicker your guides can whip them into shape, the better. WOWS isn't JUST about running around the map making your guns go BOOM BOOM while doing all in your power to not get hit.... fact is, getting hit is part of the game, people need to think one step ahead to minimize the hits they take while maximizing the hits they dish out. YOUR guides take that in the right direction.
A few things I would say from my point of view: 1) Nagato and Fuso are battleships. They're slow and don't have a good armor, but they really are battleships. 2) Amagi is amazing with secondary build - even though it has only 5km base range, it's got the highest theoretical secondary DPM out of IJN BBs + it has a low citadel that can be easily hit when in range but when close, it's almost unhitable unless the ships is turning and thus raising its citadel. 3) Preventive maintenance is questionable - the Priority Target gives you so much info and honestly the only IJN BB that suffered from broken main guns was Izumo for me. 4) On Yamato I would not use Main Armaments Modification 1 - Yamato's turrets have so much armor on them, upfront they are almost invincible. Instead I personally use Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1 to preserve AA(and on Amagi, since I run it as secondary)
Amagi base secondary dpm per side is 312k. Yamato is 380k. So, among tech line ships, Amagi is second. Among all IJN ships, it is fourth, as Kii gets 344k and Shikishima goes up to 418k. Shikishima also is the highest secondary dpm currently in the game.
@@Evangeline.F True, I wrote that badly. I meant out of the tech line "battlecruisers". Yes, I use the secondary build in the Kii as well because of that. I did not count Yamato or premium Shikishima as they are truly long range BBs.
very nicely made intro. edit: lol, ''Staying just behind your team, supporting them with fire is ideally how you should be playing the japanese BB's'', shows clip of pushing in agressively :P
@@sealordmountbatten yeah off course you should adapt to the situation, but I thought it was funny you doing the complete opposite than you were telling us
I enjoy the Amagi. She's very versatile which one needs to be aware of the minimap at all times. I have the rudder shift module since my 19 pt captain has fire prevention. Angling those guns back and forth as quickly as possible is key.
I love my Kongo. Knew the direction an enemy DD was hunting me from once and 180d from him full speed. He couldn't chase me down to line up torps on me.
IJN BB line is not tied with USN BB line for oldest BB line. IJN BB line already existed when only IJN had BBs and only USN had CVs. It is legit the oldest BB line in the game, no other BB line is as old as this one. Though Izumo was later added to the line, as it originally had no T9, just straight Amagi to Yamato. One thing to point out with the "good long range dispersion, that gets worse the closer you get in", (and I'm saying this for people that are new to the game, watching such a guide and that may not understand the implication of the phrase), this is comparatively to other BB lines. In absolute terms, IJN BBs still hit more close up, there is no reason to try play at max range in fear you can't hit stuff up close. Just up close every other line has better dispersion. At range IJN dispersion is only beaten by select few BBs that use dispersion borrowed from supercruisers or such... and Slava. Obviously, doesn't matter as much on ships like Yamato with 2.1 sigma that will produce good groupings at most any range. Izumo got no dispersion buff, only sigma buff for accuracy. It did however get an armour buff that was not mentioned, increasing the main deck from 32 to 57 mm. Also, while all three gun turrets are forward, the fact one is rear-facing and not 360° traverseable means that the Izumo actually plays much more like your typical 2 front, 1 rear turret setups. It also has actually beter angles for kiting than for pushing. Yamato citadel also is maybe a bit overblown. The"cheek" basically stems from the octagonal citadel layout and means that if not well-angled, people can pen through the light extremities armour and through an almost straight plate behind it instead of the angled citadel plate others have when angling the ships. This plate still is very thick though and you should absolutely not count on penning it with a cruiser unless you are up in Yamato's face. While less prominent, this also goes for the rear part of the cit, you can very much citadel Yamato through the angled stern. Almost easier than through the front. Well-angled though, unless it's another Yamato (or sisters), Yamato can obviously bounce AP still. In general, on the armour scheme, I would like to point out that what is bad on most of these ships is the citadel protection, not the armour. Which makes it harder for noobs and punishing when you get overrun and cannot maintain an angle, but as long as you can, the rest of the armour actually is often insanely good. Kongo and Fuso both have lots of reinforced plating and Fuso has an icebreaker bow. They can bounce AP and shatter HE all day if played right. Nagato and Amagi are all-or-nothing, so, yes, apart from Kawachi, Nagato is the squishiest ship in line for its tier. Izumo and Yamato get 57 mm main deck, which is just after Kremlin bias deck and is functionally the same except against RN 234 mm (59 mm pen). Many of the ships also have the highest hp pools at their tier, with Kongo at 54k and Nagato with 65k standing out.Lastly, Amagi and Yamato have good torp protection and Yamato, short of its citadel, is an incredibly tanky ship that can withstand HE, SAP, torps and such much better than most other BB, also as it actually is a pretty compact ship (compared to the likes of GK and Kremlin). I wouldn't say hang back too much, just pay extra attention to how you can get out of a situation without getting your citadel blown out. If you can avoid getting torped, free farmed and citadelled, the Yamato can absolutely help with pushes, especially as cruisers will mind the distance usually. Yamato was feared back in the day and still is, being able to reliably blow up cruisers, ignoring much of their armour. Secondaries of IJN, to touch on that, are mostly crap. Mostly due to range. Funnily enough, the 14 cm guns have Massachusetts dispersion, so if someone actually gets that close, they can do a number, especially to DDs even without investments. Largely forgettable though. Only IJN BBs that can justify secondary investments are Mikasa (mostly because you need them to make up for the crap main battery), maybe Mutsu meme build with AFT and secondary mod and the Shikishima. Is it the best build? No. But it's the only ones where you get any considerable bang for your buck. Izumo and Yamato secs would have range, but their secondaries mostly just are good for deleting DD if it rushes a blind side. For captain skills, I actually don't use PM, but PT. Especially on Yamato. But generally, the main guns of these ships are well-protected, Yamato turrets being the best-armoured turrets in the game and with main armaments mod 1, they survive already. PT helps knowing when people aim at you and when no, which also helps reacts to threats to your citadel. Also other things like helping vs torp threads. Finally, one thing to be said about Yamamoto, if one gets the captain: Yamamoto starts with 15 points. This can help get much of a build already covered.
The upcoming change to the Yamato legendary mod is they are removing the reload buff entirely, but also reducing the turret traverse penalty to compensate.
Izumo has very very Bad AA, its large, not manoeuvrable, the perfect Target for any CV. I managed to land 15 torps on an izumo with one squadron of my midway torp bombers. Poor guy..
@Sea Lord Mountbatten *Technically* the Japanese BBs are the oldest BB line in the game by themselves, *not* shared with the US line. Way waaaay back in the beta, the game was originally just DDs and cruisers, US and Japanese only. Then near the end of beta testing, they introduced US CVs and Japanese BBs. Japanese carriers and US battleships only came out with the official release.
My favorite thing about the Japanese BB line is that for T-VIII and T-IX the range and speed upgrades are not necessary for the ships to be playable which makes grinding just a little bit easier since you can spend all your exp on the hull upgrades and the next ships.
Actually Myogi (4) never existed, despite what WG claims, It is a complete paper ship. The predecessor to Kongo (5) would be Ishizuchi, which is what was intended before they were up gunned to 14" loosing a turret in the process.
@@Maraudmania Their so called 'history' is B.S.. The plan was to order a Ship armed with 12" guns and construction was even started. The switch to 14" guns came after the British announced their new ships would have 13.5" guns.
First? Edit: I'm not 100% sure, but it seems the IJN BB AP shells are diving shells. That is an actual historical design where the fuse is just slightly longer to account for travel time underwater to explode closer to more vulnerable spots. But for real, check the video. Each time the shells splash the water a couple meters from the ship, you end up with either a citadel or massive damage and overpens when hitting upper belt.
I heard that before and it would explain why Japanese BB main guns produce so many overpenetrations, but I have also heard experienced players say it isn't true and you should aim them like any other BB guns.
Thank you for this video, I've recently been returning to the game and the IJN were my choice alongside the Royal Navy (when they were originally introduced). Is this video still accurate or have their been noteworthy changes?
Hey see Lord thanks for your many videos I would like to ask you though I have this ship shakuma 2 that I got at the Wishing Worf thing going on but don't know how to steer the planes like I don't know how to get them to go left and right I know how to drop the bombs and set them off and all that but don't know how to steer those silly planes so it's kinda ruining it for me so can you advise me or point me in the right direction thanks for your Manny helpful videos though best regards
Be careful, play at range, focus on DDS first. After that, shoot at whatever gives you the best broadside. Whenever someone shoots at you, you dodge as much as you can
I actually prefer the Amagi. Don't know if it is my favorite BB but most of the time it is enjoyable to play. I currently hate the Yammy because every man and his dog focuses you the moment you're spotted and your spotted from pretty much right from the beginning. You can't hide in it, you can't run away and you can't avoid the HE spam. Not to mention the ludicrous CV focus on you. Happened yesterday. Every single enemy player including the cv's focused me to the total exclusion of everyone else on my team. Lasted maybe 5 minutes and only managed 32 K damage. Couldn't see anything, couldn't shoot anything and couldn't avoid getting totally F'ed up. A very miserable time. p.s. Oh and forgot, my fighter consumable did squat against the enemy cv planes. Totally ignored them and got continuously bombed and torped. The fighter consumable is next to useless.
@@gothamgoon4237 i play ledgends and Amagi was my first tier 7. I really liked it. Then they nerfed rudder shift , turret traverse and accuracy. Now in the current HE spam metta you just get fried in between missing and low rolls. We dont have CVs yet
Why are you're using AP on Yamato all the time? Plus, I could see a lot of overpens. Why not use HE instead to cruisers that had bad armor in order to citadel them at max range?
You need to work on your BB classification. Kongo is a battlecuiser, Fuso is a super dreadnought, Nagato is a modern battleship, Amagi is a battlecuiser, Izumo is a super battleship and so is Yamato. All of these ships were built by the British and follows their classification philosophy, except for Yamato. Izumo was only designed by the Japanese in order to experiment with their battleship philosophy but still has heavy British influence with the Nelson as it's inspiration but much larger with much more powerful guns.
The Fuso's and her sister class didn't do much in WW-II and when the did they didn't do well, but in WOWS they are still one of the best BB in tier VI and cans still hold their own when shoved into a tier VIII match due to both the number of main battery guns 6x2 for 12 guns), and the range of those main battery guns, but they fire just a hair ball faster than every 30 seconds. There has been many an unsuspecting Cruiser and CV that has gotten blatted from across a map by a Fuso. You didn't really cover the low and mid tiers that deeply. IJN BB Line does have it's quirks but they pretty specific to each ship. Still, not bad for a quickie over view
I play IJN BBs(T3-T9) as a cruiser and angle towards enemy BBs if I face them. The Yamato has way differ play style than previous ships IMO but you can adopt it quickly. To be honest I use 120k free EXP on skipping to the Yamato cus grinding in the Izumo not enjoyable to play, her guns perform like the German ones, always get into a T10 battle and can do jackshit.After you have the Yamato it is just heaven even compared to other T10 battleships. See if WG is crazy enough for a IJN BB line split.
Concealment is a waste of time on something like the Yammy or the tier 9 and 10 German BB's. You will be spotted from the moon regardless. Best use those points in something more worthwhile.
izumo is better than iowa and alsace , Yamato is not a fun ship to play its only gimmick is the guns and even then you cant do anything if people playing against you are good players you suffer badly because the citadel of the yamato lets you down very much. I can easily bully a yamato in a good fast ship like georgia
it's a salute. Imagine the "o" is the head and the "7" is the arm. Just faster to put this in chat instead of typing it out or using the canned good luck command.
Yeah I'm sitting here amen with the Japanese ships and this guy is like young the best at Amy for like hella range and he's like but don't do it from like Max because it's so hard I'm like what I'm like you literally go past the f****** anything you got that little of what is it those little arrows that come up when you aim on the left and the right right when they're at Max you just go you just imagine an extra bar and it fight a f****** hit him dude especially if they're going max speed
_How to bring honor to the Emperor in 2020_ Kinda ironic because both Akihito and Naruhito have publicly said how Japan should be apologetic about its WW2 invasions and war crimes, while the parliament is the one leading the remilitarization of Japan and creating historical disputes and conflicts with neighboring countries.
My experience with IJN BB's has been fun. I wouldn't say I am a veteran player, but I am getting a deeper understanding of the game's mechanics ( I have played around 500 battles.) I have all ships unlocked on the line, and my two favorites are Tier V Kongo and Tier X Yamato. I agree with pretty much everything Sea Lord Mountbatten has said. However, I found each ship to play slightly different in terms of being more offense focused or defensive focused or support focused. Kongo feels support focused but can chase away cruisers and sometimes destroys given the right settings, which keep them focused on you and not your teammates in slower BB's. The Tier 6 Fuso comes off more offensive with its 6 turrets and can take a good pounding. I am more willing to push with Fuso than I am the Kongo. Tier 7 Nagato was very weird for me. It's a squishy ship, but I found myself getting in close with it a lot more than probably what is considered strategically sound and coming out in better shape than the other player/players.
I would say she is more defensive than offensive because of her need to angle. Tier 8 Amagi is considered a good ship but the community, but I had a hard time playing her, which is funny because she is, on paper, a Super Nagato. Yet, when I would play here like the Nagato, I would get wrecked (probably because of Tier IX and X ships guns.) I found her to be a lot better when playing pure defense and kiting others, and I would push in the late stages of the game. I skipped Tier IX Izumo for the Tier X Yamato, but I will be adding Izumo very soon. Yamato is a god amongst mortals. She is definitely support-oriented as a sniper. She is like the guy in the squad of soldiers who has a .50cal Sniper with depleted uranium rounds. She induces mass panic upon the enemy when getting a good hit/kill.
All in all, they are a lot of fun and play different just enough to keep one engaged. My playstyle and experience with these ships might be different from others, but I share this so that maybe the one person who reads this has some idea of what to possibly expect.
I am at Tier 8 Amagi right now and she is a beast for me, I found myself doing way better than I normally do, and I found myself not doing so well in Nagato because of its squishiness.
In an alternate reality, this is an italian battleship guide
Edit: oof. This didn't age well
AWESOME VIDEO!!!! Next movie project for you, the sinking of the mighty Yammy!!!! I agree with you about how to play this ship, but in ranked, the team doesn't WANT to push forward... making it hard for anyone playing any JN BB to play well. I usually push forward regardless of my team, using islands as cover, and blast away keeping the enemy away from the cap till I either take the cap.... OR my team grows a pair and pushes forward seeing how well I'm doing... the game you and I were in where I sent you the replay is a case in point... that game, I took the cap while you took the other cap then came to help me out... you played BRILLIANTLY that day... anyhow, thanks for yet another great video and I look forward to a few more videos which will help out the new players we have... the quicker your guides can whip them into shape, the better.
WOWS isn't JUST about running around the map making your guns go BOOM BOOM while doing all in your power to not get hit.... fact is, getting hit is part of the game, people need to think one step ahead to minimize the hits they take while maximizing the hits they dish out. YOUR guides take that in the right direction.
A few things I would say from my point of view:
1) Nagato and Fuso are battleships. They're slow and don't have a good armor, but they really are battleships.
2) Amagi is amazing with secondary build - even though it has only 5km base range, it's got the highest theoretical secondary DPM out of IJN BBs + it has a low citadel that can be easily hit when in range but when close, it's almost unhitable unless the ships is turning and thus raising its citadel.
3) Preventive maintenance is questionable - the Priority Target gives you so much info and honestly the only IJN BB that suffered from broken main guns was Izumo for me.
4) On Yamato I would not use Main Armaments Modification 1 - Yamato's turrets have so much armor on them, upfront they are almost invincible. Instead I personally use Auxiliary Armaments Modification 1 to preserve AA(and on Amagi, since I run it as secondary)
Amagi base secondary dpm per side is 312k. Yamato is 380k. So, among tech line ships, Amagi is second. Among all IJN ships, it is fourth, as Kii gets 344k and Shikishima goes up to 418k. Shikishima also is the highest secondary dpm currently in the game.
@@Evangeline.F True, I wrote that badly. I meant out of the tech line "battlecruisers". Yes, I use the secondary build in the Kii as well because of that. I did not count Yamato or premium Shikishima as they are truly long range BBs.
@@Wrecker1738 Shikishima works with secondaries, as long as you protect your cit. Just don't yolo in. It has 11.6 km sec range.
Nagato is actually pretty agile. 26.5 kn
"How to bring honor to the Emperor in 2020"
I love this line!!!!!!!!!
Yamy with Yama, second most fun combo on WOWs. DM with John Doe, this is the ultimate combo fun on WOWs.
Kongo + yama lol
Yoshino + Yamamoto
Yamamoto on hashidate XD.
Hiei's wreck was discovered just a few weeks ago. The Kongos were so pretty
The actual ships or the anthropomorphic models? Either way, they're all pretty
@@Foxbat2929 all kongos
very nicely made intro.
edit: lol, ''Staying just behind your team, supporting them with fire is ideally how you should be playing the japanese BB's'', shows clip of pushing in agressively :P
Like I said before, situations change and sometimes ya gotta push lol
@@sealordmountbatten yeah off course you should adapt to the situation, but I thought it was funny you doing the complete opposite than you were telling us
I enjoy the Amagi. She's very versatile which one needs to be aware of the minimap at all times. I have the rudder shift module since my 19 pt captain has fire prevention. Angling those guns back and forth as quickly as possible is key.
I love my Kongo. Knew the direction an enemy DD was hunting me from once and 180d from him full speed. He couldn't chase me down to line up torps on me.
I have full secondary build on my Yamato I have no problems I enjoy it more plus when you get close quarters on a GK it's very satisfying.
IJN BB line is not tied with USN BB line for oldest BB line. IJN BB line already existed when only IJN had BBs and only USN had CVs. It is legit the oldest BB line in the game, no other BB line is as old as this one. Though Izumo was later added to the line, as it originally had no T9, just straight Amagi to Yamato.
One thing to point out with the "good long range dispersion, that gets worse the closer you get in", (and I'm saying this for people that are new to the game, watching such a guide and that may not understand the implication of the phrase), this is comparatively to other BB lines. In absolute terms, IJN BBs still hit more close up, there is no reason to try play at max range in fear you can't hit stuff up close. Just up close every other line has better dispersion. At range IJN dispersion is only beaten by select few BBs that use dispersion borrowed from supercruisers or such... and Slava. Obviously, doesn't matter as much on ships like Yamato with 2.1 sigma that will produce good groupings at most any range.
Izumo got no dispersion buff, only sigma buff for accuracy. It did however get an armour buff that was not mentioned, increasing the main deck from 32 to 57 mm. Also, while all three gun turrets are forward, the fact one is rear-facing and not 360° traverseable means that the Izumo actually plays much more like your typical 2 front, 1 rear turret setups. It also has actually beter angles for kiting than for pushing.
Yamato citadel also is maybe a bit overblown. The"cheek" basically stems from the octagonal citadel layout and means that if not well-angled, people can pen through the light extremities armour and through an almost straight plate behind it instead of the angled citadel plate others have when angling the ships. This plate still is very thick though and you should absolutely not count on penning it with a cruiser unless you are up in Yamato's face. While less prominent, this also goes for the rear part of the cit, you can very much citadel Yamato through the angled stern. Almost easier than through the front. Well-angled though, unless it's another Yamato (or sisters), Yamato can obviously bounce AP still.
In general, on the armour scheme, I would like to point out that what is bad on most of these ships is the citadel protection, not the armour. Which makes it harder for noobs and punishing when you get overrun and cannot maintain an angle, but as long as you can, the rest of the armour actually is often insanely good. Kongo and Fuso both have lots of reinforced plating and Fuso has an icebreaker bow. They can bounce AP and shatter HE all day if played right. Nagato and Amagi are all-or-nothing, so, yes, apart from Kawachi, Nagato is the squishiest ship in line for its tier. Izumo and Yamato get 57 mm main deck, which is just after Kremlin bias deck and is functionally the same except against RN 234 mm (59 mm pen). Many of the ships also have the highest hp pools at their tier, with Kongo at 54k and Nagato with 65k standing out.Lastly, Amagi and Yamato have good torp protection and Yamato, short of its citadel, is an incredibly tanky ship that can withstand HE, SAP, torps and such much better than most other BB, also as it actually is a pretty compact ship (compared to the likes of GK and Kremlin). I wouldn't say hang back too much, just pay extra attention to how you can get out of a situation without getting your citadel blown out. If you can avoid getting torped, free farmed and citadelled, the Yamato can absolutely help with pushes, especially as cruisers will mind the distance usually. Yamato was feared back in the day and still is, being able to reliably blow up cruisers, ignoring much of their armour.
Secondaries of IJN, to touch on that, are mostly crap. Mostly due to range. Funnily enough, the 14 cm guns have Massachusetts dispersion, so if someone actually gets that close, they can do a number, especially to DDs even without investments. Largely forgettable though. Only IJN BBs that can justify secondary investments are Mikasa (mostly because you need them to make up for the crap main battery), maybe Mutsu meme build with AFT and secondary mod and the Shikishima. Is it the best build? No. But it's the only ones where you get any considerable bang for your buck. Izumo and Yamato secs would have range, but their secondaries mostly just are good for deleting DD if it rushes a blind side.
For captain skills, I actually don't use PM, but PT. Especially on Yamato. But generally, the main guns of these ships are well-protected, Yamato turrets being the best-armoured turrets in the game and with main armaments mod 1, they survive already. PT helps knowing when people aim at you and when no, which also helps reacts to threats to your citadel. Also other things like helping vs torp threads.
Finally, one thing to be said about Yamamoto, if one gets the captain: Yamamoto starts with 15 points. This can help get much of a build already covered.
The Japanese bb line is the oldest line, it came out before the americans, i remember the jingles video when they got introduced
The upcoming change to the Yamato legendary mod is they are removing the reload buff entirely, but also reducing the turret traverse penalty to compensate.
IJN actually had a T2 BB in the form of Mikasa , very interesting to play at that tier
The main guns are so bad you're lucky to hit the water, much less the enemy.
Nagato and Fuso are BB not BC. Fuso was later converted to an avation BB.
Izumo has very very Bad AA, its large, not manoeuvrable, the perfect Target for any CV. I managed to land 15 torps on an izumo with one squadron of my midway torp bombers. Poor guy..
@Sea Lord Mountbatten *Technically* the Japanese BBs are the oldest BB line in the game by themselves, *not* shared with the US line.
Way waaaay back in the beta, the game was originally just DDs and cruisers, US and Japanese only. Then near the end of beta testing, they introduced US CVs and Japanese BBs. Japanese carriers and US battleships only came out with the official release.
My favorite thing about the Japanese BB line is that for T-VIII and T-IX the range and speed upgrades are not necessary for the ships to be playable which makes grinding just a little bit easier since you can spend all your exp on the hull upgrades and the next ships.
Actually Myogi (4) never existed, despite what WG claims, It is a complete paper ship. The predecessor to Kongo (5) would be Ishizuchi, which is what was intended before they were up gunned to 14" loosing a turret in the process.
They don't deny that it's a paper ship.
@@Maraudmania Their so called 'history' is B.S.. The plan was to order a Ship armed with 12" guns and construction was even started. The switch to 14" guns came after the British announced their new ships would have 13.5" guns.
The JPN bb line was in fact originally the only battleship line. Then I believe in an update for open beta the USN bb line was introduced.
16:45 Japanese battleships are the ship line with the worst concealment , i think fuso holds the record with 18+km
Edit: I'm not 100% sure, but it seems the IJN BB AP shells are diving shells. That is an actual historical design where the fuse is just slightly longer to account for travel time underwater to explode closer to more vulnerable spots. But for real, check the video. Each time the shells splash the water a couple meters from the ship, you end up with either a citadel or massive damage and overpens when hitting upper belt.
I heard that before and it would explain why Japanese BB main guns produce so many overpenetrations, but I have also heard experienced players say it isn't true and you should aim them like any other BB guns.
Fuso and Nagato class were battleships, not battlecruiser. Only Myogi (only planned), Kongo and Amagi class (turned into CV) were.
8:45 i was shooting an angled izumo (their last ship + cv) with buffalo for 5 min, manage to only pen 4 times, rest is bounced or just shattered
Fun fact a full secondary izumo you can get the secondarys to 11.3km and it works
The Izumo is a monster for me - best WR, cit rate, damage of any BB i have including my beloved Jean Bart.
It is infact the oldest, since US BBs didn't come to I believe open beta or just before closed went to open
I really enjoy the battlecruiser line of IJN. I hope they add tier 9 & 10 and make current ones alternate line
Thank you for this video, I've recently been returning to the game and the IJN were my choice alongside the Royal Navy (when they were originally introduced). Is this video still accurate or have their been noteworthy changes?
Love your vids specially your German BB tips very helpful on my grind in German tech line
Hey see Lord thanks for your many videos I would like to ask you though I have this ship shakuma 2 that I got at the Wishing Worf thing going on but don't know how to steer the planes like I don't know how to get them to go left and right I know how to drop the bombs and set them off and all that but don't know how to steer those silly planes so it's kinda ruining it for me so can you advise me or point me in the right direction thanks for your Manny helpful videos though best regards
Just got my yamato and love it
I rammed ship mostly using IJN Bb...I dunno, it just felt right at that moment...
Hey mountbatten any teps on Italian cruiser
Be careful, play at range, focus on DDS first. After that, shoot at whatever gives you the best broadside. Whenever someone shoots at you, you dodge as much as you can
@@lennartmeinke8861 thanks bro
The names are ofcourse japanese. So yamato has only 1 correct pronunciation. ya-ma-to. shi-ma-ka-ze. etc :P
9:23 Except for the T5 Soviet BB
Japan bb is older than uan bb. Usn bb were added a little later
Yay Kongo gameplay. Was my first favourite ship.
I actually prefer the Amagi. Don't know if it is my favorite BB but most of the time it is enjoyable to play. I currently hate the Yammy because every man and his dog focuses you the moment you're spotted and your spotted from pretty much right from the beginning. You can't hide in it, you can't run away and you can't avoid the HE spam. Not to mention the ludicrous CV focus on you. Happened yesterday. Every single enemy player including the cv's focused me to the total exclusion of everyone else on my team. Lasted maybe 5 minutes and only managed 32 K damage. Couldn't see anything, couldn't shoot anything and couldn't avoid getting totally F'ed up. A very miserable time.
p.s. Oh and forgot, my fighter consumable did squat against the enemy cv planes. Totally ignored them and got continuously bombed and torped. The fighter consumable is next to useless.
@@gothamgoon4237 i play ledgends and Amagi was my first tier 7. I really liked it. Then they nerfed rudder shift , turret traverse and accuracy. Now in the current HE spam metta you just get fried in between missing and low rolls.
We dont have CVs yet
Don’t know why I’m watching this cause I’ve already grinned the JP BB line and some other, but imma watch anyways.
Getting back into the game as a IJN main how do they hold up in 2022?
Anyone know what music plays at 1:05?
Why are you're using AP on Yamato all the time? Plus, I could see a lot of overpens. Why not use HE instead to cruisers that had bad armor in order to citadel them at max range?
Only cruisers HE would citadel would be the Smolensk and the Ochakov, if you hit it.
Using HE on Yammy is heresy
U never use HE on Yammy, ever, if u are caught doing discord/reddit will shame you
@@sealordmountbatten Well, when that Kleber yesterday thought it had to torp rush me, I sure valued the increased IJN BB HE damage.
You need to work on your BB classification. Kongo is a battlecuiser, Fuso is a super dreadnought, Nagato is a modern battleship, Amagi is a battlecuiser, Izumo is a super battleship and so is Yamato. All of these ships were built by the British and follows their classification philosophy, except for Yamato. Izumo was only designed by the Japanese in order to experiment with their battleship philosophy but still has heavy British influence with the Nelson as it's inspiration but much larger with much more powerful guns.
Hi. I'd appreciate if you can update this guide for 2024, including captain skills.
HAHAHA look at me having some fun in my Monty at the Yamato part of the video
Have you done one on the IJN DD's?
Could you do a update for this line of ships
Are you gonna make one like this with the RN and th RU BB's? would really help me out
How do you get all the ships to show up and sail like in 01:06?
Those are members of his clan we help him record stuff like that, and sail around while he records
training room with aforementioned clanmates
any way i can change the modern japan flag to the rising sun flag from WW2
The Fuso's and her sister class didn't do much in WW-II and when the did they didn't do well, but in WOWS they are still one of the best BB in tier VI and cans still hold their own when shoved into a tier VIII match due to both the number of main battery guns 6x2 for 12 guns), and the range of those main battery guns, but they fire just a hair ball faster than every 30 seconds. There has been many an unsuspecting Cruiser and CV that has gotten blatted from across a map by a Fuso. You didn't really cover the low and mid tiers that deeply. IJN BB Line does have it's quirks but they pretty specific to each ship. Still, not bad for a quickie over view
Great if you have the Izumo and the Yami .
Сan you recommend a bb line for a beginner?
I'd recommend either the German or American BB line to start with. The Wyoming is a good BB at tier IV and the Konig at tier V is one of my favorites.
I play IJN BBs(T3-T9) as a cruiser and angle towards enemy BBs if I face them. The Yamato has way differ play style than previous ships IMO but you can adopt it quickly. To be honest I use 120k free EXP on skipping to the Yamato cus grinding in the Izumo not enjoyable to play, her guns perform like the German ones, always get into a T10 battle and can do jackshit.After you have the Yamato it is just heaven even compared to other T10 battleships. See if WG is crazy enough for a IJN BB line split.
You didn´t mention the Fuso
Concealment is a waste of time on something like the Yammy or the tier 9 and 10 German BB's. You will be spotted from the moon regardless. Best use those points in something more worthwhile.
concealment allows you to disengage which allows you not to be HE spammed.
@@midend Not in a Yammy it doesn't. I say again, you will be spotted from the moon regardless if you have it or not.
Im going to make a secondary build on my yamy just for meming
hey mountbatten i saw u in a ranked battle, gg
izumo is better than iowa and alsace , Yamato is not a fun ship to play its only gimmick is the guns and even then you cant do anything if people playing against you are good players you suffer badly because the citadel of the yamato lets you down very much. I can easily bully a yamato in a good fast ship like georgia
Didja know you can CV snipe with the Kongo?
ijn as an entire nation, desperately needs a buff because it literally is outdated with all the new ships that came into the game
Can you cover the Shikishima?
I don't think he has a Shikishima, given how much the thing costs.
2100 steel away
I have Gen. Yamamoto as my Yamato Captain~
I'm making another account specifically for the IJN ships
oh man Izumo rember it
Nagato is a T7 Yamato
change my mind
I run secondary builds on all my Japanese bb's
You meme lord
Pick Shikishima then. Her secondary is the best :)
Intro music for anyone interested:видео.html
Yeah and dont forget go with 3/4 of speed with Kongo
Around all Bias-BB bounce Yammie with the icebreaker and other surprises
well Izumo is a battleship and Yamato is a super battleship not a dreadnought
SHIKISHIMA?......not here? .......that´s a IJN "T11" bonus :-)
Yammy cheek weak be like anime blush
First step for bringing honor to the emperor: skip the kawachi
what does o7 mean? im still none the wiser? lol
it's a salute. Imagine the "o" is the head and the "7" is the arm. Just faster to put this in chat instead of typing it out or using the canned good luck command.
@@azraelswrd ooooooooooo i get it aha thanks :)
Will be waiting on the Russian BB line
Mind Making How to British BB Tyyy
Never press 2. Point and click from max range at enemy BB. jk
Yeah I'm sitting here amen with the Japanese ships and this guy is like young the best at Amy for like hella range and he's like but don't do it from like Max because it's so hard I'm like what I'm like you literally go past the f****** anything you got that little of what is it those little arrows that come up when you aim on the left and the right right when they're at Max you just go you just imagine an extra bar and it fight a f****** hit him dude especially if they're going max speed
Russian BB guide when? XD
_How to bring honor to the Emperor in 2020_
Kinda ironic because both Akihito and Naruhito have publicly said how Japan should be apologetic about its WW2 invasions and war crimes, while the parliament is the one leading the remilitarization of Japan and creating historical disputes and conflicts with neighboring countries.