I'm still not familiar with the game. Maybe it's my first time playing and didn't do something right, but it's so hard to recruit soldiers. Every round, the thing you do the most is go discover the areas, and not sure what else can do. I still prefer RotK9 over this.
旁白聲音是 津田健次郎?(海馬瀨人的聲優)
How you been liking the game I'm waiting for the western release
I'm still not familiar with the game. Maybe it's my first time playing and didn't do something right, but it's so hard to recruit soldiers. Every round, the thing you do the most is go discover the areas, and not sure what else can do. I still prefer RotK9 over this.
@@cruelangel1516 I've never played 9 before only 13 I'm not a pc gamer but I support anything koei makes
@@cruelangel1516 9 better than the latest versions