I loved this conversation. With the loudest people on the internet having their polarizing views for clicks, you two are a breath of fresh air. Thank you
what could be more important? Timestamps: 15:00 Steiner and Whitehead, hybrid prehension, telepathy, and spiritual organs of perception 25:41 Language and Thought: how to describe spiritual realities without implying mind/matter dualism? 41:50 Hegel and the evolution of consciousness towards freedom via dialectics of contradiction and mutual recognition 1:03:40 spiritual paleontology of pre-ice age civilizations and the idea of the end of history 1:15:07 the commodification of culture and need to reimagine money as a means of communication: Steiner's social threefolding 1:25:15 Rocket Science and Space Telescopes: Crawling through the Crack in Big Bang Theology into the Concretion of Time@@Formscapes
I’m scared by how much I don’t understand a word they’re saying, even though I’ve been listening to Formscapes for a bit now, and I’m familiar with some of these things, but this is so potent, I’m gonna have to watch it 5 times to understand it.
happy to hear you two discuss the gaps in our history. As more and more comes to the surface, we are having to question the validity of ANY part of our story we've been told. Almost anywhere you look there are holes you could dive down. From our dating methods and how long bones and other objects even need to become petrified, to the validity and accounts of wars so near to us. It's so easy to fabricate a whole story amd then force feed it to us through a few generations. It takes minds like you both to truly question and not be afraid of what others may think. One thing is fairly certain, and that's what we have been told is absolutely NOT our reality.... that's about all I'm certain of at this time. Everything needs to be brought under question. As open-minded as possible while using the sharpest discernment and deepest intuition.
This is Josh :) mental to mental prehension and the philosophical society we might create to cultivate this is so important. Going beyond the physical pole, to be in person between us all is so important to imagine the best most beautiful and loving potential of the future. The English language seems to perpetuate bifurcated abstracted concepts, so the community of us all together is so important for life. I’d like to consider how to communicate communities to elaborate our concepts from precepts.
I like to just listen to the audio and try to picture the speakers in my mind, when I've never seen them before. I got super close this time with both of you. So..whatever that means. It felt good to do it.
1:02:16 I had this thought looking west from the coast of Portugal last year. The sun setting in the ocean to the west exerted a powerfully magnetic pull.
Thanks for doing this! I was little hesitant about listening it at first, since as much as I appreciate and like what Formscapes does sometimes I can't keep up with the way he presents his thoughts. I found the pace of conversation here just right for the late night listen and the subjects interesting throughout.
@1:42:00 Steiner's profound indication supports this notion of origin via life before birth in his Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms. He also illucidates the relation to our physiology and the three higher states of consciousness to the threefold social order. He ties this fixation on the afterlife to the coming (in his time and here in ours) morass of ideological clap trappery in all three spheres.
Awesome discussion fellas. I believe music can soften the barriers of the human mind & brain. To convince programmed individuals that these 'higher states of consciousness' exist, & are available to us all can be an utter impossibility if you don't get way up in their heads & do some Serious De-Programming!!!
@45:30 I too see the zombie phenomena. For me also inspired by Schickler we seem to have one foot in the immediate "afterlife" (etheric) with our consciousness. Post modern selfness as an iteration of modern selfness as analytical, living schizophrenically on both sides of the threshold. The problem being the postmodern extension is trained in the Me-ness rather than the I-ness and so is adrift as ghostly configuration on a Nietzschean sea that is boundless and without navigational markers because BEING is unrecognizable within the fluid solution and dissolution . It is unrecognizable because we have no relationship with a metamorphic conceptual life - only an object oriented conceptual death.
The concept of a toroidal shaped universe seems to be a " Theory of everything". It gives us a map to test our ideas on everything from quantum physics to biology, and everything in between.
I think the French revolution had a strong thread of "vengeance" in it that the American revolution did not. Although, it's hard to say exactly why - notably, the "oppressors" in the American revolution were far away and out of reach, so there really wasn't any possibility of meting out retribution. On the other hand, the French elite were handy. So I don't know how much of that was a cultural difference, but I want to think that some of it was. Your point about the opportunity to spread west is a good one too - there were many more opportunities to "do things" with the newfound freedoms here. I don't think many of us Americans fully appreciate just how lucky we've been in the natural resource and physical security (oceans between us and our potential enemies) departments.
You should look into Gurdjieff and Ouspensky as well. David Bohm was influenced by them, and more than can be said in a comment. Gurdjieff's pupil J. G. Bennett mentions Whitehead as well as Samuel Alexander in his 'The Dramatic Universe", also recommended.
Maurice Nicoll was perhaps the greatest expositor of their teaching, what's called "The Work", or the Fourth Way. Maurice was himself one of Jung's students and friends.
I can't remember anything other than feeling that "I" am in my head. I've always assumed it has to do with my eyes and ears being there. So, yes, behind my eyeballs - that the only experience I have any memory of.
At around 1:30:00 where you guys were talking about the infinity of time, I find relevant Samuel Clarke's fifth letter on behalf of Newtonianism and Cambridge Platonism to Leibniz (which the latter was unable to answer or even read due to his death). I highly recommend you read that if you haven't. All of metatheoretical physics since has been a rehash of this debate. I also find it funny how the "victory" of Newtonian science over other paradigms such as Leibniz's was entirely phyrric since most of its metaphysical assumptions have been chipped off and done away with. His main accusation of Leibniz was of the latter holding an overly mechanical, materialistic, dualistic worldview.
What we take to be Newton's mechanistic worldview actually came with a big asterisk explaining how that was only the case with the empirical data concerning the movements of the planets at the time with Force itself being grounded in "qualitates occultae." Newton's metaphysical view of Space as receptacle was perfectly congruent with the cabbalistic notion of Ein Sof that he was no doubt aware of.
@Formscapes Steiner did not say that Ahriman would incarnate in the 3000s, he said he would incarnate in the 3rd millennium, which is the 2000s. so, now. He said "before a part of the third millennium has passed"
The long-term side effects of philosophy on the human psyche and body are very similar to those of meth, if you're actually doing the philosophy correctly
We live in a block universe (4D spacetime) a 3D block sweeping through 1D time. But that’s only a thin slice of the greater bulk. Degrees of freedom expand as you march into geometric dimensionalities beyond 3D. Just like 1 and 2 dimensions are embedded in 3D, 3D is embedded in 4,5,6,7… dimensions until the complexity becomes trivial. The temporal we experience is a finite instance, but eternally repeating, however the more complex dimensions are absolutely necessary to stage the birth and death of physically objective experiences, or at least the illusion of physically objective experiences.
Is Whitehead's "mindmeld" of telepathy the same as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche's master/slave mentality just differing on whether it is a collaborative/competitive dynamic between two differing perspectives?
Not sure. Can you say more about what you mean? We were only discussing Hegel's master/slave dialectic (which he borrowed from Fichte in many respects, and further developed). I'm familiar with NIetzsche's slave morality which while insightful in its own ways is quite different from Hegel's reading.
@@Footnotes2Plato Sure, when two minds interact, typically through the medium of conversation, but implied also with telepathy, there is often a connotative difference between the two. The master/slave mentality of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche refers to the master being the one who asserts their meaning onto others and the slave subverts their own perspective and accepts the meaning of the master. I believe for all intent and purpose here, that master/slave morality of assertion/acceptance is threaded between all three philosophers, though they have different explanations of its significance and origins. So to restate the question, in Whitehead's telepathic mindmeld (which I assumed was your language), how does the mind react to a difference of perspective? Is it a competitive endeavor where one rules out the other or is it more collaborative? If my assumption that Whitehead purports a more collaborative than competitive morality, what is the mechanism to allow it to happen? How does he deal with conflict between two perspectives? If it is a synthesis, how does one maintain connection to the primary experience of the ding an sich?
Steiner goes through the whole whitehead experience in his gospel of luke. Materialists understand things incorrectly. If you TRULY want to understand our reality steiner is the ONLY authority. He was gifted the highest degree of seership. Your comparing materialistic abstraction in whitehead and true concrete reality in steiner. You must FEEL steiners work and not simply intellectually digest it. Good work shining a light on him. Steiner was a gift erased from history by Ahriman and his cohorts.
If the speed of light is variable like Einstein suggested in his paper "On the influence of Gravitation on the propagation of light" and was further elaborated by Robert Dicke's VSL theory, then the distant galaxies seen by JWST may not be as far back in the past as suggested. Even the fully formed Galaxies seen 30 billion light years away such as have been observed, may actually have been seen in their state merely a million years ago because the light may be traveling faster intra-galactically due to the lack of gravitation reducing the photonic propagation rate.
Great work Matt. Lovely to see you chatting with Formscapes. Mental inheritance ..... another "sin/blessing" of our forefathers? Auch komisch, dass du dich Herr Doktor nennst :) Ich frage mich wieviele diesen Namen verstehe.? Schon ein bisschen gewagt!
What an opening of leaf forms with breeze with music. Cool. The Theosophy Society? Interesting. Annie Beasant and Charles Ledbetter with Krishnamurti? The Sermon on the Mount: 1. What Did Jesus Teach? 2.The Beatitudes 3.As a Man Thinketh 4.Resist Not Evil 5.Treasure in Heaven 6. With What Measure Ye Mete 7. By Their Friuts. The Lord's Prayer The study of the Bible is not unlike the search for diamonds in South Africa. Jesus was he a teacher or merely a well-intentioned who came to grief, and failure. and ruin, after a short stormy public career. However you regard him the fact will remain that the life and death of Jesus. and the teachings to him have influenced the course of human history more than any those who have ever lived: more than Alexander, or Charlemagne, or Napoleon, or Washington. The plain fact is that taught no theology, whatever. His teaching is entirely is spiritual or metaphysical. American history and world histories on all sides. Philosophy, sciences, religious divisions for centuries. Music, art, creativity are the glues that hold our world together. Jordan Peterson is a highly intelligent man, but he can not teach me Nietzsche. Vulture capitalist are the blood banksters. There is a new consciousness arising. The two party sytem is broken in America, as in many powers of greed. 2024 we must have a new way of thinking and making a better world for humanity. Thank you, Dr. Iain McGilchrist and all those in various fields such as yourselves to ask the right questions and teach others. I also must add, C.J. Jung, "The Redbook" Libra Novus edited and with an Introduction by Sonu Shamdasani and others who are updating his works. J. Krishnamurti and Physicist David Bohm, Physicist and all those conversations, the Krishnamurti Foundation and Alan Watts. 🙏❤️🌎🌿🕊🎵🎶🎵
Kant made the fundamental mistake in premising “We” as in we cannot know the thing in itself. We as in I/you/me, is a loose premise at best, which of course is a Kantian perspective of itself. Human is nothing more than an abstract notion. A convenient framework to live by while we go about our daily in the physical realm. However, it is just an abstract notion so it has no place on the ponder table. Stepping back from it, one has to wonder what it is that holds the abstraction of just that. The eye within is the thing in itself. It can be understood as a set of a’ priori modes which act in conjunction with one another to aid systemic thought. Modes such as categorisation, identification, precision, evaluation, extension, expansion, configuration and unification just to name one more for now, all act as a single set when the eye is employed in thinking. It thinks systemically. There are many more modes and considered together as a constellation set unto themselves, one begins to see the inner eye in a new light. The thing in itself is a set of systemic modes floating in an ocean of dissipating variables. It is synthesised with the entire ecology of life but to know it so as to flow into it, it has to systemise. Point being: this is what it means to embody a new way of seeing things. Alluding to various sets of inferences is not the same as embodying and embracing how the eye operates through abstraction.
Densities guys. It’s all about density layers and resonance. Russian dolls of nested ever more subtle planes as you move in, sheddding all things finite as you go. Only the infinite source has no finite attributes.
@1:14:00 . I suggest being careful about too broad a brush on the Peterson phenomena. There is lots of the nostalgia and there is the thinning of his own sauce by joining a side and his tape loop re., psychology and literary references. He seemed to have a Campbellian public discovery period where people witnessed a deepening through discovery of what it means to be a human being. His explorations into metaphysics has also pushed beyond his limitations as a psychological thinker. His brand is tiresome and pedestrian but his impact has also been extremely positive. He has awakened a belief in human intelligence in a non elitist fashion. I remember well in the eighties Joseph Campbell having a deep impact on the leveling up of a collective intelligence. If it wasn't for Peterson's use of this space I would likely not know of Matt's work or Vervaeke or Zak Stein etc.... All more substantial contributors to our epistemic commons than Peterson. He also rightly warned of a dangerous illiberalism arising on the "left". He unlike Matt and Zak though, does not fully grok the problems of scientific, philosophical, religious and economic materialism and its attendant objectification of all the spheres of existence including the commodification of children via tech and "education" and the reduction of the self to a me with no I.
I do think JBP had a positive effect on the discourse early on, shaking up some group think among progressives and allowing a new kind of conversation to happen. But IMO as he became famous, it went to his head, and he quickly became the very sort of reactionary ideologue he was seeing everywhere around him. This has been especially true since his recovery from drug addiction. At this point I fear he no longer serves as a pathway out of far right extremism toward a more centrist moderatism and is just a doom slide into the worst kind of hate driven politics and culture war (which has left and right forms, with JBP’s becoming increasingly right wing). He’s now doing major harm to our capacity for collective sense-making.
I posted quite a bit of commentary on Peterson over the years, precisely because I thought he was allowing an interesting shift in political and cultural dialogue to occur. I never agreed with much of what he was arguing for, but nonetheless, the conversation was refreshing. There was a turning point around the time he debated Marxism with Zizek. He was so woefully under-prepared and over-confident in that exchange, I had trouble taking him seriously anymore. After he came out of the hospital he seems to have become a much less balanced thinker, more prone let his emotions (whether sentimentality or anger) run the show than his intellect and intuition. Especially since he joined Daily Wire and started cozying up with the likes of Netanyahu and other reactionaries, I've just been ignoring him. Maybe that's a bad idea as I know he still has a large audience. I just lost interest.
Anceint spiritual people evolve to modern intellectual people who evolve to cyborgs..seems like a logical progression to me. I'm optimistic about getting a chip in my brain or some test tube organs, and don't forget all the pills that haven't been invented yet..i may not even need the chip if the right chemist gets the brain chip first
Thank you gents for this fantastic video. RE 54:58 (on understanding the trinity) Take a look at the cover art for The Moody Blues "In Search of The Lost Chord". I'd also recommend you take a listen and maybe offer up a Eurythmic treatise if you feel it, ride the "See Saw" 😜 @formscapes @Footnotes2Plato
I loved this conversation. With the loudest people on the internet having their polarizing views for clicks, you two are a breath of fresh air. Thank you
There's nothing wrong with having a polarizing point of view.
we start at 15:00. this was an epic conversation so i'll add timestamps asap
Super fun conversation. Very important topics 11/10 😎👍
what could be more important? Timestamps:
15:00 Steiner and Whitehead, hybrid prehension, telepathy, and spiritual organs of perception
25:41 Language and Thought: how to describe spiritual realities without implying mind/matter dualism?
41:50 Hegel and the evolution of consciousness towards freedom via dialectics of contradiction and mutual recognition
1:03:40 spiritual paleontology of pre-ice age civilizations and the idea of the end of history
1:15:07 the commodification of culture and need to reimagine money as a means of communication: Steiner's social threefolding
1:25:15 Rocket Science and Space Telescopes: Crawling through the Crack in Big Bang Theology into the Concretion of Time@@Formscapes
Just two remarkably similar meat shells hamming it up for their inheritance. ❤
This my friends was wonderful to experience. Much love. Stay well!
what a pleasant surprise to discover this crossover. love both these guys
I’m scared by how much I don’t understand a word they’re saying, even though I’ve been listening to Formscapes for a bit now, and I’m familiar with some of these things, but this is so potent, I’m gonna have to watch it 5 times to understand it.
happy to hear you two discuss the gaps in our history. As more and more comes to the surface, we are having to question the validity of ANY part of our story we've been told. Almost anywhere you look there are holes you could dive down. From our dating methods and how long bones and other objects even need to become petrified, to the validity and accounts of wars so near to us. It's so easy to fabricate a whole story amd then force feed it to us through a few generations. It takes minds like you both to truly question and not be afraid of what others may think. One thing is fairly certain, and that's what we have been told is absolutely NOT our reality.... that's about all I'm certain of at this time. Everything needs to be brought under question. As open-minded as possible while using the sharpest discernment and deepest intuition.
This is Josh :) mental to mental prehension and the philosophical society we might create to cultivate this is so important. Going beyond the physical pole, to be in person between us all is so important to imagine the best most beautiful and loving potential of the future. The English language seems to perpetuate bifurcated abstracted concepts, so the community of us all together is so important for life. I’d like to consider how to communicate communities to elaborate our concepts from precepts.
I like to just listen to the audio and try to picture the speakers in my mind, when I've never seen them before. I got super close this time with both of you. So..whatever that means. It felt good to do it.
1:02:16 I had this thought looking west from the coast of Portugal last year. The sun setting in the ocean to the west exerted a powerfully magnetic pull.
Thanks for doing this! I was little hesitant about listening it at first, since as much as I appreciate and like what Formscapes does sometimes I can't keep up with the way he presents his thoughts. I found the pace of conversation here just right for the late night listen and the subjects interesting throughout.
I have to watch formscapes on 1.25x playback speed or else I space out
Really enjoyed this back and forth - thank you!
Discovered the two of you this last weeks and now this collab, great!
@1:42:00 Steiner's profound indication supports this notion of origin via life before birth in his Spiritual Science as a Foundation for Social Forms. He also illucidates the relation to our physiology and the three higher states of consciousness to the threefold social order. He ties this fixation on the afterlife to the coming (in his time and here in ours) morass of ideological clap trappery in all three spheres.
super glad to see this happen.
Just discovered formscapes a few weeks back and did think you two would have a great conversation.
Awesome chat! Thanks for sharing your brilliant minds with us!
Awesome discussion fellas. I believe music can soften the barriers of the human mind & brain. To convince programmed individuals that these 'higher states of consciousness' exist, & are available to us all can be an utter impossibility if you don't get way up in their heads & do some Serious De-Programming!!!
@45:30 I too see the zombie phenomena. For me also inspired by Schickler we seem to have one foot in the immediate "afterlife" (etheric) with our consciousness. Post modern selfness as an iteration of modern selfness as analytical, living schizophrenically on both sides of the threshold. The problem being the postmodern extension is trained in the Me-ness rather than the I-ness and so is adrift as ghostly configuration on a Nietzschean sea that is boundless and without navigational markers because BEING is unrecognizable within the fluid solution and dissolution . It is unrecognizable because we have no relationship with a metamorphic conceptual life - only an object oriented conceptual death.
The concept of a toroidal shaped universe seems to be a " Theory of everything". It gives us a map to test our ideas on everything from quantum physics to biology, and everything in between.
I think the French revolution had a strong thread of "vengeance" in it that the American revolution did not. Although, it's hard to say exactly why - notably, the "oppressors" in the American revolution were far away and out of reach, so there really wasn't any possibility of meting out retribution. On the other hand, the French elite were handy. So I don't know how much of that was a cultural difference, but I want to think that some of it was. Your point about the opportunity to spread west is a good one too - there were many more opportunities to "do things" with the newfound freedoms here. I don't think many of us Americans fully appreciate just how lucky we've been in the natural resource and physical security (oceans between us and our potential enemies) departments.
You should look into Gurdjieff and Ouspensky as well. David Bohm was influenced by them, and more than can be said in a comment. Gurdjieff's pupil J. G. Bennett mentions Whitehead as well as Samuel Alexander in his 'The Dramatic Universe", also recommended.
Maurice Nicoll was perhaps the greatest expositor of their teaching, what's called "The Work", or the Fourth Way. Maurice was himself one of Jung's students and friends.
Thank you 🙏🏾
I can't remember anything other than feeling that "I" am in my head. I've always assumed it has to do with my eyes and ears being there. So, yes, behind my eyeballs - that the only experience I have any memory of.
At around 1:30:00 where you guys were talking about the infinity of time, I find relevant Samuel Clarke's fifth letter on behalf of Newtonianism and Cambridge Platonism to Leibniz (which the latter was unable to answer or even read due to his death). I highly recommend you read that if you haven't. All of metatheoretical physics since has been a rehash of this debate. I also find it funny how the "victory" of Newtonian science over other paradigms such as Leibniz's was entirely phyrric since most of its metaphysical assumptions have been chipped off and done away with. His main accusation of Leibniz was of the latter holding an overly mechanical, materialistic, dualistic worldview.
What we take to be Newton's mechanistic worldview actually came with a big asterisk explaining how that was only the case with the empirical data concerning the movements of the planets at the time with Force itself being grounded in "qualitates occultae." Newton's metaphysical view of Space as receptacle was perfectly congruent with the cabbalistic notion of Ein Sof that he was no doubt aware of.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 thank you
You need to revisit Carlos Castaneda and Tim Rifat
@Formscapes Steiner did not say that Ahriman would incarnate in the 3000s, he said he would incarnate in the 3rd millennium, which is the 2000s. so, now. He said "before a part of the third millennium has passed"
Nalhek looks like pewdiepie if he studied philosophy on meth
The long-term side effects of philosophy on the human psyche and body are very similar to those of meth, if you're actually doing the philosophy correctly
@@Formscapes my words
We live in a block universe (4D spacetime) a 3D block sweeping through 1D time. But that’s only a thin slice of the greater bulk. Degrees of freedom expand as you march into geometric dimensionalities beyond 3D. Just like 1 and 2 dimensions are embedded in 3D, 3D is embedded in 4,5,6,7… dimensions until the complexity becomes trivial. The temporal we experience is a finite instance, but eternally repeating, however the more complex dimensions are absolutely necessary to stage the birth and death of physically objective experiences, or at least the illusion of physically objective experiences.
Is Whitehead's "mindmeld" of telepathy the same as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche's master/slave mentality just differing on whether it is a collaborative/competitive dynamic between two differing perspectives?
Not sure. Can you say more about what you mean? We were only discussing Hegel's master/slave dialectic (which he borrowed from Fichte in many respects, and further developed). I'm familiar with NIetzsche's slave morality which while insightful in its own ways is quite different from Hegel's reading.
@@Footnotes2Plato Sure, when two minds interact, typically through the medium of conversation, but implied also with telepathy, there is often a connotative difference between the two. The master/slave mentality of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche refers to the master being the one who asserts their meaning onto others and the slave subverts their own perspective and accepts the meaning of the master. I believe for all intent and purpose here, that master/slave morality of assertion/acceptance is threaded between all three philosophers, though they have different explanations of its significance and origins.
So to restate the question, in Whitehead's telepathic mindmeld (which I assumed was your language), how does the mind react to a difference of perspective? Is it a competitive endeavor where one rules out the other or is it more collaborative? If my assumption that Whitehead purports a more collaborative than competitive morality, what is the mechanism to allow it to happen? How does he deal with conflict between two perspectives? If it is a synthesis, how does one maintain connection to the primary experience of the ding an sich?
Steiner goes through the whole whitehead experience in his gospel of luke. Materialists understand things incorrectly. If you TRULY want to understand our reality steiner is the ONLY authority. He was gifted the highest degree of seership. Your comparing materialistic abstraction in whitehead and true concrete reality in steiner. You must FEEL steiners work and not simply intellectually digest it. Good work shining a light on him. Steiner was a gift erased from history by Ahriman and his cohorts.
@39:50 I am put in mind of Schickler's Death and Life in Modem Thinking.
If the speed of light is variable like Einstein suggested in his paper "On the influence of Gravitation on the propagation of light" and was further elaborated by Robert Dicke's VSL theory, then the distant galaxies seen by JWST may not be as far back in the past as suggested. Even the fully formed Galaxies seen 30 billion light years away such as have been observed, may actually have been seen in their state merely a million years ago because the light may be traveling faster intra-galactically due to the lack of gravitation reducing the photonic propagation rate.
You know you can clip your videos in RUclips studio?
thanks for the reminder. I intended to do that months ago!
Great work Matt. Lovely to see you chatting with Formscapes. Mental inheritance ..... another "sin/blessing" of our forefathers? Auch komisch, dass du dich Herr Doktor nennst :) Ich frage mich wieviele diesen Namen verstehe.? Schon ein bisschen gewagt!
Just a joke 🤣
What an opening of leaf forms with breeze with music. Cool.
The Theosophy Society? Interesting. Annie Beasant and Charles Ledbetter with Krishnamurti?
The Sermon on the Mount:
1. What Did Jesus Teach?
2.The Beatitudes
3.As a Man Thinketh
4.Resist Not Evil
5.Treasure in Heaven
6. With What Measure Ye Mete
7. By Their Friuts.
The Lord's Prayer
The study of the Bible is not unlike the search for diamonds in South Africa.
Jesus was he a teacher or merely a well-intentioned who came to grief, and failure. and ruin, after a short stormy public career. However you regard him the fact will remain that the life and death of Jesus. and the teachings to him have influenced the course of human history more than any those who have ever lived: more than Alexander, or Charlemagne, or Napoleon, or Washington.
The plain fact is that taught no theology, whatever. His teaching is entirely is spiritual or metaphysical.
American history and world histories on all sides.
Philosophy, sciences, religious divisions for centuries. Music, art, creativity are the glues that hold our world together.
Jordan Peterson is a highly intelligent man, but he can not teach me Nietzsche.
Vulture capitalist are the blood banksters.
There is a new consciousness arising. The two party sytem is broken in America, as in many powers of greed.
2024 we must have a new way of thinking and making a better world for humanity.
Thank you, Dr. Iain McGilchrist and all those in various fields such as yourselves to ask the right questions and teach others.
I also must add, C.J. Jung, "The Redbook" Libra Novus edited and with an Introduction by Sonu Shamdasani and others who are updating his works.
J. Krishnamurti and Physicist David Bohm, Physicist and all those conversations, the Krishnamurti Foundation and Alan Watts.
Kant made the fundamental mistake in premising “We” as in we cannot know the thing in itself. We as in I/you/me, is a loose premise at best, which of course is a Kantian perspective of itself. Human is nothing more than an abstract notion. A convenient framework to live by while we go about our daily in the physical realm. However, it is just an abstract notion so it has no place on the ponder table.
Stepping back from it, one has to wonder what it is that holds the abstraction of just that. The eye within is the thing in itself. It can be understood as a set of a’ priori modes which act in conjunction with one another to aid systemic thought. Modes such as categorisation, identification, precision, evaluation, extension, expansion, configuration and unification just to name one more for now, all act as a single set when the eye is employed in thinking. It thinks systemically.
There are many more modes and considered together as a constellation set unto themselves, one begins to see the inner eye in a new light. The thing in itself is a set of systemic modes floating in an ocean of dissipating variables. It is synthesised with the entire ecology of life but to know it so as to flow into it, it has to systemise.
Point being: this is what it means to embody a new way of seeing things. Alluding to various sets of inferences is not the same as embodying and embracing how the eye operates through abstraction.
Densities guys. It’s all about density layers and resonance. Russian dolls of nested ever more subtle planes as you move in, sheddding all things finite as you go. Only the infinite source has no finite attributes.
@1:14:00 . I suggest being careful about too broad a brush on the Peterson phenomena. There is lots of the nostalgia and there is the thinning of his own sauce by joining a side and his tape loop re., psychology and literary references. He seemed to have a Campbellian public discovery period where people witnessed a deepening through discovery of what it means to be a human being. His explorations into metaphysics has also pushed beyond his limitations as a psychological thinker. His brand is tiresome and pedestrian but his impact has also been extremely positive. He has awakened a belief in human intelligence in a non elitist fashion. I remember well in the eighties Joseph Campbell having a deep impact on the leveling up of a collective intelligence. If it wasn't for Peterson's use of this space I would likely not know of Matt's work or Vervaeke or Zak Stein etc.... All more substantial contributors to our epistemic commons than Peterson. He also rightly warned of a dangerous illiberalism arising on the "left". He unlike Matt and Zak though, does not fully grok the problems of scientific, philosophical, religious and economic materialism and its attendant objectification of all the spheres of existence including the commodification of children via tech and "education" and the reduction of the self to a me with no I.
I do think JBP had a positive effect on the discourse early on, shaking up some group think among progressives and allowing a new kind of conversation to happen. But IMO as he became famous, it went to his head, and he quickly became the very sort of reactionary ideologue he was seeing everywhere around him. This has been especially true since his recovery from drug addiction. At this point I fear he no longer serves as a pathway out of far right extremism toward a more centrist moderatism and is just a doom slide into the worst kind of hate driven politics and culture war (which has left and right forms, with JBP’s becoming increasingly right wing). He’s now doing major harm to our capacity for collective sense-making.
I posted quite a bit of commentary on Peterson over the years, precisely because I thought he was allowing an interesting shift in political and cultural dialogue to occur. I never agreed with much of what he was arguing for, but nonetheless, the conversation was refreshing. There was a turning point around the time he debated Marxism with Zizek. He was so woefully under-prepared and over-confident in that exchange, I had trouble taking him seriously anymore. After he came out of the hospital he seems to have become a much less balanced thinker, more prone let his emotions (whether sentimentality or anger) run the show than his intellect and intuition. Especially since he joined Daily Wire and started cozying up with the likes of Netanyahu and other reactionaries, I've just been ignoring him. Maybe that's a bad idea as I know he still has a large audience. I just lost interest.
Yes these are similar issues that I was expressing. I rarely attend to him any more. @@Footnotes2Plato
Destiny... or Guess-tiny?... both are apt.
Magic is all fun until someone loses an eye (sanity). I'm much more interested in the human capacity of imagination.
The trinity is only a mystery when people forget to integrate the feminine principle
Anceint spiritual people evolve to modern intellectual people who evolve to cyborgs..seems like a logical progression to me. I'm optimistic about getting a chip in my brain or some test tube organs, and don't forget all the pills that haven't been invented yet..i may not even need the chip if the right chemist gets the brain chip first
Thank you gents for this fantastic video. RE 54:58 (on understanding the trinity) Take a look at the cover art for The Moody Blues "In Search of The Lost Chord". I'd also recommend you take a listen and maybe offer up a Eurythmic treatise if you feel it, ride the "See Saw" 😜 @formscapes @Footnotes2Plato