Wow man i did it dtraight talk about a victory like no other i want a bidy count super heros fuck me its fabulous you all saw it in me i was blind but gotto see just in the nick of time i couldnt have managed it on my own thankyou alll oh overflow i love the sound of it just now hell fire mine and gods warriors so brave and all for little old me im in shock that i had such wild abilities i kept my promise to my dead son jesus i told him after that that i would get every last one of them i promised i would avenge his deathand not one left standing it musta been like a river flowing red
Cracking performance 🤘🤘
WTF. tight tight. super power vocals. LZ wud did her range. lead sherds. bass and brums too
Wow man i did it dtraight talk about a victory like no other i want a bidy count super heros fuck me its fabulous you all saw it in me i was blind but gotto see just in the nick of time i couldnt have managed it on my own thankyou alll oh overflow i love the sound of it just now hell fire mine and gods warriors so brave and all for little old me im in shock that i had such wild abilities i kept my promise to my dead son jesus i told him after that that i would get every last one of them i promised i would avenge his deathand not one left standing it musta been like a river flowing red