Oh my god I rarely comment on RUclips... I miss you a lot and I am your huge fan !!! Please don’t stop singing and so happy to see you back with music ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
No doubt that her voice is still the best💕. Had been waiting for your coming back and now I’m pleased for this surprising with the new version of my favorite song playlists.
️នឹកidolណាស់ បទគាត់មួយណាក៏ចេះដែរ ជំនាន់ហ្នឹងយេីងក្រគ្មានទូរស័ព្ទស្ដាប់ទេមានតែ វិទ្យុ ស្ដាប់គេខលទៅសំណូមពរ បានស្ដាប់មួយបទៗអរចង់ហោះ♥️
មែនហើយ ពេលគេសូមណូមពរ ក្នុងចិត្តបន់អោយតែគេសូមណូមពរអោយចំបទស្រលាញ់
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ស្វាគមន៍ការត្រលប់មកវិញនឹកណាស់ my Idol hight school life ស្រលាញ់សំលេងនឹងអារម្មណ៍ដែលidol ច្រៀង ចង់ផ្ញើរពាក្យនឹករលឹកថា នឹកណាស់ អគុណដែលផ្តល់នូវអនុស្សវរីយ៍តាមបទចំរៀងកាលពីយើងរៀនវិទ្យាល័យ អីឡូវអី្វៗខុសប្លែកកាលពីអារម្មណ៍នៅវិទ្យាល័យ កូនពីរបីអស់ហើយidolអើយ ហើយចង់និយាយថាពេលលឺសំលេងidolម្តងទៀតឡើងសាបប្រាយម៉ង អារម្មណ៍ទាញរកកាលយើងនៅវិទ្យាល័យភ្លាម ( អារម្មណ៍ជាស្រីស្អាតហ៎ ) 😂
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បែកយូរហើយសម្លេងនៅទេពិរោះដដែល ចូលចិត្តបទនេះណាស់អាយដល
ចុះ admin ណប់បែកគ្នាយូរមានប្រពន្ធនៅ 😄
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
អ្នកគាំទ្រពិតជាមិនខកបំណង... Thanks u b for your coming back ❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
សម្លេងនៅតែពិរោះដដែលបងស្រី ទោះជាសម្រាកមួយរយៈពេលក៏ដោយ ជូនពរបងជោជ័យសម្រាប់ការត្រលប់មកវិញ❤️
សូមអរគុណ អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាសម្រាប់ការគាំទ្រ កុំភ្លេចធ្វើការ like , share នឹង follow ដើម្បីទទួលបានស្នាដៃបន្តបន្ទាប់ 🙏🏼 កុំភ្លេចចូលរួមទប់ស្កាត់ជម្ងឺកូវីដ១៩ ទាំងអស់គ្នា នៅផ្ទះឈ្នះកូវីដ
I am always your fan, and I felt your leaving from music world is a big loss, but now u are back! Welcome back,queen of romance
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បងចង់សុំបងធ្វើបទបង្ខំចិត្តបែក ឡើងវិញ ❤️❤️ បើអាចច្រៀងជាមួយបងរ័ត្ន ក៏បាន ❤️❤️❤️❤️ can’t wait to see that song again in new version ❤️❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
នៅតែស្រទន់អាយដល់ welcome back 👸🏻💚
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ពីមុន ចេះតែថាអោយចាស់ៗ ម៉េចចូលចិត្តស្តាប់តាបទចាស់ៗ ជំនាន់គាត់ម៉េស។ ឥឡូវដល់ខ្លួនឯង យល់អារម្មណ៏ហ្នឹងដែរហើយ ស្តាប់តែបទជំនាន់យើងដូចគ្នា បទជំនាន់ថ្មីៗ ដូចស្តាប់អត់សូវចូល! នឹកជំនាន់នៅរៀនវិទ្យាល័យណាស់ បាក់ទូក ផ្សារតាប៉ាង 43 ផ្សារកណ្តាល អី!
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back love 💕 this is so nostalgic and please keep releasing music
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
so good my idol❤❤❤❤
ស្វាគមន៍ការត្រឡប់មកវិញរបស់បងស្រី💙 ចងចាំមិនភ្លេច បទដំបូងដែលខ្ញុំបានស្ដាប់កាលពីជាង10ឆ្នាំមុន "សុខចិត្តធ្វើមនុស្សល្ងង់" ❣️🌈
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Old version and new version are both so good!!! 🥺🇰🇭😘
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
សូមស្វាគមន៍idolដែលត្រលប់មកបំពេរអារម្មណ៍ពួកខ្ញុំដែលជាfanអោយនឹកដល់អនុស្សាវរីយ៍ចាស់ៗកាលពី២០១១កន្លងមក អគុណណាស់idol នៅតែស្រលាញ់idolពេញបេះដូងដដែល ពីខ្ញុំfanអ្នក២០២១
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បទនេះល្បីណាស់កាល់ជំនាន់ខ្ញុំនៅតូច លូវក៏នៅតែពិរោះ
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Oh my god I rarely comment on RUclips... I miss you a lot and I am your huge fan !!! Please don’t stop singing and so happy to see you back with music ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back my old Idol and your voice still the best ❤️ keep going my cute Idol.
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
សម្លេងគាត់ ស្រទន់ ផ្អែម មានទឹកដមល្អណាស់ ស្ដាយកុំតែបាត់មុខយូរ មិនចឹងមិនដឹងល្បីយ៉ាងណាទេ❤
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បាត់មុខយូរពេកហើយ Idol ☹️
បទភ្លងថ្មីអារម្មណ៍ថ្មី+អតីតកាល មានជាតិណាស់ ♥️🎧
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back... Long time no see... miss your voice idol. I’m your fan!!!
From: PUCer.
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បាត់មុខយូរហើយ... waiting for you for a long time.
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
It’s been years and I miss this song so much, finally a new version omgggg
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
My girl comeback
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back b, my fav song
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
I love this new instrumental but I love the old style of the song
ស្វាគមន៍ការវិលមកវិញបងស្រី អាយដល ខ្ញុំជាហ្វេនរបស់បងម្នាក់ដែរ ពេញចិត្តនឹងសម្លេងដ៏ផ្អែមរបស់បងណាស់
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ទោះបីជាបទនេះច្រើនឆ្នាំមកហើយ តែស្ដាប់នៅតែមានភាពរស់រវើក ហើយនៅតែជាប់នៅក្នុងចិត្តខ្ញុំ 💔💔💔💔
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back to the bast music 🎵🎶 to know Angella❤️❤️❤️🧡🤟
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ខ្ញុំស្តាប់ចម្រៀង បាន មុន្នីលក្ខ័ ឃើញថា ឧបករណ៍ថតសម្លេងគេមានគុណភាពខ្ពស់
ចឹងហើយចម្រៀង ក៏ លះដាច់ស្អាតក្រអួនពិរោះណាស់ សាច់ភ្លេង នឹង សម្លេង ចែកដាច់គ្នាបានល្អ។
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back... queen 👑
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បែកគាត់10ឆ្នាំគត់ សម្លេងគាត់នៅតែដដែល❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Omg My favorite song with best voice 🥰🥰💖💖 still love u sis 💜
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
លង់នឹងសម្លេងidol ស្ដាប់ហើយចង់ស្ដាប់ទៀត មិនចេះជិនណាយ❤❤❤❤
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បងបើខ្ញុំចង់cover song នេះបានអត់បងទៅrecord នៅនឹងបានទេពេលឃើញជួយតបវិញផងបងស្រឡាញ់ការធ្វើភ្លេងរបស់បងប៊ុណ្ណារ័ត្ននឹងសម្លេងបងអេនជេឡាណាស់
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
សម្លេងនៅតែពិរោះដដែល ស្រលាញ់ណាស់🥰❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
នឹកជំនាន់សក់ប៉ោងណាស់ Angella Fan Club កូនមួយកូនពីរអស់ហេីយមេីលទៅ 😅
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welcome back idol គៀបធ្មេញទៅសីស ស្អាតហើយ
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
សំលេងបងនៅតែពិរោះដូចមុនដដែល ❤️
Wow , I missed your voice ....
I can listen to you here again ...
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ពិរោះណាស់ ណាមួយមានភ្លេងខ្មែរទៀត! ចូលចិត្តភ្លេងរនាត!!
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Idol នៅតែស្អាត តែចូលចិត្តពេលបងពាក់វ៉ែតា 🤣
បន្ថែមឧបករណ៍ភ្លេងខ្មែរកាន់តែពិរោះ សម្លេងគាត់នៅតែពិរោះបទចាស់តែរសជាតិថ្មី
Can't wait idol comeback
ប្តូររស់ជាតិពីដប់ឆ្នាំមុនប្លែក សំលេងនៅដដែល ភ្លេងថ្មី កប់ណាស់
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ជាពិសេសបទសុខចិត្តធ្វើមនុស្សល្ងង់ស្តាប់រាល់ថ្ងៃ ចង់អោយបងធ្វើភ្លេងថ្មីដែរខ្ញុំស្រលាញ់បទនិងណាស់❤❤❤❤
ចេញមកម្តងផ្អើលពិភពគុណតែម្តង idol😍
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome my idol ❤️come back
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome idol💕
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back my idol
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back idol in ❤️
សូមអរគុណ អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាសម្រាប់ការគាំទ្រ កុំភ្លេចធ្វើការ like , share នឹង follow ដើម្បីទទួលបានស្នាដៃបន្តបន្ទាប់ 🙏🏼 កុំភ្លេចចូលរួមទប់ស្កាត់ជម្ងឺកូវីដ១៩ ទាំងអស់គ្នា នៅផ្ទះឈ្នះកូវីដ
My idol ត្រលប់មកវិញហេីយ, 😘😘 សំលេងនៅតែពិរោះដដែល , ស្តាប់ហេីយនឹកអតិតកាលណាស់ ជំនាន់កាលនៅវិទ្យាល័យ 🥰
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
No doubt that her voice is still the best💕. Had been waiting for your coming back and now I’m pleased for this surprising with the new version of my favorite song playlists.
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
@@angella-official3390 បងណាំ ប៊ុណ្ណារ័ត្នចូលTownវិញហេីយ នៅអាយដលឯងអត់ទាន់ឃេីញចូល
Welcome back idol😍😍
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Can't wait idol comeback 😍
Welcome to come back 😉❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back my idol💕💕
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ពិរោះជាមុនទៀត Remake បទចាស់ៗឡើងវិញអោយច្រើនមកបង ចាក់អោយកូនស្តាប់🙏🏽🖤❤️
Welcome back idol ❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
I love this song 💜 and really miss you too idol 💜 and new version is also good sound 🥰
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ស្តាប់ឡើងព្រឺរោមហើយ និយាយមែន🥰🥰
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បងសុំបទ គ្មានឱកាសឃាត់ទឹកភ្នែក 1 មក 😁❤️ ខានស្ដាប់បទនឹងយូរហើយ😊
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បទនេះស្តាប់រហូត ស្តាប់ទាល់តែបងទៅបាត់ពីសិល្បះ តែពេលនេះបងមកវិញហើយ ពិរោះណាស់ MY IDOL😥❤
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Love u sis 😍
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Idol មកវិញហេីយ♥
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Finally you back! Queen 👑
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Omg still my fav song ever 😫😍❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome Back My idol 💓😇😉
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ស្តាប់បទបង នឹកកាលរៀនវិទ្យាល័យ😁♥️✌🏻
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back my idol ❤🥰
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back my idol 🙏♥️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
បាត់បងច្រើនឆ្នាំហើយ នឹកសម្លេងបងណាស់
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
I like this version which is a
masterpiece. ❤
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome come back Angella
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ពិរោះខ្លាំងណាស់ Version ថ្មីលាយជាមួយ ទ្រ កាន់តែកំសត់ទៀត❤️
My idol is back ❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
ពីរោះខ្លាំងណាស់idol ប្លែកអារម្មណ៍ ☺️
នៅតែគាំទ្រ សំលេងនៅតែពីរោះដូចមុន 😍😍
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Thanks so much for sharing your new version song.
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
welcome back idol like your voice
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
New Version so cool idol.
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
រស់ជាតិថ្មីនៃការ Cover ថ្មីមួយនេះ
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Welcome back my sweet voice 🥰
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
សុំបទថ្មីៗ ទៀតមក Idol ពិរោះណាស់ មួយសតវត្ស មានមួយទេ សម្លេងចឹង
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Your voice still the same still perfect for me❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Omg, my favorite song! New version is not bad. love it
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
Your voice still sweet ❤️
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘
idol ត្រលប់មកវិញ នាំយកវង់ភ្លេងខ្មែរបុរាណ លើកស្ទួយវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ👍👍👍👍
Thanks for supporting our work. Please stay tuned for the next song 😍😘