Of course. But Im worried that the tech tree line might suck, if even the premium is kinda meh. Im waiting for that line cause im eager to play something new.
There is a large gap of balancing in between the BZ and this. This is a premium tank, it is supposed to be the cremé de la cremé of this vehicle type. So if the tech tree will be worse than this, then nobody will play them. So WG effectively wasted months and months of work making these vehicles for nothing. Sure, balancing is the key. But this nowhere near balanced. It is an XP pinata on wheels, nothing else
@@Tikurosthis is a medium tank on tier 8 with 360 alpha and better gun handling than most mediums with 200-240 alpha. Feels like it's automatically better than most meds on that tier, like the indien and the mutz, the cs-52, the tvp, the panther, and that it just picks a different trade-off than meds with good turret armor and bad gun handling like the chinese premiums. I don't think it is undertuned, maybe the viewrange a bit if I have to pick something. It might be worse than a progetto but every med is worse than that. Honestly I think it fills a real gap in playstyle in tier 8 with how it carries an almost tier 9 gun (minus the pen).
@@Tikuros well premiums shouldn't be seen as the best, the fact it is that way is already a problem, players where taught that and its going to be really hard to go back
@@DimitrisPapas please stop calling this a tank, it is not one and i feel this is a fire support tank, get into a good position and just wittle down the enemy tank
The traverse and speed actually looks somewhat realistic on this. The French wheelies have always been physics breaking in the way they move, even in an arcade style game. I think players have been spoiled by the speed powercreep over the years so now something like this doesn't seem special when there are heavies that aren't much slower.
I will admit, this turned out exactly how I thought it would: a sniper/support pseudo-leopard. People kept comparing them to the french wheeled tanks, but that's the whole point: they were never designed to be like the french ones. WG stated this multiple times as well. Not fast, not speedy, not having the turning speed of the french ones, not sneaky. The british meds were supposed to be sniper support with fairly fast mobility for a medium and low armor, but wheels instead of tracks. That's it.
To be fair i'm just happy that recently WG has not put out any broken op tanks in the game. I much rather have a below average, but possibly fun to play, tank (like old premiums) instead of one that broke the matchmacking for whatever years untill people get bored of it or another power creep machine takes it's place. So props to WG for trying to not destroy the game more than it has already done in the past.
IDK, BZ-176 was pretty recent, and that tank is hilariously unbalanced. Alpha and armor of a 60TP, but at tier 8 and with rocket boosters? Who the fuck approved this?
The scaling of this tank looks a little odd compared to a lot of other tanks and makes it seem like an absolute chonker but I'll take it if that's the most "broken" thing about it. I'm just glad this doesn't seem like yet another outrageous premium that will be 1000x better than it's tech-tree counterpart once those will arrive. Good on WG as well to sell these in rather affordable bundles if you want just the vehicle which is exactly how it always should be with new content.
The physics look so awkward on this tank considering how big it is. Also looks a pain as you mentioned to hide in bushes. Hope the tech tree has a lot more diversity
It look as awkward as any other vehicle in WoT. WoT physics is more like physics of toy tanks in sandbox than physics of actual vehices that weight tens of tons.
We need more tanks like these, that are balanced upon release, not another OP prem tank like the BZ or Borat that will never be nerfed. I'm afraid that we are all so used to seeing broken OP prem tanks, that when WG releases a balanced prem tank by some miracle, we all call it "bad" or "disappointing".
I think sometimes you just have to get over the fact that you dont always have to have 445 meters view range. 440 is definetley playable. My e50m has 440 and it hasn't stopped me from getting 58 percent wins in it. When you are okay with 440m viewrange, it opens up so many options. For example in my bourrasque, without vents, I have 440 max. but I can then use a rotation, vert stabs and turbo to make it more fun to play and make the traverse bit better. You could drop the turbo for aiming device, gun laying drive, exhaust, many other options. just my humble opinion.
@A2B3C4 And...that is a...counter argument? Not sure how it is or why you deemed it to be relevant to what I said. Cause, it is neither a counter argument, nor relevant to what I said. I said the vehicle is normal "for once", meaning, compared to several of the past premium vehicles, the GSOR 1010 FB is not overpowered. It is....normal, and more or less balanced in a way that allows tech tree tanks to fair well against it.
@A2B3C4 Compared to the french ones, the GSOR 1010 FB is balanced. Though, this is wot we are talking about, so, no tank is truly balanced, but, the GSOR 1010 FB is far more balanced in terms of overall gameplay and strengths than most other tanks with gimmicks. Seriously, you'd understand that if you watched QB's video here or even played against the tank. They are nothing special.
What terrifies me is that... It does not look overpowered, bonkers or too weird. It is a clear rear line vehicle with no real weird tricks beyond the wheels gimmick.
16:45 why lie? It isn't 83k profit. You didn't resupply the 20k consumable or the 20k large first aid kit you used. In reality you made 43k profit with premium. Without premium, you bearly broke even, making just 6k profit, and that was in a winning game. Note QB didn't show the profit/loss tab from the second (losing) game. That tab was probably pretty ugly. The third (winning) game was only 29k profit with premium (5k loss without premium). Please don't fudge the numbers to try to promote a tank QB, it will cost you your credibility.
I think the biggest issue of this tank is that WG created tons of ridiculously OP premiums in this game so this vehicle gets overshadowed by tens of other ones.
this tank would look more at home in War Thunder than World of Tanks. and im not even being a dick abut it, its just that WoT is too....... uh...? arcade? for a wheeled vehicle, with no armor, and not really the fastest of mobility, while being... essentially average? hell, its insane we in WoT call a tank with a 105mm gun AVERAGE, its beyond me.
Evidently I got this out of a loot box. Totally forgot about it. Never played it was going through my garage. Noticed it said why not played zero wheeled vehicles I'm absolutely in love with this thing! Coated optics (improved), exhaust and a commander's vision system sneaky thing the gun is amazing having so much fun with this 2nd game I played got an ace tanker.
Personally I found this tank surprisingly interesting. I thought it wouldn't be very good, based on some of the characteristics and my prior expectations were pretty low. Anyhow, since I wasn't sure I could play it like most of the meds I have in the garage, I tried a bit of an unorthodox setup compared to how I usually equip my mediums at least and so far stuck with it, since it seemed to be the one working fine enough for me. I feel like as a whole, there are things one cannot improve or "force" on this tank, but there are some downsides that can be improved/remedied meaningfully on it to make it more effective. Although I usually want my dpm boosted on most tanks, in my opinion, making this tank's dpm higher won't really make a difference: it will still be lower compared to most peers, and since you are made of paper with realtively few HP and are a huge target as well, you won't win many 1 on 1 faceoffs relying on dpm itself. But your pen is reliable and your alpha is actually above average for a tier 8 med while both the gun handling and accuracy are very good, so you would usually prefer to use that gun to snipe or peek-a-boo using your good reverse speed as your main defence in close quarters. That's why I feel a rammer is pretty much pointless and would just be a waste of a slot. As far as stabilization is concerned, normally I'd use a slot to improve it on almost any med. Again, considering that this tank will most frequently snipe or shoot from mid distance plus the fact that it has a very good combo of base dispersion values aiming time and accuracy, vertical stabilizer is another equipment piece I avoided using. Vents are often useful on a variety of tanks with different roles (as long as they are available), but only when you have nothing better to use and I feel like this tank needs first and formost things that would improve its sniping capability the most, while reducing the chance of getting annihilated too quickly. So, all things considered, I chose to bet on making it a "somewhat nimble and sneaky sniper" hence my main setup, as follows-> Forward speed on this tank is not bad but not that good either, while reverse speed is very good and a turbo improves both of them meaningfully, although not radically, so that's the preferential slot for me. Reverse speed boost in particular is especially important, as I will explain a bit more below. Secondly, since the tank has a bit mediocre base viewrange, especially for a paper tank (380 m), optics are a must as I see it (vents, pudding, crew training can't entirely compensate for it, imho). Finally, since base camo values aren't great, yet not absolutely terrible I chose to put an low noise exhaust in the third slot (again, no amount of crew training, vents or pudding will improve its camo values to a similar level). Plus, when it comes to field mods, one mod in particular that is relevant to my setup is of course the "anti-reflective coating", which provides an additional 3% camo boost, while trading away 2 km/h reverse speed. Considering the turbo added 3 km/h to the base reverse speed, you are still left with +1 km/h reverse compared to base value, and a fantastic reverse of 31 km/h. All the more importance to using the turbo (and putting it into the preferential slot, or else, using bounty or bonded one).
A good analysis of things and I like your choices there Solntsa. My current set-up is similar to yours, though I went with bond vents instead of low noise exhaust. Nonetheless, I will probably try your set-up as well today, since I can pair that with a fully camouflaged crew too. I agree with your assessment on the gun, and how a turbo and optics have greater impact at the end of the day.
I would rather play a 122TM simply because of the shell cost. The standard shell from the GSOR 1010 costs 1200 credits for 360 damage while the 122TM standard shell costs 1065 credits for 400 damage with better shell velocity. And the 122TM has armor as well.
I don't know QB. Your speed looks consistent and that's what the British are! I do wish wheels were better but I might get it! I can't treat this tank as my scout for Britain
i feel like sometimes when people talk about dpm they forget to talk about how dps dont matter if u dont hit the shells so a good gun can sometimes just end up haveing more dpm, anyhow love the video and cant way to try the techtree
Fast glass cannon? Take binoculars over optics, and stay away from the front line. Shell velocity will be an issue, but it might work at middle distance of you use the speed to get to a decent spot.
Just watching this makes me feel like it would be a decent "long range" support medium. Sort of an Easy 8 but at tier 8. I would opt to pump up the view range to the max and go for gun handling so you can play that support/make-shift sniper role. I play on console and feels like it would play similarly to the Trinity MK II but with a much better gun and speed. It's a "Mercenary" tank, they essentially combine a lot of the tanks and combine them together. The Trinity MK II is the T26E4 turret, with the T-44-100 tracks, and the 8,8 46 L 100 from the E-50 all in one tank with other spaced armor. Super HARD tank to play in a stealth role, but it plays long range support very well. Decent Turret vs lower tier tanks with a average gun. Very fast velocity, AP with APCR for gold ammo. 223 standard pen with 261 premium pen and 280 alpha. The GSOR 1010 would be just a faster and harder hitting version of the Trinity MK II
Skid-steer, my dad had a wheeled bucket loader that could turn on the spot. Wheels on one side go forward, and the wheels on the other side go back, like a tank.
I would love to see a wheeled TD line with high alpha and low DPM and gun handling, it would hopefully have a siege mode making it completely stationary to gain good gun handling and DPM I was having fun shredding the GSOR with my KP 07 with its 320 alpha HE rounds every 3.75 seconds, with comparable mobility and better armor.
Maybe something similar to the chimera's gun at tier 8 (420-440 dmg 220-240) pen, siege mode takes 3-4 seconds to place down legs/stilts raising the vehicle gaming DPM and a massive increase to gun handling. 1-1.5 seconds to leave siege mode. Don't know if siege mode should have worse camo or camo after firing?
Not broken, still fun. Running vens, optics and rammer on in but plan to swap out out optics for bounty turbo when my commander gets recon and situational awareness. I do recommend getting BIA and camo first as it makes it more versatile.
What gear do you put it in to turn the wheels forward on the left side and backwards on the right? Which way do you turn the steering wheel to turn in place? French wheelies: completely unrealistic high speed turns. British wheelies: completely unrealistic no speed turns.
I swear if autocannons get added into normal gameplay, we are going to get IVFs. And nothing wrong with that, but balancing them would be an issue, especially considering that the constant damaging effect would be like a flashbang, and the fact that most maps are ranged
Looks more like a TD, /2nd line med, when you consider all the strengths and weaknesses. I love the standard pen and ability to get into position/flex.
It’s simple, make a commander a radio operator as well and you have to spend gold to retrain him. The more gold you spend the more you may have to buy. If it weren’t a money racket, then changing crew skills would be easy.
Maybe if it had lots better starting speed from the wheels. So it could get up to speed much faster than other tanks. This would allow poking in and out of cover better and would be unique.
Why have they made it able to turn it´s hull like a tank with tracks without moving forward? Should it not be like the ebr, it must be moving to be able to turn the hull.
Some all wheeled drive vehicles can actually turn on the spot just like the AMX 10RC ,which this feels like a Tea knock off version of, with the help of skid steering. The EBR is just a product of older technologies so it cant pivot turn
Seams a decent vehicle that not overpowered by any means. The dealbreaker for me is the camo and view range. If those two were better than I’d probably buy it, but I don’t think I will considering that.
With all the upcoming Nerfs this one should fit right in and be playable enough to enjoy, though it's not going to be the super scout folks would want it to be.
Idk how popular it would be in terms of your channel, but I think it would be cool for you to try world of tanks Blitz, the mobile version of WOT, it can be played on PC and while it is the same game, it’s more fast paced with only 14 players in an entire game, so it is different in that regard, and would be cool to see your opinion on it.
honestly, judging by how the gun performs, I'd play this over the Udes any time of the day, the reliability of the Udes gun is designed for pure frustration, sure I'm not using food on it, but that tank burns way too often anyway, while this tank seems to have good accuracy and great dispersion values and just barely less DPM, which evens out anyway by how much more this tank is capable of hitting, plus it's AP so it's less pen drop over distance
How I see this thing is this: ignore any scouting stuff. Put everything into mobility and durability. It looks to me like the perfect vehicle for wolfpacking up with other mediums and just roaming flanks and murdering everything they come across. Play it like an ebr where you don't stop moving and just swarm everything up close.
Alright so I agree with QB but from playing it a lot. It is a fun sniper tank. But I highly recommend building a camo build. I usually just be spotting and sniping the tanks. Most enemies underestimate its camo. I have a 730/1000 camo rating and theres even times I am shocked how I don’t get spotted from how tall the vehicle is especially shooting in the open at times. It’s def not a brawler, do not ram in it unless its like a elc 90 size, think ahead where you are turning especially flanking around TDs or artys or you’ll just get blasted and take advantage of its reverse speed.
I just got ace this tank and this is like Leo 1 but wheeled, Bad thing about this tank is Bad view range Camo If you get hit on wheel you gonna slow really slow But overall fun to play with this tank
I'm a noob to this game and I've heard on a few of your vids talking about "which build" you decided to use. How do you know BEFORE you get on a map that you will be assigned that map and which build to use? There are some maps that I like to snipe on but my build wasn't for it and I had no idea I was going to be playing that map until I was on it.
The bourrasque objectively has good gun handling, it's the aim time that sucks. On a Bourrasque you have to take vert stabs to prevent the bloom, on this tank you don't.
if this tank was in war thunder we could call it OP, cuz no armor best armor (cuz shots fly right through you and deal no damage cuz over-penetration) and also has a 105mm gun. but in wot? yeah... i guess... average is a good classification for it. i might hop back into the game to see what the tech tree version of these vehicles are worth, but i dont have any special hopes about these things. and look, being average aint all that bad. the nail that sticks out usually gets the hammer first. but i can totally see arta tunnel vision'ing the hell out of anyone driving these.
Would have hoped that these wheeled meds should have been faster. Like 70-85kmh since these guys are so big that everyone can hit these anyway, so that speed would be really interesting for gameplay. This won't be OP even with that speed buff.
can you do a video on how to get the extra tokens on the battle pass collector books because i seem not to be able to get them even when i finished the battle pass
I think the commander skills are the deciding issue. Is this way of WG trying to see crew books? I could see shooting a lot of blind shots if it's hiding in the distance, knowing just a hit will change most players in a 1200 hp tank. A KV2 will devastate it, and Kpz 07 RH will have fun launching HE too, if i see people making it a force, then in 6 months perhaps i will reconsider. Thanks for the Tip on the trees.
Man my tank have only 531 camo instead of your 588 ...i mean i have normal vent on first slot so the difference is to big.they changed it or i missed something ?
To be honest its a fairly balanced tank, i'd rather these types of tanks come into the game than more BZ's
Of course. But Im worried that the tech tree line might suck, if even the premium is kinda meh.
Im waiting for that line cause im eager to play something new.
There is a large gap of balancing in between the BZ and this. This is a premium tank, it is supposed to be the cremé de la cremé of this vehicle type. So if the tech tree will be worse than this, then nobody will play them. So WG effectively wasted months and months of work making these vehicles for nothing. Sure, balancing is the key. But this nowhere near balanced. It is an XP pinata on wheels, nothing else
@@Tikurosthis is a medium tank on tier 8 with 360 alpha and better gun handling than most mediums with 200-240 alpha. Feels like it's automatically better than most meds on that tier, like the indien and the mutz, the cs-52, the tvp, the panther, and that it just picks a different trade-off than meds with good turret armor and bad gun handling like the chinese premiums. I don't think it is undertuned, maybe the viewrange a bit if I have to pick something. It might be worse than a progetto but every med is worse than that. Honestly I think it fills a real gap in playstyle in tier 8 with how it carries an almost tier 9 gun (minus the pen).
@@Tikuros well premiums shouldn't be seen as the best, the fact it is that way is already a problem, players where taught that and its going to be really hard to go back
@@DimitrisPapas please stop calling this a tank, it is not one and i feel this is a fire support tank, get into a good position and just wittle down the enemy tank
The traverse and speed actually looks somewhat realistic on this. The French wheelies have always been physics breaking in the way they move, even in an arcade style game. I think players have been spoiled by the speed powercreep over the years so now something like this doesn't seem special when there are heavies that aren't much slower.
I will admit, this turned out exactly how I thought it would: a sniper/support pseudo-leopard.
People kept comparing them to the french wheeled tanks, but that's the whole point: they were never designed to be like the french ones. WG stated this multiple times as well. Not fast, not speedy, not having the turning speed of the french ones, not sneaky.
The british meds were supposed to be sniper support with fairly fast mobility for a medium and low armor, but wheels instead of tracks. That's it.
To be fair i'm just happy that recently WG has not put out any broken op tanks in the game.
I much rather have a below average, but possibly fun to play, tank (like old premiums) instead of one that broke the matchmacking for whatever years untill people get bored of it or another power creep machine takes it's place.
So props to WG for trying to not destroy the game more than it has already done in the past.
IDK, BZ-176 was pretty recent, and that tank is hilariously unbalanced. Alpha and armor of a 60TP, but at tier 8 and with rocket boosters? Who the fuck approved this?
@@TheCiastek63 Whatever department charts their quarterly profits of course! 😂
The scaling of this tank looks a little odd compared to a lot of other tanks and makes it seem like an absolute chonker but I'll take it if that's the most "broken" thing about it. I'm just glad this doesn't seem like yet another outrageous premium that will be 1000x better than it's tech-tree counterpart once those will arrive. Good on WG as well to sell these in rather affordable bundles if you want just the vehicle which is exactly how it always should be with new content.
The physics look so awkward on this tank considering how big it is. Also looks a pain as you mentioned to hide in bushes. Hope the tech tree has a lot more diversity
not a tank
the techtree usually is worse. and considering this... it's bleak
@@yanlou24 who asked
It look as awkward as any other vehicle in WoT. WoT physics is more like physics of toy tanks in sandbox than physics of actual vehices that weight tens of tons.
1am and I got a 9am calculus final yet I'm here.... Let's go
Go to sleep
You will need
Also gl on the exam!!
Dang, good luck, dude. Calc was brutal for me. Go out for lunch or dinner after, treat yourself no matter how it went!
Wishing you the best!
Good luck friend. Get some sleep and give it horns
We need more tanks like these, that are balanced upon release, not another OP prem tank like the BZ or Borat that will never be nerfed.
I'm afraid that we are all so used to seeing broken OP prem tanks, that when WG releases a balanced prem tank by some miracle, we all call it "bad" or "disappointing".
not a tank
how old are you? I can see you commented to everybody how its not a tank....@@yanlou24
@@bogatiiplaysdon't mind him bro, as you can see he need more attention as much as possible like e- girls
@@bogatiiplaysit's an armored car so it's not a tank.
Quick note regarding your Cobra commander and radio ops, you forgot the Matilda which has the same commander loadout as both those tanks.
Good point!
I think sometimes you just have to get over the fact that you dont always have to have 445 meters view range. 440 is definetley playable. My e50m has 440 and it hasn't stopped me from getting 58 percent wins in it. When you are okay with 440m viewrange, it opens up so many options. For example in my bourrasque, without vents, I have 440 max. but I can then use a rotation, vert stabs and turbo to make it more fun to play and make the traverse bit better. You could drop the turbo for aiming device, gun laying drive, exhaust, many other options. just my humble opinion.
So...they made a...normal vehicle for once?! And not some type of feature monster?! I LOVE IT!
@A2B3C4 And...that is a...counter argument? Not sure how it is or why you deemed it to be relevant to what I said. Cause, it is neither a counter argument, nor relevant to what I said. I said the vehicle is normal "for once", meaning, compared to several of the past premium vehicles, the GSOR 1010 FB is not overpowered. It is....normal, and more or less balanced in a way that allows tech tree tanks to fair well against it.
@A2B3C4 Compared to the french ones, the GSOR 1010 FB is balanced. Though, this is wot we are talking about, so, no tank is truly balanced, but, the GSOR 1010 FB is far more balanced in terms of overall gameplay and strengths than most other tanks with gimmicks.
Seriously, you'd understand that if you watched QB's video here or even played against the tank. They are nothing special.
Three days in and I'm having some very good games in it. And some quick trips to the garage!
I like this design, seems like an enjoyable tank to play, fairly balanced.
Very stupid boy😂😂😂
The first game, starting behind the VK 100 really shows off how big this tank is, pretty much the same width, turret just as wide and almost as tall
2 AM for me, perfect time when I’m not sleepy.
What terrifies me is that... It does not look overpowered, bonkers or too weird.
It is a clear rear line vehicle with no real weird tricks beyond the wheels gimmick.
It terrifies you when its unlike Wargaming to do this @@
QB keeping us updated like a Boss (A good Boss that is 😄). Rock on Tankers 🤘😎
16:45 why lie? It isn't 83k profit. You didn't resupply the 20k consumable or the 20k large first aid kit you used. In reality you made 43k profit with premium. Without premium, you bearly broke even, making just 6k profit, and that was in a winning game. Note QB didn't show the profit/loss tab from the second (losing) game. That tab was probably pretty ugly. The third (winning) game was only 29k profit with premium (5k loss without premium).
Please don't fudge the numbers to try to promote a tank QB, it will cost you your credibility.
you are low iq if you buy consumables when they are not on sale.
I think the biggest issue of this tank is that WG created tons of ridiculously OP premiums in this game so this vehicle gets overshadowed by tens of other ones.
this tank would look more at home in War Thunder than World of Tanks. and im not even being a dick abut it, its just that WoT is too....... uh...? arcade? for a wheeled vehicle, with no armor, and not really the fastest of mobility, while being... essentially average?
hell, its insane we in WoT call a tank with a 105mm gun AVERAGE, its beyond me.
@@GERAT023and what caliber in mm is called average in War Thunder?
Evidently I got this out of a loot box. Totally forgot about it. Never played it was going through my garage. Noticed it said why not played zero wheeled vehicles I'm absolutely in love with this thing! Coated optics (improved), exhaust and a commander's vision system sneaky thing the gun is amazing having so much fun with this 2nd game I played got an ace tanker.
Personally I found this tank surprisingly interesting. I thought it wouldn't be very good, based on some of the characteristics and my prior expectations were pretty low. Anyhow, since I wasn't sure I could play it like most of the meds I have in the garage, I tried a bit of an unorthodox setup compared to how I usually equip my mediums at least and so far stuck with it, since it seemed to be the one working fine enough for me.
I feel like as a whole, there are things one cannot improve or "force" on this tank, but there are some downsides that can be improved/remedied meaningfully on it to make it more effective.
Although I usually want my dpm boosted on most tanks, in my opinion, making this tank's dpm higher won't really make a difference: it will still be lower compared to most peers, and since you are made of paper with realtively few HP and are a huge target as well, you won't win many 1 on 1 faceoffs relying on dpm itself. But your pen is reliable and your alpha is actually above average for a tier 8 med while both the gun handling and accuracy are very good, so you would usually prefer to use that gun to snipe or peek-a-boo using your good reverse speed as your main defence in close quarters. That's why I feel a rammer is pretty much pointless and would just be a waste of a slot.
As far as stabilization is concerned, normally I'd use a slot to improve it on almost any med. Again, considering that this tank will most frequently snipe or shoot from mid distance plus the fact that it has a very good combo of base dispersion values aiming time and accuracy, vertical stabilizer is another equipment piece I avoided using.
Vents are often useful on a variety of tanks with different roles (as long as they are available), but only when you have nothing better to use and I feel like this tank needs first and formost things that would improve its sniping capability the most, while reducing the chance of getting annihilated too quickly.
So, all things considered, I chose to bet on making it a "somewhat nimble and sneaky sniper" hence my main setup, as follows->
Forward speed on this tank is not bad but not that good either, while reverse speed is very good and a turbo improves both of them meaningfully, although not radically, so that's the preferential slot for me. Reverse speed boost in particular is especially important, as I will explain a bit more below.
Secondly, since the tank has a bit mediocre base viewrange, especially for a paper tank (380 m), optics are a must as I see it (vents, pudding, crew training can't entirely compensate for it, imho).
Finally, since base camo values aren't great, yet not absolutely terrible I chose to put an low noise exhaust in the third slot (again, no amount of crew training, vents or pudding will improve its camo values to a similar level).
Plus, when it comes to field mods, one mod in particular that is relevant to my setup is of course the "anti-reflective coating", which provides an additional 3% camo boost, while trading away 2 km/h reverse speed. Considering the turbo added 3 km/h to the base reverse speed, you are still left with +1 km/h reverse compared to base value, and a fantastic reverse of 31 km/h. All the more importance to using the turbo (and putting it into the preferential slot, or else, using bounty or bonded one).
A good analysis of things and I like your choices there Solntsa. My current set-up is similar to yours, though I went with bond vents instead of low noise exhaust. Nonetheless, I will probably try your set-up as well today, since I can pair that with a fully camouflaged crew too. I agree with your assessment on the gun, and how a turbo and optics have greater impact at the end of the day.
I would rather play a 122TM simply because of the shell cost. The standard shell from the GSOR 1010 costs 1200 credits for 360 damage while the 122TM standard shell costs 1065 credits for 400 damage with better shell velocity. And the 122TM has armor as well.
Interesting. Strange difference
I don't know QB. Your speed looks consistent and that's what the British are! I do wish wheels were better but I might get it! I can't treat this tank as my scout for Britain
Finally 4k and 1440p videos.......nice!
Let's try and jam a 105mm into a CVR(T) Scorpion turret that in reality could hardly cope with a 76mm.
Cough, 90mm cockerill gun, cough.
@@howarddavies6685 Yep a low pressure gun not a "L7 look a like".
i feel like sometimes when people talk about dpm they forget to talk about how dps dont matter if u dont hit the shells so a good gun can sometimes just end up haveing more dpm, anyhow love the video and cant way to try the techtree
Fast glass cannon? Take binoculars over optics, and stay away from the front line. Shell velocity will be an issue, but it might work at middle distance of you use the speed to get to a decent spot.
HEY QB is finally on 2k and 4k footage on youtube!
Just watching this makes me feel like it would be a decent "long range" support medium. Sort of an Easy 8 but at tier 8. I would opt to pump up the view range to the max and go for gun handling so you can play that support/make-shift sniper role.
I play on console and feels like it would play similarly to the Trinity MK II but with a much better gun and speed. It's a "Mercenary" tank, they essentially combine a lot of the tanks and combine them together. The Trinity MK II is the T26E4 turret, with the T-44-100 tracks, and the 8,8 46 L 100 from the E-50 all in one tank with other spaced armor.
Super HARD tank to play in a stealth role, but it plays long range support very well. Decent Turret vs lower tier tanks with a average gun. Very fast velocity, AP with APCR for gold ammo. 223 standard pen with 261 premium pen and 280 alpha.
The GSOR 1010 would be just a faster and harder hitting version of the Trinity MK II
Nice blocking of the retreat of the Scorpion. Giving him a hit for bumping.
hopefully the tech tree tanks have the same crew loadout when they come out.. Kinda of odd it seems to turn in place like a tracked tank
Skid-steer, my dad had a wheeled bucket loader that could turn on the spot. Wheels on one side go forward, and the wheels on the other side go back, like a tank.
Wot content creators when their tanks aren't jack of all trades that can snipe, go fast, shoot fast, and have armor:
Bet that the next wheel mt will be Italian.
The centaro 105
I would love to see those tank’s because I like them in war thunder so it would be nice see if they get added
centauro 2 with 120mm gun
I’m thinking
Tier 6: r3 t20 (with a recoiless gun on top)
Tier 8: centaro 3
Tier 9: centaro 105
Tier 10: centaro 120
I would love to see a wheeled TD line with high alpha and low DPM and gun handling, it would hopefully have a siege mode making it completely stationary to gain good gun handling and DPM
I was having fun shredding the GSOR with my KP 07 with its 320 alpha HE rounds every 3.75 seconds, with comparable mobility and better armor.
Maybe something similar to the chimera's gun at tier 8 (420-440 dmg 220-240) pen, siege mode takes 3-4 seconds to place down legs/stilts raising the vehicle gaming DPM and a massive increase to gun handling. 1-1.5 seconds to leave siege mode.
Don't know if siege mode should have worse camo or camo after firing?
It's amazing the fact that it can pivot.
Drink every time QB says "tenten", you're dead at the end of the video xD
It was told in the roadmap video 3 months ago that the british wheeled mediums won't have two speed modes.
Just got this pram as my “Reward” for opening 50 Xmas boxes…. I now have “Gun Depression “😞
Yeah same..
Ofc it would fall for 20% chance to get this pile of trash
A balanced wheeled vehicle? Thats crazy
Thank God I'm awake for this
So this is how WG can make wheeled vehicles without breaking the game.
Now go back and redesign EBRs so they make any sense. Thx
Hopefully they will make them new and different instead of just bad tanks without the tracks.
Not broken, still fun. Running vens, optics and rammer on in but plan to swap out out optics for bounty turbo when my commander gets recon and situational awareness. I do recommend getting BIA and camo first as it makes it more versatile.
Nice that WG made a balanced tank.
Its a nice tank to play, good mobility and a great gun. Also not overpowered, this is what premiums should be
What gear do you put it in to turn the wheels forward on the left side and backwards on the right?
Which way do you turn the steering wheel to turn in place?
French wheelies: completely unrealistic high speed turns. British wheelies: completely unrealistic no speed turns.
hey QB, nice review but i have a question.... does it come with a x10 crews like the one you are showcasing? hahaha
Power to weight is experssed in horse power per tone ;). Great video as always.
I swear if autocannons get added into normal gameplay, we are going to get IVFs. And nothing wrong with that, but balancing them would be an issue, especially considering that the constant damaging effect would be like a flashbang, and the fact that most maps are ranged
Looks lime a great balanced tank to me so far
Looks more like a TD, /2nd line med, when you consider all the strengths and weaknesses. I love the standard pen and ability to get into position/flex.
For some reason I chuckles everytime QB says ten - ten
If Tree counterparts are at least on par with this, I'm gonna like it. Balanced, looks cool, I like it.
Dont blame the skorp for being annoyed, you stopped him backing into cover at least twice.
My beloved Cobra always happy for a new "paper tank" on the battlefield
QB switch your Vents and Rammer. Thought it's not a perfect match the crew can slide into the Matilda LVT. It can help
It’s simple, make a commander a radio operator as well and you have to spend gold to retrain him. The more gold you spend the more you may have to buy. If it weren’t a money racket, then changing crew skills would be easy.
Maybe if it had lots better starting speed from the wheels. So it could get up to speed much faster than other tanks. This would allow poking in and out of cover better and would be unique.
YES! Can’t wait to buy this tank and grind down this line!
not a tank
@@yanlou24 no one cares buddy
He literarly says that on every comment. Kid is soo mad when people call it a tank ahahahha@@agbrenv
Thanks QB knowing it's flaws is handy and it looks like this is gonna be one of very very few times I will buy a prem tank
I think they should just offer the option to swap the wheels for tracks .
Why have they made it able to turn it´s hull like a tank with tracks without moving forward? Should it not be like the ebr, it must be moving to be able to turn the hull.
Some all wheeled drive vehicles can actually turn on the spot just like the AMX 10RC ,which this feels like a Tea knock off version of, with the help of skid steering. The EBR is just a product of older technologies so it cant pivot turn
Its bullshit and only shows the process of dumbing down the game for shitters
@@sgador Oh, I did not know that. But now I understand why but it still feels awkward.
Watching Quickybaby become Claus Kellerman
Seams a decent vehicle that not overpowered by any means. The dealbreaker for me is the camo and view range. If those two were better than I’d probably buy it, but I don’t think I will considering that.
The speed and accuracy should make this a fun tank to play.
This isn't a "tank" review, quickybaby!
It's an armored car review.
"British AMX-10RC isn't real, it can't hurt you."
*British AMX-10RC:*
I've been saving my commander QB for this line
bit unrelated but why isnt he using autoaim at all? is it aiming in the unpenetratable spots too often or what?
With all the upcoming Nerfs this one should fit right in and be playable enough to enjoy, though it's not going to be the super scout folks would want it to be.
Imagine this coming into the game in 2016
it wouldnt do anything its very balanced
Day 2 of asking QB to play the PZ7 because the lower plate is underrated.
It kinda looks like an AMX-10 RC
It also has the same neutral steering mechanism.
Idk how popular it would be in terms of your channel, but I think it would be cool for you to try world of tanks Blitz, the mobile version of WOT, it can be played on PC and while it is the same game, it’s more fast paced with only 14 players in an entire game, so it is different in that regard, and would be cool to see your opinion on it.
The question I have is, will it bounce high velocity, large caliber ammo and keep driving like the ebr's?
honestly, judging by how the gun performs, I'd play this over the Udes any time of the day, the reliability of the Udes gun is designed for pure frustration, sure I'm not using food on it, but that tank burns way too often anyway, while this tank seems to have good accuracy and great dispersion values and just barely less DPM, which evens out anyway by how much more this tank is capable of hitting, plus it's AP so it's less pen drop over distance
Wot should buff the reverse to 40, increase the traverse speed, give it hesh, and the reload to like 8-7 seconds.
How I see this thing is this: ignore any scouting stuff. Put everything into mobility and durability. It looks to me like the perfect vehicle for wolfpacking up with other mediums and just roaming flanks and murdering everything they come across. Play it like an ebr where you don't stop moving and just swarm everything up close.
How can this tank turn when it's standing still? 😮
The french AMX-10 can do that, called pivot turn. Guess they borrowed it from there... ;)
Alright so I agree with QB but from playing it a lot. It is a fun sniper tank. But I highly recommend building a camo build. I usually just be spotting and sniping the tanks. Most enemies underestimate its camo. I have a 730/1000 camo rating and theres even times I am shocked how I don’t get spotted from how tall the vehicle is especially shooting in the open at times. It’s def not a brawler, do not ram in it unless its like a elc 90 size, think ahead where you are turning especially flanking around TDs or artys or you’ll just get blasted and take advantage of its reverse speed.
I just got ace this tank and this is like Leo 1 but wheeled,
Bad thing about this tank is
Bad view range
If you get hit on wheel you gonna slow really slow
But overall fun to play with this tank
They really should have given this either better firepowrr or an insane view range.
I'm a noob to this game and I've heard on a few of your vids talking about "which build" you decided to use. How do you know BEFORE you get on a map that you will be assigned that map and which build to use? There are some maps that I like to snipe on but my build wasn't for it and I had no idea I was going to be playing that map until I was on it.
I don't sleep, I need content
My 65 t grind is finally over!!
What is the DPM ? In the video it's shown as 1770 but on tanks GG it now shows 1808, not a big difference but every little helps.
The Matilda Commander also is a radio operator
Beside the camo, it looks like a tier 8 leo 1. I think it will be fun. Good gun, gundep and really good mobility. Everything we need.
Hah! I was thinking EXCACTLY the same, so good point! 🙂
now we await the AMX 10RC
Considering the Bourrasque, this tank is a nice Tier 7 Premium.
experimental turbo is a must.
good tank, found it very enjoyable to play. I disagree with you on the bourrasque having good gun handling, that thing has pretty bad gun handling.
The bourrasque objectively has good gun handling, it's the aim time that sucks. On a Bourrasque you have to take vert stabs to prevent the bloom, on this tank you don't.
if this tank was in war thunder we could call it OP, cuz no armor best armor (cuz shots fly right through you and deal no damage cuz over-penetration) and also has a 105mm gun.
but in wot? yeah... i guess... average is a good classification for it. i might hop back into the game to see what the tech tree version of these vehicles are worth, but i dont have any special hopes about these things. and look, being average aint all that bad. the nail that sticks out usually gets the hammer first. but i can totally see arta tunnel vision'ing the hell out of anyone driving these.
Would have hoped that these wheeled meds should have been faster. Like 70-85kmh since these guys are so big that everyone can hit these anyway, so that speed would be really interesting for gameplay. This won't be OP even with that speed buff.
At that point isn’t it just a sheridan with wheels
can you do a video on how to get the extra tokens on the battle pass collector books because i seem not to be able to get them even when i finished the battle pass
I think the commander skills are the deciding issue. Is this way of WG trying to see crew books? I could see shooting a lot of blind shots if it's hiding in the distance, knowing just a hit will change most players in a 1200 hp tank. A KV2 will devastate it, and Kpz 07 RH will have fun launching HE too, if i see people making it a force, then in 6 months perhaps i will reconsider. Thanks for the Tip on the trees.
Fun story, the gsor 1010 used to be the gsor 20 until a trash barn split it in half
Man my tank have only 531 camo instead of your 588 ...i mean i have normal vent on first slot so the difference is to big.they changed it or i missed something ?
Can this be used in a similar way as a light tank would play?
So it's like a T8 Hellcat with bad view range and worse damage per tier?