Well that's an amazing effort, but sightly incorrect. Ratio of pupils A: B is 3:5, where the total units is 16. To make 3:5 corresponding to 16 units we multiply by 2. So pupils in A:B becomes 6:10 Then the Boys to girls ratio in A becomes 2:4 Since total girls is 7 units, the ratio of girls to total becomes 5/10 which is 1/2
Well that's an amazing effort, but sightly incorrect. Ratio of pupils A: B is 3:5, where the total units is 16. To make 3:5 corresponding to 16 units we multiply by 2.
So pupils in A:B becomes 6:10
Then the Boys to girls ratio in A becomes 2:4
Since total girls is 7 units, the ratio of girls to total becomes 5/10 which is 1/2
1/2. Is it correct?
Yes, the answer is correct :)