Personally, I unghost my rallies before bubbling back up just in case I recieve a attack before my bubble goes up. It's not recommended to do that if you cannot take atleast one hit but I typically can take a hit so I unghost first. I usually have a bulk of resources that I don't want to be freely taken. But yes, you are correct, you can and should bubble before unghosting.
So the idea is you maximize the amount of your troops on boss so if you're attacked you'll only lose the remaining troops in base? If the troops are assigned to a future rally they can't be "sacrificed"¿
Nice bro! one more thing to people that dosn't know, If you ghosting on a monster you don't need to cancle your marches to put a bubble
Personally, I unghost my rallies before bubbling back up just in case I recieve a attack before my bubble goes up. It's not recommended to do that if you cannot take atleast one hit but I typically can take a hit so I unghost first. I usually have a bulk of resources that I don't want to be freely taken. But yes, you are correct, you can and should bubble before unghosting.
So the idea is you maximize the amount of your troops on boss so if you're attacked you'll only lose the remaining troops in base? If the troops are assigned to a future rally they can't be "sacrificed"¿
That is correct. "Ghosted" troops exist and don't exist at the same time while in a rally so they cannot be touched while rallied.