Being Pregnant in France VS the US | Patricia B

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @zibzib06
    @zibzib06 9 лет назад +95

    the 20-25% taken from your salary is not only for medical expense, it is also for retirement (proportionate to your salary when you worked and a minimum to live on for poor people), free sick days off at work as long as your are sick, pension to raise your kids (the more kid you have, the more you are paid), a 1 yaer vacation with a minimum pension if you want to be a stay at home mum, etc

    • @palleas06
      @palleas06 7 лет назад +3

      and that's living out huge parts of the social expenses in France, much bigger than healthcare (I believe), such as school, high school, universities, unemployment benefits, etc.

  • @missandreaoceane
    @missandreaoceane 8 лет назад +97

    Hey! You should know that social security is a very fair system, it's all about solidarity, so yes the government takes off 25% of your salary every month, it's for social security, but also retirement, school depense, every work day that you can miss if you are sick and still being payed, social taxes, housing help ... Everyone should be thankfull about this system, because in france there is way less health inequalities that there are in the USA and I'm sure you agree with me. In france if you are not working, and if you cut yourself with a knife, you go in the ER and they will cure you and it will cost you the exact same price that if you have a one billion salary per year, that is to say nothing. I agree that the french health care system has a lot to learn, but solidarity and free health care is not one of them. In the USA you would have paid way more than your cotisations in france, and I do know that because I'm a medical school student and it's something that we learned. And also, if there is a weight limit it's for your own good, to avoid some blood presure issue or else, so maybe the doctor was beeing akward about this but for me it's normal that a doctor want for his patient to take the lowest pounds she can...
    Anyway I hope you will understand that this mistake was clearly shoking for me because it sounds like you just don't care about solidarity or else.. I think your speech would have been way different if you weren't working but still had everything free.
    That beeing said, I'm sure that you are a very good person and you seem really cute but I just had to react about this..

    • @pierrevallet6188
      @pierrevallet6188 7 лет назад +3

      agree with you, just an example : my spouse work for the UN in New York, the cost of the heath insurance for our couple without child is $ 275 per month and the UN add $ 1100 per month to, it means almost $ 1400 per month for 2 people.

    • @palleas06
      @palleas06 7 лет назад +3

      I wouldn't call it fair, because it's really not about fairness, it's about solidarity

    • @TockMinecraft
      @TockMinecraft 6 лет назад

      Just to make things clear because she is lying, I am French and it’s 13% of our salary which goes for the « Assurance Maladie », it makes quite a difference and as French people we all think it’s a good thing and that you have to be a selfish American to criticize that kind of system like she does...

    • @TockMinecraft
      @TockMinecraft 6 лет назад

      But I can imagine it looks like robbery when you are not used to solidarity

  • @nadialin5330
    @nadialin5330 9 лет назад +44

    Your American accent sounds slightly French if you know what I mean. I find it pretty cool.

    • @nadialin5330
      @nadialin5330 9 лет назад +1

      ***** Where you born in France? If not, how long have you lived there?

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад +13

      Polly Nice Haha I'm actually American, but I've had a few tell me that my accent's changed since moving here. I've been living in France for about 3 years now and my husband's French, so I'm usually speaking in French all day long.

    • @isabellaandmevlogz
      @isabellaandmevlogz 9 лет назад +1

      ***** do you think in french and when did you learn french

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад +8

      Isabella Acunto I think in French or English depending on the situation an started learning French in high school. Sadly, the school cut the French program before I got very far and I wasn't able to take any more classes until university, where I majored in French. :)
      I had to study A LOT before I started speaking fluently!

    • @isabellaandmevlogz
      @isabellaandmevlogz 9 лет назад

      what are your suggestions if you are a teenager. I am using an app but i feel like in the end its not going to b enough haha

  • @VantaKat
    @VantaKat 8 лет назад +16

    I live in America and my friend is 5 foot and only gained 15 pounds during her pregnancy. The most she weighed during her pregnancy was 110 pounds. He doctor kept badgering her saying that she needed to eat more, which only made her more stressed. I believe that if you are a healthy adult that your body will tell you what you need. Eat what you think you should eat, but also have that knowledge available to you. Pregnancy is different for every woman.

    • @waelmaklad2020
      @waelmaklad2020 5 лет назад

      hello kat, dear may I know how much it cost in America specially in Washington the normal delivery and c section delivery to a tourist not having health insurance?Thanks in advance

    • @alananiicole
      @alananiicole 5 лет назад

      جمد قلبك honestly without complications you could be talking $10,000 a c section could be that 3x more. Healthcare is ridiculously $$$$ in the US

  • @nUSiA
    @nUSiA 8 лет назад +7

    My obgyn here in the us was quite strict about my weight gain, and boy am i thankful now :))

  • @natanyat4901
    @natanyat4901 8 лет назад +13

    Wow! 16 weeks. That is great. In the USA, we get zero weeks!

  • @allies7184
    @allies7184 8 лет назад +37

    Pregnant women can sometimes use their pregnancy as an excuse to eat a lot. But they must remember that they are not eating for 2 grown people; they are eating for one grown up and a very small fetus. Sorry, but the fetus doesn't need 3 hamburgers, 2 large fries and 2 strawberry milk shakes as a mid day snack!

  • @Neidytrozeski
    @Neidytrozeski 8 лет назад +4

    I gained 22 pounds on my pregnancy. Lost 4 pounds during the first trimester. Felt wonderful, my baby is healthy, almost 2 year old now. Breastfed for 11 months. She stopped on her own. I always had lots of green juices and salads.

  • @Ilest20halaBlogspot
    @Ilest20halaBlogspot 8 лет назад +5

    For the insurance system, I compared what I paid in France (medical expenses + social security out of my salary + private insurance partly paid by my company) and what I pay now in the US and it's much more expensive in the US, even though the university is paying a lot. Also, I'm happy to pay for those who can't afford healthcare.The only problem is that we don't know how long France will be able to keep this system...

    • @MrTomtomtest
      @MrTomtomtest 7 лет назад +2

      We will keep it in a form or another, people are attached to it and the negative balance the system had to the point of becoming an issue a few years/decades back is now back to 0. The only real question is how much people will have to pay out of pocket (or via private complementary insurances) for drugs/medical acts that are not related to long term/serious illnesses or pregnancy (ie: your cough syrup might be less reimbursed by social security). It will still stay cheaper than the US by far tho as the government is the one negotiating the price of drugs countrywide.

  • @nassaid
    @nassaid 7 лет назад +15

    Im french, and the thing with the weight, is more concern about pregnancy diabete than losing the baby weight. I must admit that you found some weird doctors...sorry about that.

  • @CastelDawn
    @CastelDawn 8 лет назад +6

    Social security is built around the concept of solidarity. Basically, the general idea is that those who are in good health and who work pay for those are retired, sick or unemployed. Which works fine if there the workers pool is big enough. Of course it can become problematic, and right now it is, when unemployment is an issue.

  • @SamiGuettai
    @SamiGuettai 6 лет назад +5

    The 23-25 % taken from your pay is not only used to pay for the social security, there's also unemployment benefit and retirement benefit.

  • @BuffaloDark
    @BuffaloDark 4 года назад +1

    Salary slip in France : - 23% for : health insurance + unemployment insurance (24 months) + retired contribution from 63 years old. + professionals training + health insurance your children's. + widowhood allowance.

  • @Lifje
    @Lifje 9 лет назад +5

    It's fun to hear how things are done in other countries, even more from an outsiders perspective. I'm Danish and here things are pretty relaxed or so i hope..i've only been in for my first scan at 12 weeks :)

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад

      Congratulations!!! Isn't the 12 week scan amazing? You really get to see your baby for the first time. :)

  • @vanessacastaing1013
    @vanessacastaing1013 7 лет назад +1

    Hello, I'm French but I live in Usa (boston), I just discovered your channels !! I had a baby in France and one in USA so I can compare too ;) I think it's always interesting to see how American people see France!!

  • @mirabella8156
    @mirabella8156 8 лет назад +8

    I've discovered your channels (ln French and in English). Regarding the epidural, not all hospitals force patients to have it. In the hospital where I gave birth, the midwives gave you options. I didn't fell any pressure. Btw, your accent are getting French. 😉

  • @ellimusicqueen
    @ellimusicqueen 8 лет назад +3

    the weight gain thing also has a second reason. if you put on a lot of weight, your baby will be bigger and you may not be able to get it out natural. and i think in the US the docs will give you a c section easier anyway.

    • @ellimusicqueen
      @ellimusicqueen 8 лет назад

      +gottfer because of what? my typos? i am german.

  • @geoffryallan7261
    @geoffryallan7261 8 лет назад +3

    Hello I am American and I am a French citizen - I've been here for 15 years and my friends have 3 months for each child/ healthcare in the US is expensive it cannot even compare to what's in France and perhaps your not a French citizens - you wouldn't get the same advantages as a French citizen -

  • @paulaalienor170
    @paulaalienor170 6 лет назад

    Totally agree with the pressure for epidurals !

  • @pierrevallet6188
    @pierrevallet6188 7 лет назад

    just a commentary about the social security, the operating or administrative cost of the social security is around 4 % of the budget, it means that 96 % of the "cotisation" is used to heal people. In USA, this cost is around 15%. the difference is incredible.

  • @tonio0613
    @tonio0613 8 лет назад +10

    Can you translate or do the same video in french ? :) I'm very interest but i'm not good enought in english ;)

  • @joshiajay2609
    @joshiajay2609 8 лет назад

    Best of Health and natural delivery..God bless you.

  • @pierrevallet6188
    @pierrevallet6188 7 лет назад +6

    without judging, you fear about the delivery date is almost funny, because you are not a "machine", you are a living creature, so the Nature can take time, less time, more time, all the women are different.

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  7 лет назад +5

      In retrospect, I agree. But as soon as I hit 39 weeks of pregnancy, I had SO many people say "aren't you afraid of the baby dying if you go over 40 weeks?" "Better ask your doctor for an induction if you care about your baby." "You know the rate of still birth goes up if you go past the due date." And considering that I'd already had 3 miscarriages, I was absolutely terrified.
      There was also a Canadian youtuber recently who said she wasn't worried about her baby going past it's due date, and she'd just let nature takes it's course. The poor woman was verbally attacked in the comments and people kept saying how she'd put her baby's life as risk and how she shouldn't be giving out medical advice on her channel. It was ridiculous. But so many people are obsessed with those due dates!

    • @pierrevallet6188
      @pierrevallet6188 7 лет назад

      Ya, and as you say, if the medical staff push in a way, all the society follow. So i understand your fears. I remember my grand mother explained to my mother, when i was children, that she delivered me few day after the theatrical date, because of the moon. I don't know if it is true or just a family legend, but the maternity hospital was full.

    • @palleas06
      @palleas06 7 лет назад

      Wow, you actually feared for your baby's life? oO That's kind of shocking to me as I don't think I've ever heard of a baby dying that way (I mean that when a woman is past her due date in France, she's under a lot of monitoring) nor have I heard someone express that fear. Particularly as you express this fear quite early in the pregnancy. We had the opposite problem (premature birth risks) so I guess we never even thought about this but that's kind of shocking. Particularly as who in their right mind would ask a 39 weeks pregnant mom-to-be if she isn't afraid the baby's going to die if you don't have an induction... Every woman is different and human gestation is just a statistical mean, and the standard deviation isn't that small. My wife's best friend delivered 12 days after her due date... On the other end of the spectrum, my wife apparently has a gestation of 8 months ^^

  • @carolinecoitino3362
    @carolinecoitino3362 8 лет назад +6

    wow we get a year in Ontario Canada 16 weeks wow that's nothing I'm happy I'm in Canada dude

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  8 лет назад +1

      +Caroline Coitino Canada rocks!

    • @pochettecherline1109
      @pochettecherline1109 8 лет назад

      hey can you make a video about driving in usa vs driving in france ???

    • @miyounova
      @miyounova 8 лет назад +1

      Paid full pay ? I highly doubt it

    • @carolinecoitino3362
      @carolinecoitino3362 8 лет назад

      no not fully paid you receive 85% of your salary here for that year. so u receive biweekly checks with 85% of ur salary amount. plus baby bonus monthly so it depends how many kids you have and how old they are how much the monthly baby bonus are.

    • @Ilest20halaBlogspot
      @Ilest20halaBlogspot 8 лет назад

      To be totally exact, there is also a parental leave in France that last 3 years. It's not paid (except if you make it partial), but you get money from the state, and you keep your job and advantages (company gifts for exemple). Also all my friends had about 2 months extra sick leave added to the maternity leave. So in the end, it could be better, but that's already a lot compared to most countries.

  • @KarinneRibeiro
    @KarinneRibeiro 3 года назад

    In Brazil too.... around 1 kilo per month only should get in weight....

  • @krysti1na
    @krysti1na 7 лет назад +2

    GOOOOSH I just realized who your voice reminds me of!
    Emma Watson !! That's it !

  • @Shinee3e
    @Shinee3e 9 лет назад +1


  • @emmageorge7324
    @emmageorge7324 9 лет назад +2

    I found this so interesting! I'd love to see more clips focused on society/cultural differences :)

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад +1

      Emma George Thank you for your feedback! I've been brain storming a few cultural videos, so hopefully, those will be coming up soon. :)

  • @PopleBackyardFarm
    @PopleBackyardFarm 8 лет назад

    Ruthie in the USA enjoyed this. just subbed :)

  • @RabellaGamer
    @RabellaGamer 9 лет назад +2

    you look lovely girl!

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад

      Thank you Rachel. :)

  • @theringsandthings4365
    @theringsandthings4365 8 лет назад

    I always thought France would be the same for mat leave, in UK we get 6 weeks at 90% pay and 30 weeks at statutory pay so 9 months altogether

    • @mirabella8156
      @mirabella8156 8 лет назад

      hi. There is something similar. You go on maternity leave for 16 weeks. After that you can take a kind of parental leave for up to three years. You can still get paid.

    • @doris371a
      @doris371a 6 лет назад

      Mira Bella le congé paremtal n est pas payé en france

    • @alishadavies2990
      @alishadavies2990 5 лет назад

      We get 1 year where I live

  • @enjoyingmyvodka1013
    @enjoyingmyvodka1013 4 года назад

    Isin't there an international hospital in paris where you can give birth and have more flexibility? I would be scared to go over 40 weeks! or not getting induced.

  • @Britin71
    @Britin71 6 лет назад

    Est ce que tu pourrais refaire cette vidéo en français ou bien mettre des sous titres français sur cette vidéo ? J ai vu dans une de tes récentes vidéos qu il n y avait pas de congé maternité aux USA et je suis tellement choquée 😱🤯 De tout cœur avec les mamans américaines qui travaillent jusqu’au jour de l accouchement et qui repartent travailler juste après 💕

  • @R0CKD4H0US3
    @R0CKD4H0US3 9 лет назад +20

    Chaud, j'ai cru que t'étais française, t'as l'accent français xD

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад +4

      +R0CKD4H0US3 Haha! Non, je suis bien Américaine! :)

  • @kerrionalucas4363
    @kerrionalucas4363 8 лет назад

    my doctor & I thought I'd be late but he came a day before my due date

  • @Niyati
    @Niyati 9 лет назад

    Hi Patricia, I love your video. I have just recently discovered that I am pregnant and I live in Paris. My question is I'm not yet good in French, do you think that it's going to be manageable for me without knowing French? Thanks in advance

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  9 лет назад +3

      +Niyati Roy Chowdhury Congratulations! I found that a lot of the English and French pregnancy vocabulary was very similar. And in the worst case scenarios, I was able to mime anything I didn't know the words for. ;) The great thing about Paris though is that you might be able to find English speaking doctors. That's so exciting though! I had a really awesome experience and hope you do too! :)

  • @MariadelMarBoscana
    @MariadelMarBoscana 8 лет назад

    Nice video

  • @Meganchannel15
    @Meganchannel15 8 лет назад +1

    What is the verb she said at 6:25?

  • @alexiapoidevin4975
    @alexiapoidevin4975 6 лет назад

    Wow your accent was so French in this video haha :) you must have had spoken lot of french the day you made it

  • @magalimorris3220
    @magalimorris3220 6 лет назад +1

    A baby need to be feed if you don't want to take weight, don't get pregnant😡 selfish and superficial people disgusting me .To be pregnant is a choice no??? So they must to assume the baby need nutriments for to grow up well and the mom too. I was a size 5 before my baby ,at the end , size 15 I lost all with exercises and diet no stretch marks nothing and I worked until to give birth .I am 43 and feel great😊.To be pregnant is a state not a disease😂. The young generation must to stop to complain for all and everything .

  • @hanamrh5090
    @hanamrh5090 6 лет назад +1

    You seem stressed

    • @PattiQ
      @PattiQ  6 лет назад +1

      I was having contractions while filming, Fun times.

  • @James-pj9en
    @James-pj9en 7 лет назад

    quand tu parle anglais tu as un tres fort accent Franç

  • @pochettecherline1109
    @pochettecherline1109 9 лет назад

    hi , can you next time subtitle all your videos in translate them in googd french . THANK YOU VERY MUCH

  • @jacqueline23788
    @jacqueline23788 5 лет назад

    how many dead in us?they dont go to the doctor to expensive poor people and middle class better pay 25 % and be alive

  • @hollycosmir9101
    @hollycosmir9101 9 лет назад +1

    Bonjour Patricia ! Tu penses que c'est mieux d'avoir un accent un peu français quand on parle anglais ou il vaut mieux essayer de prendre l'accent américain ou anglais ?
    Merci !