I purchased a fake by mistake that was just like the one here off eBay. The seller does not accept returns. I sent him a link to this video and listed half a dozen of the differences. I received a full refund in 24hours.
there are many differences which indicate that it is a fake, but such tubes are thicker in older versions, so this is not a difference, and the inscriptions on the bottom of the flask do not indicate it either. because they were produced like that. but the details, i.e. the position and bottom of the bottle, should not look like this anymore.
The same thing happened to me to save money, I bought an vintage eau de toilette from Chanel no. 5. I have clearly seen fake Chanel perfumes with the label that peels them off and sell them for more than $300 dollars being fake.
It’s the feel of the bottle that makes the difference. The fake ones which i had before are thick and not symmetrical whilst the original which i have now is slim, and you can really tell by just holding the bottle , The color of this wonderful juice and ofcourse, the Scent. I have been longing for an authentic one ever since but money was hard that time..And when i had i chance, i told myself.. buy it! everything was worth it. Thanks for this comparison video many people will now know the difference.
How to spot fake Chanel No 5 perfume The original Chanel No 5 perfume costs around 170 euros and was bought here ... www.fragrancex.com/products/_cid_perfume-am-lid_c-am-pid_61w__products.html. Chanel No 5 fake perfume costs around 20-100 euros depending on how well it is reproduced, for more safety, buy only from authorized stores. The smell of Chanel No 5 fake perfume is very similar to the original, but the basic note (durability) does not persist for 10 minutes. The front of the boxes are identical, you can't tell which is fake or real. The top of the fake box shows the Chanel brand logo, compared to the original one that does not show. The back of the original box shows the Chanel brand logo below and we can't find the barcode, compared to the fake one which has the barcode and the Chanel logo above. The barcode can be found on the bottom of the original Chanel box, plus we have to find an engraved serial number, if this engraved number does not exist, Chanel Perfume No 5 is fake. The original Chanel bottle has a yellower color than the fake one which is darker in color. The original pump should not be visible to the naked eye, if this pump is seen the perfume is fake. The serial number of the original perfume must be found on the back of the bottle, it consists of four digits (remember, anyone can put a code engraved on the bottle or box, the safety elements are the most important, such as the weight of the lid and bottle), if it is not identical to the serial number engraved on the box, does not exist, then you are faced with a counterfeit Chanel perfume. The bottom of the original glass has an oval circle that delimits the rectangle of the glass (at the bottom, the bottom of the glass), very important, carefully looked at the stamped text, it must be neat, linear and without imperfections. Also on the bottom of the original Chanel No 5 perfume bottle we must find the text CHANEL LONDON W1J 6DG. The original cover differs in weight, fake weighs less. The fake lid is made of plastic and the original one is made of glass. In the lid we can see another lid with a round finish, the original one is smaller, compared to the fake one which is bigger.
Are there some boxes with the bar code on the back that are real ? I see the box on here has code on bottom but ive seen some version with code on back do you know if there are legit versions with barcode on back of box only ?
the serial number on the back of the bottle... it must be engraved... take something sharp and scratch... if something is erased it is with paint and it is fake... if it remains it is engraved and it is original.
3:10 thank you so much for your reply . I meant barcode on the box itself in the video yours shows the fake box has barcode on back..do you know if they have real variations with the barcode on back of box ? I have one where the box has barcode on back but everything else seems real could there be different versions of boxes ?
Sorry to bother you but ..Does all bottles have serial numbers ? If mines doesn't is it fake ? It doesn't have on box or bottle but box looks real and I believe it smells authentic
the old editions do not have this appearance ... but the best to identify the original Chanel No .5 perfume .... the serial number on the back of the bottle at the bottom must be engraved ... take something sharp and scratch ... if it is wiped ... it is with paint and it is fake... if it remains, it is engraved and it is original.
thank u so much, i just buy a fake on vinted, it from italy, Luckily I saw your video, so i have now complained to vinted about this seller and i think i will get my refund soon, Thank you for keeping me from wasting money😘😘 Making fakes is too hateful🤬🤬Hope you have more videos like this👍👍
Hello I received a bottle of my Aunts it was hers and I have it it is a spray color looks the same bottle is different no box how do I tell if it is original
what nonsense. i used to work for a big perfume brand. these big companies can have slight variations to coloring or print and packaging depending on what country or market they manufacture for. not all of them will be manufactured in france. it's cheaper for them to bottle and print packaging in regions they have different offices than to ship individual products all the way from paris. for example, products sold for the asian market will often be bottled and printed in asia.
@@jcv4248 made from will still be from original country as it shows identity. manufactured is only where products are assemble. as how previously apple phones were manufactured in China but that doesn't mean it's from china.
In this video, not a word is said about where it is produced. You are trying to use unfounded claims to reduce the value of this video and discriminate against the author of the channel.
Would you please do a review for Le labo? I am very confusing how I see a few unboxing videos, but every box has different fonds of word “ merci” big and small fonds, also in English like thank you” etc. I also notice that some boxes do not have barcode on the paper that sticks on the box while some have. Which one is authentic? Last thing I wonder is about the color of the paper, some of the papers that sticks on the box can be white and some are cassette color, which one is real or fake? Please help me with this because I do not want to buy wrongly. Thanks you
the serial number on the back of the bottle must be engraved... take something sharp and scratch... if it goes away, it's with the wasp and it's fake.... if it is not engraved and is original
I have noticed that you have posted 2 videos about this perfume. At the bottom of each parfum it is written” Neuilly sur Seine” while in the second video we find the same sentence except an addition of “ Chanel London” . What is the difference plz. Waiting for your answer thank you. And I love your videos.
it's about the year of manufacture ... anyway ... the safety element is the serial number on the back of the bottle .... take something sharp and scratch it... if the paint rubs off, it's fake.... if it remains, it is engraved... and it is original
@@FakeCipIm confused...thought my bottle was fake...the numbers are engraved but on the front of the bottle. All the markings and pkg. are there..just a little "off"...humm.
I recently bought Deauville eau de cologne from Chanel, wondering how many of the markers would match. The logo appears on top, like the video fake, but like the real in the video, the barcode is on the bottom, and there's is a serial number on the bottle itself. The cap looks rather plain, but snugs very nicely to the spray nozzle assembly with a nice snick on closing. Don't have a cake to compare but this might be a faker's cost saving opportunity. The new packaging is overly minimalist, imo, opening the door for fakery. What would be quite difficult to take, though, is the extraordinarily fine mist, something I haven't seen even in other brands. You are making me see things very differently!
If there is only "92200 Neuilly sur seine" without the second line "CHANEL LONDON WIJ 6DG" ,but there is a batchcode engraved on the bottle, is it fake or not? in a previous video (4 years ago) you showed a real bottle without the second line "CHANEL LONDON WIJ 6DG"... I am lost :(
if the serial number is engraved on the back of the bottle, it is original.... the text on the bottom of the bottle.... it is presented especially on the new bottles... it means that you have an older bottle... but original
This video helped a lot. I'm pretty sure mine is legit, the bottom is a tad different than yours but I think it's just because mine was sold in NY vs London, everything else looks good.
the serial number on the back of the bottle must be engraved... take something sharp and scratch... if it goes away, it's with the wasp and it's fake.... if it is not engraved and is original
Thanks for your videos. I learn a lot from these videos. Can you please make a video about real vs fake Chanel No 5 L'eau. That would be very helful. Thank you
depende del pH de cada persona, por ejemplo con cualquier perfume de Armania que me den no persiste, en general el perfume debe durar 7 horas en la piel y 24 horas en la ropa ... ahora depende edt no es tan bueno .... edp es bueno .... y el perfume el perfume es el mejor.
no ... the safety element of the Chanel No 5 perfume ... is the serial number on the back of the bottle at the bottom ... take a knife and scratch ... if the paint comes off ... it is with paint and it is fake .... if it remains, it is engraved and is original...
any original Chanel bottle must have the serial number engraved on the back of the bottle... yes, with something sharp and see if it goes away... if it disappears, it's with the wasp and it's fake
the safety element is the serial number on the back of the bottom glass... take something and scratch it... if it wipes it is with paint and it is fake... if it remains it is engraved and it is original
👍The safety element of the perfume is the serial number on the back of the bottle at the bottom... take something sharp and scratch it... if it is with paint it will be erased and it is fake... if it is engraved... it will remain and it is an original perfume
there is a description for each video below... the cover must be made of glass, not plastic.... and the serial number on the back of the bottle below... it must be engraved, not with paint... take a knife and scratch... if the paint comes off... it's a fake perfume
Just got my Chanel No5 in the mail today and I absolutely had to do my investigation upon arrival, and it will absolutely be going back smh. There were way too many inconsistencies.
The safety feature of the perfume is the serial number on the back of the bottle... take something sharp and scrape it... if it has paint on it, it will come off and it's fake... if it's engraved... it will stay and it's an original perfume
anyone can engrave a serial number nu this does not make it original… the weight of the lid… of the bottle are the safety elements…. if you want you can send me some pictures on my facebook page fakecip
I bought chanel no 5, seems original but why the longetivity is not until 6-8 hours like previous i bought one.... i checked the box is original l like the video 😭
due to the rules of the world commission… every year they ban certain ingredients… those who produce this perfume… try to replace them… but fail from what can be seen
yes ... that's right ... but they can't make the bottle by weight .... or if they do I can't reproduce the base note of the perfume ... and this is proved by the mirror test ... it is sprayed on the mirror .. after 2 minutes in the original you can see an oil stain (essence), there is nothing left in the fake Happy to help
sim ..existem muitos tipos de falsificação .... o elemento de segurança é a tampa original mais pesada e feita de vidro, em comparação com a falsa que é de plástico e pesa menos.
Comprei 1 Fake excellence parfun sur internet pra o Natal, que decipição, china poste J'ai acheté sur excellence parfumerie sur Internet, c'est du Fake dépense pas votre argent, quelle déception.
On lui avait offert il était sous cellophane. Grâce à tes vidéos elle a vu que C est un faux elle m'a remboursée donc c'est cool je vais jeter le faux pour pas avoir de soucis. Thabksss
"Also on the bottom of the original Chanel No 5 perfume bottle we must find the text CHANEL LONDON W1J 6DG." Not on our bottle, bought by the official agent, and big nationwide retailer here in the Netherlands.
While watching your video, I took my chanel.5.perfume bottle, which I bought a long time ago and see all your informations And I feel so happy infact I have bought the real one.
It's too bad that perfume makers are so greedy that they mark up perfume. MANY of us can't afford it. Like with anything else, those of us who can get something for cheaper, we go that route. Bottom line: it's all a ripoff. All these manufactures get rich off of a perfume that is WAY over priced. And, we wonder whose really ripping who off. I'd say the manufactures are as crooked. For over pricing. Yeah, but, that's how the rich stay rich....by ripping off those of us who actually work hard for our money. Only to survive in most cases.
My advice is to start doing business and actually produce something, and I'll see if you want to sell it without extra charge (that is, without profit).
Happy to help I did with the tester .... Fake vs Real Chanel Bleu Tester Eau De Parfum 100 ML ruclips.net/video/KZQPv4uhh08/видео.html ... the perfume will be in 3 weeks
I am so sick of China(not always China, but mostly) and their counterfeit products, junk items on ebay, amazon and everywhere else on selling platforms.. It's like you can't shop anywhere without fear you are going to get a fake product except at like a Chanel/Ultra 3/the mall stores or real perfume stores. However Walmart also has these (Red Door) perfumes that they are selling from China and I have verified the differences in the bottles in bottles, the spritzers at the top and nobody does anything to stop it. It's absolutely aggravating. I am middle lower class perfume and love perfume, but do not shop in high end perfume stores. I doubt a lot of us are anymore in the last few years. Walmart used to be a good store to find the items a little cheaper but not now. Some sellers can even sell on Walmart and don't allow a return process. Walmart says on front of these ads yes it's returnable but closer reading says see sellers policy on refund. So sometimes you can, and the ones where the return policy is not clear, I stay away from. You can't return the product to the store and seller refuses to accept returns except in certain cases and you have to pay return shipping and it will take months to get that refund. Amazon is a little better with third party seller refunds, which I try to avoid.-this has not happened to me as I read everything before buying anything nowadays. I am not looking for the cheapest product just the less price of the real product. Buying on amazon is a joke and amazon allows the sellers and does nothing about complaints, because THEY are still earning money. I really appreciate these kinds of videos to allow us as consumers to have a leg up on what's fake and what's real. Thank you.
Nonsense? I wonder. Recently bought this from online Walmart. Bottle and pkg. have all the correct markings but some in opposite places...things are almost ass backwards. If it is a fake....mfg. has improved from this video. Im not about to tell them how to fix their mistakes. Ive only had the real perfume...this scent is strange. "If the price is t0o good to be true..."🙄😵💫
The safety feature of their Channel perfume is found on the back of the bottle at the bottom...that means the serial number must be engraved ya...something sharp and nasty...if the paint rubs off it's a fake perfume...if it stays it's engraved and it's an original perfume...
@@FakeCip The bottle is engraved. Not a stamp. Could a counterfeit manage or take the time to do that??? oi As far as the scent goes...Ive had the original scent..which I understand bc of laws the newer fragrance differs a bit...still nice but not what I remember.
I must admit these fakes are really meticulously crafted. If not your video, I would never have said that one of the bottles is fake. Many thanks!
Happy to help 👍
I purchased a fake by mistake that was just like the one here off eBay. The seller does not accept returns.
I sent him a link to this video and listed half a dozen of the differences. I received a full refund in 24hours.
I'm glad
Hope you reported him to eBay!
why do people buy on ebay🤣😂
It wasn’t this one was it?
I just got one now in eBay and it’s fake
Thanks a lot for the value you add to the world! With no words it is easier to focus on the content! Great job, fantastic, unique style! 🙏🏻😘
there are many differences which indicate that it is a fake, but such tubes are thicker in older versions, so this is not a difference, and the inscriptions on the bottom of the flask do not indicate it either. because they were produced like that. but the details, i.e. the position and bottom of the bottle, should not look like this anymore.
Immediately checked my bottle. So relieved I have the real deal. The Fragrance is unique and breathtaking. Thanks for your effort
Happy to help 👍
Darn, wish I would have seen this sooner before wasting money on Mercari. Now I know. Thank you for the video. Knowledge is power!!
The same thing happened to me to save money, I bought an vintage eau de toilette from Chanel no. 5. I have clearly seen fake Chanel perfumes with the label that peels them off and sell them for more than $300 dollars being fake.
Il tuo video è di,grandissimo aiuto grazie
It’s the feel of the bottle that makes the difference. The fake ones which i had before are thick and not symmetrical whilst the original which i have now is slim, and you can really tell by just holding the bottle , The color of this wonderful juice and ofcourse, the Scent. I have been longing for an authentic one ever since but money was hard that time..And when i had i chance, i told myself.. buy it! everything was worth it. Thanks for this comparison video many people will now know the difference.
How to spot fake Chanel No 5 perfume
The original Chanel No 5 perfume costs around 170 euros and was bought here ... www.fragrancex.com/products/_cid_perfume-am-lid_c-am-pid_61w__products.html.
Chanel No 5 fake perfume costs around 20-100 euros depending on how well it is reproduced, for more safety, buy only from authorized stores.
The smell of Chanel No 5 fake perfume is very similar to the original, but the basic note (durability) does not persist for 10 minutes.
The front of the boxes are identical, you can't tell which is fake or real.
The top of the fake box shows the Chanel brand logo, compared to the original one that does not show.
The back of the original box shows the Chanel brand logo below and we can't find the barcode, compared to the fake one which has the barcode and the Chanel logo above.
The barcode can be found on the bottom of the original Chanel box, plus we have to find an engraved serial number, if this engraved number does not exist, Chanel Perfume No 5 is fake.
The original Chanel bottle has a yellower color than the fake one which is darker in color.
The original pump should not be visible to the naked eye, if this pump is seen the perfume is fake.
The serial number of the original perfume must be found on the back of the bottle, it consists of four digits (remember, anyone can put a code engraved on the bottle or box, the safety elements are the most important, such as the weight of the lid and bottle), if it is not identical to the serial number engraved on the box, does not exist, then you are faced with a counterfeit Chanel perfume.
The bottom of the original glass has an oval circle that delimits the rectangle of the glass (at the bottom, the bottom of the glass), very important, carefully looked at the stamped text, it must be neat, linear and without imperfections. Also on the bottom of the original Chanel No 5 perfume bottle we must find the text CHANEL LONDON W1J 6DG.
The original cover differs in weight, fake weighs less.
The fake lid is made of plastic and the original one is made of glass.
In the lid we can see another lid with a round finish, the original one is smaller, compared to the fake one which is bigger.
Hi. I had a chanel no. 5 as a gift. But as i review its authenticity from ur vid. I doubt it. No engraved number at the bottle. So its fake????
if the serial number engraved on the back of the bottle does not exist… it is a fake perfume
@@FakeCip thank u so much.
Are there some boxes with the bar code on the back that are real ? I see the box on here has code on bottom but ive seen some version with code on back do you know if there are legit versions with barcode on back of box only ?
the serial number on the back of the bottle... it must be engraved... take something sharp and scratch... if something is erased it is with paint and it is fake... if it remains it is engraved and it is original.
3:10 thank you so much for your reply . I meant barcode on the box itself in the video yours shows the fake box has barcode on back..do you know if they have real variations with the barcode on back of box ? I have one where the box has barcode on back but everything else seems real could there be different versions of boxes ?
Sorry to bother you but ..Does all bottles have serial numbers ? If mines doesn't is it fake ? It doesn't have on box or bottle but box looks real and I believe it smells authentic
On some of the very old Chanels (vintage), there is no serial number on the box and the batch codes may be at different places.
The bottom of mine does not says "chanel london" 😮😮 is marked and everything looks like in the video 😢
the old editions do not have this appearance ... but the best to identify the original Chanel No .5 perfume .... the serial number on the back of the bottle at the bottom must be engraved ... take something sharp and scratch ... if it is wiped ... it is with paint and it is fake... if it remains, it is engraved and it is original.
@@FakeCip mine is engraved. I am just saying mine does not have the Chanel London at the bottom but it is a recent edition.
yes ... it is an older edition .... It's ok …. if the serial number is engraved, it is original 👍
thank u so much, i just buy a fake on vinted, it from italy, Luckily I saw your video, so i have now complained to vinted about this seller and i think i will get my refund soon, Thank you for keeping me from wasting money😘😘 Making fakes is too hateful🤬🤬Hope you have more videos like this👍👍
Happy to help 👍
Oo wow I just one to and it seems to be the fake one so I should complain to vented? I feel bad for the seller as it was very nice and helpful
Hello I received
a bottle of my Aunts it was hers and I have it it is a spray color looks the same bottle is different no box how do I tell if it is original
if you can send me some pictures on my facebook page fakecip
Здравствуйте, вы не показали какие цифры или буквы должны быть на обратной стороне наклейке на флаконе,спасибо
@@FakeCip это был вопрос о буквах и цифрах,можно ответить спасибо
what nonsense. i used to work for a big perfume brand. these big companies can have slight variations to coloring or print and packaging depending on what country or market they manufacture for. not all of them will be manufactured in france. it's cheaper for them to bottle and print packaging in regions they have different offices than to ship individual products all the way from paris. for example, products sold for the asian market will often be bottled and printed in asia.
Sir, if for example the bottle was manufactured in asia. Would they still stamp "MADE IN FRANCE"?
@@jcv4248 made from will still be from original country as it shows identity. manufactured is only where products are assemble. as how previously apple phones were manufactured in China but that doesn't mean it's from china.
In this video, not a word is said about where it is produced. You are trying to use unfounded claims to reduce the value of this video and discriminate against the author of the channel.
Keep word you " used to " wonder what happened . Probably incompetence
I'm assuming you have some fake bottles and are emotional 😅
Would you please do a review for Le labo? I am very confusing how I see a few unboxing videos, but every box has different fonds of word “ merci” big and small fonds, also in English like thank you” etc. I also notice that some boxes do not have barcode on the paper that sticks on the box while some have. Which one is authentic? Last thing I wonder is about the color of the paper, some of the papers that sticks on the box can be white and some are cassette color, which one is real or fake? Please help me with this because I do not want to buy wrongly. Thanks you
O.K ... I'll put it on the list ... thanks for the suggestion ... that's how I find out what perfumes my spectators want.
@@FakeCip I appreciate that. Thank you so much.
Azerbaycandan salamlar.saxte urun ile gercek urun bir kod nomredi ilemi secilit?
we have one with text, the under side of the cap. "b36" then its proably fake?
the serial number on the back of the bottle must be engraved... take something sharp and scratch... if it goes away, it's with the wasp and it's fake.... if it is not engraved and is original
@@FakeCip thanks for the fast reply! it looks like ours is fake! we can remove the serial number :(
I have noticed that you have posted 2 videos about this perfume. At the bottom of each parfum it is written” Neuilly sur Seine” while in the second video we find the same sentence except an addition of “ Chanel London” . What is the difference plz. Waiting for your answer thank you. And I love your videos.
it's about the year of manufacture ... anyway ... the safety element is the serial number on the back of the bottle .... take something sharp and scratch it... if the paint rubs off, it's fake.... if it remains, it is engraved... and it is original
@@FakeCipIm confused...thought my bottle was fake...the numbers are engraved but on the front of the bottle. All the markings and pkg. are there..just a little "off"...humm.
I recently bought Deauville eau de cologne from Chanel, wondering how many of the markers would match.
The logo appears on top, like the video fake, but like the real in the video, the barcode is on the bottom, and there's is a serial number on the bottle itself. The cap looks rather plain, but snugs very nicely to the spray nozzle assembly with a nice snick on closing. Don't have a cake to compare but this might be a faker's cost saving opportunity.
The new packaging is overly minimalist, imo, opening the door for fakery. What would be quite difficult to take, though, is the extraordinarily fine mist, something I haven't seen even in other brands.
You are making me see things very differently!
if there is no serial number engraved on the glass… then it is a fake
If there is only "92200 Neuilly sur seine" without the second line "CHANEL LONDON WIJ 6DG" ,but there is a batchcode engraved on the bottle, is it fake or not? in a previous video (4 years ago) you showed a real bottle without the second line "CHANEL LONDON WIJ 6DG"... I am lost :(
if the serial number is engraved on the back of the bottle, it is original.... the text on the bottom of the bottle.... it is presented especially on the new bottles... it means that you have an older bottle... but original
Thank you!@@FakeCip
Bu psrfumu acmadan gercek oldugunu nece anlamaq olar?tedhekkur edirem.
This video helped a lot. I'm pretty sure mine is legit, the bottom is a tad different than yours but I think it's just because mine was sold in NY vs London, everything else looks good.
the serial number on the back of the bottle must be engraved... take something sharp and scratch... if it goes away, it's with the wasp and it's fake.... if it is not engraved and is original
@@FakeCip I will definitely look into it, thx!
so did you check ?@@pgai824
Is the real lid made of glass, or plastic? The one that should weigh 40 grams. thx
made of glass… the fake lid weighs less and is made of plastic
@@FakeCip Bummer. This one is fake. Will return it to Goodwill.
Very helpful. Amazon is allowing fakes to be sold. Could do without the doomsday drumbeat though!
Una pregunta yo me acabo de comprar uno pero mi duda es q si ay de 200ml o no a de ser original
si quieres puedes enviarme algunas fotos en mi pagina de facebook fakecip
Hayatımda gördüğüm en faydalı kanallardan biri tebrikler 👏🏻🇹🇷
this is why I only buy from the Chanel store or a known retailer like Bloomingdales or Harrods
Wow after looking at this I realize I was given a fake as a gift. Smells just like the authentic.
i got mine as a gift too but they gave it to me w/o the box, mines real thank god
@@B4K0How do you know?
Can Stephen Jory's copies be identified?
Thanks for your videos. I learn a lot from these videos. Can you please make a video about real vs fake Chanel No 5 L'eau. That would be very helful. Thank you
Ok 👍 happy to help
That Music. , no please .
Bro do they also smell almost the same ? I have doubts regarding the store near my house. Do they smell almost smell same ?
it smells the same… but the fake doesn't last even 10 minutes
@@FakeCip oh, WOW! How mean
I love this Channel, I love this concept... And I love the music! 👍😍
Cual es el tiempo debe de durar el olor del perfume original y copia puesto, bendiciones
depende del pH de cada persona, por ejemplo con cualquier perfume de Armania que me den no persiste, en general el perfume debe durar 7 horas en la piel y 24 horas en la ropa ... ahora depende edt no es tan bueno .... edp es bueno .... y el perfume el perfume es el mejor.
@@FakeCip gracias muy amable 🙏🏻 no entendí Q es, edt y edp, pero gracias amigo 🤗
Are there differences in goods in each country
no ... the safety element of the Chanel No 5 perfume ... is the serial number on the back of the bottle at the bottom ... take a knife and scratch ... if the paint comes off ... it is with paint and it is fake .... if it remains, it is engraved and is original...
My bottle has ink smudge logo. Uneven pasted logo. Can this be real?
any original Chanel bottle must have the serial number engraved on the back of the bottle... yes, with something sharp and see if it goes away... if it disappears, it's with the wasp and it's fake
@@FakeCip wasp?
Could you show Balenciaga Paris edp?
Pay CASH EVERYWHERE you go, NO kard or phone payment whatsoever people
Why is mine says ‘Made in USA’ at the bottom?😭😭
the safety element is the serial number on the back of the bottom glass... take something and scratch it... if it wipes it is with paint and it is fake... if it remains it is engraved and it is original
This is so helpful! I'm glad the one I got is really.
Happy to help
Thanks, I will check mine tomorrow. I will look for the box too. I just got mine today
👍The safety element of the perfume is the serial number on the back of the bottle at the bottom... take something sharp and scratch it... if it is with paint it will be erased and it is fake... if it is engraved... it will remain and it is an original perfume
Bought a fake perfume from an online store claiming to be authentic. Do u know where I could buy real ones? I live in the Philippines.
yes .... www.fragrancex.com/ ... they have free shipping worldwide
Thank you so much!
Where did you buy
Still don’t see how to tell
there is a description for each video below... the cover must be made of glass, not plastic.... and the serial number on the back of the bottle below... it must be engraved, not with paint... take a knife and scratch... if the paint comes off... it's a fake perfume
Just got my Chanel No5 in the mail today and I absolutely had to do my investigation upon arrival, and it will absolutely be going back smh. There were way too many inconsistencies.
The safety feature of the perfume is the serial number on the back of the bottle... take something sharp and scrape it... if it has paint on it, it will come off and it's fake... if it's engraved... it will stay and it's an original perfume
@FakeCip the problem is nothing is there. At all! Fake!!! 😩🤦🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
The number in mine is 6002.
Is it real ?
anyone can engrave a serial number nu this does not make it original… the weight of the lid… of the bottle are the safety elements…. if you want you can send me some pictures on my facebook page fakecip
Very useful detailed comparison. Thank you.
Happy to help 👍
Can yoh also comment on the difference of the scent between the fake and the real one?
I smell the same for the first 10 minutes ... after a while ... the fake perfume doesn't smell at all anymore ...
@@FakeCip but they smelled the same at first?
I bought chanel no 5, seems original but why the longetivity is not until 6-8 hours like previous i bought one.... i checked the box is original l like the video 😭
due to the rules of the world commission… every year they ban certain ingredients… those who produce this perfume… try to replace them… but fail from what can be seen
Thanks so much! Have you ever reviewed fake nail polish brands?
No …🙃
Very helpful😊 thank you
Happy to help
How do we know that you're not the counterfeiter presenting the fake as real?
I only buy from Chanel
Thanks for your hard work sir. Can you do a fake vs real YSL Y edp?
in May it is scheduled ....
@@FakeCip awesome thanks sir.
Thank to so much! I do not want to buy any fake perfumes
Happy to help
Тихо и без слов.всп понятно.главное не упустить детали
i almost bought a fake one... thank you for the video
Happy to help
Very nice! You're helping your fellow humans and I gave you a subscribe and a like for that!
Amazing… thank you, Ive been caught… and with others… Next time I buy I will take this with me. 🌹
Happy to help
Thanks, very helpful!!!
Happy to help
Can u pls do Mancera house of perfume ? It would be great help
ok I'll put it on the list
Really very informative Glad 🙏
Happy to help
Thank you so much.
Good job.👍👏👏👏👏♥️
Please review montblanc explorer.
I haven’t paid for the fake yet on Ebay.. 😮I’m canceling my order !😊ty
How do we know if you’re just making this up and both are fake
I've been dealing with this for 10 years... look in my videos section, there are over 350 fake or real perfumes
Next time they will copy exactly the same box same colors same in everything.What then? 🤦🏻♂️
Thanks for your time 👍🏼
yes ... that's right ... but they can't make the bottle by weight .... or if they do I can't reproduce the base note of the perfume ... and this is proved by the mirror test ... it is sprayed on the mirror .. after 2 minutes in the original you can see an oil stain (essence), there is nothing left in the fake
Happy to help
Then they suffer tragedy and ask God why
Just buy from accredited Chanel retailer. I wouldn't risk so much money on dupe.
🤩nossa tem que entender para ver estes detalhes!
sim ..existem muitos tipos de falsificação .... o elemento de segurança é a tampa original mais pesada e feita de vidro, em comparação com a falsa que é de plástico e pesa menos.
thank you for this.
Happy to help 👍
Sorry plzzzz do dior homme intense
Comprei 1 Fake excellence parfun sur internet pra o Natal, que decipição, china poste
J'ai acheté sur excellence parfumerie sur Internet, c'est du Fake dépense pas votre argent, quelle déception.
Thanks a lot very helpful
Happy to help 👍
Thanks. This helped me.
Happy to help
Merci je le suis faite avoir sur vinted par 1 vendeuse malhonnête... Merci pour ces details
avec plaisir
On lui avait offert il était sous cellophane. Grâce à tes vidéos elle a vu que C est un faux elle m'a remboursée donc c'est cool je vais jeter le faux pour pas avoir de soucis. Thabksss
"Also on the bottom of the original Chanel No 5 perfume bottle we must find the text CHANEL LONDON W1J 6DG." Not on our bottle, bought by the official agent, and big nationwide retailer here in the Netherlands.
are older editions of the perfume… those that present this text
Сделай обзор на Фаренгейт ну Диор пожалуйста!
Спасибо за впше время для нас☺
с удовольствием
Спасибо за вашу работу!👍
с удовольствием
تعلمن الكثير
Будь ласка ролик о Мансера Ред Табак.
гаразд ... я внесу його до списку
Thanks you, it's a very useful information..
Happy to help
While watching your video, I took my chanel.5.perfume bottle, which I bought a long time ago and see all your informations
And I feel so happy infact I have bought the real one.
I have that exact bottle of Chanel °5 on my dressing table, right now. It's my stink.
Thank you again
Merci beaucoup!
avec plaisir
Taneks so Mach🙏🙏
happy to help
Dziękuję, super 👌
Merci beaucoup c'est gentil 👍👍👍
Thank U very much!!!!
Happy to help👍
I use your videos to make product renders thank you sir
Thank you
Happy to help
Thenks bro
Yo queria un perfume chanel y mi esposo me lo regalo, la verdad que no me gusta su olor, para mi huele a viejo no lo volveria a complar.
It's too bad that perfume makers are so greedy that they mark up perfume. MANY of us can't afford it. Like with anything else, those of us who can get something for cheaper, we go that route. Bottom line: it's all a ripoff. All these manufactures get rich off of a perfume that is WAY over priced. And, we wonder whose really ripping who off. I'd say the manufactures are as crooked. For over pricing. Yeah, but, that's how the rich stay rich....by ripping off those of us who actually work hard for our money. Only to survive in most cases.
There's perfume for every level. Just but what you can afford.
My advice is to start doing business and actually produce something, and I'll see if you want to sell it without extra charge (that is, without profit).
With a victim mentality like yours, you’re never going to get anywhere. This is how poor people talk.
Just smell like you smell. You don't need special drops of chemicals.
Bleu de Chanel Parfum, please. You are the best!!! Thanks.
Happy to help
I did with the tester .... Fake vs Real Chanel Bleu Tester Eau De Parfum 100 ML ruclips.net/video/KZQPv4uhh08/видео.html ... the perfume will be in 3 weeks
@@FakeCip is it same shape of the bottle with the “parfum” one?
@@raidenhimura3022 yes
@@FakeCip ah nice, sweet, thank you so much!!!
Excelente video
I am so sick of China(not always China, but mostly) and their counterfeit products, junk items on ebay, amazon and everywhere else on selling platforms.. It's like you can't shop anywhere without fear you are going to get a fake product except at like a Chanel/Ultra 3/the mall stores or real perfume stores. However Walmart also has these (Red Door) perfumes that they are selling from China and I have verified the differences in the bottles in bottles, the spritzers at the top and nobody does anything to stop it. It's absolutely aggravating. I am middle lower class perfume and love perfume, but do not shop in high end perfume stores. I doubt a lot of us are anymore in the last few years. Walmart used to be a good store to find the items a little cheaper but not now. Some sellers can even sell on Walmart and don't allow a return process. Walmart says on front of these ads yes it's returnable but closer reading says see sellers policy on refund. So sometimes you can, and the ones where the return policy is not clear, I stay away from. You can't return the product to the store and seller refuses to accept returns except in certain cases and you have to pay return shipping and it will take months to get that refund. Amazon is a little better with third party seller refunds, which I try to avoid.-this has not happened to me as I read everything before buying anything nowadays. I am not looking for the cheapest product just the less price of the real product. Buying on amazon is a joke and amazon allows the sellers and does nothing about complaints, because THEY are still earning money. I really appreciate these kinds of videos to allow us as consumers to have a leg up on what's fake and what's real. Thank you.
Very, very good 👏👏👏
Gracias ❤
con mucho gusto
unbelievable I bouth a blender. And I always wondered about the strange smell.
Nonsense? I wonder. Recently bought this from online Walmart. Bottle and pkg. have all
the correct markings but some in opposite places...things are almost ass backwards. If it is a fake....mfg. has improved from this video.
Im not about to tell them how to fix their mistakes.
Ive only had the real perfume...this scent is strange. "If the price is t0o good to be true..."🙄😵💫
The safety feature of their Channel perfume is found on the back of the bottle at the bottom...that means the serial number must be engraved ya...something sharp and nasty...if the paint rubs off it's a fake perfume...if it stays it's engraved and it's an original perfume...
@@FakeCip The bottle is engraved. Not a stamp. Could a counterfeit manage or take the time to do that??? oi As far as the scent goes...Ive had the original scent..which I understand bc of laws the newer fragrance differs a bit...still nice but not what I remember.