🔥Day 83🔥 📝 look back, bring back, set back, push back He pushed back the schedule to next weekend, which brings back bad memories of how I had rushed to finish work. 😨
day83. 언제나 좋은 강의 올려주셔서 감사합니다. :) * I look back on when my daughter was a baby. Back then, I was so tired and overwhelmed by the new situation during COVID. But now I realize that time was very precious in my life. If I could go back to that time, I would have adored and loved my daughter more. * Our trip was supposed to be this weekend, but the weather forecast said it will be rainy. So we are pushing our trip back to next weekend.
[Day 83] 241004 / 시간관련 back 구동사 ■ 과거 #1. [00:30] : 과거를 돌아보다 look back #2. [00:48] : 과거 기억이 떠오름 flash back #3. [01:07] : 상기시키다, 생각나게 하다 bring back ■ 일정 미룸 #1. [01:29] : 의도치않게 미워짐 set back A set back B A가 B 미뤘어 B was set back B가 미뤄졌어 #2. [02:02] : 의도적으로 미룸 push back #3. [02:13] : 일정을 앞당기다 move up ▶ 오늘의 영작 1. The song 'Antifreeze' brings back memories of this spring. - 2. I didn't feel well right after work today, so I slept for a while, and studying English got pushed back. But I'm here now.✌️ 오늘도 감사합니다 제니님🍎❤️🫶🍀✨️ 06:17 Byeeee👋✨️✨️
When I look back, it's no wonder time flies so fast. I pushed the schedule back to tomorrow. I really want to get some rest today. Thanks for today's phrasal verb and see you tomorrow
제니님 안녕하세요~오늘은 영어 영상 기다리다가 깜빡 잠이 들어버렸네요😅오늘도 화이팅 화이팅! Day 83 When I saw the news about the fireworks festival happening tomorrow, it reminded me of when I went with my mom four years ago I was supposed to get my car serviced on Tuesday, but I had to push it back since I have to go to the hospital unexpectedly
Day 83❤️ - The delivery of new pots for my plants was set back a few days. Because they were out of stock. - my teddy bear brings back all the memories from my childhood.
Look back 과거를 돌아보다 Back in my days Back in the days Back in the past Back then = at that time Flash back Bring back Set back 일정이 미뤄지다 Push back 일정을 미루다 Move up 일정을 앞당기다 No meaning days Push back the goal. I never look back my past before until I am success.
Day 83 1. 과거를 돌아보다 *bring back* This scent always brings back memories of when I was in the Netherlands. 2. 일정 미룸 *push back* I was originally supposed to leave last month, but I had a lot to prepare, so I pushed back my departure.
✅83: Sometimes I used to look back on my childhood. / Suddenly, that smell flashed back memories of my old house. / The trip was set back because of the hurricane. / She pushed back the meeting to next week. / I think we need to move up our deadline, considering her return. + As I look back on my career, I realize how much I’ve grown. The scent of fresh flower brings back the springtime in my hometown. The project was set back due to the unexpected issues. We had to push back the appointment to the following week. We decided to move up the meeting to accommodate everyone’s schedule. Watching that movie made me flash back to the time when we were in high school.
- It's already the end of the year. Looking back, I think there are many good memories and some regrets. - That song brings back my memories of last year's trip abroad, where the atmosphere was amazing. - I just heard that our meeting has been moved up by an hour.
Day 83🎉 When I look back my 20’s, there are so many crazy and funny memories. I guess all fun things happened in those days whereas all hardships were set back to my late 30’s and 40’s. Youth in 20’s is just a precious gift in life, but it is hard to see it actually is.
When we look back, our daughters have grown as well. Thank you for your effort, honey. The children had a high fever. Our trip should be pushed back to next weekend.
When I look back, I see how much I've grown over the years. That song brings back all the memories we had from that trip. This project was set back three days because of his absence. She pushed the deadline back to next week, didn't she? I just got the message. They moved up the meeting to 10 am.
감사합니다 🎉 1. when I smell it after rain in the mountains, It brings back all the good memories about my childhood gpt 첨삭 "Brings back"을 사용한 부분은 아주 적절하고 자연스럽습니다! **"Brings back"**은 어떤 것이 기억을 되살린다는 의미로, 이 경우 비 온 뒤 산속의 냄새가 어린 시절의 좋은 기억을 떠올리게 한다는 표현에 잘 맞습니다. 다만, 문장 첫 부분을 약간 더 자연스럽게 다듬을 수 있습니다. 수정된 문장: "When I smell the air after rain in the mountains, it brings back all the good memories of my childhood." 수정 포인트: 1. "smell it after rain" → "smell the air after rain": "the air"를 추가하면 문장이 더 명확해집니다. 2. "about my childhood" → "of my childhood": "about"보다 "of"가 더 자연스럽습니다. "memories of my childhood"가 일반적으로 많이 사용되는 표현입니다. 따라서, "brings back"은 잘 쓰였고, 약간의 수정으로 문장이 더욱 자연스럽게 들립니다. 2. He pushed back the meeting without our team opinion ! gpt 첨삭 "Push back"을 사용한 부분은 적절하게 잘 쓰였지만, 문장에서 약간의 수정으로 더 자연스럽게 만들 수 있습니다. "Push back"은 "미루다"는 의미로 잘 사용되었습니다. 다만, 몇 가지 문법적 수정이 필요합니다. 수정된 문장: "He pushed back the meeting without our team's opinion!" 수정 포인트: 1. "without our team opinion" → "without our team's opinion": "our team's"로 소유격을 사용해야 자연스럽습니다. 2. 문장 끝의 **"!"**는 강조를 위해 사용할 수 있지만, 구어체가 아닌 경우에는 쉼표나 마침표로 끝내는 것도 좋습니다. 따라서 "push back"은 잘 쓰였고, 약간의 문법 수정으로 문장이 더욱 자연스럽고 명확하게 들릴 것입니다.
After starting to watch Jennie's RUclips, I sometimes pushed back watching until the next day. Back in the beginning, I thought I could study every day, but now I know how difficult it is to keep studying consistently. 83일차ㅈ완🎉😊
day83!! 벌써 83~~~~ 100이 얼마 안 남았네요. 제니님 화이팅!! I think we shouldn’t cling to the past, but it's important to look back periodically to learn from it. Especially to move up and achieve my dreams!
Day 83. 1. He looked back at his mistakes and learned from them. 2. I wanted him to flesh out more details in his proposal. 3. This song brings back memories from my high school days. 4. The project was set back due to a technical problem. 5. We need to push back the meeting to next week. 6. The meeting was moved up by a week. 오늘도 감사합니다 ~
Day 83 When I look back my childhood I really liked to eat pumkin soup. This food tastes just brings it back to me Tom just pushed the meeting one-sidely tomorrow so we should change our plan and think over how mange to get Work done! Thanks
I kept pushing back hanging out with my friends, but I’m finally going to see them at the end of this month. When i was look back 2024, it was so fast.
Today, I looked back at some old photos from last year’s trip. It really brought back a lot of good memories. One of them was our hike to the mountain peak, but the weather set us back, and we couldn’t reach the summit. Still, we didn’t give up. We pushed back our plans to the next day, and luckily, the weather cleared up. We even decided to move up the time we started hiking that day. It’s funny how even thinking about that hike now makes me flash back to the feeling of standing at the top.
I flashed back to all the memories when I smelled that scent. I’m gonna move up my plans with my friend, because I really want to see her soon. 초반에는 이거 언제 다 하나 싶은 생각이었는데 마지막이 가까워지니까 영상 하나씩 올라올때마다 왜인지 모르게 아쉬워요..ㅠㅠ 기쁘나 슬프나 거의 매일 저녁 루틴이 제니쌤 영상 보며 영어 공부하기였었고 힘들때도 의무적으로 ‘그래도 이건 해야지’ 라는 생각으로 하다 보면 또 그날 안 좋았던 기분이 풀어지기도 했구요!! 또 그걸 원동력 삼아서 다른 해야할 일도 시작했던 것 같아요 챌린지로 시작했지만 이젠 거의 하루의 일부분이 되어버려서 마지막이 가까워지는게 눈에 보이니 더욱 아쉬운 것 같아요ㅠㅠ 아쉬운 만큼 남은 영상들 더 열심히 공부해야겠어요😂
I’m not ready to take a TOEIC test. So I pushed back the test date to next week. Whenever I hear ash island’s song, It brings back all the memories of I was in the military.
[Day 83 ❤Today English composition -> Actually we were supposed to meet at today but she pushed the time. I wanna move up the meeting today. Today lessons * When I look back, I see how much I've grown over the years. * That song brings back all the memories we had from the trip. * This project was set back three days because of his absence. * She pushed the deadline back to next week, didn't she? * I just god the message. They moved up the meeting to 10am.
Dqy 83🎉🎉🎉 Do you want me to move up the appointment originally scheduled for 10:30, or should I push it back? She brings back memories of my ex from when we were in university.
Day-83 I looked over my memories, so I should take notes everyday. Back 시간 관련 구동사 look back, 과거 돌아보기 Fresh back 갑자기 과거가 확 떠오름 Bring back: 기억, 무언가 상기시킨다 Set back. 시간 미루어지다. Push back 30분 미루다
Day83😊 Something important came up with my friend, so our trip was set back to next month. OMG! The show schedule has been moved up by a week. We have to practice perfectly within this week.
83일차! When I look back on my life, I see that God has been guiding me. I thought my plans were being delayed, but now I realize that they were just being pushed back by God for a greater purpose.
When I was young, I worked hard, so I don't want to look back. I think the traffic will be really bad because it's fireworks day, so I moved the departure time up.
Computers bring back my childhood memories. Back then, it was very unusual to have one. My work was set back towards the end of this month because the server part is not ready for service.
1. The smell of this perfume brings back memories of my mom from when I was a child. 2. I caught a cold over the weekend, so I had to push back my online English class.
> look back / flash back / bring back : When I arrived at Guel Pake, it brought back the memory of Hugo giving my sister a ride on his motorcycle because it was so early in the morning. > set back / push back / move up : My team leader told me he wants to move up the Recovery Day to Oct. 4th. Even though I had already booked a car inspection for Oct. 11th, the original recovery day, I said it's okay to move it up.
I`ve followed your class one of each. Thank you :> Here is my answer The meeting was set back at 9am, because some co-workers already told us we`re gonna be late When I look back before coming austraila, I get brave more whatever I do for now
[DAY83] 1. Look back 과거를 돌아보다 (Back in my days Back in the days Back in the past Back then = at that time) 2. Flash back 과거 떠오름 3. Bring back 상기시키다 1.set back 의도치 않게 미뤄짐 (A set back B/ B was set back) 2. Push back 의도하여 미룸 3. Move up 일정 앞당긴다 1) When I look back my elementary school days, I was doesn't think things through and was immature. 2) We have to move up our trip itinerary because the mileage deadline is approaching 3) Recently when I feel the cold atmosphere, I flash back to last year's fall days 4) I had to set back my workout plan because my work doesn't end! 5) My mom pushes her health care back even though she saw her health examination results.
Since I heard the Digimon song that brings back all the memories when I child , which was really missing these days. The competition was set back until late night, which made getting tired to me.
[Day 83] 1. When I look back over the past few years, I reflect on how complacent I have been at work. 2. The Chinese developer set back two weeks becuase of their Luna New Year holiday.
If you'd like to move our schedule up, you need to compromise with me. Our challenge seems to be wrapping up soon. I'd like to tell you that I really appreciate your effort and dedication. Bye!
83. 1.I lived my life looking back on the past, following others' expectations. 2. My sister moves up the calendar a few days before the next month arrives.
I always look at the photos whenever I want to bring back to the memories of the trip I won’t be able to make it on time, could we push it back by 15 minutes?
🔥Day 83🔥
📝 look back, bring back, set back, push back
He pushed back the schedule to next weekend, which brings back bad memories of how I had rushed to finish work. 😨
83일차네요. 오늘도 감사합니다.
- That movie brings back memories of my first love.
- I pushed back tomorrow morning's alarm because I got off work at dawn.
day83. 언제나 좋은 강의 올려주셔서 감사합니다. :)
* I look back on when my daughter was a baby. Back then, I was so tired and overwhelmed by the new situation during COVID. But now I realize that time was very precious in my life. If I could go back to that time, I would have adored and loved my daughter more.
* Our trip was supposed to be this weekend, but the weather forecast said it will be rainy. So we are pushing our trip back to next weekend.
[Day 83] 241004 / 시간관련 back 구동사
■ 과거
#1. [00:30]
: 과거를 돌아보다
look back
#2. [00:48]
: 과거 기억이 떠오름
flash back
#3. [01:07]
: 상기시키다, 생각나게 하다
bring back
■ 일정 미룸
#1. [01:29]
: 의도치않게 미워짐
set back
A set back B A가 B 미뤘어
B was set back B가 미뤄졌어
#2. [02:02]
: 의도적으로 미룸
push back
#3. [02:13]
: 일정을 앞당기다
move up
▶ 오늘의 영작
1. The song 'Antifreeze' brings back memories of this spring.
2. I didn't feel well right after work today, so I slept for a while, and studying English got pushed back. But I'm here now.✌️
오늘도 감사합니다 제니님🍎❤️🫶🍀✨️ 06:17 Byeeee👋✨️✨️
When I look back, it's no wonder time flies so fast.
I pushed the schedule back to tomorrow. I really want to get some rest today.
Thanks for today's phrasal verb and see you tomorrow
제니님 안녕하세요~오늘은 영어 영상 기다리다가 깜빡 잠이 들어버렸네요😅오늘도 화이팅 화이팅!
Day 83
When I saw the news about the fireworks festival happening tomorrow, it reminded me of when I went with my mom four years ago
I was supposed to get my car serviced on Tuesday, but I had to push it back since I have to go to the hospital unexpectedly
Day 83! Your looks bring me back to my 30's memories. Let's move up our review to 6am.
Day 83🔥
When I look back, I realize how much I’ve learned.👍
I had to push back the meeting to next week.🧐
Day 83❤️
- The delivery of new pots for my plants was set back a few days. Because they were out of stock.
- my teddy bear brings back all the memories from my childhood.
벌써 83일!!!! 감사합니다. 제니님!!!^^
Look back 과거를 돌아보다
Back in my days
Back in the days
Back in the past
Back then = at that time
Flash back
Bring back
Set back 일정이 미뤄지다
Push back 일정을 미루다
Move up 일정을 앞당기다
No meaning days Push back the goal.
I never look back my past before until I am success.
I pushed workout back to next week, because lots of things to do.
제니님 오늘도 감사합니다😊
When I look back on the past, I think about whether I have lived well.
Out overseas trip moved up next month.
Day 83
1. 과거를 돌아보다 *bring back*
This scent always brings back memories of when I was in the Netherlands.
2. 일정 미룸 *push back*
I was originally supposed to leave last month, but I had a lot to prepare, so I pushed back my departure.
✅83: Sometimes I used to look back on my childhood. / Suddenly, that smell flashed back memories of my old house. / The trip was set back because of the hurricane. / She pushed back the meeting to next week. / I think we need to move up our deadline, considering her return. + As I look back on my career, I realize how much I’ve grown. The scent of fresh flower brings back the springtime in my hometown. The project was set back due to the unexpected issues. We had to push back the appointment to the following week. We decided to move up the meeting to accommodate everyone’s schedule. Watching that movie made me flash back to the time when we were in high school.
- It's already the end of the year. Looking back, I think there are many good memories and some regrets.
- That song brings back my memories of last year's trip abroad, where the atmosphere was amazing.
- I just heard that our meeting has been moved up by an hour.
Day 83
또 감사합니다.
Day 83🎉 When I look back my 20’s, there are so many crazy and funny memories. I guess all fun things happened in those days whereas all hardships were set back to my late 30’s and 40’s. Youth in 20’s is just a precious gift in life, but it is hard to see it actually is.
When we look back, our daughters have grown as well. Thank you for your effort, honey.
The children had a high fever. Our trip should be pushed back to next weekend.
Day 83 오늘도 thank you!!
1. I will take some time to look back on the past year.
2. The bad weather set back the building program by several weeks.
🍀여든 세번째 날
Look at these pictures! Don't they bring back memories?
Can I push back our dinner plans?
When I look back, I see how much I've grown over the years.
That song brings back all the memories we had from that trip.
This project was set back three days because of his absence.
She pushed the deadline back to next week, didn't she?
I just got the message. They moved up the meeting to 10 am.
Day 83. 🩷
Some photos bring back memories of my lovely 콩이
I want to move up my plan for the Coldplay concert
감사합니다 🎉
1. when I smell it after rain in the mountains, It brings back all the good memories about my childhood
gpt 첨삭
"Brings back"을 사용한 부분은 아주 적절하고 자연스럽습니다! **"Brings back"**은 어떤 것이 기억을 되살린다는 의미로, 이 경우 비 온 뒤 산속의 냄새가 어린 시절의 좋은 기억을 떠올리게 한다는 표현에 잘 맞습니다.
다만, 문장 첫 부분을 약간 더 자연스럽게 다듬을 수 있습니다.
수정된 문장:
"When I smell the air after rain in the mountains, it brings back all the good memories of my childhood."
수정 포인트:
1. "smell it after rain" → "smell the air after rain": "the air"를 추가하면 문장이 더 명확해집니다.
2. "about my childhood" → "of my childhood": "about"보다 "of"가 더 자연스럽습니다. "memories of my childhood"가 일반적으로 많이 사용되는 표현입니다.
따라서, "brings back"은 잘 쓰였고, 약간의 수정으로 문장이 더욱 자연스럽게 들립니다.
2. He pushed back the meeting without our team opinion !
gpt 첨삭
"Push back"을 사용한 부분은 적절하게 잘 쓰였지만, 문장에서 약간의 수정으로 더 자연스럽게 만들 수 있습니다. "Push back"은 "미루다"는 의미로 잘 사용되었습니다. 다만, 몇 가지 문법적 수정이 필요합니다.
수정된 문장:
"He pushed back the meeting without our team's opinion!"
수정 포인트:
1. "without our team opinion" → "without our team's opinion": "our team's"로 소유격을 사용해야 자연스럽습니다.
2. 문장 끝의 **"!"**는 강조를 위해 사용할 수 있지만, 구어체가 아닌 경우에는 쉼표나 마침표로 끝내는 것도 좋습니다.
따라서 "push back"은 잘 쓰였고, 약간의 문법 수정으로 문장이 더욱 자연스럽고 명확하게 들릴 것입니다.
When I got there, I flashed back to that day.
She caught a cold, so she had to push back her trip.
쌤.환절기에 감기 조심하세요~
As I get older, I tend to look back on my life more often.
The sudden change in weather set back our travel plans.
Thank you so much~Jennie❤
83일차! This perfume brings back our memories of summer.
Why are you always push back the meeting?
After starting to watch Jennie's RUclips, I sometimes pushed back watching until the next day. Back in the beginning, I thought I could study every day, but now I know how difficult it is to keep studying consistently.
This garden festival brings back wonderful memories for me. But I'm afraid that it will be set back to next week because of the hot weather this year.
언니❤ 매일매일 진짜.. 고마워요
그냥 눈물나고 오늘 엄청 힘들었는데 언니 영상 보면서 다시 일어서요❤
초심 bring back이라고~~~~~
This song brings back so many memories from high school. I had to step back and let them handle the project on their own. 감사합니다^^
Day 83 완료! This egg tart brings back all the memories we had from that trip. She always pushes back the meeting.
Looking back, my English has improved a lot.
I had to push back the schedule because I was sick.
벌써 83~~~~ 100이 얼마 안 남았네요. 제니님 화이팅!!
I think we shouldn’t cling to the past, but it's important to look back periodically to learn from it. Especially to move up and achieve my dreams!
Day 83.
1. He looked back at his mistakes and learned from them.
2. I wanted him to flesh out more details in his proposal.
3. This song brings back
memories from my high school days.
4. The project was set back due to a technical problem.
5. We need to push back the meeting to next week.
6. The meeting was moved up by a week.
오늘도 감사합니다 ~
Day 83
When I look back my childhood I really liked to eat pumkin soup. This food tastes just brings it back to me
Tom just pushed the meeting one-sidely tomorrow so we should change our plan and think over how mange to get
Work done!
The pictures brought back memories of my son's childhood years.
We have to push back the trip because of the weather forecast.
These notes bring back my high school days. I really studied hard back then.
They set back their vacation plans by because of the issue.
I kept pushing back hanging out with my friends, but I’m finally going to see them at the end of this month.
When i was look back 2024, it was so fast.
Looking back at the time I worked, it was a stressful but valuable experience from which I learned a lot.
The project due was pushed back by a week.
-That book brings back all the memories of my childhood.
-I pushed back my reservation because of my headache.
When I listened the new jeans music, it was brought back me and ex memories. And that set back my daily routine. Because I fall into my memory.
When I look back, I've grown into a much more positive person over the past few years.
The interview date has been moved up by three days.
Today, I looked back at some old photos from last year’s trip. It really brought back a lot of good memories. One of them was our hike to the mountain peak, but the weather set us back, and we couldn’t reach the summit. Still, we didn’t give up. We pushed back our plans to the next day, and luckily, the weather cleared up. We even decided to move up the time we started hiking that day. It’s funny how even thinking about that hike now makes me flash back to the feeling of standing at the top.
I just flash back when you push back our plan 😊
Every song has a powerful power that brings back some memories.
Yesterday, I was going to push back my night telephone class but I finally made it.
This song brings back memories from my trip to Jeju.
I’d like to move up my consultation schedule.
I-phone’s suggested photos bring me back to my old days. 📸
I always try to push back buying things I need for as long as possible. 💵
I flashed back to all the memories when I smelled that scent.
I’m gonna move up my plans with my friend, because I really want to see her soon.
초반에는 이거 언제 다 하나 싶은 생각이었는데 마지막이 가까워지니까 영상 하나씩 올라올때마다 왜인지 모르게 아쉬워요..ㅠㅠ 기쁘나 슬프나 거의 매일 저녁 루틴이 제니쌤 영상 보며 영어 공부하기였었고 힘들때도 의무적으로 ‘그래도 이건 해야지’ 라는 생각으로 하다 보면 또 그날 안 좋았던 기분이 풀어지기도 했구요!! 또 그걸 원동력 삼아서 다른 해야할 일도 시작했던 것 같아요 챌린지로 시작했지만 이젠 거의 하루의 일부분이 되어버려서 마지막이 가까워지는게 눈에 보이니 더욱 아쉬운 것 같아요ㅠㅠ 아쉬운 만큼 남은 영상들 더 열심히 공부해야겠어요😂
Day 083, thank you!
I will push back the procedure.
When I look back on my younger days, I was so slim. My diet was set back when my son, who lives abroad, came to visit.
It looks like we have to push back the hike because of the rain.
The red background with yellow text brings back memories of my military service.😊
When i look back I’ve been so immatual.
I set back our trip to next week.
If I go there, they bring back some memories.
He always pushes back our plan.
I’m not ready to take a TOEIC test. So I pushed back the test date to next week.
Whenever I hear ash island’s song, It brings back all the memories of I was in the military.
The storm set back our trip.
I moved up my English class, because I need to improve my English speaking skills more quickly.
24.10.04 83일차🍀
This song brings back my childhood.
The marathon preparations were set back because of the storm.
Day 83~
I look back on this year as the year ends.
I pushed back my travel plans because of some issues.
You bring me back to my first love. I pushed the meeting back to 3 days later.
83일차 감사합니다!
Whenever I see the postcards I bought, they bring me back to the moments I traveled.
My class is moved up to 10am this week.
Day 83~~
-When I ate this food, I flashed back all my memories at school.
-I moved up our trip, because my friends will work that day.
[Day 83
❤Today English composition
-> Actually we were supposed to meet at today but she pushed the time.
I wanna move up the meeting today.
Today lessons
* When I look back, I see how much I've grown over the years.
* That song brings back all the memories we had from the trip.
* This project was set back three days because of his absence.
* She pushed the deadline back to next week, didn't she?
* I just god the message. They moved up the meeting to 10am.
❤❤day 83🎉🎉 벌써 금욜이네요. 영어로 불금 ^^ 🔥 😊
Dqy 83🎉🎉🎉
Do you want me to move up the appointment originally scheduled for 10:30, or should I push it back?
She brings back memories of my ex from when we were in university.
I looked over my memories, so I should take notes everyday.
Back 시간 관련 구동사
look back, 과거 돌아보기
Fresh back 갑자기 과거가 확 떠오름
Bring back: 기억, 무언가 상기시킨다
Set back. 시간 미루어지다.
Push back 30분 미루다
When I smell that scent, it brings back memories of the time I went to Europe.
She pushed the trip back because of our financial situation.
83th! Thanks you so much 💗
Something important came up with my friend, so our trip was set back to next month.
OMG! The show schedule has been moved up by a week. We have to practice perfectly within this week.
When I look back on my life, I see that God has been guiding me. I thought my plans were being delayed, but now I realize that they were just being pushed back by God for a greater purpose.
I'd like to push the meeting back to next week.
This letter brings back all the memories with her.
When I was young, I worked hard, so I don't want to look back.
I think the traffic will be really bad because it's fireworks day, so I moved the departure time up.
Computers bring back my childhood memories. Back then, it was very unusual to have one.
My work was set back towards the end of this month because the server part is not ready for service.
Sung Si Kyung’s songs bring me back to my high school memories.
I worked out back in my lately days. I set back this yesterday.
1. The smell of this perfume brings back memories of my mom from when I was a child.
2. I caught a cold over the weekend, so I had to push back my online English class.
whenever I go to that place, it brings back my memories from 20s.
I push back the project. because we should change the priority of it.
> look back / flash back / bring back
: When I arrived at Guel Pake, it brought back the memory of Hugo giving my sister a ride on his motorcycle because it was so early in the morning.
> set back / push back / move up
: My team leader told me he wants to move up the Recovery Day to Oct. 4th. Even though I had already booked a car inspection for Oct. 11th, the original recovery day, I said it's okay to move it up.
The picture brings back a lot of good memories about the last trip.
Can we push the meeting back an hour? The projector isn't working.
I`ve followed your class one of each. Thank you :>
Here is my answer
The meeting was set back at 9am, because some co-workers already told us we`re gonna be late
When I look back before coming austraila, I get brave more whatever I do for now
Day 83
Look back your day
I woke up late, so I moved up the exercise.
1. Look back
과거를 돌아보다
(Back in my days
Back in the days
Back in the past
Back then = at that time)
2. Flash back
과거 떠오름
3. Bring back
1.set back
의도치 않게 미뤄짐
(A set back B/ B was set back)
2. Push back
의도하여 미룸
3. Move up
일정 앞당긴다
1) When I look back my elementary school days, I was doesn't think things through and was immature.
2) We have to move up our trip itinerary because the mileage deadline is approaching
3) Recently when I feel the cold atmosphere, I flash back to last year's fall days
4) I had to set back my workout plan because my work doesn't end!
5) My mom pushes her health care back even though she saw her health examination results.
I sometimes look back and think about whether I have grown well.
My bad habit is pushing things back, and I want to fix that.
I just flashed back to the moment l didn't get the receipt.
Can I push back our plans by 10 minutes? I need some rest now.
Since I heard the Digimon song that brings back all the memories when I child , which was really missing these days.
The competition was set back until late night, which made getting tired to me.
I wish I could look back on this time as a winning process.
[Day 83] 1. When I look back over the past few years, I reflect on how complacent I have been at work.
2. The Chinese developer set back two weeks becuase of their Luna New Year holiday.
If you'd like to move our schedule up, you need to compromise with me.
Our challenge seems to be wrapping up soon. I'd like to tell you that I really appreciate your effort and dedication.
1.I lived my life looking back on the past, following others' expectations.
2. My sister moves up the calendar a few days before the next month arrives.
Looking back at COVID period, I don't know how I managed to get through it.
We need to push the meeting back to tomorrow due to his vacation.
I will push my mentoring back to tomorrow because I was so tired.
Back in the day, I once fell while crossing the street.
My long trip got pushed back to next year.
Day 83
The photo of my nephew brought back when he was 1 year old.
A job interview was set back to tomorrow 10AM.
When I look back on my thirties, I miss the memories of that time. I move back the meeting to tomorrow morning.
1. Flipping through my whole album brings back childhood memories.
2. The unexpected delay of the airplane has set back my entire trip schedule.
Today is my son's birthday. I looked back the day I met him for the first time.
I think we should set back the meeting due to the traffic.
I always look at the photos whenever I want to bring back to the memories of the trip
I won’t be able to make it on time, could we push it back by 15 minutes?
DAY 83.
This picture bring back memories of their school days.
I moved up the meeting because of missing you.