The middle world and God(dess)

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 23

  • @mikestrong4686
    @mikestrong4686 2 месяца назад +1

    This resonates so strongly with me. I am a newbie to this type of spirituality. I have so much respect for the energy you exude, the Priestess and Goddess is what I feel I should be following. I hope you will continue to educate me/us regarding how to align with that energy. Please keep us the good work.

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад

      Thank you so much for saying this! No matter where we are in this journey, it still feels so good to know it is resonating and we are connecting to each other. 💕

  • @littleghostfilms3012
    @littleghostfilms3012 2 месяца назад +1

    Buddhism teaches that suffering is part of the state of being alive. It's how we deal with suffering, our own, and others that teaches us what humanity is. In life you find meaning by being creative, loving, joyful. But you accept that both good, and bad feelings will pass, nothing lasts forever. You make each day count for something by what you do with those hours, then tomorrow you wake up, and you do it again. But each day has its own life, and each day its own hurdles, and rewards.

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад +1

      I love the perspective of taking each day as it is and making it its own. The future doesn’t exist, it always just Now, right? 🥰

    • @littleghostfilms3012
      @littleghostfilms3012 2 месяца назад +2

      @@thesourcepath It's only ever now. A now from the past becomes history. All those histories only exist in the memory we have now. If you live fully in the now, your future will be created out of what you did in the past. Past, present, future are a continuum and out of that we change, and grow, and hopefully gain wisdom. It's a matter of culling the useless from our lives, so we can see with more clarity what is important.

  • @Classiccarbscouk
    @Classiccarbscouk 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the vid, and sharing your personal thoughts and feelings on these fundamental life questions, challenges and/or problems. It's refreshing and encouraging to share our own experiences or lack of them.
    I have similar questions, and like you, no abundance of satisfactory answers.. at least not yet. Family also seems unlikely for me - I mean my own - but who knows!
    Religion i see as man made, even though some very strong arguments coming from people that believe heavily into it, particularly Christians and Muslims.The bible and the Koran and probably some others. I'm not against all of it, at least up until the point it starts being pushed onto me. Which doesn't go down too well..
    I also struggle with the idea of us being sinners, going to hell potentially, repenting etc etc.. since it suggests to me that God/Creator or whatever you feel comfortable with, is cruel. I cannot see how this could be so.
    Some interpretations of the bible, are comforting & beautiful, particularly by people such as neville goddard, and joseph murphy, though many others probably out there, just that these 2 stand out for me personally.
    So, not religious, though have my own connection with God/universe and this is where i find my truth and guidance.
    Also, been listening to 100s maybe 1000s of NDE stories, which have been very instrumental in my recovery from almost ending it all in 2015. Thankfully, i'm still here, and to be frank, I'm better than ever in my life. So, for anyone out there reading this, who might be in despair, hang on in there, as it will pass. And when it does, you'll be glad you stuck around!.
    Thanks for the upload, and hope you do more and enjoy sharing them :)

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад +2

      Aw thank you so much for sharing this! I do believe that a lot of us share similar ideals and just don’t know it because how how toxic this topic can get.
      I agree with you, I see a curious creator but not a ruthless one. As we can see here on Earth, this gets quite tiring and is unfulfilling.
      I appreciate your outlook and encouragement. Sharing in this way feels so out of body at first, but I truly believe that to share it is to grow it and I wanna grow it! 🥰
      I’m happy you are earth side and I give big shouts to those who are not, For I know they are helping us in this shift as well. Holding the light counts far more than those holding the dark ✨

    • @fabianpatscheider8363
      @fabianpatscheider8363 12 дней назад

      FABIAN Maus lech les Liebe Grüße Mann finden linge Ling Blume Single ales Mäuse und alles Liebe Grüße an alle und alles Liebe Grüße an alle und alles Liebe Grüße an alle und alles Liebe Grüße finden Mann finden linge Ling Blume Single

  • @amoraampersand
    @amoraampersand Месяц назад

    thank you for the idea of "this energy doesn't care what you call it" i think because of psychiatric trauma i find the word "god" provokes this eerie ick in me that i don't feel with the word spirit, and that eerie ick i think also comes from this history of god positioned as some universal moral code preordained and never changing with experience and known/passed down/blessed to be known by only a certain cadre of peoples, as opposed to spirit which to me is this natural evolution of the world soul through us as its manifestation, i like how octavia butler puts it as "god is change" or in 'the artist's way' (highly recommend) god as an acronym for "good orderly direction", which acknowledges that that goodness that is inherent to our truthful inherited states of being when we can lift the veil of pain actually emerges through our own intuition as the source of the whole divine subject thinking things through and figuring it out through us

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  Месяц назад

      @@amoraampersand yes yes yes!!! Okay, so how I see God/Source is a very curious, creative, loving energy. Through this energy, we have been made for it to understand more and more and more. The force is continuous and it can only Be Change. Only through change can we understand anything deeper and further. Only through us can the Great Creator experience. It’s Shiva and Shakti, Shiva is the All That Is and Shakti is the flow and dance of the universe. We can only work together, therefore we are always together. You are God and so am I, this is how we are all One!
      I completely hear you on the god word. I am still working through the ick feeling but it has been the most transformative healing to heal this ick. All of what the ick represents is man made, the cast out of the feminine and all. God is both Masculine and Feminine, the Light and Dark, the Surface and Depth. The biggest scorn of the suffering system is this, to make God into a fearful being instead of the all encompassing love that it is 💖✨

  • @amoraampersand
    @amoraampersand Месяц назад

    lastly (i know lots of long comments lol i hope they're appreciated), i grapple with that sense of oscillation between wanting a life path of loving relationship/familial groundedness/goodness vs expansive and transcendent (and for me) active consistent engagement with the trials and tribulations of the world and the environment and their needs, i'm a libra lol so i know part of my path is to find and embody that balance for myself and to project/demonstrate for others, but also to become less like the scales pushing back and forth and more like the fulcrum that holds them, seeing that whether the scales are pushed down on one side or the other in each moment i can stay strong and fully in myself and centered regardless

  • @StevensAballay
    @StevensAballay 2 месяца назад +1

    Come to Argentina to meet the best of both worlds!

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад

      That sounds wonderful! Do you have something going on there?

  • @amoraampersand
    @amoraampersand Месяц назад

    i do resonate with the merging of the occult with the religious too, as the occult to me feels like an opening of the spiritual lexicon into the realm of an evolving symbolic unfurling of continuous spiritual wisdom and emergence as opposed to something that is static and unbeholden to the ones experiencing this spiritual reality in this eternal now. my qualms with a lot of religions have less to do with whether the realities they're advocating as true are truthful (there is seeds of truth in all these narratologies we've expressed throughout time) but more the way that many claim to have found this singularity of truth compartmentalized, collapsed, codified and simplified into scripture that applies universally across all the multiplicities of time and culture and ecology, the spark of the divine is in each of them but so is it in all our stories and in the stories that nature tells / acts out in every presenternal moment. and the multiplicity of these stories is how the divine transforms from this idea of an abstract formless void/infinity of pure light into the complex interconnected interweaving entangled ecological embodied experience of living where that light is felt not as formless (and in many ways potentially terrifying) beaming infinite oneness/eternity but as real, physical, tangible, touchable, heartfelt love and bliss, which is this state that i feel like despite being (in my opinion) the actual natural state of being alive, is this one we're all desperately clamoring for instead of just letting it in, but i don't actually think we keep up a shield from that state because life is suffering or because we want to suffer or don't think we deserve peace, but because deep down we know when we access it we feel who we really are and then we become aware that to feel that (at the moment i think) seems to involve a detachment from the material fact that as others suffer we also suffer, especially those suffering immensely, those of us human and those of us non-human, those parts of us don't have access to this feeling we're letting in, so presence in the here and now (when and where we always are) is the way to remember that feeling, but when you feel it, you entangle yourself with the whole, and that's where the suffering can come back not as a self-flagellation, but as an emanating of the empathy the divine has for all of herself through you, but i think there will come a time where we can emanate that empathy without experiencing it as suffering, it's just there's so much grief we're catching up on but grief shared and processed together is the crucible and catalyst of change, and change can happen so quickly especially in this digital dreaming time we find ourselves in

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  Месяц назад

      @@amoraampersand 1000% I hear you. When you see the divine as everything, not something put up on a high shelf that you could never possibly reach, everything changes. You are allowed to be full and big and mighty. And yes, we must take everything and everyone with us to be just as big as we are. In A Course in Miracles, speaking in God and Jesus terms and names, Jesus is not “the only Son of God” but one of us, we are all of children of the Creator. So in this we are equal, only it was his mission, his path to free us into a reborn state (it was not the crucifixion that was important, but the resurrection). Just as we are all on the same mission, just looking different to the Eye. This is how I come out of the suffering of myself or anyone, I understand that to do this, we all must go through our trials until we find that there is no good or bad, what truly exists is inside of us and we are Always Existing. So once we internalize this energy, all there is to do is spread it. Which then can transmute any form of reality.

  • @stephenpemberton1455
    @stephenpemberton1455 2 месяца назад +1

    God hates religion too because it is not THE Truth, it's a twisted truth.
    Father God sent Jesus, Jesus is now interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit in pure love.
    You're hearing the Holy Spirit, seek only Truth, follow your heart, not your personnel mind, will, and emotions, to straighten and bring clearity to your path.
    Discern Truth and Life from deception, evil and death.

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад

      Yes!!! You are speaking my language, I love it 💗

  • @bipedal-ape-man
    @bipedal-ape-man 2 месяца назад

    I agree with so much of what you are saying my view with reproduction is that of a natural programming within us. Do not underestimate the strength of genetic memory and its need for continuation, but it is not currently needed in present times.
    All religions are just tools to get to the same place, some more advanced and intact then others, occult is a low level practice and offers no value to your liberation from cycling in perpetuity.
    What Christianity is trying to say is very basic, we are born into sin because to live is to take air, food/life or energy from something else, therefore sinful. The price you pay for sin is death. But Hinduism goes into much more detail and is more of a science than a vague biblical analogy.
    There is no, nor no need for signage to evoke a desire for escaping suffering for this is built into human software by the creator. It is why humans are never satisfied with anything physical in nature.

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад +2

      I just don’t agree that the creator wants us to suffer. I believe there is a suffering system that has been put into place to keep our innate power down. I believe the plants and animals are here to help us out of this, just as the light workers are here to help in their own way too 💖 A Course in Miracles is where I see the most truth.
      I think, just like how reproduction can be programming, so is this stance that we “need to suffer” or born for it. When the opposite can be just as true.
      Much love!

    • @bipedal-ape-man
      @bipedal-ape-man 2 месяца назад

      ​@@thesourcepath I can see how that could of been misunderstood. I meant to say the desire for escaping suffering is encoded in us not the suffering itself for this is just a byproduct of ignorance.
      The creators intrinsic intelligence lives within us and everything in existence therefore the creator doesn't want anything at all, for only when you are free from desire/attachment does suffering end.
      Animals outside of humans are limited by their nature for when they have eaten they have no more desire and are completely satisfied but when a humans food source is secured, desire for more only begins.
      You are the light worker for you are a reflection of light and apart of light itself.
      There is no other parties capable of producing your eternal wellbeing aside from yourself.

    • @josha3705
      @josha3705 2 месяца назад +1

      @@thesourcepath I can see how that could of been misunderstood. I meant to say the desire for escaping suffering is encoded in us not the suffering itself for this is just a byproduct of ignorance.
      The creators intrinsic intelligence lives within us and everything in existence therefore the creator doesn't want anything at all, for only when you are free from desire/attachment does suffering end.
      Animals outside of humans are limited by their nature for when they have eaten they have no more desire and are completely satisfied but when a humans food source is secured, desire for more only begins.
      You are the light worker for you are a reflection of light and apart of light itself.
      There is no other parties capable of producing your eternal wellbeing aside from yourself.

    • @thesourcepath
      @thesourcepath  2 месяца назад +1

      @@josha3705 ah yes! This I do resonate with. And I hear you on how we have been taught to just want more and more the more we have. Even though we have been taught this, we must take responsibility for the ego it has made and undo it ourselves. But there is always help, we are never alone! 💕