嘉雯从BBK去到WBK?! Kah Mun jump from BBK to WBK?! C.I.A #9 |

  • Опубликовано: 24 янв 2024
  • 男女真的平等咩?
    Is gender equality really legit?
    Sai: / sai_cx
    Bernice: / tbernice_
  • РазвлеченияРазвлечения

Комментарии • 398

  • @tfchin5448
    @tfchin5448 5 месяцев назад +150

    我很常会听到,女生要有自己的权力。 同一时间里,也是她们每天口里挂着“你是男生,你付钱是应该的,你是男生,你应该做的” 这不叫女权主义,这叫take for granted. 打着女权的借口来利用人。
    你有能力你也可以做像男人做的事,这才叫男女平等。 如果你每天说女人有能力,却一直说这不是女人该做的。你只是合理化这社会,女人是弱式群体。就像古代,的想法没什么差别

    • @tfchin5448
      @tfchin5448 5 месяцев назад

      @@deep_extremes4686 都被烂用

    • @weiweichong4937
      @weiweichong4937 5 месяцев назад +8


    • @user-pc5ik5sq4s
      @user-pc5ik5sq4s 5 месяцев назад +15


    • @zhiyu7899
      @zhiyu7899 5 месяцев назад

      最恶心就是这种"女权自助餐" a.k.a "feminist buffet"

    • @Jay-sc9qw
      @Jay-sc9qw 5 месяцев назад +14

      我敢說,大多數女生看到你的comment 多數是滑走,因為說出她們的心聲😂

  • @emilyloo6210
    @emilyloo6210 5 месяцев назад +27

    我是一位中年阿姨,我越来越喜欢看年轻人做的影片,喜欢听年轻人说的观念,觉得你们真的太棒了,很有自己的想法,赞!想不到影片里的AUNTY 那么的开放思想,少见。

  • @goyijie7882
    @goyijie7882 5 месяцев назад +177


    • @derrick6362
      @derrick6362 5 месяцев назад +14


    • @alaxng5251
      @alaxng5251 5 месяцев назад +5


    • @alaxng5251
      @alaxng5251 3 месяца назад +1

      @@heyooyooheyyyoyo 英文名叫Karen

    • @goyijie7882
      @goyijie7882 3 месяца назад

      @@heyooyooheyyyoyo 比比皆是,Johnny Depp當時在Me Too時期被風向直接定罪,最後Amber謊言被揭穿,男生才得到清白。

    • @MagicalKid
      @MagicalKid 2 месяца назад +2


  • @Hao57460
    @Hao57460 5 месяцев назад +89

    不管是男性或者是女性都會性別歧視,這影片都是探討女性多一点,男性其实也很可怜一下,比如:被性骚扰/侵犯上新闻,comment 都是笑男生noob,react 😂,而女性上新聞下面都是😡幹施害者,男性的就是笑受害者

    • @Hao57460
      @Hao57460 5 месяцев назад

      Tealive please sponsor wabikong @hao8158

    • @ievonntey3700
      @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад +12

      其实你说得很对,这也是feminist在说着的东西。然后你一点都不男权,因为就是因为在男权主义下,才会有对各性别的stereotype 而如果男性不符合,其实受到的歧视比女性更多

    • @rest8657
      @rest8657 5 месяцев назад +2

      对的,因为这个男权主义主导的社会总在各种方面地把男性设定为、认为是上位者,女性为下位者,一有男性处在下位或者喜欢做“被tag为下位者(女生)的事情“(eg.被性骚扰,哭泣,喜欢粉色,喜欢化妆, etc),这个主义下挺多男性就觉得自己这个群体面子名誉(?)被侮辱或者害怕自己被拉下水变成下为者又或者是踩低这些他们觉得比自己下位的男性来彰显自己多么”男子气(上位者)“, 都是feminist在讨论的议题(至于为什么倡导男女平等但又是叫feminist欢迎各位可以去google更多了解下feminist哦)

    • @ievonntey3700
      @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@qq-ec2sk 因为如果没有feminist,现在女性还没有投票权,还只能拿着与男性一半的薪资。而且女权一直主张性别平权,而大男子主义则是一切性别不平等的根源。

    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад

      @@ievonntey3700 那么所以现在不需要了呀。有一样的新资,一样有投票权了

  • @TJunChuan
    @TJunChuan 5 месяцев назад +32

    这女权主义是我越来越不能接受的东西 单单拿这集来说就好了 几乎全部都是叫男生如何改变 却没有人叫女生改变 女生在享有着和男生平等权利的当儿 却不想拿着男生以前到现在的责任
    dating时 只要男的不买单 基本上95%是bye bye了
    说到运动 为什么FIFA World Cup关注度那么高?就是因为给多数人来说 很刺激啊 有多少人甚至多少女性会去看女性足球杯?又有多少女性可以说出出名的女足球员?
    如果男女能平等 那么为什么在运动界 男变女的变性人 不能在女性运动比赛?因为成年男性肌肉量都多女性很多啊
    老师 媒体业 会计师 护士 等等行业 都是女性占多数 没人提 却变相看那些女性不怎么有兴趣的行业 然后做比较
    模特儿行业 女性薪水比男性多10倍 没人要检讨下吗?
    那些粗工抬抬杠杠 3D工作都多数是男性 女权怎么不帮忙分担却找白领功来实践女权主义呢????
    大学生女性占60%以上 女权看都不看 拿回美国现象来study, 70年代 男性大学生60%以上 女性少过40% 当时的女权一直说不公平 想在已经terbalik了 而且比例越差越大 女权继续静静 我们马来西亚在这方面几乎一模一样
    再看看小学中学 你们应该会看到 多数女生成绩都好过男性 其实你们有没有想过这个问题?用生理角度来看 女性在理论课上是比男生强的 + 女性本来就早过男生发育 是先天优势 而男生是晚发育 + 在实体行动的课程是强过女生 在晚发育+课程多数是理论课的情况 对男生是极大的劣势 对女生是极大的优势 女权倒是发发生啊
    在说说MRT女性车厢 女性可以使用100%的车厢 而男性却只有75% 请问这就是所谓的男女平等了?而且以我在电台听到的 男性女性总性骚扰比例是1:1
    拿KTM女性车厢问题来说说 高峰时期 6节车厢 2节女性专用 女性车厢却是空空如也 而其它4节却挤爆 女性去普通车厢 = 女性权益 男性去女性车厢 = 不可理喻 + 兄弟,你会红
    女性占优势 = 没问题
    女性占劣势 = 我们必须改变男性来适应我们 而且男性的责任我们不想扛
    女性想要和男性一样的权利也请你们拿着和男性一样的责任 别只往白领争 去蓝领争争看啊
    男女本身就不能做比较 男性能做的东西 女性未必能 女性能做的东西 男性未必能 为什么像这种女权却偏偏要好像拿水和食物那样来比较 比看谁比较重要?hello 两个都重要 各种function都不同 hello

    • @weiweichong4937
      @weiweichong4937 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @user-hr3xc1tv6q
      @user-hr3xc1tv6q 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @visHan8
      @visHan8 5 месяцев назад

      @TJ chun 如果您说女性没有去争蓝领的位置。其实是有但马来西亚所有的雇主都不请女性。如果您去看各大华文报纸及各大网站招聘都写着:送货员,男性。园艺工人,男性。像我们是个女性,想要当园艺工人时就看到招聘广告只请男性,也是很😡。当您去看Rapid巴士其实有很多女性司机,当您去看Grab,Lalamove的Rider其实也有很多女性啊!。

    • @TJunChuan
      @TJunChuan 5 месяцев назад

      @@weiweichong4937 没办法 想要把这些fact slap在那些女权脸上 他们对我而言只是机会主义者 想要好的却不想拿不好的 神是她们 鬼也是她们

    • @turtlerabbit1246
      @turtlerabbit1246 5 месяцев назад +3

      破防惹哦 🥵🥵

  • @sinb1706
    @sinb1706 5 месяцев назад +80

    must raise editor's pay, makes everything so much beytter and funnier

  • @chongkaizhe3896
    @chongkaizhe3896 5 месяцев назад +14

    应该要提倡的是平等而不是男权女权 因为一些事情发生时在男生女生之间也有不同结果 男生多数会被嘲笑 女生会被安慰 或者女生打着男生应该这样应该那样其实这就有点不平衡了 没有什么是应该只是男生愿意付出 或者在一段感情出现问题时女生说"我把青春付出给谁谁谁" 其实男生也付出了那段时间+金钱啊只是比较可惜,可能这段两个人理念不和分开呢不应该说成只有自己付出 情侣之间的节日通常男生付出的都会比女生多包括订餐厅,礼物,鲜花,转钱要"520"或"1314"之类的可能还有电影票爆米花等等 一些女生会觉得这些是应该的但一些女生会用眼睛看到男生爱她的付出 如果女生能看在眼里并感恩,男生基本不会要求回报礼物什么的因为是真心付出 但有些女生还会觉得礼物少或者一次要比一次好不然就代表没有之前爱 这样真的很扭曲
    另外一种情况就是现在其实越来越多职业是女生优先了这样其实也不平衡啊 应该平等 也有很多比如女生看帅哥叫欣赏 男生也没有做什么只是normal看美女就被叫变态 不然就是某些事情有争执时一些女生会说"我是女生你就不能让着我吗" erm..... (这只是一些例子)
    所以应该提倡"平等主意"不是说极力提倡女权不好,因为极端份子会把它利用成"女拳" 比如她们想要的东西就"女拳女拳女拳"如果情况对她们不利她们就"我是女生你琢磨要跟我计较"这对男生难道不是霸凌

  • @Maydate1986
    @Maydate1986 5 месяцев назад +13


  • @leozlam5219
    @leozlam5219 5 месяцев назад +13

    男女要完全平等是不可能的 自然法则上的生理构造本来就不一样

  • @hongzai95
    @hongzai95 5 месяцев назад +64

    malaysia 大多的女生思想很扭曲

    • @C1996100
      @C1996100 5 месяцев назад +3


    • @bigcat47645
      @bigcat47645 5 месяцев назад +5


    • @rest8657
      @rest8657 5 месяцев назад +3

      不可否认的是无论男女都在传统父权思想的教育和环境长大,马来西亚在这方面也很落后(政策方面就已经很不friendly了,比如马来西亚女生和外国男生结婚孩子的国籍问题),也是最近这些年才开始,直到现在也没什么人讨论这个话题,不可能一夜之间要大家从旧思想换去100%的男女平等的思维,尤其女性还是父权主义的下位者(没有说男生不是受害者的意思哈,但是女生generally 在旧思想的背景下牺牲太多),我们能做的是时刻反省自己有沒有无意识间享受思想交替的好处和意识到周围男女不平等的事情和为此发声❤

    • @rest8657
      @rest8657 5 месяцев назад +3

      Btw要说的话,其实也有很多男生思想扭曲啊,一边享受传统父权思想一边又说现在是男女平等(eg. 约会甚至婚后生活费AA制,老婆出去工作回来还要做家务可是老公不愿意承担家务,生了孩子默认老婆照顾教育孩子男方不愿意照顾孩子等等的问题),森林大了什么样的人都有,我们更应该多讨论这些课题和发声

    • @hongzai95
      @hongzai95 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@rest8657 姐姐,當我們討論一件事情,無論是直觀感受還是數據論述,說的是大部分,majority cases,如果硬扯全部個案,探討的意義何在

  • @DreamyLofiHaven
    @DreamyLofiHaven 5 месяцев назад +41

    For the topic of FIFA, is not that the world tell us that the World Cup is for men, very disappointed on Kah Mun answered on this.. there was a video where BBK recently interview the two champion from Women Global Esports Games, the champion said that the women are biologically not competitive or even interested to competitive sport. There is more factor to support this, firstly men is realistically biologically stronger to women.. We did not build the gender inequality from beginning, it is in our hormones. Take for example, Women athletes are known to be less strong and powerful than equally trained men. What this means? Does it means that women's sport are more less attractive or boring to people? Technically yes but not really, see the cases of Battle of the Sexes where Serena Williams Lost to 203rd-Ranked Man in Tennis... but why Serena Williams has more viewership compare to men tennis? Because in this age, we have taken gender to priority instead of factually admiring and recognizing the skill of a person. But still is women's sport that bad compare to men? No... look at Gymnastics, dancing, ballet or more... why women are dominated in these sports rather than men? Factually looking at the fact that these sports require flexibility, body awareness, balance or even Aesthetic Appeal which women are much more better than men! In the end, the gender inequality is more about us men more than women, don't try to compare men's sport to women's sport or the other way. It is just not fair plus people might take my comment as sexism but seriously I'm the entirely of opposite of that, as my background I have a single mom who take care of the family financially, and the keeping the house stable independently, she like the definition of true feminism. On the other hand, i have my useless dad where he never contribute to the family and gamble all the money away. But let's get the fact right, go to a construction site and u know what i mean, not all women is like my mom, independent, strong, hardworking and smart. And not all men is like my father where pretty much not doing anything for the family, irresponsible. But the number is always right no matter what in the future or past, the number will always be more strong men than strong women, vice versa, there will be more irresponsible men than irresponsible women. So gender has always been equal, it's more depend on a person, no matter what gender. This is a man's world, But it will be nothing without a woman or a girl.

    • @chenhan29
      @chenhan29 5 месяцев назад +7

      Well said. Another strong point, which is sad to hear but that’s reality. For example, like football or basketball tournaments, men always get paid more, more views, more sponsor. Becoz they’re really just better. They get that much pay becoz they got many supports, many eyeballs. NBA is an example. Besides, WNBA always got support from NBA SUPERSTARS, but WNBA still didn’t get as much eyeballs from others, no views mean not much money earn, which also means that they couldn’t get the salary like the NBA players. The amount of female and male are more or less equal what, women could have just support WNBA and boycott NBA so the gender equality can be achieved. But sadly, the reality isn’t work that way. That’s just cruel, sad and real factual. The world is not fair since it exist, if not there wouldn’t be thousands or millions of men in past thousands years died for helping the emperor of the era to build the China Great Wall or the Pyramid in Egypt. Humans body isn’t equal as well, we designed to be unequal, left lung is just smaller than right lung. Many and many, there is also many inequality to men. I agree smth should be fight by them to get a better circumstances for them, but definitely not asking too much equality.

    • @ievonntey3700
      @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад

      I think you still didn't get the point she wish to brings out. What she meant is, the world always focus on the men. So whenever you mention about World Cup, you will only think about the man's world cup and didn't relate on the female ones. Other example is when we mention about police we will relate to man and nurse to woman. This is call stereotype. And this is the message she tries to brings out has nothing to do with how your personal family experience.

    • @YZZ505
      @YZZ505 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@ievonntey3700always focus on men? This person literally just make a point about the Serena Williams situation and what you just gonna past through that? Are you sure you’re understand his statement as well?

    • @ievonntey3700
      @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад

      @@YZZ505 bro. The example is not about sports. Nor is it about strength blablabla. It's about stereotypes. We should never relate any sports/career/role to any gender. Eg. Man can be nurses, female can be police, man can be full time househusband and woman can be the provider.
      Her question was simple, did USA won World Cup. The host answered it wrong and hence showed that the first thing host relates the World Cup to is the male World Cup. So what US male team was stronger than their female team? Does that make it lesser for the female team as a football player? That's the whole point.
      Some male has better flexibility than some females and some females are stronger than some male. And this is why we don't want to have any stereotypes so that everyone won't be judged in doing everything they like.

    • @yeejingye
      @yeejingye 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@ievonntey3700 ​ I am all for equality for opportunity.
      But to be fair, the example of FIFA World Cup is a very bad example imho. Because the FIFA World Cup is for the men's team, while the counterpartfor the women's team is called the FIFA Women's World Cup. I will also answer the same if she asked me the question of "Has the USA ever won the World Cup?" but if she asked me whether the USA won a FIFA Women's World Cup, then I would say yes.
      I am not denying that this world was built upon the patriarchy concept generally, yes it is, and we have to look for ways to tackle this issue and bring upon the equality of opportunity. I am just trying to point out the flaw of this particular example 😂.

  • @kienkien5974
    @kienkien5974 5 месяцев назад +100

    意想不到的collab 😍

  • @kevjumbaz
    @kevjumbaz 5 месяцев назад +3

    the tealive sponsor part sibeh funny leh, sai cannot swallow LOL. also aunty is the best interviewee on this episode hehe

  • @MsAlright
    @MsAlright 5 месяцев назад +41


    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад +4


    • @user-pc5ik5sq4s
      @user-pc5ik5sq4s 5 месяцев назад


    • @dango529
      @dango529 13 дней назад


  • @user-pw9ks8jm3n
    @user-pw9ks8jm3n 5 месяцев назад +14

    我是一个还未变性的变性人。我在马来这里因为文化的关系,我受了许多无人能比的歧视和压力。 让我来告诉你们怎么样的性别歧视。我应该算得上最有经验吧。
    第一,但我的身份不被识破时候。。打扫工人,Guard都会很礼貌的称呼“boss”,”sir”,甚至有些女生也会生称”老板”。 一但身份被识破马上换了一个词,叫“kakak “, “miss”, 一些女的就叫“姐”。 我心想。。哇。。 原来女生地位这么微弱,这么被歧视的,让我打开眼界。(前提,当然我不是为了这些好处而想变性,我要解释因为我被这个文化给了我大大的误会而造成我极大的伤害,我的伤害来自“我被误会了”。)
    第三,我基本上已经和任何人失去连接,因为我感觉到自己并不受欢迎。只会让其他人辛苦。所有我选择抽离人群。然后自己过好自己的生活就好,自己逛逛街,自己吃吃东西这样,结果连轻松吃下东西都辛苦。我在买食物的时候,那个大叔突然大大声在我面前喊说:“小姐! 要什么!” 。然后我心想,哇你的语气要告诉我说你好像很歧视女生。。很看不起女生的感觉,然后我再看看他两旁都是女生。。老婆女儿。。心想这些女生们都没有为女生不公平而出声。。也难怪大叔的无礼可以到这个地步
    第四,我加入了一个慈善机构举办的跑步,热爱运动的我,平时都有健身。身体健壮。自己的体力不比一般男人差。很多人说男人女人体力不能相比,其实女人如果要认真练起体力来说,我不觉得会很差。但我在跑步时,自然以本身体力,自然跑起步相对比较快。然后听到一位女士对着男士说“看,连一位aunty 都快过你”。 然后我心里又想,哇。。这番话很歧视老女人,女人叻。。最无奈的是女士自己其实也是女人🤣。无语又无奈。😵‍💫唯有继续跑吧。
    还有遇到不卖食物给我的乡村uncle. 不变性能带来许多麻烦,不单不能做回自己,还要遭受歧视,排挤。这只是其中一部分,还有很多其他非常过分的对待不能一一说明,不然会很长。
    一个人天生有能力有错吗? 我会埋冤自己为什么我的能力要放在女人的身体上,更糟糕的是为什么要在马来西亚这个落后又保守的地方受尽苦头呢。但我没有怨天怨地,抬头苦面对自己说再苦也是命中注定的一条命。好好活下去,再加上来自贫穷家庭。有苦自己懂,有泪自己察。希望自己努力赚多点钱,可以有足够钱去一个懂得尊重人权的国家生活。不期望有朋友,只希望拥有基本尊重,选择过一个自己想要的生活

    • @dango529
      @dango529 13 дней назад

      第一,外观而言在这个中性打扮,各种性别不明的社会你要一个对男女有鲜明主观的人怎么去辨别你的性别?还有boss只是个对男性比较情切的称呼,朋友间也叫boss这只是当地习俗,不包含你说的社会地位的考量。Sir/madam (miss)这里就体现了男方不管什么身份都是sir, 而出于对女性的礼貌(敏感的玻璃心)都会区分, 然而你却觉得这是对你的不平等???叫你kakak,miss是显得你年轻点。我都是一律叫美女,不管老少。(但是还是会有些女人觉得我在调戏她??我就莫名奇妙)你的问题你自己也知道,敏感,自卑,知识不高(你自己说的)我就当你见识不多吧

  • @behjack8051
    @behjack8051 5 месяцев назад +7


    • @behjack8051
      @behjack8051 5 месяцев назад


  • @ievonntey3700
    @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад +24


    • @theplaylistpsycho
      @theplaylistpsycho 5 месяцев назад

      3:01 哦,问题的设置中的對比明顯指出他們對性别平等的概念有明显的误解...

    • @ievonntey3700
      @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@theplaylistpsycho 就是咯,搞到很像是你支持男生还是女生的感觉😅

    • @JeusAlprime108
      @JeusAlprime108 5 месяцев назад +7


    • @rest8657
      @rest8657 5 месяцев назад

      @@JeusAlprime108 其实这关系到另一个比较哲学的理念了,也就是平等和公平的区别 Equality vs Equity(去google image search一下平等和公平的区别, 你就会知道为什么这两个是不一样了哦),这就好比国家会更帮助弱势群体和贫困人士,而不是富人也享有和前者一样的津贴,男女这两个称长期以来的不平等,加上其实目前在还没达到男女相对平等的阶段来说,会更多的资源帮助被打压的女性但也同时主张男女平等为男性(男生被性骚扰,化妆)发声并不冲突,当然森林大了什么鸟都有,我们做好自己就好了

    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @mona7283
    @mona7283 5 месяцев назад +16

    As a graduate engineer, my first interview (in a SME) specially mentioned about why they have considered to hire me (female) where I will deal with people mostly is male. That is such a weird statement for them to mention where when something has become a norm people don’t usually raise it out in a proud manner. Another incident that happened before is the internship company (MNC) that I attended hired a female (me) and male (actually my course mate) at the same time. My course mate told me that during the interview they actually requested him to travel to sites from time to time where they never mention this to me (we both actually shared job scopes). I genuinely don’t know is this really a problem but it indeed made me felt uneasy.
    Btw, thanks wabikong for such meaningful video. I really love CIA series and this is actually my first RUclips comment on Msia originated channel. Keep on going! xx

    • @maxbachg9446
      @maxbachg9446 5 месяцев назад +6

      I actually beg to differ. At least for the tech industry. Maybe its true for the case of SMEs. But for MNCs, its actually common that female resumes get pushed to the top of the stack and get interviews easily. And if it boils down to two choice (male or female) with two similar qualifications and experience, the female would definitely get it. This is probably to push diversity hires and try to balance the male-female ratios.
      There's actually huge incentives on being a female in tech during schooling and working days. You'll have exclusive women in tech events, special bursaries/scholarship just for women (there are actually many including govt /company/university sponsered ones) while being applicable to every other open scholarships/bursaries. You do not even need to like programming or scripting to be a working as a female in tech. Something I've personally seen, might not apply to be true with an anecdotal score of 7 females I know in school. 5 of them went on to do non technical work (Product managers, Sales manager etc in tech companies), 1 switched to UI/UX and the last is doing technical work (devops).
      You obviously don't see these opportunities for males in other female-dominated jobs. Males in HR, Marketing, education, healthcare don't have these special men minority opportunities that tries to balance the ratios.
      In fact, here's a paradox that's supported by statistics. The more gender equality a country has, the lower rate of woman in STEM fields. In oppressed countries where gender equality isnt that good (Iran/Saudi Arabia), STEM courses are actually dominated by females. I suspect its due to the perception that STEM allows them to be in a better position financially? But in a country where you give freedom of choice, expression and to be whatever you or can want, most females tend to not choose STEM.

  • @Cooki3Puff119
    @Cooki3Puff119 5 месяцев назад +13

    wabikong 都想挖角 kahmun😂 lucas 对kahmun 好点哦!她真的很棒,而且kahmun的女粉应该占多数啦!那些奇奇怪怪的uncle不算粉丝😅

    • @JeusAlprime108
      @JeusAlprime108 5 месяцев назад +7


  • @vivianchong15
    @vivianchong15 Месяц назад +2

    The Indonesian student speaks very well.

  • @pgeh
    @pgeh 4 месяца назад +4

    在古代或几十年前讨论 gender equality 就是为女权争取某些东西是合理的,不过,到了今天 2024,还在把 gender equality 和女权画上等号那本身就不是 gender equality 了,因为 gender 包括的是男和女,不能什么事情说到 gender equality 就是女性该享有什么特权还是女性应该争取什么;那男性呢?难道男性不是 gender 的一种?
    我个人认为,现在不应该继续 gender equality 的口号了,反而是更全面的 Human rights - 人权,还有就是 mutual respect - 互相尊重;无论你是男,是女,还是变性,都应该得到一样的基本待遇和机会,都应该尊重每个性别的优势和劣势。现今社会,女性在经济能力上是比男性更有优势的,所以男主外,女主内这类传统思想需要被遗忘。而对于女性专属车型或停车场,这是对女性在体能上的劣势的一种尊重和理解,而不该被标为女权或 gender equality 的争取方向。

  • @vincenty1215
    @vincenty1215 5 месяцев назад +2

    Right moment of FF7 OST. Thumbs up.

  • @christineyeow7616
    @christineyeow7616 5 месяцев назад

    Heh < Ms Lau what do u mena on that Ha mee?

  • @joies3417
    @joies3417 5 месяцев назад +2

    男女平等,不把体格体能放在考虑或争取的范围很make sense啊!
    P S. 后制做的很棒👍🏻👍🏻

    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад +2

      如果不能把体格能考虑争取范围,hormones 也应该不可以是吗,还是你觉得可以的就是可以,你觉得不可以的就是不可以。希望不要把怀胎10个月的故事也 讲出来哦

    • @joies3417
      @joies3417 5 месяцев назад

      @@qq-ec2sk generally, 男女体格有天渊之别,你难道不知道?你是外星人?体育项目分男女组,电竞棋类歌艺乐器没分男女组。很难懂?
      我不过是在关于体格这方面发表小小意见,并没有在advocate 任何事情,更没有在怼任何人。请不要滥用社交媒体,把自己的怨恨发泄在别人身上。善哉,善哉!😇😇😇

  • @iarenubie78
    @iarenubie78 5 месяцев назад +28

    The concept of fostering equality of opportunity is undeniably commendable, as it strives to ensure that every individual, regardless of background or circumstance, has an equitable chance to pursue their aspirations and fulfill their potential. However, advocating for equality of outcome raises valid concerns, as it entails an impractical and potentially detrimental endeavor, undermining merit-based incentives that drive productivity and progress in society.

    • @itks-
      @itks- 5 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@Hirotara Bro, I suggest you to look up the two terms "equality of opportunity" and "equality of outcome". People can claim they support gender equality but which kind of equality? You seem to mock this bro above, but your TLDR for him fail to reflect even a cent of what he said

    • @ahantu
      @ahantu 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@Hirotara Lots of people have the misconception view on feminist movement. Feminism is a spectrum that there is no single set of characteristics to define it. At one end, could be extreme (Misandry) while at the other end (traditional roles). Most women are in the middle ground but conflicted by the unconscious education and cultural influence of the current patriarchy societies.
      Same as men rights groups, which is a spectrum. Some can go to the extreme right (Incels, Misogyny) while the other end. Most of them are in the middle. The confusion still lies in the privilege status in the patriarchy societies, which leads to lots of blind-spots and unwilling to surrender the benefits of being privileged.
      If all the people have the equality mindset, the society will be different than what we experience, although we can only imagine how will be, but unable to really know how it is.

    • @andytai7773
      @andytai7773 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@ahantu another commendable argument. I hope u are a Malaysian. It goes to show how clear-headed we are about the issue.

  • @mmwastronaut3298
    @mmwastronaut3298 5 месяцев назад +28

    i think not everything can be gender equlity like what jiawen said the football competition, nobody actually knows american female national team won world cup 2 times. But for this issue, jiawen should question why nobody knows instead of just directly point this is designed for man. From the aspect of physically, man is more competitive in this sport which means it more entertained to watch. When a lot of people find it is more interesting to watch man football match instead of woman, then a lot of financial players will more willing to sponsor more to man competitions or leagues because this can gain public attention and eventually bring benefits to them. Gender equality environment is not for every sport, but some surely able to do it like e-sport, chess etc. For woman only coaches, i really like this idea but should consider decrease the number of coaches because most of the time the woman only coaches wouldnt pack. I myself use mrt almost everyday, peak hour is not joke, the whole coaches is very pack except woman only coaches. This leads to a very weird scene or phenomena where all the men pack like a sardine can and when you see the woman only coaches, its not even filled up and left many empty spaces. Im not against this idea and i also feel that its necessary to have woman only coaches, but is it necessary to have that much of woman only coaches where most of time it just half empty?

    • @d8y8220
      @d8y8220 5 месяцев назад +7

      That’s the point, why men football is more well known is because it is more entertaining to watch, why the hell everything similar to this have to link to gender equality? Is this the reason why women’s football is not well known? This is not a rational discussion, is clearly throwing bullshit

    • @jiawei0917
      @jiawei0917 5 месяцев назад +11

      ⁠@@d8y8220she’s just using 1 example of how capitalism is shaping the society. Like how sports is for men, modelling is for women, STEM is for men, nursing is for women. Though it’s true that it’s created based on strengths of genders, but the unwanted effects is the negative bias against the other gender.
      Like “all” men are less emotional, less caring, women are less serious and less professional.

    • @elstontan3527
      @elstontan3527 5 месяцев назад +2

      Agreed with the points that not all sports should goes into the discussion of gender equality. In today sports, both male and female sports are competitive and entertaining. The only thing difference is the audience acceptance and response, whereby this is their rights to choose their preferences for sports. Same goes to the huge gap differences in game ticket or winning prize of different sports like badminton vs tennis. Hence, the lesser attention given to female sports are due to society preferences and lesser financial players are interested to invest to the market. This issue reflects on the pay of the male vs female players as well.

  • @zhizhi645
    @zhizhi645 5 месяцев назад +15


    • @ievonntey3700
      @ievonntey3700 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @kimilo7439
      @kimilo7439 5 месяцев назад


  • @petertan6982
    @petertan6982 5 месяцев назад +1

    I don't have Instagram. But I drink Instant coffee. That red hong bao looks very nice. Can I have some from Wabikong?

  • @Jieyeess
    @Jieyeess 5 месяцев назад +6


    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @thefaltigon9437
    @thefaltigon9437 5 месяцев назад +1

    still waiting for Ceddy and Vicky Anime Crossover in Wabikong, it can be Wabikong's multiverse haha , also just a suggestion, what if interview Ceddy & Kah Mun together, would that spark more interesting topic :P

  • @onytfromyt
    @onytfromyt 5 месяцев назад +4

    What aunty said the wage paid to men is higher than women that isn’t true. The wage is calculated based on how much profit you can bring to a firm and of course, your capabilities to work for your employer

    • @OdyLoveMusic
      @OdyLoveMusic 5 месяцев назад

      But I think the argument lies with women can bring profit/contributions to the company too, so why are they "paid lower"?

  • @esiangchin1503
    @esiangchin1503 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @jazonbae7298
      @jazonbae7298 3 месяца назад


  • @visHan8
    @visHan8 5 месяцев назад +4


  • @changchungwei
    @changchungwei 5 месяцев назад

    Why narrator change ppl? 😢

  • @onytfromyt
    @onytfromyt 5 месяцев назад +1

    The sources of inequality in our nation stem from extremist politicians, the influence of "Asian" culture and traditions, and the presence of Islamic Syaria Law. A potential avenue for addressing this issue could involve reconsidering the adherence to Syaria Law and adopting a more secular approach, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

  • @jeremytan1503
    @jeremytan1503 5 месяцев назад

    Netball 怎么说?🤔

  • @babychloe9670
    @babychloe9670 5 месяцев назад


  • @im_kankan
    @im_kankan 5 месяцев назад +2

    I Want the Ang Pao
    Can You Just Give Me Plz

  • @ansonyeo4345
    @ansonyeo4345 5 месяцев назад

    Michelle's restaurant's lady boss in the house! Hooray!

  • @leonfern3906
    @leonfern3906 5 месяцев назад +5

    kahmun got triggered with a male sport which males supports deeply, but where is the female supporters in female sports?

  • @kentwong7497
    @kentwong7497 5 месяцев назад +5

    首先明白什么是gender equality vs feminism。平安年代,唱说男女平等,女性车厢,ladies day / night;不用到战争年代已经歌唱女性小孩优先逃离,男的保卫国家,天天说男要gentleman,累活苦劳扛东西男性包办,不要小气计较。Gender equality 不是buffet,只拿你喜欢的。不然是feminism priorities。

  • @chaosteam9685
    @chaosteam9685 5 месяцев назад +9


  • @jinyong7786
    @jinyong7786 5 месяцев назад +6


  • @SkyLee91
    @SkyLee91 5 месяцев назад +3


    • @weiweichong4937
      @weiweichong4937 5 месяцев назад

    • @visHan8
      @visHan8 5 месяцев назад

      @SkyLee 女性停车位是给予孕妇因为上天只给女性怀孕但不给男生怀孕。😊

    • @SkyLee91
      @SkyLee91 5 месяцев назад +3

      @@visHan8 那麼停車位可以是專屬給孕婦,如殘障人士停車位那樣。

  • @scotttan881
    @scotttan881 5 месяцев назад +6

    这个说到底还是在说女权.....there isn't any gender equality in discussion
    The main plot was discussed about how women was neglected in society
    Yet they seems to forget, the bleed is also on mens side
    I mean 还没结婚的我不知道啦,结婚的,我问一下男生到底吐了多少身家出来cover?真的能很equal ?
    平等讲是很容易啊,但撕开来说,我们何时平等过?连教育平等都不可能为前题的我们 ....真的经得起撕开来说?

    • @OdyLoveMusic
      @OdyLoveMusic 5 месяцев назад

      I would say dowries are discussable with the partners' family, I think it's pretty much just a "意思" rather than an obligation nowadays.
      Hmm...maybe it's more about finding a partner who does have similar ideals with you? Like for paying meals, I think it's pretty common among English-educated Chinese to spilt the bills. Maybe it has a relation to Western exposure?

  • @sedrictakahiro9924
    @sedrictakahiro9924 5 месяцев назад


  • @timsecond
    @timsecond 28 дней назад +1

    1. "这个世界是以男性的角度来设计的"
    2. 如果说到世界杯就想到男子组,就是歧视女性,

  • @abctoxzy
    @abctoxzy 5 месяцев назад


  • @KimCsdd
    @KimCsdd 5 месяцев назад +8

    2:13 哇老嘉雯讲要超越,你放lucas的ig😂😂

    • @JeusAlprime108
      @JeusAlprime108 5 месяцев назад


  • @kevtacy1
    @kevtacy1 5 месяцев назад +10

    Women's world cup is forgettable, even women themselves don't watch, so it is by default when you say world cup, it is men's world cup

    • @jiawei0917
      @jiawei0917 5 месяцев назад

      Exactly her point. It’s World Cup and women’s World Cup, NBA and WNBA. Why not MNBA, or Men’s World Cup.
      Like tennis, there’s no Grand slam and Women’s grand slam, it’s just grand slam. Or MMA, or even olympics.

    • @kevtacy1
      @kevtacy1 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@jiawei0917 So renaming it Men's world cup or Men's watever will solve the problem of low viewership? lololololol

    • @erictang2687
      @erictang2687 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​​@@jiawei0917 The sport with true gender equality is men's sport because there's no gender requirements and people is looking for the best sport person regardless of genders, that's why it's just world cup not men world cup.
      The truth is in reality there won't be equal between men and women. That's why people create a women category specifically only for women so that women can have opportunities to participate in the sport.

    • @YCWong-tc8dq
      @YCWong-tc8dq 5 месяцев назад

      @@jiawei0917 lol i thought there is already WNBA just woman themself also don't wanna watch it that why it's not valued as the NBA? so you wan sponsor to invest a low roi league just because it's gender equality ??? so how about miss world situation with Mr world? at the end it still depend on which have the higher viewer and roi return. If you expected a mix league do you think it's a fair fight for women? this topic doesn't even should consider as a gender equality topic at all

  • @peixuanlee
    @peixuanlee 5 месяцев назад +3

    Yes! I agree with aunty!!!

  • @laujun2239
    @laujun2239 5 месяцев назад +12

    整个影片比较有内容的是 女性车厢这一块内容罢了。我觉得女性车厢设计就是为了让有需要的女性(怀孕,生理期身体不舒服等能够坐)去乘搭公共交通,而不是为了预防 性骚扰。
    男女平等应该更多是体现在都有公平机会,例如说应聘一个岗位,不应该以女性会怀孕等这种借口来阻止她们发展机会。但我不希望不要矫枉过正啦,就是好像在任何场合都要男女平等这样。男女平等讲求的是男女合作,不是仇视男性 拿以前的价值观来punish现在的男性要为以前历史其他男生偿还 这我就不能接受啦

    • @raymondng7962
      @raymondng7962 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @theplaylistpsycho
      @theplaylistpsycho 5 месяцев назад

      把話講說實在點,就是說女性根本不願意最优化地善用被給予的車廂 - 如果這點不存在,相信沒人會反對這對策。

    • @laujun2239
      @laujun2239 5 месяцев назад

      @@theplaylistpsycho 我是觉得有需求的人坐女性车厢是没问题的

  • @wenpinfoo3415
    @wenpinfoo3415 2 месяца назад +1

    女嘉宾说,爸爸假假不会折衣,是男生的Trap。但一开始女主持人说side parking的时候,她笑得很开心... 在她的视角里,男人做就是Trap,女人做就是“这不关性别的事...”。
    其实亚洲华裔女权一开口,直接问她“结婚时男人要不要给娉金?”,如果她说不用,那才可以继续谈她的伟论。如果她说要,或者稍微迟疑一下才回答,不用理她说什么“伟论”,可以直接close topic了。

  • @kimmiekimkim8701
    @kimmiekimkim8701 5 месяцев назад

    Tealive please sponsor Wabikong!!!

  • @user-zk6vs4rh9t
    @user-zk6vs4rh9t 5 дней назад


  • @albertlew5876
    @albertlew5876 5 месяцев назад

    Tealive please sponsor wabikong 😂😂😂 #tealive

  • @yfgoh3744
    @yfgoh3744 5 месяцев назад +1

    一碗Penang laksa配Tealive,我说这才是life!😏

  • @maggimian290
    @maggimian290 3 месяца назад +1

    If Kah Mun is really a feminist then why is she so silent about the women in Gaza???

  • @frankethanlaw7301
    @frankethanlaw7301 5 месяцев назад +8


  • @philippecr
    @philippecr 5 месяцев назад


  • @wj6946
    @wj6946 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @andytai7773
    @andytai7773 5 месяцев назад +18

    Wow, Msia’s first gender topic! Glad that we are still pretty enlightened about this matter. The west is collapsing over this unimportant matter. Nevertheless, men and women are never equal. The faster we accept this fact, the faster our society can move on
    PS: The Indonesian girl has fallen into the trap of feminism unfortunately, thinking that men & women are equal

    • @OdyLoveMusic
      @OdyLoveMusic 5 месяцев назад

      Hmm... calling gender equality an "unimportant matter"
      Have you considered how important/beneficial gender equality is to both sides? If men does not need to be the sole breadwinner of the family, women can help with the financial burden of the family while men can also help with the burden of household chores, including child rearing. This is just a very very basic thing that is asked of.
      I personally think gender equality is more about trying to gain a better life for all men and women, I don't think it necessarily means to get the "exact same rights". But as how there are many facets to all things, there will be those who are on "the extremes". Some just want basic fair rights, while there are also those with ideas we find it hard to agree with.

    • @andytai7773
      @andytai7773 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@OdyLoveMusic I appreciate your argument. Totally do. Much better than what most western feminist would put forth their logic on the matter. I understand where you're coming from where both male and female help each other with their biological defined roles in a nuclear family. Totally understand that standpoint.
      However, men and women are never equal. And the more we expect the other gender to perform what was not primarily their biological role, the more we fall into the trap of gender equality or feminism. Males are born to be hunters and to provide for the family while females are born to nurture and take care of the family from within. To put it simply, males are suppose to earn and make a living for the family and females are to nurture and grow the family
      Fastforward to 2024, we are now in a position that our roles in a family have been so blurred, that we are now even arguing about stuff like "what is a man" or "what is a woman". It's just pretty sad

  • @IchiroYong
    @IchiroYong 5 месяцев назад


  • @xingnitang4088
    @xingnitang4088 5 месяцев назад

    Tealive please sponsor Wabikong!!!!!
    #Tealive is my favourite

  • @khoopika
    @khoopika 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @JkeyKong
    @JkeyKong 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @Nottipie222
    @Nottipie222 5 месяцев назад

    Tealive please sponsor Wabikong!!!!!
    #Tealive the best

  • @peienng8426
    @peienng8426 5 месяцев назад +6

    看了很多评论 只能说还有很漫长的路要走

  • @nat9434
    @nat9434 5 месяцев назад +6


  • @meave3198
    @meave3198 Месяц назад


  • @raymondng7962
    @raymondng7962 5 месяцев назад +5


    • @visHan8
      @visHan8 5 месяцев назад

      @raymonding 女士专用车厢是提供便利给予孕妇及符合我国伊斯兰国情。

  • @TheHungryPolarBear
    @TheHungryPolarBear 5 месяцев назад

    马上Like Comment & Subscribe ❤

  • @szeaik
    @szeaik 5 месяцев назад +1

    Tealive please sponsor Wabikong

  • @huichan5917
    @huichan5917 5 месяцев назад


  • @VerseUtopia
    @VerseUtopia 5 месяцев назад +4

    If women can give enough capabilities focus in political mind rational working in physics practical subjects in long-term, they can take over the handle to make decisions for citizens and families..
    If You're emotion biased person, tend to attractive on emotion subjects...
    don't ruined the world with Your narrative..
    Responsibilities not a funniest games things, don't kill people with Your blind eye..

  • @cking5678
    @cking5678 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @weelearnng4452
    @weelearnng4452 5 месяцев назад +5


  • @qq-ec2sk
    @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад +18

    嘉文的point 完全和女性没关系。可悲
    1,没人知道女生world cup 是market 的问题,不是女性的问题。(打个比喻吧,你们知道的男onlyfans 赚会比女生onlyfans 多吗)
    2,piano key 发明家是 Cristofori, 男生,当然他自己设计的东西 是适合他自己(男生)。
    4,男生遇到的 性侵犯,家暴 少 的原因是男生多数默默承受,是statistically 少,而不是真的比女性少,告上女生家暴成功有几个?可悲是当男生遇到 性侵犯或者家暴都默默承受原因是因为人们多数会取笑而不是 支持。
    5,你真的不可以吧你自己的遭遇 就以为是每个人都是这样,你家人有问题,不并代表每个家庭是那么有问题。我妈妈做家庭主妇很开心,爸爸也很负责任,各有各的责任都做得很好,而没有分你我该做什么。
    6,你的知识认知的确 不般配做主播的,多数男生也是来看你的腿,你应该也知道,比如你开始会打扮你也知道这个是advantage,毕竟如果你今天再丑一点应该是没有观众的,说以平等一路来不在于男女,而这世界几乎不存在 完美相待的公平。
    7. 我不是觉得对女生公平不重要,but dont put individual problams as world wide matters. the world was never fair and never will be. please look at the worst and poor country , try to explain to them you want to have equality in all spectrum.
    有什么想要fight back 的观点欢迎comment。我不介意帮你摆回现实。

    • @tcs2996
      @tcs2996 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад

      @@tcs2996 sorry,i meant 有男onlyfans 赚比女onlyfans 多吗?

    • @Sanjiku88
      @Sanjiku88 5 месяцев назад

      @@tcs2996 What he means is that earning ratio for woman in onlyfans are higher due to the market, rather than gender problem.

    • @TJunChuan
      @TJunChuan 5 месяцев назад

      @@tcs2996 他是在问问题 问大众男的还是女的onlyfns赚更多 答案是女的 而且多很多 纯属supply demand问题 可是比如说某行业男性赚更多例如足球篮球 女性就会把矛头指向都是男权主义所带来的后果 而不是归咎于supply demand问题 嘉雯如果像她自己说的 SPM 10个11个A的人 那她对我而言就是有智商 没智慧的人罢了

    • @ykyk2367
      @ykyk2367 4 месяца назад +1

      based opinion

  • @dontk1846
    @dontk1846 5 месяцев назад +2


  • @ysong3941
    @ysong3941 5 месяцев назад

    tealive plz sponsor wabikong🎉🎉🎉

  • @jx0011
    @jx0011 5 месяцев назад

  • @CAHOO28
    @CAHOO28 5 месяцев назад

    Km 这反应 肯定不是单身咯😂

  • @MG-ch7ip
    @MG-ch7ip 5 месяцев назад +6


    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад

      女人不给男友钱,但是中立? 你懂中立吗。你这个是便向。

    • @MG-ch7ip
      @MG-ch7ip 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@qq-ec2sk 我說的是女人不用男友給錢。。意思是AA。。不算中立吗?🤔 男女平等啊

    • @qq-ec2sk
      @qq-ec2sk 5 месяцев назад

      好的我get 错,你没毛病@@MG-ch7ip

    • @MG-ch7ip
      @MG-ch7ip 5 месяцев назад

      @@qq-ec2sk 哈哈哈 没事🤣

  • @dx5784
    @dx5784 5 месяцев назад +16

    最无解为什么总是会拿运动来比较性别 难道真的没更好的例子吗?以我的见解 运动是以关注力以及人气来做衡量标准 谁收视越高他就是大赢家 看男生足球的比例肯定远远高出女生 原因我想大家有所而知 这与性别毫无关联 拿网球做另一个比较吧 为何女网球的关注力一直都那么的受欢迎 难道是观众故意选择性差别待遇足球吗?还是因为网球收买了观众?这是你想带出来的意思吗?

    • @xeniahiu6832
      @xeniahiu6832 5 месяцев назад +7

      赞同,我是女的。。。我觉得用运动来讲女权本身很荒谬。。。难道要全世界要为了女生把球改小吗?就像女模特儿的薪水比男模特高, 哪男生平权呢?因为女生和男生都喜欢不同东西, 女生也有看world cup但更多喜欢看时尚明星。。。

    • @d8y8220
      @d8y8220 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @nickngch
      @nickngch 5 месяцев назад +5


    • @caine23
      @caine23 5 месяцев назад +1

      這樣子啊,那建構維持社會正常行序的大部分基層工作如維護電力修路建築開車運輸送貨消防员等等太多例子都需要大量體力勞力跟觀注力的工作,为何極高比例都是男的在做? 談男女平等,根本BS ,劝你好好看清现实不要被西方文化跟烂媒體给洗女權主義脑

    • @YCWong-tc8dq
      @YCWong-tc8dq 5 месяцев назад +2

      真的, 要这么说那世界小姐也是比世界先生出名啊没看她们要讲。 这个社会有很多双标,女的做没事男的就犯大忌了,这她们不说。 如果要真的平等就一切都平等,就像很多女生觉得约会就是男的请客是固然的,如果男的不请就被批评了, 这不也是不平等的。😶我也赞成平等,but是正真意义上的平等 但这不可能因为生理本就不一样还不如就各自在各自有利的环境发展呢。 男生性侵的数据少就因为男生都不报案,报了还要被嘲笑可能还被反告 谁报哦 很多女生被瞪就觉得性侵了,but 男生不会?就现在的法律性侵也就保护女生?

  • @user-rl7ix2eb1e
    @user-rl7ix2eb1e 5 месяцев назад

    那个变态佬的照片很像是那个那个..... 😄

  • @minhen520
    @minhen520 5 месяцев назад

    comment 拿红包

  • @chrischen1730
    @chrischen1730 5 месяцев назад +1

    So kah mun keep avoiding the topic she has bf anot … means she is attached liao 😂😂 if single she will have admit lol

  • @ericXl
    @ericXl 5 месяцев назад

    2:14 等下,怎么从观众福利变虚假引流了?😂😂😂

  • @erictang2687
    @erictang2687 5 месяцев назад +6


    • @yummymax7103
      @yummymax7103 Месяц назад

      理性一点bro, 女权运动并不是在追求“自助餐”式的选择,而是致力于实现性别平等,确保女性在各个领域获得公平的机会、权利和待遇。事实上,许多国家已经允许并欢迎女性参军, 例如美国、以色列和许多欧洲国家都有大量的女性军人,她们在各种军事岗位上表现出色。争取性别平等并不意味着女性拒绝承担与男性相同的责任,而是要确保在所有领域,包括军事领域,女性能够获得公平的机会和资源。性别平等的实现需要在不同领域采取不同的措施,女性在争取平等的教育机会、同工同酬和反对性别暴力等方面的诉求并非是要求特权,而是基本的人权和公正。将女权运动片面地描述为“自助餐”式的选择,是对女性贡献和努力的不公正评价。

  • @leontan4015
    @leontan4015 5 месяцев назад +1


  • @shihweicheah2480
    @shihweicheah2480 5 месяцев назад


  • @henryaw1122
    @henryaw1122 5 месяцев назад


  • @alohachicken
    @alohachicken 5 месяцев назад

    666, JW 很棒

  • @limxingyi8424
    @limxingyi8424 5 месяцев назад

    Tealive please sponsor Wabikong

  • @user-ub9dd7in9c
    @user-ub9dd7in9c 5 месяцев назад

    多请嘉文上来 她很有指挥空间

  • @Cavabko
    @Cavabko 5 месяцев назад

    Tealive please sponsor Wabikong

  • @joies3417
    @joies3417 5 месяцев назад

    12:27 这靓仔(臭小子)妥妥的标准的scale of 10...

    • @lookatme441
      @lookatme441 5 месяцев назад


  • @rogk7743
    @rogk7743 2 дня назад

    是个很好的争论题,for me 我是觉得马来西亚还好算是公平,有些比较极端的那些是个人主义以及某某影响照成的,XX比较恐怖点马来西亚真的算很好了,但有些事是的确对女生不公平那女权主义者出来棒说那是对的事情,但有些没意义的事情那都要拿出来说就不大对,我觉得男权女权都好,先看事情再发声才是对的做法而不是什么事情not make sence都要出声那就真的有点XX,没有绝对的对和错

  • @isaacyap1801
    @isaacyap1801 5 месяцев назад

    求 tealive 赞助 wabikong

  • @jackytan7706
    @jackytan7706 5 месяцев назад

    Everything has it's pros and cons just don't overdo it.