- I went toe2toe with the actual Wonder Woman! -Yeah, but you never trained with her. After all this time, this comback is still the most memorable of season 2.
@@emmabarros2837 I know that. I've never watched it. I've seen Naruto, bleach, yu yu hakusho, inuyasha. Never watched DB. I know of it, I know the characters but everything is second hand. I can say I've done mixed martial arts and boxing. Real fighting is not same as training.
*@flap jack (& others) ~* Some comics-History to provide context &/or clarity to Cassie Sandsmark's (Wonder Girl II) outfit... *:)* 1. *_Outfit Origins_** ~* For the YJ-cartoon, Cassie's outfit is based off of her initial outfit in DC Comics, when (comics-)Cassie first helped found the (comics-)YJ team in 1998. - a.) *Newbie ~* At the (1998) time, (comics-)Cassie was still very new (barely 14 years old) to the Super-Hero _'gig'_ despite her power-level. Cassie and Greta Hayes (Secret) were the _"rookies"_ of the (comics-)YJ team. - b.) *Funding (lack thereof) ~* Another important factor was that (comics-)Cassie did not have the resources, support, &/or wealth as the other more experienced Super-Youths on the (comics-)YJ team (Arrowette, Impulse, Robin III, Superboy II). Nor did Cassie have a work-job (14 years old, remember?). Cassie was literally operating on an allowance from her mother, a Professor of Archaeology; so even that was not much (teachers' salaries, after all... *;(* ). - c.) *On a Budget ~* So yes, back then it was just [workout spandex & sneakers] for (comics-)Cassie's initial outfit; simple, flexible, durable (since Cassie's power-set makes her a front-line melee-fighter), and most of all, *_affordable._* 2. *_Outfits Across the Years_** ~* It was in later (comics-)years, when (comics-)Cassie received the full support of Wonder Woman, the Justice League, and the Amazons of Themyscira, did Cassie start to have various fancier outfits (the Reality being changing comic artists & comic series, of course). - a.) *Red Hot(tie) ~* The most famous (in the early year 2000's) Wonder Girl II outfit being a very red, and very revealing outfit: a [cleavage- & midriff-baring crop-top, with tight low-rise pants] ensemble. This was at the height of (comics-)Cassie's fan-popularity (big surprise, with that outfit... *;>* ), power-levels, physical maturity, and character-age (from flat-chested 14-yr old to 18-yr old athletic-curves & -abs). - b.) *Current (as of 2019) ~* Last I comics-checked (late 2019), Cassie was wearing something more moderate/conservative for outfit again (though *NOT* workout spandex), since the last DC Comics' Reboot/RetCon has de-aged Cassie back down again. However, this (rebooted) time around, Cassie is a Super-Youth Veteran herself, so that Cassie can Mentor the new generation of rookie Super-Youths for the latest incarnation of the YJ comics-team (2019). 3. *_YJ-Cassie, season 04?_** ~* Whether we will see a new outfit for (cartoon-)Cassie whenever Young Justice returns for season 04, time will tell. Personally, I would be _VERY_ impressed if the YJ-animators take the bold(er) step in depicting (cartoon-)Cassie in her comics-version red & gold outfit, to visually signify she has matured (physically, at least... *;p* ) since YJ:Os season 03. Hope this helps clarify. *:)*
The "Wonder family" and Amazonians in general ALWAYS have the best fight scenes. Best combat skills mixed with super strength without having to just flip around throwing gadgets like the Bat family. so satisfying to watch their epicness
the bat family's only option of combat is they're gadgets, brute strength, and strategies since they don't have magick. They are heavily vulnerable in battle since they're human.
Wonder Girl didn’t have much focus to be honest. Arsenal had a whole episode focused around him and was a plot point for the first part of the season, as well as having a large role in the war world attack, Blue Beetle was the main focus of the season with his involvement in the reach arc, Impulse was also heavily involved with this as well as his intro episode with the flash family. Wonder Girl didn’t get much, and I feel like she, for the most part, was just there to make characters like Mongul and Black Beetle look strong. It’s a shame, Young Justice has hardly touched on the Amazons or Cassie and Tim’s relationship, and she’s the character who fits most with the original members of the team (powerful character who’s seemingly overshadowed by her mentor-figure and has to make her own mark). Season 2 would have done better with taking more time to make sure all of its characters seem equally interesting instead of just getting us invested in a few key characters. The time skip certainly doesn’t help with that, because while Arsenal and Impulse effectively got their intros which allowed them to have their arcs and defining character traits, Wonder Girl and other characters like Tim, who were more or less just thrown in there and expected to be accepted by the audience from the get go didn’t get that same level of appreciation as the rest.
it would have been a good idea so each member of the trinity would have their representative if it wasn't cassie could have put donna troy I believe they made this mistake again in dc super hero girls in which in this drawing the wonder woman is a teenager with supergirl and batgirl.
This is a character they consistently do dirty in both the animation and live action. It feels like such a direct slight to WW as they’ve historically done her dirty too.
*@Anonymous Anonymous ~* In terms of raw power-levels, Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl II) is equal to Princess Diana (Wonder Woman I), as they are both direct blood-descendants of Zeus. However, there are two major differences between the two Wonders... - a.) The youthful Cassie is still growing into her powers, meaning physical maturity & development, so she has not reached Diana's power-level(s) yet. - b.) Rather obviously, the teenaged Cassie lacks Diana's far more extensive (over 100+ years) combat- & field-experience. But yes, in terms of (Super-)Character Theme(s), Cassie is meant to be the *_'Powerhouse'_* character of the YJ Team (for both cartoon & comics).
Anyone else think the show just got wayyyy to crowded, like...the old team was around 5 or 6 all the time and that was great, but between this and S3 it was kinda hard to keep track
I feel like it got to crowded BUT I did like the growth of the team and expansion but it would’ve been nice for them to handle it a bit better or at least giving us another season with the main 6 or 7
1.) [3:33] *_The YJ Team (particularly Cassie) vs. Black Beetle_** ~* Big props to the YJ-animators here. No matter how many times I see that _"flip-over & dropkick"_ move by Cassie, it impresses me; it just looks so acrobatically cool and badass, even if Cassie gets gut-punched seconds later. *;)* 2.) I have really enjoyed the way Young Justice cartoon-series has portrayed Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl II). Among many factors that make me enjoy YJ-Cassie so much... *:)* - a.) *_Strong_** ~* Cassie, is meant to be a *_'Powerhouse'_* character as much as a skilled fighter. As the granddaughter of Zeus, Cassie can/will eventually (upon full adulthood/maturity) reach the same power-level(s) as Wonder Woman (Princess Diana). - b.) *_Artistic Portrayal_** ~* The way Cassie is portrayed having muscular arms like Diana, since both are front-line melee-fighters. - c.) *_Voicing_** ~* Mae Whitman voices Cassie very well, delivering both Amazon-level warrior-aggressiveness, but also youthful enthusiasm. Thanks for uploading this, *Explore White.* :)
i came to this video just to see that move. it is my favorite and so cool looking. you don't see many superpowered heroes doing some acrobatic crap like that
@@emmabarros2837 ~ It (probably) just means whichever Av:IWar's CG-animator for (MCU-)Spider-Man probably watched this Black Beetle fight, and also thought Cassie's _"flip-over & dropkick"_ move was awesome too. *;)*
@@emmabarros2837 ~ To consolidate your other spread-out Replies (across others' Comments) to me... *:)* 1. *_"True DC Fan?"_** ~* I am more a general comics fan, though I do enjoy DC Comics among them. As a self-admitted counter-balance, I am more of a "moderate" fan, not as _"true"_ (or _'hardcore',_ as I call/jab them) fan as some of my friends & work-mates are. They could tell you exact developments down to the issue number(s). *;)* 2. *_"Do I read the_* (DC) *_comics?"_** ~* While I do read various comics (not just DC), my core comics-interest stems from the value of the *_History_* of the various Comic Eras (Golden Age, Silver Age, etc.) & Genres. As well as how some iconic characters (such as Wonder Woman), &/or their successors (such as Wonder Girl), have developed across the years & Comic Eras. Thus why my Comments tend to cover more towards comic _History_ than the characters personally. That being said, talking about the personal aspects of a comics character tends to be included as a by-product of expounding on the History. 3. *_"Cassie fan?"_** ~* Until the YJ-cartoon (season 02), I was actually *NOT* much of a Cassie Sandsmark fan. (Did not 'hate' her, but not a fan either.) - a.) Comic-Cassie suffered a lot of "flip-flopping" for character portrayal and depiction due to various changing writers and artists. Whether because of writing conflicts, or that they simply did not know what to do with Cassie, I cannot say. - b.) A lot of YJ-fans (or at least my "true DC fan" friends) regularly groaned over the comics' [Cassie + Conner (Superboy II)] romantic relationship, saying/feeling it was always forced &/or railroaded as an analogue to fan-hopes for a [Clark (Superman) + Diana (Wonder Woman)] 'ship. I, personally, did not care either way (neither a fan or hater, remember?). That being said, I was glad (relieved) that in the YJ-cartoon, they did not try to force such a relationship between Conner and Cassie; *THAT* would have just been weird, awkward, and in particular, heartbreaking for M'gann. - c.) But as said, I *DO* enjoy Cassie a lot in the YJ-cartoon, and hope to see more of Cassie in Young Justice season 04. *:)*
Carla Suryawan It depends on which continuity. She may either have her own or part of it. She is recognized. Just very underrated and not as famous....
Wonder Girl is so badass, I actually thought her and Superboy (Connor Kent) would've been a couple in this show much like their relationship in the comics' perception.
@@emmabarros2837 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Glad you agree with me. I'm glad to know that there are people (like me) who were outraged by Worner Bros to nerf one of the most powerful Superheroines in the DC Universe. I am very indignant!! 😠😠😠
Her battle with Black Beetle is just sick. That gut punch he landed and she slammed into the ground holding her stomach made me cringe. The one thing i REALLY loved about the show in the first two seasons is that they never held their punches. It was actually a very violent cartoon, but it worked. If you're gonna be a superhero you better be prepared to go up against people who may kick your butt and painfully. You may be young, but bad guys don't care. I love that harshness.
I thought miss martian was Superboy's true love in young justice but wonder girl is near Superboy all time for example (3:40)and in (4:06) they showed superboy first making him care for her.She is like a perfect match for him in young justice than miss martin . Like if you also thought about this.
Wonder girl being out half way through the door, the hard way is I think the most brutal scene from a kids cartoon. It even made my girlfriend say “Oh my God”.
Why are people not satisfied with Wonder girl ?! , she is the daughter of Zeus just like Wonder woman , wonder woman trained a lot on her island and she is already a grown woman but Wonder girl didn't have the chance to train a lot like Wonder woman specially she is still young not mature as Wonder woman , when she will grow and keep defeating her enemies , she will be strong as wonder woman or even stronger .. If you don't like her , fine , i love her and wish if she was my wife
Tatsumi Esdeath - I believe you. Wonder girl is a really cool character, and I love her disign in young justice. (Yeah... I wish she was my wife to... -im joking, and I'm not.)
To be perfectly honest, I was hoping that wonder girl would've been a founding member of the team, it didn't matter to me if it was Cassie sandsmark or donna troy
*@Kevin Eureka ~* That is easy to answer... *:)* - a.) *_'I'm the Bad Guy'_** ~* Blunt as it may seem in method, it is meant to show Black Beetle is definitively Evil. If Black Beetle were cold and business-like, he could knock-out Cassie with 1-2 strategic blows/blasts; but instead he takes malicious pleasure in inflicting as much pain on Cassie out of pure malevolent enjoyment. - b.) *_'When Hope Seems Lost'_** ~* The slamming sound as the camera blinks to all the rest of the downed YJ Team, leaving only Virgil Hawkins (before he becomes Static Shock) still conscious is meant to impress onto the Audience that the YJ Team is completely outmatched by Black Beetle, and may very well be heading into Stasis Pods for Reach-experimentation. Only the intervention of Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) and Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle III) prevent that fate.
*@Kingsley Onyali ~* _{Cut-&-Pasted my Reply from another Comment asking the same question as you. _*_;)_*_ }_ Some comic-history to provide some context &/or clarity... 1. *_'Origins'_** ~* Cassie Sandsmark's (Wonder Girl II) outfit in the YJ-cartoon is based off of her starting outfit when Cassie first helped found the (comic-)YJ team (1998). - a.) At the (comic-)time, Cassie was still very new (barely 14 years old) to the Super-Hero _'gig'_ despite her power-level. Cassie and Greta Hayes (Secret) were the _"rookies"_ of the (comic-)YJ team. - b.) Cassie also did not have the extensive resources/support as the other more experienced Super-Youths on the (comic-)YJ team (Arrowette, Impulse, Robin III, Superboy II). - c.) So yes, back then it was literally just [workout spandex & sneakers] for (comic-)Cassie's outfit; simple, flexible, durable (since Cassie's power-set makes her a front-line melee-fighter), and (most of all) *_affordable._* 2. *_Outfits Across the Years_** ~* It was only in later (comic-)years, when Cassie received the full support of Wonder Woman, the Amazons of Themyscira, and even the Justice League, did she start to have various fancier outfits (the Reality being changing comic artists & comic series, of course). - a.) The most famous (to 2019-2020 date) Wonder Girl (II) outfit being her very red, and very revealing/tight [midriff-top and low-rider (or "low-rise') pants] outfit. This was at the height of (comic-)Cassie's fan-popularity (big surprise, given that oufit... *;>* ), power, and character age/maturity (18+). - b.) Though last I comic-checked (early-2020's), Cassie was wearing something more moderate/conservative for outfit, since the last DC Comics' Reboot/RetCon has de-aged Cassie back down again; however, now Cassie is a Super-Youth veteran herself, so she can Mentor the new rookie characters for the new YJ comic-team (2019). 3. *_Young Justice, season 04?_** ~* Whether we will see a new outfit for (cartoon-)Cassie whenever Young Justice (TV series) returns for season 04, time will tell. Personally, I would be impressed if the YJ-animators take the bold(er) step in depicting (cartoon-)Cassie in her comic-version red & gold outfit, to visually signify she has matured (physically, at least *;p* ) since YJ:Os season 03. Hope this helps clarify. *:)*
She is not an Amazon like Diana she is the daughter of Zeus with a mortal human, (that makes her the half-sister of Diana) she is strong But She need more experience
Why does my girl always get her butt kicked?😡 They're aliens, she's a demi-goddess. She should have enough strength to split an island in half. BTW, Black Beetle, don't fall asleep. DON'T. FALL. ASLEEP.
@@serenitydoesthings She's still a demi-goddess. A divine being. Those opponents are aliens. She should be able to wipe the floor with them. I'm pretty sure Hercules (Disney version) would have no problem with them. I just felt Cassie just existed to have extra cannon fodder for the good guys. I hate seeing a nice, strong girl like her not live up to the hype.
@@margaretmccutcheon1081 thats because disney characters oftentimes have to big development. if we`re seeing a character growing over seasons it`s more effective. sadly... almost every character got downgraded for the show... which kinda annoys me... but I get the other part of your comment. I hope she will have some time to shine in s4.
En .imaginacion la mujer maravilla tenía una sucesora y con sus casi parecidos poderes. Pero jamás creí que existiera esta es la primera vez que veo a mí personaje casi parecido a la de mí imaginación la diferencia es que cambian de personalidad
Young Justice became overstuffed, they introduced a lot of new characters each season and we didn't get to know most of them all that well. Cassie, Barbara, Tim probably the prime season two examples.
True because when the first showed up in season 2 I thought they would be main characters but they barely show up after the first 3 episodes in season 2 and everytime they show up it feels like a special cameo
"Yeah, but you Never Trained with her" !!!
a little less fangirl and a little more wonder girl,love it
Like mother, like daughter.
@@emmabarros2837 aren’t they half sisters?
@@aureliamclaughlin8479 i think so but in this she's her mentor
@@aureliamclaughlin8479 I think they had said Wonder Girl in an episode that Diana was her Aunt
Nice of Wonder Girl to take over Superboy's role of getting the crap kicked out of her while the other team members try and think of a plan
I hope WG and SB are marrying in the next season.
@@emmabarros2837 sorry vro but they don't have the same connection in the tv show
@@emmabarros2837 I wish but I think that’d be illegal and not fair to M’gann. Maybe in a reboot.
@@emmabarros2837 they did date in the comics and then superboy died lmao
@@camrolls3144 didn't Superboy only date her cuz she looks like his cousin? 💀
- I went toe2toe with the actual Wonder Woman!
-Yeah, but you never trained with her.
After all this time, this comback is still the most memorable of season 2.
And the worst. She should have said "Yeah and you never BEAT her" Training means jack shit.
@@ThePicturePixie Training really surpasses you. Like Vegeta surpassing Goku.
@@emmabarros2837 I've never seen that show. Can you put it in Naruto or Bleach terms?
@@ThePicturePixie The show is called Dragon Ball.
It's about Goku and Vegeta and his friends fighting villains like Cell, Buu, and Frieza.
@@emmabarros2837 I know that. I've never watched it. I've seen Naruto, bleach, yu yu hakusho, inuyasha. Never watched DB. I know of it, I know the characters but everything is second hand. I can say I've done mixed martial arts and boxing. Real fighting is not same as training.
wonder girl has the best super hero outfit cause it makes sense its literally a workout outfit
Highly agreed
Ikr! It makes sense and it’s simple.
I mean, a workout outfit?
She loves wonder woman.
We all do.
*@flap jack (& others) ~* Some comics-History to provide context &/or clarity to Cassie Sandsmark's (Wonder Girl II) outfit... *:)*
1. *_Outfit Origins_** ~* For the YJ-cartoon, Cassie's outfit is based off of her initial outfit in DC Comics, when (comics-)Cassie first helped found the (comics-)YJ team in 1998.
- a.) *Newbie ~* At the (1998) time, (comics-)Cassie was still very new (barely 14 years old) to the Super-Hero _'gig'_ despite her power-level. Cassie and Greta Hayes (Secret) were the _"rookies"_ of the (comics-)YJ team.
- b.) *Funding (lack thereof) ~* Another important factor was that (comics-)Cassie did not have the resources, support, &/or wealth as the other more experienced Super-Youths on the (comics-)YJ team (Arrowette, Impulse, Robin III, Superboy II). Nor did Cassie have a work-job (14 years old, remember?). Cassie was literally operating on an allowance from her mother, a Professor of Archaeology; so even that was not much (teachers' salaries, after all... *;(* ).
- c.) *On a Budget ~* So yes, back then it was just [workout spandex & sneakers] for (comics-)Cassie's initial outfit; simple, flexible, durable (since Cassie's power-set makes her a front-line melee-fighter), and most of all, *_affordable._*
2. *_Outfits Across the Years_** ~* It was in later (comics-)years, when (comics-)Cassie received the full support of Wonder Woman, the Justice League, and the Amazons of Themyscira, did Cassie start to have various fancier outfits (the Reality being changing comic artists & comic series, of course).
- a.) *Red Hot(tie) ~* The most famous (in the early year 2000's) Wonder Girl II outfit being a very red, and very revealing outfit: a [cleavage- & midriff-baring crop-top, with tight low-rise pants] ensemble. This was at the height of (comics-)Cassie's fan-popularity (big surprise, with that outfit... *;>* ), power-levels, physical maturity, and character-age (from flat-chested 14-yr old to 18-yr old athletic-curves & -abs).
- b.) *Current (as of 2019) ~* Last I comics-checked (late 2019), Cassie was wearing something more moderate/conservative for outfit again (though *NOT* workout spandex), since the last DC Comics' Reboot/RetCon has de-aged Cassie back down again. However, this (rebooted) time around, Cassie is a Super-Youth Veteran herself, so that Cassie can Mentor the new generation of rookie Super-Youths for the latest incarnation of the YJ comics-team (2019).
3. *_YJ-Cassie, season 04?_** ~* Whether we will see a new outfit for (cartoon-)Cassie whenever Young Justice returns for season 04, time will tell. Personally, I would be _VERY_ impressed if the YJ-animators take the bold(er) step in depicting (cartoon-)Cassie in her comics-version red & gold outfit, to visually signify she has matured (physically, at least... *;p* ) since YJ:Os season 03.
Hope this helps clarify. *:)*
@@pendrake40 OMG you are a true DC fan.
Strangely, the thing I loved most about this is Wonder Woman's proud smile after she took out the bots.
As soon as I saw this comment that part came up and me too
Fredericka Averett no Wonder Woman smiled when wonder girl took out the bots
Well this video is about wonder girl not wonder woman
So why r yall talkin bout her
She took some pretty big hits from some bad boys and girls but she stood firm. She is a wonderful girl 👍🏾
You can see her muscles.
Pun intended?
@@michaellewis631 actually yes I couldn't help myself 😁
That's for sure, every powerful hero/heroine has to endure that... and hey wonderful girl really? unacceptable. 😏
The "Wonder family" and Amazonians in general ALWAYS have the best fight scenes. Best combat skills mixed with super strength without having to just flip around throwing gadgets like the Bat family. so satisfying to watch their epicness
The Super family and the Bat family are also the best.
Flash Family>>>>>
@@HELLO_KORO they literally just be running......
@@possiblymaybe6711 Are you dumb? 💀
the bat family's only option of combat is they're gadgets, brute strength, and strategies since they don't have magick. They are heavily vulnerable in battle since they're human.
Wondergirl, Blue Beetle, Arsenal and Impulse were the best new additions to season 2. I felt these new character had the most screentime and focus.
Yeah, but they nerfed them.
Wonder Girl didn’t have much focus to be honest. Arsenal had a whole episode focused around him and was a plot point for the first part of the season, as well as having a large role in the war world attack, Blue Beetle was the main focus of the season with his involvement in the reach arc, Impulse was also heavily involved with this as well as his intro episode with the flash family. Wonder Girl didn’t get much, and I feel like she, for the most part, was just there to make characters like Mongul and Black Beetle look strong. It’s a shame, Young Justice has hardly touched on the Amazons or Cassie and Tim’s relationship, and she’s the character who fits most with the original members of the team (powerful character who’s seemingly overshadowed by her mentor-figure and has to make her own mark). Season 2 would have done better with taking more time to make sure all of its characters seem equally interesting instead of just getting us invested in a few key characters. The time skip certainly doesn’t help with that, because while Arsenal and Impulse effectively got their intros which allowed them to have their arcs and defining character traits, Wonder Girl and other characters like Tim, who were more or less just thrown in there and expected to be accepted by the audience from the get go didn’t get that same level of appreciation as the rest.
@@long_john Very true.
I absolutely love the Cassie Sandsmark incarnation of Wonder Girl from this show.
She is Wonder Girl from the start.
She was voiced by mae Whitman, same voice of katara. Her grunts reminds me of katara so much im squealing.
Robin L IKR
I hear it now
I love her so much.
@@HELLO_KORO yes. Her.
It’s a shame she appeared so little. I think she would have nice chemistry with the S1 crew
They nerfed her, that's why.
it would have been a good idea so each member of the trinity would have their representative if it wasn't cassie could have put donna troy
I believe they made this mistake again in dc super hero girls in which in this drawing the wonder woman is a teenager with supergirl and batgirl.
Sucks cause she was one of the OG members of Young Justice in the comics with Bart, Tim and Conner
@@bemiatto67And Greata aka Secret.There was also Cissie,Slobo and Empress.
4:05 - 4:15 imagine the person chilling outside hearing black beetle saying " halfway the hard way..." And you hear wondergirl screaming
I would be like: "CASSIE NOOOOOOO".
I'd go in there with my lightsaber and say "Hey, didn't anybody ever tell you you it's not polite to hurt people?!!"
I hate my brain💀
I'd call the cops and when they got there one of them would have to contact Gordon so he could send Batman to this location 😂
She's constantly holding her own against more powerful opponents even when getting the crap beat out of her, like conner
4:04 poor Wonder Girl she's getting slammed into the wall that had to hurt her back
When I saw that episode. I was thinking: "Oh sh__! No! That's gotta hurt!... I hope she's okay, (sees the other heros...) Ah! Come on!"
Liked this moment so much
This is a character they consistently do dirty in both the animation and live action. It feels like such a direct slight to WW as they’ve historically done her dirty too.
Wondergirl and batgirl are so pretty on this series.
But Batgirl is hotter than everyone.
Yeah.... For me, mainly wonder girl
Batgirl is hot in every series she’s in
@@emmabarros2837Nahhh. Big disagree
I’ve been watching this since Season 1.. now I’ve been catching up on Season 3.. never realized how strong WG is!!
*@Anonymous Anonymous
~* In terms of raw power-levels, Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl II) is equal to Princess Diana (Wonder Woman I), as they are both direct blood-descendants of Zeus. However, there are two major differences between the two Wonders...
- a.) The youthful Cassie is still growing into her powers, meaning physical maturity & development, so she has not reached Diana's power-level(s) yet.
- b.) Rather obviously, the teenaged Cassie lacks Diana's far more extensive (over 100+ years) combat- & field-experience.
But yes, in terms of (Super-)Character Theme(s), Cassie is meant to be the *_'Powerhouse'_* character of the YJ Team (for both cartoon & comics).
@@pendrake40 did you read comics?
Shes more less OP. Not to much, but pretty OP. Which is really good!
@@lucidreclamation1323 In comics, she's totally OP. she has harmed and even knocked out a full grown Kryptonian
@@NJ-eo2oc No, she is not OP. She is not that OP.
Anyone else think the show just got wayyyy to crowded, like...the old team was around 5 or 6 all the time and that was great, but between this and S3 it was kinda hard to keep track
No. The old team are teens in that moment.
@@emmabarros2837 I meant 5/6 main people, easier to keep track of, not age lol
@@fireshark142 oh, i forgot.
The show definitely needs a spinoff to show us other heroes lives
I feel like it got to crowded BUT I did like the growth of the team and expansion but it would’ve been nice for them to handle it a bit better or at least giving us another season with the main 6 or 7
How to beat wonder girl and wonder woman *"PULL THEIR ROPE"*
The world will end
I just want a scene where someone pulls and they just let go and take advantage of the pull position to get another hit in
pulling wonder woman's rope trying to pull wonder woman down would be like pulling a building down with a rope
@@williamfarmer9896 what happens if WW and WG fighting each other?
1.) [3:33] *_The YJ Team (particularly Cassie) vs. Black Beetle_** ~* Big props to the YJ-animators here. No matter how many times I see that _"flip-over & dropkick"_ move by Cassie, it impresses me; it just looks so acrobatically cool and badass, even if Cassie gets gut-punched seconds later. *;)*
2.) I have really enjoyed the way Young Justice cartoon-series has portrayed Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl II). Among many factors that make me enjoy YJ-Cassie so much... *:)*
- a.) *_Strong_** ~* Cassie, is meant to be a *_'Powerhouse'_* character as much as a skilled fighter. As the granddaughter of Zeus, Cassie can/will eventually (upon full adulthood/maturity) reach the same power-level(s) as Wonder Woman (Princess Diana).
- b.) *_Artistic Portrayal_** ~* The way Cassie is portrayed having muscular arms like Diana, since both are front-line melee-fighters.
- c.) *_Voicing_** ~* Mae Whitman voices Cassie very well, delivering both Amazon-level warrior-aggressiveness, but also youthful enthusiasm.
Thanks for uploading this, *Explore White.* :)
i came to this video just to see that move. it is my favorite and so cool looking. you don't see many superpowered heroes doing some acrobatic crap like that
Spider Man do this too with Thanos in Infinity War.
@@emmabarros2837 ~ It (probably) just means whichever Av:IWar's CG-animator for (MCU-)Spider-Man probably watched this Black Beetle fight, and also thought Cassie's _"flip-over & dropkick"_ move was awesome too. *;)*
@@emmabarros2837 ~ To consolidate your other spread-out Replies (across others' Comments) to me... *:)*
1. *_"True DC Fan?"_** ~* I am more a general comics fan, though I do enjoy DC Comics among them. As a self-admitted counter-balance, I am more of a "moderate" fan, not as _"true"_ (or _'hardcore',_ as I call/jab them) fan as some of my friends & work-mates are. They could tell you exact developments down to the issue number(s). *;)*
2. *_"Do I read the_* (DC) *_comics?"_** ~* While I do read various comics (not just DC), my core comics-interest stems from the value of the *_History_* of the various Comic Eras (Golden Age, Silver Age, etc.) & Genres. As well as how some iconic characters (such as Wonder Woman), &/or their successors (such as Wonder Girl), have developed across the years & Comic Eras. Thus why my Comments tend to cover more towards comic _History_ than the characters personally. That being said, talking about the personal aspects of a comics character tends to be included as a by-product of expounding on the History.
3. *_"Cassie fan?"_** ~* Until the YJ-cartoon (season 02), I was actually *NOT* much of a Cassie Sandsmark fan. (Did not 'hate' her, but not a fan either.)
- a.) Comic-Cassie suffered a lot of "flip-flopping" for character portrayal and depiction due to various changing writers and artists. Whether because of writing conflicts, or that they simply did not know what to do with Cassie, I cannot say.
- b.) A lot of YJ-fans (or at least my "true DC fan" friends) regularly groaned over the comics' [Cassie + Conner (Superboy II)] romantic relationship, saying/feeling it was always forced &/or railroaded as an analogue to fan-hopes for a [Clark (Superman) + Diana (Wonder Woman)] 'ship. I, personally, did not care either way (neither a fan or hater, remember?). That being said, I was glad (relieved) that in the YJ-cartoon, they did not try to force such a relationship between Conner and Cassie; *THAT* would have just been weird, awkward, and in particular, heartbreaking for M'gann.
- c.) But as said, I *DO* enjoy Cassie a lot in the YJ-cartoon, and hope to see more of Cassie in Young Justice season 04. *:)*
@@pendrake40 thanks.
I wish we got to see her use the bracelets more
I hope!
Wonder Woman's smile was adorable.
She is adorable.
I always love YJ season 1 & 2 animation, it looks smooth and not very tacky stiff than the rest of the season.
It’s cause they had a larger budget and we’re under Cartoon Network, sucks they don’t have the budget anymore for the later seasons
When she broke the bay doors open that is just amazing 👏🏾
The way she talk is different from the other amazons.
DEXTER JERICHO She’s not an Amazon lol.
@@Stxrbolts yes, I just saw where her powers came from.
Carla Suryawan Yes there is.....
Carla Suryawan It depends on which continuity. She may either have her own or part of it. She is recognized. Just very underrated and not as famous....
Carla Suryawan Neither does your grammar. Now leave me the fuck alone. You must not read the comics then if you can’t comprehend it.
Wonder Girl is my wife goals!
My daughter goals.
Marcus Hamner same
You guys wanna marry with a 14 year old muscular girl who can fly and lift a plane?
@@teamblack204 yes.
So underrated waifu!
Wonder Girl is so badass, I actually thought her and Superboy (Connor Kent) would've been a couple in this show much like their relationship in the comics' perception.
1:28 Diana's little smile as if saying "that's my Girl"
Yes it is.
Halo Young Justice
Miss Martian Young JUstice
Mr anybody and marcos muniz made that videos.
if only she was like that in tv show Titans. they totally nerfed her
That is a different wonder girl. The wondergirl in Titans is Donna Troy.. The wondergirl in YJ is Cassie Sandsmark
Well, aside from that, in the Titans show, Donna is a human who was then trained to be an Amazon. Cassie Sandsmark is Zeus' granddaughter.
Different wonder girls tho
Wonder Girl from YJ is different which is Cassandra. The Wonder Girl from Titans TV show is Domna Troy.
You mean the one that died due to electricity😂😂😂?!
Most iconic wonder girl moment of young Justice
Also too, right? The way he was NERFED! Cassie is strong enough to defeat the Black Beetle easily, but they nerfed it in this animation.
@@joxorichie Wonder Girl: They so nerf me!!
Shazam: Welcome to my world, kid
@@tom.8709 What??!
@@joxorichie I agree with you. What?
@@emmabarros2837 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Glad you agree with me. I'm glad to know that there are people (like me) who were outraged by Worner Bros to nerf one of the most powerful Superheroines in the DC Universe. I am very indignant!! 😠😠😠
Her battle with Black Beetle is just sick. That gut punch he landed and she slammed into the ground holding her stomach made me cringe. The one thing i REALLY loved about the show in the first two seasons is that they never held their punches. It was actually a very violent cartoon, but it worked. If you're gonna be a superhero you better be prepared to go up against people who may kick your butt and painfully. You may be young, but bad guys don't care. I love that harshness.
Wonder girl is like supergirl in a wonderwoman logo costume ❤️❤️
Look the DCAU version of supergirl.
She looks like WG.
I believe according to lore wonder girl is supergirl from an alternate dimension
@@AngieKawaii01 ha no
3:00 confirmed her strength is limited compared to other Wonder girls
@@connerkent9641 it’s literally in the comics idk how you refute that lol
love her esign,thatopening shot with her is priceless
She staggered Lobo, can we talk about that
ruclips.net/video/eD5z5Zkcc0s/видео.html .
I thought miss martian was Superboy's true love in young justice but wonder girl is near Superboy all time for example (3:40)and in (4:06) they showed superboy first making him care for her.She is like a perfect match for him in young justice than miss martin .
Like if you also thought about this.
Yes, but he's ment to be with miss martin that's the writers for you. And season 4 will be no different.
Ms Martian always loves Superboy.
@@lking1540 leave season 4 alone lol
Wonder girl being out half way through the door, the hard way is I think the most brutal scene from a kids cartoon. It even made my girlfriend say “Oh my God”.
Devastation does not play games 😂
What does she said at 1:50 ?
@@Chibanyuu I thought it was "SOUND AN ORDER! LOCK ME UP!"
She like someone's prison wife
@@Chibanyuu so, Devastation is working in the prison with villains?
1:42 Wonder Girl vs One Big Angry Woman
That was a woman?- I didn’t know 😅
@@F4RL3AN yep that was a woman.
4:07they wrong for that lmaooo
He gave her a real pounding
Mea Whitman is my favorite actress who also voice Amity Blight from Disney's The Owl House
Wonder Woman gives me the chills
* Wonder Girl gives me the chills
Wonder woman does give me the chills. Wonder girl just makes me happy.
@@lucidreclamation1323 Diana is the OG and hence the coolest. WG is cool too
I really like the mix between fit and slim. Dc forever kings in that with the female characters. 😅
1:07 I’d geek out to if I were standing next to my hero and they pull off an awesome stunt.
Wonder girl the young version of Wonderwoman ❤️
Y’all know that Mae Whitman, voice of Katara in Avatar the Last Airbender voices Wondergirl?
Human Amazon hybrid
Superhuman strength
Enhanced speed
Electric controlled lasso
Superhuman durability
Amity Blight has superpowers now and is a grade A badass? Call Luz cause she gonna be the tomato face this time. 🤣😎
What do you mean?
Mae Whitman voices Wonder Girl and Amity Blight
My favvv
She's so strong in comics. I hate how writers made her so weak on Titans
she wasn’t weak in this series though
@@jahiel239 she was facing entities as strong as Superman
If you're talking about the live action Titans that was Donna Troy Wonder Girl not Young Justice Cassie Sandmark
But I agree with you she was weak in that show(die to electricity 🤦)
Look at her muscles 🤤
Muscle girls>>>>>
@@HELLO_KORO RIGHT??? Criminally underrated
Exactly! Her toned arms are a treat to look at!
Cassie (Wonder Girl) is my wife goals!🤩😍😘🌹👊🏾
Look at her six pack
I’ll put you through the door. Half way, the hard way 💀 I forgot how unhinged and wild black beetle was
Yup, that's Katara and Amity, all right
Wish they had done the romance between her and Superboy. In the comics, they’re iconic.
Idk if it’s just me but I wish Wonder girl and super boy were a couple just like in the comics.
Go. Wonder girl
Go wonder girl!
Come on Wonder Girl!
Why are people not satisfied with Wonder girl ?! , she is the daughter of Zeus just like Wonder woman , wonder woman trained a lot on her island and she is already a grown woman but Wonder girl didn't have the chance to train a lot like Wonder woman specially she is still young not mature as Wonder woman , when she will grow and keep defeating her enemies , she will be strong as wonder woman or even stronger .. If you don't like her , fine , i love her and wish if she was my wife
She never can so strong like Wonder Woman
@@who4440 Yeah. She was an human and Diana introduce her to Themyscira and has powers.
@@emmabarros2837 really. I read that she is the daughter of Zeus too
@@who4440 no she is not. She is human
Tatsumi Esdeath - I believe you. Wonder girl is a really cool character, and I love her disign in young justice. (Yeah... I wish she was my wife to... -im joking, and I'm not.)
I like how she is able to floor Lobo in one punch.
3:55 his voice triggers me
I like that they show that after superboy she was the next threat.
"Who's Stealther Girl now?" Not you, miss "forgets i cast a shadow" lmao
Wonder Girl is a serious contender.
4:02 I really felt bad for her here. Gurl is getting her shit ROCKED.
I love how they made Lobo a bad ass Hispanic alien
Can you please Make another Video just like this, but more about Robin (Tim Drake) ??
Yes do it!
@@emmabarros2837, Yes, Im not Alone !
Your picture makes no sense.
Didn't want your mind ☺️
@@Cupcakkesclit what?
@@lking1540 I did not ask for your opinion
@@Cupcakkesclit okay than just say so, but still your picture makes no sense considering that there are plenty of oliver queen pictures online.
She's a good fighter
To be perfectly honest, I was hoping that wonder girl would've been a founding member of the team, it didn't matter to me if it was Cassie sandsmark or donna troy
The title should be "wonder girl getting her ass kicked" lol
@@emmabarros2837 what what!?🤡💁♂️
@@Rafaelmxv WHAT KIND OF TITLE IS THIS?!?!?!
@@emmabarros2837 'cause she's having her butt kicked almost the entire video( And I was just kidding)
I love cassie
You should
@@emmabarros2837 yeah
Las mejores caricaturas como estas ningunas 👍👍👍
I don't speak Spanish.
Black beetle slamming her into the wall was a bit unnecessary. I wonder what was the writers logic behind that.
*@Kevin Eureka ~* That is easy to answer... *:)*
- a.) *_'I'm the Bad Guy'_** ~* Blunt as it may seem in method, it is meant to show Black Beetle is definitively Evil. If Black Beetle were cold and business-like, he could knock-out Cassie with 1-2 strategic blows/blasts; but instead he takes malicious pleasure in inflicting as much pain on Cassie out of pure malevolent enjoyment.
- b.) *_'When Hope Seems Lost'_** ~* The slamming sound as the camera blinks to all the rest of the downed YJ Team, leaving only Virgil Hawkins (before he becomes Static Shock) still conscious is meant to impress onto the Audience that the YJ Team is completely outmatched by Black Beetle, and may very well be heading into Stasis Pods for Reach-experimentation. Only the intervention of Garfield Logan (Beast Boy) and Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle III) prevent that fate.
Kevin Eureka - That scene just broke my heart :(
@@pendrake40 you are maybe a true comics fan.
I hate Black Beetle for that.
@@pendrake40 I care about everything and everyone, but Black Beetle is really pushing it.
Actually, I hate him.
I miss young justice. I at least want a conclusion to this show😢
4:03 Now thats just disrespectful 😭
0:58 What episode is that from again? It's where the team and the league find the aliens in the mountain or something.. right?
Not sure..
I don't know.
She is so cute but I don't know what is going on with the outfit.
Gurl you should better change it. LOL.😂
*@Kingsley Onyali ~* _{Cut-&-Pasted my Reply from another Comment asking the same question as you. _*_;)_*_ }_
Some comic-history to provide some context &/or clarity...
1. *_'Origins'_** ~* Cassie Sandsmark's (Wonder Girl II) outfit in the YJ-cartoon is based off of her starting outfit when Cassie first helped found the (comic-)YJ team (1998).
- a.) At the (comic-)time, Cassie was still very new (barely 14 years old) to the Super-Hero _'gig'_ despite her power-level. Cassie and Greta Hayes (Secret) were the _"rookies"_ of the (comic-)YJ team.
- b.) Cassie also did not have the extensive resources/support as the other more experienced Super-Youths on the (comic-)YJ team (Arrowette, Impulse, Robin III, Superboy II).
- c.) So yes, back then it was literally just [workout spandex & sneakers] for (comic-)Cassie's outfit; simple, flexible, durable (since Cassie's power-set makes her a front-line melee-fighter), and (most of all) *_affordable._*
2. *_Outfits Across the Years_** ~* It was only in later (comic-)years, when Cassie received the full support of Wonder Woman, the Amazons of Themyscira, and even the Justice League, did she start to have various fancier outfits (the Reality being changing comic artists & comic series, of course).
- a.) The most famous (to 2019-2020 date) Wonder Girl (II) outfit being her very red, and very revealing/tight [midriff-top and low-rider (or "low-rise') pants] outfit. This was at the height of (comic-)Cassie's fan-popularity (big surprise, given that oufit... *;>* ), power, and character age/maturity (18+).
- b.) Though last I comic-checked (early-2020's), Cassie was wearing something more moderate/conservative for outfit, since the last DC Comics' Reboot/RetCon has de-aged Cassie back down again; however, now Cassie is a Super-Youth veteran herself, so she can Mentor the new rookie characters for the new YJ comic-team (2019).
3. *_Young Justice, season 04?_** ~* Whether we will see a new outfit for (cartoon-)Cassie whenever Young Justice (TV series) returns for season 04, time will tell. Personally, I would be impressed if the YJ-animators take the bold(er) step in depicting (cartoon-)Cassie in her comic-version red & gold outfit, to visually signify she has matured (physically, at least *;p* ) since YJ:Os season 03.
Hope this helps clarify. *:)*
Kingsley Onyali - she is cute. But for me, I like the way her outfit looks already (that's my opinion)
"Wonder girl should have been a brunette, she looks like Super girl🧐"
She is super girl but better.
This is Cassie Sandsmark not Donna Troy
I guess two people can’t be blonde anymore
@@connerkent9641 So You don't think the characters look alike🥴?
@@smithkelsey9293 a little but that doesn’t make them twins
4:34 best grunt
She got the "hard way" alright
Yep, I'm awesome!
Yes you are,Cassie!
@@emmabarros2837 thanks
You sure are 😍
@@connerkent9641 thanks superboy 😘🥰
Never seen this before. I like that she is a cross between Superman and Wonder Woman. Also she is not all powerful.
She isn't a cross between superman and wonder woman
Wonder girl is literally more powerful than superboy. Maybe even superman
She is not an Amazon like Diana she is the daughter of Zeus with a mortal human, (that makes her the half-sister of Diana) she is strong But She need more experience
@@serenitydoesthings yah hit ur head she isn't stronger than superman
@@jah2032 I think you need some help
I said maybe
@@serenitydoesthings nah mate, all good... don't need no help LMAO
3:57 3:59 so we all just gonna ignore how man’s just said this to a teenager
Lmao Black Beetle 🪲 is a savage 😎
-dont mind me, in my opinion... I think she's cute ;)
She is beauty,
She is grace,
She will kick you in the face.
@@emmabarros2837 exactly
Why does my girl always get her butt kicked?😡 They're aliens, she's a demi-goddess. She should have enough strength to split an island in half.
BTW, Black Beetle, don't fall asleep.
You still need to train to use Ur powers that's why she is getting her butt kicked... She is still in her 1. Training year or 2nd
@@serenitydoesthings She's still a demi-goddess. A divine being. Those opponents are aliens. She should be able to wipe the floor with them. I'm pretty sure Hercules (Disney version) would have no problem with them. I just felt Cassie just existed to have extra cannon fodder for the good guys. I hate seeing a nice, strong girl like her not live up to the hype.
@@margaretmccutcheon1081 thats because disney characters oftentimes have to big development. if we`re seeing a character growing over seasons it`s more effective.
sadly... almost every character got downgraded for the show... which kinda annoys me...
but I get the other part of your comment. I hope she will have some time to shine in s4.
@@serenitydoesthings Also, I really hate Black Beetle. He's a racist bully and an overpowered cheater. His name really should be Bayastard Beetle.
Lol even Wonder Woman can’t beat lobo you think wonder girl stands a chance?
Would’ve preferred a supergirl.......
But in the end, we always preferred a Wonder Girl.
Supergirl is just lame tbh
Supergirl has lots of screentimes. Wondergirl deserves some too.
En .imaginacion la mujer maravilla tenía una sucesora y con sus casi parecidos poderes.
Pero jamás creí que existiera esta es la primera vez que veo a mí personaje casi parecido a la de mí imaginación la diferencia es que cambian de personalidad
What? I don't understand?
Young Justice became overstuffed, they introduced a lot of new characters each season and we didn't get to know most of them all that well. Cassie, Barbara, Tim probably the prime season two examples.
True because when the first showed up in season 2 I thought they would be main characters but they barely show up after the first 3 episodes in season 2 and everytime they show up it feels like a special cameo
Don't be jaelous i can put you half way through ~
What happens if he didn't stop😂😂😂😂
Comic world of Life keeps getting interesting.. 😏
wonder girl resembles superman more than wonder woman 😉
You mean super boy?
@@emmabarros2837 no I meant wonder girl
she does seem to have an interesting amount of overlap with Kara
Sim ela é maravilhosa.
Guys, it looks a lot like Supergirl, damn they didn't change the design
Are they EVER gonna give her a storyline?
Wonder girl is in a few episodes and when she is in a episode she is punched in the face
She gets punched in the face, yes... But she most of the time is still standing.
Doesn't really matter. since she's nigh invulnerable
18 de agosto solo en cines
it's only now, years later, that I realise, Lobo said curry, like the japanese people do XD