熊貓堂ProducePandas【荒誕秀 The Paramount Show】Official Music Video
- Опубликовано: 11 дек 2024
- ※ 集結京、港、台、韓、馬、新、美、瑞典等頂尖潮流音樂人聯手打磨
聚能亞洲(ASIA) 解鎖偶像團體“新”姿態
※ 創造新人5首單曲空降海外地區iTunes C-pop銷量榜冠軍傳奇
全球接力分享(SHARE) “萌“新橫空出世
※ 融合京、滬、川、粵、新、馬、泰、日、韓、印等多地文化元素
激發(INSPIRE)國潮音樂新靈感 進擊亞洲樂壇
※ “XXL唱跳團體”「熊貓堂」首張專輯《A.S.I.A》
“萌”力覺醒(AWAKEN) 全面重塑偶像格局
2020. 10. 15 新聲“炸”道 破局而出
尚未出道,便在社交媒體上引來國際天后Lopez的點贊及關注的「熊貓堂」,在出道3個月裡,先後發佈《辣辣辣》、《碎碎念》、《千轉》等5首單曲,因風格迥異的曲風、獨樹一幟的視覺,迅速引發業內熱議和肯定,不僅登上央視打歌舞台,還受邀參與了數個音樂綜藝節目的錄製。在海外,獲得了英國《衛報》的整版的專訪,5首單曲接連空降日本iTunes C-pop冠軍,並在數周內牢牢盤踞C-pop銷量榜top10,來自五大洲的粉絲應援,海外社交平臺達到月均300萬的流覽量,這些放在任何一位藝人身上都足以自豪的成績,亦讓新人「熊貓堂」在海外社交媒體上,迅速掀起一股帶有熊貓可愛屬性的“國潮”音樂風。
5000+小時的血汗淚 5個重新開始的人生
8個亞洲目的地概念元素 9地金牌音樂人共襄打造
A.S.I.A. 即Asia亞洲 Share分享 Inspire激發 Awaken覺醒
「熊貓堂」首張專輯《A.S.I.A.》 NOW!
XXL唱跳男團「熊貓堂」,兩個“X“不僅代表著五位“熊貓”們有別于傳統偶像的壯實外形,更象徵著「熊貓堂」對未知的探索與無限可能,整張專輯的企劃主打 Asian-pop概念,寓意從亞洲音樂文化延伸,以音樂夢想為翼,去探索世界廣闊天地,也期待能與這個世界分享,他們與生俱來的XXL碼超大份的樂觀與正能量。為此,公司耗時10個月,從全球搜羅的1000多首demo中層層篩選,從創作到製作彙集了李玲玉、張簡君偉、陳星翰、賴偉鋒、陳威全、陳紅鯉、Justin Reinstein、Woo Min Lee Collapsedone等20多位,來自9個國家與地區的千萬級音樂藝術家與新銳,結合北京、上海、成都、香港、吉隆玻、曼谷、東京、孟買等8個城市的文化元素,共同打造出獨屬於「熊貓堂」兼具包容性和實驗性,融合萌感與熱血的首張專輯《A.S.I.A.》。2020年10月15日,「熊貓堂」的五位成員也將通過這張唱跳專輯《A.S.I.A.》向世界正式宣告:下一個目標,沖出亞洲,進擊國際偶像唱跳團體!
百萬重金打造 十首音樂作品
唱跳“十”力不容小覷 盡現「熊貓堂」的多元獨特
上世紀2、30年代的舊上海,不僅成就了中國早期電影的百花齊放,傳奇舞廳--百樂門裡更不僅有充斥著紙醉金迷、愛恨情仇的傳說,亦催生了融合百老匯、搖擺樂、爵士等西洋音樂元素的民國時期的海派音樂風格。華麗旖旎的旋律,浪漫慵懶的歌詞,讓「熊貓堂」這個後世新人團體,通過對這首充滿了民國上海風情的搖擺樂《荒誕秀》的演繹,呈現出他們紳士優雅俏皮的一面。在《荒誕秀》與國際版《Indigo》的企劃前期,「熊貓堂」成員們亦為此做足了功課,不僅從描寫上世紀“爵士時代”的電影《了不起的蓋茨比》汲取靈感,更大量聆聽舊上海音樂前輩的代表作,同時為了讓《Indigo》的發音更契合swing jazz特有的唱腔氣質,特別邀約來自百老匯的音樂劇表演指導為成員們進行演唱和肢體培訓。相信在聽到《荒誕秀》與《Indigo》的同時,大家亦可以隨著「熊貓堂」的演繹,一起重溫舊日百樂門風情。
#熊貓堂ProducePandas #荒誕秀TheParamountShow #ASIA
XXL唱跳團體「熊貓堂 ProducePandas」
KKBOX → kkbox.fm/8a6tSn
Spotify → spoti.fi/31egpXY
Apple Music/iTunes → apple.co/31p06rJ
RUclips Music → bit.ly/3j1qGga
MyMusic → bit.ly/3nUg5aw
friDay音樂 → bit.ly/2STuO7l
LINE Music → music-tw.line....
JOOX → bit.ly/2GZ3qTg
OC/OA:Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari, Måns Ek, Lars Säfsund
合:夜幕降臨是荒誕秀 夜幕降臨
十七君:穿過霓虹的舞廳 她眉眼如鈎
七哈:胭脂色的花火 留聲機中探索
今夜觥籌交錯 眼神有電流
陳鼎鼎:來吧 來吧 來吧 若隱若現的時光
拂去我們 臉上 欲拒還迎的面紗
十七君:I don’t know why
I can’t let you go
旗袍搖曳 留一室旖旎的鏡頭
崔雲峰:一場荒誕的秀 淌入摩登洪流
合:誰都不必有愧疚 等睡醒一切如舊
夜幕降臨是荒誕秀 夜幕降臨是荒誕秀
夜幕降臨是荒誕秀 夜幕降臨
十七君:她輕拈裙擺 撩起迷幻的色彩
遊弋在繾綣畫報 誰聞香識來
陳鼎鼎:朦朧光線幽暗 似低聲的呢喃
如呼吸般慵懶 折射著性感
卡斯:來吧 來吧 來吧 若隱若現的時光
拂去我們臉上 欲拒還迎的面紗
七哈+陳鼎鼎:I don’t know why
陳鼎鼎+卡斯:I can’t let you go
曖昧都給你 給你 給你 給你 給你
崔雲峰:一場荒誕的秀 淌入摩登洪流
合:誰都不必有愧疚 等睡醒一切如舊
陳鼎鼎:輕一些 一切如鏡花水月
十七君:濃一些 四季之間的更迭
崔雲峰+陳鼎鼎:輕一些 一切如鏡花水月
七哈+十七君:濃一些 四季之間我是誰
崔雲峰:四季之間我是誰 No No No
曖昧都給你 給你 給你 給你 給你
一場荒誕的秀 淌入摩登洪流
誰都不必有愧疚 等睡醒一切如舊
合:Balabalaba Balaba 荒誕秀
編曲:Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari, Måns Ek
混音師/室:鄭昊傑/2496 TOP MUSIC STUDIO
母帶師/工作室:全相彥 @ OKmastering Studio
OP:Hitmanic AB./EOE Studios./北京簡單快樂文化發展有限公司
SP:Soundgraphics Inc./Music Cube Inc./北京簡單快樂文化發展有限公司
【ProducePandas Facebook】
/ producepandas
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/ producepandas
【ProducePandas Bilibili】
This is one of our toughest projects physically as it was filmed in -10 ℃ (14 ℉) outdoor, big thanks to our director and crews who also worked under this temperature with us. It is also the final MV of our debut album , we cannot wait to announce our new adventure! Thanks for watching and please stay warm, stay healthy and stay happy! ❤️
Thank you for all your hard work, guys! I will always support you! ❤💗🧡💚💙🤍🐼
WoW Bravo! Saw the steam coming out from Mr.17’s mouth. @o@ Best luck to you guys and keep on entertaining!
Right back at you guys on that last statement! 💙 🐼
Thank you for the video!! Well done indeed!! Could tell it was such cold harsh weather, hope you are all safe and warm!!
Wow!! Thank you for all the sacrifices you’ve made to give us these amazing projects ❤️🐼 I can’t wait to see what’s next for Produce Pandas!
Came here after watching South China post.. you guys are amazing. Dance is perfect, singing is perfect....you are doing a great job changing the societal beauty standards. Thank you. Never give up. Wish you all the success.
Although they did a favor for the pandas I doubt South China post is a good good channel. You know what I mean.
@Kells g no wdym they’re a great channel
@@zcalhoun3638 Only if you can figure out whos paying money behind the channel.
@@birdyashiro1226 who do u think the ccp?? been listening to american propaganda a bit too much lately maybe??
@@zcalhoun3638 Triggered?If ccp sponsored this channel, I would sub at the beginning.
So wdym,are you from the cult to defense this channel?
I feel like this boyband is on the opposite side of those Koreans. Big, facial hair, manly men...and I like it!
the music is just WOW
I don't like the "manly man" but I think they're are something different and great and that's what caught my eye
…Nowadays kpop bands are f*ck up...OG kpop bands are GOAT
Wdym by "manly man"?? Please elaborate, or just shut ur stupidity up 🥰
Yes. They're so manly. Because 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Korean Boy Groups looks like a girl in my opinion
I so can't wait for serious and sexy concepts for ProducePandas! They'll destroy and erase the boundaries set by the kpop and Asian vision of idols!
Girl I’m finna act up if they do sexy concepts 💀
@@cptnomar492 We all as well and don't tell me you don't want it, because I hate liars
Produce Pandas - The Paramount Show Lyrics
(All) Yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù yèmù jiànglín
(Mr.17) Chuānguò ní hóng de wǔtīng tā méiyǎn rú gōu tā yòu bǎ jiákè gùyì wàng zài xiǎo gélóu
(Husky) Yānzhī sè de huāhuǒ liúshēngjī zhōng tànsuǒ jīnyè gōngchóujiāocuò yǎnshén yǒu diànliú
(Ding) Lái ba lái ba lái ba ruòyǐnruòxiàn de shíguāng fú qù wǒmen liǎn shàng yù jù hái yíng de miànshā
(Mr.17) I don’t know why I can’t let you go
(All) Dōu guài nà qīngchéng de ài jiàng fēngyuè shuō tòu qípáo yáoyè liú yī shì yǐnǐ de jìngtóu àimèi dōu gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ zài búyèchéng lǐ xiānqǐ guāngguàilùlí liángchén měijǐng rú tánhuā shèngkāi
(Otter) Yīchǎng huāngdàn de xiù tǎng rù módēng hóngliú
(All) Shuí dōu bùbì yǒu kuìjiù děng shuì xǐng yīqiè rú jiù
yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù yèmù jiànglín
(Mr.17) Tā qīng niān qún bǎi liāo qǐ mí huàn de sècǎi yóuyì zài qiǎnquǎn huàbào shuí wénxiāng shí lái
(Ding) Ménglóng guāngxiàn yōu'àn shì dī shēng de nínán rú hūxī bān yōng lǎn zhéshèzhe xìnggǎn
(Cass) Lái ba lái ba lái ba ruòyǐnruòxiàn de shíguāng fú qù wǒmen liǎn shàng yù jù hái yíng de miànshā
(Husky + Ding) I don’t know why
(Ding + Cass) I can’t let you go
(All) Dōu guài nà qīngchéng de ài jiàng fēngyuè shuō tòu qípáo yáoyè liú yī shì yǐnǐ de jìngtóu àimèi dōu gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ zài búyèchéng lǐ xiānqǐ guāngguàilùlí liángchén měijǐng rú tánhuā shèngkāi
(Otter) Yīchǎng huāngdàn de xiù tǎng rù módēng hóngliú
(All) Shuí dōu bùbì yǒu kuìjiù děng shuì xǐng yīqiè rú jiù
(Ding) Qīng yīxiē yīqiè rú jìnghuāshuǐyuè
(Mr.17) Nóng yīxiē sìjì zhī jiān de gēngdié
(Otter + Ding) Qīng yīxiē yīqiè rú jìnghuāshuǐyuè
(Husky + Mr.17) Nóng yīxiē sìjì zhī jiān wǒ shì shuí
(Otter) Sìjì zhī jiān wǒ shì shuí No No No
(All) Dōu guài nà qīngchéng de ài jiàng fēngyuè shuō tòu qípáo yáoyè liú yī shì yǐnǐ de jìngtóu àimèi dōu gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ zài búyèchéng lǐ xiānqǐ guāngguàilùlí liángchén měijǐng rú tánhuā shèngkāi yīchǎng huāngdàn de xiù tǎng rù módēng hóngliú shuí dōu bùbì yǒu kuìjiù děng shuì xǐng yīqiè rú jiù
(Husky) Shì huāngdàn xiù
(Mr.17) Huāngdàn xiù
(All) Balabalaba Balaba huāngdàn xiù
Thank you youtube algorithms for bringing cute boys onto my timeline
Mr.17 has grown to be a professional, i followed him for a long time, and i know Produce Pandas because of Mr.17
he is so handsome,and otter is mine!
DingDing in your area :D
Came for the concept. Stayed for the singing.
Lets destroy the standards set by kpop culture, younger generations need to understand the diversity of beauty.
TRUE,just look at OG ones and now, KEKW
Yess yess
No you cant
Agree 🙂
Yes i do
0:36 Otter君が終始可愛いし、歌声が最高すぎる!
Ok this is not fair... my heart can’t handle their voices. So talented!
I'm absolutely loving the production of this track, that muted trumpet and upright bass give such a great old school feel. This is amazing to listen to and the vocals adding at extra layer to it. This is an amazing piece of art.
I'm from ph and support this bros 💪🤍
I can finally say I'm "Idol sized" cause I stan these guys
大家的腰都好會扭喔❤ 穿這樣真的太帥~~~~
0:15.16 十七超魅惑,正所謂男人不壞 -女- 人不愛,有種壞壞的感覺🧡 眼神勾人啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!
就跟SCMP Films裡面聲樂老師說的一樣,十七的音色真的好聽,低沉又有磁性的嗓音,非常適合這首歌
很喜歡 0:54 這個擺手的動作!
1:00 峰峰可可愛愛,十七脫衣(又在勾引誰啦你!),鼎鼎飛吻! 你們三個!!❤
1:15 唱歌都有白霧,當天感覺很冷........
2:10~2:14 十七超性感的耶www 誘惑wink🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
我要抱走 2:29 的峰峰🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
然後飛撲 2:35 的十七🧡🧡🧡
我在期待MV reaction,希望有拍....
【不要再吵誰的part 少了】
但在荒誕秀開頭十七唱的part,「穿過霓虹的舞廳 她眉眼如鈎
在indigo 裡是卡斯唱的「I fell in love with her 'bout 20 years ago
/Her name was Jackie but I called her Indigo」
還有鼎鼎的part,「來吧 來吧 來吧 若隱若現的時光
/拂去我們 臉上 欲拒還迎的面紗」
在indigo 裡是卡斯唱的「Never never never never will forget ya/Silly but I really wanna come to get ya」
MUST SAY: you could tell they do not have very much resource and money yet to spend on their materials' production at first glance on this music video, comparing other popular big bands in the market. HOWEVER, after you binge-watched this one, you could also tell how conscientious the team is from the creative script, smart photography/edit, detailed art production, appealing performance. The result is definitely capable to compete with those music videos of big celerities under much bigger agencies. SUCH A CUTE ^ω^ WORK! xxxxx
If 'Boy With Luv' was a modern theater performance, 'The Paramount Show' brought me to the 1900s and I'm LIVING for it❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍👏👏👏👏
VALID 🇨🇳😘😘
'Home:Run' was a cinema or smth. Also brought me to 1900s XD
I’m completely delighted. This is a snappy, catchy, perfect song, and I love the video. Congrats, guys!
WOW this is amazing! I love the jazz concept here, and everyone's voices sound so good! I've loved watching you improve!
Produce Pandas fighting!
I love this song, so catchy!
I literally see u everywhere
People need to stop sleeping to these talented guys, they deserve more recognition
When the tough mafia bosses fall in love :
I saw this group at SCMP but I stayed for your great voices and dancing.
Love from Ph! Fighting & stay safe~ 😊💕
You can set new standard beauties and people know that being skinny is not the only beauty you can have
This is such a bop! The vocals are amazing, the dance is on point, the visuals are no joke and the song and dance are really catchy. I stan already!
By breaking all type of stereotypes, you guys are creating a new space for plus size people! In a world where only slim people are favoured, this is definitely a slap in the face! Way to go u guys!!!❤
I keep coming back to this song, I really think they found thier sound with this one.
i'm not really into boy groups but i think i found a group to finally stan
Hello from the US, I saw your video on YWY3 and I think it's amazing!! I can't wait to see the rest of your videos. You guys also killed the KTL choreo.
For us Panada Keepers to sing along!
Yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù yèmù jiànglín
Chuān guò ní hóng de wǔ tīng tā méi yǎn rú gōu
Tā yòu bǎ jiá kè gù yì wàng zài xiǎo gé lóu
Yān zhī sè de huā huǒ liú shēng jī zhōng tàn suǒ
Jīn yè gōng chóu jiāo cuò yǎn shén yǒu diàn liú
Lái ba lái ba lái ba ruò yǐn ruò xiàn de shí guāng
Fú qù wǒmen liǎn shàng yù jù hái yíng de miànshā
I don’t know why I can’t let you go
Dōu guài nà qīng chéng de ài jiàng fēng yuè shuō tòu
Qí páo yáo yè liú yī shì yǐ nǐ de jìng tóu
Ai mèi dōu gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ
Zài bú yè chéng lǐ xiān qǐ guāng guài lù lí
Liáng chén měi jǐng rú tán huā shèng kāi
Yī chǎng huāng dàn de xiù tǎng rù mó dēng hóng liú
Shuí dōu bùbì yǒu kuì jiù děng shuì xǐng yī qiè rú jiù
Yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù
Yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù
Yèmù jiànglín shì huāngdàn xiù
Yèmù jiànglín
Tā qīng niān qún bǎi liāo qǐ mí huàn de sècǎi
Yóu yì zài qiǎn quǎn huà bào shuí wén xiāng shí lái
Méng lóng guāng xiàn yōu'àn shì dī shēng de ní nán
Rú hūxī bān yōng lǎn zhé shè zhe xìng gǎn
Lái ba lái ba lái ba ruò yǐnruò xiàn de shí guāng
Fú qù wǒmen liǎn shàng yù jù hái yíng de miànshā
I don’t know why chén I can’t let you go
Dōu guài nà qīng chéng de ài jiàng fēng yuè shuō tòu
Qí páo yáo yè liú yī shì yǐnǐ de jìng tóu
Ai mèi dōu gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ
Zài bú yè chéng lǐ xiān qǐ guāng guài lù lí
Liáng chén měi jǐng rú tán huā shèng kāi
Yī chǎng huāng dàn de xiù tǎng rù mó dēng hóng liú
Shuí dōu bùbì yǒu kuì jiù děng shuì xǐng yī qiè rú jiù
Qīng yī xiē yī qiè rú jìng huā shuǐ yuè
Nóng yī xiē sì jì zhī jiān de gēng dié
Qīng yī xiē yī qiè rú jìng huā shuǐ yuè
Nóng yī xiē sì jì zhī jiān wǒ shì shuí
Sì jì zhī jiān wǒ shì shuí No No No
Dōu guài nà qīng chéng de ài jiàng fēng yuè shuō tòu
Qí páo yáo yè liú yī shì yǐnǐ de jìng tóu
Ai mèi dōu gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ gěi nǐ
Zài bú yè chéng lǐ xiān qǐ guāng guài lù lí
Liáng chén měi jǐng rú tán huā shèng kāi
Yī chǎng huāng dàn de xiù tǎng rù mó dēng hóng liú
Shuí dōu bùbì yǒu kuì jiù děng shuì xǐng yī qiè rú jiù
Shì huāngdàn xiù
Huāngdàn xiù
Balabalaba Balaba huāng dàn xiù
It is really refreshing to hear modern idols who have this smooth, solid voice tamber as it dosen't seem to be the trend these days. I'm definately rooting for them in Youth For You S3. They are a breath of fresh air in the industry!
couldn't agree more
My pandas have became more professional and cuteeeeeee!!! .Especially Mr.17 ,i love u
y'all are both extremely talented and extremely hot. I love that there's a boy group for guys that I like.
This video and watching the performance just makes me feel happy. They seem to have so much fun that people have a hard time not having fun with them. We need more groups like this :)
Handsome and they sing very well!! Found my new favorite Asian music group! (no offense to other groups, most sing very well....but they look like girly boys) :D
You need to find OG kpop groups, the groups before 2010💀
來啦 等好久了❤️
I love BEARS!! 🐻🥰💖💖💖
I’ve been on a Produce Pandas binge and I have no regrets
This reminds me of Seventeen's Home;run, a collab would be so cute
Just found out about this boy's band, the catchy tunes, the dance everything !! it's blowing my mind ... much love from France
Finally! A group that speaks to the dad bod, and I love this songs swing feel!
Cute song, cute dance, cute face
All the members’s talent astonished me.
They can create whatever producers require!!
Come here after seeing you guy from youth with you
You all are so talented
It's sad that they got a lot of hate for being unique 😕, people should develop, I said what I said
I came across one video, I think it was China Post, randomly. I heard THREE WORDS of their music and I immediately clicked out and looked them up. Produce Panda is THAT good. XD lol
Now one of my favorite bands hands down!
the chorus wont leave my head and I love it so much
I found them because of an article on facebook. I’m glad I searched them. This is a bop! I will follow yall now
Such good music!! Gotta listen on replay! Hope this comment helps with the algorithm 'cause you guys deserve the recognition!
Thanks for very nice translation 🥺
You guys have really great mentality, and seeing you dancing and having fun doing it inspires me soooo much, i hope you'll show us the best of you on YWU3!!!! I love you!!!
omg THEIR VOICES ARE freaking magical, theyre so talented! DANg and they ooze confidence, thats the main thing
ポッチャリ男性版En Vogueみたいにカッコいい💚
Hello from the England! Loving your work!! 😍
Omg I'm in love!!!! The rhythm, the voices, the dance, the lyrics, everything is straight up fire!!!!!
Everytime I listen to this song.. It makes me happy.. 😄
the melody is so catchy istg this group is underrated
You guys are so cute and sexy and I'm so glad that this band has come together. Do your best 😁
Produce Pandas are the BEST!! Fighting ♡~
I should thank Youth with you to introduce me to this wonderful group. Their songs a re good
The song, the dance and the video are amazing. Thank you for participating in Youth With You. Otherwise I probably would have never gotten to know you. I hope more people start watching your videos and listening to your songs. I believe you will be famous soon☺️
Good luck with "Youth with you" and keep going 👍🏼 You guys are talented and inspiring
Omg I love them! Their voices are so good.
The guy with glasses' voice omg I love it
ahhhhh this sounds so good!! and i LOVE THE DANCING
I hope you guys all the best on Youth with You!!! Will make sure to vote for you!
If they won't blow up like crazy, something else will
17 u make me fall in love again again and again, ❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
2:15 Otterちゃん悩殺🤍
There is something magic about you guys. I just can't stop smiling ^-^ You are all very talented. I'm rooting for you with all my heart !!! :) 熊猫堂加油!!!
I LOVE YOU PRODUCE PANDAS >~< 💕 This song is my favorite 💃🏻
Im love with their vocals they have beautiful voices
Came here after watching their performance in YWY3
Mr 17 is my bias
They are the definition of Talent
Man I want them to be very famous so bad. Their songs are catchy.
this is a song for having fun! i really appreciate it, good job guys!
This song is so catchy and the singing is so good!
Perfect boy band, never seen like that, the way they perform, sing and dance look cool.
I'm follow you from YWY3.You guys is so amazing.Don't give up.Keep going!!!💕💕💕
Loved everything about this👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good job
They all give tough gang leader vibes
What! I didn't know they have YT channel. I actually voted for them & sent them messages on YWY3. I really like them. They're unique and very talented!
等著個MV很久了 沒想到會這麼好 若隱若現的的肚子好可愛喔