How would it impact the Christian faith if it was discovered that aliens exist? |

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 191

  • @madelinehoppenstedt7782
    @madelinehoppenstedt7782 Год назад +9

    Probably the best breakdown of this concept I have seen, well done

    • @riley9107
      @riley9107 Год назад +1

      ​@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000No, but you should be

  • @xJessiGirlProx
    @xJessiGirlProx Год назад +10

    I don’t see why it would impact religion at all. Just because the Bible doesn’t address life elsewhere doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. And if it does, that doesn’t necessarily have to impact religion or have anything to do with redemption because we wouldn’t even know what type of life forms they are.
    It’s one of those things that’s honestly of no consequence , so there’s no real reason to mull over it constantly or fret about what “impact” it’d supposedly have on our faith.

    • @ricardozk
      @ricardozk Год назад +5

      That's cause you think rationally. Most people don't.

    • @ricardozk
      @ricardozk Год назад +2


    • @ricardozk
      @ricardozk Год назад +2

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 what about the man on the cross with Jesus? What about people on their death beds? Should they have been baptized too?

    • @dsanchez9703
      @dsanchez9703 Год назад +1

      That is exactly my answer

  • @sleric3
    @sleric3 Год назад +9

    Faith means we always believe in God no matter what. Bible mentions creation of Adam and Eve, yet there are not only Jews on this planet. This did not have any impact on the faith.
    Timothy is right.

  • @dsanchez9703
    @dsanchez9703 Год назад +5

    It should not affect People of faith in anyway. If God created other life forms that is not on us, that is his choice

    • @dsanchez9703
      @dsanchez9703 Год назад +1

      @benjaminsmith2000 that is a very controversial topic.

    • @dsanchez9703
      @dsanchez9703 Год назад +1

      @benjaminsmith2000 my answer is, people of good heart who do good deeds will always be with God. The rest is up to him

  • @JosiahFickinger
    @JosiahFickinger Год назад +8

    I think the ability to create is also what it means to be made in His image

    • @PVP1470
      @PVP1470 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 No, its just a symbol. Only through repenting are we saved. Read 1 Corinthians 1:27.

    • @PVP1470
      @PVP1470 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 The belief that Jesus was not enough for salvation is heresy. Hebrews 10:10 And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

  • @redwave9758
    @redwave9758 Год назад +9

    Wouldn't bother me at all. He's the God of the Universe. His aliens

    • @williamrice3052
      @williamrice3052 Год назад +2

      Just because I cannot imagine how God could redeem and have personal relationships with countless souls across the cosmos.. does not mean He cannot do it. He is beyond our comprehension.

    • @czennie6
      @czennie6 Год назад +3


    • @dindermufflin7932
      @dindermufflin7932 Год назад

      ​@benjaminsmith2000 no you need only accept Jesus as your savior declaring it with you'd mouth and believing in ur heart. Baptism is merely a symbol of the faith.

  • @darrendavenport3094
    @darrendavenport3094 Год назад +2

    Ephesians 2:1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of THE AIR, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

  • @kennycouch4091
    @kennycouch4091 Год назад +8

    Demons couldn't stop me from believing before I got saved. Demons (aliens) can't stop me now.

    • @kiavaxxaskew
      @kiavaxxaskew Год назад

      ​@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000we get it

  • @ricardozk
    @ricardozk Год назад +3

    I believe there is life in space but not advanced creatures like humans.

    • @ricardozk
      @ricardozk Год назад +2

      @@thorpeaaron1110 I believe space is too big not to have some form of life form, something like bacteria or a plant is likely.

  • @hunterhq295
    @hunterhq295 Год назад +3

    If god made life on earth alone why did he make such a vast galaxy and other planets yet only one earth with life

    • @kiavaxxaskew
      @kiavaxxaskew Год назад

      When you look up at the sky, you don't see billions of galaxies. You see thousands of stars.
      Obviously if you believe NASA, you're going to be confused abouf the true nature and order of things.

  • @Maranatha63935
    @Maranatha63935 Год назад +29

    Demons not aliens....

    • @TodaysDante
      @TodaysDante Год назад +4

      @@thorpeaaron1110 - Why? Aliens from other worlds or Demons from other realms. Only the word we use is different. The concept is exactly the same.

    • @TodaysDante
      @TodaysDante Год назад +1

      @@thorpeaaron1110 - Don't define aliens by origin, as we don't know their true origin. They may come from other planets, other realms, or even other places on Earth (we know less about our own oceans and under our own crust than we do about the moon). Define these beings by purpose. Some of these beings have malicious intentions to Humans and some don't. In other words, some are evil (against God and mankind) and some don't (for God and mankind). Sounds like Demons and Angels to me.

    • @Gloriagal78
      @Gloriagal78 Год назад +2

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000Absolutely not.

    • @dottjohnson2232
      @dottjohnson2232 Год назад +2


    • @saved6655
      @saved6655 Год назад +4

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 the gospel is what saves.

  • @inoeyu
    @inoeyu Год назад

    Parang ang hirap paniwalaan ni remulla na 5% lang ang hahanapan ng requirements. Regardless di ba pag nasa airport ka na dapat hinanda mo na rin yung mga documento na baka hanapin sa yo para di ka na bumalik?

  • @ReznaQay
    @ReznaQay Год назад +2

    the existence of extra terrestrial aliens, from different planets, would be a disqualifier to christianity. shaking the foundations of humans place with god in a multi-sentient universe. if we are made in gods image, then who are the aliens made after, if they "evolved" from the universe to be conscious of itself

  • @Maranatha63935
    @Maranatha63935 Год назад +18

    Fallen angels before and after the flood...

    • @Rosie05610
      @Rosie05610 Год назад +3

      That would make God a liar, since the scripture tells us
      that only Noah, his wife and three sons and their wives
      were saved plus the animals. All other things perished.

    • @Rosie05610
      @Rosie05610 Год назад +2

      And God is NOT a liar.

    • @Maranatha63935
      @Maranatha63935 Год назад +1

      @@Rosie05610yes, of humand. Genius 6: 4.

    • @Maranatha63935
      @Maranatha63935 Год назад +1

      Science 😆

    • @TodaysDante
      @TodaysDante Год назад +2

      @@thorpeaaron1110 - People who use "science" as a reason, don't know the definition of science. All science is, is a study of some aspect of the natural world based on observation of cause and effect. If we never logged any observation of something, we can't rely on the "science" of it. The ONLY observation we have of pre-flood activity is the written word, like in the Bible. So, the only science we have supports exactly what Maranatha said.

  • @KingNazaru
    @KingNazaru Год назад +1

    It wouldn’t really make any difference since the scriptures are about God’s redemption plan for humanity. Learning aliens exist wouldn’t change that.

  • @klfanderson2491
    @klfanderson2491 Год назад +1

    John 1:1-3: In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him, ALL things were made. Without Him, NOTHING was made that has been made.
    Colossians 1:16: For by Him ALL things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. ALL things were created through Him and for Him.
    Ephesians 6:12: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
    (Please note: EMPHASIS is mine.)

  • @l.salisbury1253
    @l.salisbury1253 2 месяца назад +1

    Check out "waiting for the aliens" by the early Christian rock band BARBABAS (1983)...

  • @GaryLeeThomas
    @GaryLeeThomas Год назад +5

    The two topics are separate. Of course God can create other living things.

  • @LeeKobe1
    @LeeKobe1 Год назад +1

    Two reasons to not believe in aliens...1) No legitimate evidence. 2) God's Word, the Bible, never speaks of life anywhere but on earth - "For God so loved the world..." World, not worlds. Singular in Koine Greek.

  • @helenagreenpine1496
    @helenagreenpine1496 Год назад +4

    Gen1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens **** and the earth. ( ** there is up to an infinite step of creation between the words heaven and earth). For example, "I made pasta and garlic bread" doesn't mean that I didn't also make pasta sauce and green beans. Another example "I made dinner and pie for desert"....."dinner" could be literally anything, I didn't walk you through what was included in 'dinner.' Another example, Jesus ate many meals in his life that are not mentioned (some are), that doesn't mean the other meals didn't happen. Also he lived a whole childhood that isn't (fully) described.

  • @christismyrock5796
    @christismyrock5796 Год назад +2

    Aliens are demons or demons are aliens. Take your pick.

    • @christismyrock5796
      @christismyrock5796 Год назад +1

      "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. "(Mark 16:16) Hope this helps

    • @christismyrock5796
      @christismyrock5796 Год назад +1

      Yes, The Bible talks about water baptism to have the Holy Spirt enter into you and to become a servant of Jesus Christ.

    • @christismyrock5796
      @christismyrock5796 Год назад +1

      normally during the baptism you will be asked several questions about "Do you accept Jesus Christ as your only Lord and Savior". Baptisms would have some form of " By the Father, Son, and Holy Spirt" in the process.

    • @christismyrock5796
      @christismyrock5796 Год назад +1

      Correct. The name of GOD, Jesus, and the Holy Spirt are one in the same.
      Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      yahweh yeshua

    • @christismyrock5796
      @christismyrock5796 Год назад +1

      That is a difficult one. I can tell you what I was taught and what I experienced. I do not have a miraculous conversion story to share. My walk with GOD and Christ took time to establish and will continue until I draw my last breath. I do beleive people recieve the Holy Spirt when they are saved. The Holy Spirt convicts you when you do something that upsets GOD. There is a feeling of guilt and shame when you do a sin that I cannot explain, but you feel the need to repent in the name of Jesus Christ. You will stop to really care about the pleasures of this world and seek to walk the way Jesus did. To love everyone.

  • @chrissysvideos
    @chrissysvideos Год назад +1

    Search for the true God not fake aliens.....Jesus died for us, thats all we need 👏🙏

  • @bandolierboy1908
    @bandolierboy1908 Год назад +1

    Existence of aliens would only grow my faith more

    • @bandolierboy1908
      @bandolierboy1908 Год назад

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 hmmm. From what I've noticed and thought on extensively, that seems to be the case

  • @westernwarrior978
    @westernwarrior978 Год назад +1

    Truth Excavation for this reminds me of the "Fresh Kills Landfill" after 9/11

  • @cynthiabarrow509
    @cynthiabarrow509 Год назад +3


  • @moses5161
    @moses5161 Год назад +3

    Aliens The Demons.

  • @JaimieSigamoney
    @JaimieSigamoney Год назад +2

    God created far more what the human mind has yet discovered. What many fail to see is that "humans" created the religion (Christianity) doctrine and dogma are from "humans"
    God is far greater than what any religion can describe.

    • @Adrenalean767
      @Adrenalean767 Год назад +1

      According to God's word,he created humans,animals and angels.thats it.

    • @Adrenalean767
      @Adrenalean767 Год назад +1


    • @Adrenalean767
      @Adrenalean767 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 john 3:16

    • @Adrenalean767
      @Adrenalean767 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 we are saved through faith ok...the moment u believe... u are saved

    • @Adrenalean767
      @Adrenalean767 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 yes Christians should be baptized,however the Bible doesn't say that baptism saves you.

  • @agentjohnson3973
    @agentjohnson3973 Год назад +3

    I'm sure we're not God's only creation. But in this universe who knows?

    • @grizzlygrimgaming1530
      @grizzlygrimgaming1530 Год назад +1

      Look up ‘Flat Earth’ information. Search up Christian views and biblical evidence on it though. It closes off the idea of aliens as well because it explains that our earth is the only ‘plane’ that exists and it is closed off by the firmament.
      It’s so much more information out there as well.
      Hope I don’t get attacked for this. I just don’t believe earth is billions of years old, evolution, heliocentrism, and planets, ‘outer space’.

    • @Kra-ri6fd
      @Kra-ri6fd Год назад +2

      Was the theif on the cross baptized?

    • @grizzlygrimgaming1530
      @grizzlygrimgaming1530 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 right now, I’m not baptized and I’ve been having trouble with that as well. I dont go to church I just try to talk to Jesus and ask Him to guide the right people toward me because I’m very anti social and have a lot of anxiety in certain situations. So far I’m not for certain yet but He has been answering my prayers and I’m trying my best to give my life for Him.
      I’ll find out soon though when I ask the right person.

    • @Kra-ri6fd
      @Kra-ri6fd Год назад

      @@grizzlygrimgaming1530 I wasn't baptized until I was 36 years old. I was a Christian the whole time. I don't believe if I had died in that time that not being baptized would have disqualified me. I wasn't baptized because I have social anxieties also. But my son went to get baptized and I figured I better do it finally. Rip it off like a bandaide...get up infront of everyone and proclaim my faith. It wasn't so bad. You can do it. I will tell you, though I don't believe it is essential for salvation, it did truly change my life. Convictions were laid on my heart louder and I have changed so much in just 2 years. Those convictions were laid on my heart one by one as I could tell God knew I couldn't handle them all at once. I know He has patience with us. He knows what we are working on and what He is working on us about. Keep praying for strength and walking towards Him. You will find strength you didn't know you had. Another thing is Abraham was not baptized but him willing to offer up Isaac showed God that He had faith and the faith was what qualified him not the action of offering Isaac...the faith behind it alone. Please don't neglect baptism or assembling with other Christians but start out slow if you have to. Benjamin please stop scaring young Christians with these lies. If you truly believe you will go to hell without baptism then you are saying right now that Jesus lied to the thief on the cross and Abraham is in Hell right now. You need to read the entire word of God in context not just nit pick a couple Bible verses to try to prove your point.

    • @dindermufflin7932
      @dindermufflin7932 Год назад +2

      I think we are. Only beings in the whole universe. Any other beings (aliens/fallen angels) have been living among us this entire time and are in a tug of war battle with the most high for our souls. So it is up to our human spirits to decide to choose the winning or losing side since the battle has already been won.

  • @jesusislordoverall4530
    @jesusislordoverall4530 Год назад +2

    Hmmm... something is not right with got questions... r they straying from the truth

    • @walkinlove930
      @walkinlove930 Год назад +1

      Explain what you mean by straying from the truth?

    • @kiavaxxaskew
      @kiavaxxaskew Год назад

      ​@@walkinlove930They seem to be censored by the governmenr due to the type of organization they are, but I believe their ministry can still be used by God.

  • @tankman1272
    @tankman1272 Год назад +1

    You state that God created the Earth before the Sun and Moon. Looking at Genesis 1:1
    In the beginning God Created the HEAVENS and the Earth.
    The heavens meaning the Stars/matter and energy. Notice the Stars are written first not the Earth.

    • @tankman1272
      @tankman1272 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 I believe a literal baptism in water and a priest or pastor is not needed. However a symbolic baptism is. What I mean by that is a public confession of your sin and a public declaration of your decision to submit to God and live in Christ. The reason why it’s public is only there for testing the claims genuineness

    • @tankman1272
      @tankman1272 Год назад

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 Acts 10 is a really good chapter. With Cornelius praying to God and having his prayers reaching God’s ears. He commands him to go and find Simon who is called Peter. There they spoke of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Then the Holy Spirit fell on the men listening to Peter. A very powerful miracle!! Yes the scripture mentions using water for baptism but think about the first time Jesus revealed himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. He says that he has Living Water!!! That Living Water relinquishes our thirst. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are three in one. They are Merciful proven by Jesus being crucified for our sin. John 3:16. We put our Faith in God for our salvation. Why can’t we do the same for others who don’t have access to the same, “audience” we do in a baptism.
      Plus the scripture doesn’t necessarily prove that baptism is necessary for salvation. Only through Jesus do we enter the kingdom of heaven. God knows our hearts and knows when we are being genuine otherwise we would all lie to God and act good during our baptisms and then do nothing different until we die and Go to heaven. Anyway, you ask a lot of good questions. My encouragement to you is keep searching and never stop knocking on the doors that God has lead you to.
      God Bless you and may he keep you safe

  • @j.a.0088
    @j.a.0088 Год назад +3

    JESUS IS LORD ,even if there were Alians 😅

  • @stevet5379
    @stevet5379 Год назад +1

    Aliens - The angels cast out of Heaven with Lucifer.

  • @Terrylb285
    @Terrylb285 2 месяца назад

    See Dr Hugh Ross on this subject

  • @olexchao
    @olexchao Год назад +1

    Great vid 🤣🤣🤣

  • @m444ss
    @m444ss 2 месяца назад

    there's no reason at all for life elsewhere in the universe to cause w Christian to doubt or leave the faith

  • @liamwilson12345
    @liamwilson12345 3 месяца назад +1

    Money scandals go brrrr

  • @nicholasclarke8182
    @nicholasclarke8182 Год назад +1

    ET Goes home 👽

    • @nicholasclarke8182
      @nicholasclarke8182 Год назад +1

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 not necessarily (thief on the cross) although it is important during your walk with Christ at some point

  • @risrisRivira
    @risrisRivira 3 месяца назад

    Hoy sanaol😂

  • @paulwells4372
    @paulwells4372 Год назад +2

    What a daft question.

  • @terreliv
    @terreliv Год назад +2

    Aliens *do* exist. Angels aren't terrestrial.

    • @SCAM-BUSTER.777
      @SCAM-BUSTER.777 Год назад +5

      Imo. The only aliens which exist are
      bad fallen angels.
      Playing games with God's people.

    • @Oliva_80
      @Oliva_80 Год назад +4

      ​@@SCAM-BUSTER.777destroying humanity, is what they do.

    • @terreliv
      @terreliv Год назад +2

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 Ehh, not like, literally, unless you subscribe to the Baptist view of things.

    • @terreliv
      @terreliv Год назад +3

      @@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 Faith and not works. It's symbolic.

  • @benjnunez3861
    @benjnunez3861 Год назад +4

    The Nephilim. Those are the aliens foolish people are looking for. 🙄😆

    • @Kra-ri6fd
      @Kra-ri6fd Год назад +1

      Will you stop with the baptism question? The their on the cross was not baptized yet Jesus told him he would see him in heaven. You should be baptized but you don't have to to be saved.

  • @RichKing12
    @RichKing12 Год назад +2

    Dr. GENE Lee has a great teaching about this.

    • @crisstinsley2988
      @crisstinsley2988 Год назад +1

      Romans 10:9
      John 3:16
      1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    • @crisstinsley2988
      @crisstinsley2988 Год назад +1

      @benjaminsmith2000 No, water baptism isn't required. When you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior and believe it in your heart, then you are saved and baptized by the Holy Spirit.

  • @arcguardian
    @arcguardian Год назад

    I want the bgm