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FYI, I’ve spent considerable time researching origins of masculine and feminine.. the feminine is NOT nurturing or divine .. it’s the very essence of negative to the masculine positive.. Women and likely men have warped the traits over time.. especially in Hindi and Christian religions where women were given positions above their being.. it’s a terrible realisation when you can find nothing to support any positive traits of the feminine when you have 7 sisters a daughter and mother along with female friends.. Not that you should EVER think or publicly mention this theory, I find it so difficult to lie to people I love, but this deception women predominantly have pushed to mask what they are must be a horrific burden to endure..
@@Matlockization maybe because the feminine is the origin of far left ideology ? Equity, Wokism, transgender, political correctness , communism, authoritarian, fascism, ??
@@Matlockization communism is far left and extremely feminine.. political correctness? Wokism? Virtue signalling ? Equity? ALL FEMININE traits Try remember the male and female human both posses both the masculine and the feminine.. the political left is equalitarianism and equalitarianism IS the very essence of the feminine.. IMO .. I’d bet my house on it.. women vote 68-92% political left cross culturally in modern democracy’s. It’s literally the feminine the political far left panders to!
What brand of feminism was ok? I would make the argument that old feminism was just as bad in that it led to modern feminism. Should women, who live under man's provisioning and protection, have the same voting rights as men?
LOL its probably less about the agreeing (or they wouldnt have even open up the discussion) than it is about 'hurting womens feelings! Nobody can hurt a womans feelings, because they are too fragile.
The funny part is, I flamed a mod about him being a basement ugly dwelling virgin and much more. He unbanned me 😂 Reddit is the worst forum ever…..All insecure sensitive people out there. When you debate with someone and you get thumbs down you get banned automatically. You can’t have your own opinion you need to agree with them lol. All bunch of losers…FACTS.
People should see shame as a type of pain. No one (or mostly no one) likes to feel pain but if you look at the life of those who suffer from congenital insensitivity to pain, you'll find that pain is actually a blessing. Yes, some times you are in pain when you shouldnt but most of the time said pain works in your favour.
Yes I agree. I believe people have this idea that shame should be avoided at all costs because it invalidates their whole belief and identity. However, sometimes that is the whole point and it is needed. Shame can be used to improve yourself.
Been saying this for years. Shame is a GOOD thing. It prevents people from behaving disgracefully, and people without shame care nothing about others or their well-being. With no shame, narcissism and promiscuity runs free.
Yeah no thanks. Shame is the lazy option. It is the equivalent of throwing some bad pennies to a beggar. Even worse infact because there is little no reinforcement for positive behaviour (it's the 'what do you want, a cookie?' kind of attitude). Attentive care (which includes listening) is the hard, but fruitful option. Choose the road less travelled. Don't default to shaming tactics. Shame is a poison that stays with a person for years and decades, and only serves to make them react and dig their heels in even more as no one seems to stand up for them.
Criticism from man: Misogyny Criticism from women: Internalized misogyny Men leaving women alone: Intimidated by strong and powerful women Me: Damn. They have a buzzword for everything don't they?
And they act like only they have problems and just never stop complaining and just go to the hell men bs, If I had a nickle for everytime they didn't complain, I'd have no nickle
I’m a woman and everytime I hear another woman say “we need women’s rights”” ….what right? We already have rights….move to Iran or Afghanistan and you’ll see how it feels not having rights I dare you!!
this world is never going to recover from female narcissism. girls aged 12 are posting themselves online at the rate of millions and are now damaged and forever valueless. how are you females, gonna stop this? most of you females encourage girls to do this, since all of you dress poorly yourselves.
Problem with this thinking is that this consciousness is part of liberalism. And liberalism is a never ending cycle of liberation. There's no such thing as enough liberation. You either have to nip it in the bud or you have to go all the way.
Dude... There are still suffering from many sides. I'm locked in an institution where I got shamed on, made rules for how I should act and dress for being a woman, got blamed for SA, I got SA'd almost everyday from the men that live here, u get ignored and talked over, shitted on, harassed, beaten, spitted on, yelled at etc. We do NOT have the rights we deserve. I've also been treated like a sexual object by everyone I've been with. Come on
THANK YOU!!! My daughter almost fell into this trap, but she happened to have been sent to live with me f/t for the majority of her teen years and I put the kibosh on all of that immediately and was able to get her to understand her worth and she ended up doing so much better than many of her peers in HS. This really reinforced, for me, the notion that young women NEED a strong, positive father figure in their lives, or they are led down the wrong path of beliefs at a crucial point in their lives.
@@tcfs the jolly heretic just did a video about the increasing number of female teachers, police officers, dental hygienist etc who are on onlyfans. I think its hilarious that women are equal and above equal in every way can work any job they like and they still revert back to the oldest profession
This guy nailed it. A 304 is a 304 no matter the generation. Older women are not jealous of women who wear ten pounds of makeup, batwing eyelashes, raptor claw nails, a butt and lips pumped full of chemicals raised by single mothers, They actually feel sorry for them, this stuff won’t end well!!!
@BonBon So so wrong The older the woman are the more fake they become They can afford plastic surgery and injections Wigs...botox They lie to doctors about their alcohol and some doctors don't even make a chick get on a scale They literally ask the woman their weight and enter that their FB posts saying how happy they are just as fake fake
Plot twist: She's always on pills and can't have children with you and she says this after you marry you so you gotta deal with a shitty divorce where you lose 80% of your wealth as a man.
It is empowerment to a degree. That is full free market capitalism, and fighting against a pharmaceutical monopoly, and tyrannical government(talking naturally occurring opiates and other opioids, for adults, not research chemicals or selling to kids).
Feminism itself is a smokescreen. "Back to just being sex-objects whose only worth is the pleasure we give men." That wasn't their condition to begin with. One only needs to look at literary works praising women before the suffragettes to realize the things that men found praiseworthy (valuable) in women were intelligence, presence, grace, gentility (which isn't the same thing as meekness or weakness) and beauty of character as well as of body.
Thank you. I needed to read that! I think there is also a hazy area - studies have shown that men are also willingly promiscuous, and have low standards in that purpose. But if the same man was looking for a wife, i would like to think these things you mentioned would be required in order to qualify. In the same breath i suppose its worth saying that both men and women can have very low standards, probably correlating with dependency needs. 'Fill the void'
@@dappiduck Yeah, definitely do not mistake me for giving men a pass on being promiscuous. I detest a promiscuity regardless of sex. I think it is absolutely unconscionable that a man would take advantage of a woman willing to be promiscuous because the probability that sex will result in a child is greater than 0. Seeing as she will have to carry the child, or murder the child, YOU could have prevented that choice by keeping your dick in your pants. The woman isnt excused either. Both parties are just as culpable. The TLDNR is no sex until you are married, and don't date for any other reason than to seriously search for a marriage partner.
Ultimately it's men who have to step up and protect the family from these fake feminist. My ex-wife was one of them and when I left her; I took my two daughters with me. I raised them as a single dad and the youngest is 18 now. They both are very respectable young women who despise their mother's behavior. They both have very loving boyfriends who treat them properly and with the respect they deserve.
Older women will also never like what younger women are doing because they're competing for the same men. They aren't wiser or more moral - they're just playing their necessity as a virtue. Never forget that.
Maybe, but a lot of the women saying this also wouldn't have behaved badly when they were younger. It's just the ones that are 'reformed' you need to be wary of. The hypersexuality is more common than 30 years ago (although there's always been easy girls), as we've lost the ability to hold it back
Exactly. Many older women hide behind the notion of "morality" when they criticize younger women. In actuality, they are just hating. Older women play games just like younger women. Older women just play different games. Women in their 30s sell men lies ("pick me" women) because that is the only way they can compete with younger women. Any man dating a woman over 25 should be wary that she isn't just telling him what he wants to hear.
@@chrispekel5709 Exactly right! The generation before Gen X did seem to have more self-respect than mine and subsequent generations have! There will always be tension between the old & the young simply because the old, who have seen more than the young, prefer tradition, while the young prefer 'progress'! But at some point our 'progress' actually looks quite regressive!
Thank you 😂😂😂 Most older women or unattractive wmn who aren't desirable anymore tend to be pick-me’s. This is the only way they can get male validation. 🤷♀️
Actually fathers have ALWAYS been the morality police for their families. They set the boundaries and their mothers teach them how to go as far as they can within those boundaries. Take away fathers and you take away the boundaries. Then you get what we have today. #KeepFathersWithTheirChildren
Bingo. This is due to women largely not progressing as far in moral development as men do. To where seperate stages had to be crafted as a cope(you'll note all of the stages relate to the Self, whereas post stage three in men the stages cease relating to the Self and turn into the abstract. This is further reinforced by the fact that women are largely object-oriented thinkers. Men are largely function-oriented thinkers. Or in other words, women are largely hardwired to think in terms of the non-abstract, men are largely hardwired to think in the abstract.) Women also largely only develop three of the six pillars of morality. That is Care, Fairness, and Liberty. They typically do not develop the moral sense of the other three pillars. Those being loyalty, authority, and purity. This is also an accurate breakdown between those whom fall on the left side of the political spectrum vs those whom fall on the right side of the political spectrum.(noting that the left is maioritively women, and the right is maioritively men. It's feminine v masculine perspective, basically). It's also why those whom fall on the left tend not to have a clue how those on the right think. While those on the right are highly accurate in gauging how those on the left think. Cause whilst right-wing thinkers still factor in care, fairness, and liberty. Left-wing thinkers do not factor in, heck they don't even truly comprehend, the other three pillars. Source: Johnathan Haidt(spelling?). Guy basically spent an eff ton of time testing left vs right and that's what he found. His research into the topic can also be applied to a significant extent to the difference between feminine and masculine moral perspectives. Which is what I'm partially doing here.
Why are none of these women talking about the lack of fatherly influence for these younger women? They can complain all they want but don't they realise that THEY are the ones that caused this for their daughters???
I agree a lot of women raised without fathers don't grow to understand men properly and response positively to masculine energy , they are vulnerable in my opinion because of this. Apparently F-ism tells women they don't need men and families dont need fathers and we are paying the price now.
I guess it's a bit the same reason you don't see men mentioning the lack of motherly affection in men forums. Essentially, it's classical group bias logic or lowness of priority in group topic hierarchy.
Young girls and women are NOT the only ones who suffer under feminism. Men of all ages suffer also because we have less quality partners to choose from. And boys with low quality moms suffer their youth and mind and future dating. And society as a whole suffers from feminism and also worthless dads who don't stay to raise their children (i am not talking about fathers in divorces who are not legally allowed to see or spend a lot of time with their kids).
This. My mother would literally say things like “men are pigs” while i was right next to her. How the hell does a mother think does that make a young boy feel? There are just so many double standards, which isnt even the painful thing. What really hurts is that nobody acknowledges it.
@@shabba7829 Marriage, when the government is involved, is a scam. And when feminism has destroyed feminine qualities. And when society promotes hook up culture and men not raising their children. But marriage is a wonderful thing. In countries like Romania there are very few divorces because you only leave a marriage with the amount of financial security that you came into the marriage with. There is no incentive for women to get divorced.
@@fuckingfuck6405 As a young girl, I've always been told to cover up and be careful around men. I wasn't even allowed to wear shorts or a tank-top in the summer. If a man stared at me, I would get berated for seducing him despite being covered up. It's hard to not think that way when our whole lives we have been living in fear and shame for being born a woman. Regardless, I've took enough mental notes and can shift out the quality men from the bad. And believe me, there are very few quality humans in general (not just focusing on men). Also it got to the point where I felt so ashamed of men's reactions I just covered up with over-sized baggy hoodies and still to this day do just to get men to leave me alone. The sad part is I know many women similar to me and I wish it didn't have to be this way but there is some truth to that saying.
As a woman I can confirm this is a view many solid women have. Even in my younger hot years I never dressed revealingly as I didn't give a damn about external cheap validation and it so happens that I dated beautiful men who also had depth and decency so a double win for me
Yeah, but these girls in question aren't mining social media for quality. Instead, their market strategy is quantity. BTW, you say you had dated beautiful ''men''. Well, it sounds like you had a pretty good ride on the CC--the Chad Carousel. Just for the record, how many beautiful men did you date?
There is nothing more beautiful and alluring than a modestly dressed woman. Sadly some modern women have forgotten this. No Mystery or mystic. Too much masculine energy. Why would I be attracted as a man to a masculine woman?
@@matthewcoombs3282 Masculine women are more sex positive and easier to relate to so it's not all bad. You know the stereotypical gamer girl. On the other side of the spectrum you have feminine prudes who can be really boring and their head always seems to hurt in the bed.
@@mizzzlicia1832 unsolicited? You really want to play that game? The fact their dressing like that is a solicitation. Another woman being intentionally obtuse.
@@patty-pat-pat f out here with that BS, nobody is empowering them. When they say king, it's within context and in no way playing victim to WM, you clown.
The better question is "where do we go as a society?" It's all fun & games now, until the burden of holding together this already-fractioned world falls on your shoulders, as a man. These women are not solely to blame. This system is. And it'll swallow us whole, and there's no going back. It's only a matter of time.
@michael asta, you're right you can't blame those wimen for beeing indoctrinated by a bunch of elite pedophiles. Our job is to find those moneymagicksss moneypulators and send them back to Magog for once and all
You are a bigger feminist than most women my age.. 😳 thank you for looking out, sir. You are speaking facts. I appreciate you seeing the value of women in their character instead of what they have to offer men on a shallow level
reddit is huge, so it's not a surprise that it was locked. " they " didn't want a productive topic to be discussed by a lot of women. reddit is one of the most effective social engineering weapons " they " have invented. the controllers know EXACTLY what " they're " doing
I joined Reddit less than a year ago just to see what it was all about. Cesspool, sewer, echo chamber etc... It's all those things rolled into one. The moderator banned me from a group and called me a right wing hate monger. I'm not even right wing. The entire point I made was rather innocuous and just a clarification about the topic being discussed.
I asked about this to a feminist and she said, older women shame the young ones because they (the older ones) were brainwashed and indoctrinated by the patriarchy
Well some ahd that bad lifestyle now when got old and their beauty faded , can't get anything form men anymore and they don't want to be the only ones so they purposely ruin others life ... I've seen it with colleagues at high school and college one particular case is a girl that was sleeping with her mother bf for money .
The delusional ones will yes. The grounded women that dont have modern mindsets hate it as much as normal people do. Hell Ive seen younger women shame them too.
@@anthonym840 That’s just women in general- both young and old have a ‘modern’ mindset. And, of course, both young and old have a more ‘traditional’ mindset. It’s not related to age. Heck, my mom encouraged me to get drinks at a bar with someone for a first date instead of sitting down and having a nice dinner.
Man... I am so grateful I met my girlfriend. She has no urge for social media presence (other than a basic fb account for messaging), she cares about her health rather than her looks (which to be honest goes hand in hand), has relatively low past partner count, wants to improve herself as a person, able to handle criticism, willing to change for her own sake and... she is feminin! New wave "wahmanists" are a disgrace to all women.
Eventually she'll dump you for a more successful guy dude. Be grateful that you, yourself are healthy and have the ability to work on yourself. To better yourself. Focus on yourself, everything else come in complimentary packages.
@@titlasagna2172 Look, it may or may not be true. Regardless, I am happy on my own, have goals, things going on, friends, hobbies, but after dating a lot of low quality women, I am still grateful for her. :)
Part of the reason this keeps getting mainstreamed is that so many young women either (a) legitimately don't believe men when men say what they want and what's attractive because they see other women telling men that they're wrong - or should be wrong - about what they want. Or (b) they default to the popularized stance where they don't care what men what because it's not about men, what she's doing is for her, and she doesn't need (or even particularly want) a man. Until she does. And when she can't find commitment from good men when she's 35 it's automatically because men are trash and can't see her value (that she never cultivated).
So why do they permit the homosexuality and trans-community? I never understood how this helps women by turning those potential 20% guys they would want, gay! or by adding MORE 'women' to the mix!
So why do they permit the homosexuality and trans-community? I never understood how this helps women by turning those potential 20% guys they would want, gay! or by adding MORE 'women' to the mix!
Feminism is not FOR women its AGAINST men. Ones you get that, you start to get feminism. Its the same for communists, they don't love the poor, they hate the rich.
Only on Reddit are you not allowed to debate in a thread whose entire purpose is to invite a discussion. God forbid we have different points of view in life.
What calls my attention is on how they keep on hiding everything that goes against them. Even a post made by women, telling younger women what they think they should do better. Is like they are trying to normalize childish behavior on women and keep them away from accountability
It took me years to understand what some men know instinctually. Women who dress provocatively don't do it for men, they do it for certain men, for alpha males only. If you are not that (in their eyes) then you are a "creep" or a harasser if you notice them or even try to talk to them.
Women like looking sexy because beauty is empowering. Being googled at by men gives women an ego rush. It's biological. But there is a difference between looking sexy (an empowerment) and being sexual (an activity that is fraught with problems). Women get sexually involved only when there is a payoff. High quality women and very provocative women require a big payoff for sex with a guy. Less attractive women have to settle for a smaller payment. This hasn't changed in thousands of years.
My mum divorced my dad in '86 when I was 6. She came out as a lesbian and was a strident feminist henceforth. As a kid I was there with the women protesting against nukes at Greenham Common airbase. I was there at Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament marches, stood outside supermarkets handing out anti-apartheid leaflets, marched with the LGBT community in the poll tax demonstrations. Feminists used to fight the good fight. Now it's just 'you ain't touchin' this p&ssy' and whipping it out on Onlyfans is empowering.... my mum is absolutely horrified at how feminism has been hijacked, but now my step-sister's daughter is going the way of botox and OF everyone's afraid to say anything.... sigh.
@@latinhero1818 your sympathy is not required. My dad is an absolute c&nt. Besides, ordinary is boring, not to mention conformist to the point of intellectual atrophy.
With how things are going, it's no wonder men are terrified of having daughters. I vividly remember my mum going off on my sisters for partaking in this western bullsh*t she deadass said: "I didn't escape a war and your father didn't pass away for you to squander EVRRYTHING we did to keep you safe and given you." I'd never seen my mother react like that before and my sisters then had the audacity to come to me and my brother for support when they know full well we don't agree with their actions ...
I was on Reddit pre 2020 for 6 months or so. Hated most of it because of the censorship- in my opinion, tyrannical mods and posters who were mostly attention seeking, mixed up, damaged beings with no firm values or logic or respect for other views. I quit after a mod accused me of having an attitude for asking questions to understand others.. he thought I was being rude, sarcastic, and blocked me from posting. So I deleted my account and never looked back.
By any metric, society as it exists is on the verge of collapse. What will women do then when they don't have a male-supported society built around supporting them? That is a very serious question. It's going to be tragic on a grand scale.
Feminism is going to be the rabbit going back in the hat. But we don’t forget. They’ll be begging for any man that is halfway decent to them instead of the top 5%.
Y’all like to pretend that all women have relied on men by choice and not by force. Not allowing women to have jobs? A choice that was made by men. Not allowing them to have bank accounts? A choice made by men. Sure, there have been many women who have, but in return there’s been just as many women who haven’t. There’s been many stories of women in America being able to hold things down when the men were away. Just look at any war ever. Who do you think was keeping the country running while the men were away? Who was keeping the house & kids going? Who was keeping the schools open and banks running? Who was working in factories, making ammo and weapons and materials for body armor and cars? Who was making the medicine, and who was working in the field stitching up the soldiers? Who was keeping the postal services going? Who was tending to gardens, making food to keep the supermarkets full and shipping it all out to the soldiers? Who was finally allowed to play in sports for the first time in years and now served at the nation’s entertainment? Women. And who forced them back into the house and the kitchen, even if a lot of women didn’t want to go back? Men. As soon as they returned from the war. Women would be fine without men, just as men would be fine without women. Society would not fall apart as a whole.A few ladies will crash and burn, and either they’ll perish, wise up and pick themselves up, or another woman will offer her a hand.
@@luminous3115 When did women get the right to vote? Who has been oppressing them since? How exactly? And why didn't women simply vote to change things? Being 1/2 the population and given so few people vote, far less than 1/2 would be required to pass anything women wanted... Explain how ALL MEN suddenly left the entire country to be run solely by women? Explain how women ran the entire country without men, all by their powerful selves, without using heavy machinery *built by men*? Such an arrogantly one sided and inaccurate representation of history. Not surprising really when reality doesn't fit the narrative.
@@michaelfeinberg3449 1. It was illegal for women to work. I just said that. What makes you think that men back then would ever allow women to even help build those machines? Not to mention education outside of any traditionally woman’s jobs such as teaching or nursing was also heavily frowned upon. 2. Why didn’t they vote to change things? Who says they didn’t? Just because you vote for something doesn’t mean you’re gonna get what you want. 3. Society would not fall apart if all men were to disappear, just as it wouldn’t fall apart if all women were to disappear. It is human nature to survive. If women can’t do something a man can, then they’ll look for help or find a way to learn. Just the same way they learned to fix the cars and repair airplanes while the men were away at war. Not to mention that instruction manuals are a thing.
@@luminous3115 If women can vote, and working is illegal for them, then THEY were voting for that. Don't blame OTHERS. 2) if a SIMPLE MAJORITY of ALL women voted for an issue it would pass overwhelmingly. So stop blaming others. Again, by 10 years or so after suffrage women can look in the mirror for any laws YOU claim abused them as they were perfectly fine with them *at the time*. Maybe women then had NO INTEREST in working? Stop being selective with supposed facts. 3) LOL. That's laughable. Why didn't women build society then? If you claim it is because men kept them down, then that PROVES they could NOT build or maintain society as they couldn't even overcome the opposite sex, let alone ALL OPF NATURE. OMG, such sexist bullshit. You are an idiot, and if you are a women do not be so stupid as to try to go out into nature on your own. Also, when society collapses in the coming decades, we'll see how strong and independent women really are without all the advantages society created be men give them. Look at ANY disaster and show the groups of WOMEN leading the way in rescues and recoveries... I'll be waiting for those strong examples that must be everywhere given how common disasters are becoming.
modern girls have not yet realized how karma really works. when you lie to others a slow process begins and you start lying to yourself. until you are at a point where you cant trust your own thoughts anymore. this is why jack sparrow's compass does not work. i always loved that metaphor ;)
Yep, the conscious mind may be able to perform gymnastics and convince itself that X is actually Y. The conscious mind cannot convince the subconscious of that. This sort of perpetual state of conflict between subconscious and conscious where the former realizes A was wrong but the latter twists itself to declare A is right most typically manifests in the form of self-destructive behaviors. As the subconscious is, through this, attempting to get the conscious mind to the breaking point where it is forced to acknowledge reality and cease that perpetual state of dissonance between the two. Gee, if that ain't a near perfect encapsulation of the modern woman, and of the modern man who has been raised without a father. That is, in a perpetual state of dissonance that leads to self-destructive behaviors. 😆
I agree, and also ladies, you don’t have to be ultra feminine either, just be feminine, some of us guys actually like the tomboy types, and we don’t appreciate them being Transafied, please stay Tomboys so we can appreciate you properly 🙏🏾
Yeah I always noticed feminity and masculinity are just gendered terms for general characteristics all people should aspire to be. Like being mature, having confidence and high self asteem, working out/ having an attractive body,being stoic, being understanding and kind. All these things could be considered masculine or feminine traits.
The instagram xx workers saying it's empowering won't change. They are low quality women and they will avoid accountability and consequences at all cost
@@technoloverish Never encourage sex work. Younger girls realize it's the easy way out and this must not be encouraged in society. Christianity is besides the point.
@@technoloverish that's right, but when someone is in sex work there are downsides. Youth doesn't last forever and usually a partner won't accept someone with sex work, not because of christianity but because of innate feelings of not treating something really personal like sex in a very casual manner. And that's why people would generally avoid a sex worker as life partner. There are thus examples where these sex workers feel entitled to a life partner they can't have, which is wrong. Because actions have consequences.
@@hidum5779 Good point. I don't think that Christianity or religion in general is always the direct reason that people are hesitant to be with sex workers, though I feel that it can sometimes play a part in it, even among those who might not be religious. A lot of our ideas about what is ideal regarding sexuality and being in monogamous relationships ultimately comes from religion, which has a fairly heavy influence on certain aspects of our culture. For example, somebody might not be religious, but because they live around a bunch of people who are religious, they worry about how they'd be perceived by those around them if they were with a sex worker. I think though that it may also be that for some people, they fear that a sex worker wouldn't be able to be faithful to them. One thing I think we as a society should normalize or at least not stigmatize is that people can engage in sexual activity with each other other without necessarily being in love. For instance, I know a few workers who each have just one boyfriend who they are in love with, though those sex workers and their boyfriends are okay with one another engaging in casual sexual activity with other people.
@@technoloverish "I think though that it may also be that for some people, they fear that a sex worker wouldn't be able to be faithful to them." because the sex worker won't be faithful, especially the ones who think it is "empowering". You see they clearly enjoy that work, significantly lowering the chance of being faithful. Precisely why they would be avoided by the people they desire as their partners. Actually I was going to add this point in my original comment myself, but I got busy. I know I personally won't be able to trust a prostitute or an only fans girl as my girlfriend/wife who finds it empowering. Like the original comment says, it is a sign of low quality. Not to mention the STDs. It is also the thing why past matters in these cases, because it is difficult to digest the idea of their partner sleeping with so many other people in the past. If you try to think why the stigma has developed for sex workers, it is due to these reasons. The stigma is a by product of these conditions which must have happened historically (prostitution is one of the oldest professions). Also society has already normalized casual sex. One night stands are common. That doesn't make it necessarily a right option. It has caused society to be more and more dysfunctional, as we are seeing. I personally would never be acceptable of having a gf who engages in casual sex with someone else, and I'd be doing the same for her. I'm again not a fan of christianity (and kinda anti christ because I know some evangelists who tried to gaslight me) and I follow an entirely different religion altogether but I can see why the rules were made.
Reason 1,213,427 why I got clipped at the age of 25. And decided to stop dating at the height of the 'me too' movement because of the guilty until proven innocent mentality. If I'm the enemy, or seen as the problem, I'll leave, I've been content, not happy, but low stress, I work, I come home, I have my hobbies. I get left alone. And in turn I leave everyone else alone.
I remember times when it was totally fine to date without having sex, it was quite normal not so long ago. What do you think about this kind of relationship?
You are on the right track. Women enjoy what historians call “biological supremacy.” One aspect of this is that male sex drive is more “urgent” than that of the female. This is not to be confused with the “intensity” of sex drive, but it confers innate power advantage to the female in heterosexual relationships. This subtle difference is often satirized by comedians and television shows such as the old Jackie Gleason show or “I Love Lucy.” Marriage is the vital foundation of civilization because the husband provides discipline and guidance that transforms tiny lovable savages into civilized adults. Patriarchy is a combination of customs, religion, and law that helps to counterbalance the superior female power within the context of marriage. The increasing incidence of narcissism, crime, and violence in our time is no accident. “Women’s Liberation” and “Homosexual Rights” movements characterized the decline of previous versions of civilization long before our present version of Western Civilization.
@@Meetmountain Religion is essential as it makes morality the will of the divine, & provides transcendental permanence to that morality. But Abrahamic religions aren’t ideal. I support a return to our pagan roots.
@@maidende8280 Morality does not require any divine legitimcay. If it is a central part of your identity, so be it. Do not force this view onto others and accept that there exists morality without theological dogma. And regarding paganism: i wish for a return of their approach of the connection to their gods. It is your own connection, no one can force a certain way of worshipping onto you and no one can stand between you and your gods, not even your shaman/druid/skald. This might be romantizised view but it works for me.
@@roberth.1201 It’s all so interconnected, but given the female privilege even in a traditional patriarchy, I’d say men are affected worse. Still, there’s something particularly twisted about women thinking feminism is good for them when it’s actually awful & makes most of us miserable. Feminism might make women materially better off, given our advantages in the modern job market & the fact money is stolen from men to support women generally, but that’s at the expense of overall meaning & happiness.
@@maidende8280 I also think it’s fallacious because no matter what feminism says they advocate for, it will always imply that they’re in it primarily for women radically, otherwise they would’ve changed the name of it by now.
I mean, they kind of reap what they sow. Last I checked the current generation weren't the ones who created things like the free love movement, hippie culture, and all the other issues we have today.
Funny that older women did the exact same things while they were younger, but after realising they’re competing for the same men they don’t like the competition outperforming them. The younger women will be saying they have issues with the same things when they themselves are older.
Older women complaining about younger women's sexuality is the same thing as men complaining about simps. Again and again this channel preaches its audience not to validate women without cause and not to spend resources on women. And why is that? Because it is a competition between men and we don't like it when simps raise the price and then women get abusive. Likewise, older women don't like younger women to offer their sexuality too freely, to dress too sexy or - God forbid! - to have sexual phantasies and be kinky. Women always look down on other women who behave this way because it raises the stakes for them and makes the Chads and Tyrones abusive. The one thing that the older women didn't point out (at least not in the screen shots shown here): Use your youth to secure a good man. Don't just chase after Chad and Tyrone but find a good man. For whatever reason that part went missing. Instead, all the older women focused on all the aspects that are associated with the sexual competition from younger women. And here is the problem: It has nothing to do with missing fathers or lacking role models. If women just chase after Chad and Tyrone without constraints, they will raise the stakes for other women chasing Chad and Tyrone. Send nude pics, do kinky stuff and offer sex freely. Not because it is normalized but because Chad and Tyrone become abusive from the abundancy. The same way that men who are not Chad or Tyrone will offer up resources instead. And here is the difference: Young women have a choice. They can all chase after Chad or Tyrone but they don't have to. Young men who are not Chad or Tyrone because they are 174 cm tall or shorter, they don't have this choice and no advice about men-like-high-value-women changes anything about it. True: The Chads and Tyrones that decide to get married wont marry women with high body counts. But the non-Chads don't have much choice who they marry anyway.
My mother had 3 men in her life. My brothers father when she was young my dad up until 2019 when he sadly passed away and now at her age she and her first love in high school have gotten together. 3 men. that is it. HER ENTIRE LIFE My grand parents where the same get married raised a family they where their ONE AND ONLY Their WHOLE LIVES. So yeah young girls under 30 having at least 50+ body count? Holy crap. I have legit had early 20 something year old friends hmu at 3 am begging me to go to town and buy them a plan B pill. Girls today are so lost.
There is a corollary to this and I can't do it because I have daughters. Fathers teach your sons to avoid porn. Anytime a boy comes to meet one of my girls you can bet I'm checking up on him.
That f inism is 'new' from 1900? 1850? There never was another version. What IS a patriarch? A man that fathers, and is competent and duly rewarded. There has never been a version that is not openly opposed to that.
Have you some sources to cite? My understanding was feminism started to permit women some personal agency only. Not to destroy the social order, but simply to have a bit more autonomy. But when Marxism championed it (which needs to destroy the old order to bring in an 'older order', ie serfdom) is when it became an open opposition to the traditional order. Does this jive with what you know, and can you cite sources so I can research it? I have too many immediate concerns to do a Deep Dive on this; hence why i need my homework done on it.
This new form of feminism exists since women received the same rights as men. After that feminism has achieved its goal, so there is no point in it. Still, there are is some social inequality and that is another problem to solve. Modern feminism is tackling that problem, although it attempts end up being questionable at times. Sometimes diversity does not need to be everywhere, for example, fire fighters. They lowered the requirements so that women can join, which is just comical. If I was in dire need and fire fighters took too long to break open a door, I’d have every right to be mad. Doesn’t matter if they’re female or not. Lowering requirements just increases that chance, it’s just counter productive.
@@sohn7767 There should be social inequality. Men and women are not the same. Everyone should have the same opportunities regardless of skin colour, genitals, chromosomes, hair style, stature, etc. That doesnt mean everyone should have the same outcomes when taking those opportunities. In my opinion, there is absolutely no need for feminism any more (in the west). Feminism is the advocacy for womens rights on the basis of legal equality of the sexes. There are no legal rights that men are afforded that women are not. One could argue that currently women are afforded more rights than men but thats a whole other argument. I find it extremely interesting how somehow "feminism" has started co-opting every equal rights movement. A lot of people nowadays think feminism means equal rights for everyone. The thing is though, we already had a word for that, its called egalitarianism.
And to add onto your talk about shame: yes shame is a very uncomfortable feeling to have, and a lot of these women in my opinion do feel shame they just respond to it with pride. Which is a catch-22, as to quote uncle Iroh "shame comes from pride. It is humility that is the only true antidote to shame."
The internet has a wonderful ability which men don’t have, the ability to get women to tell the truth. Thank you ladies. Thank you for slavishly feeding your egos and publishing it forever on the internet. You do you ladies!
You are spot on! I liked your opening and agree that women do need good men to protect them. Today’s embattled good men also need women defending them from feminist attacks. We need to have each other’s backs. And dads are vital to kids’ prospering on all fronts.
Have to disagree with one point: Time-honoured tradition from every culture. Dads were always considered the guardians of their daughters’ “virtue.” Traditionally, men have always had to get past the father to get to the girl. It’s not creepy. It’s natural. And today’s women are in the state they are not in small part from the lack of father involvement in today’s culture.
Plastic surgery, botox, breast augmentation, etc is such a turn off. I could never marry/have kids with a woman like that. God forbid I have a daughter who thinks she needs to alter her appearance to gain attention/approval/validation etc from men
If only we in the West had some sort of system to protect against these things. Maybe a cultural bedrock or foundation, handed down over centuries. One that permeated Western culture everywhere. It would have rules and principles about things like whoredom, saying they are fundamentally wrong, no matter what ism or ideology they come wrapped in. It would say things like "a good woman is more precious than rubies" and that her worth is wrapped up in her character, not the baubles she wears. It would appeal to some standard set by something higher than a normal human. That way it could stand apart. You know, kind of beyond rebuke. Maybe we could get together once a week and teach our kids this system. Maybe it could be collected in one big master book or something. Maybe even have buildings and dedicated teachers. It would be nice because it would cement us together as a community. In the process it would provide fellowship and an opportunity to build healthy relationships and community with people who share these edifying values. These things these elder women are writing in this Reddit thread? They would be things echoed by the elder women in these gathering communities where we share this system. Young girls would hear these from a multitude of voices all while growing up. Voices in their community. That would be just the start. Don't even get me started on how this could help men,too. If only we had something like that.
Here's another harsh truth for you, Alexander. The vast majority of these older women anonymously calling out younger women did and still do these same things. They're not "calling out" younger women to help them ... They're doing it because that's their competition. You're almost there, bud.
I often get labeled a Misogynist myself... Because it makes it Easy for people to just Write Off what I say... But the Fact of the matter is that I Do NOT Hate Women... I Just Don't LOVE them Any More. When I Loved women, I was willing, even Happy, to Defend them... Even Lay Down My Life FOR Them if Need Be... And I was willing to put up with their Narcissistic and Hypocritical Behavior as well... To Protect Them From THEMSELVES... I was Always and Ever Happy to SACRIFICE for Women back then... Most Especially My Woman... Unfortunately for women though, My LOVE For Them ended up Costing me TOO MUCH... As it Cost me EVERYTHING... And so I had to do a little Reflecting... And what I came to Realize is that Women are NOT Worthy of my Love... My Protection... Or My Sacrifice... And I'm NOT Alone in that... Far from it in Fact... And THAT should Scare the Hell out of ALL Women... As much as it Saddens Me... Because, without Good Men to Hold Them Up... Protect, Love and Sacrifice for them... Women will be Forced to Stand on Their Own... And the Spoiled Little Brats that Modern Women have Become... Are Woefully Ill Equipped for That! Plus... Even for High Quality, Strong Women... Nature did Not Adequately Arm women to stand on their own... Not Physically... And Not Mentally... With Rare Exception.
Don't fall for it. What do YOU wanna do? Don't get married or have children just because your mom wants it. Edit: You shouldn't try finding a girl, you should have a girl trying to find YOU...And when she does... What will she see? The prize. You are the prize. Never forget.
@@TheMegaGamingWizard Agreed on the first part, but why can't both the gf and bf be the prizes for each other? Don't sacrifice your time for another if you can't see them as a prize as well. This is why the guy in this channel advocates for men to work on themselves and find women who also work on themselves making them both "high quality" or prizes as per your statement.
Thank you for pointing out the females who only think about looks. My family constantly try to force make-up and beauty routines on me. I'm happy taking care of my husband, house, garden and chickens. Can't have kids yet since it's too expensive for us. T.T
@@ТаняБирюкова-э3м a good mom cares more about her kids and husband rather than her appearance. If your kids are fed and happy and your husband has an equal partner to help him then you are doing everything right and no one elses's opinion matters. You've got this, don't be worried
I’ve been saying this for as long as i could remember. My generation is going downhill just to “fit in”. Feminism isn’t what it used to be and i could never identify as a feminist in 2022. Respect yourself and those around you will follow
It's really sad. Loud commercial "feminism" gives us bad reputation. At the same time wholesome feminists are silenced, called radical, called TERFs and so on. Nothing new.
A woman who had a lot of sexual partners will not have any issue in throwing you away like trash... take my story here: i dated a young woman who already had a child. I wanted to see how faithful she was.. guess what, she threw me away, started blaming me and initiated fights... i told several times that it's toxic for our communication and our relationship... she was already searching for a new guy on tinder behind my back... and the moment she had a new guy aligned, she broke up our relationship... and who was hurt? My person as i trusted in her..
One of my daughters loves cars, everything about them, she likes short hair and getting dirty. My other daughter has the princess attitude. 50 years ago my tomboy would have been shamed, today my girly girl would be shamed. Treat everyone as an individual and raise your children to focus on being themselves and cooperate, but do not follow. Accept yourself for who you are, those worth your time and thoughts will respect them, even if they don't agree. Stand up for yourself, dont scream, shout, or fight (unless you have no other options). Care for your body, or your mind will also be lessened. Half of you is how well your body operates.
The funny thing is that other women would shame them. As a man, I wouldn't care. If I like the first girl I wouldn't mind having her around the cars. I would see it as an advantage.
If your Tomboy Daughter were a teen in this day and age, she would've been prime grooming material for twisted teachers who would try to convince her she were an "egg" (non-binary/trans et cetera in denial). They even have a specific phrasing for it -- "cracking the egg". The rot is deep.
Kids need both parents, each teaches different things. 80% of those bored women running away instead of fixing it are ruining their kids due to thier selfishness. Look at what the lack of fathers and male role models has done in inner cities. Boys and girls need mom and dad. How many of these young women came from broken families 😂
I think we still have to consider the validity of the participant in this female-oriented subreddit. In other words, *how can we sure that these criticusms are from women, and what cultural nuances do they possess?*
In the first minutes of this video, that's all that needs be said: feminism is a hyper-exaggeration of the feminine imperative of sensitivity and fitting in to a larger community by demonizing any criticism, no matter how valid or necessary that criticism may be. Shame and being judged is not all bad, in fact, listening to judgement and feeling shame as a motive of improving something shameful is invaluable to any individuals growth and development.
They are now running a Black Friday Sale. Go to and get an additional 10% off on any purchase with code ALEXANDER. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video!
Yo Alex, the people have asked for you on the pod. We would like you as a guest on F&F. Let us know.
FYI, I’ve spent considerable time researching origins of masculine and feminine..
the feminine is NOT nurturing or divine .. it’s the very essence of negative to the masculine positive..
Women and likely men have warped the traits over time.. especially in Hindi and Christian religions where women were given positions above their being..
it’s a terrible realisation when you can find nothing to support any positive traits of the feminine when you have 7 sisters a daughter and mother along with female friends..
Not that you should EVER think or publicly mention this theory, I find it so difficult to lie to people I love, but this deception women predominantly have pushed to mask what they are must be a horrific burden to endure..
@@Matlockization maybe because the feminine is the origin of far left ideology ?
Equity, Wokism, transgender, political correctness , communism, authoritarian, fascism, ??
@@Matlockization communism is far left and extremely feminine.. political correctness? Wokism? Virtue signalling ? Equity? ALL FEMININE traits
Try remember the male and female human both posses both the masculine and the feminine..
the political left is equalitarianism and equalitarianism IS the very essence of the feminine.. IMO .. I’d bet my house on it..
women vote 68-92% political left cross culturally in modern democracy’s.
It’s literally the feminine the political far left panders to!
What brand of feminism was ok? I would make the argument that old feminism was just as bad in that it led to modern feminism. Should women, who live under man's provisioning and protection, have the same voting rights as men?
Mods: "Here is a topic to debate:"
Also mods: "Ok you are all banned because you are not agreeing with me".
LOL its probably less about the agreeing (or they wouldnt have even open up the discussion) than it is about 'hurting womens feelings! Nobody can hurt a womans feelings, because they are too fragile.
The funny part is, I flamed a mod about him being a basement ugly dwelling virgin and much more. He unbanned me 😂 Reddit is the worst forum ever…..All insecure sensitive people out there. When you debate with someone and you get thumbs down you get banned automatically. You can’t have your own opinion you need to agree with them lol. All bunch of losers…FACTS.
Reddit moment
Reddit’s business model
“Sometimes shame is the appropriate emotion to feel when you’re acting in a really terrible way.”
This needs to be taught more.
People should see shame as a type of pain. No one (or mostly no one) likes to feel pain but if you look at the life of those who suffer from congenital insensitivity to pain, you'll find that pain is actually a blessing. Yes, some times you are in pain when you shouldnt but most of the time said pain works in your favour.
Yes I agree. I believe people have this idea that shame should be avoided at all costs because it invalidates their whole belief and identity. However, sometimes that is the whole point and it is needed. Shame can be used to improve yourself.
Been saying this for years. Shame is a GOOD thing. It prevents people from behaving disgracefully, and people without shame care nothing about others or their well-being. With no shame, narcissism and promiscuity runs free.
Yeah no thanks. Shame is the lazy option. It is the equivalent of throwing some bad pennies to a beggar. Even worse infact because there is little no reinforcement for positive behaviour (it's the 'what do you want, a cookie?' kind of attitude).
Attentive care (which includes listening) is the hard, but fruitful option. Choose the road less travelled. Don't default to shaming tactics. Shame is a poison that stays with a person for years and decades, and only serves to make them react and dig their heels in even more as no one seems to stand up for them.
They will try to "normalize" almost anything if means eliminating shame.
They cannot handle shame or discomfort.
Anything that does not instantly make them happy is bad
reddit is a snowflake dictatorship
@@ryukobestwaifu3319 thats the algorythm
@@ryukobestwaifu3319 What makes women happy is being safe. And being socially disadvantaged is not safe for women.
I think you hit the nail on the head as to why so many women are pushing these immoral behaviors
Criticism from man: Misogyny
Criticism from women: Internalized misogyny
Men leaving women alone: Intimidated by strong and powerful women
Me: Damn. They have a buzzword for everything don't they?
Social conventions to relieve them from accountability and hurting their egos. But much worse, to blame and pathologize the male sex.
That's because everything is clearly a "man's fault" because, you know, "patriarchy" and "male privilege".
And they act like only they have problems and just never stop complaining and just go to the hell men bs, If I had a nickle for everytime they didn't complain, I'd have no nickle
A woman is just a man without reason or accountability.
I’m a woman and everytime I hear another woman say “we need women’s rights”” ….what right? We already have rights….move to Iran or Afghanistan and you’ll see how it feels not having rights I dare you!!
This, This needs to be relayed everywhere
this world is never going to recover from female narcissism. girls aged 12 are posting themselves online at the rate of millions and are now damaged and forever valueless. how are you females, gonna stop this? most of you females encourage girls to do this, since all of you dress poorly yourselves.
Problem with this thinking is that this consciousness is part of liberalism. And liberalism is a never ending cycle of liberation. There's no such thing as enough liberation. You either have to nip it in the bud or you have to go all the way.
Dude... There are still suffering from many sides. I'm locked in an institution where I got shamed on, made rules for how I should act and dress for being a woman, got blamed for SA, I got SA'd almost everyday from the men that live here, u get ignored and talked over, shitted on, harassed, beaten, spitted on, yelled at etc. We do NOT have the rights we deserve. I've also been treated like a sexual object by everyone I've been with. Come on
@ and that’s when you use your “”I’m a strong and independent woman ✊🏻””
My daughter almost fell into this trap, but she happened to have been sent to live with me f/t for the majority of her teen years and I put the kibosh on all of that immediately and was able to get her to understand her worth and she ended up doing so much better than many of her peers in HS. This really reinforced, for me, the notion that young women NEED a strong, positive father figure in their lives, or they are led down the wrong path of beliefs at a crucial point in their lives.
Nice work, dad. Really nice work!
About to be a father for a daughter what are some things I should keep in mind
Yes, fathers are necessary for that
"Where are the women who care about their daughters?"
They're at work focusing on their career.
...on OnlyFans... 😁
@@tcfs the jolly heretic just did a video about the increasing number of female teachers, police officers, dental hygienist etc who are on onlyfans. I think its hilarious that women are equal and above equal in every way can work any job they like and they still revert back to the oldest profession
Yeah they’re competing with their daughters on the dating scene now. It’s effed up
And they kicked out the father because he might have balanced their BS.
Or they're online exploiting their bodies in the same way.
This guy nailed it. A 304 is a 304 no matter the generation. Older women are not jealous of women who wear ten pounds of makeup, batwing eyelashes, raptor claw nails, a butt and lips pumped full of chemicals raised by single mothers, They actually feel sorry for them, this stuff won’t end well!!!
No one benefits when both sides have to do wasteful peacocking to impress the other gender
They are jealous of the men they used to get and can't get anymore
All women are 304s and they are in some grand beauty pageant at all times
So so wrong
The older the woman are the more fake they become
They can afford plastic surgery and injections
They lie to doctors about their alcohol and
some doctors don't even make a chick get on a scale
They literally ask the woman their weight and enter that
their FB posts saying how happy they are just as fake fake
All women are like that and they older ones didn't learn anything. They are just jealous they can't compete anymore, they would if they could.
People had mocked me for staying this - have sex after marriage.
Can anyone even be trusted anymore is the question.
@@Fallensky17 The answer is no
Plot twist: She's always on pills and can't have children with you and she says this after you marry you so you gotta deal with a shitty divorce where you lose 80% of your wealth as a man.
They were right for that
@@Fallensky17 yeah
You're not a snack if everyone’s had a bite. You're a free sample.
Damn. That's awesome. That should be a shirt.
*Mic Drop*
You sir, win the internet! This comment made my entire day.
Comment of the month
That's a great way of putting it. And nobody buys the free sample. They just treat it like it is. Trash
And the same men who does this aren't?
It's like telling young men to go into dealing illegal narcotics is male empowerment.
Only one group goes to jail for destroying society...
It is empowerment to a degree. That is full free market capitalism, and fighting against a pharmaceutical monopoly, and tyrannical government(talking naturally occurring opiates and other opioids, for adults, not research chemicals or selling to kids).
Better than feminism or sex work!
I don’t think ruining other people’s lives is better than ruining yourself.
Lol that sounds like most rap music yes?
Feminism itself is a smokescreen. "Back to just being sex-objects whose only worth is the pleasure we give men." That wasn't their condition to begin with. One only needs to look at literary works praising women before the suffragettes to realize the things that men found praiseworthy (valuable) in women were intelligence, presence, grace, gentility (which isn't the same thing as meekness or weakness) and beauty of character as well as of body.
Mind the historical accuracy there, bud!
It's upsetting the natives when you do that.
Feminism is a society destroying cancer.
Thank you. I needed to read that! I think there is also a hazy area - studies have shown that men are also willingly promiscuous, and have low standards in that purpose. But if the same man was looking for a wife, i would like to think these things you mentioned would be required in order to qualify.
In the same breath i suppose its worth saying that both men and women can have very low standards, probably correlating with dependency needs. 'Fill the void'
@@noimnotnice for a moment I read that as medical achievement.
Had to share the funny moment.
I will not be driving until I do wake up. 🙃
@@dappiduck Yeah, definitely do not mistake me for giving men a pass on being promiscuous. I detest a promiscuity regardless of sex. I think it is absolutely unconscionable that a man would take advantage of a woman willing to be promiscuous because the probability that sex will result in a child is greater than 0. Seeing as she will have to carry the child, or murder the child, YOU could have prevented that choice by keeping your dick in your pants. The woman isnt excused either. Both parties are just as culpable. The TLDNR is no sex until you are married, and don't date for any other reason than to seriously search for a marriage partner.
Ultimately it's men who have to step up and protect the family from these fake feminist. My ex-wife was one of them and when I left her; I took my two daughters with me. I raised them as a single dad and the youngest is 18 now. They both are very respectable young women who despise their mother's behavior. They both have very loving boyfriends who treat them properly and with the respect they deserve.
That's a win for humanity. 👍
Nice Job Dad!
When they get older and have kids, they may one day understand what sacrifices you made for them.
But what are they doing, when they aren't in view of you, and their loving boyfriends? Only God knows.
@@TheMegaGamingWizard And I 😜
Older women will also never like what younger women are doing because they're competing for the same men. They aren't wiser or more moral - they're just playing their necessity as a virtue. Never forget that.
Maybe, but a lot of the women saying this also wouldn't have behaved badly when they were younger. It's just the ones that are 'reformed' you need to be wary of. The hypersexuality is more common than 30 years ago (although there's always been easy girls), as we've lost the ability to hold it back
Exactly. Many older women hide behind the notion of "morality" when they criticize younger women. In actuality, they are just hating. Older women play games just like younger women. Older women just play different games.
Women in their 30s sell men lies ("pick me" women) because that is the only way they can compete with younger women. Any man dating a woman over 25 should be wary that she isn't just telling him what he wants to hear.
@@chrispekel5709 Exactly right! The generation before Gen X did seem to have more self-respect than mine and subsequent generations have! There will always be tension between the old & the young simply because the old, who have seen more than the young, prefer tradition, while the young prefer 'progress'! But at some point our 'progress' actually looks quite regressive!
Not really. Older women are usually married or old enough where they can't have children hence they don't even think about having a spouse.
Thank you 😂😂😂 Most older women or unattractive wmn who aren't desirable anymore tend to be pick-me’s. This is the only way they can get male validation. 🤷♀️
Reddit Mods ruined Reddit.
They are just insurance policies doing the grunt work of the shareholders. They aren't anything more than hall monitors.
Reddit was always garbage
You get banned for correctly misgendering…
Once Reddit went from 4chan-lite to diet-tumblr it all went to hell
If you want to find out who really rules you- find out what it is and who it is, that you are not allowed to criticize.
Actually fathers have ALWAYS been the morality police for their families. They set the boundaries and their mothers teach them how to go as far as they can within those boundaries.
Take away fathers and you take away the boundaries. Then you get what we have today.
Man you just WANNA go back to the metaphorical plantation dont you? Its over my guy.
Bingo. This is due to women largely not progressing as far in moral development as men do. To where seperate stages had to be crafted as a cope(you'll note all of the stages relate to the Self, whereas post stage three in men the stages cease relating to the Self and turn into the abstract. This is further reinforced by the fact that women are largely object-oriented thinkers. Men are largely function-oriented thinkers. Or in other words, women are largely hardwired to think in terms of the non-abstract, men are largely hardwired to think in the abstract.)
Women also largely only develop three of the six pillars of morality. That is Care, Fairness, and Liberty. They typically do not develop the moral sense of the other three pillars. Those being loyalty, authority, and purity.
This is also an accurate breakdown between those whom fall on the left side of the political spectrum vs those whom fall on the right side of the political spectrum.(noting that the left is maioritively women, and the right is maioritively men. It's feminine v masculine perspective, basically). It's also why those whom fall on the left tend not to have a clue how those on the right think. While those on the right are highly accurate in gauging how those on the left think. Cause whilst right-wing thinkers still factor in care, fairness, and liberty. Left-wing thinkers do not factor in, heck they don't even truly comprehend, the other three pillars.
Source: Johnathan Haidt(spelling?).
Guy basically spent an eff ton of time testing left vs right and that's what he found. His research into the topic can also be applied to a significant extent to the difference between feminine and masculine moral perspectives. Which is what I'm partially doing here.
@@moose6869 Also an excellent post! Everyone needs to understand this.
@PenileAugmentation That’s amazing, congratulations! ❤️ I’m so glad I could help in some way. And it’s not weird at all. I’m thrilled for you :)
Why are none of these women talking about the lack of fatherly influence for these younger women?
They can complain all they want but don't they realise that THEY are the ones that caused this for their daughters???
I agree a lot of women raised without fathers don't grow to understand men properly and response positively to masculine energy , they are vulnerable in my opinion because of this. Apparently F-ism tells women they don't need men and families dont need fathers and we are paying the price now.
If they say that kids need a father in their lives, that would contradict the statement of the "strong and independent woman".
Older women still speak exclusively from female point of view.
This never changed in any generation.
I guess it's a bit the same reason you don't see men mentioning the lack of motherly affection in men forums. Essentially, it's classical group bias logic or lowness of priority in group topic hierarchy.
@@MagnesiumEnterprise can you provide some context so the “lack of motherly affection” comment makes sense?
Young girls and women are NOT the only ones who suffer under feminism. Men of all ages suffer also because we have less quality partners to choose from. And boys with low quality moms suffer their youth and mind and future dating. And society as a whole suffers from feminism and also worthless dads who don't stay to raise their children (i am not talking about fathers in divorces who are not legally allowed to see or spend a lot of time with their kids).
Look at the feminist mom's encouraging their sons to be "trans" to see one of the worst ways males suffer under feminism.
This. My mother would literally say things like “men are pigs” while i was right next to her. How the hell does a mother think does that make a young boy feel? There are just so many double standards, which isnt even the painful thing. What really hurts is that nobody acknowledges it.
Feminism has liberated men from marriage. Marriage is a scam
@@shabba7829 Marriage, when the government is involved, is a scam. And when feminism has destroyed feminine qualities. And when society promotes hook up culture and men not raising their children.
But marriage is a wonderful thing. In countries like Romania there are very few divorces because you only leave a marriage with the amount of financial security that you came into the marriage with. There is no incentive for women to get divorced.
@@fuckingfuck6405 As a young girl, I've always been told to cover up and be careful around men. I wasn't even allowed to wear shorts or a tank-top in the summer. If a man stared at me, I would get berated for seducing him despite being covered up. It's hard to not think that way when our whole lives we have been living in fear and shame for being born a woman. Regardless, I've took enough mental notes and can shift out the quality men from the bad. And believe me, there are very few quality humans in general (not just focusing on men).
Also it got to the point where I felt so ashamed of men's reactions I just covered up with over-sized baggy hoodies and still to this day do just to get men to leave me alone. The sad part is I know many women similar to me and I wish it didn't have to be this way but there is some truth to that saying.
As a woman I can confirm this is a view many solid women have. Even in my younger hot years I never dressed revealingly as I didn't give a damn about external cheap validation and it so happens that I dated beautiful men who also had depth and decency so a double win for me
Dress for the people you want to attract.
Definitely a win-win!!
Yeah, but these girls in question aren't mining social media for quality. Instead, their market strategy is quantity. BTW, you say you had dated beautiful ''men''. Well, it sounds like you had a pretty good ride on the CC--the Chad Carousel. Just for the record, how many beautiful men did you date?
There is nothing more beautiful and alluring than a modestly dressed woman. Sadly some modern women have forgotten this. No Mystery or mystic. Too much masculine energy. Why would I be attracted as a man to a masculine woman?
@@matthewcoombs3282 Masculine women are more sex positive and easier to relate to so it's not all bad. You know the stereotypical gamer girl. On the other side of the spectrum you have feminine prudes who can be really boring and their head always seems to hurt in the bed.
Love that "We can dress any way we want!" and "Don't treat us like sex objects" are often said in the same breath.
As Dave Chappelle pointed out "if you're wearing the uniform, you can't complain when people think you are one."
And they are right the way someone dresses doesn't give a license for someone to sexually objectify anyone
@@carolinpurayidom4570 are you really that obtuse?
... Why do you think a type of dress means unsolicited objectification is ok?
@@mizzzlicia1832 unsolicited? You really want to play that game? The fact their dressing like that is a solicitation. Another woman being intentionally obtuse.
Only a woman can be simultaneously empowered and be a victim
Jews too. Literally the richest group by median income, still whining 24/7.
@@patty-pat-pat f out here with that BS, nobody is empowering them. When they say king, it's within context and in no way playing victim to WM, you clown.
@@patty-pat-pat this Is why I don’t associate with blacks. Not worth it, and most of them have glass jaws and can’t fight.
@@patty-pat-pat weak black men raised by single moms you mean
@@patty-pat-pat i dont understand im going to assume your agreeing with what is said
"Where are the mothers?" On the streets, busy on tiktok, twitter, reddit, only fans... definitely not in the kitchen or raising their kids
That's right. For all of these older women criticizing the younger ones, it was THEIR job to raise them, and they're the ones who failed in that task.
@@jareddemarzo8196 That's correct.
The better question is "where do we go as a society?"
It's all fun & games now, until the burden of holding together this already-fractioned world falls on your shoulders, as a man. These women are not solely to blame. This system is. And it'll swallow us whole, and there's no going back. It's only a matter of time.
@michael asta, you're right you can't blame those wimen for beeing indoctrinated by a bunch of elite pedophiles. Our job is to find those moneymagicksss moneypulators and send them back to Magog for once and all
@@jareddemarzo8196 No fail. My Daughter was taught not to let men determine her destiny. She's worth at least as much as any man.
You are a bigger feminist than most women my age.. 😳 thank you for looking out, sir. You are speaking facts. I appreciate you seeing the value of women in their character instead of what they have to offer men on a shallow level
Value of women? what value? beyond sex and procreation what values do you bring to society?
Feminism is a society destroying cancer and the word 'feminist' is an insult to any man.
Saying that women should be shamed or that they shouldn’t be able to choose what they where is authoritarianism, not feminism
@@technoloverish They can choose whatever they want but every choice will have consequences. That applies to men as well.
@@technoloverish No its called Logic
You cannot do what you want you got to do whats right
reddit is huge, so it's not a surprise that it was locked. " they " didn't want a productive topic to be discussed by a lot of women. reddit is one of the most effective social engineering weapons " they " have invented. the controllers know EXACTLY what " they're " doing
Reddit: mostly a cesspool; moderated by people who like the smell
reddit is a snowflake dictatorship
I joined Reddit less than a year ago just to see what it was all about. Cesspool, sewer, echo chamber etc... It's all those things rolled into one. The moderator banned me from a group and called me a right wing hate monger. I'm not even right wing. The entire point I made was rather innocuous and just a clarification about the topic being discussed.
I saw what u did there.
I asked about this to a feminist and she said, older women shame the young ones because they (the older ones) were brainwashed and indoctrinated by the patriarchy
hahahhaaha it's always a man's fault.
Why am I completely unsurprised by that perspective?
I just had the exact same conversation.
Of Course!
Hahah it’s always the patriarchy, no matter what the reality is. It’s become a catch all for lazy thinking.
The problem is that older women still encourage it.
Well some ahd that bad lifestyle now when got old and their beauty faded , can't get anything form men anymore and they don't want to be the only ones so they purposely ruin others life ... I've seen it with colleagues at high school and college one particular case is a girl that was sleeping with her mother bf for money .
True. They’re the main demographic getting Botox and surgeries!!!
Agreed. Many older women didn’t grow up and are still trying to play the game.
The delusional ones will yes. The grounded women that dont have modern mindsets hate it as much as normal people do. Hell Ive seen younger women shame them too.
@@anthonym840 That’s just women in general- both young and old have a ‘modern’ mindset. And, of course, both young and old have a more ‘traditional’ mindset. It’s not related to age. Heck, my mom encouraged me to get drinks at a bar with someone for a first date instead of sitting down and having a nice dinner.
Man... I am so grateful I met my girlfriend. She has no urge for social media presence (other than a basic fb account for messaging), she cares about her health rather than her looks (which to be honest goes hand in hand), has relatively low past partner count, wants to improve herself as a person, able to handle criticism, willing to change for her own sake and... she is feminin! New wave "wahmanists" are a disgrace to all women.
Your girlfriend has nothing to do with you.
What are you doing to pursue your manly path and purpose?
@@andre1987eph Yeah I get it. Fortunately have a lot going on in my life, work and hobbywise as well.
Eventually she'll dump you for a more successful guy dude. Be grateful that you, yourself are healthy and have the ability to work on yourself. To better yourself. Focus on yourself, everything else come in complimentary packages.
@@titlasagna2172 Look, it may or may not be true. Regardless, I am happy on my own, have goals, things going on, friends, hobbies, but after dating a lot of low quality women, I am still grateful for her. :)
@@attilabalogh865 i get what you're saying. But just...don't believe the love bullshit. She's the one for you type of bullshit. That's it
Part of the reason this keeps getting mainstreamed is that so many young women either (a) legitimately don't believe men when men say what they want and what's attractive because they see other women telling men that they're wrong - or should be wrong - about what they want. Or (b) they default to the popularized stance where they don't care what men what because it's not about men, what she's doing is for her, and she doesn't need (or even particularly want) a man. Until she does. And when she can't find commitment from good men when she's 35 it's automatically because men are trash and can't see her value (that she never cultivated).
Reddit is a cesspool.
That site is for delivering propaganda straight to the eyeballs.
@@heinoustentacles5719 Yep. Not even hiding it.
Feminism is the smoke screen for female dating strategy. You can’t separate the two.
So why do they permit the homosexuality and trans-community? I never understood how this helps women by turning those potential 20% guys they would want, gay! or by adding MORE 'women' to the mix!
So why do they permit the homosexuality and trans-community? I never understood how this helps women by turning those potential 20% guys they would want, gay! or by adding MORE 'women' to the mix!
Feminism is not FOR women its AGAINST men. Ones you get that, you start to get feminism. Its the same for communists, they don't love the poor, they hate the rich.
@@inconnu4961 permit?
@@inconnu4961 Because it helps their guise of "equal rights."
Only on Reddit are you not allowed to debate in a thread whose entire purpose is to invite a discussion. God forbid we have different points of view in life.
You go out with someone, wake up next to someone else. One with makeup and one without. 2 different people.
Women: Why aren't men honest?
What calls my attention is on how they keep on hiding everything that goes against them.
Even a post made by women, telling younger women what they think they should do better.
Is like they are trying to normalize childish behavior on women and keep them away from accountability
Well said!!!!
It took me years to understand what some men know instinctually. Women who dress provocatively don't do it for men, they do it for certain men, for alpha males only. If you are not that (in their eyes) then you are a "creep" or a harasser if you notice them or even try to talk to them.
Women like looking sexy because beauty is empowering. Being googled at by men gives women an ego rush. It's biological. But there is a difference between looking sexy (an empowerment) and being sexual (an activity that is fraught with problems). Women get sexually involved only when there is a payoff. High quality women and very provocative women require a big payoff for sex with a guy. Less attractive women have to settle for a smaller payment. This hasn't changed in thousands of years.
it is foolish to think that there is a good kind of feminism
Yeah, definitely oxymoron.
Possibly your best clip so far! The truth hits like a nuke, in a time when nobody dare say what a woman is!
😂truth. Let’s talk about that fact that all men like to f little girls.
@@rose-yeah Men's sexual attraction towards women are for the most fertile, not kids....
@@epixen3339 what u mean by that?
My mum divorced my dad in '86 when I was 6. She came out as a lesbian and was a strident feminist henceforth. As a kid I was there with the women protesting against nukes at Greenham Common airbase. I was there at Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament marches, stood outside supermarkets handing out anti-apartheid leaflets, marched with the LGBT community in the poll tax demonstrations. Feminists used to fight the good fight. Now it's just 'you ain't touchin' this p&ssy' and whipping it out on Onlyfans is empowering.... my mum is absolutely horrified at how feminism has been hijacked, but now my step-sister's daughter is going the way of botox and OF everyone's afraid to say anything.... sigh.
Feminism was NEVER good. It was meant to divide, conquer and tax all this time
My sympathies.
@Thrill1667 I’m an Oxbridge scholar and successful entrepreneur. You?
@@latinhero1818 your sympathy is not required. My dad is an absolute c&nt. Besides, ordinary is boring, not to mention conformist to the point of intellectual atrophy.
From your story it looks like things are better today.
With how things are going, it's no wonder men are terrified of having daughters.
I vividly remember my mum going off on my sisters for partaking in this western bullsh*t she deadass said: "I didn't escape a war and your father didn't pass away for you to squander EVRRYTHING we did to keep you safe and given you."
I'd never seen my mother react like that before and my sisters then had the audacity to come to me and my brother for support when they know full well we don't agree with their actions ...
Yep story as old as time. Accountability is their kryptonite
I was on Reddit pre 2020 for 6 months or so. Hated most of it because of the censorship- in my opinion, tyrannical mods and posters who were mostly attention seeking, mixed up, damaged beings with no firm values or logic or respect for other views. I quit after a mod accused me of having an attitude for asking questions to understand others.. he thought I was being rude, sarcastic, and blocked me from posting. So I deleted my account and never looked back.
Reddit just like Twitter is a cesspool
@@nostalgicbliss5547 I totally agree. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
By any metric, society as it exists is on the verge of collapse. What will women do then when they don't have a male-supported society built around supporting them? That is a very serious question. It's going to be tragic on a grand scale.
Feminism is going to be the rabbit going back in the hat. But we don’t forget. They’ll be begging for any man that is halfway decent to them instead of the top 5%.
Y’all like to pretend that all women have relied on men by choice and not by force. Not allowing women to have jobs? A choice that was made by men. Not allowing them to have bank accounts? A choice made by men. Sure, there have been many women who have, but in return there’s been just as many women who haven’t.
There’s been many stories of women in America being able to hold things down when the men were away. Just look at any war ever. Who do you think was keeping the country running while the men were away? Who was keeping the house & kids going? Who was keeping the schools open and banks running? Who was working in factories, making ammo and weapons and materials for body armor and cars? Who was making the medicine, and who was working in the field stitching up the soldiers? Who was keeping the postal services going? Who was tending to gardens, making food to keep the supermarkets full and shipping it all out to the soldiers? Who was finally allowed to play in sports for the first time in years and now served at the nation’s entertainment? Women.
And who forced them back into the house and the kitchen, even if a lot of women didn’t want to go back? Men. As soon as they returned from the war.
Women would be fine without men, just as men would be fine without women. Society would not fall apart as a whole.A few ladies will crash and burn, and either they’ll perish, wise up and pick themselves up, or another woman will offer her a hand.
@@luminous3115 When did women get the right to vote? Who has been oppressing them since? How exactly? And why didn't women simply vote to change things? Being 1/2 the population and given so few people vote, far less than 1/2 would be required to pass anything women wanted...
Explain how ALL MEN suddenly left the entire country to be run solely by women?
Explain how women ran the entire country without men, all by their powerful selves, without using heavy machinery *built by men*?
Such an arrogantly one sided and inaccurate representation of history. Not surprising really when reality doesn't fit the narrative.
1. It was illegal for women to work. I just said that. What makes you think that men back then would ever allow women to even help build those machines? Not to mention education outside of any traditionally woman’s jobs such as teaching or nursing was also heavily frowned upon.
2. Why didn’t they vote to change things? Who says they didn’t? Just because you vote for something doesn’t mean you’re gonna get what you want.
3. Society would not fall apart if all men were to disappear, just as it wouldn’t fall apart if all women were to disappear. It is human nature to survive.
If women can’t do something a man can, then they’ll look for help or find a way to learn. Just the same way they learned to fix the cars and repair airplanes while the men were away at war. Not to mention that instruction manuals are a thing.
@@luminous3115 If women can vote, and working is illegal for them, then THEY were voting for that. Don't blame OTHERS.
2) if a SIMPLE MAJORITY of ALL women voted for an issue it would pass overwhelmingly. So stop blaming others. Again, by 10 years or so after suffrage women can look in the mirror for any laws YOU claim abused them as they were perfectly fine with them *at the time*. Maybe women then had NO INTEREST in working? Stop being selective with supposed facts.
3) LOL. That's laughable. Why didn't women build society then? If you claim it is because men kept them down, then that PROVES they could NOT build or maintain society as they couldn't even overcome the opposite sex, let alone ALL OPF NATURE.
OMG, such sexist bullshit. You are an idiot, and if you are a women do not be so stupid as to try to go out into nature on your own. Also, when society collapses in the coming decades, we'll see how strong and independent women really are without all the advantages society created be men give them. Look at ANY disaster and show the groups of WOMEN leading the way in rescues and recoveries... I'll be waiting for those strong examples that must be everywhere given how common disasters are becoming.
modern girls have not yet realized how karma really works.
when you lie to others a slow process begins and you start lying to yourself.
until you are at a point where you cant trust your own thoughts anymore.
this is why jack sparrow's compass does not work.
i always loved that metaphor ;)
Can’t blame them, it’s human nature to deny anything that exposes the true reality of your life’s decisions. But deep down they know.
Yep, the conscious mind may be able to perform gymnastics and convince itself that X is actually Y. The conscious mind cannot convince the subconscious of that.
This sort of perpetual state of conflict between subconscious and conscious where the former realizes A was wrong but the latter twists itself to declare A is right most typically manifests in the form of self-destructive behaviors. As the subconscious is, through this, attempting to get the conscious mind to the breaking point where it is forced to acknowledge reality and cease that perpetual state of dissonance between the two.
Gee, if that ain't a near perfect encapsulation of the modern woman, and of the modern man who has been raised without a father. That is, in a perpetual state of dissonance that leads to self-destructive behaviors. 😆
@@moose6869 Right there with you.
Exactly. If u have to twist yourself into a pretzel with some convoluted explanation, then you've already lost.
I agree, and also ladies, you don’t have to be ultra feminine either, just be feminine, some of us guys actually like the tomboy types, and we don’t appreciate them being Transafied, please stay Tomboys so we can appreciate you properly 🙏🏾
Yeah I always noticed feminity and masculinity are just gendered terms for general characteristics all people should aspire to be. Like being mature, having confidence and high self asteem, working out/ having an attractive body,being stoic, being understanding and kind. All these things could be considered masculine or feminine traits.
I love dirt under a girls nails, that girl is a doer ! Painted talons = useless.
The instagram xx workers saying it's empowering won't change. They are low quality women and they will avoid accountability and consequences at all cost
I mean, there’s nothing particularly moral or immoral about sex work, unless you’re seeing this from a Christian perspective
@@technoloverish Never encourage sex work. Younger girls realize it's the easy way out and this must not be encouraged in society. Christianity is besides the point.
@@technoloverish that's right, but when someone is in sex work there are downsides. Youth doesn't last forever and usually a partner won't accept someone with sex work, not because of christianity but because of innate feelings of not treating something really personal like sex in a very casual manner. And that's why people would generally avoid a sex worker as life partner. There are thus examples where these sex workers feel entitled to a life partner they can't have, which is wrong. Because actions have consequences.
Good point. I don't think that Christianity or religion in general is always the direct reason that people are hesitant to be with sex workers, though I feel that it can sometimes play a part in it, even among those who might not be religious. A lot of our ideas about what is ideal regarding sexuality and being in monogamous relationships ultimately comes from religion, which has a fairly heavy influence on certain aspects of our culture. For example, somebody might not be religious, but because they live around a bunch of people who are religious, they worry about how they'd be perceived by those around them if they were with a sex worker. I think though that it may also be that for some people, they fear that a sex worker wouldn't be able to be faithful to them. One thing I think we as a society should normalize or at least not stigmatize is that people can engage in sexual activity with each other other without necessarily being in love. For instance, I know a few workers who each have just one boyfriend who they are in love with, though those sex workers and their boyfriends are okay with one another engaging in casual sexual activity with other people.
@@technoloverish "I think though that it may also be that for some people, they fear that a sex worker wouldn't be able to be faithful to them." because the sex worker won't be faithful, especially the ones who think it is "empowering". You see they clearly enjoy that work, significantly lowering the chance of being faithful. Precisely why they would be avoided by the people they desire as their partners. Actually I was going to add this point in my original comment myself, but I got busy. I know I personally won't be able to trust a prostitute or an only fans girl as my girlfriend/wife who finds it empowering. Like the original comment says, it is a sign of low quality. Not to mention the STDs. It is also the thing why past matters in these cases, because it is difficult to digest the idea of their partner sleeping with so many other people in the past.
If you try to think why the stigma has developed for sex workers, it is due to these reasons. The stigma is a by product of these conditions which must have happened historically (prostitution is one of the oldest professions).
Also society has already normalized casual sex. One night stands are common. That doesn't make it necessarily a right option. It has caused society to be more and more dysfunctional, as we are seeing.
I personally would never be acceptable of having a gf who engages in casual sex with someone else, and I'd be doing the same for her.
I'm again not a fan of christianity (and kinda anti christ because I know some evangelists who tried to gaslight me) and I follow an entirely different religion altogether but I can see why the rules were made.
Reason 1,213,427 why I got clipped at the age of 25. And decided to stop dating at the height of the 'me too' movement because of the guilty until proven innocent mentality. If I'm the enemy, or seen as the problem, I'll leave, I've been content, not happy, but low stress, I work, I come home, I have my hobbies. I get left alone. And in turn I leave everyone else alone.
Just behave ddcent, not hard to understand.
I remember times when it was totally fine to date without having sex, it was quite normal not so long ago. What do you think about this kind of relationship?
@@ТаняБирюкова-э3м You are not forced to have sex if you don't want to, even in these "terrible and edonistic" times.
You are on the right track. Women enjoy what historians call “biological supremacy.” One aspect of this is that male sex drive is more “urgent” than that of the female. This is not to be confused with the “intensity” of sex drive, but it confers innate power advantage to the female in heterosexual relationships. This subtle difference is often satirized by comedians and television shows such as the old Jackie Gleason show or “I Love Lucy.” Marriage is the vital foundation of civilization because the husband provides discipline and guidance that transforms tiny lovable savages into civilized adults. Patriarchy is a combination of customs, religion, and law that helps to counterbalance the superior female power within the context of marriage. The increasing incidence of narcissism, crime, and violence in our time is no accident. “Women’s Liberation” and “Homosexual Rights” movements characterized the decline of previous versions of civilization long before our present version of Western Civilization.
Change religion with philosophy of morals and i am onboard.
@@Meetmountain Religion is essential as it makes morality the will of the divine, & provides transcendental permanence to that morality. But Abrahamic religions aren’t ideal. I support a return to our pagan roots.
@PenileAugmentation Agreed! But do ejaculate at least once a week or your fertility will suffer.
@@maidende8280 Morality does not require any divine legitimcay.
If it is a central part of your identity, so be it. Do not force this view onto others and accept that there exists morality without theological dogma.
And regarding paganism: i wish for a return of their approach of the connection to their gods. It is your own connection, no one can force a certain way of worshipping onto you and no one can stand between you and your gods, not even your shaman/druid/skald. This might be romantizised view but it works for me.
Reddit is like Twitter. It's not meant to be taken seriously. The dumbest post/people go viral. So just enjoy the memes.
Feminism is a tragedy for everyone.
But is it 50/50 tho?
@@roberth.1201 It’s all so interconnected, but given the female privilege even in a traditional patriarchy, I’d say men are affected worse. Still, there’s something particularly twisted about women thinking feminism is good for them when it’s actually awful & makes most of us miserable. Feminism might make women materially better off, given our advantages in the modern job market & the fact money is stolen from men to support women generally, but that’s at the expense of overall meaning & happiness.
@@maidende8280 I also think it’s fallacious because no matter what feminism says they advocate for, it will always imply that they’re in it primarily for women radically, otherwise they would’ve changed the name of it by now.
@@Allin1Xavi Definitely. We already have the whole equality/egalitarianism agenda. Feminism elevates women over men & defies the natural order.
I mean, they kind of reap what they sow. Last I checked the current generation weren't the ones who created things like the free love movement, hippie culture, and all the other issues we have today.
Funny that older women did the exact same things while they were younger, but after realising they’re competing for the same men they don’t like the competition outperforming them.
The younger women will be saying they have issues with the same things when they themselves are older.
Older women complaining about younger women's sexuality is the same thing as men complaining about simps. Again and again this channel preaches its audience not to validate women without cause and not to spend resources on women. And why is that? Because it is a competition between men and we don't like it when simps raise the price and then women get abusive. Likewise, older women don't like younger women to offer their sexuality too freely, to dress too sexy or - God forbid! - to have sexual phantasies and be kinky. Women always look down on other women who behave this way because it raises the stakes for them and makes the Chads and Tyrones abusive. The one thing that the older women didn't point out (at least not in the screen shots shown here): Use your youth to secure a good man. Don't just chase after Chad and Tyrone but find a good man. For whatever reason that part went missing. Instead, all the older women focused on all the aspects that are associated with the sexual competition from younger women. And here is the problem: It has nothing to do with missing fathers or lacking role models. If women just chase after Chad and Tyrone without constraints, they will raise the stakes for other women chasing Chad and Tyrone. Send nude pics, do kinky stuff and offer sex freely. Not because it is normalized but because Chad and Tyrone become abusive from the abundancy. The same way that men who are not Chad or Tyrone will offer up resources instead. And here is the difference: Young women have a choice. They can all chase after Chad or Tyrone but they don't have to. Young men who are not Chad or Tyrone because they are 174 cm tall or shorter, they don't have this choice and no advice about men-like-high-value-women changes anything about it. True: The Chads and Tyrones that decide to get married wont marry women with high body counts. But the non-Chads don't have much choice who they marry anyway.
It’s not weird for fathers. It’s what’s needed. Which one raises better kids?
My mother had 3 men in her life. My brothers father when she was young my dad up until 2019 when he sadly passed away and now at her age she and her first love in high school have gotten together. 3 men. that is it. HER ENTIRE LIFE My grand parents where the same get married raised a family they where their ONE AND ONLY Their WHOLE LIVES. So yeah young girls under 30 having at least 50+ body count? Holy crap. I have legit had early 20 something year old friends hmu at 3 am begging me to go to town and buy them a plan B pill. Girls today are so lost.
There is a corollary to this and I can't do it because I have daughters. Fathers teach your sons to avoid porn.
Anytime a boy comes to meet one of my girls you can bet I'm checking up on him.
That f inism is 'new' from 1900? 1850? There never was another version. What IS a patriarch? A man that fathers, and is competent and duly rewarded. There has never been a version that is not openly opposed to that.
Have you some sources to cite? My understanding was feminism started to permit women some personal agency only. Not to destroy the social order, but simply to have a bit more autonomy. But when Marxism championed it (which needs to destroy the old order to bring in an 'older order', ie serfdom) is when it became an open opposition to the traditional order. Does this jive with what you know, and can you cite sources so I can research it? I have too many immediate concerns to do a Deep Dive on this; hence why i need my homework done on it.
there are lots of versions. they're usually categorized into three or four waves.
This new form of feminism exists since women received the same rights as men. After that feminism has achieved its goal, so there is no point in it.
Still, there are is some social inequality and that is another problem to solve. Modern feminism is tackling that problem, although it attempts end up being questionable at times. Sometimes diversity does not need to be everywhere, for example, fire fighters. They lowered the requirements so that women can join, which is just comical. If I was in dire need and fire fighters took too long to break open a door, I’d have every right to be mad. Doesn’t matter if they’re female or not. Lowering requirements just increases that chance, it’s just counter productive.
@@inconnu4961 EB Bax Fraud of F... Published about 1900.
@@sohn7767 There should be social inequality. Men and women are not the same. Everyone should have the same opportunities regardless of skin colour, genitals, chromosomes, hair style, stature, etc. That doesnt mean everyone should have the same outcomes when taking those opportunities.
In my opinion, there is absolutely no need for feminism any more (in the west). Feminism is the advocacy for womens rights on the basis of legal equality of the sexes. There are no legal rights that men are afforded that women are not. One could argue that currently women are afforded more rights than men but thats a whole other argument.
I find it extremely interesting how somehow "feminism" has started co-opting every equal rights movement. A lot of people nowadays think feminism means equal rights for everyone. The thing is though, we already had a word for that, its called egalitarianism.
This is what the alphabet people are also doing. Normalizing things
"Your body is sacred" exactly. Hence why tattoos disqualify any woman, no matter how "hot" she otherwise is.
Nope. But giving that body to dude you aren't married to sure does.
@@andrewhinson4323 I spoke for myself. And for me it does.
100% true ladies. Men with standards will teach you the hard way (by not choosing you), if you don’t take his advice. Good job 👍🏻
If I could give this video two thumbs up, I would. Very well spoken! I hope this one gets shared a lot.
And to add onto your talk about shame: yes shame is a very uncomfortable feeling to have, and a lot of these women in my opinion do feel shame they just respond to it with pride. Which is a catch-22, as to quote uncle Iroh "shame comes from pride. It is humility that is the only true antidote to shame."
The internet has a wonderful ability which men don’t have, the ability to get women to tell the truth.
Thank you ladies.
Thank you for slavishly feeding your egos and publishing it forever on the internet. You do you ladies!
I think all women feel that way when they can't operate at the same level as they once could in their youth
You are spot on! I liked your opening and agree that women do need good men to protect them. Today’s embattled good men also need women defending them from feminist attacks. We need to have each other’s backs. And dads are vital to kids’ prospering on all fronts.
Have to disagree with one point: Time-honoured tradition from every culture. Dads were always considered the guardians of their daughters’ “virtue.” Traditionally, men have always had to get past the father to get to the girl. It’s not creepy. It’s natural. And today’s women are in the state they are not in small part from the lack of father involvement in today’s culture.
The male gaze is bad and sexually objectifies women, but sex work is ok? Make it make sense.
Plastic surgery, botox, breast augmentation, etc is such a turn off. I could never marry/have kids with a woman like that. God forbid I have a daughter who thinks she needs to alter her appearance to gain attention/approval/validation etc from men
If only we in the West had some sort of system to protect against these things. Maybe a cultural bedrock or foundation, handed down over centuries. One that permeated Western culture everywhere. It would have rules and principles about things like whoredom, saying they are fundamentally wrong, no matter what ism or ideology they come wrapped in. It would say things like "a good woman is more precious than rubies" and that her worth is wrapped up in her character, not the baubles she wears. It would appeal to some standard set by something higher than a normal human. That way it could stand apart. You know, kind of beyond rebuke. Maybe we could get together once a week and teach our kids this system. Maybe it could be collected in one big master book or something. Maybe even have buildings and dedicated teachers. It would be nice because it would cement us together as a community. In the process it would provide fellowship and an opportunity to build healthy relationships and community with people who share these edifying values. These things these elder women are writing in this Reddit thread? They would be things echoed by the elder women in these gathering communities where we share this system. Young girls would hear these from a multitude of voices all while growing up. Voices in their community. That would be just the start. Don't even get me started on how this could help men,too.
If only we had something like that.
you have it and it was call religion
There is a reason Christendom exists
If only...we could have a system like that where you could believe it without believing in magic.
@@mrsherwood2599"if only we could live in reality while denying reality"
You are speaking real facts here brother. Subscribed!
Older women have a heavy bias against younger women because they're jealous of them
Here's another harsh truth for you, Alexander.
The vast majority of these older women anonymously calling out younger women did and still do these same things. They're not "calling out" younger women to help them ... They're doing it because that's their competition.
You're almost there, bud.
Great video. "Women suffer under feminism." More women are sounding the alarm. Take a few laps doing the backstroke in that "I told you so energy."
"Where are the mothers?"
This generation... man... it sucks!
I often get labeled a Misogynist myself...
Because it makes it Easy for people to just Write Off what I say...
But the Fact of the matter is that I Do NOT Hate Women...
I Just Don't LOVE them Any More.
When I Loved women, I was willing, even Happy, to Defend them...
Even Lay Down My Life FOR Them if Need Be...
And I was willing to put up with their Narcissistic and Hypocritical Behavior as well...
To Protect Them From THEMSELVES...
I was Always and Ever Happy to SACRIFICE for Women back then...
Most Especially My Woman...
Unfortunately for women though, My LOVE For Them ended up Costing me TOO MUCH...
As it Cost me EVERYTHING...
And so I had to do a little Reflecting...
And what I came to Realize is that Women are NOT Worthy of my Love...
My Protection...
Or My Sacrifice...
And I'm NOT Alone in that...
Far from it in Fact...
And THAT should Scare the Hell out of ALL Women...
As much as it Saddens Me...
Because, without Good Men to Hold Them Up...
Protect, Love and Sacrifice for them...
Women will be Forced to Stand on Their Own...
And the Spoiled Little Brats that Modern Women have Become...
Are Woefully Ill Equipped for That!
Even for High Quality, Strong Women...
Nature did Not Adequately Arm women to stand on their own...
Not Physically...
And Not Mentally...
With Rare Exception.
I paid the expensive price even getting myself shamed by lots of people..
You are not alone my friend
Makes me sad, that I think you’re right.
I have three daughters and that worries me.
They are going to have a fun time with Tyrone in college
Well dont raise your kids to be feminist and for god sake dont send them in public school.
@@Savage-bd3rk Tyrone?
Damn That an L sorry to hear that
@@Savage-bd3rk chad and tyrone going to be double teaming
When your entire life is about being photographed and videoed looks matter a lot. But aging happens to all of us.
"Women need to rediscover the virtue of shame." - Alexander Grace
LOL Yup that pretty much can sum up the conclusion of this whole video.
The guy seems to overlook the reality of feminism and female nature.
Just remember, the 304 isn't in a "phase". She becomes transformed forever through the repeated imprint of different men. It's Hotel California.
I mean, if you’re seeing it from a Christian point of view, all sin is forgivable
Feminism being about man hating is not a new thing. It has been there from the start.
I left reddit because all these threads which are actually helpful are shut down by some woke sjw types.
You're still wrong about one thing:
They can always blame it on misogyny.
My mother completely hates how modern women are, but still pushes me to find a girl and get married.
Don't fall for it. What do YOU wanna do? Don't get married or have children just because your mom wants it.
Edit: You shouldn't try finding a girl, you should have a girl trying to find YOU...And when she does... What will she see? The prize. You are the prize. Never forget.
@@TheMegaGamingWizard Agreed on the first part, but why can't both the gf and bf be the prizes for each other? Don't sacrifice your time for another if you can't see them as a prize as well. This is why the guy in this channel advocates for men to work on themselves and find women who also work on themselves making them both "high quality" or prizes as per your statement.
@Thrill1667 lmfaoo
@Thrill1667 😭😭😭
@@ldive Very much agree
"Feminism" has come to mean little more than "women are above all criticism for their choices."
Thank you for pointing out the females who only think about looks.
My family constantly try to force make-up and beauty routines on me.
I'm happy taking care of my husband, house, garden and chickens.
Can't have kids yet since it's too expensive for us. T.T
So relatable! My mother in law once bad mouthed me for not wearing makeup on a regular. And I want to become a good mom too, but it's really scary.
@@ТаняБирюкова-э3м a good mom cares more about her kids and husband rather than her appearance.
If your kids are fed and happy and your husband has an equal partner to help him then you are doing everything right and no one elses's opinion matters.
You've got this, don't be worried
One of your best videos AG!!! You are 1000% right! Shame should be brought back, it's up to all of us to implement it.
I’ve been saying this for as long as i could remember. My generation is going downhill just to “fit in”. Feminism isn’t what it used to be and i could never identify as a feminist in 2022. Respect yourself and those around you will follow
It's really sad. Loud commercial "feminism" gives us bad reputation. At the same time wholesome feminists are silenced, called radical, called TERFs and so on. Nothing new.
This is one of your most powerful videos. Good job
A woman who had a lot of sexual partners will not have any issue in throwing you away like trash... take my story here: i dated a young woman who already had a child. I wanted to see how faithful she was.. guess what, she threw me away, started blaming me and initiated fights... i told several times that it's toxic for our communication and our relationship... she was already searching for a new guy on tinder behind my back... and the moment she had a new guy aligned, she broke up our relationship... and who was hurt? My person as i trusted in her..
The men these women want will NEVER commit to them.
Alex breaking character to gloat made my day 🤣🤣🤣
Women violently objectify themselves, men ask women to please stop doing it, men get called misogonystic
One of my daughters loves cars, everything about them, she likes short hair and getting dirty. My other daughter has the princess attitude. 50 years ago my tomboy would have been shamed, today my girly girl would be shamed.
Treat everyone as an individual and raise your children to focus on being themselves and cooperate, but do not follow. Accept yourself for who you are, those worth your time and thoughts will respect them, even if they don't agree. Stand up for yourself, dont scream, shout, or fight (unless you have no other options). Care for your body, or your mind will also be lessened. Half of you is how well your body operates.
The funny thing is that other women would shame them. As a man, I wouldn't care. If I like the first girl I wouldn't mind having her around the cars. I would see it as an advantage.
If your Tomboy Daughter were a teen in this day and age, she would've been prime grooming material for twisted teachers who would try to convince her she were an "egg" (non-binary/trans et cetera in denial).
They even have a specific phrasing for it -- "cracking the egg".
The rot is deep.
Kids need both parents, each teaches different things. 80% of those bored women running away instead of fixing it are ruining their kids due to thier selfishness. Look at what the lack of fathers and male role models has done in inner cities. Boys and girls need mom and dad. How many of these young women came from broken families 😂
I think we still have to consider the validity of the participant in this female-oriented subreddit.
In other words, *how can we sure that these criticusms are from women, and what cultural nuances do they possess?*
SHAME and standards is the glue that holds society together. We removed that glue......
Or you know perhaps older women are just salty the younger women are stealing all their options.
In the first minutes of this video, that's all that needs be said: feminism is a hyper-exaggeration of the feminine imperative of sensitivity and fitting in to a larger community by demonizing any criticism, no matter how valid or necessary that criticism may be. Shame and being judged is not all bad, in fact, listening to judgement and feeling shame as a motive of improving something shameful is invaluable to any individuals growth and development.
14:50 agreed. Lack of shame and remorseless is a ticket to disaster.
Well said!!!!!