My husband called me this morning to go with him and my daughter to Walmart and look around for things for our daughter birthday and I was like thank you Jesus 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️ I know my husband is coming home I can see it in the Spiritual ram and God is speaking and My husband will be sanctify and Holy I’m going to continue to sanctify my husband and pray for his salvation... He will be saved and restored my marriage my family going to be restored in a better place than before in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️
My mother in law and I were just talking about this that God removed my husband from the home so He could work on us individually and because if he would have remained in the home things would have just gotten worse. We were both so broken, hurt and in our own pains. God has healed my heart. I am at so much peace and am good with whatever happens. I’m excited for my husband to come home and to see what God has planned for us. I know He’s working on my husband right now and I am so faithful because God loves my husband more than I do and He knows my husband better than I do so I know that emanuel is in the best of hands right now. I pray over his heart because if anything else I want his heart to know peace and have a intimate relationship with God and not just believe in Him
Thank God you have a good relationship with her, my mother in law isn't interested in me, but with God all things are possible. God bless you Luv and your marriage.
God has answered my prayer, I prayed that God would allow me to spend the festive season with my husband and God has answered. Who is like our God? None can be compared to Him. God truly is good.
WOG this is a word! This is exactly where I'm at right now. The Lord has been very clear with me that I needed to be healed first and then my husband but he had to see me first. God restored me last May for His glory. He even had me go back to old journals from 10 years ago telling me of this very thing. He's healing my husband and I feel so very privileged and honored to be called to stand and pray for my husband's salvation. It's a beautiful thing. Keep standing on the word. God is faithful.
I just love how you worded this!!! Bless the Lord!! It’s so true of what our Lord can do!! You are so right, what an honor to stand for our love ones and spouse and what a reward we receive greater then we can imagine!❤️❤️
Amen Sister I’m standing with you in agreement that you are going to have whatsoever you sayeth and that you’ve received it!!! Hallelujah!! Lord give her the desires of her heart!!
I pray the lord continues working on my husband . Right now he's living with my grandma who is a praying woman. I know God is gonna work through her. I just want my husband to leave the counterfeit alone . That they will no longer see eachother when this year ends.
Im pretty sure my wife would've came back sooner but because of those who sat(family friends) she's taking longer. But God is STILL in control. I don't doubt He'll work things out.He makes All things Beautiful in His Time
Amen amen. Thank you Lakeidra for this fantastic video. Truly God has a time for everything. I messed it up. In the begin I didnt let go and let God and have zero knowledge of spiritual warfare. I fell into Satan's trap was selfishly thinking of my own pain and ignore the shame and guilt of my husband. I truly grow after I surrender fully to the Lord and I also went into a HUGE storm. Satan is always at work to attack me to give up. Praise the Lord by HIS Grace HE always lift me up. Today, I can finally say my focus is on the Lord, HIS almighty power and whom HE is (Love and Mercy). We need to be on guard with the Words and promises of GOD everyday in order to stand firm in this battle. I'm waiting to celebrate the return of my prodigal husband, for he was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. I trust and pray in Jesus mighty name. Hallelujah
WOW, this is so true!! Thank God that He’s teaching us how to become more and more like Christ through our trials and hang ups! Hallelujah!!! These Marriages will never be the same!!
These are times when things are really happening. Whether things are more positive or more negative, it all has the same result. God is doing it! For His glory!
Praise the living Christ Yesuah Hamashiach! I ask for forgiveness for my sins known and unknown. I repent of my sins and ask GODS WILL BE DONE! My prodigal spouse IS RETURNING IN JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME
Amen! Thank you Sister Lakeidra. So true the LORD is preparing us (the standers). I didn't see it before but now I'm seeing it. GOD is opening my eyes too and helping me is all I can say for now. May GOD'S face shine upon us all❤🙏🏽
Lol MOG, thank you for coming on hear tuning in with us in the Word standing strong in the Lord for restoration!!! Remember breakthrough is going to be the reward!!! Hallelujah!!
Our anniversary is next week, I'm believing to spend it with my husband, I know it seems impossible but with God all things are possible. I truly believe, I declare and decree this in the name of Jesus.
Yes! I am healed and have completely forgiven him. My heart and home are prepared by the grace of God. The Lord has strengthened me for such a time as this.
You are a walking testimony!! Thank you so much for sharing this goodness of God!! That miracle for that marriage prodigal coming home is surely on the way!
I try to tell her i love and miss her and our kids everyday and I have forgiven her and even told her that I forgiven her i know in my heart and soul that im ready for her to tell me or come get me im here to protect her no matter what im ready lord Jesus
Good morning, Jesus is Lord. I feel strongly that my spouse is going to need me to be strong spiritually, because of the nature of how everything went down. I'm still healing and I agree that, we have to allow God to strengthen us. Praise God..
I’m rewatching this now months into your RUclips videos. Growing understanding n faith has come to the next level n mentally emotionally n spiritually I’m better . Wow what a difference 🙌🏼🙌🏼
I wish i could like this a thousand times. You speaking true facts... Im glad i found your channel. Because god has showed me so much about myself in the past two days..that i would have never seen...
Today I saw my husband and I was so excited i had the self esteem and courage to run up to him and hug him but then he bounce on me the min I was going to approach him
This video came up this morning for a reason. This video is over 4 months old, and I heard it before, but for some reason it came up at 4:30am this morning. I receive whatever You are doing Father. I believe You are moving, in Jesus Name. Amen
I just texted my husband that I do not want a divorce and I will not file papers. I also said that I would not stop him if divorce was really truly in his heart. I had a stroke almost three years agoand I think that that has been an issue since for my husband. Please pray that my husband's heart is softened and mine as well. I am praying for restoration of my marriage so that I can be married to a different man with a foundation on Jesus Christ 🙏💗🙏
Praise Jesus and bless your heart! Wow look at God! I’m standing with and I’m believing God for healing and restoration in your marriage and for your husband♥️
Wow! I totally am in agreement with you! It’s so true on what you were speaking on in having forgiveness and mercy for when God brings your spouse back! That did happen to me almost two years ago! Amen 🙏 but unfortunately also what you talked about in not being ready when I thought I was at the time. I was but what I mean is I held onto a lot of hurt, pain, bitterness and un-forgiveness. I thought I knew once we were back together everything would fall into place and it didn’t! It got bad so bad that he has filed again. It took him filing for me to snap out of it! To turn to God and now I see clearly how I contributed to this choice he made. I am ready now to truly reconcile and now he doesn’t 😢. I pray every day that God will change his heart again towards me and our marriage. I don’t want this to go thru. Please pray for us and our marriage. I ask and pray in Jesus name Amen. I wished I had heard this and had better knowledge before I ruined it! 😢 I pray I get another chance to do it right this time. I wasn’t healed when I thought I was.
Keep believing GOD,he is able to do it again! A divorce paper doesn't mean anything to GOD. Search her videos,and find the one that says Pray/War...I've prayed in agreement with Lakedras videos since last year,and I got a SUDDENLY last week!!! It looked like the opposite in the natural, BUT GOD!!!!!Please believe can do it . ❤🙏 🙏✝️
I have forgiven my husband and am ready to welcome my husband in with welcome arms and never bring up his past again. But what if he is not forgiving me and still has a grudge against me? He believes in the Lord but is angry with me still. He is trying to move on with his own life but I’m holding on to our marriage for dear life. I’ve been praying for reconciliation for him. How will he come out of it just like I have? How will he forgive me and come back? I know I’m ready and I’ve done my part and learned so much through this trial. I just wonder how he will learn the same things? Thanks Lakeidra!
This is so true. So true. Forgiveness has to happen. Forgetting too. Luke 15. All the anger, feelings of rejection, bitterness and bringing up the past has to be gone. Fix me Lord. Me first. I do know that my husband has much regret going on right now. He has to heal too. Have to be honest. I’m not totally there yet either. There’s a still a root of bitterness in both of us that needs to go. God knows what He is doing. He’s wiser than we are. Thank you, woman of God.
My friend has always asked me this question. The last time May 2019 he confirmed it that he was going to put divorce papers and that I should expect my serving in I was hurt but I never pleaded with him rather I was like "whatever you feel like". He never filed the papers and I wonder how he will ever return
I tried that but he will not TELL me about the OW (really do not care) but it is the kids with the other woman. I do not WANT my kids hurt anymore. It been over 24 years that forgive him over and over again but this is hard
it’s all written that God heals and join man and woman together and it tells us clearly of what God can do, that nothing is too hard for Him. Its also the fact of me having the confidence and believing in what God can do for anyone that believe. When we believe His Word it gives confidence. If we don’t have confidence in anything it’s because we don’t have the trust and belief in them. Is your confidence in God’s Word, MOG for restoration for your marriage like it’s written as His Word states? If not, I would advise you to continue hearing and meditating on it and this will give you faith and confidence too. We know that Faith comes by hearing and hearing consistently the Word of God. Otherwise the confidence can’t come to believe God. Without faith it’s impossible to pleased God Hebrews tells us. James also say let us not expect to receive anything from God without faith also.
@@lovelywivesoffaith7302 My wife is a Christian, and as you already know she left me three and a half months ago for another man. I have a feeling shes going to marry this man, if she does, is it over? Lakeidra, I can forgive my wife of anything because I love her, but she may never come back. It's impossible to reconcile this marriage, because apparently this man has captivated her heart. Literally, this would be a miracle if she came back, because I think it's impossible. Love you Lakeidra. From Russell Schell. Wifes name is Jenna Mae Schell, but she changed it back to Jenna Mae Lundle.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Matthew24:35)Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Brother in Christ, God has allowed this trial in your marriage Trust in HIM, beauty will come out of it at the end. Your wife is a lost sheep, blinded by Satan, but Jesus has come to give her life and bring her back from death(consequences of sexual immorality). (Ezekiel34:16)HE the shepherd will seek HIS lost sheep, bring back the strayed. You have been chosen by the Lord, to be praying intercessor for your wife. Read up Hosea, and many other testimonies of the power and glory of God, be it in bible or in our times. Nothing is impossible to GOD. HE is not intimidated or restricted by circumstances. Surrender everything to the Lord, and you will see HIS amazing work in your life, your marriage and also on your wife. God bless you will keep you in our prayers.
My husband called me this morning to go with him and my daughter to Walmart and look around for things for our daughter birthday and I was like thank you Jesus 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️ I know my husband is coming home I can see it in the Spiritual ram and God is speaking and My husband will be sanctify and Holy I’m going to continue to sanctify my husband and pray for his salvation... He will be saved and restored my marriage my family going to be restored in a better place than before in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️❤️
Thank you Jesus!! Hallelujah God is so faithful!!! Thank you for sharing how the mountain is moving!!!
A-MAN/A-MEN 🙏👣💞🤗
Hallelujah God is good I believe that God is bringing my husband first coming back to God and coming back to our home and marriage ❤
My mother in law and I were just talking about this that God removed my husband from the home so He could work on us individually and because if he would have remained in the home things would have just gotten worse. We were both so broken, hurt and in our own pains. God has healed my heart. I am at so much peace and am good with whatever happens. I’m excited for my husband to come home and to see what God has planned for us. I know He’s working on my husband right now and I am so faithful because God loves my husband more than I do and He knows my husband better than I do so I know that emanuel is in the best of hands right now. I pray over his heart because if anything else I want his heart to know peace and have a intimate relationship with God and not just believe in Him
I have felt and said these very same words. Praise God! He will do it for all of us.
WOW this is so true!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
So happy that your mother in law is there for you. The other words you said are so like mine. Prayed for you.
Thank God you have a good relationship with her, my mother in law isn't interested in me, but with God all things are possible. God bless you Luv and your marriage.
God has answered my prayer, I prayed that God would allow me to spend the festive season with my husband and God has answered. Who is like our God? None can be compared to Him. God truly is good.
Amen amen amen
WOG this is a word! This is exactly where I'm at right now. The Lord has been very clear with me that I needed to be healed first and then my husband but he had to see me first. God restored me last May for His glory. He even had me go back to old journals from 10 years ago telling me of this very thing. He's healing my husband and I feel so very privileged and honored to be called to stand and pray for my husband's salvation. It's a beautiful thing. Keep standing on the word. God is faithful.
I just love how you worded this!!! Bless the Lord!! It’s so true of what our Lord can do!! You are so right, what an honor to stand for our love ones and spouse and what a reward we receive greater then we can imagine!❤️❤️
May 20th is my 36 year anniversary. I’m believing to spend it with my husband.
I stand in agreement with you my sister. That is my birthday and I'm expecting to spend it with my wife and kids.
Amen! I'm in agreement ❤
Wow Amen 🙏🏾 I’m in agreement too 🙌🏾
Amen Sister I’m standing with you in agreement that you are going to have whatsoever you sayeth and that you’ve received it!!! Hallelujah!! Lord give her the desires of her heart!!
Phillip McDonald I stand in agreement with you as well.
I pray the lord continues working on my husband . Right now he's living with my grandma who is a praying woman. I know God is gonna work through her. I just want my husband to leave the counterfeit alone . That they will no longer see eachother when this year ends.
Nothing is impossible with God 🙏
Im pretty sure my wife would've came back sooner but because of those who sat(family friends) she's taking longer. But God is STILL in control. I don't doubt He'll work things out.He makes All things Beautiful in His Time
I’m hearing this right on time thank you Jesus. ❤
Amen amen. Thank you Lakeidra for this fantastic video. Truly God has a time for everything. I messed it up. In the begin I didnt let go and let God and have zero knowledge of spiritual warfare. I fell into Satan's trap was selfishly thinking of my own pain and ignore the shame and guilt of my husband. I truly grow after I surrender fully to the Lord and I also went into a HUGE storm. Satan is always at work to attack me to give up. Praise the Lord by HIS Grace HE always lift me up. Today, I can finally say my focus is on the Lord, HIS almighty power and whom HE is (Love and Mercy). We need to be on guard with the Words and promises of GOD everyday in order to stand firm in this battle. I'm waiting to celebrate the return of my prodigal husband, for he was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. I trust and pray in Jesus mighty name. Hallelujah
WOW, this is so true!! Thank God that He’s teaching us how to become more and more like Christ through our trials and hang ups! Hallelujah!!! These Marriages will never be the same!!
These are times when things are really happening. Whether things are more positive or more negative, it all has the same result. God is doing it! For His glory!
Praise God!!!
Amen Amen 🙏🏼Praise the Lord
PRAISE GOD!!!!🤗👣🙏💑🙌😇
Praise the living Christ Yesuah Hamashiach! I ask for forgiveness for my sins known and unknown. I repent of my sins and ask GODS WILL BE DONE! My prodigal spouse IS RETURNING IN JESUS CHRIST MIGHTY NAME
Yes I stand in agreement with you that your prodigal is returning for the Glory of God!!! Hallelujah!!
Amen! Thank you Sister Lakeidra. So true the LORD is preparing us (the standers). I didn't see it before but now I'm seeing it. GOD is opening my eyes too and helping me is all I can say for now. May GOD'S face shine upon us all❤🙏🏽
A Mighty Word
I needed to hear THIS today congratulations Mrs Lakeedra 💙 ❤️🔥 ❤️
warming that heart up from its cold space
Whats up Big Sister 🤪
I thank you for not forgetting us man.
God Bless 🙌
A man standing strong 💪
Lol MOG, thank you for coming on hear tuning in with us in the Word standing strong in the Lord for restoration!!! Remember breakthrough is going to be the reward!!! Hallelujah!!
Our anniversary is next week, I'm believing to spend it with my husband, I know it seems impossible but with God all things are possible. I truly believe, I declare and decree this in the name of Jesus.
I thank God for finding your channel this morning. I needed to hear this today. God bless you abundantly.🙏
Amen and thank you for joining!!!
I need strength today, Lord, please help me
This is a great word. The BTG Movement made a video about this. Having an atmosphere for restoration.
Amen! Yes it’s so important!! God bless you!!!
God give me Wisdom to use what's is in my hands for the Glory of God.....Am ready for my husband.
Amen!! I stand with you!!! Bless you!!
Yes! I am healed and have completely forgiven him. My heart and home are prepared by the grace of God. The Lord has strengthened me for such a time as this.
You are a walking testimony!! Thank you so much for sharing this goodness of God!! That miracle for that marriage prodigal coming home is surely on the way!
For there is nothing too hard for our God it is already done I receive it by faith in Jesus name Glory to God!!!
Amen and amen!!!
Yes Sis, He’s the one gives the joy and is blessing you with it even now!!! Hallelujah! For the joy of the Lord is our strength!!
@@lovelywivesoffaith7302 PLEASE READ MY EMAIL!!!!!!! PLEASE. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Love you sister - keep doing this 🎉
I try to tell her i love and miss her and our kids everyday and I have forgiven her and even told her that I forgiven her i know in my heart and soul that im ready for her to tell me or come get me im here to protect her no matter what im ready lord Jesus
My prodigal husband will return to The Lord, me his covenant wife and his children in Jesus mighty name. Amen
Amen and amen!!
Good morning, Jesus is Lord. I feel strongly that my spouse is going to need me to be strong spiritually, because of the nature of how everything went down. I'm still healing and I agree that, we have to allow God to strengthen us. Praise God..
Amen MOG!! We thank God for the healing and restoration!! God is so good!!!
@@lovelywivesoffaith7302 Amen
I’m rewatching this now months into your RUclips videos. Growing understanding n faith has come to the next level n mentally emotionally n spiritually I’m better .
Wow what a difference 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Yes lord Jesus Christ we will win with open arms in Jesus name this word was good thank you Lord
Amen and amen!!! Bless you Sis!!
I wish i could like this a thousand times. You speaking true facts... Im glad i found your channel. Because god has showed me so much about myself in the past two days..that i would have never seen...
God bless you and thank you so much!
Today I saw my husband and I was so excited i had the self esteem and courage to run up to him and hug him but then he bounce on me the min I was going to approach him
I’m in agreement
Amen and amen 🙏🏽
This video came up this morning for a reason. This video is over 4 months old, and I heard it before, but for some reason it came up at 4:30am this morning. I receive whatever You are doing Father. I believe You are moving, in Jesus Name. Amen
Amen the Lord is so good!
God bless you, you are blessed to be a blessing.
Hallelujah and Amen
Blessings to you and thank you for joining!
I just texted my husband that I do not want a divorce and I will not file papers. I also said that I would not stop him if divorce was really truly in his heart. I had a stroke almost three years agoand I think that that has been an issue since for my husband. Please pray that my husband's heart is softened and mine as well. I am praying for restoration of my marriage so that I can be married to a different man with a foundation on Jesus Christ 🙏💗🙏
Praise Jesus and bless your heart! Wow look at God! I’m standing with and I’m believing God for healing and restoration in your marriage and for your husband♥️
@@lovelywivesoffaith7302 thank you so much for your reply and for your prayers 💖
I know in my heart, soul, and spirit God sent you to me Sister. You are answering questions I've asked the Lord and it's put my spirit at rest.
Amen sister GOD IS GOOD!!!🙏🏼🤗
Praise God!! Yes Sis He’s good all the time!!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼🎉🎊🎉👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
I appreciate this video because I never considered my pain upon his return....
Thank you woman of God
Bless you also precious stander!! Get ready for that spouse to come home!!!
@@lovelywivesoffaith7302 Amen!
Wow! I totally am in agreement with you! It’s so true on what you were speaking on in having forgiveness and mercy for when God brings your spouse back! That did happen to me almost two years ago! Amen 🙏 but unfortunately also what you talked about in not being ready when I thought I was at the time. I was but what I mean is I held onto a lot of hurt, pain, bitterness and un-forgiveness. I thought I knew once we were back together everything would fall into place and it didn’t! It got bad so bad that he has filed again. It took him filing for me to snap out of it! To turn to God and now I see clearly how I contributed to this choice he made. I am ready now to truly reconcile and now he doesn’t 😢. I pray every day that God will change his heart again towards me and our marriage. I don’t want this to go thru. Please pray for us and our marriage. I ask and pray in Jesus name Amen. I wished I had heard this and had better knowledge before I ruined it! 😢 I pray I get another chance to do it right this time. I wasn’t healed when I thought I was.
Keep believing GOD,he is able to do it again! A divorce paper doesn't mean anything to GOD. Search her videos,and find the one that says Pray/War...I've prayed in agreement with Lakedras videos since last year,and I got a SUDDENLY last week!!! It looked like the opposite in the natural, BUT GOD!!!!!Please believe can do it . ❤🙏 🙏✝️
Amen Amen! Thank you sister Lakeidra. This has blessed me…so much truth. Be blessed people of God. -Idee
Yes sister in Christ i will welcome my love back with open arms and Praise n Glory to my Lord. 🙏
Amen hallelujah
I needed to hear THIS today congratulations Mrs Lakeedra 💙 ❤️🔥 ❤️
warming that heart up from its cold pas ss
I’m in complete agreement
Thank You Women of God
I have already left everything and everyone . Just praying he leaves the counterfeit
I have forgiven my husband and am ready to welcome my husband in with welcome arms and never bring up his past again. But what if he is not forgiving me and still has a grudge against me? He believes in the Lord but is angry with me still. He is trying to move on with his own life but I’m holding on to our marriage for dear life. I’ve been praying for reconciliation for him. How will he come out of it just like I have? How will he forgive me and come back? I know I’m ready and I’ve done my part and learned so much through this trial. I just wonder how he will learn the same things? Thanks Lakeidra!
I believe it
Amen and amen!!!
❤ John 13:14 😊 Season of rememberence friends in christ Love You ALL ❤
This is so true. So true. Forgiveness has to happen. Forgetting too. Luke 15. All the anger, feelings of rejection, bitterness and bringing up the past has to be gone. Fix me Lord. Me first. I do know that my husband has much regret going on right now. He has to heal too. Have to be honest. I’m not totally there yet either. There’s a still a root of bitterness in both of us that needs to go. God knows what He is doing. He’s wiser than we are. Thank you, woman of God.
My friend has always asked me this question. The last time May 2019 he confirmed it that he was going to put divorce papers and that I should expect my serving in I was hurt but I never pleaded with him rather I was like "whatever you feel like". He never filed the papers and I wonder how he will ever return
Amen and Amen
If they want to come home and they are not changed when I come home. Should we still allow them to come back even if they’re not saved yet?
I tried that but he will not TELL me about the OW (really do not care) but it is the kids with the other woman. I do not WANT my kids hurt anymore. It been over 24 years that forgive him over and over again but this is hard
May the Lord do a quick work and bring healing. Isaiah 60:20
Amen 💯 ♥️ ❤️ I RECEIVE IT 🙌 I CLAIM it 🙌 for my marriage 💑 Roshila Regina Sharma and Vijender Kumar Vicky 💑 with Faith ❤️ 🙌 Amen 💯 ♥️ ❤️ 🙏 🙌
How can I email you sister?
Why are you so confident my wifes coming home?
it’s all written that God heals and join man and woman together and it tells us clearly of what God can do, that nothing is too hard for Him.
Its also the fact of me having the confidence and believing in what God can do for anyone that believe. When we believe His Word it gives confidence. If we don’t have confidence in anything it’s because we don’t have the trust and belief in them.
Is your confidence in God’s Word, MOG for restoration for your marriage like it’s written as His Word states? If not, I would advise you to continue hearing and meditating on it and this will give you faith and confidence too. We know that Faith comes by hearing and hearing consistently the Word of God. Otherwise the confidence can’t come to believe God. Without faith it’s impossible to pleased God Hebrews tells us. James also say let us not expect to receive anything from God without faith also.
My wife is a Christian, and as you already know she left me three and a half months ago for another man. I have a feeling shes going to marry this man, if she does, is it over? Lakeidra, I can forgive my wife of anything because I love her, but she may never come back. It's impossible to reconcile this marriage, because apparently this man has captivated her heart. Literally, this would be a miracle if she came back, because I think it's impossible. Love you Lakeidra. From Russell Schell. Wifes name is Jenna Mae Schell, but she changed it back to Jenna Mae Lundle.
Nothing is too hard are too late for God!! He said only believe!!
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Matthew24:35)Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Brother in Christ, God has allowed this trial in your marriage Trust in HIM, beauty will come out of it at the end. Your wife is a lost sheep, blinded by Satan, but Jesus has come to give her life and bring her back from death(consequences of sexual immorality). (Ezekiel34:16)HE the shepherd will seek HIS lost sheep, bring back the strayed. You have been chosen by the Lord, to be praying intercessor for your wife. Read up Hosea, and many other testimonies of the power and glory of God, be it in bible or in our times. Nothing is impossible to GOD. HE is not intimidated or restricted by circumstances. Surrender everything to the Lord, and you will see HIS amazing work in your life, your marriage and also on your wife. God bless you will keep you in our prayers.
He is not saved
I needed to hear THIS today congratulations Mrs Lakeedra 💙 ❤️🔥 ❤️
warming that heart up from its cold pas ss
I needed to hear THIS today congratulations Mrs Lakeedra 💙 ❤️🔥 ❤️
warming that heart up from its cold pas ss
I needed to hear THIS today congratulations Mrs Lakeedra 💙 ❤️🔥 ❤️
warming that heart up from its cold pas ss
I needed to hear THIS today congratulations Mrs Lakeedra 💙 ❤️🔥 ❤️
warming that heart up from its cold pas ss