Wahhhhhh Seru banget festivalnya sist. Mataharinya, sambil menghirup udara laut yg sehat ada makanan makanan. Di Belanda ini susah sekarang dgn festival festival. Out/indoor tdk di izinkan dari pemerintah untuk di selenggarakan.🥲🥲🥲 So 2 tahun ini tidak ada Pasar Malam. Itu seru juga Food Festivalnya. Happy weekend sist. 💐
Rameeee acaranya, makanan nya pasti paling cepet diserbu. Cuacanya juga mendukung banget. Paling suka kasih makan angsa2. Jualan risol / siomay laku nih 😂
Ikut nyimak liputan lengkapnya sobatku
Salam sukses selalu
Nice place fun events 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Seru an rame banget acaranya .. Thanks for sharing... Slm dr Syd..
so adorable air show sis... love bgt suasana cuaca cerah menikmati udara pantai
Klo pas dingin Gini, Liat video inI jadi kangen summer.... Thanks for sharing... 👍😍
what a nice event.... seru banget ya melihat air festival di tepi pantai... dan ternyata banyak juga pengunjung nya ...
Sangat mewah sekali kak..dan.menarik untuk dilihat .maksih atas sharing vidionya
Enak banget tuh suasananya disana♥
Tempat yang sangat indah
the view is beautiful, the attraction is excellent, ... enjoy
Keren banget festivalnya, pemandangannya juga cantik sekali.. mantap Poko nya
Nice town nice sharing video kk
The food look yummy 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Wah pengen bgt kapan" nonton airshow secara langsung 😍
Seru bgt acaranya ka.. viewnya juga bagus di pantai plus cuaca juga sangat mendukung..
All amazing views!! Keren semua kak, mulai dari Swan Lake, air Show, Food fest..bukan main..!
this place is truly an eventful destination
waaah. . . seru sekali festfalnya sambil menghirup udata di laut. menyenangkan sekali. salam dari Oma panca
seneng banget ada event kaya gini, seru..
Seru banget tuh pesawatnya pemandangannya indah pantai & dananunya...senang ya liatnya juga..salam sehat ya
Waaah keren event yg luar biasa ada Bazar makanan ..air show dan udaranya cerah banget...
What a beautiful beautiful day, nice events!
Kangen suasana begini jalan tanpa merasa was2an ☺️
Amazing view, keren pantainya 😍👍
Many people Looks enjoy with this big event
Nothing could beat warm weather & great show like this, wonderful 🥰
Amazing air show 🤩
Rame bgt pengunjungnya antusias skali spertinya ya
The events here are amazing - thanks for taking me with you to enjoy it - it's fun to watch. Xx
Fantastic Event, delicious foods, nice weather , people are happy. Enjoy the Fest sis, Glo
Lovely beach and beautiful colour of the sky 💖💖💖
looks so awesome. Must be so cool to experience and watch this in person.
Event yang luar biasa di negara inggris dan mengundang decak kagum bagi pengunjung..
It’s so amazing view 😍 Thanks for sharing this nice place . greetings by Aninda tobing in germany
Joyful festival, interesting event, beautiful place and awesome people. Thanks for showing this to us.
Wow, Amazing Air shows. Enjoy the Shows sis and have fun.
Festival makanan di Gereja Kristus Bournemouth. Hebat sekali
Wah jalan jalan bisa sambil culinary food nih, rame juga ya
Only one word: amazing
wow keren kak
Canggih sekali pilot2 nya. Cuaca cerah, semua bisa terlihat jelas!! Amazing!
Love the air show here ! Sooo cool!
I love food festivals! Lovely sharing, thank you!
seru banget nih acaranya
pertunjukannya keren, tempatnya juga keren
What a great show, I really enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing 👍😍
Duh jd pgin berkunjung jg nih kesana
Oh wow just watching this made me feel warm.. whilst snuggling into a blanket in this frozen 🥶 weather 😂
This was beyond beautiful!
God Bless 😚✝️🙌
Thank you… I also miss the warm Summer days ☀️
wow..the airshow is awesome!
lengkap banget bisa lihat pemandangan pantai yang cantik, ada food festival dan airshow yg keren!
Thank you uda mampir… bener banget AirShow nya keren abis….
I hope this year we will get plenty of great days like this.
Waa rame orang. Seru kalau ada event begini kak ngumpul2. Jadi inget jaman muda 😝
Amazing air show and beautiful weather too to Enjoy this event outside
keren banget atraksi pesawat terbanya bun 🥰
Wow bagus banget pemandangan nya.
Wow very awesome. I'd love to watch it also personally if I visit there
Jadi kangen summer nih! Banyak makanan lezat dari berbagai negara… yummy! Hebat disana ttp bisa bikinnevent rame2 gitu di jaman pandemi 😷🤗
Nice and sunny just the way I like it. Nothing like being at the beach on a hot day
Wahhhhhh Seru banget festivalnya sist. Mataharinya, sambil menghirup udara laut yg sehat ada makanan makanan.
Di Belanda ini susah sekarang dgn festival festival. Out/indoor tdk di izinkan dari pemerintah untuk di selenggarakan.🥲🥲🥲
So 2 tahun ini tidak ada Pasar Malam. Itu seru juga Food Festivalnya.
Happy weekend sist. 💐
Incredibile events! Love watching the air show - the pilots are super talented with those acrobatic acts - thanks for sharing
Love the view
How fun and amazing air show festival, beautiful weather and delicious foods,,,what a perfect day!
Indeed…. It was such a perfect day… ohhhh… I miss Summer 💙
@@SukaSukaLifestyle Ahhhh Me too,,, Thanks for sharing Sis!
so beautiful panorama plus you could watch the air show
What a place! This is exactly what I am longing to do now after covid!
Wow so happening here ❤ !!! warm weather always bring people together - not to mentioned- Bournemouth - fantastic vlog my friend ❤️xx tt
Seru banget ya shownya,makanannya jg pst enak2 bgt,duuh jadi kangen summer,enjoy your time sis ( Borpan)
nice to see how the event that they have there, thank you for sharing this beautiful moment
Amazing event .. the air show it’s remind me of someone special in my life 😉
It's look so much fun since there is not only food festival but the beach view is pretty amazing
Pilot nya pada jago2, klo kita dah puyeng kali ya muter2 gitu 😁 yg jelas keren bgt!!
Love the slow motion part, the looks & sounds soooo cool! 😍
Awesome I miss those festivals during the summer days, hopefully things are getting back to normal. Great video my friend, thanks for sharing
Pas bgt festival cuacanya mendukung 😍
Looks already normal there. Complete events, food, music, beautiful swan, etc. Amazing. Regards, Ami Santha
A beautiful and amazing day ! Wow atraksi pesawatnya luar biasa diatas pantai yg Indah .. Keren 😍👍🏼
Thank you…. Yes it was such an amazing day… 💙
sungguh terpesona jasmine lihatnya
Rameeee acaranya, makanan nya pasti paling cepet diserbu. Cuacanya juga mendukung banget. Paling suka kasih makan angsa2. Jualan risol / siomay laku nih 😂
Wow...keren ada air festivalnya... Pasti seru dunk menyantap makanan2 enak sambil liat show nya.
Bener banget the best part was makan2 di pantai 😄😄
wow rame bangettt keren kak
Wow nice dear amaging beautifully 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A really beautiful place to visit, would love to see the air show one day 🙂
Cuaca sangat mendukung Air Shownya sehingga terlihat jelas keahlian para pilot2 profesional 👍
Bener banget…. Pilot2nya canggih dech 👍🏻
the view is so beautiful bro
lovely weather nice video
Asli keren bgt ini pasti kalo liat langsung ya. Jasmine tiara
Keren banget kaka..
Nice!I always like to watch air show
Wowww keren banget air shownya, cuaca mendukung banget, aplg trmpatnya asli keren skali ehhh
Thank you 😊 iya cuacanya cerah banget jadi pas buat AirShow….
Perfect weather for an air show thanks for sharing
Wow what a beautiful place! And it looks so warm
That is amazing
I love the air show done here - so coollll
very nice scenery n event.. hi from alaina
salut sm pilot didlm pswatnya😂amazinf skills
Wow such a huge event to enjoy 🤩the food n view r so amazing ❤❤I won't go home if I were there 😅have fun guys thank you for the awesome video
Wow...the airshow is really great and the weather was good to attend this kind of festival...I reall enjoyed your video dear
Like to see the festival.