L Lawliet Intelligence skills + Academic Prodigy || Subliminal Audio

  • Опубликовано: 30 июн 2024
  • Affs~
    I am incredibly intelligent
    I am an extremely quick thinker
    I am a prodigy at everything I do
    I excel at academics
    I’m a human calculator
    I have the IQ of 1,000
    My brain has immense capacity
    My brain is incredibly powerful
    I am insanely smart
    I calculate things completely accurately
    My hypotheses are always 100% correct
    I have the most amazing deduction skills in the world
    I have the power of the greatest, smartest computer in the world inside my brain
    I’m an incredibly quick thinker
    I can come to accurate conclusions quickly
    I can think logically under pressure easily
    I notice very small details
    I never have any problems focusing
    I never get lost in unrelated thoughts
    I am able to stay on track at all times
    I am the smartest human in the world
    All of my academic skills are being amplified by 10 every second I listen to this subliminal
    I am extremely book smart
    I can read very fluently
    I am extremely literate
    I have a large vocabulary
    I am so intelligent
    I am so smart
    I can think about lots of things quickly
    I am able to multitask easily
    Solving mysteries is so easy for me
    I can pick up on clues easily
    Solving problems is like second nature to me
    I am a master problem solver
    I understand exactly what to do in every situation
    I can always tell if someone is lying
    I am amazing at understanding and picking up social cues
    I am amazing at understanding and picking up body language
    I can detect lies easily
    I never misjudge a situation
    I never misjudge a person
    My conclusions are always right
    I’m extremely observant
    I have photographic memory
    I remember everything
    I have the most amazing memory in the universe
    If I make a mistake I will learn from it
    My analyzing skills are impeccable
    I can analyze a situation accurately easily
    I can analyze a person accurately easily
    Analyzing somebody’s behavior is easy
    I remember every single detail I analyze about a situation
    I remember every single detail I analyze about a situation
    In a great quick thinker
    I calculate all my decisions accordingly
    Every word I speak is a product of a careful analysis
    I never say the wrong thing
    I can always read the room
    I can outwit anyone
    I am smarter than anyone in the world
    I am emotionally mature
    I am full of wisdom
    I am good at all of my subjects
    I pass every single test I take
    I remember everything I learn
    Learning is incredibly easy for me
    I am amazing at focusing
    I have the intelligence of a god
    I’m the smartest being that ever lived
    I can quickly calculate my next move after a loss accurately
    I am able to accept failure
    I understand that failure is apart of growth
    I will continue to get smarter every second of every day
    I am able to balance multiple difficult classes easily
    I am able to balance multiple difficult tasks easily
    I am able to balance my social life and academic life easily
    I get all of my homework done so fast
    I get my homework done in a millisecond
    School is not stressful at all
    I have such a high IQ
    Others are stunned by how smart I am
    I memorize everything I read
    I am a master at studying
    Studying is so easy
    I never get distracted while I study
    I’m so good at studying
    I get done with studying so fast
    I’m so organized when I study
    I know where to find all of my desired information
    I’m the quickest learner in the universe
    Once I learn something it just sticks
    How in the world am I so smart
    Exams are so fun
    Exams are the easiest thing ever
    I can’t help but get all A’s on my exams
    I can’t help but get 100% on my tests
    I get straight A’s
    I get an A on every assignment I do
    I get 100% on every single assignment I do
    My GPA is heavenly
    My GPA is incredible
    I always have good grades
    I am able to balance my work perfectly
    I never get burnt out
    I am immune to getting burnt out from school
    I have endless motivation to do school work
    I’m excited to do school work
    My friends understand I put school above social events
    I have great self discipline
    I’m so disciplined
    I value my grades
    I value school
    I value my school
    I value my education immensely
    I’m such a hard worker
    I’m the hardest worker ever
    I never get tired of studying
    I never get bored of studying
    I never get bored doing schoolwork
    I remember every single detail I study
    My memory is incredible
    I never forget anything during tests
    I am always prepared for a pop quiz
    Pop quizzes are the easiest thing ever
    Pop quizzes are fun
    School is so exciting
    Analyzing the material I’m studying is as easy as breathing for me
    I can pull pieces of information out from the back of my mind out so easily
    I’m amazing at recollecting old information
    I never forget anything I’ve read
    I can pay attention in class perfectly
    Despite any mental disorders I have focusing in class is so easy for me
    I never get distracted in class
    I never daydream in class
    Everything I learn in class is so interesting
    I’m the smartest human in the world
    I’m like a human computer
    I’m like a human calculator
    I’m as smart as L Lawliet
    I’m smarter than L Lawliet

Комментарии • 3