Nice project niko! My girlfriend works at the University in air quality matters and from what I learned from conversations about her work these measuring devices are more for assessment than for reading actual measures. So for a good-bad measure I think she said they were OK.
Awesome project idea. Can't wait for your Indymill updates....I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be building yours when I finally get around to building a cnc router
I liked your sophisticated way of saying scrap wood haha. To prevent the fuzzy wood bits from the CNC, I recommend trying a 2 flute downcutting end mill if you haven’t already. It will produce a great finish on top and remove the need to sand as much.
If you need any tips regarding air quality sensors, then I can help :) Few tips, sensors from series PMSx003 (and probably most of the rest) are measuring single value, usually PM2.5, all the rest is calculated from this one. Fog is adding up to suspended particles (you can test it with ultra sonic humidifier), however air humidity is not. Those sensors are also quite sensitive. They will easili pickup smoking neighbour and measures for outdoor sensor will skyrocket :)
W samodzielnie wykonywanych monitorach problemem jest wilgotność powietrza powyżej 70%. Wtedy czujnik wykrywa również drobiny pary i zalicza je do pyłu. W swoim projekcie na PMS3003 użyłem termistora jako grzałki, a do kontrolowania wilgotności na zewnątrz obudowy - czujnika wilgotności. Termistor umieszczony we wlocie powietrza ogrzewał je i dzięki temu zmniejszała się wilgotność. Niestety, coś za coś :) Z podgrzanego powietrza para zbierała się na ściankach obudowy.
pewien brak konsekwencyjnego dzialania. Twozysz monitor czastek stalych czy tam inaczej jakosci powietrza. Uzywasz CNC do wycinania - pracujesz bez maski... wiesz ile 2.5mikrona wlasnie dostalo sie do Twoich pluc.... troche masakra. Kiedys moze bedziesz czesciej robil w drewnie, pomysl o dobrej masce i filtrach. Ja uzywam half mask 3M, i jest OK. warto zadbac nie tylko o faktor WOW youtube, ale tez o swoje pluca. mlody jestes, ale na starosc wspomnisz moje slowa. pozdrawiam
Nice project niko! My girlfriend works at the University in air quality matters and from what I learned from conversations about her work these measuring devices are more for assessment than for reading actual measures. So for a good-bad measure I think she said they were OK.
Great video. Very useful project. I live in an area where there are a wildfires. This is something I could definitely use. Thanks for sharing.
2:50 Hmmm, naturally occurring metal in that board? I suppose that would make it ironwood...
I live in a city that has very bad air at times due to seasonal inversions. Another cool project my friend.
Great little project, simple and rewarding! Love the indy mill :)
Awesome project idea. Can't wait for your Indymill updates....I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be building yours when I finally get around to building a cnc router
I liked your sophisticated way of saying scrap wood haha. To prevent the fuzzy wood bits from the CNC, I recommend trying a 2 flute downcutting end mill if you haven’t already. It will produce a great finish on top and remove the need to sand as much.
Just tried a straight flute milling bit on plywood, works great!
Very cool project, Nikodem :)
Great project, Thanks for the video.
Can you give us a review for the snapmaker 2.0? How the CNC, 3D print, and laser engraving quality is?
Loved it 🤩🤩
do you have another link to the Air Quality Sensor? that link returns "page not found" or "Przepraszamy, nie znaleziono pożądanej strony :("
If you need any tips regarding air quality sensors, then I can help :) Few tips, sensors from series PMSx003 (and probably most of the rest) are measuring single value, usually PM2.5, all the rest is calculated from this one. Fog is adding up to suspended particles (you can test it with ultra sonic humidifier), however air humidity is not. Those sensors are also quite sensitive. They will easili pickup smoking neighbour and measures for outdoor sensor will skyrocket :)
I need help w tym sabdżekcie ;) Jak można się z Tobą skontaktować?
Love the forest-voiceover
Przydałoby się pomyśleć o innym sposobie łączenia obu połówek niż hot glue 😀 frezarka chodzi elegancko. Pozdrawiam!
Great video and great channel 👍
Awesome video, what camera do you use?
Keep up the great work and all the projects!
W samodzielnie wykonywanych monitorach problemem jest wilgotność powietrza powyżej 70%. Wtedy czujnik wykrywa również drobiny pary i zalicza je do pyłu. W swoim projekcie na PMS3003 użyłem termistora jako grzałki, a do kontrolowania wilgotności na zewnątrz obudowy - czujnika wilgotności. Termistor umieszczony we wlocie powietrza ogrzewał je i dzięki temu zmniejszała się wilgotność.
Niestety, coś za coś :) Z podgrzanego powietrza para zbierała się na ściankach obudowy.
I suggest to try bulid this with esp8266/esp32 + esphome + homeassistant on raspberry pi
Beautiful 😊
Very good
I realy like the Indymill. Will you mill some other metals like steel, stainless steel, cooper ...?
I'll hope yes and would looking forward for it😁😁
Was there a link to the sensor? The one here not work
Great Content
Cool project! What is the 3D printer you are using
i think it's a snapmaker v2
Hej, używaj maseczki przy robotach przy drewnie, szkoda płuc :-)
Can you please tell me the name of the music at 5:30 min
What's the name of the song in 5:50 ?
Which program do you use to design stuff?
A gdzie napisy po naszemu
Which 3D Printer do you use?
Snapmaker 2.0
Cool project! We would love to see you publish a write-up about the project over on!
pewien brak konsekwencyjnego dzialania. Twozysz monitor czastek stalych czy tam inaczej jakosci powietrza. Uzywasz CNC do wycinania - pracujesz bez maski... wiesz ile 2.5mikrona wlasnie dostalo sie do Twoich pluc.... troche masakra. Kiedys moze bedziesz czesciej robil w drewnie, pomysl o dobrej masce i filtrach. Ja uzywam half mask 3M, i jest OK. warto zadbac nie tylko o faktor WOW youtube, ale tez o swoje pluca. mlody jestes, ale na starosc wspomnisz moje slowa. pozdrawiam