Your spot on about Vaillant , the 3 parts you mention have been a problem for the last i5 years ! -- And that's for a boiler that's up there with the most expensive -- iv'e seen the comment about vokera pcb's , but iv,e fit a few over these last 4 years with no problems at all , they are half the price of vaillant , they have a better guarantee + a better tech help; line ! --who's the fool eh !!!
Your spot on about Vaillant , the 3 parts you mention have been a problem for the last i5 years ! -- And that's for a boiler that's up there with the most expensive -- iv'e seen the comment about vokera pcb's , but iv,e fit a few over these last 4 years with no problems at all , they are half the price of vaillant , they have a better guarantee + a better tech help; line ! --who's the fool eh !!!
Would say vokera pcb's are worse