@@gregorydenisov6571 Bonaparta pretty much takes everything except for maybe 'memory', maybe? I would say the diff should be low-mid; I would lean towards the lower one.
@@watashinonawakirayoshikage7140 when Bonaparta was "good" and top old he started naming Johan "Monster". But the old Klaus poppe got named Monster by Johan
While I don't personally believe Johan loses here, since he was practically the epitome of "evil", even in Franz's eyes, this can be one of the best large-scale debates against Johan. Coming from a huge Johan fan, Franz definitely has a chance against the Nameless monster. Maybe not in direct manipulation or in their primes, but for Johan to defeat Franz would not be the easiest task. Sadly Monster fans overpower Johan over everyone, and while yes, he is probably the most terrifying and skillful manipulator in anime/manga, Franz doesn't get the love he should. He CREATED Johan.
Lately people underrate Johan so there's that too, but yeah, nobody actually cares about the original Monster. Without Franz there wouldn't have been Johan. In the end they both won though. (Franz created a Monster and Johan simultaniously committed the perfect suicide/found himself)
@@mukul.niranjanparekh3954 wholeheartedly agree with you, recently i robbed a bank and kicked a dog but then i got arrested for it, i can't believe they would treat me so harshly when its all fates fault 😔
@@tm8089 yeah, it's highly recommended if you are a monster fan. You'll know what happened after the ruhenheim incident. And the real question is johan alive or not? I don't want to spoil you much but it's a great to read that. Just search another monster pdf and download it.
The reason why Bonaparte was more influentially involved is mainly because he had a motive, a fixed one, to create a charismatic monster.(maybe multiple). Johan was always aimlessly doing things, randomly killing couples, keeping Anna in safekeeping and then getting rid of the adoptive parents(more than once), the whole Schubert thing, meeting his makers to realise his past, and then to quite literally suicide while destroying a village. He may have easily surpassed Bonaparte, but didn't have enough motivation, half the time he was just passing time in a park or something, and playing games☠️💀☠️💀
@@OG_Grandpop It is true that he covered some of his tracks, but that was barely of much use since the authorities later pinned the blame on Tenma. Otherwise honestly he pretty much changed his objective everytime he made an appearance , when he almost his plans reach an end.
@user-fs9po8oc9f covering his tracks wasn't his objective. His goal was Damnatio memoriae. To make it like he never existed, he offed anyone who knew about him or his origin. Tenma and Anna were going to be the only exceptions until his plan went wrong
Literally, people just don't see nothing except johan. That is why, monster is unique because of its characters but the Fandom have failed to appreciate it all they can do is talk about johan but if you go deep into other characters you will see how creativity each character presents. Franz bonaparta started all, but no one talks about him. Sadly the Fandom is not good as the show.
@@MR_NOBODY61 honestly fandom is good but everyone talks about only Johan because they think he is the best villain in anime verse ( which he is ) but no one talks about Tenma , dieter , Evas character devlopment , lunge , Martin , and grimmer we should appreciate these characters too . Tenma is the best mc and this anime has the best side characters
@@aryandwivedi9136 yeah it's certainly true. Honestly grimmer is my second favorite along with johan. Grimmer's writing is great. His backstory, ending introduction, motivations, goals are all awesome. Actually the writer could have made some flashbacks of bonaparta's influence but he didn't that.
He was another monster before Johan, especially implied by the stories of his in the Another Monster novel. Only that Franz changed and felt guilt for his past, while Johan stayed the same having the same guilt since he and Anna seperated.
The thing is, we don't know the limit of Johan. But we know the limit of Franz. Large scale manipulation also definitely goes to Johan. Franz betrayed people at the red rose mansion. His motive was always clear and same to all. To create the eprfect human. Franz kills his friends/allies with manipulation. And He was able to do it because they all trusted him and knew him as the one person that he was. But Johan is very complex. He has no name. Everyone around him thinks of him as the one Johan addresses himself as. He could manipulate people into thinking something people don't even want to. Plus He cleared an entire orphanage when he was just a boy. That feat is enough to show that he is far more dangerous as an adult than franz ever was and will be. So IQ can't really go to Bonaparta. Johan never made a mistake on screen. Bonaparta died in front of Johan to his subordinate even when he was just standing there. EQ goes to Johan hundred percent. Franz did not manipulate the woman and the man into loving each other ue just used his influence to force them into it and they then decided they would flee together. Franz is also a guy who could not resist himself from falling in love with his own experiment material aka Johans mother. So yeah Johan still wins. Franz may have created a monster but he could never be the one to kill it. Johan at the time has more influence. His influence is invisible due to people trusting him with their lives. Franz manipulated people into drinking poison once. Johan does it on a daily basis. Franz probably never even had someone as dangerous and psychotic as Roberto by his side. But Roberto obeys Johan like a dog. And in every scene, everything goes as Johan planned. The entire story is probably set up by Johan himself. He directs what tenma would do. His men were probably following Tenma the whole time. But due to Johan's given order none of them actually executed him. Afterall he was born as the perfect human so it is normal for him to be much better and far dangerous than Franz Bonaparta. Also To Johan, the monster was his mother not franz. Franz was a monster to Anna only.
i agree johan wins but johan did make two mistakes. 1. When johan tried to manipulate a child in Anna’s costume (it failed) 2. When he pointed a gun at the kid in the end. Tenma wouldnt kill Johan even if he didnt point the gun because there was a child
Bonaparta is very underrated. He's just a masterpiece character who was originally a real evil, and then came to redemption at the sight of even more evil. I love this anime and don't understand the hate towards it. But in fact Johan is more genius and he has higher iq. Like 190-220. So, it's your opinion and I respect it. In writing Johan=Bonaparta but in overall intellegence Johan>> (for me)
franz, lunge, grimmer, tenma and johan wewre my favorite charcters, it's a bit sad franz hadn't much screen time also imo the diff is a bit too low, but i'm glad you gaved franz respect
Such a delicately fact-ful edit it is......most people don't recognise other characters much from the monster except Johan and that too, there are some who just over exaggerate if, merely by watching yt shorts lmao. This was well done and they overlook other major characters like Franz....Franz is an absolute menace. Agreed 💯 but a battle between Johan and Franz sounds far fetching to answer but if it's the prime Franz (without the influence) and Johan at his fullest then it would be Johan.
fight as in compete to survive yes Bonaparte may win but Johan isn't less, bonaparte high mid, but compared to whose life was better I would se both are equals, they both failed, miserably failed
@@MR_NOBODY61 no, from the start they were wrong, what franze was doing was to plant and water a human kid in such a way that the baby grows up to be perfect in every possible feild, he failed even johan isn't perfect, Johan failed to understand one thing, even if yhe world is nihilistic there was never an escape,he was the most delusional, he never used any time to actually calculate or try understanding, he was fixated, onky because of Franze, Franze not only was "experimenting" which failed, he also was the reason why Johsn failed
@@MR_NOBODY61 Franze was "experimenting" that was the moment I knew it was wrong, human life in the course of entropy is unknown and random, experimenting with it is foolish, yes every life is a form of experiment as it goes through different channels, but if the motive was something like Franze's, he should been thoroughl with his methods, extremely thorough, he should've considered every other prospective instead of just possiblities, personality isn't simple maths, its random
Johan's IQ is imo higher than Poppe's by a good margin. Also Johan's large scale manipulation is surely superior, must be taken into context: Johan has no funds and is a criminal, Poppe had funds and worked for the government. Also Johan is 100% more generally skilled. He's talented in *everything* he does, he's so perfect he's unnatural Poppe was indeed more genius for the vision he made into reality being able to create a monster like Johan
10 year old johan made franz bonaparte look like a b*tch yeah he outsmarted him in everyway the reason is because the one they took for the experiment was anna but johan stole her experiences and memories and soon dominated 511 kinderhiem he became this new superstar among all the people that were involved in this experiment who were impressed by what this little kid could who without even moving a finger
The words you are using are clearly showing the lack of your understanding. You really liked your own comment, grow up, I can't debate with a person like you. After the Red rose mansion incident, Bonaparta clearly left his work and he moved to Ruhenheim to live the rest of his life. Only time he came to meet the twins when they were adopted by the Lieberts. So, there is not even a question where Bonaparta tried to stop him, He loved the Twins. "Johan stole her memories," sounds like a average opinion gatherer. And you know why Bonaparta homicide the mansion? Because he fell in love with the twins mother, he told Anna to run away. Monster is not only about 'who wins, or who losses' but it's beyond than that.
@@MR_NOBODY61 bro thinks he is johan well its my opinion because i don't really think a man clumsy enough to fall in love with a mother of two wouldn't get manipulated by johan liebert and you totally entertained me sounding like that it literally feels like i'm talking to johan liebert For me johan liebert > claus poppe
@@LMdidy I don't think I am Johan Liebert. I am damn sure Johan would have made more of progress if he didn't change his mind. If he didn't get shot, he would have surpassed him in most of the category, and he still have some points. The match would be a close one, because I took Bonaparta's prime. I suggest you to read about his past, you can read it in 'Another Monster'. This video is almost 6 months old. If you believe Johan> franz Bonaparta, then you are not wrong, but it would depends on the type of situation.
@@LMdidy You can't neglect the influence Bonaparta had in his prime. He was a knowledgeable Psychiatrist. He was a great writer. Do you know he had successfully erased his identity. His father could have become the president of Czech republic if wasn't a German, and Bonaparta erased all his identity that there was not even a single person except his son to know about him properly, even his own son didn't know much about him. Bonaparta had a great planning, he was the reason why Johan was born. Because of him, the parents of Johan met, and fell for each other. Could go either way, in their prime. And as in your opinion "Johan> Poppe>," in my opinion it's depends.
@@Mortals325 I would surely do that. But first I'll upload johan vs tenma in writing, I have already edited it. Will upload this Thursday or Wednesday.
@@MR_NOBODY61 I think he is similar to you in that he was defeated by Beyond Birthday, but as someone who has read the monster manga and watched the anime, I think that johan's intelligence and abilities are far above that of franz bonaparta, who wrote it so well that he produced it, but could not be up to the real monster. areas) which there are and I also love franz bonaparta and i think he is not as well liked by the community but does that make him a smarter and more analytical thinker than johan?) i think he will beat him by a big margin in all potential but in depth i love both of them. --- and I don't think Johann will lose against mello
Well, Franz bonaparta conducted several experiment, he could made two people fall in love with each other and johan is the result of his experiment. It is stated in the light novel another monster that franz bonaparta had great influenced in internal government and secret police and other government department. He had a prime in mid 70s. Franz bonaparta's father Terner poppe could have become prime minister or president of Czech republic if he hadn't been a German and it was stated that franz was a a greater genius than his father. He manipulated many government officials. He killed 40 people in red rose mansions and killed 4 more to cover him, Anna, johan and his companion Peter Chapik, and after that he stopped. Johan's favorite book was dorn in darkness which was written by Herman fuhr who was another monster and most brilliant student of franz bonaparta, he was so scared of franz bonaparta that he considered him a monster. So yes Johan is great but Frazn bonaparta is extremely underrated, he wins. I suggest you to read another monster it's a well of work by naoki.
I pinned your comment so that anybody have questions why johan looses can see my below comment so that i don't have to explain the same thing everytime.
@@MR_NOBODY61 doesn't Johan have charisma like Jesus? His seduction is insane. Johan might not have as much influence but without it he can still manipulate a country. Idk how he wins just cuz he made Johan like that and of those things you mentioned. maybe if I read the novel another monster I might change my mind tho.
@@walsmakep6059 well, actually the manga and anime isn't stated bonaparta feats that's why, yous should give a try to another monster. Well I agree that johan is better at direct manipulation. Franz bonaparta was realistically better he was also a psychiatrist. Maybe in one v one johan can win he can pull out his gun. I don't want to spoil you about another monster but it's about the interviews after the ruhenheim incident. You will get to know if johan is alive or not.
i think even Johan fears something, discovering the truth about his mother. That choice tormented him for all his life and shaped him, knowing the truth probably terrorized him
'Remember the whole anime calls Johan "Monster" but Johan referred Bonaparte as the "Monster"' Now this could be viewed from 2 angles. A smart person would see that as a blame-shifting/deflection manipulation trick, and the other one would fall for it. (Remember: Even Bonparta himself referred Johan as the actual 'Monster', and was deliberately hiding from Johan throughout the whole series.
Franz was the nameless monster while johan was the monster which got took over by nameless monster just like in the story On of my favourite character johan such a great manupilator After billy the bat
EQ, all forms of manipulation, predictions, influence, deception = Johan Bonaparta has good long-term planning and experimental and business intelligence but he doesn’t show as many feats as Johan did. Not that Urasawa wanted either of them to anyway
Thanks for making this fax debate dude I was too lazy to make it tho but ofc Franz win Franz is cause of creating a monster FRANZ CREATED JOHAN and that show it Franz win
@@MR_NOBODY61 same here brother Btw it'll be fantastic if you can keep this underrated debates like your the only guy who made this debate We NEED MORE OF THIS UNDERRATED DEBATES!! Hmm like how bout Roberto vs johans student(I don't remember his name tho but he was Manipulating Martin as I remember so easy tho) Thanks
@@Illumie_Hi oh, it was christof sievernich, I really liked his character. It would be a good idea to do that edit, I think I will do it, thank you for suggesting me. We can be in touch, we are both creators, we can be friends.
@@MR_NOBODY61 absolutely right I want to know tho Johan=broken or pure evil Tbh I go with broken bc I had a feeling like he was taking revenge for his sister Anna He was getting revenge overall but he killed unnecessary people tho that's where I can't decide
Everything bar Psychatrist goes to Johan, Johan literally destroyed the organisation that Bonaparta started at 10 years old with the massacre of orphans and instructors killing each other.
Johans intelligence & IQ feats/statements are simply much superior to Franz, Bonaparta’s many occupations don’t make him more intelligent. Johan rivals L from Death Note & Bonaparta doesn’t get anywhere near that even though he’s extremely intelligent (at least more the average human being) but Johan pretty much surpasses him as early as 15 when he started the underground bank which held a monopoly on all underground funds in Germany cleaning dirty money to clean money acting as a real bank, they made millions in 5 years, to do these requires elite level knowledge in business, marketing, statistics, maths, leadership, managements, politics, economics, Trading & finance. Knows 5 languages, he’s Czech & German and has lived in both countries + having influence there, learned English & French at 12 years old fluently in just 13 months & finally learned Latin & taught Karl. Just my opinion, don’t see how it’s close.
@@TheAfricanNightDemon Brother, Johan did this all behind shadows while franz did all what he could as a person. He had a better goal, to do something great for country. In words of karl ranke I'm going to provide some statements from another monster. It's about franz bonaparta prime. "He was protected by all members of the party, military, internal ministry and secret police. He was given very preferential treatment. He was always well - lubricated with funds. And at the time johan massacred kinderheim 511, franz had left his work. He erased all his identity. Oh common you are too biased, you live in delusions. Karl ranke who was roberto's uncle said that he was scared of bonaparta. In his words, "suddenly a man appears with his magical ability to change people personalities and what they think, if I'm being honest I was scared too. And the period by which no one could interfere bonaparta was mid 70s. Johan was failed to manipulate that orphanage kid, grimmer's love made that boy escaped death.
@@MR_NOBODY61 Of course a 10 year old Johan would have some fear of Franz after what he did to his family, you’re calling me bias even though I’ve given you objective evidence as to why Franz gets outfeated in IQ & everywhere else. Whether Franz left or not still doesn’t change the fact that what he built was destroyed by a 10 year old Johan then Johan traumatised him again causing the Ruhenheim massacre in just a day, also Johan doing what he did at 15 is more impressive than anything Franz did in his prime, it’s not bias if I’m giving factual evidence of canon events in the story as to why I say what I say. What Intelligence or manipulation feats does Franz posses to place him above Johan, Johan could’ve easily conquered Europe and taken over Schuwalds position being in charge of Europes Stock & Economy which means he could’ve instigated things such as Riots, more massacres that could’ve led to War but he gave it up due to regaining his memories. In no where in the canon story or Another Monster did Franz get close to Continental influence that Johan did. Also Johan didn’t fail to manipulate the kid, he was literally going to commit suicide but then Grimmer saved him, the boy (& Grimmer + Tenma) were very lucky they saw him a the right place & right time. If Johan failed, the boy would’ve just not attempted suicide without the interruption from Grimmer mentally holding off Johans words on his own (which is NOT what he did).
Guys franz didn't do large scale manipulation he betrayed the 40 people at the last moment and the killed plus he stated that he cant control johan , i would recommend to read another monster which would give you clue about the limits of franz😅
@@annisadwiputri but that's not the point. The point was that Franz would pull the trigger. He instantly recognised Johan as the same monster as he was/is and wanted to kill him.
@@panoskamp4324Johan isn't As Smart as people make him to be he didn't calculate the ending greatly as it shows that He got shot by an Unimportant Drunk Dad which was totally uncalled for. he wanted Tenma to kill him and failed.
Its funny that Franz win while he couldn’t even stop Johan using power you mentioned. whatever, knowing that Franz created the experiment didn’t mean he was smarter he just failed to make what he wanted and end up creating unstoppable monster.
Did franz really tried to stop him? Did he knew that johan had become a killer? You came to a conclusion on your own. It's funny how people interpret things on their own without providing statements.
@@MR_NOBODY61 your reply reveal how emotional you are by generalising people interpretation as pointless while the show depend on that to enjoy it. Thus, my point of view will never reach you so I give up.
@@ani6373Calm down, calm down it seems to me that you are being emotional over your favorite character loss. You said franz couldn't stop johan but if you have really watched the show then there is not a single area where it is stated that he tried to stop him. We interpret things which are already being revealed a bit. We interpret the ending because it has give links to interpret it. I have really got a good response on this short, really but just someone named Ani who lacks knowledge on Interpretation, gets emotional over a youtube short ahh, I don't give a F about it.
Bonaparta could invent items to kill johan because of his such high IQ, however Johan has better manipulation and is more aware of what Bonaparta could do as shown throughout the whole anime Johan could havw atleast been killed 10 times to actual smart traps however he didnt, Obce Johan realises Bonaparta is in a bad position he can either manipulate him into suicide or shoot him out of the blue but Bonaparta also has high IQ so this fight would be a mind game
Franz bonaparte is a very interesting character at the middle of the series he was even more mysterious than Johan but in raw IQ johan is def the smartest in the universe as he was outperforming his very institution and was easily able to manipulate it. Now people say that he was able to manipulate it cuz franz bonparte and the other short bald and old guy weren't present but what if Johan manipulated the events so that they wouldn't be present during the 511 kinderheim.
We can’t know their iq, but Bonaparta is a more empathetic guy. When you are empathetic, you are more likely to be manipulated than human without empathy. And Johan was very good at manipulation and low on empathy. Other topics can be true, but some of them like “more genius” are subjective
Bonaparta is clearly not an empathetic guy by any means. This is the same person who did experiments on his own father and became the reason for his demise. He literally did experiments on his own son and made him live in an isolated city on his own. I've literally taken his prime, so there's no chance of him being bewildered by the thoughts of Johan's mother.And don't forget that Johan had a side that could have been torn through inside-caring for Anna. Johan wouldn't go that far.
@@MR_NOBODY61Franz did experiments on his father and made his son live in an isolated city? Wasn't he the one who decided to disconnect from the world and went to live in a far off city?
great edit but how iq go franz bonaparta?.Johan was learn thinks easliy and also he has incredible feats ins school.I know franz bonaparta is breaking point of johan
speaking in knowledge terms, the video is correct. but, in IQ terms, considering that Johan is, biologically, the perfect human, Franz doesn't beat Johan. otherwise, he would be capable of stop Johan's plan in Ruheinheim
I think both are equally powerful as their own 'Monster'. Johan took control of trouble mind with ingenious tactics but Bonaparta made sane minded people into doing things believing it was the best thing or ruined their life.
well i think that the fact that bonaparta is a psychiatrist don t matter cuz like you i think that johan win in direct manipulation, and the people that is good manipulating is more hard to manipulate with psychiatrist skils, cuz i imagine that the way to be strong with that skills is the same way to be strong with manipulator skills: knowing what gonna do the people, what they thinks. So for me johan and bonaparta are the same dangerous
O ayanokoki é o personagem pra os esquisito q senta no fundo da sala se indentificar, esse personagem do rap é feito pra vc morrer de medo e no final ter pena
Franz Bonaparta, Klaus poppe, Helmut Voss, Emil sebe and many more but yes his real name was Klaus poppe. And it was roberto who killed franz bonaparta with a gun.
@@FindingTheShadow but what you said, "Johan killed him with a gun" It's like you are saying Johan took him down by using gun himself. And it was not easy to took him down. If roberto hadn't got the plot armour then the result would have something else.
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What do you think?
Heinrich Lunge vs Franz Bonaparta.
Who wins in intelligence battle.
What diff?
@@gregorydenisov6571 Bonaparta pretty much takes everything except for maybe 'memory', maybe?
I would say the diff should be low-mid; I would lean towards the lower one.
Remember the whole anime calls Johan "Monster" but Johan referred Bonaparte as the "Monster"
You are goddamn right.
In the end, everyone called Johan the devil, even Bonaparte himself.
which episode?
He said it in episode 64.
@@watashinonawakirayoshikage7140 when Bonaparta was "good" and top old he started naming Johan "Monster".
But the old Klaus poppe got named Monster by Johan
Glad to see someone who recognize Bonaparta. He's underrated af
Yeah, he is a great character.
when johan just has a gun.
While I don't personally believe Johan loses here, since he was practically the epitome of "evil", even in Franz's eyes, this can be one of the best large-scale debates against Johan.
Coming from a huge Johan fan, Franz definitely has a chance against the Nameless monster. Maybe not in direct manipulation or in their primes, but for Johan to defeat Franz would not be the easiest task.
Sadly Monster fans overpower Johan over everyone, and while yes, he is probably the most terrifying and skillful manipulator in anime/manga, Franz doesn't get the love he should. He CREATED Johan.
Lately people underrate Johan so there's that too, but yeah, nobody actually cares about the original Monster. Without Franz there wouldn't have been Johan. In the end they both won though. (Franz created a Monster and Johan simultaniously committed the perfect suicide/found himself)
No. Fate created Johan. There were many events which bonaparta could not anticipate/stop.
@@mukul.niranjanparekh3954 😑😑😑
@@mukul.niranjanparekh3954 wholeheartedly agree with you, recently i robbed a bank and kicked a dog but then i got arrested for it,
i can't believe they would treat me so harshly when its all fates fault 😔
Lol 😂@@cyclonixx2468
The real "monster"
Absolutely, he was a menace in his time.
@@MR_NOBODY61 didnt read another monster, but i saw you suggest it
@@tm8089 yeah, it's highly recommended if you are a monster fan. You'll know what happened after the ruhenheim incident. And the real question is johan alive or not? I don't want to spoil you much but it's a great to read that. Just search another monster pdf and download it.
@@MR_NOBODY61where re I can read another monster?
@@anjumara8448 just search another monster pdf and download it from Google.
Bonaparta's creation = Johan liebert😈😈.
People can become whatever they want to. ~ Franz Bonaparta
He was born pure evil not created
@@AN1ME_UZB Johan's birth was a part of Franz Bonaparta's plan.
@@AnilKumar-xk1qf it's just plan nothing else
That was it his existance is because of him@@AN1ME_UZB
The reason why Bonaparte was more influentially involved is mainly because he had a motive, a fixed one, to create a charismatic monster.(maybe multiple).
Johan was always aimlessly doing things, randomly killing couples, keeping Anna in safekeeping and then getting rid of the adoptive parents(more than once), the whole Schubert thing, meeting his makers to realise his past, and then to quite literally suicide while destroying a village. He may have easily surpassed Bonaparte, but didn't have enough motivation, half the time he was just passing time in a park or something, and playing games☠️💀☠️💀
Aimlessly is a huge understatement 👀
It wasn't aimless he was offing everyone who had any ties with him or 551 from the beginning
@@OG_Grandpop It is true that he covered some of his tracks, but that was barely of much use since the authorities later pinned the blame on Tenma. Otherwise honestly he pretty much changed his objective everytime he made an appearance , when he almost his plans reach an end.
@user-fs9po8oc9f covering his tracks wasn't his objective. His goal was Damnatio memoriae. To make it like he never existed, he offed anyone who knew about him or his origin. Tenma and Anna were going to be the only exceptions until his plan went wrong
Finally a fair fight to johan
Anyone who thinks here that johan wins, Franz is the one who authorzized johan, especially converting him to the one he is today
The fact that Johan actually won doesn't count?
@@annisadwiputri no because franz bonaparta was too aged while johan "is" too young. This is the reason johan won.
@@jus-ta-terminator19bonaparta mentioned he can't control him bro
@@greengoblin0001 ok
@Berserk_96 ok
Great vid and I'm glad to see franz. Monster fans focus on johan to much that they forget about the other characters in the show.
Franz bonaparta is literally one of the best antagonist people literally the bigger monster than johan
Literally, people just don't see nothing except johan. That is why, monster is unique because of its characters but the Fandom have failed to appreciate it all they can do is talk about johan but if you go deep into other characters you will see how creativity each character presents. Franz bonaparta started all, but no one talks about him. Sadly the Fandom is not good as the show.
@@MR_NOBODY61 honestly fandom is good but everyone talks about only Johan because they think he is the best villain in anime verse ( which he is ) but no one talks about Tenma , dieter , Evas character devlopment , lunge , Martin , and grimmer we should appreciate these characters too . Tenma is the best mc and this anime has the best side characters
@@aryandwivedi9136 yeah it's certainly true. Honestly grimmer is my second favorite along with johan. Grimmer's writing is great. His backstory, ending introduction, motivations, goals are all awesome. Actually the writer could have made some flashbacks of bonaparta's influence but he didn't that.
@@MR_NOBODY61TRULY FAX. I really hate when people do not see ANYONE except Johan.
He was another monster before Johan, especially implied by the stories of his in the Another Monster novel. Only that Franz changed and felt guilt for his past, while Johan stayed the same having the same guilt since he and Anna seperated.
The thing is, we don't know the limit of Johan. But we know the limit of Franz.
Large scale manipulation also definitely goes to Johan. Franz betrayed people at the red rose mansion. His motive was always clear and same to all. To create the eprfect human. Franz kills his friends/allies with manipulation. And He was able to do it because they all trusted him and knew him as the one person that he was. But Johan is very complex. He has no name. Everyone around him thinks of him as the one Johan addresses himself as. He could manipulate people into thinking something people don't even want to. Plus He cleared an entire orphanage when he was just a boy. That feat is enough to show that he is far more dangerous as an adult than franz ever was and will be.
So IQ can't really go to Bonaparta. Johan never made a mistake on screen. Bonaparta died in front of Johan to his subordinate even when he was just standing there.
EQ goes to Johan hundred percent.
Franz did not manipulate the woman and the man into loving each other ue just used his influence to force them into it and they then decided they would flee together.
Franz is also a guy who could not resist himself from falling in love with his own experiment material aka Johans mother.
So yeah Johan still wins. Franz may have created a monster but he could never be the one to kill it.
Johan at the time has more influence. His influence is invisible due to people trusting him with their lives. Franz manipulated people into drinking poison once. Johan does it on a daily basis. Franz probably never even had someone as dangerous and psychotic as Roberto by his side. But Roberto obeys Johan like a dog.
And in every scene, everything goes as Johan planned. The entire story is probably set up by Johan himself. He directs what tenma would do. His men were probably following Tenma the whole time. But due to Johan's given order none of them actually executed him. Afterall he was born as the perfect human so it is normal for him to be much better and far dangerous than Franz Bonaparta.
Also To Johan, the monster was his mother not franz. Franz was a monster to Anna only.
Nope there's no way Yohan doesn't consider Bonaparta as the monster.
@happilyevernever4289 they never had any serious encounter to begin with
Franz may have created the monster but he was never the one to be able to kill it is such a hard concept
agree johan wins but johan did make two mistakes.
1. When johan tried to manipulate a child in Anna’s costume (it failed)
2. When he pointed a gun at the kid in the end. Tenma wouldnt kill Johan even if he didnt point the gun because there was a child
Unpopular opinion, Johan is light, Franz is L
Unpopular opinion, Johan is Yuuichi Katagiri, Franz is Ayanokoji kiyotaka 😁
Lunge is L in this case
@@AlexSanta-jl9keLunge is goat
Johan started becoming evil because of franz bonaparta😈
Not dead - Johan
Charismatic - Johan
Fear itself - Johan
I would love to watch a conversation between Johan and Prime Bonaparta...
Nah, they be throwing difficult words just to manipulate each other
He is askaladd for johan
Except Askeladd traumatized Thorfinn and Bonaparta got traumatized by Johan for the rest of his life😂
Bonaparta is very underrated. He's just a masterpiece character who was originally a real evil, and then came to redemption at the sight of even more evil. I love this anime and don't understand the hate towards it.
But in fact Johan is more genius and he has higher iq. Like 190-220. So, it's your opinion and I respect it. In writing Johan=Bonaparta but in overall intellegence Johan>> (for me)
Fair opinion.👍
@@MR_NOBODY61 What do you think Bonaparte's iq is?
@@watashinonawakirayoshikage7140 atleast 165. Just a mere guess.
@@MR_NOBODY61 same bro
People can be become whatever they want to be - franz bonaparta
franz, lunge, grimmer, tenma and johan wewre my favorite charcters, it's a bit sad franz hadn't much screen time
also imo the diff is a bit too low, but i'm glad you gaved franz respect
Yeah the characters you mentioned were the best in the show. Yeah the bit is too low, it could be high difficulty.
Such a delicately fact-ful edit it is......most people don't recognise other characters much from the monster except Johan and that too, there are some who just over exaggerate if, merely by watching yt shorts lmao.
This was well done and they overlook other major characters like Franz....Franz is an absolute menace. Agreed 💯 but a battle between Johan and Franz sounds far fetching to answer but if it's the prime Franz (without the influence) and Johan at his fullest then it would be Johan.
Now that's what I say open minded. Good bro, this is what every people should have, to think freely and open mindedly.👍
fight as in compete to survive yes Bonaparte may win but Johan isn't less, bonaparte high mid, but compared to whose life was better I would se both are equals, they both failed, miserably failed
They both failed, yes. It's right. They failed to get their expected outcomes. Anyway, they are both genius.
@@MR_NOBODY61 no, from the start they were wrong, what franze was doing was to plant and water a human kid in such a way that the baby grows up to be perfect in every possible feild, he failed even johan isn't perfect, Johan failed to understand one thing, even if yhe world is nihilistic there was never an escape,he was the most delusional, he never used any time to actually calculate or try understanding, he was fixated, onky because of Franze, Franze not only was "experimenting" which failed, he also was the reason why Johsn failed
@@MR_NOBODY61 Franze was "experimenting" that was the moment I knew it was wrong, human life in the course of entropy is unknown and random, experimenting with it is foolish, yes every life is a form of experiment as it goes through different channels, but if the motive was something like Franze's, he should been thoroughl with his methods, extremely thorough, he should've considered every other prospective instead of just possiblities, personality isn't simple maths, its random
More handsome 💀😂
Fire edit btw 🔥
Thank you mr
the monster came today, to take two of us away...
Some people don't even realize that franz bonaparta made him "monster"
Bonaparta the monster
It's true bro but he had goals. Oh wait you have Franz's real name 😳
Need more monster edits like this
Will always provide.
Creator of the nameless monster he create the greatest Angtosnis of all time
Wait naoki urasawa is a bad guy???? He made johan liebert😯😯😯
@@rippleplayz1002the inspiration for monsters comes from Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , perfect evil
The fallen angel is devil
Johan's IQ is imo higher than Poppe's by a good margin. Also Johan's large scale manipulation is surely superior, must be taken into context: Johan has no funds and is a criminal, Poppe had funds and worked for the government.
Also Johan is 100% more generally skilled. He's talented in *everything* he does, he's so perfect he's unnatural
Poppe was indeed more genius for the vision he made into reality being able to create a monster like Johan
when franz bonapartra first introduce in monster i thought he is same as naoki urasawa because franz also write the story in the anime
Franz's writing = Naoki's writing
I love the short stories they introduced. Nameless monster, sleeping monster etc.
@@MR_NOBODY61 yes
Dude Johan's mom is the real monster!!!💀💀Still gives me chillssss
Johan's mother was a *victim* of Bonaparte.
10 year old johan made franz bonaparte look like a b*tch yeah he outsmarted him in everyway the reason is because the one they took for the experiment was anna but johan stole her experiences and memories and soon dominated 511 kinderhiem he became this new superstar among all the people that were involved in this experiment who were impressed by what this little kid could who without even moving a finger
The words you are using are clearly showing the lack of your understanding. You really liked your own comment, grow up, I can't debate with a person like you. After the Red rose mansion incident, Bonaparta clearly left his work and he moved to Ruhenheim to live the rest of his life. Only time he came to meet the twins when they were adopted by the Lieberts. So, there is not even a question where Bonaparta tried to stop him, He loved the Twins. "Johan stole her memories," sounds like a average opinion gatherer. And you know why Bonaparta homicide the mansion? Because he fell in love with the twins mother, he told Anna to run away. Monster is not only about 'who wins, or who losses' but it's beyond than that.
@@MR_NOBODY61 bro thinks he is johan
well its my opinion because i don't really think a man clumsy enough to fall in love with a mother of two wouldn't get manipulated by johan liebert and you totally entertained me sounding like that it literally feels like i'm talking to johan liebert
For me johan liebert > claus poppe
@@LMdidy I don't think I am Johan Liebert. I am damn sure Johan would have made more of progress if he didn't change his mind. If he didn't get shot, he would have surpassed him in most of the category, and he still have some points. The match would be a close one, because I took Bonaparta's prime. I suggest you to read about his past, you can read it in 'Another Monster'. This video is almost 6 months old. If you believe Johan> franz Bonaparta, then you are not wrong, but it would depends on the type of situation.
@@MR_NOBODY61 by situation if you mean that johan is a newborn child or something like that then this not the an opinion its a slaughter
@@LMdidy You can't neglect the influence Bonaparta had in his prime. He was a knowledgeable Psychiatrist. He was a great writer. Do you know he had successfully erased his identity. His father could have become the president of Czech republic if wasn't a German, and Bonaparta erased all his identity that there was not even a single person except his son to know about him properly, even his own son didn't know much about him. Bonaparta had a great planning, he was the reason why Johan was born. Because of him, the parents of Johan met, and fell for each other. Could go either way, in their prime. And as in your opinion "Johan> Poppe>," in my opinion it's depends.
I couldn't see any Charisma in the old Popeye.
But his peak was dangerous.
I agree bonparte is the man behind it all i love the panel were he says "humanity can do anything"
I would probably watch this anime after Death note, it just looks so good
It's beyond goodness. I really recommend you to watch it.
Read the manga it is a far better experiance
Iam a hardcore Johan fan, this saddened me. I think iq should goes to Johan, he was prodigy, and btw could you make johan vs grimmer?
Well, iq should go to johan, I corrected. I can make johan vs grimmer what type of edit you want, is on writing or just their 1v1 feats comparison.
@@MR_NOBODY61 yeah... 1v1, like this one
@@Mortals325 I would surely do that. But first I'll upload johan vs tenma in writing, I have already edited it. Will upload this Thursday or Wednesday.
@@MR_NOBODY61 ok no problem 👍🏼. Take your time,
@@Mortals325 believe me, I do what I say. I'll upload.
Its interesting that Johan has the same haircut as Bonaparte
Well franz is the reason that johan exists
W edit but i think if u do a full scale comparison johan wins
He will definitely win in manipulation though.
@@MR_NOBODY61 as intelligence and thinking potential (in short, it is possible to win in all areas without difficulty)
@@mehmetkabak9848 so, what are you thinking? The other guy do possessed intelligence and agility thinking. I have seen johan loosing to BB, mello etc.
@@MR_NOBODY61 I think he is similar to you in that he was defeated by Beyond Birthday, but as someone who has read the monster manga and watched the anime, I think that johan's intelligence and abilities are far above that of franz bonaparta, who wrote it so well that he produced it, but could not be up to the real monster. areas) which there are and I also love franz bonaparta and i think he is not as well liked by the community but does that make him a smarter and more analytical thinker than johan?) i think he will beat him by a big margin in all potential but in depth i love both of them. --- and I don't think Johann will lose against mello
@@mehmetkabak9848 Na, just because you think and not think it doesn't change anything. Have you read another monster? Johan fans are too biased.
Wait how did johan lose?
Well, Franz bonaparta conducted several experiment, he could made two people fall in love with each other and johan is the result of his experiment. It is stated in the light novel another monster that franz bonaparta had great influenced in internal government and secret police and other government department. He had a prime in mid 70s. Franz bonaparta's father Terner poppe could have become prime minister or president of Czech republic if he hadn't been a German and it was stated that franz was a a greater genius than his father. He manipulated many government officials. He killed 40 people in red rose mansions and killed 4 more to cover him, Anna, johan and his companion Peter Chapik, and after that he stopped. Johan's favorite book was dorn in darkness which was written by Herman fuhr who was another monster and most brilliant student of franz bonaparta, he was so scared of franz bonaparta that he considered him a monster. So yes Johan is great but Frazn bonaparta is extremely underrated, he wins. I suggest you to read another monster it's a well of work by naoki.
I pinned your comment so that anybody have questions why johan looses can see my below comment so that i don't have to explain the same thing everytime.
@@MR_NOBODY61 doesn't Johan have charisma like Jesus? His seduction is insane. Johan might not have as much influence but without it he can still manipulate a country. Idk how he wins just cuz he made Johan like that and of those things you mentioned. maybe if I read the novel another monster I might change my mind tho.
@@walsmakep6059 well, actually the manga and anime isn't stated bonaparta feats that's why, yous should give a try to another monster. Well I agree that johan is better at direct manipulation. Franz bonaparta was realistically better he was also a psychiatrist. Maybe in one v one johan can win he can pull out his gun. I don't want to spoil you about another monster but it's about the interviews after the ruhenheim incident. You will get to know if johan is alive or not.
@@MR_NOBODY61 ok.
W edit
W but I think Johan would win
In manipulation yes.
@@MR_NOBODY61Not only in manipulation. But in IQ and influence too. Johan practically controls the whole Germany.
IQ Johan >>>>>>>>>
You are johann fan boy
Bonaparta Afterd His Creation The Real Monster Who no fear Bonaparta Hace Fear both are evil but John have no fear
i think even Johan fears something, discovering the truth about his mother.
That choice tormented him for all his life and shaped him, knowing the truth probably terrorized him
'Remember the whole anime calls Johan "Monster" but Johan referred Bonaparte as the "Monster"'
Now this could be viewed from 2 angles. A smart person would see that as a blame-shifting/deflection manipulation trick, and the other one would fall for it. (Remember: Even Bonparta himself referred Johan as the actual 'Monster', and was deliberately hiding from Johan throughout the whole series.
Franz was the nameless monster while johan was the monster which got took over by nameless monster just like in the story
On of my favourite character johan such a great manupilator
After billy the bat
Dieter and Johan were my favorite characters .
i wish Bonaparte and Johan got more screen time
Could you do Franz bonaparta vs tsukishiro from cote it would be a nice match up
I just waited for real monster
Johan: you Real monster bonaparta
Bonaparta: im create you and you create me
Interesting edit, I think Johan is OP in manipulation, but seeing him lose in an edit? I think I should read Another Monster now
You must read. Must read for monster fan. You'll get to know more about other characters.
EQ, all forms of manipulation, predictions, influence, deception = Johan
Bonaparta has good long-term planning and experimental and business intelligence but he doesn’t show as many feats as Johan did. Not that Urasawa wanted either of them to anyway
Can you redo this matchup with a full scale battle
I'll do a better match up between them with proofs and statement.
@@MR_NOBODY61 no i did not say this because im annoyed johan didn't won. I simply want to see the diff b/w them
@@gokai961 I'll make a proper comparison. And I'm aware that difficulty level is wrong.
@@MR_NOBODY61 i see I'll be waiting for that
Thanks for making this fax debate dude
I was too lazy to make it tho but ofc Franz win
Franz is cause of creating a monster FRANZ CREATED JOHAN and that show it
Franz win
I'm glad that you are aware of the truth.
@@MR_NOBODY61 same here brother
Btw it'll be fantastic if you can keep this underrated debates like your the only guy who made this debate
Hmm like how bout Roberto vs johans student(I don't remember his name tho but he was Manipulating Martin as I remember so easy tho)
But definitely johan would had surpassed him if he didn't get shot.
@@Illumie_Hi oh, it was christof sievernich, I really liked his character. It would be a good idea to do that edit, I think I will do it, thank you for suggesting me. We can be in touch, we are both creators, we can be friends.
@@MR_NOBODY61 absolutely right
I want to know tho
Johan=broken or pure evil
Tbh I go with broken bc I had a feeling like he was taking revenge for his sister Anna
He was getting revenge overall but he killed unnecessary people tho that's where I can't decide
Everything bar Psychatrist goes to Johan, Johan literally destroyed the organisation that Bonaparta started at 10 years old with the massacre of orphans and instructors killing each other.
Johans intelligence & IQ feats/statements are simply much superior to Franz, Bonaparta’s many occupations don’t make him more intelligent. Johan rivals L from Death Note & Bonaparta doesn’t get anywhere near that even though he’s extremely intelligent (at least more the average human being) but Johan pretty much surpasses him as early as 15 when he started the underground bank which held a monopoly on all underground funds in Germany cleaning dirty money to clean money acting as a real bank, they made millions in 5 years, to do these requires elite level knowledge in business, marketing, statistics, maths, leadership, managements, politics, economics, Trading & finance. Knows 5 languages, he’s Czech & German and has lived in both countries + having influence there, learned English & French at 12 years old fluently in just 13 months & finally learned Latin & taught Karl. Just my opinion, don’t see how it’s close.
@@TheAfricanNightDemon Brother, Johan did this all behind shadows while franz did all what he could as a person. He had a better goal, to do something great for country. In words of karl ranke I'm going to provide some statements from another monster. It's about franz bonaparta prime. "He was protected by all members of the party, military, internal ministry and secret police. He was given very preferential treatment. He was always well - lubricated with funds.
And at the time johan massacred kinderheim 511, franz had left his work. He erased all his identity. Oh common you are too biased, you live in delusions.
Karl ranke who was roberto's uncle said that he was scared of bonaparta. In his words, "suddenly a man appears with his magical ability to change people personalities and what they think, if I'm being honest I was scared too. And the period by which no one could interfere bonaparta was mid 70s. Johan was failed to manipulate that orphanage kid, grimmer's love made that boy escaped death.
@@MR_NOBODY61 Of course a 10 year old Johan would have some fear of Franz after what he did to his family, you’re calling me bias even though I’ve given you objective evidence as to why Franz gets outfeated in IQ & everywhere else.
Whether Franz left or not still doesn’t change the fact that what he built was destroyed by a 10 year old Johan then Johan traumatised him again causing the Ruhenheim massacre in just a day, also Johan doing what he did at 15 is more impressive than anything Franz did in his prime, it’s not bias if I’m giving factual evidence of canon events in the story as to why I say what I say.
What Intelligence or manipulation feats does Franz posses to place him above Johan, Johan could’ve easily conquered Europe and taken over Schuwalds position being in charge of Europes Stock & Economy which means he could’ve instigated things such as Riots, more massacres that could’ve led to War but he gave it up due to regaining his memories. In no where in the canon story or Another Monster did Franz get close to Continental influence that Johan did.
Also Johan didn’t fail to manipulate the kid, he was literally going to commit suicide but then Grimmer saved him, the boy (& Grimmer + Tenma) were very lucky they saw him a the right place & right time. If Johan failed, the boy would’ve just not attempted suicide without the interruption from Grimmer mentally holding off Johans words on his own (which is NOT what he did).
@@TheAfricanNightDemonIf you've watched the LN narrative of Bonaparta he is much different than who he is in the anime.
@@TheAfricanNightDemonAlso I doubt Johan would defeat Bonaparta in his Prime considering his status in the Czech secret police.
Guys franz didn't do large scale manipulation he betrayed the 40 people at the last moment and the killed plus he stated that he cant control johan , i would recommend to read another monster which would give you clue about the limits of franz😅
Bonaparta created the monster in him into Johan
Low-mid is wild ngl
I have johan high diff, new gen>old gen
Imagine Tenma and Grimmer life without these monster... They definitely would've live a better life 😢
Yes but monster ending, showed us who the real boss is, franz shit his pants in front of johan
No he didn't. He literally would pull the trigger if not for Roberto
@panoskamp4324 you are a smart man.
@@panoskamp4324That's why Johan won. He didn't need to lift a finger to defeats Poppe. His right hand man did it.
@@annisadwiputri but that's not the point. The point was that Franz would pull the trigger. He instantly recognised Johan as the same monster as he was/is and wanted to kill him.
@@panoskamp4324Johan isn't As Smart as people make him to be he didn't calculate the ending greatly as it shows that He got shot by an Unimportant Drunk Dad which was totally uncalled for. he wanted Tenma to kill him and failed.
Franz won because he created the monster
The glaze is crazy 💀
Bro I just spoiled myself
Its funny that Franz win while he couldn’t even stop Johan using power you mentioned. whatever, knowing that Franz created the experiment didn’t mean he was smarter he just failed to make what he wanted and end up creating unstoppable monster.
Did franz really tried to stop him? Did he knew that johan had become a killer? You came to a conclusion on your own. It's funny how people interpret things on their own without providing statements.
@@MR_NOBODY61 your reply reveal how emotional you are by generalising people interpretation as pointless while the show depend on that to enjoy it. Thus, my point of view will never reach you so I give up.
@@ani6373Calm down, calm down it seems to me that you are being emotional over your favorite character loss. You said franz couldn't stop johan but if you have really watched the show then there is not a single area where it is stated that he tried to stop him. We interpret things which are already being revealed a bit. We interpret the ending because it has give links to interpret it. I have really got a good response on this short, really but just someone named Ani who lacks knowledge on Interpretation, gets emotional over a youtube short ahh, I don't give a F about it.
@@ani6373U got destroyed, clam down.
@@MR_NOBODY61It's their opinion. Respect other people opinions.
Bonaparta could invent items to kill johan because of his such high IQ, however Johan has better manipulation and is more aware of what Bonaparta could do as shown throughout the whole anime Johan could havw atleast been killed 10 times to actual smart traps however he didnt, Obce Johan realises Bonaparta is in a bad position he can either manipulate him into suicide or shoot him out of the blue but Bonaparta also has high IQ so this fight would be a mind game
The man who creat the monster
Hell no, if he create monster, doesn’t mean he is better since johan was already a genius in beginning
Alternative title
Nameless monster vs real monster
Franz bonaparte is a very interesting character at the middle of the series he was even more mysterious than Johan but in raw IQ johan is def the smartest in the universe as he was outperforming his very institution and was easily able to manipulate it. Now people say that he was able to manipulate it cuz franz bonparte and the other short bald and old guy weren't present but what if Johan manipulated the events so that they wouldn't be present during the 511 kinderheim.
Franz × Friend
That will be absolute badass.
We can’t know their iq, but Bonaparta is a more empathetic guy. When you are empathetic, you are more likely to be manipulated than human without empathy. And Johan was very good at manipulation and low on empathy.
Other topics can be true, but some of them like “more genius” are subjective
Bonaparta is clearly not an empathetic guy by any means. This is the same person who did experiments on his own father and became the reason for his demise. He literally did experiments on his own son and made him live in an isolated city on his own. I've literally taken his prime, so there's no chance of him being bewildered by the thoughts of Johan's mother.And don't forget that Johan had a side that could have been torn through inside-caring for Anna. Johan wouldn't go that far.
@@MR_NOBODY61Franz did experiments on his father and made his son live in an isolated city? Wasn't he the one who decided to disconnect from the world and went to live in a far off city?
@@Un_known111 Have you read Another Monster? If not, then please go and read that. My dc - mr_nobody5505
Franz def has a higher direct kill count if you ignore Johan's murders by proxy; Franz killed everyone at the red rose mansion.
great edit but how iq go franz bonaparta?.Johan was learn thinks easliy and also he has incredible feats ins school.I know franz bonaparta is breaking point of johan
Yeah, it could go either way maybe you are right cause he was so young to do all that stuff. Valid opinion.
@@MR_NOBODY61 aah okay
Bonaparte is basically engineered the birth of Johan
Nah, bro did a Yusuke Urameshi lol!😂
Johan wins because Bonaparte cares too much about him
song name?
My ordinary life
@@MR_NOBODY61 thanks
The main cast:Johan
The behind of it:Franz
Johan wasnt affected by Bonaparte as such.. T'was the mom who caused the whole Shit
speaking in knowledge terms, the video is correct. but, in IQ terms, considering that Johan is, biologically, the perfect human, Franz doesn't beat Johan. otherwise, he would be capable of stop Johan's plan in Ruheinheim
Johan Knowledge > Franz Knowledge (Overall)
Johan is the best ❤❤
Johan takes everything except phychiatrist
Join discord, mr_nobody5505
I think both are equally powerful as their own 'Monster'. Johan took control of trouble mind with ingenious tactics but Bonaparta made sane minded people into doing things believing it was the best thing or ruined their life.
Johan dominates in all categories…
Bonaparta es el verdadero monstruo
Bro finally lost
Song - My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone
Bro's winning streak came to an end.
I'm sorry for johan.😔
It's also remixed with "I got no time" by TLT
Terminei hoje, anime foda do krl, mas deveria ter uma dublagem
whats the song?
Master Keaton vs MacGyver
I'll screenshot it and will do later. Thank you for suggesting me.
You must add stagery, analysis, seduction perception and cold reading
Yeah, but the video would have been loger that's why.
well i think that the fact that bonaparta is a psychiatrist don t matter cuz like you i think that johan win in direct manipulation, and the people that is good manipulating is more hard to manipulate with psychiatrist skils, cuz i imagine that the way to be strong with that skills is the same way to be strong with manipulator skills: knowing what gonna do the people, what they thinks. So for me johan and bonaparta are the same dangerous
Yeah, absolutely.
Franz is the real monster ❤
Franz created monster(johan)
O ayanokoki é o personagem pra os esquisito q senta no fundo da sala se indentificar, esse personagem do rap é feito pra vc morrer de medo e no final ter pena
Franz Bonaparta
Klaus Poppe
But still. Johan killed him. With gun
Franz Bonaparta, Klaus poppe, Helmut Voss, Emil sebe and many more but yes his real name was Klaus poppe. And it was roberto who killed franz bonaparta with a gun.
@@MR_NOBODY61 Damn Johan still made him die with no effort
@@MR_NOBODY61 Klaus Poppe is the one who made johan monster. It’s like product vs Maker
@@FindingTheShadow but what you said, "Johan killed him with a gun" It's like you are saying Johan took him down by using gun himself. And it was not easy to took him down. If roberto hadn't got the plot armour then the result would have something else.
@@FindingTheShadow and I do know that johan is the result of his experiment.
Didn’t bro cooked him at the end, even if hes old you get wiser with your iq. Johan is would win no diff since he has godly level prediction.
I thought that johan is the pawn of frans bonaparta itself
It is true that johan was one of the best student of bonaparta but he was never a pawn . Cause bonaparta left his work after red rose mansion.
Anime name?
Monster anime.
Highly recommended
Johan was the monster but franz bonaporta created that monster..... this is enough who is actually winner and evil.. .