Varume havana hukama hwakanaka nemari once they have money they divorce their first wives who sacrificed kuti zvinhu zvifambe it's a shame you leave your children suffering
This lady akashanda nemurume wake guys encourage this ladies to work zvinhu zvawo not going public to wrong person they shld have ask their father and akamira nemurume wake till death vakushungurudza a widow honesty
Freedom of association. I'm with Daisy. That is my opinion and I am free to express it. I am a big fun of Tuku music. Unfortunately I don't know any Selmor original songs. She is always performing Tuku music. Sam was a better composer.
@@monalisakaetano8083 so do I have to like her music, her entitled behavior. Hell no. I don't like Daisy too but she's the widow. Yoko John Lennon wife didn't give John's son any money.
@@naumechitokwane6475 sorry my dear I am a father of a large family. I didn't get everything on the silver platter. I work hard for it and I encourage my kids to do the same and have bigger dreams than me.
Saka iro zi Humpty Dumpty rapira mai avo mota hutsinye hwavai itira vana here ndomubvunzo wangu
Kubva nhasi ndakuteerera Holy 10
I stand will Selmor and Sandra. Holy Ten wagona
Wikinero senyika watitsamwisa
Holy Ten is ryt
Selmor urimuhombe mwana keep the ball rolling .
Saka Selmor atadzei? Daisy she devil
Holy 10 is right. Someone istrying to take advantage of this misfortune in trying to remain relevant.
Kutadza kubatsira vana uchipa zimai rinehutsinye mota iwe chivhayo ukwane mhani zidhongi
Chovhayo haana kudzidza ,,chikoro haana ,,ko dai.ariiye akarerwa so aiidini
Tuku raive gwara mboko yemunhu plus kudyiswa nemukadzi vana vachigara muhuranda
Kusvotesa mazimbabwens here iro zig richiwa kudai
Holy Ten chibaba💪💪💪💪💪🔥🔥
Hot spot ,hating someone for no reasons concerning your life business
Imhata chivharo mwana wenyoka
Wicknel wavakuzotisvota iwe
Varume havana hukama hwakanaka nemari once they have money they divorce their first wives who sacrificed kuti zvinhu zvifambe it's a shame you leave your children suffering
Manyenga chembere wikinero.zidumbu
Mota yekupihwa pakadai haidadise
At least regai mbuya avo vadya zvema.
You took too long to get to the point. 3 minutes dzese dzekutanga wanga uchingotenderera. Improve on that
Mota ndeyekufarira kuti ahadi vana va tuku here.. chidhori che slug chinofunga here nxaa
Wandisetsa 😂😂😂
Saka muri kuti Selmor responded aita respond papi inoenderana nezvemota apo.
Munenge munorwisanisawo imi
Hanzi chidhori cheslug😅😅😅
This lady akashanda nemurume wake guys encourage this ladies to work zvinhu zvawo not going public to wrong person they shld have ask their father and akamira nemurume wake till death vakushungurudza a widow honesty
Ita serious vangu unorevei kuti akamira ne murume vake pakai patsinye yes
Kasi haasi kushanda here
Tuku wakashandawo saka vana va Tuku vanofanira kudya fuma ya baba vavo. Faith mwana waDaisy asiri waTuku arikudya wani.
Murume upi waakatorera Mai Selmor
Excellence 🎉
Selmor tokuda namwari unoenda jkure
It means unovenga vana vaTuku nokuti Selmor music anayo hobho kkkkk
Chivhayo dako rine shena
??? Why now ??
Gadzirisai Zig- zag iro siyanai nezveMota izvo
Zimbabwe is a movie house
😂😂😂😂😂😂 usagare usina data
Anongomisa kadora mukomana wenyu wikinero wandibhowa
But Chivhayo soo. Asi ava kuda binzi yehure iri sezvo yaDaisy yakagara iri padanda kubvira asati asangana naTuku.
I chipo here beans yacho.mwana mudiki kusatya chembere
Why asina kuvapa vasaty vanetsana 😂
Holy Ten kungoti bvuu
Mapositori apa mibhadha munyika iwe uchipa mota vanadzo
Tuku anga arimboko kani azvichinje
Ndaona mbuya yarohwa mhata naMafuta ahana matyira munhu wacho
Harisugwi rakaita seiko zimbwa iro
Wicknel ndewe kumama uyo
Ma Satanist ayo what do expect kubva kune vanhu vanonwa ropa revanhu
Holy ten anoda zvichitirwa iye
Personally this is not worth celebrating… This is very pathetic…
Akatinokora tsoka akafa shuwa
Holy 10
From Baba Harare to King David..Pakaipaa ndaseka kunge ndichatyoka ma ribs 🤣🤣🤣
Kkkkkkk King David 😂
Kkk musadaro
Freedom of association. I'm with Daisy. That is my opinion and I am free to express it. I am a big fun of Tuku music. Unfortunately I don't know any Selmor original songs. She is always performing Tuku music. Sam was a better composer.
Iwe kwana semari yebhazi; Selmor ane ma original songs ake iye plus at the same time anoimba ma songs a mdhara wake..
@@monalisakaetano8083 so do I have to like her music, her entitled behavior. Hell no. I don't like Daisy too but she's the widow. Yoko John Lennon wife didn't give John's son any money.
Iwe repent uri stepmother vaneutsinye tatokuona
@@naumechitokwane6475 sorry my dear I am a father of a large family. I didn't get everything on the silver platter. I work hard for it and I encourage my kids to do the same and have bigger dreams than me.
Zvekty ane masongs aunoziva or ausingazive zvine basa Rei iwawo masongs Ababa vake aanoimba ndozvababa vake zvaatori nazvo. Chimhata chako ndimi vamwe vanoroya masikati machena mùnosapota hutsunye hwaDaisy ziduzvi
Saka muchaitasei nhai zvamakafumura mudhara wenyu nhai tusikana tisina hunu. Kukava datya kuriyambutsa Daisy atopinda machena.
Mhata Yako iwe ziduzvi
Aaaaa kushaya hunhu kwavo kuripapi? U don't understand their situation coz haumo mairi or u are a stepmother
Kasi newe uri step mother
Futseku hure repasi pemvura mwana was king satanism jarpureza