Nobita nya samsonite gemes tapi kadang-kadang nggak kerjain PR terus uang yang dikasih sama kantong Doraemon jangan dimasukin sama Nobita udah dikasih orang
I didn't called Freedom are in there but I think it's just the same one from the last time and I think both of them will come out the car then I think the curtain will open at the temple then we'll come out
Doraemon gemas Nobita gemes
Nobita nya samsonite gemes tapi kadang-kadang nggak kerjain PR terus uang yang dikasih sama kantong Doraemon jangan dimasukin sama Nobita udah dikasih orang
I didn't called Freedom are in there but I think it's just the same one from the last time and I think both of them will come out the car then I think the curtain will open at the temple then we'll come out