Crystal Meth crisis response - eLearning: #4 Paranoia and Psychosis

  • Опубликовано: 30 июл 2024
  • A series of five videos explaining how to respond to the growing crystal meth crisis for hospitals, primary care providers, shelters, drop-in’s, justice system and community based providers

Комментарии • 59

  • @Dessthemess
    @Dessthemess 2 года назад +10

    I have a friend that I believe is experiencing hallucinations caused by meth induced psychosis. I really don’t know how to help him because he believes the things he’s seeing is real. It’s destroying him.

    • @strictlybagz512
      @strictlybagz512 2 года назад +1

      Explain I'm dealing with the same

    • @sayamire5754
      @sayamire5754 2 года назад


    • @BigSmokeGTA6
      @BigSmokeGTA6 2 года назад +1

      Just let him know that only he’s seeing and experiencing all that crazy stuff going on it’s it really just his brain is fried from meth and he literally can not keep using it even once or twice if he still has psychosis as that’s just gonna make it harder and longer for to stop tripping

    • @stupollock6851
      @stupollock6851 Год назад

      Find a different circle of friends.

  • @technodrone7723
    @technodrone7723 3 года назад +23

    But if you don’t tell them what they are thinking isn’t real, and the accusation is something horrible and it’s causing the law to get involved what do you do? My sister hasn’t used in 4 days and she’s still convinced her boyfriend is being sneaky and sleeping with her brother, her brothers girlfriend, and that she’s being recorded. The cops have came many times, she even convinced one of the cops all her hallucinations are real, once she had someone agree with her things got much worse. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I can say that once I took a more calm approach and told her what she seen was real but how she was interpreting it wasn’t. So I’m slowly finding a better approach, but it’s still hard because she refuses to go to inpatient. There’s a lot more to this story. But she’s basically got the whole house on eggshells, threatening to make false accusations on social media or to the police if we make her leave. She escaped from the hospital and spent 5 hours hiding in someone’s property in a hospital robe with no shoes and it was raining and 5 degrees outside. She’s getting very aggressive and threatening. I’m afraid someone’s gonna get hurt

    • @aaronm.3651
      @aaronm.3651 3 года назад +7

      That's the problem with having a "user" describe "what works" and "what doesn't work"? I have a family member who has already shot his significant other and she has recently exhibited signs of battered womens' syndrome since after the shooting she felt like she had to go back with him even though she was scared and felt like she was scared and had no where else to go. This is all after quitting his job thinking he could start an online business and losing all his that he had to finish his house on the online business. He blamed the loss of the money on hackers even though he hired several people at exorbitant rates to help him with a website that he managed to keep up for a whopping 1 month. Apparently the over-confidence in being able to accomplish some task is a symptom of the psychosis as well, but this is not the worry - the worry is the harm that could come to others or himself, which is why I want to ask if someone has any advice for the following scenario. I recently saw a video that the delusions need to be addressed which directly conflicts with this video, but, so far, this has not worked and the only response we get is more pictures with meaningless circles drawn in editing software to show the "people in the photo that are stalking or trying to kill him." All of the photos are of regular items, tree branches, shadows, or are extremely close zooms of things that no one can tell what it is - it usually turns out being something small like a wireless router or a cell phone videoing a video that plays on another cell phone that was uploaded from the surveillance system that the guy installed.
      A video with a clinical psychologist recommends intervening if the psychosis could become harmful. Things that could lead to harming others or one's self are seeing and hearing people who are not there that the person thinks wants to harm them. (Example given in clinical video: If package delivery comes late, around 8 p.m., since some package companies deliver late, the user could snap and harm them thinking they are there to get them.) Thinking the police are tapping the phones or watching them with drones or by hacking. This could lead to attacking first responders after a significant episode. Also, having delusions of grandeur. (Example in clinical video: User once thought that a band stole his music and showed his fried his hand written music folder. Turns out the friend never addressed it, but knew that his friend listened to the band and would write down the music when he was in psychosis. The user went to one of the band's concerts, took a gun, jumped on stage and shot the bassist in the head.)
      This video seemingly wants to encourage "harm reduction," but there is a time and place and just talking to someone and playing into their delusions can lead to tragedy for others. The problem remains that the "user" will not stop unless they can admit the problem and there is a significant hurdle in proving that the person needs to seek help for themselves, because the video is correct that forced treatment does not work since the person is not ready. The issue we are currently facing with our family member is that the person has just pled guilty to the charge of assault with a deadly weapon when he shot his significant other, nearly killing her, all because he "saw someone standing behind her." The problem with the "seeing someone behind her" is that he sent her outside to check the roof because he "heard footsteps on the roof" and then proceeded to shoot through the wall of the camper where the ladder was located, but no window was located. The Court placed the person on deferred adjudication for 10 years, which is essentially a 10 year probationary period. The guy hasn't even had his first drug test yet and has already started posting pictures and videos saying what he is seeing on the county "crime-stopper' facebook page, and the pictures clearly do not have anything that he says are in them (i.e. saying a guy is standing by his truck with a gun and the only thing behind the truck is a tire on the ground.)
      Now it's everyone else's fault who doesn't believe him and they are the problems or are involved with the hackers or police. The guys family is trying to quickly intervene because if the probation is violated and he gets adjudicated, the sentence is 9 years and 10 and 1/2 months. The guy couldn't even stand doing 1 and a half months in jail and the family doesn't want to see him go in for that long as they would rather him see the error of his ways and seek treatment, but he is so convinced of his psychosis reality that he stood before another family member about 3 months ago and took the picture of the rear of a recliner and showed the family member the picture as "proof that the ninjas are following me everywhere I guy." When the family member proclaims that he watched him take a picture of the rear of a recliner, the guy said that hackers changed the photo in his phone before he could show it even though it was clear the picture was of the back of the chair he had just stood behind while holding his phone.
      I would gladly hear someone out if they thought they had a way that would get the message through to the person so that one or multiple lives can be saved. Jail is possibly the only answer, but the length of term would likely cause the person to get out and commit suicide or go in and commit the same. Can someone help as to how to approach the subject to encourage seeking help. If you were a "user," what would you need to hear that would make you seek help and realize that you need to listen to someone who is trying to help you?
      I feel like the only remaining option is to call a psychiatric hospital and have him admitted for psychosis and being a danger to others, since he was too prideful to admit psychosis during the shooting and pled guilty at advice of counsel instead. Just some bonus information: I'm a lawyer, but could not represent the family member due to a conflict; however, I had recommended that he plead not guilty by way of insanity even though the voluntary intoxication might have come back to haunt him if they investigated further and could prove the meth use. The benefit he would have received is that the cops did not do a drug test; therefore, I think the argument would have worked, but he wanted the quick out to get back to using. The attorney wanted the bonus he gets as a public defender to have someone plead to a higher charge rather than fight the case at a lower hourly rate. The bonus is usually $500.00 so if you can line people up to take felony pleas, you can make quite the penny even though I have despised this practice and have fought to have it reversed even though I am not a public defender. I think people should sell whatever they have to, to pay for a private attorney because of this issue. The problem with society is they do not understand the value that they should place on their freedom versus their other priorities. It's easier to get another job and get a new vehicle than to have to try to fight your way out of jail after getting a bad deal and getting locked up and having a felony on the record. I tried to step in and talk to someone who could talk to him and convey the message that he needs to fight like he had said he was rather than take the easy out, but he blamed taking the easy out on his significant other needing him as soon as possible rather than him sitting in jail since she still couldn't walk or take care of herself from the injury suffered from the gunshot.

    • @sayamire5754
      @sayamire5754 2 года назад +2

      Yeah this video should not be titled this or the thing shouldn’t say that on the cover photo because it is misleading, and the user is wrong but that didn’t help. What are you supposed to do follow along with her delusions, no I know somebody that did that with somebody and it made it so much worse. You stand your ground and get yourself out of that person’s life is as much as you can and as far away as you can, and with a drug like this there are no reasons to stay even if you have kids, especially if you have kids run.

    • @jazpurgarcia831
      @jazpurgarcia831 2 года назад

      @@aaronm.3651 OMG I'm going thru something n so frikn similar. My now, only 3 days ago ex bf, broke it off w me becuz he somehow convinced himself I cheated on him. This of course was no way true. He'd been battling residual meth induced psychosis by way of auditory hallucinations. He seriously believes that his neighbors are communicating with him telepathically. They tell him shameful, debasing thing's. They were even telling him they were going to hurt or kill his family. B4 he moved in w me, they were telling him I was being raped or in danger of being raped. He even advanced to visual hallucinations thinking they were using pellet guns and shooting at his truck. Supposedly he shot back. His dumb fk older brother Supposedly told him the cops were responsible for the voices. I get him away from his home and take him out of town for 3 day's and we get him help. Actually, this help turned out to just be Medically Assisted Treatment, an outpatient program that's new, and is Harm Reduction based so it does not address ANY MENTAL HEALTH issue's, despite knowing he had been experiencing suicidal ideations, has PTSD, childhood trauma and unresolved childhood sexual assault as well. His family knows nothing about addiction or mental health and having extensive personal and other, experience in both, I grabbed the reigns. He moves in w me and gets and stays clean, still experiencing the voices but able to tolerate or manage them. There would be 3 or so "slips". This program gives the participants NO TOOLS, or Remedies for ANYTHING Recovering related. If you test dirty(once a week testing) there's no consequence or follow up or talk through and they still get their script. Suboxone in his case. He's even experienced a handful of various vehicle related brain trauma and I get a brain scan arranged which since preliminary results showed nothing abnormal, this was ruled out. SEROQUEL was pushed on him despite blood work showing fatty liver, high cholesterol and triglycerides PLUS Family history of diabetes- none of which were ever addressed by his new practitioner, same dude running the MAT program. He is only 30 and was NOT diagnosed with any schizophrenia or other mental health disorders. Refusing to risk the serious health problems known w SEROQUEL and his preexisting, he opts out of the SEROQUEL. Well, fast forward 2 months and 3 sneaking bouts of meth use, it has escalated to him going MIA to his Mom's and those neighbors are now whom I'm cheating and he called my best friend and msgd my brother in middle of that first night 3 days ago, telling them I was outside his house, with my new boyfriend, wearing latex gloves, messing w his truck, trying to put stuff in his Room, threatening to harm his family, and worried that I'm trying to poison them. That he's worried about me cuz I'M ON A METH binge and need help and he Doesn't want to call cops cuz he cares for me and doesn't want me to get in trouble!!!
      Yep, that's where this has evolved. Those voices I saved him from have now turned on me. I've not gotten ahold of his doctors cuz I only found out this crap on Friday- today is Saturday. But I made brief contact w him. He say's what he usually says when he's relapsed or in daily addiction, that he can't differentiate btwn reality and non reality. I don't know what to do but b this shit is taking its heavy toll on me and breaking my heart as well. I'm here looking for answers too. From what I've learned, those that become afflicted w this kinda meth induced psychosis, upon getting clean, can still experience these voices up to 2 yrs. But so long he kps fucking up and using, it seems to be worsening and I'm with my hands up BEGGING FOR DIRECTION

  • @thebipolarbear1
    @thebipolarbear1 3 года назад +14

    What doesn’t work? Common sense and reason

    • @malcolmhamilton8706
      @malcolmhamilton8706 3 года назад +3


    • @alexanderwesner9980
      @alexanderwesner9980 2 года назад

      like the liberal party ? lol

    • @alexanderwesner9980
      @alexanderwesner9980 2 года назад

      @Cali619 says an account created on Joined 17 Jan 2022Joined 17 Jan 2022 Joined 17 Jan 2022 Joined 17 Jan 2022 Joined 17 Jan 2022
      you need a real job !!! your account was created Joined 17 Jan 2022
      Joined 17 Jan 2022

    • @alexanderwesner9980
      @alexanderwesner9980 2 года назад

      @Cali619 are you in China where these drugs are made ?

    • @alexanderwesner9980
      @alexanderwesner9980 2 года назад

      @Cali619 Joined 16 Jan 2022 Joined 16 Jan 2022Joined 16 Jan 2022 lol wtf ? you are a paid troll wow !! get a job Joined 16 Jan 2022 Joined 16 Jan 2022 Joined 16 Jan 2022

  • @reneeodayok859
    @reneeodayok859 3 года назад +16

    I'm the "safe person to talk to " but I'm at a point now where I want to just stop answering the calls. This shit wears people out. Get some damn gelp

    • @GhostsQueen85
      @GhostsQueen85 3 года назад +4

      I'm in the same boat as you. My cousin calls me every time he's tweaking out on meth, it breaks my heart 💔 every time he flips out and thinks people are out to kill him. Idk what to do I'm afraid that if I don't answer his phone calls he might do something stupid like kill himself 😭😭😭

    • @christinafidance340
      @christinafidance340 3 года назад +2

      @@GhostsQueen85 I’m in the middle of a living nightmare right now! My husband stayed out all night Saturday and got meth for the first time in YEARS cuz we’ve been clean and got our shit together a couple years ago! Anyway he goes out and does that and for the last six days he has been accusing me of having stuff too! I don’t even like that shit, I actually can’t stand it! And I have never gotten it before in our relationship. Only did it when he brought it home. And he’s giving me a panic attack so now he really thinks I’m lying! I have a panic disorder and I’ve had problems with downers because of it! This is the craziest stuff I’ve ever seen and I thought I’ve been around the block! I honestly don’t know what to do and when it’s going to end because I’m so nervous to be around him I don’t know when it’s coming! He’s convinced that when he came home I was doing something and have been this whole time when I’m the only one sober and just drug along for the week long ride! So more power to you it’s a real bitch sometimes.

    • @malcolmhamilton8706
      @malcolmhamilton8706 3 года назад +1

      @@GhostsQueen85 im in the same boat with my cuzzin

    • @GhostsQueen85
      @GhostsQueen85 3 года назад

      @@malcolmhamilton8706 yeah my cousin just got out of rehab again last week

    • @malcolmhamilton8706
      @malcolmhamilton8706 3 года назад

      @@GhostsQueen85 i hope he or she stay clean in try a get mines to go now

  • @tishie42
    @tishie42 2 года назад +3

    Day care for addicts to go curl up and suck their thumbs? Unpack and pack their back pack? Threats of being kept safe? The female voice in this for what worked and didn't is disturbing. I'm an ex addict myself and this sympathy stuff will just get taken advantage of. Period. We need actual mental health care in the US. We need families to be able to be families and less trauma for kids so they don't become addicts.

  • @jamiebro8334
    @jamiebro8334 2 года назад +5

    yeah this video is nothing like my situation...
    my dad is mentally insane because of meth now haven't seen him for over 2 years. im talking like asylum insane, he thought my little brother was the real anti christ and that the FBI was after him and even that my little brother was helping the FBI and also literally thought he was Lucifer himself and so much more that would make this comment 1000x longer if I had said, but please anyone with tips on what to do because I have just lost all hope for my dad me and my little brother currently living with my uncle because both my parents are unavailable :(
    Edit: He also talks to himself 24/7 non stop like hes talking to someone that's not even there.

    • @justinnahin3960
      @justinnahin3960 2 года назад +1

      He needs to stop using and I swear after like 6 months with no amphetamines in his system, he will return to normal.

    • @tracieday8661
      @tracieday8661 Год назад +1

      I'm sorry, my adult children's dad has been in full blown meth psychosis for a few years now. He thinks the kids are working with the government against him. He takes pictures of his body parts to show places he sees where the government has written on him. His wife uses as well although she doesn't seem to have the hallucinations. It's worse for my kids than if he were dead. If he died they could mourn him and get closure. I hope you guys stick with each other and the family members you do have. God bless you all.

  • @christinefilippelli2709
    @christinefilippelli2709 3 года назад +4

    This was incredibly helpful. Thanks

  • @michaelr148
    @michaelr148 2 года назад +2

    The video skips at 7:22 in the middle of "When to Call 911" probably a pretty important part of the video that you don't want to redact...

  • @lillyvgutierrez9685
    @lillyvgutierrez9685 4 года назад +5

    Thx, 2020

  • @natashafeuchuk3054
    @natashafeuchuk3054 Год назад

    Hey! Just wanted to let you know your video cuts off a bit when talking about what to watch out for and when to call 911.

  • @SwimmingFit
    @SwimmingFit 3 года назад +7

    My sister would hit herself with cans of beans

  • @fooltruth
    @fooltruth 2 года назад

    Why do I think of trying to be better and keep trying to be around my mom and I feel so fucked up and I keep thinking worrying really. Woah.

  • @danielillo1974
    @danielillo1974 2 года назад +2

    Are you recomending Cigarrettes really ??????

  • @taylorsellers5244
    @taylorsellers5244 3 года назад +5

    It's good info, but funny how it suggests "alcohol or benzos" as "alternative use treatment" or whatever it's referred to. And in order to calm a user down, recommends asking them to "come out for a smoke" to have a cigarette lol
    The methods are effective, but it's still crazy to see them used as educational material

    • @robertfuller6170
      @robertfuller6170 3 года назад +3

      Sometimes you just need it man.

    • @raimehoward
      @raimehoward 3 года назад +2

      It’s harm reduction.

    • @tydodge
      @tydodge 3 года назад

      If it's effective is it "crazy"?

  • @reneeodayok859
    @reneeodayok859 Год назад

    Don't lower yourself to their level. Leave them be and never look back.

  • @queenoftemplar
    @queenoftemplar Год назад


  • @Su_aSponte
    @Su_aSponte 2 года назад +5

    Sooo… i’m just supposed to make my husband comfortable while he destroys our life. Cool.

    • @HayleeFox15
      @HayleeFox15 2 года назад +1

      100% this, like my life is being destroyed because he doesn't want help from me because "I'm in on it all". And thinks he doesn't even NEED help. I'm tired of crying & fighting every day.

    • @reneeodayok859
      @reneeodayok859 Год назад

      Right! Protect yourself. Get out. Don't look back. Good luck

  • @pistachiosandpopcorn7146
    @pistachiosandpopcorn7146 3 года назад +2

    I have a question..not trying to be funny either..I'm serious. I know someone that was using this and on top of that took a Suboxone pill. Now...she started having schizophrenic/mania like symptoms and the blame is being put on the Suboxone. I me I would think Meth started it. all. But I'm curious if anyone has ever heard of Suboxone causing someone to hallucinate and think people are alive that are no longer know the usual things that could happen on meth ? Because I laughed when I heard the suboxone was being blamed.

    • @neutra__l8525
      @neutra__l8525 2 года назад

      I doubt its the suboxone, but its such a collection of chemicals that probably no one knows really. I would estimate its still the meth as suboxone wouldnt cause those issues and I work in harm reduction and have not heard of suboxone being a problem in that way. Sorry I cant offer more to your situation.

    • @jazpurgarcia831
      @jazpurgarcia831 2 года назад

      It's residual meth related psychosis. Not all ppl that use meth become afflicted like this. But my understanding is it can last up to 2yrs even 3 for the brain to start firing properly. The individual needs to become in BELIEF of their delusions first and foremost. Harm Reduction does NOT DO ENUFF. Their NEEDS to be MORE to treat the underlying issue's, the unresolved Trauma's and add some real recovery implementations for addiction disorders. FK, Only treating symptoms and ignoring Causes, that bandaid is sure to fall off

    • @HayleeFox15
      @HayleeFox15 2 года назад +1

      In my opinion (from experience) they're in denial of meth being the cause of the delusions & paranoia etc. They could be high on meth out of their minds and still refuse that its because of the meth. They could even say "it could be the Tylenol I took earlier" lol. Not funny but sad and true. :(

  • @Goddessangelbaby02
    @Goddessangelbaby02 2 года назад

    Im super paranoid rn. It sucks. Especially cuz yesterday i was hanging out with real seasoned tweakers. Jesus they are fkn out they minds.

  • @faithhope4480
    @faithhope4480 Год назад

    "Mirror their body language"? This is not very clear, most of the responses apply to most crisis situations. Just be natural, be you, be loving, caring, considerate, compassionate, etc. Non-judgemental, meet people where they are at, and create a safe place for them to be or recover from the immediate trauma situation.

  • @queenoftemplar
    @queenoftemplar Год назад

    Amanita mushrooms

  • @GirlsRuleTheWorld2023
    @GirlsRuleTheWorld2023 2 года назад +1

    This is placating their behavior.

  • @watcher5729
    @watcher5729 2 года назад

    Wow thats over simplified psychosis from weed even i think.
    True psychosis is the anxieties and agressions observed and over aloofed in bad presence.

  • @robertkeys6873
    @robertkeys6873 2 года назад

    Jan1+June11 molly mdmaoo Wikipedia. Schizophrenia $5