Kick-Off Video for Charley's RAK Birthday Challenge!

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Hi all - tomorrow is my birthday and a few people (especially mom!) have been asking me “so what do you want?!”. Well, I’ve had a very blessed and fortunate year in many ways that I am quote grateful for, SO instead I want to try something kinda different. It’s actually inspired by my friend and former boss Brian Pendleton who did something similar on HIS birthday a few weeks ago- which is to ask everyone instead of giving gifts to perform a “RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS” for a stranger. My parents actually give us a $20 bill in a bow every Xmas and ask us to do the same and it’s become a long-standing tradition in my family.
    I thought this was so cool that I’m going to continue the tradition and launch a mini “RAK Challenge”. It’s kind of like the ice bucket challenge except you don’t have to pour anything on you, frozen or otherwise!… Instead, sometime in the next couple days, look for a chance to perform one of these acts. It can be as simple as buying someone’s drink ahead of you in line, carrying their groceries, paying an expired parking meter… get creative and if you get stumped for an idea there’s actually a cool site called with some inspiring ideas. Some RAK’s can take 30 seconds or less! Then, challenge at LEAST 2 other people you know to do one too.
    One word of caution: when I tried this for Brian’s bday, I learned that RAK's are so scarce in our world that people are indeed skeptical! So, don’t be alarmed if someone thinks there’s a hook or catch or that you’re going to ask for their first born in exchange. They’ll get it eventually I also believe that people are inspired by example- so, after your RAK, make either a little video OR for those who are more camera shy (than I , a photo is also worth a thousand words, and post it to my wall instead of a birthday message. And, finally: you don’t have to donate money for this challenge HOWEVER I really want it to work so for every person that posts a video or photo and hashtags #RAKChallenge, I will personally donate $25 to a charity I love, which is the AIDSLifecycle (ALC), OR to a charity of your choice so if you have one in mind just mention it! Top 3 posts to make my Gold/Silver/Bronze podium by end of day tomorrow get $100 donation!
    Anyway, thanks for reading a long message… who knows if anyone will even do this, but I HOPE some of you do and maybe we’ll even get a few from across the world. So- Good Luck, have FUN spreading some kindness- I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised how good it makes you AND the other person feel, and THANK YOU for doing this on my birthday. And to kick it off here’s the RAK that I did for Brian, and I am challenging EVERYONE on my Facebook to do one next. Thanks everyone!
    1) Commit a Random Act of Kindness in the next 48 hours
    2) Post a brief video OR photo showing or telling the story of your RAK (Be Creative!)
    3) Hashtag the caption #RAKChallenge
    4) Challenge 2 other people you know to commit an RAK as well
    5) Mention a charity of choice if you have one, and $25 will be donated in your name (or to the AIDSLifecycle as a default!)
    6) Feel good knowing you’ve made someone else’s day, because you have!

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