Jim sensei, you once said that i should set up similar domains to burn. should i link these different domains to my original domain? if so does the domain that is linked to it also get affected by the blacklisting?
Do we implement step one the same way for our client? I'm asking how do we perform the service 🤔 I'm learning for myself my niche is Trucking owner operators.
can i get this doc and the cold email course document?
Jim sensei, you once said that i should set up similar domains to burn. should i link these different domains to my original domain? if so does the domain that is linked to it also get affected by the blacklisting?
doc please
Do we implement step one the same way for our client?
I'm asking how do we perform the service 🤔 I'm learning for myself my niche is Trucking owner operators.
Jim sensei, another question. do i need a dedicated ip for the mails to protect the main domain? i am sending 250/day (3 domains, 9 mail accounts)