A look inside Canada's hub of operations as nation battles 5,000 wildfire

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024
  • Canada is home to nearly 10% of the world's forests. Those same forests, however, are now the fuel to what is perhaps the most intense wildfire season in the nation's history, if not the most significant wildfire crisis around the globe.

Комментарии • 618

  • @ProfessorHumblesDelusions
    @ProfessorHumblesDelusions Год назад +90

    Thanks for this information. Better reporting than I’ve seen on Canadian news.
    As a Canadian I am very saddened and concerned by these wildfires. After the fires are extinguished, many areas will have to manage floods and landslides, until these forest grow back.

    • @jakearsenta2144
      @jakearsenta2144 Год назад +7

      I’m so sorry you’re dealing with such an awful prime minister. His censoring is criminal.

    • @thelmarose2782
      @thelmarose2782 Год назад +14

      @@jakearsenta2144 What doe that have to do with the fires?

    • @Sergeant_UWU_
      @Sergeant_UWU_ Год назад

      @@thelmarose2782dude in Canada everyone thinks Justin is a powerful powerful man I mean they blame it for everything literally everything it’s actually kind of funny. There just stupid freedumb convoy people. Most Canadians are not actually this stupid.

    • @Sergeant_UWU_
      @Sergeant_UWU_ Год назад +6

      Well because of logging companies outside of the government so blame the corporations the forestry management in this country is horrible most forests are not supposed to burn like this but because of years and years and bad management and treating the forest like a product we get this result but they don’t care because wether the tree is dead or alive they will cut it down and turn it into lumber. Removing all that nutrients from the forest making the problem occur again and again until it’s a desert.

    • @mayhemmacy1566
      @mayhemmacy1566 Год назад +1

      @@jakearsenta2144 still better than bumbling biden

  • @michellesheaff3779
    @michellesheaff3779 Год назад +41

    Thank you for this balanced report that talks about the smoke affecting your area without acting like Canadians are not suffering and fighting with all we've got against more than 5000 wildfires, and without playing the "Blame Canada" song (to which they callously added wildfire lyrics) like our country is burning from ocean to ocean to ocean because we're incompetent and we didn't get hit by the climate crisis harder and faster than we could have imagined. I particularly appreciate your reporter making the point "imagine all 50 states were hit by unprecedented wildfires all at the same time." He is the ONLY US journalist i have seen make this very important point. Because that is the crux of this catastrophe: normally only one or a couple provinces or territories might get hit by really bad wildfires and all the other provinces and territories send help. Plus we have mutual aid agreements with the States and Australia. And that has always been sufficient, but things have changed, and they changed exponentially instead of incrementally so though progress was happening we did not get a chance to complete our "deep adaptation." (Trust me, we are training new wild land firefighters and building new water bombers as fast as humanly possible.) Furthermore, provinces that normally have few wildfires just erupted like never before, especially Quebec (a massive thunderstorm passing right over the exceptionally dry boreal forest in early spring hit it with a thousand lightening strikes that started a couple hundred wildfires, 6000 times worse for that date of the year) and Nova Scotia (where the capital city was burning before they managed to put it out. Nobody could have imagined this!) And everywhere else in Canada was already burning, thank God our allies came to help (including the US). And this is why, though Canada rarely needs help, we had to ask everyone who could to send firefighters. Canada is always willing to help others (often the US though it goes unreported) and it was heartwarming to see how many nations came to our aid. Americans of course, in large numbers. Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Chileans, Costa Ricans, Mexicans, Spaniards, Portuguese, French--I'm probably forgetting countries. Thank you for everyone who came. (Please send more. We're still on fire.)
    If there is one silver lining to the clouds of smoke, it is the ad hoc Canadian 2023 Wildfire Season International Symposium: firefighters from around the world are learning from each other and comparing notes and figuring out best practices while fighting these new catastrophic conditions together. And we need to fight this together: recent apocalyptic wildfire seasons in California, Australia, Russia and now Greece and Algeria tell us this is a worldwide problem fuelled by greenhouse gases that make the forests more flammable and increase the number of lightening strikes--and tragically emit tons of greenhouse gases when they burn, worsening the crisis in a negative feedback loop.
    But to work together we need to be on good terms and focused on finding solutions. Playing the Blame Canada game is a destructive coping mechanism and it's way passed time to constructively solve the problems. Which is why I really appreciate this report. So many US articles have just unfairly blamed Canada, from the NYPost with the headline that literally said "BLAME CANADA!" to the WashPo with the misinforming headline that Canada refuses to have a firefighting force. The problem is not the incompetence of Canadian firefighters (every province and territory has a wildland firefighting force and they are coordinated nationally by the InterAgency your reporter visited, another thing he got right where others just went with their chosen narrative that smoke must be blamed on Canadian incompetence.) Canadian firefighters, and the InterAgency coordinated forces, have always gotten the job done, for centuries. They did not suddenly become incompetent this year. The job got unexpectedly and exponentially worse. And that's "the new abnormal" so we should work together and learn this lesson: the climate crisis is not going to get worse slowly and give us plenty of heads up. It's going to hit hard and fast, in ways we have never experienced before, and we need to be ready for the unexpected. Like the US government shared with us new technology for the rapid detection of wildfires (particularly important in Canada where the vast wilderness devoid of humans allows wildfires to grow undetected; and in the boreal forest where the trees are so flammable flames quickly grow into monstrous fast-running crown fires too hot to put out; and the tree roots burn and smolder underground and can reignite wildfires that had been put out--many foreign firefighters refused to believe this until they saw it for themselves.) So thank you for this very helpful technology--but it came two months into the wildfire season when everywhere was on fire--having it before might have helped us avert the worst of these monster wildfires. Canada had started preparing for worse fire seasons but in retrospect we should have done it faster, we had less time than we thought. So not only do we need to pool our resources, we need to put our heads together and think about the unthinkable before it hits us unprepared. Because we share a continent and natural disasters do not stop at the border. Thanks again for this report based on real journalism.

    • @michellesheaff3779
      @michellesheaff3779 Год назад +8

      And South Koreans! I knew I was forgetting someone. Thank you South Korea for sending firefighters! Also, I love KPop!

    • @signalfire6691
      @signalfire6691 Год назад +3

      This is an amazing response. You should be working for these news outlets.

    • @carlyar5281
      @carlyar5281 Год назад +3

      This is a fantastic comment. As a Canadian, I did not know the level of coordination, but I am glad to hear it. I’m also so very, very grateful for the international support we have received.

    • @Freshlygrazed
      @Freshlygrazed Год назад

      I concur...

    • @wholeshebang1
      @wholeshebang1 Год назад +1

      @michellesheaf3779 - Thank you for that very detailed, informative comment that enhances the report. I wasn't aware of the *extent* of the *areas impacted* and amount of *international support* we've received in fighting the wildfires - and am *grateful* for it. It's devastating to lose so much of our forests, and how many *people* living and working nearby have been *_negatively impacted_* by it and the *_personal, professional and community losses they've suffered._*
      Sending support from Ontario.

  • @BradFalck-mn3pc
    @BradFalck-mn3pc Год назад +23

    You forgot British Columbia which currently has the most fires threatening life and property 😢

    • @michellesheaff3779
      @michellesheaff3779 Год назад +5

      My family is in B.C. including Osoyoos which had to be evacuated when a man-made out-of-control wildfire ran across the border from Washington state into British Columbia. I was hoping they might at least realize if the mighty USA cannot control one wildfire enough to stop it from crossing into Canada, maybe they cannot blame us for being unable to put out 5000 wildfires in remote wilderness and stop smoke from crossing into the US. At least it has only been smoke: none of our wildfires crossed into the US and God forbid that should ever happen.
      We all need to remember natural disasters do not stop at the border and they're getting worse because of the climate crisis which is a global responsibility. I was saddened by all the Blame Canada nonsense (they even added callous new lyrics to the "Blame Canada" song) and ridiculous conspiracy theories from some Americans (like we can't put out the fires because female firefighters insisted on doing it by themselves and are incompetent. Most firefighters are men in reality, and every single one of them is fighting fire, it's all hands on deck). Others reacted like good neighbours and understand we weren't sending smoke south on purpose or through incompetence. A perfect storm of new climactic conditions escalated our fire season exponentially in the second largest forest in the world that is in great majority truly wild wilderness, far from any resources or roads or even trails. I understand smoke is horrible--I have asthma and Long Covid respiratory problems. But throwing stones at your neighbours when their house is burning down is not neighbourly. We need to be working together to find ways to prevent this. I appreciate this news report for reporting on how the smoke is affecting them without acting like the smoke just pops into existence when it crosses into the US and Canadians are not suffering and struggling and fighting more than 5000 wildfires, or jumping on the "Blame Canada" bandwagon, full of headlines that literally say "BLAME CANADA!", and memes like "WTF CANADA", and biased and misleading reports even in serious newspapers like WashPo, and crazy lies like "Jewish space lasers" that crazy people find totally more believable than lightening strikes that were recorded by weather radar and countless eyewitnesses. I saw the lightning strikes that hit my region during a massive thunderstorm passing right over the exceptionally dry taïga (boreal forest.) After hundreds of recorded lightening strikes we went from no wildfires to a couple hundred wildfires. But never mind the lightning strikes everyone in the region saw for themselves and never mind the scientific proof--it must be Jewish space lasers! *sigh* it's hard to not get upset by these things when your country is burning down around you.
      Anyway, I know how bad things are in B.C. as most of my family is there. Stay safe! I know rain is not in the forecast but praying for it anyway. I have never looked forward to winter as I am now. May it come quickly and put an end to this hell.

    • @BradFalck-mn3pc
      @BradFalck-mn3pc Год назад

      @@michellesheaff3779 they are more than making up for it with the valuable expertise and assistance they are sending up here to help, particularly with the U.S. Forest Service and other State And Federal agencies

    • @PeterJohn-hl3ox
      @PeterJohn-hl3ox Год назад

      There is just something about that B word.

    • @Inlinetodie
      @Inlinetodie Год назад +3

      Ha ha ha
      I live in Alberta, we can see the skies, we saw, Drones, dropping balls, then fires starting.
      Looked into it, Transport Canada, purchased 100 Drones, trained Chinese operators, at a Military Base in Red Deer, and now, these Drones, are dropping fire balls, and causing fires, since may.
      It's all listed, Buy and Sell.GC
      Drones, training contracts and areas to be developed, the areas on fire now, are contracted for development in 2025 LOL
      Time to wake up people, I don't want to be the only one who knows the Truth

  • @valerieadams5301
    @valerieadams5301 Год назад +11

    I live in one of the current, hard hit fire areas of Canada. This is an excellent report. Yes, it feels like Canada is on fire. I have lived here since birth and am now 70 years old. I can tell you that over the past 10 years, I have witnessed hotter summers with more fires every year. The increase has been absolutely shocking over the past 5 years.

    • @GotMoxy
      @GotMoxy Год назад +2

      Not in Alaska. It was a very cool summer here lightening storms any fires were out out immediately. The arsonists have been working over time in Canada this year compared to the last few years. They must be getting paid well

    • @kyles234
      @kyles234 Год назад

      Its because of the geo-engineering. The government is causing the hotter drier weather. Then hired arsonists to start these fires to push the climate hoax

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      Valerie - not to sound self righteous, but is it an 'excellent report' when it does not refer to human-caused climate change, including by Canada's gluttonous fossil fuel industry, as the central cause of the accelerating fires burning the world?
      GotMoxy (BELOW) - if you want to believe that 'arsonists' are the main cause of the fires burning up the world, it probably makes you feel a little better. The truth is painful.

    • @rhoho2217
      @rhoho2217 Год назад +1

      @@GotMoxyyes, its all arsonists 🙄

    • @johngaudet6316
      @johngaudet6316 Год назад +1

      ​@@rhoho2217Yes, 5000 arsonists 🤣

  • @usaskjock
    @usaskjock Год назад +7

    I'm from Fort Smith Northwest Territories and almost 70% of our territory has been evacuated to Alberta. Fort Smith Hay River, Enterprise, Jean Marie River and Yellowknife have all been completely evacuated. Climate change is hitting the North far harder than many other places around the world - the average temperate has gone WAY up and the amount of rain way down. It was as hot as 34-35 C in Yellowknife which is crazy. DUring the heat dome 2 years ago Fort Smith was 40C and broke our temperate record by 5 degrees.

  • @absolutetruthgirl
    @absolutetruthgirl Год назад +14

    It was a good day today. I was able to open my windows in my home as air quality was good. My community has a 7600 hectare fire burning 10 km from city limits. Most days I must stay indoors as smoke fills the valley. I'm now going to my local mall to get filtered air as I have a lung condition. My province has 411 fires overall and 14 really large fires. Canadians are now realizing that summer means fires and poor air quality. A big thank you to our American firefighters who are battling along side with us. Stay safe and keep your stick on the ice.❤

    • @absolutetruthgirl
      @absolutetruthgirl Год назад +3

      Update: the fire near my home is nearly 100% contained! Smoke is now minimal. We just have extreme heat happening. I continue to thank all international and local firefighting agencies who are tirelessly fighting on all fronts!!

    • @wholeshebang1
      @wholeshebang1 Год назад

      You must be relieved. I hope the fire near your home is fully contained or extinguished. Sending support from Ontario.

    • @absolutetruthgirl
      @absolutetruthgirl Год назад +1

      @@wholeshebang1 thank you! Today the air quality is much better. Yesterday I was able to sit outside for 30 minutes. Yay! Officials say we have 30 more days of firefighting to go so it's all hands on deck

  • @GIguy
    @GIguy Год назад +3

    No, thank you, and to everyone helping us fight the red devil. Half my family lost everything to the flames, left homeless….I flew them to my home here in Toronto….to look in their eyes is more then you could handle. They’re broken, terrified, hopeless, but I thank god their all alive and safe…most don’t know there’s hundreds of thousands of people scattered in thousands of small communities all over the northern provinces and territories (many of them native communities, already facing challenges). Not a day goes by I don’t find tears streaming down my cheeks watching the country I love burn to cinders, countless thousands now homeless refugees with nothing and nowhere to go. It’s just devastating 😰😰😰😰😰😰

  • @purplehazel2323
    @purplehazel2323 Год назад +2

    Thanyou for covering and explaining the fires in Canada.❤

  • @BradFalck-mn3pc
    @BradFalck-mn3pc Год назад +9

    Thanks America ❤🇺🇸🇨🇦

  • @JustinTurnerman
    @JustinTurnerman Год назад +6

    Thank you to all fire fighters helping us Canadians we sure appreciate at it very much. People are losing everything they have ever worked for burned away.

  • @sheilahauptmann8283
    @sheilahauptmann8283 Год назад +1

    Thank you guys for helping those in need 🍁❤️

  • @mrboom303
    @mrboom303 Год назад +17

    It’s a pretty strange how they don’t say they’re man-made, but they’re going to blame it on climate control😂😂😂😂

  • @normpowell3566
    @normpowell3566 Год назад +8

    When we see all the fires on the map it sure opens your eyes. My thanks to all the firefighters out there in the centre of it all. If we didn't have you and the support staff, it could be a total loss. Stay Safe

    • @BaldVulture87
      @BaldVulture87 Год назад

      Thing is there's a lot of wildfires south of the border in the states as well, they just didn't show it on that map....

    • @petergbrics7260
      @petergbrics7260 Год назад

      They ignite these fires on purpose and blame it on climate change.Same in Turkey,same in hawaii.

  • @pcjenkin
    @pcjenkin Год назад +7

    The truth is, smoke harms lungs. I lived on Maui before these recent fires, and the 'Vog' or volcanic smog from the Big Island had me wheezing practically all the time. And it did some permanent damage to my lungs.

    • @BidensTinks-dn9me
      @BidensTinks-dn9me Год назад

      Yup more people 🥀 from lung cancer than breast cancer yet, it's ignored as far as funding.

    • @somguy728
      @somguy728 Год назад

      It's only permanent if you believe it, otherwise it didn't happen. I'm in the okanagan, and we're getting hammered by fire and smoke right now, just like many times before. None of it has ever left a mark on me, health wise or otherwise, you're only hurting yourself by believing in the hurt.

    • @michaelmooney6701
      @michaelmooney6701 Год назад

      Come to savannah ga where everyone is smoking pot and driving their dodge chargers around like monkeys

    • @pcjenkin
      @pcjenkin Год назад

      @@somguy728 'Vog' has microscopic shards of glass in it. It's different from regular brush and forest fires.

  • @stanleythrewbrick
    @stanleythrewbrick Год назад +3

    Lmao at American journalists always trying to make everything “depressed” and _desperately_ pushing toward said narrative.. focus on how depressing _your own country is…_ “brb we’re just tryna stop our country from burning down”

  • @quantum5369
    @quantum5369 Год назад +3

    Dude says Canada is not overwhelmed but we are challenged. What a stupid thing to say. As a canadian, we are overwhelmed. We have hundreds of fires, are asking for international aid and we aren’t overwhelmed??

    • @BidensTinks-dn9me
      @BidensTinks-dn9me Год назад

      Just lite up a doobie buttercup, it will be fine.

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      THANK YOU, Quantum. What's happening is terrifying, and that's one flavor of being overwhelmed. But I thikn you are talking of the more practical aspects. Well, not surprised by his politicizing - after all, he's the 'guy in charge' and has to sound like 'hey, we're on top of things.' Yeah, right. Aint enough firefighters in both hemispheres to solve this problem.

  • @danbailey3445
    @danbailey3445 Год назад +2

    This TV station should be commended for reporting on our country of Canada and it's fire situation. To see what is happening and give American people a sense of what we are doing to suppress the problem.

  • @brenly7054
    @brenly7054 Год назад +7

    I live in alberta never seen anything like this the fires burn deep in the ground and dried out swamp land then pop up in different locations only winter or cold weather will end it for this year

  • @minimaxmiaandme.4971
    @minimaxmiaandme.4971 Год назад +8

    To be fair, the smoke is coming up to Canada from California and Oregon to British Columbia and last summer was a nightmare in Alberta because of fires from the US. Get over yourselves! 🇨🇦

  • @marjoriecoey3418
    @marjoriecoey3418 Год назад +7

    I am so dad to see all these fires and forest destruction in my country! People and animals and birds driven out of their homes. Firefighters risking and losing their lives.
    Stay safe.❤😢

  • @straighttalker9410
    @straighttalker9410 Год назад +3

    pre-trudeau Canada would have had a lot more help and sympathy

    • @BidensTinks-dn9me
      @BidensTinks-dn9me Год назад +1

      I'm sure PM trugay is safe somewhere with his new boyfriend...

  • @albertastorms
    @albertastorms Год назад +7

    In my part of Alberta we hit 111° with a 131° heat index on one day during a heatwave in the 100’s back in July. Last time we got that hot and hotter was in 2021. However while we been above average from May to the beginning of August, we are now facing below average temps for this time of year with lots of storms for the next week or two with temps in the mid to high 80’s and very low 90’s our average high is 93° and average low is 73° for this time of year. As the last week of august the nights start to become not so hot and humid and the days become less humid and more dry. By September it becomes desert air dry usually as the gulf moisture starts to retreat south and east. By mid September our average high sits around 84° with an average low of 58°. By October it is usually around 75° for a high and a low in the high 40’s. By Halloween it is usually 55° during the day and 35° by next morning. Though we have hit 80° on halloween once or twice.

    • @renatosureal
      @renatosureal Год назад

      An average of 275oC is necessary to IGNITE wood. I can only imagine how much CLIMATE CHANGE / GLOBAL "WARNING" is necessary to SPONTANEOUSLY set FORESTS ON FIRE.

    • @Inlinetodie
      @Inlinetodie Год назад +4

      Obviously lieing, I'm a real Albertan, and our education system has never Included Farenheit, your not a real albertan

    • @alan4sure
      @alan4sure Год назад

      Someone who can't grasp celsius temps. Dumb😂😂

    • @MrCleitus
      @MrCleitus Год назад +2

      Canada uses the metric system, try to catch up.

    • @austinsmith1939
      @austinsmith1939 Год назад +1

      @@Inlinetodie i went to school in the 70s and 80s, we used F then and switched to C in the early 80s, i still use F and not Cel

  • @sandram6828
    @sandram6828 Год назад +3

    Thank you for quickly helping us Canadians with these fires. It's usually us helping US with the hurricanes. It shows what good neighbours we are. Always helping each other when in need. Thank you for being our neighbours.

  • @safety_news
    @safety_news 11 месяцев назад +1

    South India. TamilNadu minimum forest fire in one year 200 forest fire .1 dead in tamilnadu very Sad news😢 by Fr.Dr.M.ROBERT.
    Safety Expert / Forest NGO
    Social Service Worker.since :1994

  • @maketheswitchton6779
    @maketheswitchton6779 Год назад +13

    Someone is setting those fires. Too many fires at once to be caused by anomalies.

    • @kootenayjoel
      @kootenayjoel Год назад +1

      Lightning and human caused. Also forests all across the country are tinder dry which is why they are burning so easily and intensely.

  • @PlasticRocket
    @PlasticRocket Год назад

    A great summary of Canadas wildfire challenges

  • @valerieadams5301
    @valerieadams5301 Год назад +2

    The smoke from the forests burning is not the only danger to lungs. When entire neighborhoods of homes burn to the ground; there are toxic chemicals released from building materials and house contents.

  • @donnasilva1355
    @donnasilva1355 Год назад +5

    I feel bad for the wildlife😢

  • @Inlinetodie
    @Inlinetodie Год назад +11

    I live in Alberta, this is the mildest summer temps, weve had in years, not even close to the heat we had in 2020, 2021 and 2022...
    I saw Drones, dropping balls, then the areas, started on fire...
    I looked into it, Transport Canada, purchased 100 Fire Ball dropping drones, and trained chinese in Red Deer, at the old Military Base, to operate them.
    Buy and Sell.GC, has the Contracts listed

    • @marjoriecoey3418
      @marjoriecoey3418 Год назад +1


    • @rodintremboy6459
      @rodintremboy6459 Год назад +1

      you conspiracy theorists are truly nuts. do you even hear youself? drone firefalls, space lasers....cmon now.

    • @markrobert6014
      @markrobert6014 Год назад

      Drones are not starting fires, by dropping balls. You know how much trees sell for right? To pay someone to put out a fire and also burn all the wood makes zero sense just like your dumb ass comment.

    • @bloomshunt9848
      @bloomshunt9848 Год назад

      We are in the times of deception. First you have to be deceived to understand what it is.. sad but true. Hidden war works really well...

    • @kootenayjoel
      @kootenayjoel Год назад +5

      Omg you can’t be serious. We’ve pretty much had hot Summer weather since the end of April here in BC, which is why the forest is so dry and flammable. Stop with the nonsensical conspiracies.

  • @cbernard6410
    @cbernard6410 Год назад +4

    I honestly think they should be checking for Chem Trails in the soil and water. It was reported by a couple of US army personnel that Chem Trails have been found to contain 25 times the amount of aluminum and barium that is considered safe. Perfect accelerant which would explain the speed at which the fires have spread and intensity of the co called “wildfires “.

    • @rzn2258
      @rzn2258 Год назад


    • @tsad5611
      @tsad5611 Год назад +1

      Stop 🤦‍♂️

    • @rzn2258
      @rzn2258 Год назад

      @@tsad5611 Your obviously in the dark about what he's talking about.

  • @LarsGalbraith
    @LarsGalbraith Год назад +6

    Need way more logging

  • @MegaPW1
    @MegaPW1 Год назад +2

    This is heartbreaking!

  • @TheDriller571
    @TheDriller571 Год назад +2

    Mother Nature shoots Laser Beams from Satellites.

  • @carolynhogarth2725
    @carolynhogarth2725 Год назад +2

    Those starts were way in the northern most part first. Why?

  • @hjordistorfa
    @hjordistorfa Год назад +2

    This is devastating wildfire.. I'm truely hoping it will start raining soon in Canada.. it's so misplaced with all this rain in California.. please be safe everyone 💞🌧🌧🌧✌️👀

  • @rogermartel3506
    @rogermartel3506 Год назад +1

    they get shovels rather then SOLUTIONS

  • @popeyesailorman911
    @popeyesailorman911 Год назад +1

    5,000+ Wildfires, is that the MOST in recorded History?
    Fight On!!

  • @bryans_cult
    @bryans_cult Год назад +2

    Summer of D.E.W.

  • @alexykong9378
    @alexykong9378 Год назад +1

    Prayers 🙏

  • @nexe7271
    @nexe7271 Год назад +4

    Are you going to tell me that all thos fires (85%-90%) started by human error. Even those in the middle of the nowhere??

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      No one is saying that it's all due to human cause climate change. But the science and statistics consistently show that we contribute sig'ly to making it worse than it would have been. More and bigger fires. And of course things like acidification of the oceans, plasticizing of water and air, etc etc etc that is without any doubt the result of our actions.

    • @johnmackinnon1026
      @johnmackinnon1026 2 месяца назад

      No,.....clearly not,...a helluva lot of this fire is lightning strikes,..other causes are always there, but, in these remote regions, lightning is the usual catalyst,...You raise a great point,...thanks for being open minded, which so many aren't when this kind of thing takes off,..

  • @LarsGalbraith
    @LarsGalbraith Год назад +6

    We need a lot more logging to much brush

  • @monicadzisiak7291
    @monicadzisiak7291 Год назад +7


    • @vinci1234560
      @vinci1234560 Год назад +5

      You have hit the nail on the head. They don't care about the environment or animal habitats or even people's lives, only total control.

  • @anikogyurcs2539
    @anikogyurcs2539 Год назад +2

    On Canadian Chanels no such detailed info on these devastated fires. Meanwhile our PM is having fun with his playmate. Most of the fires are man made!

  • @rogermartel3506
    @rogermartel3506 Год назад +1

    forest gump needs to be fired

  • @veronicajackson1674
    @veronicajackson1674 Год назад +1

    It’s scary being a part of a fire we had six around our little town thank goodness they got control of five of them but there’s always the risk of thunderstorms hitting us again as I witnessed lightning hitting in our street alone thank goodness it didn’t start a fire because this is the worst drought we’ve ever gone through my wall is dry because it’s so dry here I’ve had to truck in water so we could have showers and clean our dishes or sweeping messed up for sure thank goodness when we bought this house we bought a 1500 gallon water tank that’s only thing that saved us I’m hoping they get a hold of these fires because there’s really nowhere to go there’s fires down the highway up the highway no matter which way you go there’s fires and I’m disabled and we don’t have a vehicle to escape with it even if you can escape where do you go there’s nowhere to go!!!!!

  • @MrLoobu
    @MrLoobu Год назад +1

    We dont even have 500 fire fighting planes fyi, controlling means letting them burn out.

  • @joecat916
    @joecat916 Год назад

    Thanks for the information... from Hampshire county West Virginia. About a month ago visibility was a half mile. Even smelled smoke today!

  • @nativecree1
    @nativecree1 Год назад +1

    I'm in Northern Manitova...we haven't had a major forest fire here...Nelson House, Manitoba

  • @karlabritfeld7104
    @karlabritfeld7104 Год назад +3

    When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money,” and

    • @BidensTinks-dn9me
      @BidensTinks-dn9me Год назад

      Sounds like Bible prophecies being ful-filled....hmmmm

  • @ghettocowboy993
    @ghettocowboy993 Год назад +7

    They are not upset because they planned it


    1:41 all fire⚔️🔒🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥this never ever changes🗡️

  • @coryleblanc
    @coryleblanc Год назад +1

    im in nova scotia and it hasnt reached 30c even once this summer

  • @flexxgym350
    @flexxgym350 Год назад +7

    Government set fires

  • @scottanderson3751
    @scottanderson3751 Год назад

    The people of the not so distant future don’t worry about these kind of fires no more because everything has been consumed by fire and can’t burn/recover no more-well done y’all,well done ✌️

  • @travisbails2547
    @travisbails2547 Год назад +3

    Because our joke of a leader fired the martin mars water bomber.

  • @adeladelano3147
    @adeladelano3147 Год назад +1

    planes? Where are the equipment to deal with natural disasters? We are talking about the best country in the world, and now it turns out that it is the weakest country

  • @omanilady88
    @omanilady88 Год назад +7

    Prayers to the people affected by this ♥

  • @Ghosts_and_Cars
    @Ghosts_and_Cars Год назад +8

    Who's starting the fires?

    • @Sigledriceman
      @Sigledriceman Год назад

      It's obviously the Kremlin I mean Alaska is very close to Russia so it's pretty easy for them to border hop and the commies set everything on fire in preparation for warfare with Canada in the near future.

    • @thelawman8966
      @thelawman8966 Год назад +14

      The government

    • @jpdumais5229
      @jpdumais5229 Год назад +11

      Justin Trudeau

    • @swapshots4427
      @swapshots4427 Год назад +3


    • @griggbaylee5808
      @griggbaylee5808 Год назад +1

      Duh. lol that’s a question much like “how deep is the river “
      Truly intellectual comment

  • @adrinjohnson8511
    @adrinjohnson8511 Год назад +5

    Fires started WEF caught on Satellite. Several people arrested.

  • @itsAILoveYou
    @itsAILoveYou Год назад

    British Columbia, currently grappling with the gravest threat to lives and property from fires, should not be overlooked😭

  • @MrMoose-mf1oy
    @MrMoose-mf1oy Год назад

    Canadian here. I wanna say this. Our snow removal services during the winter is next level. Our cities roads and sidewalks are completely clear of snow during this time and the programs are probably the best in the world. Now, if we can prepare for fire season like we can for winter season then we can prevent this. More of our resources must go into fire prevention, rather than fire fighting. Unfortunately, our incompetent prime minister has barely even acknowledged these fires and continues to waste our tax dollars towards useless things. We have to be proactive, not reactive!

    • @emiz1001
      @emiz1001 Год назад

      Hello ,sleeping canadians Your prime minister is smart and following agenda /plan Go educate about WEF and great reset

    • @mikeb5664
      @mikeb5664 Год назад

      Whats the Conservatives plan to fight climate change?

    • @warmhandswarmheart
      @warmhandswarmheart Год назад

      Stephen Harper pulled funding for climate change being done in the Arctic.

  • @cherieunger9944
    @cherieunger9944 Год назад +3

    Prayers to all touched by this, stay safe 🙏🕊️🙏

  • @garyharris3159
    @garyharris3159 Год назад +1

    I Beleaver These Fires Are mostly caused By 2 lagged people

  • @angelafeldman5903
    @angelafeldman5903 Год назад +4

    If it hits muskeg, we are screwed.

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Год назад

      where is that ?

    • @angelafeldman5903
      @angelafeldman5903 Год назад

      @maxsmith695 it's not a place per' sey. Geologically speaking. Look the word up for more information . If it catches fire , it would burn underground for years and years, and we might not be aware of it. It's usually in the bush /wetland. And release of carbon. I think I'm mixing it up with another word related to muskeg. Maybe not!! I'll have to check my memory again!

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Год назад

      @@angelafeldman5903 Look up what?

  • @crabbiecakes5663
    @crabbiecakes5663 Год назад +6

    You forgot the part where they caught the Environmentalist starting the fires.

    • @Julia-nl3gq
      @Julia-nl3gq Год назад +1

      Ooo that sounds interesting. I will have to look into that. Wouldn't be surprised at all if that were true.

  • @michelecarnduff5970
    @michelecarnduff5970 Год назад +3

    Prayers for all who ate impacted by this calamity 5000 fires that's unbelievable

  • @kyles234
    @kyles234 Год назад +3

    It's mostly arson not wildfires

    • @Sue-bekky
      @Sue-bekky 7 месяцев назад

      Not entirely true And you don’t understand, even if it is arson it is still a wildfire

  • @mickeygezae5905
    @mickeygezae5905 Год назад +4

    Wow, feel sorry for Canadian... Nothing to say but God mercy be with you and ur country 🙏

  • @deirdrecrangle2399
    @deirdrecrangle2399 Год назад

    Good report. Never heard of fires in Canada before. The reporting from European fires has generated news of American continent focus on forest fires. Devastating for mankind.

  • @norm2264
    @norm2264 Год назад +7

    Maybe the next time they'll pay attention who they're voting for

    • @TwistysGunShow
      @TwistysGunShow Год назад

      Exactly ,we have a wef puppet burning down Canada 🇨🇦

    • @BidensTinks-dn9me
      @BidensTinks-dn9me Год назад

      Lmfao you got that right....FJT & FJB

    • @norm2264
      @norm2264 Год назад

      @@BidensTinks-dn9me 🤣

  • @brentchristopher7363
    @brentchristopher7363 Год назад +8

    I think some organization is starting the fires. Canada had the same if not hotter temperatures last year and there was no where near the fires as this year.

  • @alejandroavina5141
    @alejandroavina5141 Год назад +6

    I mean we can send thousands of solders with weapons acros the world with granades and drones with boms, but we cant send thousands of solders with water guns water ballons and drones equiped with water to turn a fir🍹

  • @amallica
    @amallica Год назад

    This is the first time in my life I’ve seen an American news company genuinely interested in Canada without some sort of political slant bullshit.

  • @Mexicantours
    @Mexicantours Год назад +1

    Very sad, BUT, Not saying this is true, BUT SOMETHING to consider and if you say it’s not a possibility..I’d like to understand why you think not.. Canadian government is in bed with world economic forum ..BIG BUSINESS, INVOLVED IN so many things. Now if you don’t understand what a direct energy weapon is ..time to learn ..these war machines , why wouldn’t they turn it loose ..for who knows what god forgiven reason.

  • @alecfromminnenowhere2089
    @alecfromminnenowhere2089 Год назад +1

    Two million acres burned is almost as big as Yellowstone NP.

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      GOod point - i know a million acres is a hella big piece of land (like the King Ranch in Texas).
      BUT... apparently in this whole year, about 50000 sq miles have burnt - an area the size of Greece, acc. to one source. I picture it as a square 700 miles on a side.
      Unbelievable. And almost no one commenting here even mentions human caused climate change. I despair.

  • @rosebloem2474
    @rosebloem2474 Год назад

    Respect for the fire fighters

  • @ParulROfficial
    @ParulROfficial Год назад +1

    Trudeu is busy in handling farmers issues forgetting about their own lands😮

  • @keithrodgers1030
    @keithrodgers1030 Год назад

    Wow , 5000 fires in each red dot.

  • @DavidLehman-ow7ds
    @DavidLehman-ow7ds Год назад +5

    I'm m sorry I'm I'm a national Wildlands firefighter an you really think this as lol natural

    • @lynnamarsh6384
      @lynnamarsh6384 Год назад +3

      what caused it ? i mean IDK
      Calif. was kind of odd too

    • @cobainzlady
      @cobainzlady Год назад

      of course it's not! jihadists put out a fatwa to do this very thing in North america, and also in europe, and they've done a lot of it so far. 200+ churches in france, other countries there, and usa wildfires, now canada! ARSON.

    • @paulforsell1439
      @paulforsell1439 Год назад

      Laser weapons government

    • @YuriMakarov-h3p
      @YuriMakarov-h3p Год назад +2

      Big oil, the fight over renewable energy. Government.

    • @minimaxmiaandme.4971
      @minimaxmiaandme.4971 Год назад

      I'm sorry but BS......a National Wildlands firefighter......ahahahahha

  • @ThePerimeters
    @ThePerimeters Год назад +2

    Revelation 16:8-21
    8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
    9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      Perimeters - your faith does nothing to support the people and animals being scorched by human caused climate change. In the end, it's monumentally selfish.

    • @ronpflugrath2712
      @ronpflugrath2712 Год назад

      Maybe you should learn to help fight the fire .

    @MrSCOTTtheSCOT Год назад +3

    Maybe NATO should be deploying to fight fires. This is a war on nature's ability to destroy so much when things are now this out of control so the nations of NATO should be recruiting forces to fight against nature's ability to destroy, Flood, Fire and serious storm damages. All nato should have a subdivision to assist in the the tackling of natural disasters and the support of evacuations and rescue beyond that of the emergency services that are been overwhelmed in these times.

    • @Freshlygrazed
      @Freshlygrazed Год назад

      That's actually not a bad idea💡

    • @HowLifeWorks
      @HowLifeWorks Год назад

      Right, get the evil 3, and 4, letter agencies and organizations involved. It’s always good to bring your enemy in, to help.

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      And again an appeal to our ability to 'fight' the fires, here with agents of war and weaponization, instead of addressing the root of the problem - human-caused climate change. HARDLY ANYONE IN THIS WHOLE COMMENT STREAM EVEN MENTIONS IT! WE GOTTA STOP BEING OSTRICHES. ALL THE FIREFIGHTING HELP, HOSES FROM THE OCEAN, AND NATO INTERVENTIONS IN THE WORLD CANNOT STOP THOUSANDS OF FIRES.

  • @shineandre
    @shineandre Год назад +2

    105 Alarm bells are going off. For the day of the Lord is coming LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. 1 Peter 3.10 - 12 Flee the wrath of God before it is too late.

    • @maxsmith695
      @maxsmith695 Год назад

      Did you ever have someone doorbell ditch you ? You are as much fun. SMGDH

    • @Godknowsvita
      @Godknowsvita Год назад

      "When you see these things start to happen, look up, your redemption draws near." Luke 21 28

  • @KhaoticDeterminism
    @KhaoticDeterminism Год назад

    about time Nunavut finally took their name seriously #2Spirit
    it’s been 24 years dudes

  • @sirseanisrobinson1515
    @sirseanisrobinson1515 Год назад +2

    There showing us all the spots the Direct energy satellite 🛰 weapon shoots that start these fires 🔥
    Set-fires 🔥 Not wild fires 🔥

  • @JJ_LL
    @JJ_LL Год назад +1

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD RIDDANCE CANADA!!!!!!!!!

  • @mikepeacock1499
    @mikepeacock1499 Год назад

    Came here to get information on the on going emergency in the Kelowna wild fires. had to wait through an Ad for The Rec Room. Safe bet I will never go there.

  • @mayhemmacy1566
    @mayhemmacy1566 Год назад +1

    we dont get summer here; only fire season

  • @mrmelmba
    @mrmelmba Год назад

    Canada has 895,000,000 acres of forest, lacking perspective, none of which may be spared for housing. There are some who are self-serving, ignoring the greater good of citizens that passionately resent the use of land that was not promised to this nation and whose ulterior motive in seeking public office is to curb this practice. The larger the amount of land that is required, the more that it is placed beyond reach by declaring it “protected” in order to prevent expansion commensurate with the needs of a growing population. Forested land may not be disturbed no matter how much of a fire hazard it presents to neighbouring habitations.

    A town should not embrace pine, spruce and fir trees to an extent that they form a grove adjoining forest. When coniferous trees, aka turpentine bombs, are permitted to establish themselves within a town nature takes its usual course and consumes them with fire. Aspen, birch, alder and cottonwood take the place of pine on soil cleansed by fire and fertilized with ashes. Mature trees should not be left standing and should all be cleared out and replaced with saplings when land is developed and homes are built. New buildings. New lives. Growing older together.

    The detrimental effect of placing a halt on the use of land includes homes consumed by fire, home prices skyrocketing beyond reach, rents that exceed incomes, a growing financial gulf between property owners and the remainder measured in millions, desperation and homelessness.

    Before persons are admitted to public office, whether elected or employed at any level, they should be placed under oath and required to swear to their response: _Is your ulterior motive in becoming a public servant to place a halt on the use of the land resource? That was not promised to Canadians? That will cause home prices to skyrocket and shunt the lifetime earnings of citizens exacted through rent directly into the pockets of the chosen few and leave residents homeless?_

  • @enchantedape8180
    @enchantedape8180 Год назад +2

    May be if we pay more in carbon taxes and keep immigration at record highs this will help climate change.

  • @S0UP-dw9tp
    @S0UP-dw9tp Год назад +1

    Man made

  • @artm8dk
    @artm8dk Год назад +4

    Nature dont like our lifestile.

  • @artisticdriver4218
    @artisticdriver4218 Год назад

    🙏🙏🙏God Help Us All

  • @cm9748
    @cm9748 Год назад

    I'm a medic with my fire courses and I know there are thousands of us . No has reached out to us or set up a program where we can come help with the fires. A lot of us would do this for experience if there was some organizations set up by the government or someone.

  • @Willburys
    @Willburys Год назад +1

    In one Week so sadness News.Hawaii Tenerifa French South Canada .The Burning came everytime ! The Nature has no Chance in this Speed of Fire !

  • @tallesttreeintheforest
    @tallesttreeintheforest Год назад

    "we have broken our record from 40 years ago"
    followed by
    "this is climate change"

  • @halithomas03
    @halithomas03 Год назад +4

    What is happening! This seem so insane and excessive it has to be people doing it on purpose!

  • @JBaxter-pi8oj
    @JBaxter-pi8oj Год назад +4

    I'm also Canadian and we haven't had this kind of reporting from our many of our "news" sources. This is shocking, both the fires and the lack of reporting in my own country. And these fires started before spring did which only shows just how badly climate change and global boiling has affected Canada. Yet, our right wing party, the Conservatives, are still controlling access to information and downplaying these effects. In fact, the largely Conservative (read Republican) provinces are changing the education system to reflect that! There are many of us in Canada who are struggling to be heard and to have action taken so that this climate emergency doesn't have to reach the worst outcomes. So, thank you for having balanced journalism!

    • @motaku7525
      @motaku7525 Год назад

      My god, FINALLY, Baxter - someone actually mentioned the role of human activity in CAUSING the fire horror around the world. I don't understand where peoples' heads are at here. Anyways, it's sad to see that even in 'progressive' Canada the force of big capital and reactionary politics is strong - in censoring the news and stonewalling change. What do you think of the Liberal Party, with what seems to be their nice sounding words but pro-fossil fuel actions?

    • @robertreed2168
      @robertreed2168 Год назад


    • @emiz1001
      @emiz1001 Год назад

      Poor sleepy canadian soul. Go to agenda 2030 and great reset to educate who is doing climate change and global boiling

    • @JBaxter-pi8oj
      @JBaxter-pi8oj Год назад

      OMG! The level of ignorance is amazing. I feel sorry for you.@@robertreed2168

  • @Freshlygrazed
    @Freshlygrazed Год назад +1

    WCCO - CBS Minnesota... Where Canadians get their up to date news from!

  • @angelop3203
    @angelop3203 Год назад

    Need to turn to the Lord in prayer

  • @Neo.555
    @Neo.555 Год назад +1

    I'm worried about O2!