Black Education: Myths and Tragedies-Why Achievement Gaps Persist | OLD PARKLAND CONFERENCE

  • Опубликовано: 14 июл 2022
  • Disparities in academic performance between black and white students who attend traditional public schools have persisted for decades. Why do civil rights organizations remain wedded to an education model that has failed low-income minorities for generations? And why do liberal politicians spend so much time trying to discredit viable alternatives to traditional public schooling? Reihan Salam moderated a discussion with Eric Hanushek and Ian Rowe about education policy, teachers unions, school choice, standardized testing, and whether teaching critical race theory and the 1619 Project in elementary schools where kids can’t read or do math at grade level is a good idea.
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Комментарии • 62

  • @pwu8194
    @pwu8194 11 месяцев назад +7

    Jewish and Asian families focus on education as their way out of poverty. My father only had 5th-grade education, and my mom only had 6th-grade education. Even so, they made sure we study and do well in school. My father tutored me every day all the way to 5th grade, because that was the extent he knew. Black families have many other alternatives: arts and sports that make way more money than doctors, lawyers, scientists and engineers. So, Black kids would play basketball, football, baseball, tennis, etc., and studying might be of second priority. To Jewish and Asians, study is the first priority. When Black kids succeed in arts and sports, they make millions or billions. The only problem is not every body makes it in arts and sports, and when they don't make it there, and they already spent less time studying, they are not going to perform as well.

    • @dhuston521
      @dhuston521 11 месяцев назад +2

      You nailed it!!! In our community, the intellect is frowned upon and the athlete is cheered. Yet theirs a 1 in a million chance of being an athlete.

    • @ladyk7675
      @ladyk7675 11 месяцев назад

      @@dhuston521hat is not true in every Black community. I grew up Black in the South and education was highly important. Maybe because I lived in a small town . The young man who got into Harvard in my community is to this day a household name in the community. The Black kids down the street were brilliant and you knew if they were in the same grade as you there was no chance of being valedictorian because it was their’s and we went to an integrated school they beat everyone. Mind you where I grew up was low to middle class. On Facebook I see friends from the community grandkids posting all the time with their degrees. So this notion of Black people not valuing education is just something made up. Maybe this is true in the intercity. I worked in an environment with Asians and other people and no one stood out as being more superior knowledge wise as a group. Also look at the history of the HBCU we were so interested in education that we built our own institutions when we we denied access to high education. We were beaten for reading during slavery this is not a group of people who do not value education. We need to stop letting people define who we are.

  • @hammockcamping2500
    @hammockcamping2500 Год назад +8

    Why should we socially engineer a reduction of racial gaps? Why can't we be content letting each population group fare as well as they can without having to artificially prop some population groups up? Here are some examples:
    I belong to an eyeglass wearing population. I pay for my glasses. Folks that decend from East Africa have to deal with the fact that on average they are not fast sprinters while conversely West Africans have to deal with the fact that they on average are not good distance runners. Bloodhounds on average are not optimized for being good at shepherding but they obviously excel at tracking.
    However you group different populations, you will find innate differences in ability.
    Schools should be celebrated for increasing academic gaps. Smart people learn faster.

  • @skittlekearse
    @skittlekearse 11 месяцев назад +2

    I 100% agree with the statement about removing disruptive kids. Young black men have been the most violent cohort of people for a while. Why wouldn't we expect to see that same pattern around that same age range and even younger while their still in school. Its really common sense.

  • @ladyk7675
    @ladyk7675 11 месяцев назад +3

    I grew up Black in the South and education was highly important. Maybe because I lived in a small town . The young man who got into Harvard in my community is to this day a household name in the community. The Black kids down the street were brilliant and you knew if they were in the same grade as you there was no chance of being valedictorian because it was their’s and we went to an integrated school they beat everyone. Mind you where I grew up was low to middle class. On Facebook I see friends from the community grandkids posting all the time with their degrees. So this notion of Black people not valuing education is just something made up. Maybe this is true in the intercity. I worked in an environment with Asians and other people and no one stood out as being more superior knowledge wise as a group. So assigning superiority to every group but Black people is also false. Also look at the history of the HBCU we were so interested in education that we built our own institutions when we we denied access to higher education. We were beaten for reading during slavery this is not a group of people who do not value education. We need to stop letting people define who we are as Black people especially when you only look at the lowest segments of our community.

  • @junsu21
    @junsu21 3 месяца назад

    The other guest also made a good point about not focusing on monocausality. Americans of all colors are not achieving as much scholastically as our peer nations. We are rarely honest about the reasons why

  • @toddb9311
    @toddb9311 Год назад +4

    $8k/$6k/$4k bonuses for the best teachers and after 3 years the results are "nearly" average...

    • @narutozzz6166
      @narutozzz6166 Год назад +1

      Sure but you have to start somewhere

    • @oneviwatara9384
      @oneviwatara9384 Год назад

      They also did experiment on black students by giving them the best of everything by the end of several years they didn't do much better than others black students from poor neighborhood whereas Asian students have achieved much better scores than black students.

  • @michaeljoenks4633
    @michaeljoenks4633 Год назад +2

    A very thoughtful presentation.

  • @jaymudd2817
    @jaymudd2817 Год назад +2

    Dennis Praeger speaks of the success sequence.

  • @mahaliagayle2618
    @mahaliagayle2618 Год назад +1

    Thank you Mr. Rowe for focusing on the DISEMBODIED standards. I am not sure you were heard, however.

  • @dhuston521
    @dhuston521 11 месяцев назад

    Mere mention and/or exercises to explain privilege or anything else is not obsession. It’s an exercise to explain what one group may not know or understand or even look at as a privilege.

  • @michelleo5215
    @michelleo5215 Год назад +3

    I saw some of these privilege race/walks on RUclips. I thought they were terrible for children. After all of the disadvantages being lorded over these happy bright and vibrant kids - some of them were clearly trouble, saddened, and defeated afterwards. Many didn't even run the race after they were told how victimized they were.

  • @dhuston521
    @dhuston521 11 месяцев назад +2

    If the black community wrapped their arms around scholars the way they do athletes then …

    • @junsu21
      @junsu21 3 месяца назад

      and who do you blame for that? We live in a society that valorizes and pays athletes millions more dollars per year than they pay MDs or theoretical physicists. Can we please stop blaming black people for cultural problems in America that they DID NOT create?!!

  • @pwu8194
    @pwu8194 11 месяцев назад +2

    Academic subjects require studies, especially science, technology, engineering and math. Black students also spend a lot of time playing sports while Asians and Jews just sit on their butt all day studying. They already knew their odds of playing professional sports is next to none. Gifted Blacks play sports where there is more money. The less gifted already spent so much time trying out sports, and therefore less time studying, but didn't make it. The consequences of studying less is poorer academic performances.

    • @lanecore75
      @lanecore75 7 месяцев назад

      Therefore black students need to understand there are far more opportunities to be Dr's and lawyers than a professional athlete. I understand your premise but it doesn't excuse whole schools and not one student is proficient. That is failure on a catastrophic level.

  • @hammockcamping2500
    @hammockcamping2500 Год назад +1

    there are substantive differences between various population groups with regard to IQ, temperament, cultural attainment, bone density, gestational duration, onset-age of puberty, age at which walking first occurs, rate of brain aging, twinning rates and Etc

    • @willharriman1881
      @willharriman1881 Год назад

      Are you STILL going around spouting your same crappy white supremacy propaganda? Get it through your head! The old eugenics movement has been long discredited! Stop making a fool of yourself!

    • @junsu21
      @junsu21 3 месяца назад

      are you a scientist or MD? gestational duration (do some humans have babies at 10 months?) bone density (are we engaging in 19th century so called "science" here?) IQ? what freaking nonsense are you spewing? you are implying race here and don't try to pretend otherwise. even for twinning rates, and age of puberty, its all over the map for racial, ethnic, generational CANNOT back up anything you say with non-racialized science. This comment is just disgusting

  • @CrowdPleeza
    @CrowdPleeza Год назад

    Is promoting equity the best way to help black and brown kids in public schools?

  • @junsu21
    @junsu21 3 месяца назад

    When talking about the Louisiana HS that he visited, Ian Rowe was a bit dishonest in the way he presented the information. Obviously, he was at one of the best schools in the state. Obviously those students are going to want to hear about pathways to success. These are already high achieving students. How is that a good example? On another example that Hanushek was speaking about re: firing teachers and getting better teachers, i have yet to hear anyone on this panel talk about the fact that our capitalist system drives low teacher pay and the fact that the so called smartest people don't choose to teach K-12.

  • @ebonicatalan9329
    @ebonicatalan9329 Год назад

    This is one of the reasons we’ve chosen to home educate. I’m looking forward to see how well my homeschooled children do on these standardized test. We are parents who care, we use rigorous curriculum and nobody loves our children more than we do. We are cultivating a love of learning. Let’s go!!

  • @economicdevelopmentplannin8715
    @economicdevelopmentplannin8715 Год назад +2

    People love to begin their study with 1965. Ironically, this is also about the time these speakers entered academia. So in effect, they often refuse to study anything prior to their existence.
    Skills yes are worthwhile learning. But the ideologues fail to appreciate that black people in the US were among the most skilled globally. They are largely responsible for building the greatest superpower country on Earth, as the single largest asset class in the early days of US history.
    Building any thesis on black American people not being skilled relative to other groups is deceptive and fraudulent, at best.
    By 1965, multiple generations of black American families had already astutely observed how the economy actually rewarded and denied economic opportunities to their families. In effect, there became a great disincentive to acquire skills if the economy refuses to honor your sacrifice and investments. In this country, there's never been a shortage of work. But "money" for that work has historically and currently not gone to the families who have worked the longest and hardest, especially if they're nonimmigrant black American people.
    In effect, until there's evidence that the US will honor black American labor with pay parity to white and Asian American families, there will be declining labor force participation rates among nonimmigrant black American families.

  • @willharriman1881
    @willharriman1881 10 месяцев назад +1

    Here's a true life example of the actual race problem in employment. A Black American man applies for a skilled position as a service technician. He meets all education and experience requirements of the position. All the applicants must take a competitive examination on ELECTROMECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY. The Black man scores 97% on the test to make the number one highest score. THREE white males with LOWER test scores are hired. The Black American man who made the top test score was NOT hired! I was that Black American man! EDUCATION IS NOT THE REAL PROBLEM AT ALL! RACE IS THE PROBLEM?

  • @wademitchell3817
    @wademitchell3817 Год назад +7

    Did you know that WWII Black veterans and descendants are STILL not allowed GI bill benefits? Can you imagine teaching WWII and GI Bill and not mentioning that 1 million Black veteran were excluded. There is a bill in the house and senate to change this. Authentic CRT seeks to uncover and remedy these inequities caused by systemic racism.

    • @eyeje19
      @eyeje19 Год назад +1

      This discussion should be allowed and that is different than the Privilege Walk for example

    • @vitodanelli
      @vitodanelli Год назад

      I don’t believe that blacks don’t have access to GI Bill benefits.

    • @eyeje19
      @eyeje19 Год назад

      @@vitodanelli you can research it to find out.

    • @wademitchell3817
      @wademitchell3817 Год назад +1

      @@eyeje19 Yes, here is a start. *Additional sources*
      - news piece on GI Bill:видео.html
      - Black History in 2 minutes segment on GI Bill:видео.html
      - Charlotte ABC11 segment:видео.html

    • @wademitchell3817
      @wademitchell3817 Год назад +1

      @@vitodanelli Specifically, I was talking about *1 million WWII Black veterans*
      Here is more info. *Additional sources*
      - news piece on GI Bill:видео.html
      - Black History in 2 minutes segment on GI Bill:видео.html
      - Charlotte ABC11 segment:видео.html

  • @hasajada6863
    @hasajada6863 Год назад

    Confronting the nonsense, holy s**t, no sh*t...

  • @synjinkai2411
    @synjinkai2411 Год назад

    I really respect Reihan. But he needs to slow his speech. A lot.

  • @lovebutton
    @lovebutton 10 месяцев назад

    Clarence Thomas?

  • @elamac5628
    @elamac5628 6 месяцев назад

    close the gap in 2 and a half centuries. He smoking crack. We need to separate our kids from our enemies and close this gap within a decade.

    • @junsu21
      @junsu21 3 месяца назад

      I don't think you heard him correctly. He was citing a study that stated that at the current rate it would take another 200+ years to close the gap. At no point was he suggesting that's what we should aim for

  • @alan7609
    @alan7609 Год назад


  • @guangxidavidliu
    @guangxidavidliu Месяц назад

    Blax mishaps are always others fault and society's fault. God helps the people who help themselves. Do they think God helps the ones who blame others?

  • @stanleymathis8644
    @stanleymathis8644 Год назад

    These scientists of where were they all need to stop talkin about closing black kids need to study more they don't study they need to pick up morals we