You should enter a contest. How many people have seen your models in person? Just a few? Throwing a couple in a contest will allow others to see the models you worked so hard on. It's not about winning anything. Other modelers will be inspired by YOUR builds as much as you were at the show. Your model may encourage them to build something, or try a new technique or idea. The pictures you took - were they all award winners? If not - they are still amazing models to you - and that means someone entered a model that may not have won anything - but luckily they brought it to encourage you. 🙂 It all goes around full circle 👍I enter contests but I don't care about awards. I just want to show off my work for other modelers to see and enjoy. Thanks for sharing !
Thanks Bruce, an interesting perspective on it. Over the years many have see my models, modeller and non-modeller, however, of recent times a lot more is done virtually. I think the problem is that I have a competitive streak and putting myself into a competition may bring that out (which is not an issue, just not what modelling is for me). That being said I could easily change my mind on a whim!
Great video. Enjoyed the photos from the show. 👍
Thanks 👍 I keep on intending to take more, but I end up buying stuff, get distracted and forgetting to take photos.
Thumbs 👍
Thanks 👍
Cool updates Dan, take care pal!
Thanks, you too!
You should enter a contest. How many people have seen your models in person? Just a few? Throwing a couple in a contest will allow others to see the models you worked so hard on. It's not about winning anything. Other modelers will be inspired by YOUR builds as much as you were at the show. Your model may encourage them to build something, or try a new technique or idea. The pictures you took - were they all award winners? If not - they are still amazing models to you - and that means someone entered a model that may not have won anything - but luckily they brought it to encourage you. 🙂 It all goes around full circle 👍I enter contests but I don't care about awards. I just want to show off my work for other modelers to see and enjoy. Thanks for sharing !
Thanks Bruce, an interesting perspective on it. Over the years many have see my models, modeller and non-modeller, however, of recent times a lot more is done virtually. I think the problem is that I have a competitive streak and putting myself into a competition may bring that out (which is not an issue, just not what modelling is for me). That being said I could easily change my mind on a whim!
I have too agree, if you enter a competition your mindset changes and they don't interest me
Thanks Shayne.