Intel Platform is indeed the worst, at least for me. It wouldn't be nearly so bad if it weren't for the UAVs being inside, because that's the real test, the three decks beforehand are just a preamble. If I only get 10 minutes, then I have to perfect stealth, there's rarely ever been a time when the enemy goes into suspicion and I've made it to the end of that claustrophobic death trap.
The intel fob is as easy as medical due to all the soldiers being trapped in a big metal cylinder? It might just be me though that finds it really easy to
Ive always enjoyed rolling everywhere as opposed to the dolphin diving across the oil rig, its so graceless and ugly, but people do it cause its the meta. Youre pretty good 🐍
Intel Platform is indeed the worst, at least for me. It wouldn't be nearly so bad if it weren't for the UAVs being inside, because that's the real test, the three decks beforehand are just a preamble. If I only get 10 minutes, then I have to perfect stealth, there's rarely ever been a time when the enemy goes into suspicion and I've made it to the end of that claustrophobic death trap.
9 secs remaining! Great work, Boss!
Stun Arm!
it's so hard on blood dragons for me
The intel fob is as easy as medical due to all the soldiers being trapped in a big metal cylinder? It might just be me though that finds it really easy to
This platform is so difficult
Ive always enjoyed rolling everywhere as opposed to the dolphin diving across the oil rig, its so graceless and ugly, but people do it cause its the meta.
Youre pretty good 🐍
damn. you are so fast with switching devices
nobody likes doing the damn intel platform
Keep the vids coming