Lessons from radio 573: - Let them see the benefits when getting married - 7 signs when a man wants to marry: Take time for you Introduce you to his family and friends. Talk to you their secrets Planning about the future Trying to accomplish your requirements (he has never done it before) Taking care of your family Imagine life with you when both of you get older.
Lesson from Radio 573: - Marriage is also a form of business with benefits - The benefits of marriage also come with risks - Sit down and talk to solve the problem - Women who only satisfy men sexually will not want to get married - Spending time with you, introducing them to friends, showing you a lot of things about them, discussing finances, doing things you ask that fit into your life, caring about the people important to you are signs that a man is ready to commit to you
Lessons from radio 573: Signs someone loves you: - Spends more time with you. - Introduces you to family and close friends. - Starts discussing finances. - Talks about the future a lot.
Lessons from radio 573 signs a man wants to get married _ spend a lot of time with you _introduce you to family and friends _ they confide in secret things _discuss finances _ they do what you ask them to do they change to please you _ important Focus on your important people _use the word we when talking _Look at the actions of the man who doesn't listen . _focus on yourself
Lessons from Radio 573: -Men and women have different demand -Marriage has advantages and disadvantages -Marriage is like doing business -7 signs that a man wants to marry you + Spending more time with you + Introducing their close friends and family + Sharing their secret + Discussing about finance + Doing what you require + Caring more about what is important to you + Using "us" -You can not force someone to stay with you
Lesson from radio 573: -Marriage is a form of business: benefits and risks. -Entering a relationship with a woman, a man must demonstrate his own value. -Men and women have different marriage needs. -7 signs that a man is ready to marry you: *Spend a lot of time for you *Introduce yourself to people around you, their friends and family. *Confides his own secret stories to you *Talk about finances *Change according to your routine *Pay attention to the things that are important to you *Not talking about individuals but talking about "Us" and the future of two people.
Lessons from Nhi Le radio 573: - Getting married it is like a business you have to take care of it - You two need to talk about finances - Pay attention to their actions
Lessons from Radio 573: - You have no right to force someone to stay with you. - Marriage is a risk that you can't manage. - Focus on yourself. - Plan your life if no one loves you. - Being happy with yourself will attract other happy people to you.
- Marriage under business side Benefit: share (money, love,…) Risk: - Signal of a man who wants to marry you is when he sees less risk. + Care you more + Introduce you to his friend and family + Show his real things + Discuss about finances + Do what you request + Care about who are important to you + He says “we” instead of you and I - Women: focus on yourself
1. They see your value, they want to marry you 2. After 6 months, if they don't say anything, break up 3. Don't force anyone to marry you 4. see their attitude 5. Focus on yourself 6. When you are happy, you meet someone like that
Lesson from radio 573. - Men and women have different marriage needs. - Understand clearly what marriage is. Loving and respecting each other is more committed than marriage. - Marriage also has risks.
Lesson from radio 573: - care, fear of losing image, loneliness in old age. - When entering a relationship with a woman, the man sees your value - When a man is ready to get married: spend time with you; Introducing friends and family; Show me many aspects of their lives, ask more about finances, do things you want but they have never done before, pay attention to what is important to us. Start talking about us, the two of us.
Hình như chồng em nó ko muốn kết hôn với em , điều nào chị nhi nói em cũng đều ko thấy , em cứ nghĩ vì do nó nghèo nên ngại ,ít nói nên khác , nhưng hình như em lầm ,em quá dễ dãi , chưa bao giờ đc tỏ tình chưa xác định đã là bồ từ lúc nào , chưa bao giờ cầu hôn ,chưa bao giờ bàn đến cưới ,,mang thai và sinh con ,chăm con một mình cũng chỉ là ý của em , nó chưa hề chủ động ,giờ em bị trầm cảm sau sinh ,nó rất rành việc tìm kiếm thông tin trên gg nhưng cũng như ko quan tâm nên ko tìm hiểu em bị gì , nhiều lần gây gỗ đến muốn li dị nhưng hết giận là em ko có can đảm ,bình thường lại em vẫn cho qua , ấm ức nhắc đi lại miết mà vẫn zị , giờ em nên làm sao ,em ko có một đồng trong tay , thì em lấy gì để rời đi và nuôi con , gia đình em ko chứa em ,em phải làm sao
Bạn có thể xem Ở phút 1:00:19 của livestream 56, chị Nhi đang nói về vấn đề "Chồng không muốn kết hôn". Chị Nhi chia sẻ rằng đây là một vấn đề rất khó khăn và phức tạp, có thể có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn đến.
Lesson from video - Marriage is just a paper confirmed by the government that the two of you are together - men who are willing to get married spend a lot of time with you, take you to meet your family, share about themselves, do what you ask, plan for the future, care about those around you - Men only need 6 months to determine
Lessons from radio 573: - male and female, we have different needs about marriage and stay together with someone - marriage is a type of business. Benefits of marriage and why married and what are risks of marriage - if men don’t see your value, they don’t marriage - they spend more time for besides you, they start confide in their secret, discuss in money and future, start do something that you ask for, take care your friends, family which is important for you, “we” in stead “me and you” because you are thinking in the future. They committed in a marriage relationship.
Lessons from Radio 573 - Men and women have different needs when getting married - Marriage is like business - Observe and pay attention to the man's actions - Is the way men use personal language when talking to you committed? - You can't force a man to be with you - What is your plan without a man?
Lesson from Radio 573 - Men and women have different marriage needs. - Marriage is a form of business: benefits, risks. - Find out carefully before getting married.
Lessons from radio 573 Marriage is like doing business: there are many advantages and benefits that marriage brings. At the same time, there are also risks when jumping into marriage. Therefore, you must research carefully before proceeding. When entering marriage, you need to see the value you bring. Sit down to understand each other.
Lessons from Cách nhìn của ĐÀN ÔNG đối với HÔN NHÂN - Take a seat and discuss the experiences you have gone through when considering marriage. - Signs that a man is ready for marriage include increased care and seriousness in the relationship, a sense of maturity, a desire to make you happy, and frequent discussions about marriage-related topics.
Lessons from Nhi Le radio 573: - Getting married it is like a business you have to take care of it - You two need to talk about finances - Pay attention to their actions
Lessons from radio 573: - Men has signs which they want to marry you (spend more time, introduce you to their parents, let you know about their truth, discuss about finance, consider you as a supporter, do for you, use 'we' instead of you and me) - Men scares of marry because they feel risky
Lessons from 573 - married is about benefits - if man see the disavantages about marriage, they will scare like woman - if man see the woman who can’t control her emnotions, easy to cry, drama, they won’t ready to maried the signs that man want to marry you: - spend more time to be with you - introduce you to their best friend - they show you their real version, they ready to confide their story which is embraced for their to tell but they comfort to tell you - they ask about your finances, and ask you want to prepare anything or be rich together, want to see what do you think about this - start to do your favor, the things that they haven’t don for you, understand your boundaries and accept to be nearly it - care more about everything than you, like your family, friends, want to make you not to worry about it - say us more than you and me
Lessons from radio 573: - Don’t men say to your face that they don’t need you - Mariage is also a kind of business: that’s about benefits and risks - Focus on develop yourself, be gentle woman first.
Lesson from video - Marriage is just a paper confirmed by the government that the two of you are together - men who are willing to get married spend a lot of time with you, take you to meet your family, share about themselves, do what you ask, plan for the future, care about those around you - Men only need 6 months to determine whether they want to marry this woman or not
lessons from radio 573 - benefits marriage: ill, safe,... - scare zone - look for the true - commit sign: take more time, friends and family, talk to me, finance, do what i need(my life style), care my important(fam, fri), talk 'we' - 6 months for man to know get marriage - focus on myself happy with my life
1. Men and women have different needs in terms of marriage and living together. 2. Marriage is basically a transaction: benefits, buying houses, legacy etc Plus risks: not allowed to meet the children, asset division etc 3. Men and women need to understand each other's needs and concerns when it comes to marriage.
December 22, 2024 Lessons learned: - Men and women have different needs when it comes to marriage. - Marriage is also a calculated business. - When your benefits are low and the risks are high, men will not want to marry you. - It doesn't take long for men to know if you're the woman they want to marry.
Lesson from radio 573. - marriage is a form of business - benefits come with risks - People who want to marry you will confide their secrets - start discussing finances
Lesson from radio 573 - marriage is business - When people don't need you, you're not allowed to force them to stay with you - focus on yourself - make a plan if you are single for the rest of your life
Lessons from radio 573: - Why are men afraid of marriage: marriage is like a business with benefits and risks. When entering into a relationship with a man and they do not see the value of the woman, the benefits are too little and the risks are high, they will hesitate. - 7 signs a man is ready and wants to be married to + spend a lot of time with you + introduce you to the man's family and friends + confide in you about secret things + discuss finances + do what you ask + care about your important people, what is important to you, they will care about + change the way of addressing from you to saying "we"
Lessons from Radio 573: - Marriage is like a business and it also has risks in marriage. - Both people need to talk to each other about finances and plans before getting married. - Signs that someone wants to marry you: + Spend a lot of time with you. + Let you meet their family. + Lets you see their private things. + Share with friends about financial issues. + Do what you ask (coming from your boundaries) + Pay attention to the things that are important to you. + Use the words “we” in conversation.
Lessons from radio 573 - Men are ready to get married when they have finances - Men want to marry you when they care about the things that are important to you - 6 months is enough for men to know whether they want you or not
Lessons from 573 - married is about benefits - if man see the disavantages about marriage, they will scare like woman - if man see the woman who can’t control her emnotions, easy to cry, drama, they won’t ready to maried
Lessons from Radio 713 - Men and women are affair of marriage - When a man wants to get married with you, he spends more time for you, they introduce you to his parents and friends,... - The important thing is you focus on yourself
Lessons from Radio 573: - Getting married is like doing business, both have benefits and risks and we need to consider carefully before getting married. - Analyze the benefits and risks of marriage and then share them so your husband or wife can reconsider everything to sympathize and understand each other better. - 7 signs a man wants to get married: + they spend more time with you. + they introduce you to their relatives. + they show you more of the truth of who they are. + They started discussing their finances. + they start doing things they have never done before for you. + they care about your important things. + they change the way you address them as close as a couple and think about future prospects with you.
Lessons from Radio 573: - Men and women have two different needs when it comes to getting married and living with someone - 7 signs that a man is ready to marry you: + They spend more time with you + Introduce you to close friends and their families + They confided their secret stories + Talk about finances + Change according to your boundaries + Pay attention, to pay attention to what is important to you + Not talking about individuals but talking about "us" and the future of two people
Lessons from Radio 573: - If you cannot give value to the other person, the man will think about marrying you. - Men want to marry you when they talk about the future, do what you ask, introduce you to relatives.
Lessons from radio 573: Marriage is like a business with little profit and risk - When entering a relationship, if men feel that the benefits are not greater than the risks they are about to face, they will hesitate and withdraw. +7 signs a man is ready and wants to get married - they spend more time with you -they introduce you to their relatives - they show you more of the truth about who they are -they start discussing your finances and theirs -they start doing things they've never done for you - They care about your important things -they change the way they address you Is us intimately and future prospects with you
Lessons from Radio 573: - Man ready when experience with you about 6 months - 7 signal to know man want to married - Married also doing business - Man don't marries when they think their partner have a lot of risk.
Lesson from Nhi Lê Radio 573 - Men and women have two different views on marriage. - The benefit of marriage is that both people work together and support each other. - When entering a marriage without any benefits for each other, there are too many risks. - I have to verify with 7 signs.
- Men and women have different needs when it comes to love and marriage. - Marriage is a form of business; it involves both benefits and risks. If men perceive too many risks and don't see the value of marriage for themselves, they may not want to get married.
Lessons from radio 573: -When you enter someone's life and don't bring value, they will refuse. Upgrade yourself, increase your value. -Signs that people want to marry you are starting to spend a lot of time with you, freely sharing secrets, sharing finances with each other, and they care about family and friends.
Lesson from video: - A man who loves you would show his love through his action - 6 months is a period for a man to know whether you are his future wife
Lessons from radio 573: Marriage is like a business, clearly analyze the benefits and risks of marriage before getting married. When you want to get married, you must clearly state the values you have. Check out these 7 signs a man wants to marry you to see if he really wants to get married to you.
- Look at the signs and actions to know if they really want and need you - It only takes men 6 months to determine if they want to marry someone or not
Lesson from Radio 573: - Marriage is a form of business. - They see risks in marriage, which makes men afraid of getting married. - The reason a man doesn't marry you is because they perceive more risks than benefits in you."
1 bài học mà em phải nghe đi nghe lại rất nhiều lần để lấy hết những cốt lõi của nó. Càng học em càng quyết tâm ko lấy chồng nữa
bản chất là k thể chấp nhận được😁 sự thật về đàn ông
Lessons from radio 573:
- Let them see the benefits when getting married
- 7 signs when a man wants to marry:
Take time for you
Introduce you to his family and friends.
Talk to you their secrets
Planning about the future
Trying to accomplish your requirements (he has never done it before)
Taking care of your family
Imagine life with you when both of you get older.
lesson from radio 573
- Marriage is a form of business
- Men and women have two concepts of fear of marriage
Lesson from Radio 573:
- Marriage is also a form of business with benefits
- The benefits of marriage also come with risks
- Sit down and talk to solve the problem
- Women who only satisfy men sexually will not want to get married
- Spending time with you, introducing them to friends, showing you a lot of things about them, discussing finances, doing things you ask that fit into your life, caring about the people important to you are signs that a man is ready to commit to you
Lessons from radio 573:
Signs someone loves you:
- Spends more time with you.
- Introduces you to family and close friends.
- Starts discussing finances.
- Talks about the future a lot.
Lessons from radio 573:
- Marriage is like a business, with risks and rewards.
- Understand your own worth
Lessons from radio 573 signs a man wants to get married
_ spend a lot of time with you
_introduce you to family and friends
_ they confide in secret things
_discuss finances
_ they do what you ask them to do they change to please you
_ important Focus on your important people _use the word we when talking
_Look at the actions of the man who doesn't listen .
_focus on yourself
Lessons from Radio 573:
-Men and women have different demand
-Marriage has advantages and disadvantages
-Marriage is like doing business
-7 signs that a man wants to marry you
+ Spending more time with you
+ Introducing their close friends and family
+ Sharing their secret
+ Discussing about finance
+ Doing what you require
+ Caring more about what is important to you
+ Using "us"
-You can not force someone to stay with you
Lesson from radio 573:
-Marriage is a form of business: benefits and risks.
-Entering a relationship with a woman, a man must demonstrate his own value.
-Men and women have different marriage needs.
-7 signs that a man is ready to marry you:
*Spend a lot of time for you
*Introduce yourself to people around you, their friends and family.
*Confides his own secret stories to you
*Talk about finances
*Change according to your routine
*Pay attention to the things that are important to you
*Not talking about individuals but talking about "Us" and the future of two people.
Lessons from Nhi Le radio 573:
- Getting married it is like a business you have to take care of it
- You two need to talk about finances
- Pay attention to their actions
Lessons from Radio 573:
- You have no right to force someone to stay with you.
- Marriage is a risk that you can't manage.
- Focus on yourself.
- Plan your life if no one loves you.
- Being happy with yourself will attract other happy people to you.
- Marriage under business side
Benefit: share (money, love,…)
- Signal of a man who wants to marry you is when he sees less risk.
+ Care you more
+ Introduce you to his friend and family
+ Show his real things
+ Discuss about finances
+ Do what you request
+ Care about who are important to you
+ He says “we” instead of you and I
- Women: focus on yourself
Hom nay xem đến hết video mà k thấy cái khúc chị nhị la lên like chưa like chưa tụi bây nhấn like chưa like đi nghe hong. 😅😅
1. They see your value, they want to marry you
2. After 6 months, if they don't say anything, break up
3. Don't force anyone to marry you
4. see their attitude
5. Focus on yourself
6. When you are happy, you meet someone like that
Lesson from radio 573.
- Men and women have different marriage needs.
- Understand clearly what marriage is. Loving and respecting each other is more committed than marriage.
- Marriage also has risks.
Cảm ơn những điều chị Nhi chia sẻ
Chị Nhi nói đúng quá
Lai co them baihoc cam on tem
Lessons from radio 573:
Women learn to be resilient in spirit and soul.
Lesson from radio 573:
- care, fear of losing image, loneliness in old age.
- When entering a relationship with a woman, the man sees your value
- When a man is ready to get married: spend time with you; Introducing friends and family; Show me many aspects of their lives, ask more about finances, do things you want but they have never done before, pay attention to what is important to us. Start talking about us, the two of us.
Hình như chồng em nó ko muốn kết hôn với em , điều nào chị nhi nói em cũng đều ko thấy , em cứ nghĩ vì do nó nghèo nên ngại ,ít nói nên khác , nhưng hình như em lầm ,em quá dễ dãi , chưa bao giờ đc tỏ tình chưa xác định đã là bồ từ lúc nào , chưa bao giờ cầu hôn ,chưa bao giờ bàn đến cưới ,,mang thai và sinh con ,chăm con một mình cũng chỉ là ý của em , nó chưa hề chủ động ,giờ em bị trầm cảm sau sinh ,nó rất rành việc tìm kiếm thông tin trên gg nhưng cũng như ko quan tâm nên ko tìm hiểu em bị gì , nhiều lần gây gỗ đến muốn li dị nhưng hết giận là em ko có can đảm ,bình thường lại em vẫn cho qua , ấm ức nhắc đi lại miết mà vẫn zị , giờ em nên làm sao ,em ko có một đồng trong tay , thì em lấy gì để rời đi và nuôi con , gia đình em ko chứa em ,em phải làm sao
Bạn có thể xem Ở phút 1:00:19 của livestream 56, chị Nhi đang nói về vấn đề "Chồng không muốn kết hôn". Chị Nhi chia sẻ rằng đây là một vấn đề rất khó khăn và phức tạp, có thể có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn đến.
Lesson from video
- Marriage is just a paper confirmed by the government that the two of you are together
- men who are willing to get married spend a lot of time with you, take you to meet your family, share about themselves, do what you ask, plan for the future, care about those around you
- Men only need 6 months to determine
Lessons from radio 573:
- male and female, we have different needs about marriage and stay together with someone
- marriage is a type of business. Benefits of marriage and why married and what are risks of marriage
- if men don’t see your value, they don’t marriage
- they spend more time for besides you, they start confide in their secret, discuss in money and future, start do something that you ask for, take care your friends, family which is important for you, “we” in stead “me and you” because you are thinking in the future. They committed in a marriage relationship.
Lessons from Radio 573
- Men and women have different needs when getting married
- Marriage is like business
- Observe and pay attention to the man's actions
- Is the way men use personal language when talking to you committed?
- You can't force a man to be with you
- What is your plan without a man?
Lesson from Radio 573
- Men and women have different marriage needs.
- Marriage is a form of business: benefits, risks.
- Find out carefully before getting married.
Lessons from radio 573
Marriage is like doing business: there are many advantages and benefits that marriage brings. At the same time, there are also risks when jumping into marriage. Therefore, you must research carefully before proceeding.
When entering marriage, you need to see the value you bring. Sit down to understand each other.
Lessons from Cách nhìn của ĐÀN ÔNG đối với HÔN NHÂN
- Take a seat and discuss the experiences you have gone through when considering marriage.
- Signs that a man is ready for marriage include increased care and seriousness in the relationship, a sense of maturity, a desire to make you happy, and frequent discussions about marriage-related topics.
Lessons from Nhi Le radio 573:
- Getting married it is like a business you have to take care of it
- You two need to talk about finances
- Pay attention to their actions
Lessons from radio 573:
- Men has signs which they want to marry you (spend more time, introduce you to their parents, let you know about their truth, discuss about finance, consider you as a supporter, do for you, use 'we' instead of you and me)
- Men scares of marry because they feel risky
Lessons from 573
- married is about benefits
- if man see the disavantages about marriage, they will scare like woman
- if man see the woman who can’t control her emnotions, easy to cry, drama, they won’t ready to maried
the signs that man want to marry you:
- spend more time to be with you
- introduce you to their best friend
- they show you their real version, they ready to confide their story which is embraced for their to tell but they comfort to tell you
- they ask about your finances, and ask you want to prepare anything or be rich together, want to see what do you think about this
- start to do your favor, the things that they haven’t don for you, understand your boundaries and accept to be nearly it
- care more about everything than you, like your family, friends, want to make you not to worry about it
- say us more than you and me
Lessons from radio 573:
- Don’t men say to your face that they don’t need you
- Mariage is also a kind of business: that’s about benefits and risks
- Focus on develop yourself, be gentle woman first.
Lesson from video
- Marriage is just a paper confirmed by the government that the two of you are together
- men who are willing to get married spend a lot of time with you, take you to meet your family, share about themselves, do what you ask, plan for the future, care about those around you
- Men only need 6 months to determine whether they want to marry this woman or not
lessons from radio 573
- benefits marriage: ill, safe,...
- scare zone
- look for the true
- commit sign: take more time, friends and family, talk to me, finance, do what i need(my life style), care my important(fam, fri), talk 'we'
- 6 months for man to know get marriage
- focus on myself happy with my life
1. Men and women have different needs in terms of marriage and living together.
2. Marriage is basically a transaction: benefits, buying houses, legacy etc
Plus risks: not allowed to meet the children, asset division etc
3. Men and women need to understand each other's needs and concerns when it comes to marriage.
Lessons from radio 573
If men want, they take the initiative
Men must be able to take care of the family
Marriage is also a type of contract
December 22, 2024
Lessons learned:
- Men and women have different needs when it comes to marriage.
- Marriage is also a calculated business.
- When your benefits are low and the risks are high, men will not want to marry you.
- It doesn't take long for men to know if you're the woman they want to marry.
Lesson from radio 573.
- marriage is a form of business
- benefits come with risks
- People who want to marry you will confide their secrets
- start discussing finances
Lesson from radio 573
- marriage is business
- When people don't need you, you're not allowed to force them to stay with you
- focus on yourself
- make a plan if you are single for the rest of your life
Lessons from radio 573:
- Why are men afraid of marriage: marriage is like a business with benefits and risks. When entering into a relationship with a man and they do not see the value of the woman, the benefits are too little and the risks are high, they will hesitate.
- 7 signs a man is ready and wants to be married to
+ spend a lot of time with you
+ introduce you to the man's family and friends
+ confide in you about secret things
+ discuss finances
+ do what you ask
+ care about your important people, what is important to you, they will care about
+ change the way of addressing from you to saying "we"
Lesson from radio 573
- marriage is business
- getting married means you have shared responsibilities
Tham gia team làm sao, mn chỉ giúp ạ
Bạn lấy link ở phần mô tả dưới mỗi video nha bạn.
Lessons from Radio 573:
- Marriage is like a business and it also has risks in marriage.
- Both people need to talk to each other about finances and plans before getting married.
- Signs that someone wants to marry you:
+ Spend a lot of time with you.
+ Let you meet their family.
+ Lets you see their private things.
+ Share with friends about financial issues.
+ Do what you ask (coming from your boundaries)
+ Pay attention to the things that are important to you.
+ Use the words “we” in conversation.
Hay ạ.❤
Lessons from radio 573
- Men are ready to get married when they have finances
- Men want to marry you when they care about the things that are important to you
- 6 months is enough for men to know whether they want you or not
Lessons from 573
- married is about benefits
- if man see the disavantages about marriage, they will scare like woman
- if man see the woman who can’t control her emnotions, easy to cry, drama, they won’t ready to maried
lesson from radio 573:
- look the sings to know when a man want to married
- dont let a man talk to you many times that they dont need you
Lessons from Radio 713
- Men and women are affair of marriage
- When a man wants to get married with you, he spends more time for you, they introduce you to his parents and friends,...
- The important thing is you focus on yourself
Lessons from Radio 573:
- Getting married is like doing business, both have benefits and risks and we need to consider carefully before getting married.
- Analyze the benefits and risks of marriage and then share them so your husband or wife can reconsider everything to sympathize and understand each other better.
- 7 signs a man wants to get married:
+ they spend more time with you.
+ they introduce you to their relatives.
+ they show you more of the truth of who they are.
+ They started discussing their finances.
+ they start doing things they have never done before for you.
+ they care about your important things.
+ they change the way you address them as close as a couple and think about future prospects with you.
Lessons from Radio 573:
- Men and women have two different needs when it comes to getting married and living with someone
- 7 signs that a man is ready to marry you:
+ They spend more time with you
+ Introduce you to close friends and their families
+ They confided their secret stories
+ Talk about finances
+ Change according to your boundaries
+ Pay attention, to pay attention to what is important to you
+ Not talking about individuals but talking about "us" and the future of two people
Cứ mỗi sáng đến 7h lại có 1 món quà từ team Nhi Lê 🎉❤
1. marriage is an investment choice.
2. Men and women both have worries and fears when coming together.
Lessons from Radio 573:
- If you cannot give value to the other person, the man will think about marrying you.
- Men want to marry you when they talk about the future, do what you ask, introduce you to relatives.
Lessons from radio 573:
Marriage is like a business with little profit and risk
- When entering a relationship, if men feel that the benefits are not greater than the risks they are about to face, they will hesitate and withdraw.
+7 signs a man is ready and wants to get married
- they spend more time with you
-they introduce you to their relatives
- they show you more of the truth about who they are
-they start discussing your finances and theirs
-they start doing things they've never done for you
- They care about your important things
-they change the way they address you Is us intimately and future prospects with you
Lessons from Radio 573:
- Man ready when experience with you about 6 months
- 7 signal to know man want to married
- Married also doing business
- Man don't marries when they think their partner have a lot of risk.
Lesson from Nhi Lê Radio 573
- Men and women have two different views on marriage.
- The benefit of marriage is that both people work together and support each other.
- When entering a marriage without any benefits for each other, there are too many risks.
- I have to verify with 7 signs.
- Men and women have different needs when it comes to love and marriage.
- Marriage is a form of business; it involves both benefits and risks. If men perceive too many risks and don't see the value of marriage for themselves, they may not want to get married.
Lessons from radio 573:
-When you enter someone's life and don't bring value, they will refuse. Upgrade yourself, increase your value.
-Signs that people want to marry you are starting to spend a lot of time with you, freely sharing secrets, sharing finances with each other, and they care about family and friends.
Lesson from video:
- A man who loves you would show his love through his action
- 6 months is a period for a man to know whether you are his future wife
Lessons from radio 573:
Marriage is like a business, clearly analyze the benefits and risks of marriage before getting married.
When you want to get married, you must clearly state the values you have.
Check out these 7 signs a man wants to marry you to see if he really wants to get married to you.
- Look at the signs and actions to know if they really want and need you
- It only takes men 6 months to determine if they want to marry someone or not
Lesson from Radio 573:
- Marriage is a form of business.
- They see risks in marriage, which makes men afraid of getting married.
- The reason a man doesn't marry you is because they perceive more risks than benefits in you."