Insanity is a horrid thing but i needed every bad decision I ever made. A surfer in a dog fight will walk, punch, run and cower. But if he wants to go big; not a lifeguard, a sponsor, or anyone lest god can stop him. I love the adventure. And I’m crazy soft inside, but I have to ignore getting hurt, there’s a real scare. What makes it human is there’s others in the game.
How to generate a ground swell I support for something which helps elevate the reality and thereby everyone…. ? The reality of populism and the games of actions and reactions.. residuals and reality.
Crazy courage
Insanity is a horrid thing but i needed every bad decision I ever made. A surfer in a dog fight will walk, punch, run and cower. But if he wants to go big; not a lifeguard, a sponsor, or anyone lest god can stop him. I love the adventure. And I’m crazy soft inside, but I have to ignore getting hurt, there’s a real scare. What makes it human is there’s others in the game.
Where will we be able to see this?
How to generate a ground swell I support for something which helps elevate the reality and thereby everyone…. ? The reality of populism and the games of actions and reactions.. residuals and reality.