I really love Teal Swan because she is so authentic and she makes me feel good in being me. Thank you for showing your imperfections and being genuine. You are a beautiful and amazing teacher.
I've felt guilty about expressing my spiritual persona to the world while also being open about my corporate lifestyle, while ALSO being open about being stoner goofball when I wasn't at work or doing a reading. I thought my biggest challenge was to find my true "brand". Everyone I've talked to recently has told me to "pick one" of the aspects of myself to focus on. But maybe I am ahead of the game. This video makes me happy I have been honest about who I truly am
Katherine C You are ahead of the game. There are many examples of people who have used their "weird" mix of interests and personality idiosyncrasies to their advantage. People who advise you to stick with one are doing so out of their own fear of being completely seen. Keep it up :)
Katherine C You are ahead of the game. There are many examples of people who have used their "weird" mix of interests and personality idiosyncrasies to their advantage. People who advise you to stick with one are doing so out of their own fear of being completely seen. Keep it up :)
Katherine C hahaha this is brilliant, thank you so much for your comment!! This made my day, I've been preoccupied with a similar thing for some time.. Xx
Astrology is another place, should you look into what it really is that might help explain things. It’s not an “answer” but it might open your mind or sort of lighten up the foggy spaces
'Selective identification' this is rife! Not just spiritual leaders, but just about everyone in authority...! Brilliant broken bone metaphor. Brilliant vid.
One of the most important teachings I've heard from you Teal. Some time ago I realized that selective identification simply doesn't work for me. Of course I didn't name it that way but that was the process. Intuitively I decided to embrace all parts of me as they arised. I'm in a much better and peaceful place now. And also less judgemental of others or various situations that come up.
I saw your video about the things you don't like today on FB. And 1 of them was that you hate people who think they are spiritually awakened. I and my insecure self were afraid that I was such a person. So immediately watched this video and it brightens up a lot for people I know. The part in me that I have not yet accepted is the angry jolene. But I'm working on it. That part also deserves to be seen. but I do feel quite awake
No message or subject matter is as important as this. Thank you Teal for sharing this in such an accessible way. There is no higher calling or better use of your talents than to share this integral information. I am so grateful for your manifestation on this Earth, for those of us wanting more than the push and pull of desire and thirst. Thank you.
This video right here is EXACTLY what I have been saying and teaching those whom come to me for many years now. Why? Because I have integrated as you share here Teal. An integrated being experiences ALL of it and is able to feel all of it ~ anger, hurt, pain, trauma, and come through it healing and integrating it and responding to it in an integrated way rather than either pushing it away or being overwhelmed by it. And in truth this is really what Buddha taught within what enlightenment is which is balance. Both/and rather than either or. Experiencing both pain, trauma, hurt etc AND healing it and balancing it and seeing that you are not somehow less enlightened if you go through this process in fact it IS enlightenment itself. This is why people resonate with my videos so much and why they resonate with me because I share ALL of me not just some face of everything is all hunky dorie. Much like yourself Teal I have gone through similar things to you and other things and yet I share such from that real, raw, vulnerable, and from the heart place as you do of what we have gone through and yet also how we came through it and not by doing some smiley face or ignoring those parts of us. Thank you for this video as the time of the old ways of the guru of one aspect is now obsolete which I too like you have said for years. From guru to integrated YOU :) Beautiful video. Thank you
Your insights sound and feel true. When I listen to modern/past gurus, I feel like I'm listening to a grand spiritual bypass coping mechanism that see's one or two perspctives, leaving out the full spectrum of the human condition. It's no easy path to dig deep and integrate All of our-cells, both light and dark. Meeting the 'many little me's within' that are waiting to be held,loved and accepted is not taught by many guru-teachers - or they may mention it but don't offer a substantial practice to actually do it. The completion process has made feeling through the pain I've hidden from for so long, much easier. I couldnt have done the work I've done so far without the help of CP Faciltator. I don't understand why you don't mention the powerful benefits of working with a facilitator to your followers. We're wounded in relationship and we heal in relationship. Thank you so much for being on the planet now! Muchos Blessings your way!
As a person with a horrific case of DID, after 20 years of struggle and even using Teals techniques I have begun to doubt whether full integration is possible. I have no choice but to keep applying her principles since she is the best out there but dang this is hell on earth twice over
I love this, Teal. These words resonate with me much more than 'cutting a limb off.' It feels like i'm abandoning myself if i try to embody what i feel a 'spiritual,' person should look like. Being whole and accepting my whole, even though sometimes difficult, feels so much better. I appreciate your existence so much.🙏🏼 Love to you!✨
Yep. Either way it needs to be repeated. I went from teacher to teacher and one common thing i noticed is a shut off from their own problems. Full on denial. I took what i could learn from them and moved on, but never did i entertain the idea of delusional non suffering.
Teal Swan, what you just mentioned in this video is a wonderful thought. It really relaxed me completely. I would like to see further videos on how to get rid of these classic gurus and see the self in our own light. How to be one with the universe of our own without following the guru and all. Thank u so much. Lots of love from India.
I scrolled through comments real quick just now to find and feel a sense of community or understanding maybe in hopes to learn something new. I just want to let you know, even though I know you don't need any validation whatsoever but you are a brilliant being. Also, the background color is very vibrant. The color gives me a feeling and sense of hope.
I found your videos around a week ago, searching for further information about shadow work. Since that time I have devoured video after video and have begun to see changes within myself. Last night I "programmed" myself to remember my dreams. This isn't something that I am able to typically remember but this morning when I woke up all I could remember is the word prison. I have watched two videos this morning that have mentioned prisons and so I decided to go into myself and visualize what the prison would look and feel like. I used an elevator to descend to my subconscious where I found 5 doors. Behind each door I found a side of myself that became splintered at a major life event. My youngest self opened the last door and walked in, at the center of the room was a crib where my toddler self lay. As I stared down at her/me words came up that washed over me. Anger, hatred, resentment all said in a yelling manner. And a thought came to me, this was the first time that I was broken, that I splintered. I picked her up and the four gathered around me. I apologized to them, promising to never close the doors that had held them captive for so long. We came together into one form and walked hand in hand with my inner self to the door of the elevator and entered in. As the doors closed we all looked out at the prison that was denied for so long and smiled at the opened doors.
ive learned more from youtube than other places and ive paid alot to understand certain aspects of myself. for some reason i couldnt latch on to their solution. right here is the answer ive been searching for. thank you.
Thanks again Teal! I agree wholeheartedly about the need to integrate all our parts. I've seen, up close and personal, the results of that selective identification. It seems to stop the process of any true growth in the people I've seen it in.
Teal, thank you for this video. It seems to mark a new phase of teachings and makes me happy to know that we are ready to move forward together. I also commend you for being so public and direct with challenging your peers in the spiritual community. Your example helps us gather the courage to value and practice authenticity despite the challenges.
I've noticed that when I try to resist my inauthentic parts of self, like things I've borrowed from others, they persist too. The actor in me just needs to be fed I guess. Lol.
Thank you thank you thank you. I have also recieved the message deeply that it is time to move beyond gurus. I am a kundalini yoga teacher but carry some heartbreak in this field due to the way people respond to yogi bhajan and deny the abuses that happened here. There are and were many imbalanced and unaligned 'spiritual gurus' and we need to start speaking about this and redefining what it means to learn from someone as a 'holder of knowledge' rather than an unquestionable teacher on a god-like pedestal. LOVE TO ALL HUMANITY.
Beautifully said and I couldn't agree more!! It's one thing to have a mentor and someone you learn from very knowledgeable in their field but putting these "gurus" on a pedestal and blindly following them is very unhealthy. The truth and everything you need comes from within not from a figure outside of yourself.
This is interesting. For years my self esteem suffered because I always seemed to be falling short of the ideal of Jesus presented by the Church. Thanks for your insights.
I had kinda same thing, but with taoism. I aspired to be like Chuang Tzu (the guy who doesn't care and is wild) instead of trying to be who I really am. That was a short period though. Gut feeling can be a good help.
I agree that most of the gurus are raised on very strict lifestyles and in a way denied access to all the other aspects of who they are..this is why the other aspects sometimes find expression later in life in all crazy ways
I had the same realization about the "positive identification". I used it early in my spiritual journey, and I will say it helped me a lot with not identifying or being attached to those negative aspects of myself which later taught me to not be identify/attached to the good aspects of myself, and went deeper to not Identifying with my body. I saw I was much more than my body then realized the unity of everything. seeing i was everything, and both good and bad. The way I see it, the universe is experiencing life through us, in every living thing. Simply for the fun of it, like a vacation from Godhood. This is the heaven and hell realm, it is both. it's up to us on how to perceive it and pursue it. and when you meet eyes with another, you see yourself/the self in them.
I found IFS Psychotherapy and meditation is a good way to experience a lot of what she talks about in her videos. For me, It was a very emotionally painful process to experience and heal the parts I had unconsciously denied and buried, but well worth the effort and the most satisfying thing I have ever done. Unfortunately, I needed a series of traumatic life events as motivation to do the work; always seems to be the case.
I am so grateful and proud to have been working on integrating and loving all aspects of myself! It's tough at times, but so worth it! Loved this video, thank you for being a guiding light! 🥰🙏🏻
13:53 minutes in this video and Teal is kicking major spiritual ass! I am amazed at how dead on she is about these unhealed 'identities' of what a 'guru' is, and how they selectively identify with one part of themselves, rather than integrate and and live with a collective embodiment of all aspects of selves...Teal is literally operating at genius level, an extremely high level of spiritual truth and understanding...she is truly source energy expressed...this understanding she provides here, directly combats anyone that would dismiss or discredit her simply because they would claim she is not 'the image' of what they believe an 'enlightened' person is, or would look like....
The gurus around me didnt practice what they preached. Preaching about spirituality is just preaching. Nothing else. When i identified their masks... it scared me. It was business to them. Gathering people around their ego... was their business. It still scares me. But this is also a reality which we have to cope with.
Teal,..... I could not agree more. This concept that you bring forth has and will continue to be, my greatest challenge. I have met with, been with, and befriended many, but I can count the truth Sayers with less fingers than I have on a single hand. Bless you.
Funny thing, I understand what she is saying during my childhood, but society hated me for this. After a while, I got beaten down by society and family. I gave in and gave up my light. My inner child got pushed in the closet of my mind. Too stubborn to stay quiet, my inner child kept fighting during triggers. I never gave up trying embrace my emotions, but just put it on the back burner for my survival in this 3d world. It still did not prevent me from getting sick. Through my physical sickness, I have been shedding the layers of my pain. Parts of me is stubborn to let go of past hurt, because it's not time. This still serve me in the presence to access my basic needs.
I agree a lot with the idea of "selectively identifying" and how this negatively affects our society because it causes people to ignore pain, which through it's acknowledgement is the essence of our growth. The idea of a guru, is a caricature of reality and it's hilarious how many "gurus" act as if they have got everything together, never admitting personal growth unless it's this grandiose revelation that acclaims much praise. Godddd I hate that personality. Praise-seeking wimps. I just wrote a comment about this on your latest blog actually, how ignoring wounds does not heal them. I suppose maybe you realized this as much as I did already from your experience? :) Anyway,
This is so true. I met so called spiritual people which thought that they were doing right but in fact they were totally identified with a spiritual ego. These guys don't know how much harm they do for themselves. Let's imagine our multiple ego personality as many balloons. And these balloons are pumped as each of each ego manifests. The pseudo spiritual person described just pumps a single balloon which will explode in a certain moment. In the end they eventually end up with a head full of theories and with a stone heart. They either quit the spiritual path converting their spiritual aspiration into hate, or they simply go nuts. Both cases just brings Karma and suffering. The correct way would be to study each ego individually and only by understanding them at a deeper level one will be able to eliminate it, with the assistance of our inner being.
A great deal about my experience makes sense now that didn't before. I understand why I have not been appreciated. I understand why gurus and other religious teachers have treated me badly. I understand why the elementary school teachers used to say, “you never knew what he was going to do next.” I understand why I felt inferior and as if I wasn’t progressing enough or normally. I understand why it is taking me so long to feel better. I think I understand why I can’t be a spiritual teacher. Most people aren’t interested in this path of integration unfortunately. I understand why I have suffered so much. I know why it was so hard to feel worthy. I understand why I felt guilty and not good enough. This teaching explains it all!
Ok, I understand the message. Starting today, I'll drop selective identification with singular parts of myself and start integrating my whole self. It won't be easy as I had a difficult life until today, but I'm so tired of unnecessary suffering, both for myself and the world, that I have no choice but to carry on, at least on my individual level. Contract signed from all "conscious" parts of me to my soul (higher self).
Golllyyy we've got a lot of work to do, but its dope that we're all gonna make this conjunction happen. We are already what we need to be, we just need to go ahead and make a move, recognize and embrace our Will, and take part
FINALLY!! Someone said it!!! Kudos, Teal . . . it seems we never stop finding new, highly inventive ways to avoid looking TRUTH squarely in the eyes ..... ! And if you think genuine Truth is "relative" ... think again, folks. Blessings Teal
hey, i was hoping you wouldn't mind quickly answering these little questions. 1. how would you live a creative life without burdening yourself. and like how to have a constant inspiration 2. how do you extend this feeling of "yes life is complete" to fill your whole day. thank you!
Im so confused with everything. I turned against myself and my unique ways of thinking.... i recently lost it And lost myself, and my job. I have severe depression. I can't barely move., and have no desire to live. I lost myself,.. and don't enjoy, or care.
Tealy, I like your description of the idea of selective identification. Looking at it like that, people don't seem as scary! I will be using this at the next available opportunity x
This is why i stoped following Infinite Waters, he always acts as if everything is fine ,but thar doesnt help us grow, he is not a teacher for those of us who seek wisdom.
Mister Merrill he used to be better... I still will watch his stuff every now and again.. But I get so fed up with his "enlightenment" being to "go vegan". Yeah, I got it guy, the first thousand times you said it! Haha... I need somebody who offers real insight.
it's okay Teal. If a guru is suffering then that is what the heart desires. It is what it is, regardless of analysing "parts" of ourselves. Ironically when we try to act conscious/sane we are only grasping a fraction of the truth.
Great! This aspect of Teal I missed the most. #Authenticity Where have you been... I am sick of lies to makes us feel better. The truth is that we are so ignorant of what's behind the scenes. Ty 🙏
Very much loved, Teal: I have watched your video with great attention. I am greatly relieved that you used the words “most gurus”, leaving open the possibility for real, true, Masters of spirituality. Otherwise, the great admiration I have for you and your unique perspective would have been shattered to pieces. True Masters like Kabir Sahib, Guru Nanak and those Masters of the same spiritual lineage, still coming into the world today, are far beyond the scope you present in this particular video, and which, of course, applies to the rest of us, mortals. The mission, and actually the only mission, of this line of Masters, is the ultimate liberation of the soul and its return, in this same lifetime, to the real and true home of the soul, Sach Khand, as described in Sant Mat, the Science of the Soul. It is only through a Living Master that we can contact the Almighty God within us. May God bless your beautiful soul.
Thank you for spreading all your insight despite opposition! Sending you much love and all the best wishes, so you get strength from God to keep going and keep helping to heal the suffering in this world! ❤️❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️❤️ amen
The human experience is one of being immersed in endless polarized belief systems (and paradoxically, even having a judgment that there is something "wrong" with having a polarized belief or emotion is itself a polarization). Infinite consciousness/awareness has chosen this fragmentation and integration process which is all occurring within "Self." Healing the fragmentation can involve resolving apparent paradoxes and understanding that even the disowned or shadow aspects of oneself and one's experiences are all parts of this spiritual exploration process and rejecting any aspect of life or "self" is keeping you from having full access to the limitless creative essence. Also, when we reject something it takes energy to suppress it and that fosters it building up on an unconscious level where it eventually arises to be expressed so that it will eventually be processed and integrated. When we are more neutral and accepting and allowing then we don't keep adding to the energetic "charge." These are complex subjects to adequately describe with our words and semantics and Teal has made a valuable contribution to helping foster understanding of these concepts and phenomena.
Omg, thank you Teal, thank you so much! I had this ideea on my mind for so long that i can't even begin to explain...For some years now, i ve been working on integrating the aspects of my beeing. And needles to say, now i'm passing some difficulties...i guess everything is coming to the surface...And most people around me tell me i should be happy, peacefull, loving...I m tired of saying that one can be all that even tough it might feel angry, confused or in pain sometimes...Thank you, you just showed me i'm on the way...
Describing being unaware as being selectively identified is more tangible when trying to move in a desirable direction. Thanks for that pointer. The moments I feel best are indeed the momenst I take all sides of me into consideration. Most aspects (if not all) that apply to group behaviour are also relevant to an individual. In fact, the distinction between the two is a lot smaller than most people acknowledge.
Yes I agree and from personal experience when you reach the bottom of emotional pain for what ever reason, the healing can be the path that allows all parts to be understood, pulled together and as they say, your true self becomes born. I have experienced this and it is amazing.
Its 3:25 am Teal! Thanks for totally freaking with my mind before trying to force myself back to sleep again. Definitely looking into more of this concept when I wake
This video helped me edge back into believing my life is worthwhile there’s this big relief in knowing that whatever I’ve been through and my perception about it is forged in self identification in other words I have a right to feel without needing to judge the feeling from the experience they say detachment is the root of happiness and in a way this video allowed me to detach my judgement on things that I’ve gone through they only exist because of self identification and I could allow myself to be without having to identify with what society would say that I then identify myself as. It’s ok to be and feel and therefore accept that puts a lot of ease to my conscience now it’s about keeping my perspective that free it’s interesting I feel this topic also interprets concepts of the Tao te ching about how the Tao that is spoken is not the Tao it always baffles me but this video sort of explains this concept
People forget that Gurus are also human beings, and human beings are contraditory and have an ego to feed. watch the movie "enlighten us" and see how these Gurus betray themselves when it comes to money and reputation. FINALLY SOMEONE SPEAKING THE TRUTH.
Yes, every aspect of you, you have to acknowledge. All the emotions should be seen and felt. Nothing should be denied. Before you become the unity that you actually (and already) are. This knowledge is already thousands of years old. So, to say that the gurus for thousands of years suffer from selective identification, end with that to say "I am here to say that ages of selective identification is over” is presumptuous. (Isn’t that someone who is suffering selective identification?) Of course you have to be very careful who you follow. Ultimately life itself the biggest guru. (yes, English is not my native language. I'm sorry for the mistakes)
I think that there is a problem with the judgement of people that choose to positively focus. We are not choosing not to experience negativity, just not dwelling there. If you look deeply into most positive focus gurus this is what they are trying to say. At least from what I understand.
So very true about the gurus identification and this self image making process. Jiddu Krishnamurti talked about this all the time. Very few people seem to really understand this process of dissolution of self image. When we are in this process of image dissolution we can't help but find fault with things in society that are going way wrong. We can't help but cry and scream. We can't help but accuse. It is our duty and responsibility to be bear mothers who protect the living beings on Earth.
LOL hi there me! We are hilarious. I just watched this video and through it was the first time I ever watched it and I am over the moon about how its hitting the spot i needed to identify a pattern that just keeps haunting me. And as I scroll the comments, the last one I see right before I close the tab is YOUR COMMENT from 2 years ago😂😂😂 you feel like someone i dont know any more but at the same time like coming home and closing that sycle that has been eating us up. I love you, me ♥️
*"Whispers of the Heart" (poem)* *Words of thought circling.. ever-tangling in her midst,* *Making sense as needed with just the right genius twist.* *Do I think so I can feel free-willing my inner core..* *Or are my thoughts quite deceptive as the feelings came before?* *My shadows are real I know.. so from them I do not run,* *But the one I miss may skew my view as if I confronted none.* *Of course this applies to all man, "still in Kansas" or "dare to-peka",* *Whether struggling in inner city or basking in Costa Rica.* *Future is yet revealed but some outcomes do swell in chance,* *No knight or ceremony can shield her from my ever-closing lance.* *Many people are inside us she says.. some fractured and tough to see,* *If she keeps revealing them all she'll soon find the one inside her is me.* *Within her eyes is an emerald fire but from whence does it start?* *From flirting with cosmic truth, I say, and whispers of the heart.*
Very useful, but also, very doubtful. Yes, every persons has at least two sides hidden inside. But make an experiment, made by myself many times. Go in a park and look to a flower. You will not care about anyone, Opposite, do a bad thing, and, if you have a conscience, you will feel a short satisfaction, if is a revenge or something close, but you will feel sad after a while. How can we integrate bad with good? Anyway, I appreciate that I finally met someone who discuss the multiplicity of our feelings, even those which are contradictory.
This has been being taught for a very long time. but most are reluctant to hear it. I hope you will get some traction. I have been teaching these ideas for 20 years. Gurdjieff taught this very thing also and the entire 4th way sprung from that. There are wonderful specific practices for integration that seem to have the effect of bringing the many "i"s together, but what actually happens is a new magnetic center outside of the different groups of "I"s.
She seems a lot more genuine and comprehensible than someone like Esther Hicks now. Mosta the time I haven't a clue what Esther be's on about and she seems very frantic. Teal on the other hand seems more calm, compassionate and like she really knows what she is talking about whilst Esther sounds like she is making it up as she goes along! Teal is a guru who I can get behind. Also I try to be my own guru! Loving your work Teal! Have you any books or can you recommend any good ones on L.O.A. cuz my negative experience with Esther Hicks has put me off it and I'd like to get back into it but in a way that works better for me and that is not bad for my sanity. lol. Thanks so much!
Loved this! Accept and love yourself for all that you are... Honor that dark side of you that wants to throat punch someone, scream and cry on the floor... You need to accept that just like the sun, there is a moon. We NEED to integrate our dark side to be whole. It's painful, scary and hard at first.. But it actually becomes easier, and honestly you will feel more at peace with yourself for doing it.
Very insightful! We are our own gurus, and it may take a lifetime to know oneself. Be patient, be honest, be curious, and just Be.....kind! Many have been mislead.
Many have been mislead, but many have also been helped. And even MORE are mislead by their own egos. Thus it is said that "one who is their own guru has a fool for a devotee." There are ways to assess whether a guru can work for you, and you can always leave if they don't: ask around, observe their other devotees, read their writings or watch videos. If a guru will work for you there should be a deep quality of "recognition" or feeling response to them that goes beyond a neurotic or romantic or Oedipal response. Look for that reaction in yourself.
Karl Kaiser It is a complicated topic. Thanks for responding. The principles that this country, the United States of America, was built upon stems from an ancient system of individual personal self-realization. Symbols are everywhere for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Teal addresses the psychological disability that the "guru" has enhanced in order to "appear" enlightened. "The blind leading the blind" has serious consequences for the individual seeker of truth. Group thinking is dangerous in the development of a healthy ego, and elimination of the ego is a road to pathology.
To be fair, there are a lot of mediocre and even false self-proclaimed "gurus" out there. But as someone extraordinarily lucky enough to have found a powerful and truly potent Guru (Adi Da Samraj), I have to disagree with the rejection or diminishment of the value of gurus in general. In my experience if you ask the universe or "God" for help from a position of true need and longing and self-surrender, the Divine will meet you more than halfway. Extraordinary spiritual beings ARE born here, with the intention of making themselves available for others. So my suggestion is to be open to the possibility of a guru if you feel any longing in that direction, trust in your heart recognition of whomever comes your way, and then test the "fruits" of your practice in that relationship. You can always leave, but no time is ever wasted if your commitment is strong and persistent.
Karl Kaiser A guru is an authority figure to many. Spiritual growth can surely be enhanced, as you have pointed out, with discernment and guidance. There is an inner guide- this is my personal direct experience. Wisdom is not easily known through common communication via words and traditions, though practice and patience do seem to benefit. The connection with the creative human potential is a lonely but rewarding journey only the individual can take. Life is not a field trip like mountain climbing. Climbing the mountains of one reality is not the same as epignosis, where the person meets the creator directly. The guide in this example is internal. I am enjoying our exchange of co-mentoring, where neither of us hold any authority over the other. :)
It seems that dramas of "authority" trigger you somewhat. And in this conversation that might make you miss two things... First, if we have a different point of view on something it does not mean that one of is us "trying to hold authority over the other". This is not a contest of ideas or control. I would guess that you have had opportunities in your life to try to inspire someone who might have been on the verge of a spiritual path, by telling them about your own experiences. And you've probably also gotten politely pushed back at times, as if they other person FELT that you were trying to force something on them. But of course you were not - you were only trying to share your own inspiration and positive experience - for their benefit. They pushed you back out of their own resistance to the help you were offering them, not because you were trying to dominate them. The same is true when I recount my experience of an extraordinary guru (Adi Da). I am not trying to "hold" you in any way, but only inspire you and open your to a possibility you seem to reject out of hand. Also it does not seem that you have had a guru, so it is POSSIBLE that your assessment is not complete. There was a long period when I had no guru (as with many of my "gurubais"), and so we can compare our process with and without one to judge which has been better. But what do you have to compare to in concluding that there is no guru who could guru you better than you guru yourself?
"Be your own guru!" Best advice ever!
true, but it's good to seek help from a guru especially when it's all new to you.
Thank you 🙏
I really love Teal Swan because she is so authentic and she makes me feel good in being me. Thank you for showing your imperfections and being genuine. You are a beautiful and amazing teacher.
I've felt guilty about expressing my spiritual persona to the world while also being open about my corporate lifestyle, while ALSO being open about being stoner goofball when I wasn't at work or doing a reading. I thought my biggest challenge was to find my true "brand". Everyone I've talked to recently has told me to "pick one" of the aspects of myself to focus on. But maybe I am ahead of the game. This video makes me happy I have been honest about who I truly am
Katherine C You are ahead of the game. There are many examples of people who have used their "weird" mix of interests and personality idiosyncrasies to their advantage. People who advise you to stick with one are doing so out of their own fear of being completely seen. Keep it up :)
Katherine C You are ahead of the game. There are many examples of people who have used their "weird" mix of interests and personality idiosyncrasies to their advantage. People who advise you to stick with one are doing so out of their own fear of being completely seen. Keep it up :)
Katherine C hahaha this is brilliant, thank you so much for your comment!! This made my day, I've been preoccupied with a similar thing for some time.. Xx
Astrology is another place, should you look into what it really is that might help explain things. It’s not an “answer” but it might open your mind or sort of lighten up the foggy spaces
Don't pick one! Merge them togther and reveal your true essence!!
'Selective identification' this is rife! Not just spiritual leaders, but just about everyone in authority...!
Brilliant broken bone metaphor. Brilliant vid.
One of the most important teachings I've heard from you Teal. Some time ago I realized that selective identification simply doesn't work for me. Of course I didn't name it that way but that was the process. Intuitively I decided to embrace all parts of me as they arised. I'm in a much better and peaceful place now. And also less judgemental of others or various situations that come up.
I have sat with so many gurus, over decades - and your description of them is dead on.
Sure, a female who worries about her hairdo in all of her videos is the new voice replacing the teaching of the Gurus
Teal needs to do a video on selective hearing. So many of her viewers suffer from it.
I saw your video about the things you don't like today on FB. And 1 of them was that you hate people who think they are spiritually awakened.
I and my insecure self were afraid that I was such a person. So immediately watched this video and it brightens up a lot for people I know. The part in me that I have not yet accepted is the angry jolene. But I'm working on it. That part also deserves to be seen.
but I do feel quite awake
No message or subject matter is as important as this. Thank you Teal for sharing this in such an accessible way. There is no higher calling or better use of your talents than to share this integral information. I am so grateful for your manifestation on this Earth, for those of us wanting more than the push and pull of desire and thirst. Thank you.
Spot on! Thank you, Teal.
This is ON POINT. And helped me understand something that I've been seeing but not quite understanding. Absolutely brilliant! THANK YOU.
she is such a true beauty, her mind is amazing. this woman is so true and courageous
This video right here is EXACTLY what I have been saying and teaching those whom come to me for many years now. Why? Because I have integrated as you share here Teal. An integrated being experiences ALL of it and is able to feel all of it ~ anger, hurt, pain, trauma, and come through it healing and integrating it and responding to it in an integrated way rather than either pushing it away or being overwhelmed by it. And in truth this is really what Buddha taught within what enlightenment is which is balance. Both/and rather than either or. Experiencing both pain, trauma, hurt etc AND healing it and balancing it and seeing that you are not somehow less enlightened if you go through this process in fact it IS enlightenment itself. This is why people resonate with my videos so much and why they resonate with me because I share ALL of me not just some face of everything is all hunky dorie. Much like yourself Teal I have gone through similar things to you and other things and yet I share such from that real, raw, vulnerable, and from the heart place as you do of what we have gone through and yet also how we came through it and not by doing some smiley face or ignoring those parts of us. Thank you for this video as the time of the old ways of the guru of one aspect is now obsolete which I too like you have said for years. From guru to integrated YOU :) Beautiful video. Thank you
this made me cry, you always blow my mind, teal. thank you, many, many blessings to you.
Teal is so smart it's scary. This video needs more views.
Your insights sound and feel true. When I listen to modern/past gurus, I feel like I'm listening to a grand spiritual bypass coping mechanism that see's one or two perspctives, leaving out the full spectrum of the human condition. It's no easy path to dig deep and integrate All of our-cells, both light and dark. Meeting the 'many little me's within' that are waiting to be held,loved and accepted is not taught by many guru-teachers - or they may mention it but don't offer a substantial practice to actually do it. The completion process has made feeling through the pain I've hidden from for so long, much easier. I couldnt have done the work I've done so far without the help of CP Faciltator. I don't understand why you don't mention the powerful benefits of working with a facilitator to your followers. We're wounded in relationship and we heal in relationship. Thank you so much for being on the planet now! Muchos Blessings your way!
As a person with a horrific case of DID, after 20 years of struggle and even using Teals techniques I have begun to doubt whether full integration is possible. I have no choice but to keep applying her principles since she is the best out there but dang this is hell on earth twice over
This video has a major impact - especially on me, & will definitely spread word of this woman. Thank you Teal Swan :D
I love this, Teal. These words resonate with me much more than 'cutting a limb off.' It feels like i'm abandoning myself if i try to embody what i feel a 'spiritual,' person should look like. Being whole and accepting my whole, even though sometimes difficult, feels so much better. I appreciate your existence so much.🙏🏼 Love to you!✨
This one qualifies as one of the Teal classics. Great video! Thanks
This is not new. Carl Jung discussed this at great length in dealing with Shadow work. Great video.
Either way it needs to be repeated.
I went from teacher to teacher and one common thing i noticed is a shut off from their own problems. Full on denial.
I took what i could learn from them and moved on, but never did i entertain the idea of delusional non suffering.
Any specific resources for Carl Jung?
Teal Swan, what you just mentioned in this video is a wonderful thought. It really relaxed me completely. I would like to see further videos on how to get rid of these classic gurus and see the self in our own light. How to be one with the universe of our own without following the guru and all. Thank u so much. Lots of love from India.
You’re brave, thank you for speaking the wisdom you do. Gratitude
Great video, as usual. And I need to listen to it 100 more times, as usual.
Lots of paradigm shifts happening. Good video.
I scrolled through comments real quick just now to find and feel a sense of community or understanding maybe in hopes to learn something new. I just want to let you know, even though I know you don't need any validation whatsoever but you are a brilliant being. Also, the background color is very vibrant. The color gives me a feeling and sense of hope.
I found your videos around a week ago, searching for further information about shadow work. Since that time I have devoured video after video and have begun to see changes within myself. Last night I "programmed" myself to remember my dreams. This isn't something that I am able to typically remember but this morning when I woke up all I could remember is the word prison. I have watched two videos this morning that have mentioned prisons and so I decided to go into myself and visualize what the prison would look and feel like. I used an elevator to descend to my subconscious where I found 5 doors. Behind each door I found a side of myself that became splintered at a major life event. My youngest self opened the last door and walked in, at the center of the room was a crib where my toddler self lay. As I stared down at her/me words came up that washed over me. Anger, hatred, resentment all said in a yelling manner. And a thought came to me, this was the first time that I was broken, that I splintered. I picked her up and the four gathered around me. I apologized to them, promising to never close the doors that had held them captive for so long. We came together into one form and walked hand in hand with my inner self to the door of the elevator and entered in. As the doors closed we all looked out at the prison that was denied for so long and smiled at the opened doors.
Alicia Devraux Profound comment. Just make sure you don't banish those denied parts again.
Go to the source, Carl Jung.
Thank you so much for sharing this enlightened perspective with us so freely. It is greatly appreciated.
ive learned more from youtube than other places and ive paid alot to understand certain aspects of myself. for some reason i couldnt latch on to their solution. right here is the answer ive been searching for. thank you.
Thanks again Teal! I agree wholeheartedly about the need to integrate all our parts. I've seen, up close and personal, the results of that selective identification. It seems to stop the process of any true growth in the people I've seen it in.
Teal, thank you for this video. It seems to mark a new phase of teachings and makes me happy to know that we are ready to move forward together. I also commend you for being so public and direct with challenging your peers in the spiritual community. Your example helps us gather the courage to value and practice authenticity despite the challenges.
Wow... just wow. Thank you so very much Teal. I admire your own authenticity SO MUCH and am so grateful for you and all that you do. Sending my love!
Like Jung says " What you resist persist. "
I've noticed that when I try to resist my inauthentic parts of self, like things I've borrowed from others, they persist too. The actor in me just needs to be fed I guess. Lol.
Thank you thank you thank you. I have also recieved the message deeply that it is time to move beyond gurus. I am a kundalini yoga teacher but carry some heartbreak in this field due to the way people respond to yogi bhajan and deny the abuses that happened here. There are and were many imbalanced and unaligned 'spiritual gurus' and we need to start speaking about this and redefining what it means to learn from someone as a 'holder of knowledge' rather than an unquestionable teacher on a god-like pedestal. LOVE TO ALL HUMANITY.
Beautifully said and I couldn't agree more!! It's one thing to have a mentor and someone you learn from very knowledgeable in their field but putting these "gurus" on a pedestal and blindly following them is very unhealthy. The truth and everything you need comes from within not from a figure outside of yourself.
This is by far my favorite video she has ever done.
This is interesting. For years my self esteem suffered because I always seemed to be falling short of the ideal of Jesus presented by the Church. Thanks for your insights.
I had kinda same thing, but with taoism. I aspired to be like Chuang Tzu (the guy who doesn't care and is wild) instead of trying to be who I really am. That was a short period though. Gut feeling can be a good help.
I agree that most of the gurus are raised on very strict lifestyles and in a way denied access to all the other aspects of who they are..this is why the other aspects sometimes find expression later in life in all crazy ways
Great wisdom. That unification and becoming whole is hard but is the better process.
Amazing. Simply amazing. I love you so much Teal!
Oh god! I'm heartbroken.. I was hoping to just get happier like that. Now I'll have to work towards it
I had the same realization about the "positive identification". I used it early in my spiritual journey, and I will say it helped me a lot with not identifying or being attached to those negative aspects of myself which later taught me to not be identify/attached to the good aspects of myself, and went deeper to not Identifying with my body. I saw I was much more than my body then realized the unity of everything. seeing i was everything, and both good and bad. The way I see it, the universe is experiencing life through us, in every living thing. Simply for the fun of it, like a vacation from Godhood. This is the heaven and hell realm, it is both. it's up to us on how to perceive it and pursue it. and when you meet eyes with another, you see yourself/the self in them.
I found IFS Psychotherapy and meditation is a good way to experience a lot of what she talks about in her videos. For me, It was a very emotionally painful process to experience and heal the parts I had unconsciously denied and buried, but well worth the effort and the most satisfying thing I have ever done. Unfortunately, I needed a series of traumatic life events as motivation to do the work; always seems to be the case.
Much respect for this lady.
I am so grateful and proud to have been working on integrating and loving all aspects of myself! It's tough at times, but so worth it! Loved this video, thank you for being a guiding light! 🥰🙏🏻
This was so needed to be put out there
WOAH... that was absolutely incredible. nearly brought me to tears. I feel humbled and honored to have listened to this
13:53 minutes in this video and Teal is kicking major spiritual ass! I am amazed at how dead on she is about these unhealed 'identities' of what a 'guru' is, and how they selectively identify with one part of themselves, rather than integrate and and live with a collective embodiment of all aspects of selves...Teal is literally operating at genius level, an extremely high level of spiritual truth and understanding...she is truly source energy expressed...this understanding she provides here, directly combats anyone that would dismiss or discredit her simply because they would claim she is not 'the image' of what they believe an 'enlightened' person is, or would look like....
The gurus around me didnt practice what they preached. Preaching about spirituality is just preaching. Nothing else. When i identified their masks... it scared me. It was business to them. Gathering people around their ego... was their business. It still scares me. But this is also a reality which we have to cope with.
Teal,..... I could not agree more. This concept that you bring forth has and will continue to be, my greatest challenge. I have met with, been with, and befriended many, but I can count the truth Sayers with less fingers than I have on a single hand. Bless you.
Funny thing, I understand what she is saying during my childhood, but society hated me for this. After a while, I got beaten down by society and family. I gave in and gave up my light. My inner child got pushed in the closet of my mind. Too stubborn to stay quiet, my inner child kept fighting during triggers. I never gave up trying embrace my emotions, but just put it on the back burner for my survival in this 3d world. It still did not prevent me from getting sick.
Through my physical sickness, I have been shedding the layers of my pain. Parts of me is stubborn to let go of past hurt, because it's not time. This still serve me in the presence to access my basic needs.
I agree a lot with the idea of "selectively identifying" and how this negatively affects our society because it causes people to ignore pain, which through it's acknowledgement is the essence of our growth. The idea of a guru, is a caricature of reality and it's hilarious how many "gurus" act as if they have got everything together, never admitting personal growth unless it's this grandiose revelation that acclaims much praise. Godddd I hate that personality. Praise-seeking wimps. I just wrote a comment about this on your latest blog actually, how ignoring wounds does not heal them. I suppose maybe you realized this as much as I did already from your experience? :) Anyway,
The journey to self is life-long.
This is so true. I met so called spiritual people which thought that they were doing right but in fact they were totally identified with a spiritual ego. These guys don't know how much harm they do for themselves. Let's imagine our multiple ego personality as many balloons. And these balloons are pumped as each of each ego manifests. The pseudo spiritual person described just pumps a single balloon which will explode in a certain moment. In the end they eventually end up with a head full of theories and with a stone heart. They either quit the spiritual path converting their spiritual aspiration into hate, or they simply go nuts. Both cases just brings Karma and suffering. The correct way would be to study each ego individually and only by understanding them at a deeper level one will be able to eliminate it, with the assistance of our inner being.
She's not saying eliminate the egos, she's saying integrate them.
This makes a lot of sense. It doesn't make sense to suppress our emotions and walk around only in touch with a part of ourselves.
A great deal about my experience makes sense now that didn't before. I understand why I have not been appreciated. I understand why gurus and other religious teachers have treated me badly. I understand why the elementary school teachers used to say, “you never knew what he was going to do next.” I understand why I felt inferior and as if I wasn’t progressing enough or normally. I understand why it is taking me so long to feel better. I think I understand why I can’t be a spiritual teacher. Most people aren’t interested in this path of integration unfortunately. I understand why I have suffered so much. I know why it was so hard to feel worthy. I understand why I felt guilty and not good enough. This teaching explains it all!
This girl is always on point. Hard truth and honesty, a breath of fresh air, thank you x
Ok, I understand the message. Starting today, I'll drop selective identification with singular parts of myself and start integrating my whole self. It won't be easy as I had a difficult life until today, but I'm so tired of unnecessary suffering, both for myself and the world, that I have no choice but to carry on, at least on my individual level.
Contract signed from all "conscious" parts of me to my soul (higher self).
100% Spot on Teal
Golllyyy we've got a lot of work to do, but its dope that we're all gonna make this conjunction happen. We are already what we need to be, we just need to go ahead and make a move, recognize and embrace our Will, and take part
FINALLY!! Someone said it!!! Kudos, Teal . . . it seems we never stop finding new, highly inventive ways to avoid looking TRUTH squarely in the eyes ..... ! And if you think genuine Truth is "relative" ... think again, folks. Blessings Teal
You know the best Teal how it is to manipulate while being guru. So you can talk the best about it. It is easy to see who you really are.
hey, i was hoping you wouldn't mind quickly answering these little questions.
1. how would you live a creative life without burdening yourself. and like how to have a constant inspiration
2. how do you extend this feeling of "yes life is complete" to fill your whole day.
thank you!
Im so confused with everything. I turned against myself and my unique ways of thinking.... i recently lost it
And lost myself, and my job. I have severe depression. I can't barely move., and have no desire to live. I lost myself,.. and don't enjoy, or care.
Tealy, I like your description of the idea of selective identification. Looking at it like that, people don't seem as scary! I will be using this at the next available opportunity x
This is why i stoped following Infinite Waters, he always acts as if everything is fine ,but thar doesnt help us grow, he is not a teacher for those of us who seek wisdom.
Mister Merrill he used to be better... I still will watch his stuff every now and again.. But I get so fed up with his "enlightenment" being to "go vegan". Yeah, I got it guy, the first thousand times you said it! Haha... I need somebody who offers real insight.
Rachel Welke you are 100% correct , i also watch Elliot Hulse..not many more lately
Rachel Welke you are 100% correct , i also watch Elliot Hulse..not many more lately
Mister Merrill I used to watch Elliott Hulse a lot too. Have you heard of Marshall Vian Summers? You might really resonate with his teachings.
Rachel Welke Have you heard of Marshall Vian Summers? His teachings have really struck a deep cord within me.
it's okay Teal. If a guru is suffering then that is what the heart desires. It is what it is, regardless of analysing "parts" of ourselves. Ironically when we try to act conscious/sane we are only grasping a fraction of the truth.
Great! This aspect of Teal I missed the most. #Authenticity Where have you been... I am sick of lies to makes us feel better. The truth is that we are so ignorant of what's behind the scenes. Ty 🙏
Maho Seixin I agree. Have you heard of Marshall Vian Summers?
Very much loved, Teal: I have watched your video with great attention. I am greatly
relieved that you used the words “most gurus”, leaving open the possibility for
real, true, Masters of spirituality. Otherwise, the great admiration I have for
you and your unique perspective would have been shattered to pieces. True
Masters like Kabir Sahib, Guru Nanak and those Masters of the same spiritual
lineage, still coming into the world today, are far beyond the scope you
present in this particular video, and which, of course, applies to the rest of
us, mortals. The mission, and actually the only mission, of this line of
Masters, is the ultimate liberation of the soul and its return, in this same lifetime,
to the real and true home of the soul, Sach Khand, as described in Sant Mat,
the Science of the Soul.
It is only through a Living Master that we can contact the Almighty God within us. May God
bless your beautiful soul.
Thank you for spreading all your insight despite opposition!
Sending you much love and all the best wishes, so you get strength from God to keep going and keep helping to heal the suffering in this world!
❤️❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️❤️ amen
Yess authenticity is so important. Authenticity and integrity (INTEGRATE --- integrity). So much love ❤ ❤ ❤
The human experience is one of being immersed in endless polarized belief systems (and paradoxically, even having a judgment that there is something "wrong" with having a polarized belief or emotion is itself a polarization). Infinite consciousness/awareness has chosen this fragmentation and integration process which is all occurring within "Self." Healing the fragmentation can involve resolving apparent paradoxes and understanding that even the disowned or shadow aspects of oneself and one's experiences are all parts of this spiritual exploration process and rejecting any aspect of life or "self" is keeping you from having full access to the limitless creative essence. Also, when we reject something it takes energy to suppress it and that fosters it building up on an unconscious level where it eventually arises to be expressed so that it will eventually be processed and integrated. When we are more neutral and accepting and allowing then we don't keep adding to the energetic "charge." These are complex subjects to adequately describe with our words and semantics and Teal has made a valuable contribution to helping foster understanding of these concepts and phenomena.
Omg, thank you Teal, thank you so much! I had this ideea on my mind for so long that i can't even begin to explain...For some years now, i ve been working on integrating the aspects of my beeing. And needles to say, now i'm passing some difficulties...i guess everything is coming to the surface...And most people around me tell me i should be happy, peacefull, loving...I m tired of saying that one can be all that even tough it might feel angry, confused or in pain sometimes...Thank you, you just showed me i'm on the way...
Describing being unaware as being selectively identified is more tangible when trying to move in a desirable direction. Thanks for that pointer. The moments I feel best are indeed the momenst I take all sides of me into consideration. Most aspects (if not all) that apply to group behaviour are also relevant to an individual. In fact, the distinction between the two is a lot smaller than most people acknowledge.
Yes I agree and from personal experience when you reach the bottom of emotional pain for what ever reason, the healing can be the path that allows all parts to be understood, pulled together and as they say, your true self becomes born. I have experienced this and it is amazing.
I love it. I can really feel your mission and why I loved you since day 1 I saw you. 🙏🏼💜🌟💗💗💗💗💗 Love your medicine and truth.
To be fair I don’t think all gurus have that mindset of being above the self
Its 3:25 am Teal!
Thanks for totally freaking with my mind before trying to force myself back to sleep again.
Definitely looking into more of this concept when I wake
This video helped me edge back into believing my life is worthwhile there’s this big relief in knowing that whatever I’ve been through and my perception about it is forged in self identification in other words I have a right to feel without needing to judge the feeling from the experience they say detachment is the root of happiness and in a way this video allowed me to detach my judgement on things that I’ve gone through they only exist because of self identification and I could allow myself to be without having to identify with what society would say that I then identify myself as. It’s ok to be and feel and therefore accept that puts a lot of ease to my conscience now it’s about keeping my perspective that free it’s interesting I feel this topic also interprets concepts of the Tao te ching about how the Tao that is spoken is not the Tao it always baffles me but this video sort of explains this concept
you just got me back with this video. it expains exactly what I am going through. thank you. much love to you 😃
You are incredible wise and open hearted to be talking to us and the future.
People forget that Gurus are also human beings, and human beings are contraditory and have an ego to feed. watch the movie "enlighten us" and see how these Gurus betray themselves when it comes to money and reputation. FINALLY SOMEONE SPEAKING THE TRUTH.
So rich! How can anyone not resonate with Teal
Yes, every aspect of you, you have to acknowledge. All the emotions should be seen and felt. Nothing should be denied. Before you become the unity that you actually (and already) are.
This knowledge is already thousands of years old.
So, to say that the gurus for thousands of years suffer from selective identification,
end with that to say "I am here to say that ages of selective identification is over” is presumptuous.
(Isn’t that someone who is suffering selective identification?)
Of course you have to be very careful who you follow. Ultimately life itself the biggest guru.
(yes, English is not my native language. I'm sorry for the mistakes)
I think that there is a problem with the judgement of people that choose to positively focus. We are not choosing not to experience negativity, just not dwelling there. If you look deeply into most positive focus gurus this is what they are trying to say. At least from what I understand.
Janel Perkins wise words. 🙏🏼
These wisdoms are channeled from heaven indeed. Thank you for a great job Teal!
Wow. Mind blowing. Teal is immensely smart and honest on unseen levels tyyyyy
@Teal Swan There is much beauty in your teachings. With thanks.
So very true about the gurus identification and this self image making process. Jiddu Krishnamurti talked about this all the time. Very few people seem to really understand this process of dissolution of self image. When we are in this process of image dissolution we can't help but find fault with things in society that are going way wrong. We can't help but cry and scream. We can't help but accuse. It is our duty and responsibility to be bear mothers who protect the living beings on Earth.
Timely message for me. Thank you Teal
thanks this kinda shook my world but i needed it ! tons of love from NY, Teal.
wow! This is so an answer to my prayer, THANK YOU
LOL hi there me! We are hilarious. I just watched this video and through it was the first time I ever watched it and I am over the moon about how its hitting the spot i needed to identify a pattern that just keeps haunting me. And as I scroll the comments, the last one I see right before I close the tab is YOUR COMMENT from 2 years ago😂😂😂 you feel like someone i dont know any more but at the same time like coming home and closing that sycle that has been eating us up. I love you, me ♥️
*"Whispers of the Heart" (poem)*
*Words of thought circling.. ever-tangling in her midst,*
*Making sense as needed with just the right genius twist.*
*Do I think so I can feel free-willing my inner core..*
*Or are my thoughts quite deceptive as the feelings came before?*
*My shadows are real I know.. so from them I do not run,*
*But the one I miss may skew my view as if I confronted none.*
*Of course this applies to all man, "still in Kansas" or "dare to-peka",*
*Whether struggling in inner city or basking in Costa Rica.*
*Future is yet revealed but some outcomes do swell in chance,*
*No knight or ceremony can shield her from my ever-closing lance.*
*Many people are inside us she says.. some fractured and tough to see,*
*If she keeps revealing them all she'll soon find the one inside her is me.*
*Within her eyes is an emerald fire but from whence does it start?*
*From flirting with cosmic truth, I say, and whispers of the heart.*
She's married. That's so "gauche".
Beautiful thank you
Well said, Teal; It is divine time for real love, light & truth! Thank You, Teal &. Ho'oponopono, Aloha & Amen.
Very useful, but also, very doubtful. Yes, every persons has at least two sides hidden inside. But make an experiment, made by myself many times. Go in a park and look to a flower. You will not care about anyone, Opposite, do a bad thing, and, if you have a conscience, you will feel a short satisfaction, if is a revenge or something close, but you will feel sad after a while. How can we integrate bad with good?
Anyway, I appreciate that I finally met someone who discuss the multiplicity of our feelings, even those which are contradictory.
Teal Swan is my Guru!
This has been being taught for a very long time. but most are reluctant to hear it. I hope you will get some traction. I have been teaching these ideas for 20 years. Gurdjieff taught this very thing also and the entire 4th way sprung from that. There are wonderful specific practices for integration that seem to have the effect of bringing the many "i"s together, but what actually happens is a new magnetic center outside of the different groups of "I"s.
She seems a lot more genuine and comprehensible than someone like Esther Hicks now. Mosta the time I haven't a clue what Esther be's on about and she seems very frantic. Teal on the other hand seems more calm, compassionate and like she really knows what she is talking about whilst Esther sounds like she is making it up as she goes along! Teal is a guru who I can get behind. Also I try to be my own guru! Loving your work Teal! Have you any books or can you recommend any good ones on L.O.A. cuz my negative experience with Esther Hicks has put me off it and I'd like to get back into it but in a way that works better for me and that is not bad for my sanity. lol. Thanks so much!
Loved this! Accept and love yourself for all that you are... Honor that dark side of you that wants to throat punch someone, scream and cry on the floor... You need to accept that just like the sun, there is a moon. We NEED to integrate our dark side to be whole. It's painful, scary and hard at first.. But it actually becomes easier, and honestly you will feel more at peace with yourself for doing it.
Very insightful! We are our own gurus, and it may take a lifetime to know oneself. Be patient, be honest, be curious, and just Be.....kind!
Many have been mislead.
Many have been mislead, but many have also been helped.
And even MORE are mislead by their own egos. Thus it is said that "one who is their own guru has a fool for a devotee."
There are ways to assess whether a guru can work for you, and you can always leave if they don't: ask around, observe their other devotees, read their writings or watch videos.
If a guru will work for you there should be a deep quality of "recognition" or feeling response to them that goes beyond a neurotic or romantic or Oedipal response. Look for that reaction in yourself.
Karl Kaiser It is a complicated topic. Thanks for responding.
The principles that this country, the United States of America, was built upon stems from an ancient system of individual personal self-realization. Symbols are everywhere for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Teal addresses the psychological disability that the "guru" has enhanced in order to "appear" enlightened. "The blind leading the blind" has serious consequences for the individual seeker of truth. Group thinking is dangerous in the development of a healthy ego, and elimination of the ego is a road to pathology.
To be fair, there are a lot of mediocre and even false self-proclaimed "gurus" out there. But as someone extraordinarily lucky enough to have found a powerful and truly potent Guru (Adi Da Samraj), I have to disagree with the rejection or diminishment of the value of gurus in general.
In my experience if you ask the universe or "God" for help from a position of true need and longing and self-surrender, the Divine will meet you more than halfway. Extraordinary spiritual beings ARE born here, with the intention of making themselves available for others.
So my suggestion is to be open to the possibility of a guru if you feel any longing in that direction, trust in your heart recognition of whomever comes your way, and then test the "fruits" of your practice in that relationship. You can always leave, but no time is ever wasted if your commitment is strong and persistent.
Karl Kaiser A guru is an authority figure to many. Spiritual growth can surely be enhanced, as you have pointed out, with discernment and guidance. There is an inner guide- this is my personal direct experience. Wisdom is not easily known through common communication via words and traditions, though practice and patience do seem to benefit. The connection with the creative human potential is a lonely but rewarding journey only the individual can take. Life is not a field trip like mountain climbing. Climbing the mountains of one reality is not the same as epignosis, where the person meets the creator directly. The guide in this example is internal.
I am enjoying our exchange of co-mentoring, where neither of us hold any authority over the other. :)
It seems that dramas of "authority" trigger you somewhat. And in this conversation that might make you miss two things...
First, if we have a different point of view on something it does not mean that one of is us "trying to hold authority over the other". This is not a contest of ideas or control.
I would guess that you have had opportunities in your life to try to inspire someone who might have been on the verge of a spiritual path, by telling them about your own experiences. And you've probably also gotten politely pushed back at times, as if they other person FELT that you were trying to force something on them. But of course you were not - you were only trying to share your own inspiration and positive experience - for their benefit. They pushed you back out of their own resistance to the help you were offering them, not because you were trying to dominate them.
The same is true when I recount my experience of an extraordinary guru (Adi Da). I am not trying to "hold" you in any way, but only inspire you and open your to a possibility you seem to reject out of hand.
Also it does not seem that you have had a guru, so it is POSSIBLE that your assessment is not complete. There was a long period when I had no guru (as with many of my "gurubais"), and so we can compare our process with and without one to judge which has been better. But what do you have to compare to in concluding that there is no guru who could guru you better than you guru yourself?