10 BEGINNER Tips & Tricks You MUST KNOW - Wild Rift (LoL Mobile)

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 541

  • @kaolincloud
    @kaolincloud 4 года назад +301

    6:01 - 6:05 "if you're trying to win, talk with your team about what kind of picks would make you win the game"
    "hey guys what support should I pick for our composition"

    • @Kyle0787
      @Kyle0787 4 года назад +3

      This made me laugh so much more than it should’ve 😂😂

    • @granzedora
      @granzedora 4 года назад +1

      I hate the fact that it's so damn true lol

    • @dravendraven1471
      @dravendraven1471 4 года назад +16

      My friend always types this in when there's a Chinese player.
      It means "June 4th Tiananmen Square massacre".
      I don't know if I should be disgusted, or weirded out that he knows this kind of stuff.

    • @kaolincloud
      @kaolincloud 4 года назад +4

      @@dravendraven1471 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
      Here, have an enhanced one

    • @dravendraven1471
      @dravendraven1471 4 года назад +11

      @@kaolincloud goddamn. I don't know, dude. It seems overkill...

  • @xeoxander01
    @xeoxander01 4 года назад +185

    You know it's bad when dealing with toxicity is part of the beginner's guide.

    • @Draven-fd7mw
      @Draven-fd7mw 2 года назад +5

      It really sucks..! Max players in league are toxic.. ! I hated at the beginning too..!

  • @immortallearner9972
    @immortallearner9972 4 года назад +68

    3rd tip: Stay behind your minions
    Your opponent who use Miss Fortune: "Haha thats what I want from you!"

  • @nieeel8793
    @nieeel8793 4 года назад +274

    Nah. Everyone wants to be that "hero". They care about their stats rather than winning.

    • @APEX-un8ex
      @APEX-un8ex 4 года назад +10


    • @KhenpoDub
      @KhenpoDub 4 года назад +14

      They are like Westbrook. Stats packing but 0 titles.

    • @lonelee7867
      @lonelee7867 4 года назад +10

      I always take jungle before because every damn time I give up the position they don't take objectives but now I'm in Platinum it's less worse so I pick top or support

    • @johannesalbrecht2503
      @johannesalbrecht2503 4 года назад

      @@KhenpoDub 😂😂😂

    • @fanwtn5124
      @fanwtn5124 4 года назад

      And that’s what the saddest part is about ranking game TvT

  • @theD1929
    @theD1929 4 года назад +145

    Tip: Wards can save you from ganks or flanks (unless you're playing against evelynn then rest in pieces)

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад +10

      We don't have pink wards 🙃

    • @wiellnyan
      @wiellnyan 4 года назад +1

      Just ask lee sin to help.

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад +5

      @Akali it's harder to run when my laning partner keeps overextending

    • @cloud1301..
      @cloud1301.. 4 года назад +5

      Just ward her camps if you have time, that way you can track which side of the map shes on and hug the opposite side of the lane. Also just make her int, steal her camps, etc. That way shes really useless. She can only rely on her burst to really do much, other than that shes just a ward

    • @nva_69
      @nva_69 4 года назад +4

      I know there's an indicator whenever Evelyn is near you so even if you can't see her you will still have a time to react

  • @akirahatsuo3871
    @akirahatsuo3871 4 года назад +150

    Day: Unknown
    Still waitin for a jungler guide

  • @chris-p9423
    @chris-p9423 4 года назад +37

    this channel should get a million subscribers, it's clean and well organized.

    • @_____8639
      @_____8639 4 года назад +1

      It will..It is increasing subs daily

    • @_____8639
      @_____8639 4 года назад +1

      @@Aster6227 yap almost 1M and even Fortnite Proguides😄

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @kuyapaps9785
    @kuyapaps9785 4 года назад +41

    -always use the opponents honeyfruit when u see one, dont let them heal.
    -dominate baron nasher and the dragons.
    -hope that u dont have a toxic team mate 😁

    • @josephryanbati3296
      @josephryanbati3296 4 года назад +2

      Basically every utility that there is on their side not just the honeyfruit. Also fully utilize wards and sweeping lens. Vision is very important.

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @maverick2678
    @maverick2678 4 года назад +16

    Coming from mobile legends with 101 heroes unlocked and play with, staying in on one champion is one of the hardest things

  • @sketch4671
    @sketch4671 4 года назад +30

    Tip : have fun while playing in this way you can learn fast and don't be frustrated on dying by enemy jungler .

    • @azizulfikri8392
      @azizulfikri8392 4 года назад +4

      And avoid toxic players who kept calling everyone is a noob when they can’t even speak the same language

  • @zedzizo8758
    @zedzizo8758 4 года назад +8

    hardest part of the game is just knowing the skills of everyhero to have an idea of whom you're laning vs, attack or retreat and knowing what to pick vs what

  • @jams_at_vans
    @jams_at_vans 4 года назад +57

    Honestly, we just need reliable allies. That's all.
    and PS: Skins don't define Skills.

    • @mr.stickbot7371
      @mr.stickbot7371 4 года назад

      So many SVP 😭😭

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


    • @sabon_homot5763
      @sabon_homot5763 3 года назад +1

      LMAO same as mobile legends

    • @iristhesc9792
      @iristhesc9792 3 года назад +2

      I can say this confidently, I’m one of those ppl who buys skins that look nice, regardless if I’m good at the champ or not.
      Project skin pretty

  • @vibra7
    @vibra7 4 года назад +17

    Appreciate the hard work on these videos they truly help me out

    • @gxrgt9654
      @gxrgt9654 4 года назад

      it's normal for them, they are connected to proguides challenger in league pc, valorant, dota2 etc

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @jakelucas7353
    @jakelucas7353 4 года назад +58

    The Tip 2 is one of the problem we encountered today. Sometimes we teamed up with other race that's why communication barrier occur.

    • @babypatrick553
      @babypatrick553 4 года назад +4

      Lol i remember, this lee sin keeps harassing our ezreal for being a chinese guy

    • @TheSunnySunday69
      @TheSunnySunday69 4 года назад

      Fix the matchmaking

    • @grimreaper3576
      @grimreaper3576 4 года назад +8

      More like you guys are racist thats why 😂

    • @mobilelegendsbugs5327
      @mobilelegendsbugs5327 4 года назад

      @@grimreaper3576 like I kindly asked them to speak in English and they still speak thwir language also ......HOW is that RACIST

    • @kaolincloud
      @kaolincloud 4 года назад

      @@mobilelegendsbugs5327 if it's 说人话 then it's a chinese telling you to speak human

  • @gabrielangeloflores9387
    @gabrielangeloflores9387 4 года назад +28

    Tip 6: Communication is important in Wild Rift.
    Me from the Philippines playing with foreign players every solo que: We don't do that here.

    • @nightzero5792
      @nightzero5792 4 года назад

      owh nice.. say hello to yassuo..

    • @r3dtyrant207
      @r3dtyrant207 4 года назад

      And they don't want to play support

    • @ljn0918
      @ljn0918 4 года назад

      @@r3dtyrant207 Im in Ph & my Main support😊

    • @May-jf5fl
      @May-jf5fl 4 года назад

      Dapat kasi may translation yung communication

    • @ryleell3752
      @ryleell3752 4 года назад

      @@May-jf5fl oo nga eh.. Nakaka tanga mag basa diko namna naintindihan. Pwera lang king English medyo gets ko pa. Dalawang besea pang ako mi kasamanh pinoy sa wr

  • @D3VGRU_24
    @D3VGRU_24 4 года назад +50

    The old story: "Better jungler always wins in any league or game!" :(

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


    • @clarkjosephkent5047
      @clarkjosephkent5047 4 года назад +6

      Yeah you're absolutely right, no matter how good mid is, if your jungle is trash then you lose

    • @fey2202
      @fey2202 4 года назад +1

      @@clarkjosephkent5047 nope look at hak play oriana with bad jungler

  • @zerusdeus1960
    @zerusdeus1960 4 года назад +49

    Never been this early

    • @stefanjelin1902
      @stefanjelin1902 4 года назад +2

      Who gives a shit if you are/aren't early?

  • @kenkidder
    @kenkidder 4 года назад +19

    Beginner guide
    "Dont forget to lane push your jungle roaming wards with runes."
    That's fucking greek to me homie...😅

  • @nazir7614
    @nazir7614 4 года назад +21

    My teammates always afraid to contest baron when we already far ahead
    This is why I force myself to be a jungler

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад +1

      But you still can't solo baron right? Or am I wrong?

    • @soda9986
      @soda9986 4 года назад +4

      you can't solo a baron

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад +3

      @Who Asked unless they're brains are coo coo

    • @dravendraven1471
      @dravendraven1471 4 года назад +3

      @@nrrizki86 or they're ML players.

    • @shikikankillzone4239
      @shikikankillzone4239 4 года назад +3

      @@dravendraven1471 "Oh no, a MOBA player that doesn't play League, he bad"
      _Will you shut up, man?_

  • @lumiere7902
    @lumiere7902 4 года назад +3

    This is helpful i reached platinum in 3 days of grind thank you

  • @harmly2682
    @harmly2682 4 года назад +10

    The only thing important is that there isn’t 3 adcs and 2 jungler

  • @anon877
    @anon877 3 года назад +5

    Getting into this game feels like a fucking job 💀

  • @alecsdking144
    @alecsdking144 4 года назад +6

    The great thing is ppl who came from mobile legends already know half of the basics in wr

    • @hazriqzafran_9441
      @hazriqzafran_9441 4 года назад +1

      I can say but there still a lot other moba game like AOV, Vainglory etc

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад

      To me, vision is the biggest difference when switching from ML to LoL;WR

    • @_____8639
      @_____8639 4 года назад +10

      They don't know last hit,wave control,vision control and most importantly role,I've seen many ML players killing jungle monster even though they are laners

    • @alecsdking144
      @alecsdking144 4 года назад

      @@_____8639 bruh how can we control a wave with 3 minions and I can decline that as a tank main we do know vision control

    • @_____8639
      @_____8639 4 года назад

      @@alecsdking144 Yes that's the reason why ml players don't know wave control

  • @hannahbanana229
    @hannahbanana229 4 года назад +2

    I started this game 2 days ago and these tips really really help ty:D

  • @johnmenardbegsing8011
    @johnmenardbegsing8011 4 года назад +29

    Hi new player in wildrift that watching your tips from Philippines

  • @Zelldogg
    @Zelldogg 3 года назад +9

    I have no clue what im doing... Yay! Lol

    • @skyheidi3008
      @skyheidi3008 3 года назад +2

      I'm at level 11 on my 2nd day of playing and I HAVE NO IDEA whyyyy lol & I just don't wanna disappoint my team mates making bad decisions which is prob ALL I'm doing rn

  • @GrilledJelly
    @GrilledJelly 4 года назад +5

    8th tip is the best tip ever

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @jayneshanopol
    @jayneshanopol 4 года назад +3

    Gold is tough for me. Silver seemed like a nice place where players support each other instead of raging. Gold is where toxicity and disregard for teamwork starts it seems.
    This is not always the case of course. I'm guessing Gold is where most players are because of the diverse personalities?

    • @zeroversion2.021
      @zeroversion2.021 4 года назад +2

      This is true as of now gold players (some not all) always flames their teammate if he done wrong. Also they don't know to adjust their picks in draft phase. And if they commit a mistake that cause their death (especially in dragon lane) they curse their support or who ever is near them when they die.

    • @c0rn969
      @c0rn969 4 года назад +2

      I met wholesome teammates twice and it was such a fresh breath when I chat with them. I once texted I play like trash because I failed to perform at how good I could be.
      And they told me to stay calm, and simply texted we play as a team, don't worry, and it's okay.
      I was f-ing happy.

  • @Nyumi008
    @Nyumi008 4 года назад +3

    Just got into Wild Rift and LoL in general I play alot of Seraphine and Amomu don't really know if they're good and what to run but my brother has played for a while at he kinda teaches me

    • @skyheidi3008
      @skyheidi3008 3 года назад

      Thank God for brothers and teenager Sons!

  • @Labnica
    @Labnica 2 года назад +1

    Malphite with ice borned gauntlet passive can grow as the size of the nexus. Just maximize your armor

  • @kirbymoto
    @kirbymoto 4 года назад +10

    ProGuides: try easy champions first
    Me: Play Aurelion Sol first since he looked cool and lost 5 games in a row

  • @lukipop5001
    @lukipop5001 4 года назад +3

    Definitely things that everyone should know. Great video! 😊

  • @atomizerFPS
    @atomizerFPS 4 года назад +1

    Hope newbies understand and adjust play in ranked ...they take 3 ADCs and pisses me off ...plzz make a video on how to adjust and play in ranked for newbies 🙏

  • @locosquad3588
    @locosquad3588 4 года назад +12

    Μe from pc who doing everything and still struggle on gold: new here?

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


    • @lunarpoosi
      @lunarpoosi 4 года назад

      @@zeref1857 gtfo

  • @syahidirhassan4846
    @syahidirhassan4846 4 года назад +4

    Still waiting for role pref in rank so u can actually play the game lmao and not get trolled by last pick yi with smite when u already called for it

  • @dreoutcasting4415
    @dreoutcasting4415 4 года назад +3

    Proguide : "We never put any champion into tier as any champion can excel in any games."
    Must be a Godzu watcher. Hahaha

  • @hiyahiya7753
    @hiyahiya7753 4 года назад +13

    Now i kinda feel bad for my teammates that i trash talked, they are just new to the game and playng for fun:(

    • @gottakeepaneyeoutofselenr826
      @gottakeepaneyeoutofselenr826 4 года назад

      Some are new, some are purposely trolling.

    • @MIsT.x
      @MIsT.x 4 года назад

      No if they want to play for fun let those bitches play pvp not ranked these mf's demoted me to gold

    • @ysobelle6308
      @ysobelle6308 4 года назад +2

      @@MIsT.x they want to have fun in rank so let them 👁👄👁 not everyone is purposely letting you down boi

    • @hiyahiya7753
      @hiyahiya7753 4 года назад +1

      @@MIsT.x u can blame them when ur at high elo or somthin, what im talkin about is the low elo, cz they didnt understand about the meta yet

    • @hiyahiya7753
      @hiyahiya7753 4 года назад

      @@MIsT.x i feel u tho, those mf's deserve to be banned for weeks

  • @arrividerciwr
    @arrividerciwr 4 года назад +1

    Im diamond but still want to improve my gameplay so I watch this kind of videos.

  • @velvethands1436
    @velvethands1436 4 года назад +4

    Ive been laughing with communication its been hard to communicate if your teammates are using diff langauges

  • @nicolasiiiponce217
    @nicolasiiiponce217 4 года назад +1

    You should combine the warding and the map awareness tip. most player will just put wards but that's it you should always look at the map

  • @digiac4027
    @digiac4027 3 года назад

    Sick beard fam, my mustache doesn't grow as thick so I can't grow it that thick yet

  • @randomguy345
    @randomguy345 4 года назад +2

    I've picked up ezreal because I think he's a cool character and he's also s tier so far I have 22 games 83% winrate.

    • @ambarishkamath851
      @ambarishkamath851 4 года назад

      Even I use him

    • @ambarishkamath851
      @ambarishkamath851 4 года назад

      He is soooooooooooooooooo overpowered

    • @randomguy345
      @randomguy345 4 года назад

      Update : 38 games 68% winrate and also I've picked up Kai'sa 17 games 82% winrate
      Update : im an akali main now 228 matches lvl 7 mastery

  • @mysticalthorop7555
    @mysticalthorop7555 4 года назад +2

    Runes for every champion for every situation

  • @lenardskie
    @lenardskie 4 года назад

    Im a Vayne and Camille Main in Wild Rift
    Camille looks so hard to use at first but so strong when you learn her mechanics.

  • @Smikebake
    @Smikebake 4 года назад +1

    Just started playing! Thanks for the vid

  • @t1cks681
    @t1cks681 4 года назад +2

    Every game i play my teammates say bad things to me because i suck at the game

  • @ahmjay21
    @ahmjay21 4 года назад +3

    I'm new I don't know where to start I keep feeding but it's not in my hand I just started and it seems that I'm playing with people who already play the game and know what they are doing and then they get mad at me.

    • @reshavchand4451
      @reshavchand4451 4 года назад

      Play vs AI for a while

    • @lightmj9650
      @lightmj9650 4 года назад

      @@reshavchand4451 The problem with AI is that they don't really have the "game sense" real people do. I'm brand new to this type of game and I still kind of struggle with getting kills. I don't die a lot but I don't kill as much too. Almost all my games are somewhere between 5/2/8, I usually play support (seraphine), but when I try to play mid I just get a few kills, 4-5 deaths and some assist kills, lol.

  • @hanabiilesley
    @hanabiilesley 4 года назад +2

    After 10k games in other mobas excluding pc lol got emerald in 10 days, lolwr is soo good

    • @vibra7
      @vibra7 4 года назад

      Mobile Legends huh 🤔

  • @unknownuser6593
    @unknownuser6593 3 года назад +1

    its been more than 10 years since i know the game and still dont get how to play

  • @erickphoenixwhite5577
    @erickphoenixwhite5577 4 года назад

    i agree on tip no. 1 but when you up againts miss fortune, lux and other champion that can still hit you while behind the minion wave make sure to not be behind the minion if you can my tip is just move side to side and you should be good.

  • @wolvenwolfdogservices
    @wolvenwolfdogservices 4 года назад +2

    I hope this helps since I was afraid charging in as a tank and I overthink on what I should do, plus my skills r good then later on bad lol. (I often ended up as a tank I always use Nasus)
    I'm a mage and support main so I might make a mistake ;-;

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад +1

      If you want an unkillable tank for baron lane, I suggest you use Mundo. Unlock first skill at the beginning so that you can poke your enemy from a distance

    • @GolfKilo_0045
      @GolfKilo_0045 4 года назад +1

      If you reaaally want to commit to mundo, take masochism at level 1.
      You need to drag the minion wave as near to your tower as possible, so literally, just last hit their minions. don't basic attack, don't use your third yet, just keep on last hitting.
      Only use Masochism when your opponent starts to dive on you, keep on hitting them until they start running. If you have ignite and flicker, only use them when your enemy is at around 10% health and you're sure you can stay on him.
      If they don't die by then, grab your honeyfruit and continue last hitting the minions.
      At this point you should have hit level 2, so take Infected Cleaver.
      The moment the opponent dives on you again, or tries to last hit a minion, go all in on him. Most of the time, they'd be dead after that.
      Long story short, freeze the wave near your tower, and beat up your opponent when they decide to last hit a minion close to you or dives on you.

  • @Labnica
    @Labnica 2 года назад

    Tip- learn some wombo combo champion example
    Malphite ult can combo with yasuo ult.

  • @kimlestermarcos7426
    @kimlestermarcos7426 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for the tips!

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @riz3778
    @riz3778 4 года назад

    i strongly recommend fiora for baron lane, because she is my queen
    Ahri or zed mid is a good option if you like going mid, they're strong in early (zed is very nice as soon as your ult is up) and has a very good mobility

  • @ydkmsenpai125
    @ydkmsenpai125 4 года назад +1

    Wanna know about more mid roaming time an jungler
    , thank you pro guide ❤️

  • @AFK-h4l
    @AFK-h4l 4 года назад +3

    *mute toxic player* this point help a lot🙏 cuz when I reach lvl10 I unlock the rank system I was really excited but I got really toxic player I even meet ,thay got really angry that thay get unranked player and everything happens thay blame me and after that I got really upsetting I stop playing Wild rift for atleast 2 day not long period of time but if I didn't watch this video who know right😂

  • @miru2583
    @miru2583 4 года назад +1

    protip: listen to the effing ping. dont charge into enemies thinking you can 1v3 when you're severely underfarm. I'm looking at you yasuo main

  • @Lilcharlie78
    @Lilcharlie78 4 года назад

    thank you for this upload. i am new to lol. i really love this game!❤️

  • @funkyjhon7000
    @funkyjhon7000 2 года назад

    I just started and use yasuo so far his great.His mechanics is pretty hard but ez for me to clash and get mvp all the time

  • @kumbertjoehl-lee8898
    @kumbertjoehl-lee8898 4 года назад +1

    I just play support because nobody wants to...
    Blitzcrank or Seraphin...wonder how far i'll get with that...any other supports i should try?

    • @c0rn969
      @c0rn969 4 года назад

      Nami if you're going for pure aggression.
      Lux for the same reason.
      Janna if you're against more close-ranged champions.
      Braum to negates projectile skills.
      Orianna can be a support too, for a bit more vision and control.
      Soraka for sustainability, best used with tanky champions and high damage champions.
      Idk about Alistar tho
      From a Support main

    • @kumbertjoehl-lee8898
      @kumbertjoehl-lee8898 4 года назад +1

      @@c0rn969 i have been playing Alistar the last few days and he has done very well ^^. And i have been playing against that water champion which catches you in a bubble which i find really strong and have been struggling against :/.

  • @jaezzeaj
    @jaezzeaj 4 года назад +1

    Im just a bit confused of the roles. I dont know yet whos the tank, jungler and so on. Hehehe maybe i need to memorize their faces so i can use different roles to have better team. Seraphine for now is my main champion. 😁

  • @AlieNav18
    @AlieNav18 4 года назад

    We have this jungler every game that only focuses on farming rather than doing dragon and herald.

  • @victorsetiawan3465
    @victorsetiawan3465 4 года назад

    if you are solo find right time to play. on right time you will meet players that help you to winning. if you find your team troll, change your play time.

  • @yassuo5679
    @yassuo5679 4 года назад +7

    Man if only this applies to chinese players. For some reason when they're on my team they're literally stupid but when they're on the other team its like fighting Faker

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @themajkles7813
    @themajkles7813 4 года назад +1

    Guys WATCH THE MAP PLEASE!!🥺 Especially when you are the jungler, if you make the right decision to stop farming and immediately help a lane can actually win the game.. If you lose 1st turret sooner than your enemy, the game is harder from that point because enemies from that lane will immediately start to roam around the map.. They'll probably try to kill the dragon/herald or they'll gank your midlaner..

  • @gonfreecs4082
    @gonfreecs4082 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the tips

  • @Sm-ck4us
    @Sm-ck4us 4 года назад +2

    Please best champions for rank up 🙏🙏

  • @TakeruTaiki
    @TakeruTaiki 4 года назад

    When you are lost, ask your Teammates.
    Me:Does so and gets flamed from the whole team xD

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @ElmirSkopljak
    @ElmirSkopljak 4 года назад

    Thank you for those tips!

  • @skylergaming6265
    @skylergaming6265 4 года назад +3

    When I first started and I didn't complete the tutorial yet, when I played my team keep saying go to baron or dragon Lane and I was confused then after completing the tutorial and get used to the game abit then I released oh they mean top and below lane 😅🤣

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


    • @unaidp9370
      @unaidp9370 3 года назад

      Baron lane means top?
      Dragon means bottom ?

    • @unaidp9370
      @unaidp9370 3 года назад

      Am I right?

  • @arcadeduo7101
    @arcadeduo7101 4 года назад

    This is truly for begineers. Tip 3 is always depending. Watch Dopa how he used it.

  • @nyx6620
    @nyx6620 4 года назад +16

    I wish my Chinese teammates know how to speak or Understand English
    They just Complain All the time with Broken english

    • @fazakhalid5829
      @fazakhalid5829 4 года назад +2

      it's oket if them talk with broken english but if they talk with they're fucking own language it's sooo annoying

    • @skylergaming6265
      @skylergaming6265 4 года назад

      I feel ya mine is malay/Muslim teammate and I can't understand a single thing when they speak English
      I'm also Chinese but I understand ya cos my mother tongue/first language is English even tho I'm Chinese then when team is Chinese(the ones that speak Chinese only) and speak English I have no idea wat they asking or telling me XD

    • @alifimran9049
      @alifimran9049 4 года назад

      @@skylergaming6265 tf u on? Im malaysia malay can easily understood English, it seems you guys (toxic chinese players) that sometimes cant communicate at all, and when they type there goes things like 哦呵, 鸡尾酒的基督教变得较为谨慎 like that, i dont understand at alll!!!

    • @skylergaming6265
      @skylergaming6265 4 года назад

      @@alifimran9049 woah bro chill I say the ones that speak broken English bro wat you gonna get so mad for? 😅😆
      Also I'm Malaysian Chinese
      I'm not China Chinese so I get wat u mean

    • @yukimilky29
      @yukimilky29 4 года назад +2

      Hi I'm Chinese Player too, I always use English to communicate with my teammates, I oso met Chinese Player who actually keeps on trash talk in mandarin, keep saying tht all of us are stupid, idiots, or whatever bad things.U guys can say tht most of the Chinese Players are being stupid and toxic, I totally agree, But not all Chinese Player r as bad as u guys think. I'm just saying, pls don't roast me 😓 i literally met toxic player like 8 out of 10 matches, not only chinese, other races too. So theres good and bad people in every races, im sorry i hate racism. I love every single races in this world💗 Lets create a friendly gaming environment 🤣

  • @fizzthetidaltrickster9613
    @fizzthetidaltrickster9613 4 года назад +1

    "Start with easy champs like malphite and garen"
    Me who started with fizz and yasuo:

  • @disassociatedhiep1500
    @disassociatedhiep1500 4 года назад +12

    The amount of times I’ve lost promos bc of my teams mentality

    • @dixoisme2601
      @dixoisme2601 4 года назад +2

      oh god, ive touched gold 4 several times but I always fall to silver

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


  • @Doom-4-U
    @Doom-4-U 4 года назад

    Only one question how to play this game man i have downloaded by changing the App Store region.I have the game but it says it cannot be logged in because it’s not available in my country.I used the vpn to change my ip to Singapore but it still doesn’t work.Please Help!

  • @ribe8329
    @ribe8329 4 года назад

    Thanks for the Info

  • @sayandutta4619
    @sayandutta4619 3 года назад

    4:56 best tip when u play lol or dota

  • @zachshield5187
    @zachshield5187 4 года назад

    Any plans for making champion guides?

  • @TCakes
    @TCakes 3 года назад

    “Check out our beginners guide”
    Where?... I don’t see a link to the video in the description

  • @TheBlackatdz
    @TheBlackatdz 4 года назад +1

    it takes ages to use chat in mobile...thank god for the pings.

  • @acehealer4212
    @acehealer4212 3 года назад

    Thanks for the tips

  • @jenielpabiano843
    @jenielpabiano843 4 года назад +1

    Pls teach us what to do when the network is low and delay when clashing in the mid?

  • @cjastrooo03
    @cjastrooo03 4 года назад

    Tip in Rank
    Rely on your luck when your in solo que to be queued with good players XD
    I got to gold 3 because of this

  • @danchime7029
    @danchime7029 4 года назад +1

    Every moba player knows this tips and tricks.

  • @KINGJOSHmobilegaming
    @KINGJOSHmobilegaming 4 года назад

    You should have talked about the feeding aspect

  • @migowanders
    @migowanders 4 года назад +1

    Can we have more advance guides please

  • @kingki1953
    @kingki1953 4 года назад +3

    The most important tip but miss on the video is to understand all roles in Wild Rift. Because in every solo match, you are faced with reality that doesn't match your expectations. You have to learn other roles too and understand them.

    • @nrrizki86
      @nrrizki86 4 года назад +1

      Like smite carrying ADCs?

  • @TheAtrxcity
    @TheAtrxcity 4 года назад

    Nothing about the Semi-Lock camera option?

  • @arh7897
    @arh7897 4 года назад +2

    First time problem im having is all the shit on screen I can't see what's going on

    • @t1cks681
      @t1cks681 4 года назад

      That made me laugh ahah

  • @Y1Q2
    @Y1Q2 4 года назад +1

    So I deleted the app a few days ago and I just reinstalled it, but all my progress is gone. Is there a way to retrieve everything?

    • @GGiGotHydra
      @GGiGotHydra 4 года назад +3

      Try to remember with what acc you synced aka riot Gmail or Facebook acc.

  • @dharmikprajapati6728
    @dharmikprajapati6728 4 года назад +3

    I am in love with seraphine 😍💜💜❤💜❤

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


    • @catborgar
      @catborgar 4 года назад


  • @Nano32333
    @Nano32333 4 года назад

    No builds on wild rift yet? Im checking your website but I dont see WR anywhere

  • @johnvenz
    @johnvenz 4 года назад

    Just wanna ask if wildrift page is available now? The link keeps on redirecting me to LoL proguides

  • @lordgrim1798
    @lordgrim1798 4 года назад +1

    **Lol Slangs comment below**
    Ff- Forfeit means surrender
    Jg- Jungler
    Ap- Ability Power mainly Mages
    Ad- Attack Damage mainly Adc/Mm

    • @zeref1857
      @zeref1857 4 года назад


    • @lordgrim1798
      @lordgrim1798 4 года назад

      @@zeref1857 stop shamelessly self plugging

  • @neganfps7x7
    @neganfps7x7 4 года назад

    Thanks man

  • @tuananhdang7385
    @tuananhdang7385 4 года назад

    There is no point in warding when your team doesn’t even know that there is a map. I had my lane ganked and my jungler was hitting the frog while i was being dived under turret

  • @ceyril6732
    @ceyril6732 4 года назад

    Tip number one and most importantly: /mute all
    edited: even you first shoutout the role you wants to pick, your teammates just dont want to communicate with you, and if they got first pick or pick before you, they are going to pick whatever tf they want and ignore your msg.

  • @kiyan7299
    @kiyan7299 4 года назад

    I really wish that they will fix the consecutive 0.5 second stops during the game. It is so annoying.

  • @chicenwangs
    @chicenwangs 4 года назад

    Guide:Stay behind minions
    Me: haha lux go brrr

  • @Junil_Peren
    @Junil_Peren 4 года назад

    Learn to adjust and don't feed. One player can either win the game or lose the game