Three beginner tips: 1) don't let yourself get bothered by other players or your teammates just because you didn't jump when they tell you to, especially as a jungler. Everyone is suddenly a pro and always know why the game is going wrong, depending on your performance in the game, they might point things out. If it's constructive it's ok, but League players are far from civilized to give constructive tips most of the times. You are still learning and it's still a game. 2) for beginner junglers, don't try to gank a losing lane, recognize when you'd waste time to help a losing lane and leave them to their own devices and instead help push with winning lanes. As much as the losing lane won't like that you didn't help, don't care about it, they will blame you either way, either you don't help them and you lose the game and they call "jungle difference" for not helping them or you win the game by helping lanes that actually do good and snowball for a win. Not every AD Carry can actually carry a game, a bunch get overconfident and die unnessecarily which could easily been avoided. Just check how your teammates are doing from time to time, especially in the beginning. If they do good, try and gank when you have a timing window for it and the position of the enemies are good for it, if not back to farming your camps. As long as you are productive with your "free time". 3) Take breaks. If you are having a bad day, are on a losing streak or are angry because of former teammates throwing games, quit playing for the day. You'll lose even more because your focus might be off or you are tilted. It's also better for your sanity, which is already taking a hit playing this game in the first place XD
Im not a very good jungler,I usually play support, but one thing that helped me a ton to your point was binding the player cams to keys so I could easily peek how my teammates were doing
i needed to hear this. i try so hard to be better, but when they ping all over the place, tell me how bad i am, or i intentionally feed gets me all the time. i have been playing for a month and i am still learning. there is just a small amount i can learn from playing vs bots, real players move differently. i learned the essentials, but they almost always fall into water when it comes to players. so thank you, this actually made me feel so much better.
@slyfoxie94 I'm glad this helped. Don't be too hard on yourself, there are League players out there that are not team players, as ironic as that is. Everyone wants to be the star and game carrying player and when they are not it's hard for them to understand since most think they are the only component to winning the game. Especially since you are new, it's incredibly easy to have the negativity get to you, which only snowballs in stressing you out, which leads to bad timings, poor decisions and bad moods all around. Like I said, remember it's still a game. Play it as long as it is still fun for you, if it doesn't because of teammates, stop, even if you still want to play. The headache isn't worth it, trust me, especially if you play ranked later on, that mentality and willpower to stop when the day of playing is not great will help immensely to not rank further down because you kept playing. Keep playing with people, bots are good for a start, but it won't help in normal/ranked games. Everyone has a game plan, Everyone moves different. Some are actually really predictable. Try to read their playing, like, do they always go back when they are low on mana? Do they stay further back when they are low? Do they push forward even when low and you can take advantage of that? What might the jungle be doing right now? Or how could you take advantage in their jungle because their jungler stays longer in a lane to gank? Psychology plays a big part in it. If you can "read them" it will be easier to decide what to do as well, but I also understand that this comes with time and experience, so don't stress to much about this at this point.
@Franic19 yeah, jg are a huge mistery to me, so i will not read into it more (yet) xD I play mostly with hwei and aurora, hwei because he has a lot of rotating spells, and aurora because i can run away xD i also played neeko, but kinda hard for me? Idk. But thank you so much for those tip questions, i will def pay more attention to that. This meant a lot to me. I don't even know if i wanna play ranked. I watched my husband play and his chat was... well, i would not play after 1 match 🥲
You're right, we're currently working on a true beginner video for January. We made it with real beginner's contributing to the video this time, so it should be a lot more on point.
@@pmen2999 Honestly, I just play ARAM most of the time when I'm solo so I can improve my mechanics while learning multiple champions then play SR when a friend is online. At least with a friend I can mald in company instead of having to experience it alone lol.
The first thing a beginner needs to know is the path that junglers take? Really? That's not even the first thing a beginner needs to know about jungling (probably start with, "What the fuck is jungling and why does it matter?") much less the first thing they need to know period.
Well im a beginner and i really dont want to about jungling first of all i want to know the controls and which type of attacks there is and i dont know what they are teaching here lol
@@odinsfather9236 Im a beginner too but I have a bit of experience, if you are looking for extreme basics watch mr. fruits video. He goes over things that are more about how to play mobas as a genre rather than league specific things. If you are new to mobas id suggest watching that video first.
Summary for myself [Laning phase] 1:10 Jungler starting locations 2:19 Level 2 timing 3:15 Ranged vs Melee 3:58 Rebounds 5:07 Freezing 5:43 Dead time 6:29 Staying on map with a lot of unspent gold 7:11 Getting baited by turret plates 7:46 Speed matters [Machanics] 9:13 Click closer to your champion & 9:47 Move between auto-attacks 10:19 Use attack move 11:15 Quick casting 12:00 Unlock your camera [Mid-Late Phase] 13:00 Gold inflation 13:47 Number advatages 14:35 The pressure rule 15:40 The empty lane rule 16:15 Don't fall for pushing base too early 16:43 Push mid then start Baron 17:23 Set realistic expectations
@@daryankuro8823 Nah, I got into it for a while till I realized it's a bad game. It COULD be good. But the terrible controls prevent it from ever feeling satisfying or fun. The fact that you can't even miss autos means the outplay potential just isn't there like it should be. Smite is a much better game and smite 2 is coming out soon so theres really no point in starting up league at this point. League was good back in the day when there was nothing else like it and if you didn't like dota.
Honestly I had a hard time understanding the first thing you went over with junglers. I could not understand what you meant by paying attention to side lanes "whoever is last to arrive in lane, usually gave their jungler a liege, letting you predict the jungle's starting location. This then lets you know if you're the enemies weak or strong side." I get putting a ward down if a jungler is coming, but I don't understand how I'd know whether I'm weak or strong side.
if ur bot lane and for example you see that the enemy support is taking a while to come, yk their jungler started near the bot lane jungle, so yk that their jungler will go to the top so you’re safer
When I enter any game I just assume my laners are braindead. But if you don't tilt you'll often find those useless laners are becoming useful in the future. Then I play around them. Until they lose again and I play around someone else. Jungling is a pure mental thing.
There is so many people in comments that mistake "beginner" for "i have absolutely no slightest idea what a MOBA or a real time strategy game is", i hate it
this is not a noob friendly video.. this is not for new players just discovering lol.. everything is jargon. need videos who can speak in layman's term.. lol community is not friendly for new players.. its like im learning basic math and you are speaking in calculus.. your tutorials are for people who played lol but stupid.. beginners are people who are new to lol, who have not played lol, or any moba..
1) don't let yourself get bothered by other players or your teammates just because you didn't jump when they tell you to, especially as a jungler. Everyone is suddenly a pro and always know why the game is going wrong, depending on your performance in the game, they might point things out. If it's constructive it's ok, but League players are far from civilized to give constructive tips most of the times. You are still learning and it's still a game.
dude.. how are these beginner tips? I dont even know how to path or use the camera let alone, AI bot movement... Im just stressed. I never know what Im doing :(
They might as well be beginners though. Iron players aren’t beginners based on their game time, but instead based on their game knowledge. Even mid elo players don’t know or utilize all the concepts and strategies from just this video alone. So by having even just a few of these integrated into your own gameplay, you can gradually start seeing improvement with the way you think about the game and play it out accordingly, enough to get out of iron and climb up rank by rank.
This feels way too advanced for a beginner. I'm looking for more basic overall understanding of the game in different situations. Like we know the name of the lanes and the positions and we know how towers work, etc. But we want to know what to do in the most common phases or situations of the game to not look like we're AFKing. But not too advanced you know? Like I'm pretty sure we're all in games where our teammates are spamming "?"-ping or "wtf" in chat while we have no idea why, and obviously no one in our game is actually going to tell us even if we ask, so we're out here looking for info but all we can find is either "LoL is comprised of two teams and 3 lanes and a jungle" or the complete opposite "predict the enemy jungler!". I just want to not feed the enemy team 😁
Can you make a video about the correct game mindset and mentality beacuse sometimes i find myself tilting when there's sudden setbacks. I also find myself tilting when i die, thinking it is the end of the world and enemy would snowball. So yeah that's my biggest problem and you are the only person i know that could cure this bad mentality
Tip 20: 1 in 3 games unwinnable... The biggest reason for toxicity in the game. Why not all games be winnable but depends on your skill if you lose. So much for rigged (engagement based) matchmaking. But here I'm refreshing my knowledge before starting to replay this trash game because I need to put my mind off some things.
I played Moble Legends Bang Bang which is a direct rip off of this. I never played this. All the strats are the same. I was looking for meta & who to play. I picked the wrong video lol. This is common sense. I just wanted to know which characters correllated to which characters so I can find my Esmeralda, my Panda, my Masha... etc. Then WRECK
Can someone explain to me how this game takes skill? From an outsider who just played for a few hours it seems like all you do is run around and spam abilities. I can see how there is some strategy and IQ involved but doesn’t seem like there’s much room for skill
I'd say it's more Strategy oriented. You still need to develop skills to play and improve at the game (Jungle routes, map awareness, combing your moves properly, learning champions, gold and exp management,etc) but I'd say that it's more based on Strategy and the moment-to-moment gameplay. Just due to how it looks like the game flows. (champion matchups, build development, game sense, utilizing your champion different depending on the situation) I'm not like a pro or anything so take it with salt.
Yall really don’t understand what being a beginner means. All your tips use terminology and strategies that only people who have already been playing the game would understand.
This is NOT a beginner video at all. Naming it that is just dumb... LoL is not an real-time strategy game. Starcraft is RTS. LoL has RTS elements, but you don't build an army.
I'm sure these tips are great but this is an awful beginners guide. Tip 1 for example, an actual beginner is not going to understand the concept of a jungler, their role, what camps acheive and how to read that map and play. This much more a guide for players who are beyond beginner and closer to intermediate. How is the very first tip to read where the jungler starts and what is the strong vs weak side?
Love your content and subbwd to the site once but could deal with the fact you break down vids into 1min or so vids, and theres no way to playlist them or autoplay so you have to manually click on each 1min or so vid to play it. So for example you take a vod like this and cut it into 21 seperate vids/chapters that ha e to be clicked on indivitually one at a time to play. I gave up. Im guessing its so that you can claim each chapter is a vid and then make untrue claims about the number of vids on the site? Either way im pretty sure it (price aside) proba ly puts people off subbing to the site like it dod for me (cancelled my sub)
Do not start this game. Riot controls ranked games to make you play longer, just to try to extract as much money as possible from you or if you decide to play and climb naturally and not spend any money, Riot made climbing naturally from your own developed skills a very long and unnecessarily arduous climb. Game could be great, but Riot decided to torture their players. They also refuse to punish players appropriately for trolling. Stay away from this game.
To be honest all of these tips and tricks are absolutely useless due to the huge amount of feeders. Took 10 games for me to get to gold 3 and due to ragers I went back down for silver. Bad games happen and i understand that. But all of these feeders are just having bad games? Nah no shot. There needs to be an algorithm that puts feeders with feeders. Then these tips and tricks will truly work.
This video is not just for begginers. Even the korean Diamond and Emerald players doesn't care about these. Nowdays, If you think too much and care too much about the enemy jungler, eventually you get high KDA and lose. Then riot thinks 'Oh, this guy is pretty good player. Let's see he wins even if there's full of terrible players.' Yeah. Riot wants to play you more and more and make your WR at 50%. Play terrible, go sidelandes, don't fight with teammate, and dies hundreds times. Then you'll get good teammate and better MMR so you can climb up. You can test it out with a new account that dosen't have rank records.
1) don't let yourself get bothered by other players or your teammates just because you didn't jump when they tell you to, especially as a jungler. Everyone is suddenly a pro and always know why the game is going wrong, depending on your performance in the game, they might point things out. If it's constructive it's ok, but League players are far from civilized to give constructive tips most of the times. You are still learning and it's still a game.
bro im gonna need a beginner beginner video cuz im 2 min in and have no idea tf u talking abt. the hell a jungler
There’s plenty of beginner guides, this is a beginners tips and tricks
bro fr 😭
I’ve play like 20 games and can still barely comprehend what he’s saying
Just the Jungle Player they focus on ganking/ helping other lanes, farming mobs & helping with dragons which give your team cool buffs.
@@VultureCxlture bro wtf is ganking
Three beginner tips:
1) don't let yourself get bothered by other players or your teammates just because you didn't jump when they tell you to, especially as a jungler. Everyone is suddenly a pro and always know why the game is going wrong, depending on your performance in the game, they might point things out. If it's constructive it's ok, but League players are far from civilized to give constructive tips most of the times. You are still learning and it's still a game.
2) for beginner junglers, don't try to gank a losing lane, recognize when you'd waste time to help a losing lane and leave them to their own devices and instead help push with winning lanes. As much as the losing lane won't like that you didn't help, don't care about it, they will blame you either way, either you don't help them and you lose the game and they call "jungle difference" for not helping them or you win the game by helping lanes that actually do good and snowball for a win. Not every AD Carry can actually carry a game, a bunch get overconfident and die unnessecarily which could easily been avoided. Just check how your teammates are doing from time to time, especially in the beginning. If they do good, try and gank when you have a timing window for it and the position of the enemies are good for it, if not back to farming your camps. As long as you are productive with your "free time".
3) Take breaks. If you are having a bad day, are on a losing streak or are angry because of former teammates throwing games, quit playing for the day. You'll lose even more because your focus might be off or you are tilted. It's also better for your sanity, which is already taking a hit playing this game in the first place XD
Im not a very good jungler,I usually play support, but one thing that helped me a ton to your point was binding the player cams to keys so I could easily peek how my teammates were doing
mute all of them :))
i needed to hear this. i try so hard to be better, but when they ping all over the place, tell me how bad i am, or i intentionally feed gets me all the time. i have been playing for a month and i am still learning. there is just a small amount i can learn from playing vs bots, real players move differently. i learned the essentials, but they almost always fall into water when it comes to players. so thank you, this actually made me feel so much better.
@slyfoxie94 I'm glad this helped. Don't be too hard on yourself, there are League players out there that are not team players, as ironic as that is. Everyone wants to be the star and game carrying player and when they are not it's hard for them to understand since most think they are the only component to winning the game. Especially since you are new, it's incredibly easy to have the negativity get to you, which only snowballs in stressing you out, which leads to bad timings, poor decisions and bad moods all around.
Like I said, remember it's still a game. Play it as long as it is still fun for you, if it doesn't because of teammates, stop, even if you still want to play. The headache isn't worth it, trust me, especially if you play ranked later on, that mentality and willpower to stop when the day of playing is not great will help immensely to not rank further down because you kept playing.
Keep playing with people, bots are good for a start, but it won't help in normal/ranked games. Everyone has a game plan, Everyone moves different. Some are actually really predictable. Try to read their playing, like, do they always go back when they are low on mana? Do they stay further back when they are low? Do they push forward even when low and you can take advantage of that? What might the jungle be doing right now? Or how could you take advantage in their jungle because their jungler stays longer in a lane to gank?
Psychology plays a big part in it. If you can "read them" it will be easier to decide what to do as well, but I also understand that this comes with time and experience, so don't stress to much about this at this point.
@Franic19 yeah, jg are a huge mistery to me, so i will not read into it more (yet) xD
I play mostly with hwei and aurora, hwei because he has a lot of rotating spells, and aurora because i can run away xD i also played neeko, but kinda hard for me? Idk.
But thank you so much for those tip questions, i will def pay more attention to that. This meant a lot to me.
I don't even know if i wanna play ranked. I watched my husband play and his chat was... well, i would not play after 1 match 🥲
So....what I've learned is......the game is too deep and the community too unforgiving for beginners, and I should just shut up and watch Arcane?
Yeah pretty much
Seems like it so far. Started playing this morning
The best solution is mute everyone and play your own way
@leonlai8270 playing with a friend whos a good teacher makes it a lot more fun too
@@brianplumb490 pick a champion you like and play casual classic matches and mute chat
I’ve been a beginner in this game for 5 years.
Same, but I started in 2011 😅
@@cat5kablei played it when it was a mod for wc3 😂
@@TheRealRetrokai Ha, same. It’s still weird seeing Ashe knowing they’re a direct rip off of Sylvanas Windrunner
@@cat5kable lol you play wow too? 😂🫵🏻
Great tips for beginners, it uses a ton of terms that beginners don't know and never explains them. Very easy to understand.
You're right, we're currently working on a true beginner video for January. We made it with real beginner's contributing to the video this time, so it should be a lot more on point.
@@skillcappedexciting. is it planned to release in early or late janaury? i recently picked up the game.
tip 21 get a friend to play with
True, a good duo makes all the difference in this hellscape
And its more funn to play with a friend
@@osknyo and u get shitty team mates to carry and it's unwinnable because you're not very good to begin with.
@@pmen2999 Honestly, I just play ARAM most of the time when I'm solo so I can improve my mechanics while learning multiple champions then play SR when a friend is online. At least with a friend I can mald in company instead of having to experience it alone lol.
@@DamnFuryYou're saying that as if it doesn't happen when queueing solo
The first thing a beginner needs to know is the path that junglers take? Really? That's not even the first thing a beginner needs to know about jungling (probably start with, "What the fuck is jungling and why does it matter?") much less the first thing they need to know period.
First thing a beginner needs to know is that these are the types of messages they'll be receiving in chat no matter what they chose to do lol
Well im a beginner and i really dont want to about jungling first of all i want to know the controls and which type of attacks there is and i dont know what they are teaching here lol
@@odinsfather9236 Im a beginner too but I have a bit of experience, if you are looking for extreme basics watch mr. fruits video. He goes over things that are more about how to play mobas as a genre rather than league specific things. If you are new to mobas id suggest watching that video first.
2:27 min in and I’m just like what?
It says "beginner", not "player with absolute zero prior knowledge of the MOBA genre or real time strategies in general".
Summary for myself
[Laning phase]
1:10 Jungler starting locations
2:19 Level 2 timing
3:15 Ranged vs Melee
3:58 Rebounds
5:07 Freezing
5:43 Dead time
6:29 Staying on map with a lot of unspent gold
7:11 Getting baited by turret plates
7:46 Speed matters
9:13 Click closer to your champion &
9:47 Move between auto-attacks
10:19 Use attack move
11:15 Quick casting
12:00 Unlock your camera
[Mid-Late Phase]
13:00 Gold inflation
13:47 Number advatages
14:35 The pressure rule
15:40 The empty lane rule
16:15 Don't fall for pushing base too early
16:43 Push mid then start Baron
17:23 Set realistic expectations
If u r a begginer in LoL, just uninstall it, before its too late. Respect your sanity.
If u are watching this video, it's already too late
@@daryankuro8823 Nah, I got into it for a while till I realized it's a bad game. It COULD be good. But the terrible controls prevent it from ever feeling satisfying or fun. The fact that you can't even miss autos means the outplay potential just isn't there like it should be. Smite is a much better game and smite 2 is coming out soon so theres really no point in starting up league at this point. League was good back in the day when there was nothing else like it and if you didn't like dota.
@@Pax_Mayn3why would u want your auto attacks to miss wuen there’s like a million skillshots already in the game?
Every single game is like this
@@Pax_Mayn3 Smite sucks imo. I tried it but couldn't enjoy it
Pretty sure Tip 1 for a beginner should be getting the player familiar with the RTS controls League has lol
It says "beginner", not "i've got absolutely no damn clue what a real time strategy even is"
Honestly I had a hard time understanding the first thing you went over with junglers. I could not understand what you meant by paying attention to side lanes "whoever is last to arrive in lane, usually gave their jungler a liege, letting you predict the jungle's starting location. This then lets you know if you're the enemies weak or strong side." I get putting a ward down if a jungler is coming, but I don't understand how I'd know whether I'm weak or strong side.
if ur bot lane and for example you see that the enemy support is taking a while to come, yk their jungler started near the bot lane jungle, so yk that their jungler will go to the top so you’re safer
9:02 as a jgler I see the fight is lost and just go clear my camps then they say jg diff jg diff all the time 😂
Low elo laners 😂
When I enter any game I just assume my laners are braindead. But if you don't tilt you'll often find those useless laners are becoming useful in the future. Then I play around them. Until they lose again and I play around someone else. Jungling is a pure mental thing.
I just played 3 games and I didn’t get a single kill and what are these items that my teammates have and how do I get them
Rule 16 is not just for beginners. My teammates in gold need to listen to this one, and I'm sure it's the same in higher ranks
dammm roast
Gold is a beginner rank
There is so many people in comments that mistake "beginner" for "i have absolutely no slightest idea what a MOBA or a real time strategy game is", i hate it
do you have a vid to recommend for a dude like me who have absolutely no slightest idea what a MOBA or a real time strategy game is
to attack and move I've always used shift instead of A and it works perfectly for me correct me if I'm wrong lol
Change the nameplate from Player-Name to Champ-Name is what a beginner helps, too. Woth all the skins a team fight gets overwhelming.
Ive been playing on mobile for years, reached emerald but am still nervous about my first pvp on pc
this is not a noob friendly video.. this is not for new players just discovering lol.. everything is jargon. need videos who can speak in layman's term.. lol community is not friendly for new players.. its like im learning basic math and you are speaking in calculus.. your tutorials are for people who played lol but stupid.. beginners are people who are new to lol, who have not played lol, or any moba..
The only thing I learnd is that i suck at League
1) don't let yourself get bothered by other players or your teammates just because you didn't jump when they tell you to, especially as a jungler. Everyone is suddenly a pro and always know why the game is going wrong, depending on your performance in the game, they might point things out. If it's constructive it's ok, but League players are far from civilized to give constructive tips most of the times. You are still learning and it's still a game.
bro recommented thats insane
bro really stole
someone's comment
dude.. how are these beginner tips? I dont even know how to path or use the camera let alone, AI bot movement... Im just stressed. I never know what Im doing :(
Just play for a few hours and these things will start to make more sense
Me and my fast reflexes clicking as fast as i can bc i thought it was an ahri guide from the thumbnail 💀
so i am planning to play LOL from today and i have played a similar game to LOL named MLBB so will it be like?hard to play at the beginning?
I understood none of this… anyway master yi is pretty cool I’ll keep playing him
so strong side always meet with strong side too or the opposite?
is there any video on how to gank because i do everything pretty decent when it comes to jungle but i dont know how to gank
Please make a list for iron players. Which as you know, are not beginners.
Consider selling account, iron accounts were considered valuable for their rarity last I knew.
They might as well be beginners though. Iron players aren’t beginners based on their game time, but instead based on their game knowledge. Even mid elo players don’t know or utilize all the concepts and strategies from just this video alone. So by having even just a few of these integrated into your own gameplay, you can gradually start seeing improvement with the way you think about the game and play it out accordingly, enough to get out of iron and climb up rank by rank.
@@bluebeast1583 It's between 20 to 50 euros, not much tbh
This video or their more recent video talks about useful concepts for irons
I was against a Lee sin, and me clearing my jg every time it was up then doing players, even tho I had less kills, I had a 4 level leed over him.
I just got into it to play with my girl since she plays occasionally, and I absolutely love it. The toxic community aside, it’s a great game to play.
this isn´t really for beginner beginners tho bc it´s already pretty deep into game understanding at times.
I wish everyone of my teammates watches this video
This feels way too advanced for a beginner. I'm looking for more basic overall understanding of the game in different situations. Like we know the name of the lanes and the positions and we know how towers work, etc. But we want to know what to do in the most common phases or situations of the game to not look like we're AFKing. But not too advanced you know? Like I'm pretty sure we're all in games where our teammates are spamming "?"-ping or "wtf" in chat while we have no idea why, and obviously no one in our game is actually going to tell us even if we ask, so we're out here looking for info but all we can find is either "LoL is comprised of two teams and 3 lanes and a jungle" or the complete opposite "predict the enemy jungler!". I just want to not feed the enemy team 😁
id buy the course but man im too poor
This game has gotten absurd since I was in college a decade ago
Can you make a video about the correct game mindset and mentality beacuse sometimes i find myself tilting when there's sudden setbacks. I also find myself tilting when i die, thinking it is the end of the world and enemy would snowball. So yeah that's my biggest problem and you are the only person i know that could cure this bad mentality
watch thebausffs, bro is challenger toplaner dying like 12 times per game, bro is just "shishi we shillin'" and goes on
I just learn how to use internet and I'm starting lol today
Tip 20: 1 in 3 games unwinnable... The biggest reason for toxicity in the game. Why not all games be winnable but depends on your skill if you lose. So much for rigged (engagement based) matchmaking. But here I'm refreshing my knowledge before starting to replay this trash game because I need to put my mind off some things.
this is a team game in the end i dealt 50 damage and still lose cause my adc thinks she can flank hahaha
0:20 Table of Contents
Me who plays league for lik 7 years. Interesting
my tips : if you are a beginner, dont start with junggle
Was contemplating starting league, but 27weeks to go up one rank if things are “going good”? No ta mate 🤣🤣🤣
Why is there so much to keep track of? I just want to play a game not get a PHD in astrophysics! 😢
Tip 21: play rammus
Tip 11
Came here because I started playing this game. This is NOT for beginners, this is already tactics without even explained the basics.
I played Moble Legends Bang Bang which is a direct rip off of this. I never played this. All the strats are the same. I was looking for meta & who to play. I picked the wrong video lol. This is common sense. I just wanted to know which characters correllated to which characters so I can find my Esmeralda, my Panda, my Masha... etc. Then WRECK
jungle tracking is your nr.1 for beginners? lmao
often times beginner games dont even have junglers and if they do you cant really expect them to behave like explained in the video
Can someone explain to me how this game takes skill? From an outsider who just played for a few hours it seems like all you do is run around and spam abilities. I can see how there is some strategy and IQ involved but doesn’t seem like there’s much room for skill
I'd say it's more Strategy oriented.
You still need to develop skills to play and improve at the game (Jungle routes, map awareness, combing your moves properly, learning champions, gold and exp management,etc) but I'd say that it's more based on Strategy and the moment-to-moment gameplay. Just due to how it looks like the game flows.
(champion matchups, build development, game sense, utilizing your champion different depending on the situation)
I'm not like a pro or anything so take it with salt.
tbf, if you start E as Chogath instead of Q against my Quinn, I WILL demolish you
terrible vid like as a beginner i didnt understand a thing ur talking about
For yall that play League because of Arcane...JUST A REMINDER THAT YOU GUYS SHOULDVE NOT TOUCH THIS GAME -EVER!
-League victim since 2018
Yall really don’t understand what being a beginner means. All your tips use terminology and strategies that only people who have already been playing the game would understand.
This is NOT a beginner video at all.
Naming it that is just dumb...
LoL is not an real-time strategy game. Starcraft is RTS. LoL has RTS elements, but you don't build an army.
Im about to make a bad decision
I'm sure these tips are great but this is an awful beginners guide. Tip 1 for example, an actual beginner is not going to understand the concept of a jungler, their role, what camps acheive and how to read that map and play. This much more a guide for players who are beyond beginner and closer to intermediate. How is the very first tip to read where the jungler starts and what is the strong vs weak side?
dogwater game same level same character I deal 0 damage he stuns me and kills me in 2 seconds actual dogwater game
Im going to just wait for LoL2
Love your content and subbwd to the site once but could deal with the fact you break down vids into 1min or so vids, and theres no way to playlist them or autoplay so you have to manually click on each 1min or so vid to play it. So for example you take a vod like this and cut it into 21 seperate vids/chapters that ha e to be clicked on indivitually one at a time to play.
I gave up. Im guessing its so that you can claim each chapter is a vid and then make untrue claims about the number of vids on the site? Either way im pretty sure it (price aside) proba ly puts people off subbing to the site like it dod for me (cancelled my sub)
According to your rank guarantee, I should and demote. So much for that
This is not for beginners, wtf...
Why isnt there a video about champion popularity
Tip number 1:
Delete League of legends
L game
Why do you guys insist on pronouncing Taliyah incorrectly
Do not start this game. Riot controls ranked games to make you play longer, just to try to extract as much money as possible from you or if you decide to play and climb naturally and not spend any money, Riot made climbing naturally from your own developed skills a very long and unnecessarily arduous climb. Game could be great, but Riot decided to torture their players. They also refuse to punish players appropriately for trolling. Stay away from this game.
I haven't watched the vid its already making me chuckle. Beginner guide. just don't play LoL at all
To be honest all of these tips and tricks are absolutely useless due to the huge amount of feeders. Took 10 games for me to get to gold 3 and due to ragers I went back down for silver. Bad games happen and i understand that. But all of these feeders are just having bad games? Nah no shot. There needs to be an algorithm that puts feeders with feeders. Then these tips and tricks will truly work.
They forgot the REAL number one tip for new players; dont play
I cringed every time you said TALya...
This video is not just for begginers. Even the korean Diamond and Emerald players doesn't care about these.
Nowdays, If you think too much and care too much about the enemy jungler, eventually you get high KDA and lose. Then riot thinks 'Oh, this guy is pretty good player. Let's see he wins even if there's full of terrible players.'
Yeah. Riot wants to play you more and more and make your WR at 50%.
Play terrible, go sidelandes, don't fight with teammate, and dies hundreds times. Then you'll get good teammate and better MMR so you can climb up. You can test it out with a new account that dosen't have rank records.
lol dont have new players...everybody smurfing in low elo too
1) don't let yourself get bothered by other players or your teammates just because you didn't jump when they tell you to, especially as a jungler. Everyone is suddenly a pro and always know why the game is going wrong, depending on your performance in the game, they might point things out. If it's constructive it's ok, but League players are far from civilized to give constructive tips most of the times. You are still learning and it's still a game.