Make a cheaper one and you’ll make so much more money, it don’t need nothing crazy just as many fidgety functions on a gun shaped thing and just do it out of cast tin or smth
is that all it can do? there is no reason at all for it to look like a gun. definitely the worst out of all the gun looking fidgets... these toys are soo unbelievably expensive. they would make soo much money just taking the same things and making it mostly out of a high quality plastic
Get yours now on Fablades:
Make a cheaper one and you’ll make so much more money, it don’t need nothing crazy just as many fidgety functions on a gun shaped thing and just do it out of cast tin or smth
where can i get a manual as to how to put the parts back together?
240 dollars are u serious
is that all it can do? there is no reason at all for it to look like a gun. definitely the worst out of all the gun looking fidgets... these toys are soo unbelievably expensive. they would make soo much money just taking the same things and making it mostly out of a high quality plastic