🎁 Play for free on PC! 👉 wo.ws/3YaUKus 📖 Do you like the British Submarines? Tell us about your impressions in the comments! 🔔 www.youtube.com/@WorldofWarshipsOfficialChannel A new ship branch is now available for players to research. With the release of Update 12.3, a branch of British submarines has become available for all players to research. We're here to tell you about the newcomers' features and how to play them. 00:00 British Submarines teaser 00:30 New Submarines: Undine, Sturdy, Thrasher 00:58 How to play Submarines video 01:10 Armament and Consumables 03:35 Tactics: Constant Maneuvering and Changing Positions 04:05 Tactics: Attacking From a Safe Distance 04:25 Tactics: Prolonged Time Underwater 05:05 Tactics: Using Artillery ⚓⚓⚓ Keep an eye out on the official World of Warships website: wo.ws/website Twitter: wo.ws/twitter Facebook: wo.ws/fb Instagram: wo.ws/inst
One thing, It's good to see HMS Thrasher in the game, the real HMS Thrasher was known as the 2Victoria Cross boat! 2 of her crew worked under the casing for a long time in horrible and terrifying conditions to disarm two unexploded bombs! They succeded and Thrasher survived and the 2 men...Well thy each got the Victoria Cross!
"We need something that epitomises the Royal Navy. Thoughts?" "How about sophisticated classical music with a shot of the captain drinking a tea on the brid-" *"Heavy Metal! Talk about gun!"*
You have plenty. Aircraft ASW in droves, DDs are a terror for us, we can only repair 3 times and we have limited time submerged. Play a sub once and see how your buddies counterattack
@@brianwest6341 ever played a BB getting broadsided by a sub which wasn't detected? DD's you can shotgun and when it comes to time just don't get detected. You have the smallest detection range of any ship in the game above water. Below it you're invisible.
Submarines are the same as torpedo destroyers, destroyers conceal themselves within the smoke, while submarines dive underwater, now that we settled that dear WG, now the torpedoes of submarines are 2 types: homing torpedo and normal torpedoes , now talking about submarines torpedoes the normal torpedoes(dummy) have low speed, high detectability and because with few exceptions like Yamato, most of the ships at Tier X has speed, manevrability so that torpedoes are EASY to dodge, so now as a torpedo destroyer player i want my torps to be more accurate, i look at the damage (unchanged by tier VI subs to TX ) and i can only hope that after i pinged twice ANY ship especially destroyers and cruisers my torps will hit the target except i shoot them straight and not curved so the torpedoes hit the island. Well for 7-8K damage / 1 homing torpedo at this point i expect to hit the target since its double pinged but thats not the case, MOST or not all of the torpedoes MISS because IF YOU HAVE EVER THINK that Submarine torpedoes are accurate or that you will have a BETTER CONCEALMENT than a destroyer you're very wrong, the normal torpedoes are easy to dodge and the homing torpedoes require double pinged the same sector of the ship ---(Venezia or any destroyer will turn around the ship twice before my second sonar ping(2 sonar shots) reach it from 7-8km) and once they do that they can easy dodge them taking the FACT that if the torpedoes actually are going to hit them , they gonna use "R" and that's it, now hitting a battleship might sound easy because its sluggish and this is the funny part , i kept for like 4 minutes 1 vs 1 with cachalot double ping on Konig, shot a lot of torpedoes at him , not even 1 hit, when the torpedoes get close to the battleships the torpedoes turned even if the torpedoes until then was on konig they simply in the last 1-2 km took a turn and miss Konig. I HIGHLY DISLIKE SUBMARINES and how they are right now, since everything seems to be the same playstyle as a destroyer i did expect that torpedoes will be actually accurate (homing ones of course) in the exchange of their main damage and low chance of flooding compared to the destroyers. Its a old proverb "The game mistake awaits" but on the submarine its quite like " The player luck awaits", and even with luck the damage its insignifiant except its a poor destroyer but no worries some of them have repair consumable so....dont think you will ever beat a ship 1 on 1 except ramming them and i mean that destroyer that already took a torpedo, if you're ramming any other ship you deal damage exacly like shimakaze torpedo 23k maximum.
I feels like submarines would be a lot less hated if they got unguided torps just like everyone elses do. I mean, they're already fast and a small target, basically like a destroyers. The only difference is they could sneak up to enemy ships without being fired at because they could just dive down and fire the torpedo while underwater
Cool, I actually like the submarine concept, but I think it would nice to have some counter play, (Like making Hydro more effective in detecting them and being able to shake of their pings without wasting a repair consumable with long cool down time, to do it)
god the waste of a DCP to shake off a ping is the worst I actually like fighting DD torps cuz I can weave between the torps and the narrow dodges is fun. sub torps are just cancer especially if they're a skilled sub who waits for DCP and just pings again I love eating damaging with no way to stop it
I'll be honest. I'm a bit disappointed that WG didn't add in earlier, more experimental, British subs like the M Class with it's 12 inch gun but no torpedoes.
Not sure why they don't make the gun stronger given how weak and venerable the sub is when using it. They basically mock the unique feature so why have it in the first place?
I think it's not a good idea of horming torp. how'bout change to 'self explosive effect' what arrived of flight range. like N.F 's torp. Horming forced using D.C which needs for fire, flooding and even broken modules
Hola está bueno recordar, en relación a los submarinos britanicos, una de las fechas más importantes de mi país, el día en que recordamos el "Hundimiento del Belgrano" el 2 de Mayo todos los años en la guerra por Malvinas. Saludos desde la Provincia de Salta - Argentina. El hundimiento del crucero ARA General Belgrano se produjo el 2 de mayo de 1982, durante la guerra de las Malvinas, a consecuencia del ataque del submarino nuclear británico HMS Conqueror. El hundimiento del crucero argentino permitió a los británicos la superioridad naval en la zona. El ataque causó la muerte de 323 argentinos -prácticamente la mitad de las bajas de ese país en todo el conflicto-.1 El hecho generó una polémica en ambos países, al haberse producido fuera del área de exclusión establecida por el Gobierno británico alrededor de las islas. Es el único caso de un barco hundido en guerra por un submarino nuclear.
Todo bien excepto el cañón.... que para lo único que serviría contra otro submarino...... puesto que a la primera que dispares, el otro te va a desaparecer solo con sus secundarias :/
If you're going to give the Brits a primary gun, can we extend that to the other sub tech trees? Would be nice to give the US subs a usable 5"/25 as a gimmick, with the German subs having better gun dpm from their smaller 105mm, and the IJN having better damage from their 140mm
@@catman300games4 sorry, got carried away there. But yeah, I think WG should expand Wolfpack into a separate game mode to keep most sub players away from Randoms. I've noticed that because of the Division-only restriction on playing Wolfpack, most sub players just end up playing in coop or randoms
@@catman300games4 WG could even make a new Escor game mode as a PvP version of Wolfpack, where players in DDs, CLs, and CAs can escort the convoy against players in subs
Get rid of submarines, they are ruining the game. There's a reason you don't have them or CV in competitive play...don't force the rest of us to play against them
Subs on average have such a minimal impact on most games I don't see why people dislike them. A good player using any other class of ships especially CV's is more beneficial to the team in every circumstance. So maybe if your going to hate on a game feature/ship class you should give some feedback or reasoning as to why. If anything I think the disparity in underwater speeds between tiers requires adjustment.
Okay, here's a BB/DD player perspective. As a battleship, you don't have anyway to find them and if your teammates can't you will likely have no way of preventing them from taking some 40% of your health away. As a DD, they are stealthier and can do massive damage with no warning. I agree, CV's are more impactful, but a sub played well is impossible to beat in any ship other than a carrier. It's also not just the direct damage they do either. Damaconning a ping to prevent being dev struck by torps, only to then have a double perma fire being set on you, is a massive problem with this class.
@@IndigoGrey_88 yes, once. I'll admit there is a skill to playing them (although, I'm not the best player in the world at any ship!) but having watched someone like Yuro torment teams with his sub like it's nothing, having watched 3 subs in a game I played kill every ship on my team with little effort and watching players like Flamu and Flambass get demolished by them, I think it's safe to say they're unbalanced. In a BB you can't stop a sub shotgunning you. There isn't a way to detect them, there isn't a way to prevent it from happening, and what I see now is players of other ship classes only taking sniping BB's and playing extremely passive because they can't push in, CA's seem to have disappeared altogether, CL's are only around for their AA, and DD's are being forced out of the game by a ship with superior stealth and damage. I don't dread a sub like I dread a carrier, but watching the ping come in on your broadside while you're angling against another BB, thinking your positioning was good, it sucks. Do you risk getting dev struck and turning out to that GK or do you accept the torps and lose most of your health for the rest of the game?
"Minimal impact" top of the leader board VERY consistently to the point they're banned from clan tournaments hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Thrasher is awesome, it’s my favourite sub until now. Undine is not really interesting and Sturdy is alright. All in all, a good new addition to the tech tree. Keep it up WG. And yes, I enjoy the gameplay of this class and even the counterplay against it. For me it’s really fun to hunt enemy subs.
@@ActionableFreedom Is that because more players are playing subs or because more players are leaving the other classes? The game is dying, mate, and Wargaming is the reason for that.
There are still critics about this class, but in the end it's okay, if you check the stats of this class in tier X, it's doing an average damage of 44k, with a winrate of 51%, instead the destroyers are above this, doing a average damage of 55k and a winrate of 54.5%, besides a good destroyer can easily take down a submarine, at first I was upset to see this class, but in the end I accepted it and decided to play it too
Subs have a high skill requirement. A good sub player can almost single handedly change a game. Except for a carrier, I don't think any other class can do this.
don't play TRASHER! WORST SUB IN THIS GAME!!! with my 54% winrate I won with trasher only 32% of the battles - because WOW trashed Trasher with his worst concealment 6,1 km, useless hydrophone and very LOW HP. ANY DD or sub will find trasher easily and sink Trasher with first 2 bombs or kill with torpedos ONE Funny thing: TRasher got artillery 🙂 you can forget using it against anything except another trash Trasher with lower HP. That means this Sub is from all sides VERY BAD! ALLROUNDER with exclusive weak abilities
Subs are a great addition. Before they arrived their wasn’t much thinking required in the game. Same ol dodge and shoot limited in a 2D environment. Subs are Extremely vulnerable and require planning and cunning to play effectively
Love how people cry over these boats lol, as long as you are not a DD close by you are fine, spot a sub? Call in your planes and watch them sink helplessly :D but oh so much sweeter when we can cry in saltlands.
I love subs, genuinely one of the easiest classes to kill while also being one of the most rewarding ship types to know how to play. Thank you for these WG.
@@timber_wulf5775 You assumed I didn't already know and do that. DCP is already overworked, especially when sub torps reload in far less time than DCP does. Torps stopping homing means nothing when they're already locked in to a BB that takes at least 10 seconds to even START a turn (rudder shift). Add to the fact that subs with slow torps can create cross torp by themselves, making it impossible to dodge. (Looking at you, Alliance). Like I said, it only works when the stars align while kiting at an angle, because ship speed is substracted to torp speed, increasing reaction time. If you're head on, the torp and ship speeds add up to reduce reaction time even further. TL;DR: subs need to get lucky once to break the back of a ship for the rest of the game; everyone else needs to be lucky every single time to survive. And boy do subs reload a lot faster.
buff that british sub it so weak compared to the 2501 and balao make her speed better homing more dmg pls it just get bully by a better concealment ship and gimmick lmao
Every new _ Don't get the game! You will be blocked in the chat for no reason if you defend yourself against insults and the support will not let you talk to anything! Ukrainians and Russians always have an advantage... In addition, the camped is annoying where nothing is done against it.... the game is just lost, just like the staff
🎁 Play for free on PC! 👉 wo.ws/3YaUKus
📖 Do you like the British Submarines? Tell us about your impressions in the comments!
🔔 www.youtube.com/@WorldofWarshipsOfficialChannel
A new ship branch is now available for players to research.
With the release of Update 12.3, a branch of British submarines has become available for all players to research.
We're here to tell you about the newcomers' features and how to play them.
00:00 British Submarines teaser
00:30 New Submarines: Undine, Sturdy, Thrasher
00:58 How to play Submarines video
01:10 Armament and Consumables
03:35 Tactics: Constant Maneuvering and Changing Positions
04:05 Tactics: Attacking From a Safe Distance
04:25 Tactics: Prolonged Time Underwater
05:05 Tactics: Using Artillery
Keep an eye out on the official World of Warships website: wo.ws/website
Twitter: wo.ws/twitter
Facebook: wo.ws/fb
Instagram: wo.ws/inst
Please upload the phone version island
One thing, It's good to see HMS Thrasher in the game, the real HMS Thrasher was known as the 2Victoria Cross boat! 2 of her crew worked under the casing for a long time in horrible and terrifying conditions to disarm two unexploded bombs! They succeded and Thrasher survived and the 2 men...Well thy each got the Victoria Cross!
"We need something that epitomises the Royal Navy. Thoughts?"
"How about sophisticated classical music with a shot of the captain drinking a tea on the brid-"
*"Heavy Metal! Talk about gun!"*
how about fixing lock on artillery short rounds "bug" or is it a feature?
Would be nice to have some counterplay against subs
Have you heard of a "depth charge"?
@@sceligator Have you heard of them working?
@@sceligator have you heard of people actually moving?
You have plenty. Aircraft ASW in droves, DDs are a terror for us, we can only repair 3 times and we have limited time submerged. Play a sub once and see how your buddies counterattack
@@brianwest6341 ever played a BB getting broadsided by a sub which wasn't detected?
DD's you can shotgun and when it comes to time just don't get detected. You have the smallest detection range of any ship in the game above water. Below it you're invisible.
Beautiful models but sadly very boring gameplay experience
Aptly put. 👏
Gotta use that Ninja Ripper for the Model Assets
Please make a permanent mode that excludes subs and cv.
You would think they would get that idea...nah..not sure if it is greed or they just give a s...!
Clan battles
Wow so glad you all came out with this.....Said no one ever
Take you subs and put them where the sun never shines
They already go underwater
WG deleting all the anti-sub comments.
Stay Class WG.
there is like an anti submarine comment under your comment lmao
Literally 80% of the comments are anti sub and have been up for an hour of me writing this, they arn't deleting anything.
@@RoydeanEU they were/ are. There was alot more initially but a good amount of them got removed
Submarines are the same as torpedo destroyers, destroyers conceal themselves within the smoke, while submarines dive underwater, now that we settled that dear WG, now the torpedoes of submarines are 2 types: homing torpedo and normal torpedoes , now talking about submarines torpedoes the normal torpedoes(dummy) have low speed, high detectability and because with few exceptions like Yamato, most of the ships at Tier X has speed, manevrability so that torpedoes are EASY to dodge, so now as a torpedo destroyer player i want my torps to be more accurate, i look at the damage (unchanged by tier VI subs to TX ) and i can only hope that after i pinged twice ANY ship especially destroyers and cruisers my torps will hit the target except i shoot them straight and not curved so the torpedoes hit the island. Well for 7-8K damage / 1 homing torpedo at this point i expect to hit the target since its double pinged but thats not the case, MOST or not all of the torpedoes MISS because IF YOU HAVE EVER THINK that Submarine torpedoes are accurate or that you will have a BETTER CONCEALMENT than a destroyer you're very wrong, the normal torpedoes are easy to dodge and the homing torpedoes require double pinged the same sector of the ship ---(Venezia or any destroyer will turn around the ship twice before my second sonar ping(2 sonar shots) reach it from 7-8km) and once they do that they can easy dodge them taking the FACT that if the torpedoes actually are going to hit them , they gonna use "R" and that's it, now hitting a battleship might sound easy because its sluggish and this is the funny part , i kept for like 4 minutes 1 vs 1 with cachalot double ping on Konig, shot a lot of torpedoes at him , not even 1 hit, when the torpedoes get close to the battleships the torpedoes turned even if the torpedoes until then was on konig they simply in the last 1-2 km took a turn and miss Konig. I HIGHLY DISLIKE SUBMARINES and how they are right now, since everything seems to be the same playstyle as a destroyer i did expect that torpedoes will be actually accurate (homing ones of course) in the exchange of their main damage and low chance of flooding compared to the destroyers. Its a old proverb "The game mistake awaits" but on the submarine its quite like " The player luck awaits", and even with luck the damage its insignifiant except its a poor destroyer but no worries some of them have repair consumable so....dont think you will ever beat a ship 1 on 1 except ramming them and i mean that destroyer that already took a torpedo, if you're ramming any other ship you deal damage exacly like shimakaze torpedo 23k maximum.
thats a lot of reading
I feels like submarines would be a lot less hated if they got unguided torps just like everyone elses do. I mean, they're already fast and a small target, basically like a destroyers. The only difference is they could sneak up to enemy ships without being fired at because they could just dive down and fire the torpedo while underwater
I'll save you the watch : answer: You don't
Yes i love losing half of my HP and only being able to get
10% back
@@libraeotequever3pointoh95 honestly, at this point, I'd rather take the AP broadside than the torps...
How to play any subs ?... Is NOT to play them at all
This is the correct answer
Why not?
Wait what.. a submarine sinking an aircraft carrier at the beginning of the trailer, i though you weren’t supposed to sink those?
It's fake obviously.
Guess you haven't seen the "Sinking of Shinano Documentary" where 1 us sub sunk the world largest aircraft carrier.
Ahhh...nice gun on Sub, so Surcouf when xd ~
Play submarine with homing torpedo , WG think is fun !
make a how to play for all three nations of sub owners
Cool, I actually like the submarine concept, but I think it would nice to have some counter play, (Like making Hydro more effective in detecting them and being able to shake of their pings without wasting a repair consumable with long cool down time, to do it)
god the waste of a DCP to shake off a ping is the worst
I actually like fighting DD torps cuz I can weave between the torps and the narrow dodges is fun. sub torps are just cancer especially if they're a skilled sub who waits for DCP and just pings again
I love eating damaging with no way to stop it
Proszę, żadnych więcej podwodnych :(
“These subs also feature limited counter play opportunities”
Plz add the orp orzeł
Interesting! I also destroy ships on my channel! Good luck in battle!
Cool filled up the ships
Why World of warship légende don t have them ?
For the skilled player only 😂😂😂
I'll be honest. I'm a bit disappointed that WG didn't add in earlier, more experimental, British subs like the M Class with it's 12 inch gun but no torpedoes.
Not sure why they don't make the gun stronger given how weak and venerable the sub is when using it. They basically mock the unique feature so why have it in the first place?
Meant to deal with aircraft and unarmed vessels origianally,I suppose
Phone version island please❤
How to Play: British Submarines
You don't
I think it's not a good idea of horming torp.
how'bout change to
'self explosive effect' what arrived of flight range.
like N.F 's torp.
Horming forced using D.C which needs for fire, flooding and even broken modules
subs = best class
Hola está bueno recordar, en relación a los submarinos britanicos, una de las fechas más importantes de mi país, el día en que recordamos el "Hundimiento del Belgrano" el 2 de Mayo todos los años en la guerra por Malvinas. Saludos desde la Provincia de Salta - Argentina. El hundimiento del crucero ARA General Belgrano se produjo el 2 de mayo de 1982, durante la guerra de las Malvinas, a consecuencia del ataque del submarino nuclear británico HMS Conqueror. El hundimiento del crucero argentino permitió a los británicos la superioridad naval en la zona. El ataque causó la muerte de 323 argentinos -prácticamente la mitad de las bajas de ese país en todo el conflicto-.1 El hecho generó una polémica en ambos países, al haberse producido fuera del área de exclusión establecida por el Gobierno británico alrededor de las islas. Es el único caso de un barco hundido en guerra por un submarino nuclear.
Todo bien excepto el cañón.... que para lo único que serviría contra otro submarino......
puesto que a la primera que dispares, el otro te va a desaparecer solo con sus secundarias :/
more **** added to the game, when will you put the CV subs,?
remove homing torps and submarines
terrible gameplay and toxic for the game
If you're going to give the Brits a primary gun, can we extend that to the other sub tech trees? Would be nice to give the US subs a usable 5"/25 as a gimmick, with the German subs having better gun dpm from their smaller 105mm, and the IJN having better damage from their 140mm
Please, don't give them ideas...
@@catman300games4 sorry, got carried away there.
But yeah, I think WG should expand Wolfpack into a separate game mode to keep most sub players away from Randoms. I've noticed that because of the Division-only restriction on playing Wolfpack, most sub players just end up playing in coop or randoms
@@johnfrancisterne1072 You know, that sounds like a good idea.
@@catman300games4 WG could even make a new Escor game mode as a PvP version of Wolfpack, where players in DDs, CLs, and CAs can escort the convoy against players in subs
Thrasher that's a cool name
make a solution for sub shootgunning
Run away at the start of the battle, otherwise called "Stop playing the game"
It's called l2p.
These look like they would be interesting to play, if they were available on the mobile app version
Add these to mobile
HMS Undine. Just got penalised. Ostensibly for inactivity. Being too slow to get anywhere and do anything.
Why does the unlocked camo for the Sturdy when applied looks totally different and something dredged up from the bottom of the ocean
Sub is life!!
best way to play subs? don't play stinking subs!
Subs go home, I won’t play this game until they take them away.
Get rid of submarines, they are ruining the game. There's a reason you don't have them or CV in competitive play...don't force the rest of us to play against them
I feel like CV's are worse though.
Unfortunately they added them to ranked. And it goes about as well as you'd expect, with less players patrolling the waters.
@@TheStygian cv’s are annoying but they are not as hard to kill as submarines
@@comi.6 CVs are not annoying, a good CV player will destroy your game in 2 squadrons only. CVs are more of a threat rather than a sub.
@@amolverma4774 i mean if you have good aa or stick with other teammates then cv’s should not be a problem
Skip this line. It's not good compared to the other ones.
Interesting how this became the worst tech line in the game. Kinda a shame it flopped so hard.
Subs on average have such a minimal impact on most games I don't see why people dislike them. A good player using any other class of ships especially CV's is more beneficial to the team in every circumstance. So maybe if your going to hate on a game feature/ship class you should give some feedback or reasoning as to why.
If anything I think the disparity in underwater speeds between tiers requires adjustment.
Okay, here's a BB/DD player perspective. As a battleship, you don't have anyway to find them and if your teammates can't you will likely have no way of preventing them from taking some 40% of your health away. As a DD, they are stealthier and can do massive damage with no warning.
I agree, CV's are more impactful, but a sub played well is impossible to beat in any ship other than a carrier. It's also not just the direct damage they do either. Damaconning a ping to prevent being dev struck by torps, only to then have a double perma fire being set on you, is a massive problem with this class.
@@catman300games4 have you tried playing subs?
@@IndigoGrey_88 yes, once. I'll admit there is a skill to playing them (although, I'm not the best player in the world at any ship!) but having watched someone like Yuro torment teams with his sub like it's nothing, having watched 3 subs in a game I played kill every ship on my team with little effort and watching players like Flamu and Flambass get demolished by them, I think it's safe to say they're unbalanced. In a BB you can't stop a sub shotgunning you. There isn't a way to detect them, there isn't a way to prevent it from happening, and what I see now is players of other ship classes only taking sniping BB's and playing extremely passive because they can't push in, CA's seem to have disappeared altogether, CL's are only around for their AA, and DD's are being forced out of the game by a ship with superior stealth and damage.
I don't dread a sub like I dread a carrier, but watching the ping come in on your broadside while you're angling against another BB, thinking your positioning was good, it sucks. Do you risk getting dev struck and turning out to that GK or do you accept the torps and lose most of your health for the rest of the game?
"Minimal impact"
top of the leader board VERY consistently to the point they're banned from clan tournaments
Thrasher is awesome, it’s my favourite sub until now. Undine is not really interesting and Sturdy is alright. All in all, a good new addition to the tech tree. Keep it up WG.
And yes, I enjoy the gameplay of this class and even the counterplay against it. For me it’s really fun to hunt enemy subs.
Just so you know, even your teammates hate you for playing subs.
@@rjkardo some do, some do not. My karma goes up most of the time.
@@nautilus7098 No, they hate you.
@@catman300games4 Hard to say considering that its the most popular class currently in 6-8 tiers and growing in tier 10.
@@ActionableFreedom Is that because more players are playing subs or because more players are leaving the other classes? The game is dying, mate, and Wargaming is the reason for that.
Excellent. My Favourite
There are still critics about this class, but in the end it's okay, if you check the stats of this class in tier X, it's doing an average damage of 44k, with a winrate of 51%, instead the destroyers are above this, doing a average damage of 55k and a winrate of 54.5%, besides a good destroyer can easily take down a submarine, at first I was upset to see this class, but in the end I accepted it and decided to play it too
Subs have a high skill requirement. A good sub player can almost single handedly change a game. Except for a carrier, I don't think any other class can do this.
就是失敗 XD
with my 54% winrate I won with trasher only 32% of the battles - because WOW trashed Trasher with his worst concealment 6,1 km, useless hydrophone and very LOW HP. ANY DD or sub will find trasher easily and sink Trasher with first 2 bombs or kill with torpedos
ONE Funny thing: TRasher got artillery 🙂
you can forget using it against anything except another trash Trasher with lower HP. That means this Sub is from all sides VERY BAD! ALLROUNDER with exclusive weak abilities
Subs are a great addition. Before they arrived their wasn’t much thinking required in the game. Same ol dodge and shoot limited in a 2D environment. Subs are Extremely vulnerable and require planning and cunning to play effectively
lmao u gotta be joking
@@ivvan497 I'm fairly sure he wasn't... I guess he makes up a solid 10% of the "silent majority" WG love so much.
Wargaming bot account lol
О_о 🤔
Thrasher has only access for Main-Battery Guns with fire only SAP shells would I gonna deal to sneak it out
Uh, no standard torpedoes, long dive recharge, weak gun, low HP. They seem a little under-powered...
Love how people cry over these boats lol, as long as you are not a DD close by you are fine, spot a sub? Call in your planes and watch them sink helplessly :D but oh so much sweeter when we can cry in saltlands.
I love subs, genuinely one of the easiest classes to kill while also being one of the most rewarding ship types to know how to play.
Thank you for these WG.
Found the WG bot.
@@fastbullet you’re the one who doesn’t do anything to dodge my torps
@@timber_wulf5775 Can't dodge homing torps unless the stars align while kiting.
@@corentinrobin3513 stop using your DCP on a single fire, or alternatively keep turning. They lose homing at 2.5km out
@@timber_wulf5775 You assumed I didn't already know and do that.
DCP is already overworked, especially when sub torps reload in far less time than DCP does.
Torps stopping homing means nothing when they're already locked in to a BB that takes at least 10 seconds to even START a turn (rudder shift). Add to the fact that subs with slow torps can create cross torp by themselves, making it impossible to dodge. (Looking at you, Alliance).
Like I said, it only works when the stars align while kiting at an angle, because ship speed is substracted to torp speed, increasing reaction time. If you're head on, the torp and ship speeds add up to reduce reaction time even further.
TL;DR: subs need to get lucky once to break the back of a ship for the rest of the game; everyone else needs to be lucky every single time to survive. And boy do subs reload a lot faster.
YESS!!!!!! They are a good introduction to submarines. Thx WG.
buff that british sub it so weak compared to the 2501 and balao make her speed better homing more dmg pls it just get bully by a better concealment ship and gimmick lmao
Horrible balancing with submarines, Atleast premium subs are more balanced and interactive to deal with
Stop. Posting. Videos. On. British. Submarines.
Every new _ Don't get the game! You will be blocked in the chat for no reason if you defend yourself against insults and the support will not let you talk to anything! Ukrainians and Russians always have an advantage... In addition, the camped is annoying where nothing is done against it.... the game is just lost, just like the staff
Hey! Nice video! I love subs and Im waiting for Gato :)