Sergey Esenin "The Dark Man" (the poem is read by Yaroslav Sharov)

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • Hear me, hear me, friend.
    I’m very, no, seriously ill.
    What’s the reason? This pain I do not understand.
    As if wind whistles, listen
    Over desolate, vacant, still field.
    Like a grove, leaves blazing I feel.
    And the drink sheds my leaves as I bend.
    Head of mine is a-flapping my ears
    Like a migrating bird -- wings.
    Near my neck, no legs want
    To waver and pause; to and fro.
    Dark man, here he is,
    Dark man, here he is,
    On my bed, near me sits, haunts me.
    Dark man…
    He won’t let me rest all night long.
    The dark man
    Runs his finger over a horrid tome,
    And a-mumbling over me,
    As if at a deathbed, a monk drones,
    He reads a strange life to me:
    Of a swindler, a no good looser without a home.
    And my soul is veiled in sadness and fear of him.
    Dark man, here he is.
    Oh, so dark.
    “Listen up, listen,”
    He screeches at me,
    “In this book, plans a plenty;
    Good thoughts and some wonders.
    It says, a man used to live
    In a haphazard country,
    Which ruffians and charlatans
    Tear asunder.
    In December, that place
    Shows off snow, pure as hell,
    Which the blizzards spin in
    Joyous layers.
    Hero of ours adventures befell
    He was
    A schemer, yet kind
    And debonair.
    He was well mannered.
    A poet, it appears.
    Not so brawny,
    But with a solid, strong grasp.
    And a chic foreign woman
    Of some forty plus years
    He renamed “his naughty girl”
    Called “his love” in the past.
    Happiness - he’d say is
    A trick of the mind and hands.
    All naïve, clumsy souls
    As despairing, are always known.
    C’est la vie
    Life brings pains
    And cunning, deceit
    As dresses are simply worn.
    In downpour and lightning,
    When life is a chill,
    Or if you loose someone dear,
    Just keep on smiling
    Switch to “happy” at will,
    It’s “Haute art”, young man, do you hear…”
    “No, you jest, dark man!,
    Don’t dare show me the “light”!
    I do not believe
    That you’re in the lifeguard trade.
    I do not care about
    A scandalous young poet’s life
    Please, find yourself some pals
    And spin yarns elaborate.”
    Dark man stirs and stares at me
    Looks beyond and yonder.
    Rolls his eyes and they turns sickly
    Bluish. Vomit… Flee…
    “Do not tell me that I am
    A thief, crook, and scoundrel,
    So shamelessly and rudely
    Having swindled somebody.”
    Hear me, hear me, friend.
    I’m very, no, seriously ill.
    What’s the reason? This pain I do not understand.
    As if wind whistles, listen
    Over desolate, vacant, still field.
    Like a grove, leaves blazing I feel.
    And the drink sheds my leaves as I bend.
    Frosty night. I look at a
    Still fork in the road.
    It’s just me by the window
    No guest and no friend I await.
    The whole meadow is covered
    With crusty, yet soft snow foam.
    Orchard trees are like warriors
    Riding to feasts with slow gait.
    Somewhere is cryin’
    The ominous bird of the even.
    Wooden warriors hoofs echo
    Clickety clack. And again
    This dark man fills my chair
    At the stroke of eleven.
    Tips his top hat and winks,
    Flips his coat tails and starts in same vein…
    “Listen, listen,”
    He breathes in my face. Hoarse voice…
    He leans closer,
    And closer. “Don’t mean to spy on you
    But I haven’t seen
    Other bastards and rogues,
    Who by choice,
    So needlessly suffer from insomnia.
    So, perhaps I am wrong,
    Since full moon lights the street,
    Is there anything else,
    which this slumbering world does desire?
    Maybe She’ll come slyly with her
    Thick thighs. Will you gravely read,
    All your lifeless and sensual
    Lyrics to your honest admirer?
    Ah, how I love poets!
    What curious folks.
    One would always discover
    Among them, a story so commonplace.
    How a long haired guy in
    Deep sexual lust tries to coax
    A pimply young girl with titillating
    Tales of stars and of outer space.
    Sweet past… Just remember,
    In one small town,
    Perhaps in Kaluga,
    But maybe… Ryazan.
    A boy lived
    With peasant folks in a house run down.
    A gold haired kid,
    Pure blue eyes, who loved to run.
    He became an adult
    A poet, it appears.
    Not so brawny,
    But with a solid, strong grasp.
    And a chic foreign woman
    Of some forty plus years
    He renamed “his naughty girl”
    Called “his love” in the past.”
    “Dark man!
    You’re a horrid guest.
    The ill fame of your tricks
    Is well known by everyone.”
    I’m enraged, I’m possessed,
    Hurl my walking stick
    Towards his mocking mug
    And his collarbone.
    …Moon has died
    The dawn grows rose over the blue.
    Mother night!
    Is that your brew? You’re in error?
    In the top hat I stand.
    No one’s there. That’s the truth.
    Me... Alone...
    With a shattered mirror…

Комментарии • 2

  • @Koro4ka4007
    @Koro4ka4007 Год назад +1

    Отлично рассказал! А как музыка на заднем фоне называется?

  • @Дмитрий-ф1п1л
    @Дмитрий-ф1п1л 2 месяца назад +2

    Ярослав! Я тут просто искал достойное исполнение Есенина на ютубе. Два часа потратил - одно г..... Безруков это вообще помои.
    Спасибо! Аж слезу прошибло. Музыка немного забивает. Но, это лучшее, что я нашел за все время. Вам успехов, процветания, развития таланта! Мне 50. Есенина люблю годиков с 15:))))