Here's a thought. Maybe slow down enough to actually figure out how to fix your over-boosted and over-saturated colors on EVERY single model you produce? Remember how when your S95B first shipped to market Vincent of HDTV Test in the UK caught you guys substantially over-boosting your colors? Then you almost immediately pushed out a firmware update to try and correct that, but that updated disabled/broke some features on the TV's that customers were expecting to be able to use. And then you issued another firmware update shortly after to try and fix that problem, but THAT firmware update ALSO disabled some features that customers wanted to use as well. Then you issued another update...but THAT firmware update had problems as too? Yeah. Good times.
Here's a thought. Maybe slow down enough to actually figure out how to fix your over-boosted and over-saturated colors on EVERY single model you produce? Remember how when your S95B first shipped to market Vincent of HDTV Test in the UK caught you guys substantially over-boosting your colors? Then you almost immediately pushed out a firmware update to try and correct that, but that updated disabled/broke some features on the TV's that customers were expecting to be able to use. And then you issued another firmware update shortly after to try and fix that problem, but THAT firmware update ALSO disabled some features that customers wanted to use as well. Then you issued another update...but THAT firmware update had problems as too? Yeah. Good times.